How To Close Window In Management Studio ?

Feb 14, 2007

keyboard shortcuts for management studio

Anyone know of a way to setup a keyboard shortcut to close the current window your working in ? Normally with other editors (such as visual studio) I use ctl-w to close the current window. Cant do that with sql studio.

suggestions ?

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I Am Sooooo Close To Configuring SQL Management Studio (SQL-MS) To Do What I Want

Feb 20, 2008

Using the External Tools item under the Tools menubar, I can create "calls" to custom BAT files where, using utilities like 'sqlcmd', I can do just about anything I want.

I can also create a custom menubar in SQL-MS and I can associate each of those External Tools "calls" to individual buttons on my custom menubar.

So, for common activities, I can just push a button and this custom action will be executed while I am sitting in the SQL-MS.

That is great ! ! !

Now, one of the features of the External Tools allows me to pass arguments to those called BAT files.

I'd like to send, to my called BAT file, the currently-selected object on the Summary sheet of the SQL-MS (or the Object Explorer). The External Tools functionality currently has a list of SQL-MS environment supplied values (I'll call them "tokens") centered upon values in the current query window. But I do not see any tokens that refer to the Summary sheet (or the Object Explorer).

Does anyone know how I might be able to refer to the currently selected object in either the Summary sheet, or the Object Explorer? I would also need the currently selected database and server.

If I could make those references, I could set-up SQL-MS just the way I want it, without having to be a heavy-duty programmer.

Any help would be appreciated.


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SQL 2012 :: Close ALL Connections To Particular Database Engine In Management Studio?

Jul 14, 2015

In SQL Server Management Studio, it is possible to do the following:

a) In Object Explorer, connect to a particular SQL Server Database Engine, let's call it X.
b) Use that connection to generate many SQL queries, connected to X, in the right-hand pane.
c) In Object Explorer, connect to a particular SQL Server Database Engine, let's call it Y.
d) Use that connection to generate many SQL queries, connected to Y, in the right-hand pane.
e) Close the connection to X, which was created in step (a), from within Object Explorer.

In the right-hand pane, I am now left with a bunch of queries connected to X, and a similar bunch of queries connected to Y. Any quick way to shut all the queries connected to X, but none of the queries connected to Y?

This question can assume real practical importance if server X is a Live Production Server, and server Y is a Test Server, and my next job of the day is to run a change script against server Y....

I have looked for an option in Management Studio to "Close all queries connected to Server X", but haven't found one.

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SQL Server Management Studio - New Query Window

Jan 23, 2008

I'm trying to write a query with named parameters/variables in the Management Studio - New Query pane. Where should I post a question about how to create parameters/variables?


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SQL 2005 Management Studio: Line Numbers In Query Window.

Dec 19, 2005

Can anyone tell me if you can display line numbers in the query windowof SQL 2005 Management Studio and if so how do I go about doing it?Thanks a bunch. TFD

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Stored Procedure Executing Durations Are Different Between Executing From Application(web) And SQl Server Management Studio - Query Window

Jan 23, 2008

Hi,I have a web application using Stored Procedure (SP). I see that there's a SP taking long time to execute. I try to capture it by Profiler Tool, and find out that with the same SP on the same db with the same parameter. The duration of executing by my web app is far bigger than the duration of executing on SQl server management studio - query windowPlease see the image attached Any ideas for this issue?Thanks a lot Jalijack 

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Enterprise Manager Missing Close Window

Aug 2, 2002

Hi, all:

I insalled SQL 2000 server standard version on Windows 2000 server, then I applied SQL 2000 sp2 to it. Every step told me installation was successful.

Everything sounds working except following:

I lauch Enterprise manager, serverName / databaseName(ex. pubs) / Stored Procedure, then double click one of Stored Procedures, Stored Procedures properties window pop up. On the right top corner those three small buttons (minimize, resize and close) are missing. No way to close Stored Procedures properties window except using task manager to kill it. That drives me nut.

Any idea?



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DOS Window Could Not Close Automatically When The DTS Package Execution Complete.

Jan 21, 2002

We ran a cmd file which includes dtsrun ... The last line of the DOS window came up with "DTSrun: Package execution complete", but the cmd window could not close automatically.

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Management Studion Express Alongside Full-blown Management Studio?

Oct 9, 2006

Is it possible to run both Sql Server Management Studio: Express and full blown side by side?

I am developing with the full blown product but would like to test Management Studio Express on the same box.
Is this possible?



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SQL Server Management Express Studio Management Tools

Apr 5, 2007

I have recently installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express but I do not find Management Tools in order to create scheduled backups and shrinking of the databases. I was under the impression that this should be included in the Management Studio. I use the SQL 2005 Express for smaller customers who run the SQL on a desktop unit. I need a way to backup the data to a server machine for backup purposes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled to no avail.

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Visual Studio Database File And SQL Server Management Studio Express Question

Mar 17, 2007

I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project.  I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution.  However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program.  When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes.  I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again.   Any suggestions? ThanksJason 

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Visual Studio 2005 Standard And SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 4, 2007

I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.

I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?

I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?

I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.

How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.

Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.

My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.


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The Database Created Using Management Studio Cannot Be Connected To Visual Studio???help

May 13, 2008

I have created a database under management studio and i want it to be connected in visual studio but it failed
the error msgs said that the database can't be connected coz the database with same name exits but that is not true

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How Do I Get The Database That I Am Using In Visual Studio Into My SQL Server Management Studio?

Sep 12, 2007

How do i get the database that i am using in visual studio into my SQL server management studio?
i need to create some scripts to create stored procedures on a live server.

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Is Management Studio Express Compatible With Visual Studio?

Sep 13, 2006

I have installed Visual Studio 2005 which includes SQL Server Express but not the Management Studio.

Can I install SQL Server Management Studio Express?

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Performance Improves With Studio Query Window Open

Aug 28, 2007

Bit of a strange one here. We have a SQL Express instance running with one database which is accessed by a VB6 client application.

Performance between the application and the database isn't great, but bizarrely if you open a Query window from the Management Studio (against the database) the performance dramatically improves - to the extent that it is visually noticeable from within the application.

So, I'm thinking that the database connections being made by the application are taking longer because of instance name resolution or the like and with the Query window open this resolution is performed quicker.

Has anyone come across this situation? I can re-create it on several different computers each with their own Express instance and I've not found anything about this on the net.

Here's the connection string used by the application - I have tried various permutations of values to no avail:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;Data Source=(local)sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes

Thanks very much

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What Is The Different Between Manangement Studio And Management Studio Express

Jan 18, 2007

In Microsoft.COM website do we have a comparision between Management Studio and Management Studio express in term of functions and features of the tool ? (Not SQL Server and SQL Server Express !)

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Reporting Services :: Where Is Window Report Data In Visual Studio 2013

Oct 6, 2015

I have an assignment where I am asked to create a test report with Cascaded parameters in a report for use on an Intranet. Found a good guide on a site named slqtips. The only problem is, that when I have created my data source, my data sets and my queries, I should go to the window "Report parameter properties", for specifing the data which should be included in the choices in the report, and I cannot find it! As a matter of fact the milieu I work in, Report designer in Visual Basic Studio Shell 2013, on a MS SQL 2012 Server, looks different in many way compared to the guide. It actually also differs from the Pictures in the book "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services" I also try to use for the purpose.Am I perhaps working in the wrong place, or what can the problem be? Is this Visual basic 2013 Window some kind of upgrade which is different from the original version where you used to work with Report designer?

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Sqlreader.close() And Sqlconn.close()

Feb 13, 2008

My question is if I close the sqlreader i am using. will that close the connection it uses or the connection will still remain open?

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Management Studio

Jan 12, 2007

dont know y, but i have prob. installing MS Management studio....After a hard drive  failure I was forced to reinstall everything... :( The problem is that after installing vs2005 proffesional edition I  installed the sql server 2005 trial edition and everything was fine during the installation.When I looked for the Management studio it wasnt there for me :( I uninstalled and reinstalled trying the full installation but results was the same, no Management studio!!!After uninstalling the SQL server trial edition I installed the Management studio express and it works. except that from some reason I cannot browse my XP user folder which has no password protection.. :( Any idea for installing the SQL trial edition including the Management studio ???Why can't I browse my XP folder with Management studio express ???Where can I download Management studio (non express version)?? regards 

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Management Studio

Nov 30, 2007


I am moving towards managing sqlserver databases and i basically come from a command line background.

Can you please tell me some of the tasks that needs to be done using command line only in sqlserver and wherein management studio falls short.


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Management Studio

Apr 25, 2008

I am running management studio from my desktop but I think I need sp2 is there a sp2 download for management studio that isnt management studio express?

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Management Studio, Why O WHY!

Sep 24, 2007

I like some of the new features in sql2005 management studio, but WHY do you have to right-click -> Modify to view the stored procedure code?

It is SO annoying, previous versions was a simple and quick-double click.

To me this is a major blunder!

Anyone else agree with me?

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Where Is Management Studio??

Oct 31, 2007

I just installed the Developer Edition of SQL Server 2005 on my machine and updated it to all available patches through Microsoft Update. I cannot find the SQL Server Management Studio on my machine? How can I get this? Help mentioned where its exe is located but I cannot find it there either.

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Management Studio

Feb 20, 2007


What are the differences between "SQL Server 2005 Management Studio" and "SQL Server Management Studio Express"?

I have an installation of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and can only find the Management Studio Express!?

How can I install the "not-Express-version" ?


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When Will We Get A Management Studio For SQL Everywhere

Sep 12, 2006

From the outset this database has massive problems

Firstly it is hard to design, change and administer

When will we get a tool to allow us to visually manipulate it

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About Sql Management Studio?

Feb 20, 2007

i have a problem regarding sql management studio....

1. I can't create new server, i'd follow the tutorial in video. but it doesnt work. or may be i must install the IIS?

2. i create a new database named sample (sql management studio) and add some tables and sort of data. how can i deploy this database so that i can bind/connect to my program.

2 question for now.

thx in advance

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SQL Management Studio X64

Nov 15, 2007

We are use Vista X64 and SQL-Server 2005 X64 Developer Edition. We are able to connect to a sql2005 server x32 server using SQL 2005 management studio, 32-bit version. From the x64 box (vista x64 with sql x64), we are able to connect to the SQL 2005 32-bit server version using sqlcmd and telnet. But, we are having issues connecting to the 32-bit version of SQL 2005 using the x64 sql management studio GUI. I look all over the internet and the SQL BOL and I was not able to find any compatibility issues with the SQL Management Studio x64 been documented. I am thinking that the reason for the issue is because the SQL management studio is trying to connect using native x64 client drivers. If that is the case, is there another method of connecting to a x32 SQL server. I see that the only way to approach this issue is to install the 32-bit version of the SQL client tools on the x64 system. Thanks

P.S. all servers are using SQL SP2 ( no Cumulative Update 4)

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Getting Management Studio To Use 3.5

Dec 3, 2007

How can I get sql Management Studio (2005) to use Sql Compact 3.5? It's been working fine with 3.1, but now when I upgrade my own code to use 3.5 and create a new DB then management studio says it can't open it as it's the newer version (3.5xxx and it wants 3.0xxxx)

Exact text is:

You are trying to access an older version of a SQL Server Compact Edition database. If this is a SQL Server CE 1.0 or 2.0 database, run upgrade.exe. If this is a SQL Server Compact Edition 3.0 or later database, run Compact / Repair. [ Db version = 3505053,Requested version = 3004180,File name = C:foo.sdf ] (SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider)

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SQL Management Studio

Jul 2, 2007

Installed SQL 2005 standard but the management tools did not install. The admin downloaded the SSMSE (Express version) which does not allow us to manage Analysis Services. We've tried un-installing the SSMSE and then tried to install from the Client Components on the installation disc, the Management console and it doesn't install. Any ideas on how to get the full version installed? Re-installing SQL Server 2005 is not an option as it's been configured and data is now residing in databases.

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Where Is Management Studio

Apr 11, 2006

I have been working this for 2 days on my XP SP2 machine, AHHHHH !!

I tried running the SQL Server 2005 Tools install, and kept getting SQL configuration checker error with WMI. What finally got me around that was installing VS 2005. {without SQL Express} Ran the tools install, but not Management Studio, only the Configuration Tools on my menu. What the heck, tried running the full install, got the database engine, but still no Management Studio.

Tried uninstalling everything, everything is gone except the database engine.

Tried re-installing, still no luck.

Tried the command line to fix the shortcut to management studio as detailed in the setup help file:


NO LUCK. This is absolutely crazy, what year is this. It's as if something the setup program see's on my machine is blocking the install of management studio.

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Where Is Sql Management Studio?

Jun 17, 2006

I just installed VS2005 Pro and I also installed SQL 2005 dev edition from CD 1. I installed everything that I could, but after it finished, SQL Management Studio doesn't show up. Why isn't it in the list of available sql server 2005 programs and how do I get it there? Thanks.

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Where To Get SQL Management Studio?

Jul 12, 2006

Hi Guys,

I know my question looks very stupid but cant help. I got SQL Server 2005 Evaluation Copy along with Visual Studio 2005. I want to do some evaluation of Reporting Services. I am able to create reports from VS 2005 i.e. rdlc extension. and chaning the extension I can publish them to reporting server but I want to create reports with parameters which will be passed from UI form.

On looking some resources i can to know that I will need SQL Server Management Studio to generate RDL reports. Where can i get Management Studio? Do i need to download it or need to purchase it?

Thanks in Advance


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