How To Convert (import) Xml Files Into Sql Server

Apr 15, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to convert XML files into SQL server 2005?
i have so many XML files and want to convert it into SQL server.

thanks for ur help.

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Import *.log Files To The SQL Server

Jun 15, 2006

I have a task to import *.log files in to the Microsoft SQL Server and need help in this regards.

This import should be the best table structure/format for the web log (considerations for import time, size, indexing, querying, reporting, etc.), and best utilize all available space on the server


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Import Csv Files Into MS SQL Server 2K

Aug 16, 2007

Hi There,

I have a requirement to import a large number of csv files to one table. The files are in the format What is the best way to do this?


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Import Csv Files To Sql Server Problem

Sep 5, 2007

I try to import csv files to Sql Server using .net. The code is as following:
string strCsvConn = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=;Extended Properties='text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,)';";
using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(strCsvConn))
string strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " + strFileName;
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(strSQL, cn);
cn.Open();using (OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
// Bulk Copy to SQL Server
using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(strSqlConn))
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = strSqlTable;
And the data is as following (simplified):
AFICIO 3045,K9464900965
AFICIO 3045,K9464900932
Fax 5510L,A3761290041
Fax 2210L,A4978800008
AFICIO 3025,K8565201014
AFICIO 3025,K8565102398
The result of the 2nd column is: 9464900965, 9464900932, null, null, 8565201014, 8565102398 - either the first character is missing or the whole entry is missing.
One more weird thing is that some other files work fine, though I am not able to tell any difference between them.
Any idea is hoghly appreciated.

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How To Import Hundreds Of CSV Files Into SQL Server?

Feb 5, 2004

I have about 500 CSV files, mostly they are unser same structure. I need to import them all into SQL server. I create a new table for each one based on the firstline as the column name. I can do them one by one but it is very time consuming and boring. Is there a fast way of doing this?

If someone give me a information, I promise to share all of MY CSV files. They are the zone chart from UPS and I have edit all of them.


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Import Excel Files To Sql Server

Jan 24, 2008


Various excel files with the same structure will reside in a folder. These excel files should be exported daily in a Sql server table. If the data within the excel file according to an id is new then all data should be appended to the table, otherwise if the id exists in the sql server table then it must update the remaining corresponding fields.

I know how to export an excel file to a sql server table, i need some help in comparing the excel file data with the sql table so to make the appropriate updates.

Can anyone please help me get started?



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SQL Server 2014 :: Convert / Insert All Files In A Directory

Feb 24, 2015

My task is to convert jpeg's to binary and then insert them into a table called "images". I need to convert/insert all jpeg files in a directory. I'm able to accomplish the task if the files are numbered. The query below works by retrieving one file at a time based on the value of @i. However, I also have directories where the files are not numbered but have ordinary text names like "Red_Sofa.jpg". I need to iterate through these directories as well and convert/insert the jpeg's. I'm running SSMS 2014 Express on 4.0 and Windows 7.

image_name varchar(500) null
,image_data varbinary(max) null

[Code] ....

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Convert Existing MDB Database Files To Server Express

Feb 27, 2015

1) What is the current version of SQL Server Express?
2) HOw much SQL Server Express costs (figure about 500 branch servers)
3)Are there any Tools from Microsoft to convert Access 97 directly to SQL Server express, and how much do they cost?
4)Server Hardware requirements to run SQL Server Express - disk size, memory size, security settings, pre-requisite, service needed.
5)Maximum capacity / capabilities of SQL Server Express-max # of simultaneous users,tables,rows,database size.
6)Any installation instruction for SQL Server Express.

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Import Data From Text Files Into SQL Server...?

Jun 6, 2005

Hi,i wanna develop an web-database application with ASP.NET,C#, SQL server 2000.i already have some data whichs been in text format(text file) and now, i want to import the same into my database.the problem is, the text file has got many line breaks and also its not well formated to import it using DTS.Can any one help me out in importing the same.thanks in advance

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How To Import MDF Files Into Local SQL Server 2000

Jul 15, 2002

Hi All,

I am a new user of SQL Server 2000. Please point me where I am able to get good online sources to be familiar with the SQL Server 2000. I wanted to import the primary file (MDF)and a log file (LDF), which are stored on two different floppy disks into the local SQL server 2000. Please direct me where I should start. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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Import Text Files Into SQL Server Tables

Jan 31, 2007

I have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved this mistery.



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Import Text Files Data Into SQL Server

Feb 17, 2007

I need to extract data from text files (around 200) and import into sql server tables. I tried using SSIS foreach loop container but could not manage it. Can anyone guide me how this can be done?

All help appreciated.


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Import CSV Files To SQL Server Null Values Problem

Nov 16, 2005

Hello,I am trying to import a CSV file into my SQL Server database, this file was originally generated by another database table (on another server) with the same structure, the table contains two columns of real datatype with Allow Null Value setto true for those columns, the CSV file contains the value NULL for theses columns, I am facing a problem when importing this file. This may be because DTS tries to represent values as strings then to convert them to real datatype which results in transforming the value "NULL" to real, I receive an error message saying.Error during Transformation 'DirectCopyXform' for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
   TransformCopy 'DirectCopyXform' conversion error:  Conversion invalid for datatypes on column pair 8 (source column 'Col008' (DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'zip_longitude' (DBTYPE_R4)).
   TransformCopy 'DirectCopyXform' conversion error:  Conversion invalid for datatypes on column pair 7 (source column 'Col007' (DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'zip_latitude' (DBTYPE_R4)).How can I work around this problem? Any help would be appreciable

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HELP!!! Cannot Import SSIS Package Files From .dtsx Files

Oct 8, 2007

Brief overview...Running SQL Server 2003 Server Enterprise 64 bit - All Service Packs and patches current
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64 bit Build Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64) Mar 23 2007 18:41:50 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

I cannot import any SSIS packages nor crete any new folders under stored packages. I hve googled the news groups and looked at BOL to no avail. HELP!!!!

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Doing A Data Import Using DTS Wizard In SQL Server 2005 - Being Efficient With 5 Flat Files

Apr 13, 2006


I'm a new user of SQL Server 2005. I have the full version installed. I also have SQL Server Business Integration Dev Studio installed. My OS is Windows XP.

I'm importing a series of 5 flat files into a database on one of the SQL Servers we have. My goal is to get 5 different tables (though perhaps I should do one and add an extra field to distinguish each import) into the database for further analysis.

I tried doing an import via DTS Wizard. There are no column names in the flat file so I defined them during the import process (all 58 of them). When I got to the end, I had an option to save the import process as a SSIS (SQL Server Integration Service) Package on:

SQL SERVER (I don't have permission for this)


FILE SYSTEM (did this one)

I saved the Package locally in hopes of being able to go back in, change the source file and destination table of the package and quickly get the other 4 flat files imported.

My problems are:

1) I couldn't find how to run the *.DTSX Package file to run in SQL Server Studio (basically reuse the Package with minor changes and saving me having to redefine the same 58 columns on each flat file import)

2) Tried but didn't understand how to run it in SQL Server Bus Intel Dev Studio (i.e. understanding the mapping and getting the data types right so it wouldn't error out)

3) Don't know how to make the necessary changes so that the Package handles the next source file and puts in a new destination table (do I need to do 5 CREATE TABLES so this Package has a place to run to?)

4) Does the Package need to be part of a Project to run (I haven't found how to take an existing Package and make it part of a Project/Solution)?

5) Is there a good book or online resource for just getting the basics of using SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio?

I'm really at a loss after spending a day fruitlessly on it scouring the help files, forums and experimenting around.

Hope somebody can point me in the right direction.


Patrick Briggs,
Pasadena, CA

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Doing A Data Import Using DTS Wizard In SQL Server 2005 - Being Efficient With 5 Flat Files

Apr 18, 2006

I just spent some time working out how to do a seemingly simple task. I€™m sharing the steps I took to do this in hopes it saves other SQL Server 2005 users (especially newbies like myself) time.

My original question posed on several SQL newsgroups was based on this goal:

I'm importing a series of 5 flat files (all with same file layout) into a database on one of the SQL Servers we have using SQL Server 2005 (SQL Server Management Studio) . My goal is to get 5 different tables. I want to do this without having to redo all the layout criteria 4 additional times.

Below are the steps I followed to get a solution (all done in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio):

Create the Package (data import)

1) Use the SQL Server Import Export Wizard (equivalent to SQL Server 2000 Data Transfer Wizard) to import your first flat file. At the CHOOSE DATA SOURCE window browse for your file.
2) Under the Advanced tab, you can set your Column attributes (€œoutput column width€? or €œdata type€? to name a few). I highlighted all the columns and selected €œstring [DT_STR]€? for data type. To avoid truncation errors, I selected 255 for output column width. You can name the columns whose data you are most concerned with (I did import all the available fields).
3) After choosing a server destination you will have a €œSELECT SOURCE TABLES AND VIEWS€? window pop up. Under the €œMapping€? column you can choose to tweak your mapping further editing in SQL (see Edit SQL button). I didn€™t.
4) The €œSAVE AND EXECUTE PACKAGE€? will pop up. The €œExecute Immediately€? box should be checked and you should check the €œSave SSIS Package€? (SQL Server Integration Services). When you do, select €œFile System€? for where to save this import-file-package to.
5) Click OKAY for the Package Protection Level and the €œSAVE SSIS PACKAGE€? window will appear. Browse for a path on your local computer to save to.

Modify Package (data import) for Next Use

6) In SQL Server Management Studio, browse for the Package and open it.

Preparation for SQL Task €“ box

7) You should see a screen that shows two boxes (€œPreparation for SQL Task€?) and (€œData Flow Task€?).
8) Right click on the former and select €œEdit€?.
9) On the €œSQL Statement€? row, click into the right column and select the €œ€¦€? box
10) Change the destination table (the table you will create with this package) to a meaningful name and click OK.
11) Click OK for the €œSQL Task Editor€?

Data Flow Task - box

12) Right click on the €œData Flow Task€? box and select €œEdit€?.
13) Three boxes will appear €œSourceConnectionFlatFile€?, €œData Conversion 1€?, and €œDestination - <whatever table name your original data import went to>€?. Below them is a section that displays €œConnection Managers€?

SourceConnectionFlatFile - editing

14) The first thing you will want to do is change the import source to a new flat file. You do this by going below the boxes under the €œConnection Managers€? window and right clicking on €œSourceConnectionFlatFile€? and then selecting €œEdit€?
15) Browse for the new €œFile Name€? and select it.
16) A €œMicrosoft SQL Server Management Studio€? window will pop up asking you if you want to €œkeep or reset the existing metadata€?. The metadata is just your column definitions and choosing €œYES€? to keep this makes sense if you are doing data imports on files with the same file layout.
17) Still in the €œFlat File Connection Manager Editor€? window, change the €œConnection Manager Name€? to something meaningful (I add <_> at the end and then the name of the table the flat file is going to) and click OK.

SourceConnectionFlatFile €“ box (editing)

18) Right click on the €œSourceConnectionFlatFile€? box and select €œEdit€?.
19) Your newly named €œFlat File Connection Manager€? should appear in select box.
20) Click OK, right click again on the €œSourceConnectionFlatFile€? box and select €œShow Advanced Editor€?.
21) Under the €œConnections Manager€? tab, your newly named €œFlat File Connection€? should appear (the prior step is necessary for the advanced editor to recognize your change).
22) Under the €œComponent Properties€? tab, on the €œName€? row, click into the right column and rename to something meaningful (notice the €œIdentification String€? row description changes too once you click out of the €œName€? row)
23) Under the €œColumn Mappings€? tab, just confirm you are mapping your flat file fields (€œAvailable External Columns€?) to a destination table€™s fields (€œAvailable Output Columns€?).
24) Under the €œInput and Output Properties€? tab you can check in €œFlat File Source Output€? to make modifications to either your €œExternal Columns€? or your €œOutput Columns€? €“ you shouldn€™t need to for a simple import.
((NOTE: any changes you make here would likely need to be consistent with the column properties found under the €œConnection Manager Window€? for the €œSourceConnectionFlatFile€? as well as the €œData Conversion 1€? box under the €œData Flow Tasks€? window, so exercise caution
25) NOTE: This process has worked for me by making my source columns all €œstring [DT_STR]€? data type and the output columns all €œUnicode String [DT_WSTR]€? data type.

Data Conversion 1 €“ box (editing)

26) There is nothing you need to do here. By right clicking on the €œData Conversion 1€? box and selecting €œEdit€?, you can see and change the data type of the output columns (the ones in the table your importing the flat file to). There are probably more edits one can do but they€™re beyond what I€™ve learned.

Destination - <whatever table name your original data import went to> €“ box (editing)

27) Right click on the €œDestination - <whatever table name your original data import went to>€? box and select €œShow Advanced Editor€?.
28) Select the €œComponent Properties€? tab.
29) Select the right column at the €œName€? row and change the name to something meaningful (ie. related to the source file name or the table name you€™re importing to).
30) Select the right column at the €œIdentification String€? row and it will update to this change.
31) Select the right column at the €œOpenRowSet€? and change it to the name of the table you are importing your flat file to (this should be consistent with table name under step 10).
32) Click OK
33) Select FILE and select €œSave As€¦€? and then give your package a new name that€™s meaningful (this will be helpful if you have to rerun the import of the flat file later).

Run (execute) the Revised Package (data import)

34) Go back to SQL Server Management Studio and open the Object Explorer
35) Connect to an €œIntegration Services€? component. This should essentially be a local instance (not sure where it is on the local computer or in SQL Server Management Studio on the local computer).
36) In €œObject Explorer€? go down to your €œIntegration Services€? object and expand it.
37) Expand €œStored Packages€?
38) Right click on €œFile System€? and select €œImport Package€? and an €œIMPORT PACKAGE€? window will appear
39) For €œPackage Location€? choose €œFile System€? and then browse for the €œPackage Path€?
40) Click into the €œPackage Name€? and it defaults to your Package€™s file name.
41) Click OK and the Package is imported.
42) Right click on the newly imported Package and select €œRun Package€?
43) An €œExecute Package Utility€? window appears
44) Select €œExecute€? and the package runs.

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How To Import &&amp; Convert .BAK To .SQL

Feb 22, 2007

I'm a complete novice to SQL Server. I am attempting to move my company's website (incl. SQL db) from one hosting company to another (less expensive). The site is written in ColdFusion. Prior to moving, the "old" host made a .BAK copy of our SQL database. Together with all the html/cf files and folders I donwloaded this .BAK file. I am now attempting to set up the website with a new host. In order for the new host to be able to import my database they are telling me I have to convert it to preferably .SQL extension format, or .CSV format.

I have downloaded the free version of MS SQL Server 2005 and MS SQL Server Management Studio Express. Can this be used to convert the .BAK file? If so, I'd like a brief "How to...." because I am not able to find anywhere to import the .BAK file.

I friend of mine was able to convert the .BAK file to .MDF and .LDF files, but my new host can't work with this either. Would there be any benefit (if possible) to use these to convert to .SQL?

Anyone's quick help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to do this on a "shoe-string (i.e. free) budget".


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Import And Convert Table Data

Feb 15, 2006

Hi everyone,I have some data in a CSV file, and I have to import it into a table. For some reason, I am supposed to import this data into a temp table and then move it to the original table and I have to convert it to the right data types while I do this. Is there a better way to do this and how can I give custom error messages saying, for e.g., the data type cannot be converted, the right number of records are not present etc.
Thanks for the help.

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Convert Doc-files To Rdl-files

Jan 22, 2008


I might have a rather strange question but I was wondering if there is a way/tool that can be used to convert/import Word documents (.doc) into Reporting Services report files (.rdl). The problem is that I have lots of Word documents containing e.g. survey question. The reports are very extensive with many pages and many "graphical" objects e.g. rectangles etc.. Now I want to have all these reports imported into Reporting Services, i.e. I want the .doc-files to be converted to .rdl-files. I do not want to use e.g. OfficeWriter but I want the .doc-files to be migrated to the rdl-format. Is that possible, is there a tool for this? Both file formats are Microsoft formats, so there should be a conversation tool right?

Best Regards

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Import Files

Dec 18, 2001

Hi i have a question.
How can i import dump from a text file , to an exsiting database, i´m will not useing DTS, i what to use BULK cmd in sql queryanalyser etc.

Need help


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Import CSV Files To SQL

Mar 28, 2003

I have SQL 2000 running under windows 2000 server.

I'm receving CSV files from the field.
I would like to built SQL database from daily CSV files. I've been doing this manually :( however, is there anyway I can do this task automactically so that once new daily CSV file ~200KB appear in the folder, progarm automatically insert recent file to SQL database...:) Do I need to write VB progarm for this? Please help...

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Import Xml Files

Jul 4, 2007

I have created a stored procedure to handle xml data.
One of the inputs to this procedure is xmldata which is basically the contents of the xml in a file.
Now I would like to create a SSIS package that takes the xml files from the network and uses this SP.
Should I have a file system task inside a for loop container?
How do I get started on this please?

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Import Xml Files

Jul 4, 2007

I have created a stored procedure to handle xml data.
One of the inputs to this procedure is xmldata which is basically the contents of the xml in a file.
Now I would like to create a SSIS package that takes the xml files from the network and uses this SP.
Should I have a file system task inside a for loop container?
How do I get started on this please?

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How To Convert MSSQL Database Into .sql Files?

Apr 14, 2005

Hello ,
I'd like to convert the database + sp + tables + data into .sql file?

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Convert SQL Trace Files Into .CSV Format

Mar 1, 2007

How to convert SQL trace files into excel files without doing any work on SQL Profiler / SQL server using any scripting code.
Consider that we only have SQL Trace files. What are the steps involved in converting into .CSV format using single "CLICK"

Chennai- India.

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Import Multiple XML Files At Once

Jul 17, 2007

I have about 300-400 XML files I want to load in my SQL database (2005). The following code will load one (1) file. How do i do a mulitple collections?

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Automatic Import CSV Files

Mar 22, 2001

Dear all,

I'm new to SQL server. I would like to ask how to do the following. Now I have many CSV files in a directory, which are uploaded through ftp from my client computers daily. How can I automatically import those CSV files to the SQL server? Can I do it by a script or a stored procedure or something else?

Your help would be much appreciated.

Roland Lee

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Import Text Files

Aug 30, 1999

Hi ppl,
I'm trying to import a fixed lenght text file into a sql 7.0 table using the SQL command "BULK INSERT".

The text file is fixed length and end with a carriage return and linefeed. Fields aren’t delimited.

Wich definition of the "FIELDTERMINATOR" should i use ?

I need some Help here!!!

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How To Import Excel Files

Apr 23, 2007

I have data in excel files I want to import it to existing SQL Server database. I can use SQL Server built in import tool but before Importing, the data needs to be validated. What is the best way to do this?


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Import Multiple Txt Files

Sep 3, 2007

I have 8GB of text files which are basically log files from the past few years.
There is 24 text files per directory which are labeled for every day (so they are not all in 1 folder).
It would make reading them much easier if I could import them to SQL but I only seem to be able to import 1 at a time? (with the wizards :eek: )

Surely there is a way to mass import without all the costly applications that google searches give me?
cheers :P

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Import Files Do Not Exist

Jan 22, 2004

I have a job that calls about 5 DTS's. Each DTS imports a text file. The problem is that some of the files may not be there every day. How do I exit the DTS without an error if the file does not exist, but I want my job to keep running...

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Import From Multiple Files

Nov 4, 2014

I have a script which imports the contents of a csv file from our CRM system and updates a table in my database. This works OK but the problems I have are that a) sometimes there is more than one file in the folder, and b) that I wish to move any csv files that have been imported into an archive folder. The csv files arrive with a time/datestamp and I currently rename them manually to FREXPORT before importing (the name is in the format FREXPORT_20141101_1217.csv).How do I:

1) get it to process the file without me having to manually rename the file(s) each time,
2) if there is more than 1 file in the folder process all the files and 3)move the correctly processed files to an archive folder which is: importarchive?

Ultimately, I would like the script to be run as a scheduled job, so it also has to deal with the fact that sometimes there will be no files to import too.

[code]create table #import
(worknumber nvarchar(12), date_done smalldatetime)
Insert #import
from 'fork04-hq-dc01dataimportFREXPORT.csv'


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Import CSV Files To SQL 2000?

Aug 25, 2005

I have several hundred .csv files that have a specific cell that I need to get into a SQL table.
These files are named after the date on which they were 8252005 would be todays date.
Im looking for a way to import this cell to SQL... the same cell in each file....
Thanks for any help

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