How To Bring Back A List Of Duplicates From A Column

Jul 20, 2005

I have a column that has 75 values, 50 are unique/25 are duplicates. I
need to be able to bring back a list of the duplicates, listing all
rows even if more than two have the same value. I need to be able to
do this using t-sql.



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How To Bring Back The Distinct Values In Single Column From Two Tables

Jul 20, 2005

12.) Now you have two different tables - each with two columns.Table #1Single Column2 rows with a value equal to 1 and 2Table #2Single column2 rows with a value equal to 2 and 4Construct a statement returning in a single column all the valuescontained, but not the common values.This is another question that I got in an interview, I missedit.......Thanks,Tim

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Bring A Table Back

Feb 25, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I have deleted a static table accidentally in production. How will I bring it back? Thanks a lot.


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Bring Back Excluded Item

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have been wrestling with this problem all morning with no success sofar where I have a need to bring back an excluded field.Basically I have a list of order numbers. Each order number can havemany order types attached one of which is a ‘P’ type. Most order typeshave an account number attached in its own field however when a ‘P’ typeis selected the account number is not brought back.Is there someway I can get this brought back for each P type or do Ihave to do some fancy insert in a data warehouse to get this done (i.e.insert account numbers into all P types)?Many thanksSam*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Count Need To Bring Back A Zero When No Matches

Sep 13, 2007

I am trying to do a calculation with the below query and it works long as d.closegoal has values and d1.opengoal has values but the problem is when there is no count for either, I need to bring back a value of zero if there are no matches. Since I am using it in an outer select statement for a calculation it not bringing anything back because of no matches.
This is my code:

select d.lwia,

cast((d.closegoal + d1.opengoal) as float)denominator



select yg.lwia,

cast(count(yg.appid)as float) closegoal

from dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.lwia = @RWB

-- Attained a goal in the timeframe timely or untimely

and ((convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthattaindate, 101)) <= @EndDte) -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

-- Goal due but not attained

or (convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),yg.youthgoalanniversary, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaingoal <> 1))

group by yg.lwia



-- Closure with open goal

select cast(count(yg.appid)as float) opengoal

from dbo.tbl_caseclosure cc,

dbo.wiayouthgoals yg

where yg.appid = cc.col_idnum

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) >= @BeginDte -- Parm date for beginning of time frame needed

and convert(smalldatetime, convert(varchar(10),cc.col_closuredate, 101)) <= @EndDte -- Parm date for end of time frame needed

and yg.youthattaindate is null

and yg.lwia = @RWB

group by yg.lwia



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Restoring Master Did Not Bring Back Users

Jun 28, 2000

I'm trying to recreate a sql database on another server and I installed sql server 6.5 on a server and then restored the master db using the Sql Setup program. It worked without any errors, but it did not create the loginthat will use the database that I have not restored yet. Aren't the Logins storied in the master database?


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MSDE Database Is Offline, How Do I Bring It Back Online?

Nov 29, 2007

Dear All,

One of my users created a MSDE database and did not realise that the limit is 2GB. I can not access the database. Is there anyway I can recover it?

They do not have a backup.

Could I create a new database in Standard Edition and then attach the Data and log files from the MSDE database?
Would that work?

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Unable To Bring Database Back Into MULTI_USER Mode.

Sep 24, 2007

I'm wondering if somebody could provide insight into a problem I'm having with SQL Server 2005. Although the problem is happening wthin an SSIS ETL, I don't think this problem is SSIS related.

In the ETL I need to rename a database, so I first put the database into single-user mode by issuing the command:


The database then goes into single-user mode, and after the renaming occurs, I attempt to put the same database back into multi-user mode:


However, whenever I have a query pane opened against the same database in SQL Server Management Studio, the ETL fails and I get this error message:

"Error: Changes to the state or options of database 'foobar' cannot be made at this time. The database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it."

I'm wondering why the ALTER DATABASE command does not kill off the active connections? This is on my development box, and I'm the only one connected to the database. I've tried with ROLLBACK 30 as well, same thing. If I cut and paste the same command into Mangement Studio, the command succeeds so I don't think its a permission issue (using Windows Authentication both Management Studio and the ETL are executed by the same login). If I close the query pane the ETL succeeds at restoring multi-user mode. Is there something I am missing? Thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: Undo Update And Bring Back Records To Their Previous Values

Aug 7, 2015

I have a table with 1 million records. I want to update only 400 records. The update statement is provided by a 3rd party vendor. Once i run the update statement it will update all the 400 records. Once the table is updated the users will validate the table

if the update is successful or not. What i'm looking for is:

1) Is there a way to identify what records were updated.
2) If the update done is not what the users wanted i need to undo and bring back the 400 records to their previous values.

I'm on sql server 2008.

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Using Membership Db To Lookup Data In Another Db And Bring Back Into A Grid View (total Newbie To .net)

May 11, 2007

I have the membership stuff up and running.  I've added a field to the membership table called custnmbr.  Once a user logs in, I want store his custnbmr in the session and use that to lookup data in another db.
ie: Joe logs in and his custnumbr is 001, he goes to the login success page and sees his list of service calls which is:
select top 10 * from svc00200 where custnmbr = 001 (the membership.custnmbr for the logged in user)
I know how to do this in old ASP using session variables....but I have no idea where to even start with .Net.
Many thanks

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Can We Pause Log Shipping, Bring Primary Db To Simple Recovery Model And Then Back To Full R Model?

Apr 25, 2008

We have the following scenario,

We have our Production server having database on which Few DTS packages execute every night. Most of them have Bulk Insert stored procedures running.

SO we have to set Recovery Model of the database to simple for that period of time, otherwise it will blow up our logs.

Is there any way we can set up log shipping between our production and standby server, but pause it for some time, set recovery model of primary db to simple, execute DTS Bulk Insert Jobs, Bring it Back to Full recovery Model AND finally bring back Log SHipping.

It it possible, if yes how can we achieve this.

If not what could be another DR solution in this scenario.

Thanks Much

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How To Bring Out Column Names With Bcp?

Nov 20, 2007

Hello, everyone:

I used bcp to generate a txt file as:

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "SELECT * FROM Test..Orders" queryout "c:/test.txt " -U tester -P tester -c'

It works fine except without column names of table. Does any one have idea that can bring out column names from table?



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Partial Duplicates And Select List

Apr 22, 2008

I have a table with DiscNo, Artist, Title and other fields. I would like to find all duplicate records with the same artist/title and with the first 3 characters of the discnumber. e.g.

SELECT Artist, Title Into #TempArtistTitle FROM MediaFile GROUP BY Artist, Title
HAVING COUNT(SubString(DiscNo, 0, 3)) > 1

SELECT MediaFile.DiscNo, MediaFile.Artist, MediaFile.Title FROM MediaFile RIGHT OUTER JOIN #TempArtistTitle
ON MediaFile.Title = #TempArtistTitle.Title AND MediaFile.Artist = #TempArtistTitle.Artist
ORDER BY Artist, Title, DiscNo

Drop TABLE #TempArtistTitle

See, if the first 3 characters of the disc number is the same, it is the same manufacturer. This query works somewhat, although it returns records that the discnumber is unique too. Like below, the LG disc number shouldn't be returned, as there is only one record for that artist/title.

SC8151-10 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places
SC8125-04 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places
LG5003-07 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places

Could someone help me please?

View 3 Replies View Related

How Can I Get A List Of Back Devices

Apr 17, 2004

Hi All,,

I want to get a list of backup devices for a selected database
ex :
Northwind Database i need to get the list of back devices for this db
any one know how the query could be written

best regards

Wafi Mohtaseb

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Insert Value List Doest Not Match Column List

Apr 18, 2007


I need to do a simple task but it's difficult to a newbie on ssis..

i have two tables...

first one has an identity column and the second has fk to the first...

to each dataset row i need to do an insert on the first table, get the @@Identity and insert it on the second table !!

i'm trying to use ole db command but it's not's showing the error "Insert Value list doest not match column list"

here is the script

INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(
TypeDescription) VALUES(

what's the problem ??

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Deleting Duplicates Which Occur In Only One Column

Aug 9, 2006

Hello all. I have a table with two coulmns CODE and DESCRITPION. Can anyone suggest how i can go about deleteing the entire record where two or more codes are the same?


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SQL Server 2014 :: Update Duplicates In A Column

Aug 13, 2015

How do I append an accumulating number to duplicates in a column? I would prefer to update the table

for example


to look like


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Removing Duplicates Records From A Column Populate Randomly?

Jan 26, 2015

I ran this query to populate a field with random numbers but it keeps populating with some duplicate records. how I can remove the duplicates?


Below are sample output that I need the dupes not show. The table already exist and its sql 2008


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Duplicates Of Part Num To Be Summed And Add Another Column Called User

Aug 25, 2015

There are 3 columns in the result set - part num, Qty and MO num. Each MO num has part numbers.So there might be same part numbers in MO's. Each part num has qty. So, if I group by part num, I get Qty.

1.There are duplicates of part.num and I want to remove duplicates and add quantities of those duplicates into one single quantity. For example, xxxx is a part num, then xxxx=1,xxxx=3,xxxx=5. I want xxxx=9. I want to sum those. Another question is, each MO has a user. I want to join user and MO num in MO.

Heres the code,

part.num , (woitem.qtytarget/wo.qtytarget) AS woitemqty,
(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',') FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = WHERE moitem.moid = AS wonums FROM mo INNER JOIN moitem ON = moitem.moid
LEFT JOIN wo ON = wo.moitemid
LEFT JOIN woitem ON = woitem.woid AND woitem.typeid = 10 LEFT JOIN (Select sum(woitem.qtytarget) as labor, woitem.woid, uom.code as uom from woitem JOIN part on woitem.partid = and part.typeid = 21 JOIN uom on woitem.uomid = group by 2,3) as labor on = labor.woid LEFT JOIN part ON woitem.partid =

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Duplicates In A Table As Per Particular Column

Nov 2, 2015

I am having a main table and temptable.

Every sunday, new data will be loaded from temptable to main table. I have to make sure that, duplicates does not get loaded from temptable to maintable.

For example, if last sunday a record gets loaded from temp to main. If this sunday also the same record is present then it means that is a duplicate.

The duplicate is decided on below scenario

select 'CodeChanges: ', count(*) from CodeChanges a, CodeChanges_Temp b
where a.AccountNumber = b.AccountNumber and
a.HexaNumber = b.HexaNumber and
a.HexaEffDate = b.HexaEffDate and
a.HexaId = b.HexaId and

[Code] ...

Yesterday (Sunday) , data from temp got loaded onto maintable but with duplicates.

There is a log which just displays number of duplicates.

Yesterday the log displayed 8 duplicates found. I need to find out the 8 duplicates which got loaded yesterday and delete it off from main table.

There is a column in both tables which is 'creation date and time'. Every Sunday when the load happens this column will have that day's date .

Now i need to find out what are all the duplicates which got loaded on this sunday.

The total rows in temp table is : 363
No of duplicates present is : 8

I used below query to find out the duplicates but it is returning all the 363 rows from the maintable instead of the 8 duplicates.

Select 'CodeChanges: ', * from CodeChanges a where
( Select 1 from CodeChanges_Temp b where
a.HexaNumber = b.HexaNumber and
a.HexaEffDate = b.HexaEffDate and

[Code] ...

Need finding the duplicate records which has creation date time as '2015-11-01 00:00:00.000' and all the above columns mentioned in the query matches.


Few colums only metioned below

creationdateandtime HexaNumber HexaCode
1. 1987-10-01 00:00:00.000 5 3
2. 2015-11-01 00:00:00.000 5 3

So here the second record is duplicate. This is what I am trying to find.

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Need To Find Instances Of Duplicates Within A Column; Joining 2 Tables.

Aug 22, 2007

My basic situation is this - I ONLY want duplicates, so the oppositeof DISTINCT:I have two tables. Ordinarily, Table1ColumnA corresponds in a one toone ratio with Table2ColumnB through a shared variable. So if I queryTableB using the shared variable, there really should only be onrecord returned. In essence, if I run this and return TWO rows, it isvery bad:select * from TableB where SharedVariable = 1234I know how to join the tables on a single record to see if this is thecase with one record, but I need to find out how many, among possiblymillions of records this affects.Every record in Table1ColumnA (and also the shared variable) will beunique. There is another column in Table1 (I'll call itTable1ColumnC) that will be duplicated if the record in Table2 is aduplicate, so I am trying to use that to filter my results in Table1.I am looking to see how many from Table1 map to DUPLICATE instances inTable2.I need to be able to say, in effect, "how many unique records inTable1ColumnA that have a duplicate in Table1ColumnC also have aduplicate in Table2ColumnB?"Thanks if anyone can help!-- aknoch

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Duplicates Again! UNION Join - Remove Records With Column Diff.

Sep 9, 2004

Hello All,

We all were new at one point.... any help is appreciated.


Combining two 49,000 row tables and remove records where there is only 1 column difference. (keeping the specified column value removing the one with a blank.)


I have 2 people going through a list, coding a specific column with a single letter value. They both have different progress on each sheet. Hence I am trying to UNION them and have a result of their combined efforts without duplicates.

My progress/where I'm stuck:

Here is my first query/union:

SELECT * FROM [Eds table]
UNION SELECT * FROM [Vickis table];

As shown above, I have unioned these 2 tables and my results removed th obvious whole record duplicates, but since 1 column is different on these, a union without criteria considers them unique.....

an example of duplicates that I must remove are as follows:

142301 - Product 5000 - 150# - S (Keep)
142031 - Product 5000 - 150# - "" <--- Blank (Remove)

I am trying to run another query on my first query results so I don't mess my first query up. Here it is:

SELECT DISTINCT [Prod #], [Prod Name], [Prod Description], [Product Type]
FROM [Combined Tables]
WHERE [Product Type]<>" ";

Please Help! Thank you in advance.


5 minutes away from pulling my last one!


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SQL 2012 :: How To Check Existing Values In A Column For Duplicates Before Inserting

Aug 12, 2014

I have the following objective:

1. I want to check a column to see if there are values (to Eliminate dups)
2. Once checked the values in a column, if not found insert the new value

Here is my code for this:

-- When inserting or updating

-- Declare the variables
DECLARE @AN varchar(200)

[Code] ....

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Reporting Services :: Remove Duplicates Based On A Specific Column

Jun 22, 2015

I have some duplicate values for my query results, about 200 duplicates out of 30000 rows.  Of these 200 duplicates I want to keep the ones that have a higher value for... 'UpdatedBatchID'. 

    IR.Id                            as 'ID'
  , CAST(IR.Priority as varchar)    as 'Priority'
  , IRSupportGroupDN.DisplayName    as 'Support Group'
  , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),IR.CreatedDate)    as 'Created Date'
  , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),IR.ResolvedDate)    as 'Resolved Date'
  , SLOConfig.DisplayName            as 'SLO'
  , DATEADD(MI,DATEDIFF(mi,GETUTCDATE(),GETDATE()),SLOFact.TargetEndDate)    as 'SLO Target'
  , SLOStatusDN.DisplayName            as 'SLO Status'
  , SLOMetric.DisplayName            as 'SLO Metric'
  , SLOFact.UpdatedBatchId            as 'UpdatedBatchID'

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Error: Column Name X Appears More Than Once In The Result Column List.

Oct 3, 2006

Hello,I am trying to follow along with the Data Access tutorial under the the "Learn->Videos" section of this website, however I am running into an error when I try to use the "Edit -> Update" function of the Details View form: I'll post the error below.  Any clues on how to fix this?  Thanks in advance!!! ~DerrickColumn name 'Assigned_To' appears more than once in the result column list. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Column name 'Assigned_To' appears more than once in the result column list.Source Error: Line 1444: }
Line 1445: try {
Line 1446: int returnValue = this.Adapter.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
Line 1447: return returnValue;
Line 1448: }

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Need To Go Back And Add An ID Column.

Jan 3, 2007

Yes I have a database loaded with information but no _ID column....

Adding the column is easy but how to assign each row incrementing values now - after the fact is my question...

I tried a :


"FROM " & _

followed by:


While (NOT RS.EOF)
str_fixCol = "update TABLE " & _
"SET " & _
"CD_ID = " & CDID

but this times out at the server....
Any better ideas?

Measure twice cut once!!!

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Rank Duplicates But Only Rows Involved In Duplicates?

Oct 22, 2014

I have a table with 22 million Business records. I can see that there are duplicates when I group by BusinessName and Address and Phone. I'd like to place only the duplicates into a table, with a ranking, oldest business key gets a ranking of 1.

As a bonus I'd like each group to have a distinct group name (although not necessary, just want to know how to do this)

Later after I run more verifications to make sure these are not referenced elsewhere I'll delete everything with a matchRank > 1 out of the main Business table.

DROP TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness];
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBusiness](
[Business_pk] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[BusinessName] VARCHAR (200) NOT NULL,


View 9 Replies View Related

Not Getting Back Data From 1 Column

Aug 16, 2013

Here after the Union, the col. WWDTA should have data but its' coming back blanks, but all cols are aligned. why is this?

T01.OHTTN$, '' as WWDTA

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Duplicates Of Part-number To Be Summed And Add Another Column Called User?

Aug 25, 2015

There are 3 columns in the result set - part num, Qty and MO num. Each MO num has part numbers.So there might be same part numbers in MO's. Each part num has qty. So, if I group by part num, I get Qty.

1.There are duplicates of part.num and I want to remove duplicates and add quantities of those duplicates into one single quantity. For example, xxxx is a part num, then xxxx=1,xxxx=3,xxxx=5. I want xxxx=9. I want to sum those. Another question is, each MO has a user. I want to join user and MO num in MO.

Heres the code,

part.num , (woitem.qtytarget/wo.qtytarget) AS woitemqty,
(SELECT LIST(wo.num, ',') FROM wo INNER JOIN moitem ON wo.moitemid = WHERE moitem.moid = AS wonums FROM mo INNER JOIN moitem ON = moitem.moid
LEFT JOIN wo ON = wo.moitemid
LEFT JOIN woitem ON = woitem.woid AND woitem.typeid = 10 LEFT JOIN (Select sum(woitem.qtytarget) as labor, woitem.woid, uom.code as uom from woitem JOIN part on woitem.partid = and part.typeid = 21 JOIN uom on woitem.uomid = group by 2,3) as labor on = labor.woid LEFT JOIN part ON woitem.partid =

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Convert Column From NVARCHAR(MAX) To Money And Then Back Again.

Oct 8, 2007

I need to always have a formatting of 999,999,999.00 in a column called PropertyMap9.

PropertyMap9 is always a nvarchar(max)

How do I SET a value using a CONVERT or CAST to accomplish this ?

Why does this give me a syntax error ? The PropertyMap7 set actually works and performs the calculation and sets the new value for that row, however the next line gives an error. I need all 3 columns PropertyMap9, 8, and 7 to always have the above formatting, while still maintaining the nvarchar(max) datatype in the column. HELP!

update PropertyMapValues

set PropertyMap7 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap8 AS money) - (CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money)),1)

set PropertyMap9 = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CAST(PropertyMap9 AS money))


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure UpdatePropertyMap7, Line 59

Incorrect syntax near '='.

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Passing A Timestamp Datatype Column To A Variable And Back

Aug 10, 2006

After several hours of trying, I trow the towel in the ring and come here to ask a question.

Source system uses a timestamp column in the transaction tables. which is equal to a non-nullable binary(8) datatype (sql 2000 bol).

What I want to do is get the timestamp at the start of the transfer and at the end of the transfer of data. and store these in a controltable

I try to do this in 2 sql execute tasks:

sqltask 1: "select @@DBTS AS SourceTimestamp" and map the resultset to a variable. Here come's the first problem what variable type to take ?

DBNULL works (meaning it doesn't give errors) (BTW: is there a way to put a variable as a watch when debugging sql tasks ?)

INT64 and UINT64 don't work error message that types for column and parameter are different

STRING works

Then I want to store this variable back in a table of a different data source

sqltask2: "insert into controltable values(getdate(), ?)" and make an input parameter that takes the previous timestamp ...

if I took DBNULL as a type for the variable there doesn't seem to be a single parameter type that works ???

if i take STRING as a type for the variable I have to modify the sql to do the explicit conversion from string to binary so I change CAST(? as binary). It doesn't return any error but the value stored in the table is 0x00000000000 and not the actual timestamp.

Any help on this one ? Why are the INT64/Bigint not working here, you can perfectly do a convert(bigint, timestampfield) in sql ?

How came the SQL datatypes, and the variable datatypes, parameter datatypes are so badly alligned to each other (and all seem to use different names) ?

tx for any help


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Reporting Services :: Count Values In A Column Based Upon Distinct Values In Another Column In SharePoint List

Sep 7, 2015

We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.

Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.

Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.

A typical view of list can be:

Column A - Column B
red  - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red  - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil

We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:

                    red     blue   green
    pen            2       0      1
    marker       0       1      0
    pencil          1       3      0
    highlighter  1       1      1 

We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.

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Converting Duplicates Records Into Non Duplicates?

Jan 26, 2015

Is there a query or a way to convert duplicates value in a column to non duplicates.

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