Dear Experts,Ok, I hate to ask such a seemingly dumb question, but I'vealready spent far too much time on this. More that Iwould care to admit.In Sql server, how do I simply change a character into a number??????In Oracle, it is:select to_number(20.55)from dualTO_NUMBER(20.55)----------------20.55And we are on with our lives.In sql server, using the Northwinds database:SELECTr.regionid,STR(r.regionid,7,2) as a_string,CONVERT(numeric, STR(r.regionid,7,2)) as a_number,cast ( STR(r.regionid) as int ) as cast_to_numberFROM REGION R1 1.00112 2.00223 3.00334 4.0044SELECTr.regionid,STR(r.regionid,7,2) as a_string,CONVERT(numeric, STR(r.regionid,7,2) ) as a_number,cast (STR(r.regionid,7,2) as numeric ) as cast_to_numberFROM REGION R1 1.00112 2.00223 3.00334 4.0044Str converts from number to string in one motion.Isn't there a simple function in Sql Server to convertfrom string to number?What is the secret?Thanks
hi friends i am using vwd 2005 i created a project now i want to upload it on the server, but i want which database i used in the database convert it into .bak file for upload it on the server how i convert it, i don't have MS SQL SERVER 2005 or any except vwd 2005.
Can anyone tell me, how can I get the date format in YYYYMMDDHHMISS format. For Ex: select convert(char(12),getdate(),112) gives me the result as '20011115'. Now, how can I get the the result something like '20011115110020'?
If I do a query from SQL 7.0 and get the result "10" which is a hex value (0x0A), how do I convert this using something like convert or cast to show "a" Is there anywhere that I can look for help? I can get it to show 0x0A using cast, but that is not what I want. I want a hex number without 0X0 in front of A. The A I can convert using something like Lower(A)
Hi, I am trying to convert 2 columns from varchar(255) to datetime, the format of the data in the columns is '02/02/2001', and 1 column from varchar(255) to money, the format of the data in this column is '12,340.00'.
When I run : select convert(datetime, Col004), convert(datetime, Col005), convert(money, Col007) from table1
I get a result upto 59,996 rows then get the error:
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
Any help would be appreciated, I have to convert 4 tables with, 722834, 1113978, 115489 and 121983 rows respectivly.
Is there a way to install MS SQL 6.5 twice on the same server? I would like to install SQL into the following dorectories D:MSSQL and D:MSSQL2. Any help would be appreciated.
i have an XML that i want to create a database for it, so depending on this XML i need to create the right tables to store the information in tables and then call these info from the database instead of from XML.
it is a big XML but here is just one part, the other parts are the same:
hi how can i convert smallint to varchar declare @over smallint [rollover_txn] = CASE WHEN hh.[deint] & ' + CAST(varchar(5),@over)+ ' = ' + CAST(varchar(5),@over) + ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
I'm trying to convert an int to a string in my expression in ssis. Is this possible? I keep getting an error and I've also tried the cast operator, can't figure it out! Can someone help?
@[User::Path]+ "DEN" + Cast(@[User::Counter] as string)
Hello, I am having trouble using CONVERT, I am using this select statement
Code Snippet
SELECT a.TaskId,a.Name,a.Description,a.StartDate,
CASE WHEN Convert(nvarchar,a.DueDate,101) = Convert(nvarchar,getdate(),101)
END as DueDate, a.NotificationRuleId, c.RowStateTypeId, a.CustomerId, a.CustomerIdent, a.SourceCustomerId, a.CreatedByUserId, a.CreatedDate, a.UpdatedByUserId, a.UpdatedDate, u.FirstName + ' ' + u.LastName as CreatedBy, r.Name as Status FROM Task a inner join AssignedTask c on a.TaskId = c.TaskId inner join UserAssignedTask b on c.AssignedTaskId = b.AssignedTaskId INNER JOIN [User] u on u.UserId = b.UserId INNER JOIN RowStateType r on c.RowStateTypeId = r.RowStateTypeId WHERE b.UserId = {0} and c.RowStateTypeId<>8
but if the statement hits the CONVERT section it formats the date as 1900-1-1 (time) instead of just (time) which is what I am looking for, is there any other way I can accomplish this?
I am making reports with SQL and Reporting Services. To day I wanted to convert a field to datetime. It had to have the style of Holland, so dd-mm-yyyy. I used the following code, which not gives the expected output:
Code Block
CONVERT(DATETIME, Objectplaatsingsdatum, 105) AS Objectplaatsingsdatumconvert It gives output like: 7/1/1992 12:00:00 AM It is sure not what i wanted.
Can someone tell me what I do wrong? The 105 stands for the style I wanted, so I do not know where it goes wrong.
hi below is my procedure.ToDate is varchar datatype.i can not make it datetime as per my my date is now storing in this format 11/2/2007..but i want to store this 2007-11-02 00:00:00.000 in this format to do this ?
AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON /* IF EXISTS (SELECT LiveInID FROM t_HR_LiveINDates WHERE ClientID=@ClientID AND RecordStatus = 1) BEGIN UPDATE t_HR_LiveINDates SET FromDate = @FromDate, ToDate = @ToDate, DateModified = GETDATE() WHERE ClientID=@ClientID IF @@error <> 0 RETURN(0) ELSE RETURN(1) END ELSE */ BEGIN INSERT INTO t_HR_LiveINDates (ClientID, LiveInStatus, FromDate, ToDate, RecordStatus, DateCreated ) VALUES (@ClientID, @LiveInStatus, @FromDate, @ToDate, 1, GETDATE() )
IF @@error <> 0 RETURN(0) ELSE RETURN(1) END END
I am trying to convert a datetime to a date and get a rid of the time or set it to 00:00:00. I use the convert like BOL says will trunc the time, but it does not. I must miss something. See example bellow. The first formula should trunc the datetime as per BOL but it does not so I have to use the second formula which I feel is somewhat bad even if it works.
I have the same problem on both 2000 and 2005. I am sure I missunderstand something fundamental here. Thanks to point me to the right direction.
Can someone point me in the right direction with this please?
This is what I have currently:
--Main SQL Code: select distinct sys.Netbios_Name0, sysou.System_OU_Name0, sys.Operating_System_Name_and0, sys.User_Name0 from dbo.v_r_system_valid AS sys, dbo.v_RA_System_SystemOUName AS sysou where (sysou.System_OU_Name0 LIKE @OU)
--OU Prompt SQL Code: BEGIN IF (@__filterwildcard = '') SELECT DISTINCT ou.system_ou_name0 FROM dbo.v_ra_system_systemouname AS ou ORDER BY ou.system_ou_name0 ELSE SELECT DISTINCT ou.system_ou_name0 FROM dbo.v_ra_system_systemouname AS ou WHERE ou.system_ou_name0 LIKE @__filterwildcard ORDER BY ou.system_ou_name0 END
When I run the above report from the sccm admin console, I get this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0007' Out of memory: 'GetRows' /SMSReporting_1PR/Report.asp, line 546
I have the code working as an SCCM query (WQL), I just wanted to convert it to a report (SQL), this code is here:
select distinct SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.OperatingSystemNameandVersion, SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = ##PRM: SMS_R_System.SystemOUName##
The following is my code for Access... can someone help me convert it to sql: My Connectionstring is "server=(local);database=Database;trusted_connection=true"
<%@ Page Language="VB" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %> <script language="VB" runat="server"> Sub btnLogin_OnClick(Src As Object, E As EventArgs) Dim myConnection As OleDbConnection Dim myCommand As OleDbCommand Dim intUserCount As Integer Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblLoginInfo " _ & "WHERE username='" & Replace(txtUsername.Text, "'", "''") & "' " _ & "AND password='" & Replace(txtPassword.Text, "'", "''") & "';" myConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " _ & "Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("login.mdb") & ";") myCommand = New OleDbCommand(strSQL, myConnection) myConnection.Open() intUserCount = myCommand.ExecuteScalar() myConnection.Close() If intUserCount > 0 Then lblInvalid.Text = "" FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtUsername.Text, True) Response.Redirect("login_db-protected.aspx") Else lblInvalid.Text = "Sorry... try again..." End If End Sub </script>
I am trying to concatenate a string to a currency amount so that I can show both in a drop down list box. However when I create the SQL to do this using the Query tool I get a message to say that I must use the Convert funtion to convert the currency amount.Anyone know the SQL syntax for this function as I can seem to get it to work. ThanksPaul
Hi there,Can SQL Server 2005 be made to report the date as GMT using the getDate() function? (without changing the local time on the box that it's installed on?)If I could get the current offset value within a Stored Procedure that would help.. Thank you!
hi I have a column in my database i would like to convert to lowercase is their a t-sql statement or something i can use so i dont have to do it manually ?? cheers!!!