How To Customize SSRS 2000 HTML Viewer Without Affecting Other Folders Or Clients?
Apr 17, 2007
Hi all,
Got a good question to ask. At the moment, I do not have any control over the reporting server webserver. This is due to the company's policy. The webhosting is controled by antoher department.
Anyways, the question is the following:- Is there a way to customize the config file for the htmlviewer (css style sheet, rendering and others) for a specific client without affecting the rest ?
There are about 20 clients on a server, and I am responsible for one of them. I had customized my config file to render or allow only two formats for this particular client. Since I don't have any control over the websever, I just can't replace the config file without affecting the others. How do i do this ? I just want th config file to ONLY affect a certain client's HTMLViewer and not the others. I tried to do some research on this, but came up empty handed.
Yesterday I Customize Style Sheets for the report manager. Today I tried to customize Style Sheets for HTML Viewer but it doesn't works. I have done all that steps :
- I include the <HTMLViewerStyleSheet> setting into the <Configuration> selection of the rsreportserver.config file and then specify the style sheet I want to use : <HTMLViewerStyleSheet>HtmlViewer2</HTMLViewerStyleSheet>
- My rsreportserver.config file is into the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServer folder.
- The style sheet HtmlViewer2.css is located in the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesReportServerStyles folder.
I'm using SQL Server 2005.
Can someone Help me ? I have been trying change the style of the toolbar all the day and i start to be desperate !
Small problem here. I have successfully installed the Data Mining Web Controls in my pc. I can use it to display the result that i want, the problem is the expand image and collapse image did not show out in the column, by the way I can click the blank column to expand or collapse the tree node, it function completely. How can i display the expand image and Collapse image?
I am going through the data mining web control viewer tutorial and its going great. I have been able to build and setup the viewer. The problem I am having is when I publish the site out to my web server, it gives me the following error:
Code Snippet
Error: Either the user, <domain><computerName>$, does not have access to the prospectDataMining database, or the database does not exist.
When I debug this on my local machine via Visual Studio 2005, it works GREAT! It is just when I publish the site to the web server.
I have a dedicated SSAS server along w/ a dedicated web server. To test, I published the site to the SSAS server to see if it was a connection issue. I received the same error w/ a different <domain><computerName>$.
I looked at trying to put in the optional connection info for the dataMining html tree viewer properties... but apparently dont know how to do that properly. I also checked the IIS directory security and enabled Integrated security.
What am i doing wrong? ANY help is much appreciated.
I am new to SSRS. I am doing some report models for Ad-hoc reports. Im my database i have some users and their roles according to my requirement. User should only see the particular reports if he have privilege. how to customize...
User will access Report Builder to do adhoc report.
For example I have 5 report Models rptModel1 rptModel2 rptModel3 rptModel4 rptModel5
In my data base there are 3 users. user1 have privilege to view rptModel1, rptModel3 user2 have privilege to view rptModel4, rptModel5 user3 have privilege to view rptModel2, rptModel5
When Particular user access the report builder, There i want to show only that particular Report models... is there any posibilities to do this please Help me.
I have one query in sql server reporting services securities.
In ssrs i have folders like(Custom reports, testreports,...). these folders are having reports. In this i want to give permissions to folders means if i gave permission to user1 to access the custom reports folder then he is able to access to that folder only and he is not able to access to any other foldes. How to give permissions to folders.
I had reports using the HTML Viewer working in RS 2000. The servers were both O/S Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Reporting Services 2000) The default toolbar and parameters area were formatted and looked fine.
We just migrated to new servers with Windows 2003 Server, SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, Reporting Services 2005. I have the reports working fine...except the toolbar and parameters areas look as if there is no formatting at if the style sheet isn't being applied (not even the default one --see below).
Although I don't think this is necessary....I tried the following to resolve the issue....
I have 3 SSRS 2014 (Dev, UAT and Prod). I would like to change background colors of each environment and customize the title 'SQL Server Reporting Services' to ' SSRS Development'.
I prefer to implement both, a background color change and a title change. The reason for this is to clarify to end users which environment they are working with.
Where can I make those minimal changes in SSRS 2014.
If I run the below command, it clean up the files inside the folders but unable to clean up the folder and sub-folders older than 30 days. xp_ cmd shell ' forfiles -p "D:abcd" -s -m *.* -d -30 -c "cmd /c del /Q @path"'
I have created a new SSRS Server and done all of the basic security setup for the site but I am having trouble with client machine access...At first I had an issue with being able to access report manager from any client and ended up having to shut off windows authentication on the client IE settings to get it to work. Now I am trying to run Report Builder from a client machine and it will not download. The client machine is on the same domain and my user id is set as an administrator within SSRS and as a local admin on the 2008 server.
I had the thought that without windows auth in the browser maybe it can't permit me access to the application but if I turn it on I can't get to it to download it. I have set Full Control rights to the folder as well. Most of the info out there is for 2005 and that uses IIS to host the pages where as 2008 does not. Here is the details of the error:
PLATFORM VERSION INFO Windows : 6.1.7600.0 (Win32NT) Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.4927 System.Deployment.dll : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) mscorwks.dll : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) dfdll.dll : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900) dfshim.dll : 2.0.50727.4927 (NetFXspW7.050727-4900)
we are currently working in a project where we need to create reports in Visual Studio 2005. the parent screen has a drop down which specifies the name of the report along with some other parameters. then the report is displayed in the same screen. now the issue is we are pretty much confused as to what to use to generate these reports? HTML or SSRS? the input fileds are only from date and to date and the displayed fileds are also not that many.
I'm using sp_OACreate in a scalar function to create a folder if it doesn't exist, and it works fine if you're asking it to create a single folder. For instance: C:Newfolder
It creates "Newfolder"
However, if I try to ask it to create C:NewfolderNewsubfolder
It doesn't work
Here's the code:
DECLARE @Exists int, @ObjFile int, @ObjFileSystem int, @Folder nvarchar(500) = 'C:', @Action tinyint = 1 --(0 to check if folder exists, 1 to actually create it)
Hello,I'm looking into offering a custom data driven web app that I wrote for an organization that I'm apart of to other similar organizations. I would be hosting the data and web application code on my dedicated server. This application is using the membership api supplied in .NET 2.0 and also has my own custom data tables within it.My question is what would be the best way to add clients to this? Should I simply create a new database for each new client like so: ACME_Database, ABC_Database, AAA_Database etc. Or should I add some sort of client "Tag" (tag meaning column within each datatable) to these databases and then update my SQL queries to process them accordingly. I imagine I could do both but I guess I need some advice from people that already had experiance with providing this kind of service. Thanks!Jason
I have a database being built that has a java front end, a SQL 2000 back end, and most of my clients are win98, will this work ok?? And if not do I need to upgrade to all w2k?
I'm going to use report viewer to view the SSRS reports that I create. I have created bunch of reports. But I can publish only one report on report viewer. How can I publish more than one reports there just like on report manager. Can I view those reports just clicking links of each reports? How can I make links? When I use reportview in visual studio it allows me to create only one report and when I dploy it straightaway it brings up the report in web form, but not the link like we see on report manager. Is there anyway I can create links for each reports?
Or in other words, I want to integrate report server and report viewer. But I dont have a very good idea about report viewer. So please can anyone explain the basic steps?
I'm going to use report viewer to view the SSRS reports that I create. I have created bunch of reports. But I can publish only one report on report viewer. How can I publish more than one reports there just like on report manager. Can I view those reports just clicking links of each reports? How can I make links? When I use reportview in visual studio it allows me to create only one report and when I dploy it straightaway it brings up the report in web form, but not the link like we see on report manager. Is there anyway I can create links for each reports?
Or in other words, I want to integrate report server and report viewer. But I dont have a very good idea about report viewer. So please can anyone explain the basic steps?
I am writing an app that will allow a user to select various information for displaying in a report. The sql is dynamically generated when the user clicks on "Get Report". Currently, I am using a gridview with a datasource and I pass the query to the datasource and it displays in the grid view. However, our company has expressed a need to migrate reporting to SSRS.
Is there any way that I can use dynamic sql with a template report and feed the dynamic sql to it so that all I would have to do is write a single rdl or rdlc and pass it the sql?
Alternatively, is there a way to have One ReportViewer show multiple parameterized reports. Ie. User selects the report from a dropdown and then selects the parameter options from other dropdowns and when they click "get report" it loads the chosen report with the parameters?
1) - I need to get the RDL (the RDL format merged with the data, like a rendered report in RDL format) - to pass back to the client Report Viewer. Is there a way to do that? I do not see that as an optional output types.
2) - I need to export to a specific file/path from the client side Reportviewer.. Is this possible? Is there a lower level API for this?
Is there any way to get SSRS 2014 report viewer to run in standards mode? We currently host SSRS report viewer in a standards mode IFrame. Seems to work fine for all browsers but IE8. In IE8, the report detail is missing.
I'm guessing that SSRS Viewer on IE 8 requires Quirks mode.
I noticed this article which states that SSRS 2014 Viewer only works in quirks mode.
Rendering issues with SQL Server Reporting Services reports in Internet Explorer
How do you get the SSRS viewer to run on IE8 in standards mode?
I have an issue as to where only some reports are visible within Report Viewer url. But if I navigate to the path of the rdl's there are many more present that should be visible through Report Viewer. The client was recently upgraded, and I seem to have all out of box roles and permission levels yet can only see some of those reports, as if some were manually copied to this folder location at a later point and perhaps some user job needs to be run to reflect import those additional rdl's?
Hi!I want to write a function or stored procedure such that it will useADO2.6 or better so I can use the XMLhttpServer.When this function is invoked it will execute a URL and gather thehtml code and store it in the Db.So one thought would be how can I write a Stored Proc or function inSQL to instantiate a DLL and use it? In this case I want to use ADOdll and use the xmlhttp functions. I pass some parameters to this dlland it will return data and the SP will store the results in the DB.Thanks
Does anyone know of a link or list that has all the parameters for the "rs:" section of the URL access parameter, except for the ones in the Microsoft books?
How do I prevent SQL Server 2000 from posting successful backupcompletion messages to the Windows 2000 Application Event Log?I have scheduled jobs which backup my transaction logs on 50+ databasesand it always writes to the Windows 2000 application event log uponcompletion.Due to the frequency of the jobs it only takes a day for theApplication Log to fill up, which is causing other jobs to get hung upwhen trying to write to it. On my Windows 2000 server, I have theapplication log event viewer setting correctly set as:"When maximum log size is reached - Overwrite events as needed" but forsome reason this setting no longer applies like it did for the pastthree years. SQLServerAgent and MSSQLSERVER both run under a localAdmin account, without a domain.When I researched how prevent SQL Server from logging this type ofmessage, I found that I can use sp_update_alert to disable thismessage, but I cannot findthe message_id to correctly disable this message. In sysmessages, themessage I am trying to suppress iserror:18265severity:10dlevel:128description:Log backed up: Database:%1, creation date(time): %2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number ofdump devices: %7!d!, device information: (%8).mslangid:1033I tried calling sp_update_alert as follows:exec sp_update_alert @name = 'Log backed up: Database: %1, creationdate(time): %2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number of dumpdevices: %7!d!, device information: (%8).', @enabled = 0but got the error message:Server: Msg 14262, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_update_alert, Line105The specified @name ('Log backed up: Database: %1, creation date(time):%2(%3), first LSN: %4, last LSN: %5, number of dump devices: %7!d!,device inf') does not exist.Looks like it can only handle 128 characters.How can I disable this message from being logged in the ApplicationLog? Or alternatively, how can I get the event viewer to behave asexpected and"Overwrite events as needed"?Thanks,Mike Orlando
Hello, I'm using Reporting Services to render a text (stored in sql as varchar(max)). The text is all plain text, with some lines having trailing spaces.
Source text file i've imported to SQL via SSIS: CLIENT: 10055 STATEMENT 2007 DATE:1002993 THIS IS THE OTHER STATEMENT COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN 3 TRY THIS
*Note the trailing spaces on the line before 'STATEMENT 2007'.
I've designed a report using the Report Project in VS2005 to retrieve this text via a stored procedure. When I test the report using the 'Preview' tab in the IDE, it looks good CLIENT: 10055 STATEMENT 2007 DATE:1002993 THIS IS THE OTHER STATEMENT COLUMN1 COLUMN2 COLUMN 3 TRY THIS
But when I deploy the report and run it using URL Access:
CLIENT: 10055 STATEMENT 2007 DATE:1002993
On all lines with trailing spaces, they (the trailing spaces) have been removed. This is affecting my formatting of some reports and statements. We really want to use the report viewer as it has built in paging, print and export capabilities.
Why does it look okay in VS2005 but different in Report Viewer via URL Access and Report Manager?
Note: When I export as PDF, it looks okay.
The stored procedure I use to return the data is a CLR Hosted assembly as below:
Code Snippet Partial Public Class StoredProcedures <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _
Public Shared Sub GetPagedDocument(ByVal inText As SqlString) Dim dr As SqlDataReader Dim row As New SqlDataRecord(New SqlMetaData("RowText", SqlDbType.Text)) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select cast(doc as varchar(max)) as 'DOCTEXT' from testdoc WHERE id='" + inText + "'") Dim cn As New SqlConnection("context connection=true") cn.Open() cmd.Connection = cn SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(row) 'initialise the resultset to be returned dr = cmd.ExecuteReader 'If no records in result set, return. If Not dr.HasRows Then
row.SetString(0, "There is no document to display or you do not have permission to view the document.") SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(row) SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd() ' SqlContext.Pipe.Send("There is no document to display.") Return End If 'Read rows in the result set dr.Read()
'Get the entire text Dim docText As String = dr.Item("DOCTEXT") 'debug row.SetString(0, docText) SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(row) SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd() Return 'end debug
i just clicked on Advanced mode in Column Group, and then in Row Group Side i set Fixed Data=true for first top static. I'm using local report not server report and i'm displaying that local report in Reportviewer. Now also its not working....
Do I need the report server running in order view a SSRS report in a report viewer control? I've created my report in .net and it works great when I'm viewing it in visual studio, but can I run it my web app without the report server.
I am retrieving a field from SQL and displaying that data on a web page. The data contains a mixture of text and html codes, like this "<b>test</b>". But rather than displaying the word test in bold, it is displaying the entire sting as text. How do I get it to treat the HTML as HTML?
I have a table with 23 columns. 8 columns are not always filled by users and so valued to default. Would this affect the overall performance of querying this table? Should I separate those 8 columns and link with a one-to-one relation?
I have a table "PageInfo" wich has columns "PageID, Title(has "AboutUs" as one of the values), DateModified, Active". My other table is "AboutUs" and has columns "ID, WhatsNew, Welcome, Active".
My goal here is that if table "AboutUs" is affected as an "INSERT" or an "UPDATE" on any row, I want "PageInfo.DateModified" WHERE "PageInfo.Title = AboutUs" to be updated with "getDate()". Don't know if I'm clear enough but thanks in advance.