How To Connect To An Other User In A Session

Oct 11, 2007

I am connecting to database as user1, I want to change to user2, how can I do this with SQL?

In oracle we can use connect user/password@db

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Transaction Context In User By Another Session

Feb 29, 2008

Im using SQL Server 2000 sp2 for ASP application on windows server 2003 sp2.

Im getting an error 'Transaction context in user by another session'.

I have not at all used BEGINTRANS / committrans , No Insert / Update statements.
the kind of SQL statements that i was using in that page load is only "SELECT statements"

Can any one give me answer how to get rid of this. I have used only one connection object. and result set as a loop containing few more result sets. But I m sure they are so complex statements to block the SQL server transactions.

Awaiting for reply..................

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Setting And Getting User-Specific Data In A Session

Oct 19, 2000


I like to know how I may store some user-specific data at the beginning of a session and retrieve the same data later during the session in a SQL command. For those of you familiar with ORACLE, I am trying to mimic the SET_CLIENT_INFO and GET_CLIENT_INFO functions of ORACLE's DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO package on SQL Server.

Any suggestions?


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Analysis :: How To Limit One Session Per User In SSAS

Dec 1, 2015

I need to limit the sessions to access to SSAS cube to one per user. For example, if a customer uses Excel to check a cube, two or more users cannot use the same session or account.

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SQL Security :: How To Create A Low Privilege User And Role For Server Session State

May 26, 2015

An old website I inherited uses sa to connect to SQL SessionState and had the details in the web.config. This is bad for security.The session state database is of -sstype "t" which is defined as:Temporary. Session state data is stored in the SQL Server tempdb database. Stored procedures for managing session state are installed in the SQL Server ASPState database. Data is not persisted if you restart SQL. This is the default.What kind of WIndows user, SQL Login, role and permissions do I need to create to make Session State secure? (Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 mixed mode authentication, Webfarm).

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DB Engine :: Single User Mode Session Lost After Background Processes Jump In

Nov 28, 2012

We have an application running on SQL server. This application restores DB very frequently using Single user mode. Following are the SQLs that are executed to restore the database in single user mode and to get the database back in multi user mode.

alter database [test-db] set single_user with rollback immediate; --This sql is run using test-db
use master;restore database [test-db] from database_snapshot = 'snapshot_test-db';
alter database [test-db] set multi_user;

After switching the test-db to single user mode some 4-5 background processes of Taskmanager jump in for the test-db kicking off the session that application has taken over in single user mode . These background process are deadlocked between them selves.

Please refer to the output of sp_who2 below at link [URL] .... and following is the deadlock XML.

NOTE: SPIDs in deadlock XML may differ from the output of sp_who2 as spids keeps on changing for these processes.
<deadlock victim="process4bbfc78">
<process id="process4bbfc78" taskpriority="0" logused="10000" waitresource="DATABASE: 5 " waittime="705"

[Code] ....

On searching for this problem I found out that people have faced similar problem but I was unable to find out the root cause and debug steps for this problem. Stopping the SQL server is provided as a solution to kick out these background processes but this is not a feasible in our case as code to restore DB runs very frequently resulting in this problem at a good frequency.

I also made sure that SQL Server Agent is not running. The SQL services running on server are SQL server, SQL Server Browser and SQL Server VSS Writer.

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Second User Trying To Connect Generates: Cannot Open User Default Database. Login Failed.

Apr 25, 2007

Hi, I'm new to SQL Express 2005.
I found information regarding : "Cannot open user default database. Login failed."on this forum but I think that in my case it's a bit different issue.
I have a website (ASP.NET 2.0) accessing DB, in the mean time Windows Service tries to update some data in the same DB (Service runs as NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SYSTEM). The second connection is rejected: "Cannot open user default database. Login failed.Login failed for user ....".
Problem occurs only when both: service and website are running at the same time. So service and website are running without problems when they are connecting DB exclusively.
My connection string is:
"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="|DataDirectory|spider-lab.mdf";Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"

I would be grateful if you can help me

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SQL Server Session State - Using A 1.1 Database Schema For 2.0 Session State Storage

Aug 3, 2006

The 2.0 version of ASPSTATE is slightly different than the 1.1 version in that one table has one additional column and another table uses a different data type and size for the key. The 2.0 version also has a couple additional stored procedures.

We'd like to manage just one session state database if possible so we're trying to figure out if Microsoft supports using the new schema for 1.1 session state access (it seems to work, but our testing has been very light).

Is there any official support line on this? If not, can anyone comment on whether or not you'd expect it to work and why?


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Can't Connect As Another Windows User

Jun 20, 2008

When attempting SQL Replication I am getting an error that the user I setup for connecting to the Distribution database was unable to connect. I have setup a domain administrator user on our Domain (Active Directory) with the name of SDP. In order to test the SDP login I attempted to connect as DOMAINSDP, and it failed. If I login to Windows (2000) as SDP I can connect to the Server using Windows Authentication without any problem.

Why can I not connect using SQL Server Authentication as DOMAINSDP when I am logged into Windows as kblum? Is there some sort of setting that I need to establish to allow this?


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Connect Using Different Windows User Name...?!?!

Jul 6, 2007

I've scoured Google searching for an answer that seems like it should beeasy but apparently isn't...when I open SSMS to connect to a SQL 2005database and choose Windows authentication, it greys out the User Namebox...problem is, the server I need to connect to is in another domain...howon earth are you supposed to specify a different Windows user name toconnect with other than the one currently logged into the machine?-Ben--Posted via a free Usenet account from

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New User - Unable To Connect

Feb 6, 2007


Im new to SQL Server so please forgive me if I seem a tad ignorant. Any help is much appreciated.

I have just installed SQL Server 2005 CTP on my machine at home in order to learn more about it. The istallation completed successfully on my home pc under XP Pro w SP2.

I use the machine with Administration priveliges. There is also a local account on the machine I could use, but I never do. No password entry is required.

When I launch Management Studio it gives me the option to connect to a server and lists myself as the only option. When I select this account (the same one that has administration privelidges) it attempts to connects but times out.

I receive an error message saying the server actively refused the connection.

I am a little confused as to the architecture of SQL Server I suspect. I have installed SQL Server on the machine, but it seems to be behaving like a client installation.

If anyone knows of any articles that may help me, or if there is a simple explanation to help get me connected, I would be most greatful.



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Revoke Connect Guest User

Feb 7, 2008

I've used the following:
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?];

And this is what I get:
Msg 15182, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
Msg 15182, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot disable access to the guest user in master or tempdb.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot find the user 'GUEST', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

When I do this:
EXEC sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?];
SELECT ''[?]'' AS DBName,* FROM sysusers;'

The guest sid for all tables shows 0x00, is this the reason I get above errors?

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User Who Can Connect/run Stored Procedures Only?

Nov 6, 2007

I'm new to 2005 (new to sql server in general). Up until now it's only been writing easy stored procedures. Read that it's a good idea to have a user who can only run stroed procedures (so aren't connceting with 'sa' privileges and such). How would I go about doing this?

The server I am working on has about 15 different databases on it. My database (named "myDBForTest") is the only one I want my end user to be able to connect on. I'm writing a .NET application that will have several users using it at same time. They will all be connecting with same information (limited to only running stored procedures and connecting/disconnecting). I basically want them to be able to run any stroed procedures that are part of my database. If I go back in 4 months and add 100 stored procedures, the next time the log on they should be able to use those new ones also.

Is there some kind of command I run to add a user (maybe with username of sprocUser?) who can do this? I'm interfacing with database using SQL Server Management Studio Express (from MS).

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Sql Express Connect To User Instance

Feb 7, 2007


I have a requirement to connect to a user instance of sql express from a visual basic 6.0 project. I'm having trouble with my connection string.

I'm able to connect with my connection string to sql express:

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider= SQLOLEDB; Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=30"

and the get user instance name:

'Get the user instance name
strSQL = "SELECT owning_principal_name, instance_pipe_name From sys.dm_os_child_instances"

but don't know how to query the instance name. Currently, I am returning the user instance name in a function. My questions are:

1. Is there any parameter for the user instance name in the connection string?

2. To attach and detach, what providers are available?

3. Using the Provider=SQLNCLI, is the AttachDBFileName parameter optional if I supply the database?

4. What is best recommended practice for querying a user instance from application code in vb6?

5. Are there any articles that specifically describe how to query a user instance if the dbfilename path is dynamic?

Sorry if my questions are not clear. I'm new to microsoft programming (coming from Lotus/Domino)

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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Unable To Connect To Database For A Particular User

Mar 13, 2008

iam using VS2008 for developing an application. From my code iam mentioning a connectionString in which iam using a database named ASAOPS.When iam trying to connect to it with a user named asauser it is throwing an exceptions that "asauser is not with the trusted sql connection" for one time and "login failed for the asauser" for later time.
can anyone help me in solving this problem?

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Query To Connect To A Database With Different User

Jul 27, 2007


Is there a way through T-SQL to run a store procedure and inside the store procedure, change the user, execute a select, and get back the original user that run the store procedure?


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Can't Connect To Local User Instance

Feb 6, 2007

Just when I think I have this stuff figured out, it bites me back everytime.

trying to deploy an mdf out to a different machine, and attached to it with local user instance. I connect without problem from my development
machine with a local user instance, which also has Express Manager resident,
and I can connect to a server instance without problem.

What I can't do is
copy the .mdf database over to another workstation, which has Sql Native
Client installed, and connect to the database using a local user
instance! I can connect to a server instance without problem from this
other workstation. Here's my connect string for local user instance
that works fine from my dev machine:

Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;Data
Source=.sqlexpress;AttachDBFileName=<full path_name and mdf
filename>;User Instance=true;

The error I get upon trying to connect with other stations is:

Error -2147467259
Database not found or cound not connect to database

tried this every way I know how. I've copied the database from my dev
machine both with and without having detached the database from the
local instance. I've tried detaching from a server instance and copying
the file over. Nothing works, and I've done this before! What gives with this thing?


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How Many User Current Connect To A Row In Table.

Nov 9, 2006

Hi all...
Iam a newbie and i have one question want to ask experts ... .
I am current working on one App which have some user connect to database at the same time.
And i want to know: how many user connect or use (read , update) to one row in a table?
Could it be possible to know that??? If you have one solution to solve this problem , please let me know :) ...
Could it be done by Software , T-SQL or anything ...., iam happy to know.
Thanks all.

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Cannot Connect To Database: Login Failed For User

Jun 16, 2006

Hello everyone,When I try to connect to database I get this error message: Login failed for user 'databaseadmin'.My connection code is:Dim MyConnection As New SqlConnection( _
            "server=(local); database=news; UID=databaseadmin; PWD=111111;")I've tried "server=localhost:3066", and "server=." and many many other ways, but it's still not working! I don't know what other things should I try now... I asked  the support people of my web host, and their answer is:"Mysql database usename and password is corect one. It seems that there is problem with the script code."Please would anybody help me with this? Thank you very much!

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Trying To Connect To SQL Server, But User Login Failed

May 10, 2006

Hi everyone,
I am trying to open a connection to my SQL Server via ASP.NET(VB.NET), but I get the following error message:Server Error in '/test' Application.

Login failed for user 'sa'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'sa'.

Source Error:

Line 92: 'Put user code to initialize the page here
Line 93:
Line 94: SqlConnection1.Open()
Line 95: If SqlConnection1.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
Line 96: Label4.Text = "SQL Connection is open"

Source File: c:inetpubwwwroot estWebForm1.aspx.vb Line: 94

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Login failed for user 'sa'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction)
test.WebForm1.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwroot estWebForm1.aspx.vb:94
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032
The account itself works fine, I am able to log in to the server successfully, for example there are no problems when I use the same user name and password for the Query Analyzer.
What could be the cause of the error mentioned above?

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User Un-able To Connect To Integrated Services Within SSMS

Apr 17, 2008

I am able to run an SSIS script from BI Visual Studio no problem, I am also able to connect to SSIS within SSMS successfully. I have system access rights to the Database Engine of the same server name.

However I have a user who also has full system access rights to the Database Engine of the same server name. However he can only connect to the database engine, he cannot connect to SSIS within SSMS, but he can successfully execute a SSIS script within BI Visual Studio which is targeted to the same server name which he can€™t connect to within SSMS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


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How To Connect The User Defined Database Using Jdbc?

Mar 10, 2008

I am working with the followings: jdk5 in eclipse3.3 and Microsoft sql server. For the jdbc application, i used to connect the database with the following code:
con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:microsoftqlserver://NODE1:1433","sa"," ");
The above code woks fine and I able to connect the database.

Here is my problem: The above code only connect the master database. But I want to connect the user defined databse(that is., other than master database).
Can anyone tell me the solution to solve the issue.

Looking forward to your reply,

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Cant Connect To A SQL2K5 Express User Instance

Apr 18, 2008

(have reposted this here from Setup group, since no answers there)

I am having a lot of trouble connecting to a user instance I've created. User instances have been enabled, Named pipes are also enabled. Running on XP SP2 with SQL2K5 SP2. I also have a standard SQL2005 instance running on this development machine.

When using SqlClient in a .Net2.0 application, my connection string to create the user instance looks like:
"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=true;attachdbfilename=c: emp3500.mdf;user instance=true"

This connection succeeds and I see the new service being started etc. I also see the log file being created in my Application Data area. The log file all looks normal except for these lines at the very top of the report.

2008-04-15 16:29:13.57 Server Error: 17156, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2008-04-15 16:29:13.57 Server initeventlog: Could not initiate the EventLog Service for the key 'D69F8BFF-E490-47'.
2008-04-15 16:29:13.67 Server Error: 17054, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2008-04-15 16:29:13.67 Server The current event was not reported to the Windows Events log. Operating system error = 6(The handle is invalid.). You may need to clear the Windows Events log if it is full.
2008-04-15 16:29:13.67 Server Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86)

I can also run a query on the main express instance to check if a child instance is running:
SELECT owning_principal_name, instance_pipe_name, heart_beat FROM sys.dm_os_child_instances

METECHsteve \.pipeD69F8BFF-E490-47 sqlquery alive

If i try to connect via sqlcmd with this command line:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VC>sqlcmd -S np:\.pipeD69F8BFF-E49
0-47 sqlquery -l 60

this will give:
HResult 0x57, Level 16, State 1
SQL Network Interfaces: Connection string is not valid [87].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

If i try to connect via SSMS using the pipe name above and everything else defaulted, i get the following error:
An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - Connection string is not valid) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Both errors are pretty similar. I am running this locally, so I suspect the 'remote connection' error text is a red herring. The connection string is pretty minimal so I cant see why the connection string is invalid.

Heres another wierd thing. It used to consistently work. It now consistently fails. I have also tried creating a VM with SQLX. Now that works initially but once it fails, it seems to fail consistently. Reboots of the VM dont seem to fix it. That sort of leads me to believe that I've done something to my server (ie a setting somewhere).

Any help getting this connection issue sorted would be appreciated!


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How To Give Permission To This User To Connect To My Database???

Dec 1, 2006

I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005

Here are the steps I used to create my database

Tools -> connect to database -> Select datasourse - Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) -> Server name - comp4_8SQLExpress -> Log on to the server €“ Use Windows Authentication -> Connect to a database -> Select or enter a database name €“ MyDataBase

comp4_8 - is the name of my computer. I am using Windows XP Professional SP2. Login as administrator without password.

Now about the problem I have. On local machine everything is great! But I hosted my website and got this error. The question is how to give permission to this user to connect to my database.
Cannot open database "MyDataBase" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'ANGELINAASPNET'.

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Cannot Open User Database Error Message AFTER I Connect And Log In.

Aug 29, 2006

Ok so I'm using the Management Studio Express and was able to log in and get into the database server, but I had to click the "options>>" button and change database I wanted to connect to from <<default>> to my database on the server or else I get the "cannot open user database, login failed" error message.Then I right click my database and it gives me the "Cannot open user database.  Login failed" error message, even though I already connected to the database to login during the connect screen. Also I'm able to interact with the database using SQL QUERIES in the Management Studio, like adding new tables with it, but if I right click the database and click "add table" I get that error.What gives?  I know I have permission since I was able to log on, and modify the database using SQL queries but if use the GUI I can't use it.  I can't even right-click select "properties" without getting that error. The reason I want to use the GUI is because I want to right click and use the backup feature of the database.My guess is that Management Studio continues to point to the default database(which gives me that message) after I already logged in, so I have no idea how to change the default database that management studio points to, to the one I do have permission to use. Thanks in advance. 

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.NET Framework :: Could Not Connect To Server - Login Failed For User

Jul 20, 2015

I am trying to create a CLR project in my Visual Studio 2010 with SQL Server 2012. I can build my empty project succesfully, but if I try to deploy it, I get such an error...Beginning deployment of assembly SimpleCLRIntegrationNew.dll to server xxxxxxxxx : di_test

C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0TeamDataMicrosoft.Data.Schema.SqlClr.targets(96,5): error : Could not connect to server "xxxxxxxxxx: di_test": Login failed for user 'di_test'..

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Connect User Developed Interface Using WVD To DB SQLEE 2005

Oct 13, 2006

Dear Friends

I am a bigginer. I need to save input from textBox (User interface that I have made using VWD) to a database in SQLSEE 2005 using C#. please help me. I now how to connect to DB using Visual Items like gride view and form view. but i want to conect to DB using my developed UI lke in below. any help greatly appreciated

Name input area

address input area



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Connect Fails: Error 4064, Can Not Open User Default DB

Jul 21, 2005

I just installed SQL Server 2005 CTP (9.00.1116) on Windows Server 2003 with SP1. Then I unzipped DotNetNuke portal site and tried to connect to it with various errors, generally relating to invalid login.

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DB Engine :: How To Restrict A User Do Not Connect To Server From Command Prompt

Jul 20, 2015

How to restrict a user do not connect sql server from command prompt.

I want to restrict my sql server do not connect from command prompt i.e providing server ip address and server credential.

How to secure my server data base do not connect from dos command.

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SQL Sever 2005 Management Studio - Connect As Different Windows User

Jun 22, 2007

I want to connect to a SQL server from my workstation using the application in the Subject, but I need to connect as a different Windows user. Basically, I login to my workstation with my "Joe User" account, but for servers I used my "Joe Admin" account for security purposes. However, the Management console autofills in my workstation username when I select "Windows authentication" for the connection, and grays out the username/password fields so that I cannot specify another set of credentials.

Is there a way to change this behavior? Otherwise I will need to termserv into a server using my administrative account, install the management software there, and then begin the process. That is a lot of unecessary overhead that I would like to avoid.

Thank You,

John G

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How To Grant 'Network Service' Or 'ASPNET' User Accounts Permissions To Connect To Database

Feb 18, 2008

set up asp .net user account on sql server 2005Question:

I've read the instructions in this article: do not know how to do this:You can grant 'Network Service' or 'ASPNET' user accounts permissions to connect to database.Please provide example on how to do this, thanks!

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Does A User Have To Have SQL Server Installed In Order For Windows Form To Connect To SQL 2005 Express DB

Apr 23, 2008


I am creating a windows application that is not going to be used in a controlled environment like a LAN or some other network, so I want to include a local database in the install of this app. Ideally, I would like to use SQL 2005 Express like you would MSDE or Access, but I am not sure if the user must have SQL Server installed on their machine in order for this to work and I don't have a machine without it to test on.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated.


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Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To Failure In Retrieving The User's Local Application Data Path. Please Make Sure The User Has A Local User Profile On The Computer. The Connection Will Be Closed

Dec 7, 2006

This is my first time to deploy an asp.net2 web site. Everything is working fine on my local computer but when i published the web site on a remote computer i get the error "Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed" (only in pages that try to access the database)
Help pleaseee

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