How To Create View Of Union On Variant Tables ?
Apr 1, 2008
HI, Guys:
I've some AT_DATE tables (eg: AT_20080401, AT_20080402, ...) in SQLServer DB, and these AT_XX table have same columns. but table count could be variant, so I have to query sysobjects to get all of these tables. like this:
select name from sysobject where name like 'AT_%'
Now I try to create a view AT which is the union of all these AT_XX tables, such as:
Code Snippet
Create View AT as
select * from AT_20080401
select * from AT_20080402
union ...
but since I'm not sure how many tables there, it would be impossible to write SQL as above.
though I could get this union result via stored-procedure, view couldn't be created on the resultset of a procedure.
Create View AT as
select * from AT_createView() <-- AT_createView must be a function, not procedure
I've checked msdn, there is Multi-statement table-valued function, but this function type seems to create one temporary table, I don't want to involve much of insert operation because there could be more than 1million records totally in these AT_XX tables.
So is there any way to achived my goal?
any reference would be appreciated, thanks !
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Jan 4, 2008
I have 2 tables:
Customer Table: ID, OrderID (composite key)
100, 1
100, 2
200, 3
200, 1
Order Table: OrderID, Detail
1, Orange
2, Apple
3, Pineaple
Assuming each customer always orders 2 items. I need to create a SQL query that shows as following (a view or a temp table is OK). How do I do that?
CustomerID, Order Detail1, Order Detail2
100, Orange, Apple
200, Pineaple, Orange
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May 6, 2014
I have 2 identical tables one contains current settings, the other contains all historical settings.I could create a union view to display the current values from table A and all historical values from table B, butthat would also require a Variable to hold the tblid for both select statements.
Q. Can this be done with one joined or conditional select statement?
DECLARE @tblid int = 501
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'CurrentSetting'
FROM TableA ta
WHERE tblid = @tblid
SELECT 1,2,3,4,'PreviosSetting'
FROM Tableb tb
WHERE tblid = @tblid
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Jul 31, 2014
I have two table studenTtable and courseTable which is each student take more than one course . 1:M...for example Student1 take 2 courses (C1 , C2). Student2 take 3 courses (C1,C2, C3).I need to create a table/View that contain student information from StudentTable plus all the courses and the score for each course from CoursTable in one row.
for example Row1= Student1_Id ,C1_code ,C1_name ,C1_Score ,C2_code,C2_name ,C2_Score Row2= Student2_Id,C1_code, C1_name,C1_Score,C2_code ,C2_name ,C2_Score , C3_code,C3_name,C3_Score
and since Student one just have two courses , I should enter NULL in 'Course 3 fields'.My Struggle is in the insert statement I tried the following but it show an error
Insert Into Newtable ( St_ID, C1_code,c1_name, C1_Score ,C2_code ,C2_name,C2_score,C3_code ,C3_name,C3_score)
Select (Select St_ID from StudentTable) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from Coursetable,SudentTable where course.Stid =Studet.stid) , (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid ), (Select C_code,c_name,c_Score from course ,student where course.Stid =Studet.stid );
I'm fully aware that the New table/View will break the rules of normalization ,but I need it for specifc purpose.I tried also the PIVOT BY functionality but no luck with it .I also tried writing a code using Matlab (because it is high level sw that it is easy to learn for people not expret in programming as me) but didn't know how to combine the Student and Courses Matrices in my loop.
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Sep 1, 2015
I want to create a view to get records from multiple tables. I have a UserID in all the tables. When I pass UserID to view it should get records from multiple tables. I have a table
UserInfo with as data as
UserID=1, FName = John,
LName=Abraham and Industry = 2. I have a
Industry table with data as
ID=1 and Name= Sports,
ID =2 and Name= Film.
When I query view where UserID=1 it should return record as
FName =John,
LName = Abraham and
Industry= Film
How to write query?
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Jan 14, 2015
I am looking to create a new view by combining two tables, but i would like to create a new column in the view that identifies what table the data came from. For example I have a Table A and Table B, using a union i combined the two table but i want a new column titled Source which could be populated by A or B.
This is my code so far:
Create View Table_AB As
Select *From Table_A
Union All
Select*From Table_B
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Jul 10, 2014
I’m receiving the following message when attempting to run the SQL statement below.
Error report:
SQL Command: force view "UIP_SOC"."SEG_VIEW_EWO_2"
Failed: Warning: execution completed with warning
SELECT seg_value AS code, seg_desc AS name, SUBSTR(seg_value,5,4) AS EWO4, SUBSTR(seg_value,5,6) AS EWO6
WHERE seg_name = 'EWO' AND seg_value IN (SELECT ewo FROM stage_budget_v)
Referenced View Columns:
Referenced Table Columns:"UIP_SEGMENT_VALUES"
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Aug 8, 2006
I have 3 tables I want to use in a view. Table A has field 1,2,3,4,5and table B has field 1,2,3,4,5. I want to do a union on these. (I havedone so successfully if I stop here) I also want to join table C whichhas field 1,6,7,8,9. I would like to join on field 1 and bring in theother fields. I can join table C to A or B. I can union table A and Bbut I do not know how to both union A and B then join C. Can someoneplease help me? Thanks in advance.
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Jun 27, 2006
I have a view V1 created as a plain UNION from 2 tables:
If I create another view V2 just filtering V1 through a WHERE clause (e.g. SELECT * FROM V1 WHERE x < y) I don't get any rows returned.
However, if I write the SELECT clause within each branch of the former UNION, I correctly get all the rows.
Is this a known bug of SQL Server 2000? If yes, is there a SP fixing it?
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Jul 19, 2006
I have a view that is using UNION ALL to combine common fields of two tables, this is my statement:
This works fine, but I would also like some fields that do not match to appear in the view. It is OK if the value is null for the rows of data from the other table that doesn't have the columns.
The other columns are called DLCI from CT_FRAME_T and then VPI, VCI from CT_ATM_T.
My view would then return ID, STATUS, ACTIVE_STATUS, NS_PARENT_CHANGE_NUM, NS_REP, NS_CHANGE_NUM, NS_CHANGE_IDENTIFER, DLCI (where applicable), VPI and VCI (where applicable). Is this possible?
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Jul 20, 2005
I attempted to create a view in SQL Server 2000 that Unions twoqueries. The first part of the query gets data from the local server,the second part gets info from a linked server. (The query works finein Query Analyzer.)I received this error when I tried to save the query:ODBC error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] The operation couldnot be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable tobegin a distributed transaction.[Microsft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server][OLE/DB providerreturned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specifiedtransaction coordinator.]After a little reading I discovered the "Database limitation":"A view can be created on a table only in the database the viewcreator is accessing".That's my problem... is there a simple solution or alternative tocreating a view?Thanks,Matt
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May 8, 2015
I have a performance issue with one of the views when I join the view with a temp table
I have 2 Views - View1 and View2.
There is a third view - view_UNION where the
view_UNION =
If I have a query like -
Select view_UNION.* FROM
the execution is too slow.
But if I execute the views separately, I get good performance.
How to improve the performance of the view_Union
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May 26, 2008
Anyone see a way to trick the optimizer into not scanning all tables involved in the view?
-- create two test tables
create table dbo.test1
(testID int, TestName varchar(10))
create table dbo.test2
(testID int, TestName varchar(10))
-- populate
declare @i int
set @i = 1000
while @i > 0
insert into dbo.test1
select @i, '1.' + cast(@i as varchar(5))
set @i = @i - 1
insert into dbo.test2
select 1, '2.1' union all
select 2, '2.2'
-- create view
create view dbo.vw_Test
select1 as QueryID,
union all
select2 as QueryID,
-- this works as i want, only scans table dbo.Test2
select *
whereQueryId = 2
-- joining to a table triggers scan of both tables in view:
declare @table table (QueryID int)
insert into @table
select 2;
fromdbo.vw_Test vt
join@table t on
vt.QueryID = t.QueryID
Using the showplan I can see why the optimizer ends up scanning all tables, but maybe there is a way to force it to use the QueryID param evaluation earlier in the filtering.
Nathan Skerl
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got a view that creates a parent child relationship, this view isused in Analysis Services to create a dimension in a datastore. Thisquery tends to deadlock after about 10 days of running smoothly. Onlyway to fix it is to reboot the box, I can recycle the services for aquick fix but that usually only works for the next 1-2 times I call theview.This view is used to create a breakdown of the bill-to locations fromContinent-Global Region-Country-Sub Region-State/Province- City-ZipCodeYes, I know that sounds crazy, but it was a requirement.So why would I get a deadlock on a SELECT Query? Is there a way to setthe Isolation level to Repeatable Read for a view?Here is the view code:CREATE View dbo.vwBillToas-- US ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.ZipCode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.City,z.ZipCode_WK,US_Region_wk, z.State_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.State_Long+' ('+cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) asvarchar)+')',z.City as 'Child',z.City + ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.State_shrt), '0') +cast(IsNull(z.US_Region_wk,0) as varchar) + ')' as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US zWherez.US_Region_wk IS NOT NULLGroupby z.State_Long,z.City,z.State_shrt,z.US_Region_wkUnion-- Canada ZipCodeSelect 'Parent'=z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') +')',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child',z.Zipcode_WK as 'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion--CitySelect 'Parent'=z.Province_Long,z.City as 'Child',z.City+ ' ('+ ISNULL(RTRIM(z.province_shrt), '0') + ')' as'Child_ID'Fromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CAN zinnerjoin dbo.FACT_SALES fonz.ZipCode_WK=f.Bill_ToGroupby z.Province_Long,z.ZipCode_WK, z.City, z.province_shrtUnion-- Canada ProvinceSelect 'CANADA',Province_Long,Province_LongFromdbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_CANGroupby Province_LongUnion-- CountrySelect t.Region_NK,c.Country_Name,c.Country_NameFromdbo.DIM_COUNTRY cInnerJoin dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION tOnc.Region_WK=t.Region_WKWherec.Country_Name Is Not NullGroup by t.Region_NK, c.Country_NameUnion-- SubRegionSelect c.Country_Name,sr.US_Region_Name,sr.US_Region_NameFromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_COUNTRY cOnsr.Country_wk=c.Country_WKGroupby c.Country_Name, sr.US_Region_NameUnion--RegionSelect sr.US_Region_Name,c.State_Long,c.State_Long+' ('+cast(c.US_Region_wk as varchar)+')'Fromdbo.DIM_US_REGION srInnerJoin dbo.DIM_POSTAL_CODES_US cOnsr.US_Region_WK=c.US_Region_WKGroupby sr.US_Region_Name, c.State_Long,c.US_Region_wkUnion-- ContinentSelect Null,Region_NK,Region_NK[color=blue]>From dbo.DIM_WORLD_REGION[/color]WhereRegion_NK Is Not Null
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Jul 24, 2012
Write a CREATE VIEW statement that defines a view named Invoice Basic that returns three columns: VendorName, InvoiceNumber, and InvoiceTotal. Then, write a SELECT statement that returns all of the columns in the view, sorted by VendorName, where the first letter of the vendor name is N, O, or P.
This is what I have so far,
SELECT VendorName, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceTotal
From Vendors JOIN Invoices
ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.VendorID
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Sep 17, 2007
I am very new to database and have a question about views, that I hope someone can help me with, i am sure its simple:
I have to tables for storing different users, I want(for a log in function),to make a view that combine these to tables.
so all names stored in table1 under column customer_name, and all names stored in table2 under column name contact_name will in the view be stored under column username.
What shall a do?
Thanks for all help
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Jun 20, 2008
Hi,I was wondering if someone can help me. I have 4 tables in an SQL Server 2005 database, for purposes sake called 'table1', 'table2', 'table3' and 'table4'. They all have the same data structure between them. The columns inside them have the exact same design. For purposes sake called 'column1', 'column2', 'column3' and 'column4'. Alot of these tables have duplicate records scattered between them, so basically I want to create 'table5' with the same column names but only unique records. Can someone specify the syntax I need for this. I'm pretty sure it's a union query I need so am scouring as I type this also. Many Thanks Robert
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Jul 7, 2004
I want to create a table with a union. Which I have already accomplished. I want to specify the Primary Key in the statement.
Or would I have to use another statement. How would I do that? With an update and what would the syntax be?
Thanks before hand,
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Aug 4, 2004
Hi All,
I'm trying to create a proc for granting permission for developer, but I tried many times, still couldn't get successful, someone can help me? The original statement is:
Create PROC dbo.GrantPermission
@user1 varchar(50)
Grant create table to @user1
Grant create view to @user1
Grant create Procedure to @user1
Thanks Guys.
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Sep 7, 2005
I am trying to get a consolidated sum of all the columns of the two tables that I am Using the UNION on. I can not get the sum function to work or the group by.
SELECT T2.State,t2.Taxcode,
Taxable =
When T1.TaxCode <> 'exempt' and T1.TaxStatus = 'Y' then T1.LineTotal - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal)
Else 0
'NonTaxable' =
When T1.TaxCode = 'exempt' or T1.TaxStatus = 'N' then T1.LineTotal + T1.DistribSum - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal)
Else T1.DistribSum
T1.VatSum as 'Total Tax', (T1.LineTotal + T1.DistribSum - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal) + T1.Vatsum) as 'Line Total'
FROM inv1 t1 inner JOIN oinv t0 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry inner join CRD1 T2 on T0.Cardcode = T2.CardCode
WHERE T0.DocDate >='[%1]' AND T0.DocDate <='[%2]' and t2.address = T0.shiptocode and t2.adrestype = 's'
SELECT t2.state,t2.taxcode,
Taxable =
When T1.TaxCode <> 'exempt' and T1.TaxStatus = 'Y' then -(T1.LineTotal - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal))
Else 0
'NonTaxable' =
When T1.TaxCode = 'exempt' or T1.TaxStatus = 'N' then -(T1.LineTotal + T1.DistribSum - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal))
Else T1.DistribSum
-T1.VatSum as 'Total Tax', -(T1.LineTotal + T1.DistribSum - ((T0.DiscPrcnt/100) * T1.LineTotal) + T1.Vatsum) as 'Line Total'
FROM RIN1 t1 inner JOIN ORIN t0 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry inner join CRD1 T2 on T0.Cardcode = T2.CardCode
WHERE T0.DocDate >='[%1]' AND T0.DocDate <='[%2]' and t2.address = T0.shiptocode and t2.adrestype = 's'
order by T2.STATE
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Oct 26, 2015
I have the following MDX Query:
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
[Cost Centres].[Cost Centre].[All].Children
on 1
From MyCube
which produced the following table:
Cost Centre
What I am hoping to do is create a set out of the Union of specific values in the [Cost Centres].[Cost Centre] and [Locations].[Locations] hierarchies into a single set and use that new set in my MDX query across the columns.
Using the table and query from above, I have the following conditions that would determine the value in the set (lets call the new set 'NewSet')
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = X Then "CustomType1"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Y Then "CustomType2"
When Cost Centre = 1 and Location = Z Then "CustomType3"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Y Then "CustomType4"
When Cost Centre = 2 and Location = Z Then "CustomType5"Else "Default"
Then, if I was to execute the new query:
set NewSet as "Some Unknown Magic Here"
Select {measures.[Dollars]} on 0,
non empty
[Divisions].[Division].[All].Children *
on 1
From MyCube
I would end up with
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Sep 17, 2007
I have three tables named as BroadCastetails,PaymetMaster,MemberMaster.
I have two query as mentioned below--
SELECT MemberMaster.FirstName, MemberMaster.LastName, BroadCastDetails.BroadCastName FROM BroadCastDetails INNER JOIN MemberMaster ON 5 = MemberMaster.MemberID AND BroadcastCreationDateTime between '01/01/2007' AND '12/12/2007'
SELECT BroadCastDetails.ScheduledStartDateTime, BroadCastDetails.TotalCalls FROM BroadCastDetails UNION SELECT PaymentTransaction.TransactionDate, PaymentTransaction.CallsToCredit FROM PaymentTransaction
I want the result of the above two query in a GridView.How can I do that ? Its urgent...
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Nov 18, 2003
I have an Orders Table and a Freeshipping Table.
CustomerId OrderDate Quantity
========== ========= ========
1000 01/01/2003 5
1000 01/04/2003 9
1000 01/08/2003 14
2000 01/01/2003 4
1000 06/03/2003 9
4000 05/02/2003 4
CustomerID FreeDate
========== ========
1000 01/01/2003
1000 01/03/2003
How can I write a query that will return the following result to show the order details for customerid 1000
for a date range between 01/01/2003 and 01/08/2003
OrderDate Quantity FreeShipping
========= ======== ============
01/01/2003 5 Y
01/03/2003 0 Y
01/04/2003 9 N
01/08/2003 14 N
Note that even if an order was not placed and the date was a freeshipping date, it is still displayed in the resultset
Thanks in advance,
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Mar 27, 2006
I have 2 Tables one called Reps and the other called STORES
I need to use a UNION statement but my Server is saying that the "UNION" is ERROR The Query Designer does not support the UNION SQL construct.
What command would I use to put these 2 tables together?
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Nov 8, 2007
I have 2 temporary tables from a previous operation, Tab1 and Tab2, with the same dimensions. How do I create a third table Tab3 with the same dimensions containing the the combined rows of the 2 previous tables? TIA!
Col1 Col2 Col3
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2
Col1 Col2 Col3
X1 Y1 Z1
X2 Y2 Z2
X3 Y3 Z3
After the required sql operation I should have
Col1 Col2 Col3
A1 B1 C1
A2 B2 C2
X1 Y1 Z1
X2 Y2 Z2
X3 Y3 Z3
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Feb 19, 2008
Hi there, I have some identical tables that I want to query for a search Is there anyway I can execute the unions first then a where command on all the tables at once I have tried using go but it doesn't seem to work, so I put the where statemtents at the end of each union for now. Here's my code:
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM england WHERE company LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address1 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address2 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address3 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address4 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address5 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR postcode LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' " &_
"UNION ALL SELECT * FROM ni WHERE company LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address1 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address2 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address3 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address4 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address5 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR postcode LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' " &_
"UNION ALL SELECT * FROM wales WHERE company LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address1 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address2 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address3 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address4 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address5 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR postcode LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' " &_
"UNION ALL SELECT * FROM scotland WHERE company LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address1 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address2 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address3 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address4 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR address5 LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%' OR postcode LIKE '%" & iKeyword & "%'"
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Apr 12, 2006
I have currently a problem with setting up the permissions for some developers. My configuration looks like this.
DB A is the productive database.
DB B is a kind of "development" database.
Now we have a couple of users call them BOB, DAVID, ...
who are members of the db role db_reader and db_writer for the productive db a but they should be allowed to do nearly everything on db b.
Therefor I added them to the db role db_owner for db b.
For testing purposes I tried to "CREATE" a view TEST as BOB in database B but I received the error message
'Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Procedure Test, Line 3
CREATE VIEW permission denied in database 'b'.'
I cross checked the permissions on db level and I even granted all available permissions on db level but nevertheless I receive this error message.
What's my mistake?
Of course it worked fine when I give them sysadmin rights but then they have far too much permissions.
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Feb 10, 2015
This query works perfectly and orders by just as I need
'1st' As [Type],
[Code] ....
However, when I use it in a Union All so I can pull data from 2 diff tables, the order by statement no longer works. How can I order by data in 2 tables?
'1st' As [Type],
[Code] ....
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Oct 4, 2013
I try to build some query on hierarchy data and after two days thinking about it i have null result. What I need is union more trees tables by root id to one table.
-- tree
-- this query is functional: OK
WITH tree (sid, parend_id, level) as
SELECT sid, parend_id, 0 as level
[Code] ....
But this query work with one root id (100); what can i do when i have more roots id ? -> generate each tree table separated by roots id and then all tables join to one (union).
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Aug 5, 2007
Is it possible to combine the following tables:
To one table, like this:
id licenses
1 3
2 2
3 1
-There is always the same number of rows in both tables.
Thanks a lot!
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Oct 4, 2007
I'm using SQL2005, SP2
I have multiple temp tables with the same column structure that I would combine into into a single temp table using Unions.
Is this possible?
Select * From #temp1
Union All
Select * From #temp2
Union All
Select * From #temp3
Into #Temp4
I thought I would ask while I continue to research this in case someone came back with the solution before I was able to track it down elsewhere.
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Oct 17, 2007
What is the standard way to union tables with exactly the same schema that are in different databases?
For example:
Code Block
USE db1 SELECT * FROM table1
USE db2 SELECT * FROM table2
this will return the following error:
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'use'.
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Aug 14, 2000
I had given one of our developers create view permissions, but he wants to also modify views that are not owned by him, they are owned by dbo.
I ran a profiler trace and determined that when he tries to modify a view using query designer in SQLem or right clicks in SQLem on the view and goes to properties, it is performing a ALTER VIEW. It does the same for dbo in a trace (an ALTER View). He gets a call failed and a permission error that he doesn't have create view permissions, object is owned by dbo, using both methods.
If it is doing an alter view how can I set permissions for that and why does it give a create view error when its really doing an alter view? Very confusing.
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