How To Apply A Sql Script File On Sql Server 2000 Without OSql.exe
Mar 5, 2007
Hi guys
I need to apply a sql script file on Sql server 2000 by .net 2.0 program. but on the current running machine, there is not Osql.exe file. Do you guys know how to execute the sql file without the command? Is there any way provided in .net library ?
Thanks for you response!
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Jul 20, 2005
using osql to apply SPs in mutiple threadsHello,I got a weird problem when I was using osql to apply scripts for msdedatabase in multiple threads mode. Sometime 2 sps were missing duringthe whole apply process, sometime not, and seems like only those twoSPs met the problem. No error was appeared. Did anyone meet sameproblem before? Or any possible solutions?Thank you very much!
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Nov 5, 2007
I want to run a stored procedure, from a .bat file.
Here is line 1 of the .bat file
osql -S SISPROD -d gSchool -E -Q "xSP_Attendance_Post_All_1Day '0708'"
When I run it as a Schedule Task, get
Run-time error '-2147217904...' Procedure 'xSP_Attendance_Post_All_1Day' expects parameter '@sy' which was not supplied.
The '0708' is the @sy parameter.
What is wrong with the command?
The weirder thing is that when I get a command prompt, any osql command gives me this:
'osql' is not recognized as an internal or external command,...'
Unless I run the .bat file -- then I get the same error as the 1st above.
SQL Server is not installed on this server. How does the Scheduled task run osql (although with the 1sterror above)? The task is running as "me", Active Directory user, same as I am logged on to server but cannot run osql at all.
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Sep 27, 2005
I am on a new task where I don't have Enterprise Manager available and I need to build a database (I have been spoiled on all prior tasks).
I have access to SQL-Server and have OSQL available (and other utilities I don't know how to use).
I have already found that I can access the server using OSQL, but I don't know the rest of the parameters for OSQL or how to use them. I need to build tables, relationships, indices, stored procedures, views, etc.
Could someone point me to some documentation where I can learn how to use OSQL?
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Apr 2, 2007
I try applying the SP 4 on the default instance of the msde 2000 and when it stops after a minute generates the log and says it was successful but no upgrade is done. I use the following command setup /upgradesp sqlrun SECURITYMODE=SQL BLANKSAPWD=1 DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 /L*v C:MSDELog.log
On the same machine I has installed also SQLExpress.
I stop the sql services before issuing the command.
Any Ideas?
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Jan 9, 2002
I am interested in applying 7.0 log files to 2000 database, that has been previously restored from a 7.0 version database. Assuming that the original database is one in the same, is this possible?
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Sep 4, 2003
Why osql igores parameter -w for command PRINT... and why cut the last character ????
osql -S<Server> -d<DB> -E -Q"Print replicate('ab',250)" -otest.txt -n -h -b -w1000
this one example returns two rows, first has 255 characters and second only 244 characters...
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Jul 20, 2005
Everybody,I've been doing a lot of on-line research and cannot findany reference to the exact problem I'm having.Let me preface this question with the fact that I'm comingfrom an Oracle background so my approach may not be the bestway to tackle this. However, from the research I have donethis approach seems reasonable. Also, I know about theundocumented procedure sp_MSforeachtable. That can give me aresult similar to what I'm looking for but the format of theoutput is not what I need.Now the problem. I'm trying to write a reusable script to giveme a list of all the tables in a database that have 1 or more rows.My approach is to a BAT file (see script 1 below) that calls OSQLtwice, once to call a SQL script (see script 2 below) that uses theInformation_Schema views to generate the SELECT COUNT(*) statementsand fill in all the tables names in the database, write this to atemporary output file and the second OSQL command to read thetemporary output file and generate me the results formatted theway I need.The result of the first OSQL run is correct EXCEPT for 1> 2> 3> 4> 5>6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> garbage at the beginning of the file.Because of this garbage the 2nd OSQL command blows up! Anyone haveany idea what is generating this garbage?If I manually edit out the garbage and then just run the 2nd OSQLcommandI get similar garbage in the final result file (see 2nd result filebelow).In Query Analyzer, when I run the GET_TABLE_COUNT.SQL Script manuallythen take its output and copy and paste it to a new query window andrun that it works OK except for generating lots of blank lines wherethe result of the tables that have zero rows are. I am suppressingheadings but am still getting the blank lines but at least it works!Any ideas anybody? Thanks For Any HelpFYI -- SQL Server 2000 with SP3a.Bob================== Script 1 - BAT File to Call OSQL ===============@echo off@echo ************************************************** *************@echo .@echo get_table_count.bat@echo .@echo Before you run this script change to the drive and directory@echo where the input SQL script is located!@echo .@echo Input parameters:@echo 1) SQL Server userid@echo .@echo You will be prompted twice for your password!@echo .@echo The output is written to file TABLE_COUNT_RESULT.TXT@echo .@echo ************************************************** *************pauseosql -U %1 -S devkc-db -d C3T_Architecture -i get_table_count.sql -otemp_table_count_query.txt -h-1 -w500osql -U %1 -S devkc-db -d C3T_Architecture -itemp_table_count_query.txt -o table_count_result.txt -h-1 -w500del temp_table_count_result.txt@echo on================================================== ==================================== Script 2 - GET_TABLE_COUNT.SQL Script ===============set nocount onselect 'set nocount on'select 'select ''Table Name Count'''select 'select ''========== ====='''select 'select '''+ table_name+ ''', count(*) from '+ table_name+ ' having count(*) > 0 'from information_schema.tableswhere table_type = 'BASE TABLE'order by table_name================================================== ================================ Partial Result of 1st OSQL Run ==========================1> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> set nocount onselect 'Table Name Count'select '========== ====='select 'ACT_ASSERTION_RULE', count(*) from ACT_ASSERTION_RULE havingcount(*) > 0select 'ACT_ASSOC', count(*) from ACT_ASSOC having count(*) > 0select 'ACT_DOC', count(*) from ACT_DOC having count(*) > 0================================================== ================================ Partial Result of @nd OSQL Run ==========================1> 2> 3> 4> ... I edited out the intervening numbers for this message.... 664> 665> 666> 667> Table Name Count========== =====.... I edited out lots of blank lines in the result for this messagebefore I get to the first table with 1 or more rows ...ARCH 6================================================== ====================
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a scheduled task that runs a batch file in windows 2003 server which
is running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise.
The batch file contains the line:
OSQL -i myscript.sql -Umyuser -Pmypassword -Slocalhost -o mytrans.log
the 'myscript.sql' file updates a table with another table of the exact
number of rows.
When the scheduled task runs, the 'mytrans.log' file shows 0 rows were
If I run this myself from the command line, 22,000 rows are affected which
is correct.
I am guessing there is some sort of permission/authentication issue here. I
am sending the right username/password for SQL and for windows to run the
Any idea what I could do to fix this?
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Jul 20, 2005
HiI implement a manual standby by backing up Transaction log files everyhourand database nightly and restoring these on a standby server.Every thing works fine but the Transaction log restore fail with errorlistedI am sure the database backup finishes before the transaction logbackupsThanksTYThe log in this backup set terminates at LSN 22927000000763100001,which is too early to apply to the database. A more recent log backupthat includes LSN 22927000000773700001 can be restored. [SQLSTATE42000] (Error 4326). The step failed.
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Mar 26, 2007
I only have the ldf file and the bak file.
My bak file was current to 3/2/2007
My ldf file was current to 3/25/2007
I do not have the mdf file.
How to I apply the transaction from the ldf file to my resotred database?
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Sep 13, 2006
I have a script ,which runs with osql
The script is :
osql -E
declare @cmd nvarchar(1000)
declare @cmd2 nvarchar(1000)
declare @state1 varchar(100)
declare @message varchar(100)
set @message = ''
-- Build command to determine state of SQLSERVERAGENT service on Master Server
SET @CMD = 'create table #state (state varchar(2000))' + char(10) +
'declare @cmdx varchar(1000)' + char(10) +
'insert into #state EXEC master..xp_servicecontrol ''''QueryState'''', ''''SQLSERVERAGENT''''' +
+ char(10) + 'select @state=state from #state' + char(10) +
'drop table #state'
-- Build command to execute command that determines state of service being monitored
set @cmd2 = 'declare @state varchar(100)' + char(10) +
'exec ' + rtrim(@@servername) + '.master.dbo.sp_executesql N''' + @CMD + ''',' +
'N''@state varchar(100) out'',' +
'@state out' + char(10) +
'set @state1 = @state'
-- Execute command and return state of service being monitored
exec master.dbo.sp_executesql @cmd2,N'@state1 varchar(100) out',@state1 out
-- Is the service that was monitored not
IF (UPPER(@state1) <> 'RUNNING.')
--if @state1 <1 'Running.'
-- Display message that primary monitor is down
select @message = @message+char(13)+ @@servername + ' -' + 'Sql Server Agent Not Running'+char(13)
print 'Master server "' + rtrim(@@servername) + '" for monitoring is not available.'
exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
It works fine when I run it on the command line prompt.
And I receive a mail , if the server agent is running.
But when I save it as bat file and try to run , it stops and doesnot even give an error.
Can anyone let me know what I can do.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi all,This is my first batch file and I want to query a database and outputit in a textfile. Up to now that works, the only problem is theformatting in the text file. It's all screewed up...lines aren't linedup and columns aren't do you format the result from aquery to a text file. Here's my code:osql.exe -S MYMACHINE -w 30 -E -d Demo2 -Q "select * from Title wherefrequency = 'monthly'" -o "C:output.txt"Thanks....JMT
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi,I have dumped a very large database from mysql (using mysqldump program)as a raw sql file. The reason was, convert this database to a MSSQLdatabase. Since mysqldump creates the file as raw sql file with thedatabase-table structures and the data in it, I thought using OSQL commandline utilities should work to out this whole database in MSSQL server.I have run this command from command line:osql -u sa -i mysqldump.sqlIt is going since yesterday. It has been almost 36 hours that it'sstarted. And in the mssql server, I see no database created yet. On thescreen of the command line, I see bunch of numbers are going in order. Iassume they are row numbers of the tables processed. But, if it is doing it,then where is it saving all this data ? I have checked the tempdb, pub db,other dbs, and I see no tables related to the database I am inserting. Willit populate it at the and of the job ? Or, am I doing something wrong here?Regards.Murtix.
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Aug 16, 2007
We have 10+ MSDE 2000 installations on the same network. Each install has a named instance and the
machines connect to eachother via VB application. We have a couple SQL 2000 Standard boxes and a SQL 2005
box all running on the same network with no issues. The problem we have recently run into is with a SQL
Express box. When the box is on the network OSQL stops finding the MSDE 2000 named instances on the
network and only the SQL Express named instance appears in the list. The second the SQL Express box is removed
from the network the named instances are visible. I monitored the UDP traffic and suspect there is an issue with the response from SQL Express to OSQL. Can't find any issues for this problem only report I found is if MSDE and Express are on the same machine.
SQL Express Response
MSDE Response
Any ideas?
Thanks, Kevin.
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Aug 16, 2007
We have 10+ MSDE 2000 installations on the same network. Each install has a named instance and the
machines connect to eachother via VB application. We have a couple SQL 2000 Standard boxes and a SQL 2005
box all running on the same network with no issues. The problem we have recently run into is with a SQL
Express box. When the box is on the network OSQL stops finding the MSDE 2000 named instances on the
network and only the SQL Express named instance appears in the list. The second the SQL Express box is removed
from the network the named instances are visible. I monitored the UDP traffic and suspect there is an issue with the response from SQL Express to OSQL. Can't find any issues for this problem only report I found is if MSDE and Express are on the same machine.
SQL Express Response
MSDE Response
Any ideas?
Thanks, Kevin.
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Jul 26, 2004
We are using log shipping and we would like to remove all transfered and applied journal (in the primary box).
We have the intentionto use a trigger like this :
ON log_shipping_plan_history
@lastfile nvarchar(256)
SELECT @lastfile=i.last_file
FROM log_shipping_plan_history e INNER JOIN inserted i ON e.sequence_id = i.sequence_id
where i.activity=1
if IF (@lastfile <> NULL)
... remove file (using xp_cmd for example...)
but the problem is that we have only the last file transfered and applied that will be removed
(some time, more that 1 file are applied in one shot ...
see num_files column in log_shipping_plan_history).
Any solution to remove all the files generated before the last one given by the query ?
Any other solutions (sql wizard gives the possiblity to to remove file after a laps of time 1hour, 1day...).
I am looking for the table that contains all the journal files (that we can see when we try to retore a db) ?
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Nov 27, 2007
Hi... I'm reading the MS Press 70-442 Self-Paced Training kit, and I'm having problems with this example.
I'd like help getting it to work correctly, or understand why it is isn't working the way I planned.
On page 67, the lab is about the APPLY operator (CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY). I first have to input a sample table-valued function into the AdventureWorks database:
Code Block
CREATE FUNCTION fnGetAvgCost(@ProdID int)
RETURNS @RetTable TABLE (AvgCost money)
WITH Product(stdcost)
SELECT avg(standardcost) as AvgCost
FROM Production.ProductCostHistory
WHERE ProductID = @ProdID
and then run a sample T-SQL statement
Code Block
SELECT p.Name, p.ProductNumber,
Convert(varchar, cost.AvgCost,1) AS 'Average Cost'
FROM Production.Product p
CROSS APPLY fnGetAvgCost(p.ProductID) AS cost
ORDER BY cost.AvgCost desc
My problem is with the WHERE clause... According to page 56, CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produces a result set, so why do I need to explicitly filter NULL values?
When I remove the WHERE clause, the query retrieves lots of NULL AvgCost values.
Again, according to page 56, it is the OUTER APPLY that returns all rows that return a result set and will include NULL values in the columns that are returned from the table-valued function.
So, in short, I don't see the difference between CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY, using this example, when I remove the WHERE clause?
(Please refrain from introducing another example into this question.)
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Jul 20, 2007
I've written a small dos batch script that runs a simple query throughosql and then calls an exe which sends an email if the returned value
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Mar 15, 2006
Thanks in advance. What is maximum SQL Server database (*.mdf) file size with SQL Server 2000 as part of Microsoft Small Business Server 2000? (Database files were limited to 10 GB in SBS 4.5 with SQLServer 7.0... has this changed?).
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Aug 26, 2006
Hi I am trying to make a backup of my SQL server 2005, used with Web Developer 2005 Express, in osql.exe (can't find any other way of doing it). I get the error that "under the default settings SQL server does not allow remote connections".I connect to it fine from the Web Developer 2005 and my application . I followed another post's instructions where I enabled the TCP/IP and named pipes for "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS", but didn't work. In fact when I changed TCP/IP properties/ IP Addresses/TCP Dynamic port to nothing , and TCP Port to 1357, the server wouldn't start again !! (not doin THAT again)Regards Amanda
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Mar 26, 2004
i wannt to Connect SQL server from Client's pc to server using OSQL utility in Windows authentication mode. help me how can i do it?
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Sep 16, 2007
There is support in Osql util in SqlServer 2005 ?
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Jul 19, 2007
Noticed weird activity today with pull merge.
When your snapshot is set to be delivered via ftp and compressed in a cab file. If you add a new article to your publication and re-run the snapshot the agent will be unable to pull the snapshot down as it for some reason doesnt think its compressed. It is failing to find the scripts it needs inside the cab file despite the cab file existing in the correct location.
Here is the error.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.855 Snapshot files will be downloaded via ftp
2007-07-19 09:57:29.886 Connecting to ftp site 'SQL3'
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 The schema script 'empActive_127.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 Category:NULL
Source: Merge Replication Provider
Number: -2147201001
Message: The schema script 'empActive_127.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.933 Category:AGENT
Source: SQL2SQL2005
Number: 20033
Message: The process could not retrieve file 'SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch' from the FTP site 'SQL3'.
2007-07-19 09:57:29.949 CategoryS
Number: 12003
Message: 200 Type set to I.
200 PORT command successful.
550 SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch: The system cannot find the file specified.
550 SQL3_CCUSA_ATLAS_SYSTEM TABLES/20070719055712/empActive_127.sch: The system cannot find
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Jul 23, 2005
Can I use osql to known the database install on a server via 'guest'account ?I had over 300 servers with sql server all around France (differentversion : 6.5, 7 and 8)I need to check all database on each servers from my place.Of course, also it would have been to easy, I don't have all 'sa'password...Is that possible to use the 'guest' account to execute a query likethis via osql :Extract.sqlexec sp_helpdbExtract.cmdfor /f "usebackq tokens=1 delims=" %%i IN (ListServer.txt) DOosql-S%%i -Uguest -P -dmaster -i"C:ExtractionExtract.sql"-o"C:Extraction\%%i.rpt"Could I query 'master' with the 'guest' account ?Or any other ideas how to do this by an other way ?Thanks
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Mar 28, 2007
Hi, iīm new to SQL SERVER, I've been using Oracle and MySql without problems so far.
I'm having problems to connect to SQL SERVER on my local machine.
I can connect via command line, but from Visual Studio canīt connect to SQL SERVER
Sometimes I got this error:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
And sometimes something about enabling remote connections in SQL SERVER , but the server is in the local machine.
whatīs suppose to be the name of my server? localhost?
what am I doing wrong, ?
I have no problems to connect to Oracle and mysql with Visual Studio.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 26, 2001
I have two SQL 6.5 servers running independently. Both servers have almost identical databases. For example, we create purchase order in SQL server A. And post the same purchase order # for it's PO Receipt and PO Inspection in SQL server B. How can I apply all transactions entered from SQL server A to SQL server B, and vise versa at end of the day. How can I get help or training for writing codes for manipulating transaction log?
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Nov 29, 2007
I am running SQL Server Enterprise Edition Build 9.0.1399 as a default instance on a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2.
Whenever I try to apply Service Pack 2, I obtain the following error:
A recently applied update, KB921896, failed to install
I looked into the other threads but they either discuss community versions of SQL Server or named instances - niether or which apply to me. I also looked but there are no folders named MSSQLSERVER on this machine.
Can somebody Please Help as this is preventing me from deploying a major solution.
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Jul 11, 2007
Hi,My webhost (1and1) is running SQL Server 2000 and their web tool supports the import of .bak files. However, when I try to import my .bak files created in SQL Server Management Studio Express I get the following error:"The backed-up database has on-disk structure version 611. The server
supports version 539 and cannot restore or upgrade this database.
RESTORE FILELIST is terminating abnormally."I have Googled this error and learnt that 2005 .bak files are not compatible with 2000 .bak files. I'm just wondering if there are any work arounds to this or alternative tools that I can create 2000 compatible .bak files from from 2000/2005 .mdf files.Thanks in advance.
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May 16, 2007
I get following error trying to use SQLCMD OR OSQL
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failu
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.
I searched this forum for answers and I found one solution where it was said that Remote connections for TCP and Named Pipes needs to be enabled. I have them enabled, but I still get this error. I had working SQL server before, but I had to uninstall it. Now after installing ti again I started to get this error.
Anything else besides disabled remote connections cause this problem? I'm trying a local connection. I heard elsewhere that this could be firewall related, but shouldn't it use local connection always when I try to connect it with sqlcmd and no other parameters given?
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Feb 11, 2008
Hi Dear,
May Any one guide me?
I have a backup file of database which is in SQL Server 2000. it has no Extension.I want to restore this backupfile or this database in my SQL Server 2005.
I have tried to Attach Database or attach this backup file in Sql Server2005 but it also fails .
First I have created New database name as is on the backupfile and then I have also tried to rename this file with .bak extension and then try to restore again it fails.
Plese Guide me urgently........
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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Jul 10, 2006
hi there.
i'm using 2 page i'm accessing a table consists of 100 thousands rows and its slow and i'm wondering instead of accessing directly to the table how about if i access via xml ?
generate xml and cache it and use the xml file rather going to sql server database?
has anybody have any help on this?
the steps invloved:
1) first generate a xml file from table something like this:
which one should i use and how do i access after i gnerate a xml file
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Apr 11, 2007
I know I know this is kind of reverse thing I am asking.but as I am working on project and it is very time consuming to connect every time I want to for modifying database or dataset.
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