How To Create Array Column And How To Retrive In Sqlserver
May 9, 2005
i am using database sqlserver,i am searching for varray concept like in oracle to store multiple values in a single column(as array column) like that shell i do in sql server to create array column in a table using sqlserver
I have a table called Image1 and i have stored the image in SQL server 2005 with a feiled called picture
table name ---- Image1 field-- picture (data type image) please let me know the code step by step code how to Retrive Images from SqlServer in ASP .NET webpage, please help me ....
I am between the "newbie" and "intermediate" stages of writing SQL code and I am wondering if there is a way to capture multiple results into one field so I can basically create a "set" for a unique identifier. Here is few result samples I receive from this code I am using now. ReqNo ProcID 7102005 1409 7102005 1796 7139003 1411 7139003 6097 7261030 1409 7261030 1796 7268303 3998 7268303 4000
I would like to create a single row for each "ReqNo" and have a field that will an array of the "ProcID" results I receive. In other words, for the first "ReqNo" 7102005, can I create a field that will combine the 1409, 1796 into one field? I am trying to capture an array of integers used for that "ReqNo" so I can use that as a unique identifier in a join for another table.
So, ideally my result would be: ReqNo ProcSet 7102005 1409, 1796 7139003 1411, 6097 7261030 1409, 1796 7268303 3998, 4000
Is this possible?
declare @startdate smalldatetime, @enddate smalldatetime , @month int, @year int
Hi everyone.... I need a column in my table that its DataType should be as integer arrays how can I implemant it in my sqlserver table. Any help appreciated.
I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type. What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array? @OfficerIDs as varchar(200) Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs) Thanks
ALTER procedure [dbo].[MyPro](@StartRowIndex int,@MaximumRows int) As Begin Declare @Sel Nvarchar(2000)set @Sel=N'Select *,Row_number() over(order by myId) as ROWNUM from MyFirstTable Where ROWNUM Between ' + convert(nvarchar(15),@StartRowIndex) + ' and ('+ convert(nvarchar(15),@StartRowIndex) + '+' + convert(nvarchar(15),@MaximumRows) + ')-1' print @Sel Exec Sp_executesql @Sel End
--Execute Mypro 1,4 --->>Here I Executed Error Select *,Row_number() over(order by myId) as ROWNUM from MyFirstTable Where ROWNUM Between 1 and (1+4)-1 Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid column name 'ROWNUM'. Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Invalid column name 'ROWNUM Procedure successfully created but giving error while Excuting'. Please anybody give reply Thanks
I wanted to programmatically create SqlServer JobSchedule The job is to copy data from a particular table in one Database to another table in another DataBaseUser should be able to Schedule/modify Date and Time on which a job is to be executed is to be configured through a UI Screen (WebForm.aspx) I am using VSStudion2003 , with with SQL2000 as database .
ANY idea on how to do this ????? Please help me? Thank u all in advance
I am running SQLServer 2000 SP3 with MDAC 2.8.On instances created via MSDE, I am unable to create the first step ina job. Instances created with SQLServer 2000, this problem does notoccur.The message I am receiving on the instances created with MSDE, themessage I get immediately upon pressing the Add button to define a stepis "Error 170: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ''"Any help would would be greatly appreciated.Wardell Castles
I have installed sqlserver 2005 and by mistake i have made a default instance. I previously had sqlserver 2000 installed on my machine. Now I want to create a new instance of sqlserver 2005 but dont know how to do it .... Please help me on this
I 'm working with visual studio 2005 and I have created an SQLServer Project. I'm using the CLR functionality which comes with SQLserver 2005. This means that I can write VB.nEt code and use it inside Sqlserver 2005.So far so good. I am now inside the .NET I have created a Function(must remind you that I have created an SQLserver Project) which takes two string arguments. The date value in a string format and the string format.
In Our case the function returns a string.It will return a datetime although. So we have
Dim Datetime_Val As DateTime = Nothing Dim Date_Val As Date = Nothing Dim StrTemp As String = "" Dim StrDateTemp As String = Nothing Dim StrTimeTemp As String = Nothing Dim ls_return As String = Nothing Dim lindexof As Integer Dim Counter As Integer = 0
lindexof = 0 Select Case StrFormat Case "DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MIS" For Counter = 1 To 2 lindexof = StrDate.IndexOf("-", lindexof + 1) Next lindexof += 5
The above is a simple code. As you can see I'm trying to convert the TO_DATE function ,which work with ORACLE, to make it work with SQLServer 2005. I've been trying unsuccessfully to combine the variables StrDateTemp and StrTimeTemp into a datetime value. I used the following code but nothing
Datetime_Val = CDate(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp) Didn't work
Datetime_Val = Convert.ToDateTime(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp) Didn't work
Datetime_Val = DateTime.Parse(StrDateTemp & " " & StrTimeTemp) Didn't work
But I am receiveing an error. I want to avoid changing all of my applications with a specific format.This sql statement without the dbo prefix I'm using in Oracle. I want to keep the format of the SQL and let VB.NET do the parsing for me. It is easier for me to put in my SQLs the dbo infront rather changing the complete SQL. I have two questions . How am I going to create a TO_DATE function which Oracle uses and write something similar in SQLserver ? And If I cannot do that how am I going to get the database 's datetime format and create with VB.NET the Datetime value from the two variables ?
My problem I believe is quite complex. I would be mostly appreciated if you could help me on this.
Hi, Apologies if this has been asked before, i've done a search but can't find a definitive answer. I've created a table in an SQLExpress 2005 db using Server Managment Studio Express. My intention is to use GUID fields as surrogate PK's. I therefore wanted to add a additional index to prevent duplicate records being added to the table. Not having used SQLServer before could someone confirm or deny that this is the correct way to do this. The PK field [EPISODEID{unique identifier}] is set as a non-clustered index. And i've created a second clustered index using the two fields that create a unique record. I've added a screen shot if that is any help.
I'm installing Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 Premium. I am at the stage where I am installing the Premium Technologies. Specifically, I am trying to configure permissions for the new SHAREPOINT instance of SQL Server 2005. When I try to create the new login NT AuthorityNetwork Service, typing it exactly as specified in the instructions, I get the following error:
Create failed for Login 'NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service' (Microsoft.Sqlserver.Smo)
For help, click:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Windows NT user or group 'NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service' not found. Check the name again. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15401)
For help, click:
I have two tables, one a data table, the other a product table. I want to perform a join on the two tables with values distributed into columns based on the value in the month field.
I need to encrypt one column of a Sql Server 7 database. I would like to use some sort of function to accomplish this so regular reporting tools can grab the encrypted data.
The report runs but I get a "#ERROR" when I place the field on the report.
I next tried creating a new column with the SQL statement:
SELECT Project.ProjectCode AS PC, Project.StatusCode AS SC, Time.StandardHours AS Hours, Time.StandardChargeAmt AS StdAmt, Time.TaskUID as UID, Time.StandardChargeRate as Rate, ChargeableFlag, 'Bill' =
Case When TaskRule.ChargeableFlag = 0 Then 'Non-Bill' When TaskRule.ChargeableFlag = 1 Then 'Billable'
[Code] .....
This query, less the case statement for BLAmt creates the dataset for the SSRS. Adding the Case statement for the BLAmt produces the error: "Invalid column name 'Negamt'."
Can anyone assist me with a script that adds a new column to a table then inserts new values into the new column based on the Table below. i have included an explanation of what the script should do.
Column from Parts Table Column from MiniParts New Column in (Table 1 ) (Table 2 ) MiniParts (Table2)
I have 2 tables in a database. Table 1 is Parts and Table 2 is MiniParts. I need a script that adds a new column in the MiniParts table. and then populate the new column (NewMinipartsCL) based on Values that exist in the PartsNum column in the Parts Table, and MiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts columns.
The new column is NewMiniPartsCL. The table above shows the values that the new column (NewMiniPartsCL) should contain.
For Example Anytime you have "1" in the PartsNum column of the Parts Table and the MiniPartsCL column of the MiniParts Table has a "K" , the NewMiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts Table should be populated with "DK" ( as shown in the table above).
Anytime you have "1" in the PartsNum column of the Parts Table and the MiniPartsCL column of the MiniParts Table has a "K" , the NewMiniPartsCL column in the MiniParts Table should be populated with "K" ( as shown in the table above). etc..
I need to access columns from a data flow by ordinal position in a script transformation (I'm parsing an excel file which has several rowsets across the page). The first problem I encountered is the generated BufferWrapper does not expose the columns collection (i.e. Input0Buffer(0) does not work) but I got around that by implementing my own ProcessInputs(InputId, Buffer) method instead of using the wrapper.
My problem now is that the column ordinals are in some random order (i.e. Column "F1" is ordinal 1 but Column "F2" is 243). Where in the object model can I map between the name and the ordinal - it's not jumping out at me?
PS Why is the script editor modal, it's frustrating having to switch between the Visual Studio environment and the VSA one.
I use select @@identity to return @@identity from my store procedure,but I could not retrive it from my Visual basic code, like variable=oRS.fields.item(0).value, it always says item can not be found....