How To Design Databases Dynamically?

Jul 14, 2007

We are developing products to target thousands of clients.
Front-End : C#.Net 2005
Back-End : SQL-Server 2005

We started an Inventry control project (Product) with 10% percent of data as we didn't meet any clients (User requirements). I mean, I could not get complete user requirements. version by version, I need to change the database dynamically, and it should support backward compatiblity. While altering the database the existing primary keys are affecting. It seems I need to complete reconstruction of data Layer, Business Layer and Presentation Layer. How to avoid reconstructions in such scenerios? How database designers designing databases for a product like this? Or should I need to create "Table_Name_Serial_Number" (identity data type) column for each table and column to be primary key of that table?. Please help me!

Thanks in advance,
R. Pandiarajan.

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How To Dynamically Update Existing 50 Databases' Sp?

May 21, 2002

I have 50 MSDE SQL2k servers, each server has around 10 customer databases.
There are 5 stored procecures need to update to 50*10 = 500 databases.
These 5 stored procedures each has many 'Go' keywords and 4 of 5 with more than 8000 characters.
What might be the best way to loop execute them automatically, instead of
isql/w to each database connection to run the script?

I had bumpped by 'Go' keywords error and limitation of max varchar of 8000 error.
thanks for the help

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Dynamically Switching Databases In A Script

May 2, 2006

I've got a situation where I need to execute portions of a script against every database on a given instance. I don't know the name of all the databases beforehand so I need to scroll through them all and call the "use" command appropriately.

I need the correct syntax, the following won't work:

SELECT dbname
FROM #helpdb
ORDER BY dbname




USE @dbname

The last line - the "USE" statement - is invalid. The following for example works:

USE master

But when supplied a declared variable a syntax error results for the use command because it expects an identifier.

So .. what is the correct syntax to pass a declared parameter to "USE", or is there another way to meet this requirement?

Thanks for your time.

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New Databases In SQL Server...easy Design Methods?

Dec 2, 2005

I am new to using SQL Server but will be having to get to know it at work and have downloaded SQL Server 2005 Express to tinker with at home.

What are the easiest methods to set up a relational database?

Are there any tools you can download to give SQL Server or the express version functionality similar to Access?

Can you get a tool to allow you to not only design tables in design view but then go on to create relationships and a database model?

Please excuse my ignorance if this is possible already, can anyone provide any links to getting started links?

There seems to be plenty out there about writing queries and stored procedures etc. but I haven't found as much about setting up a database from scratch.

Thanks in advance,


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DB Design :: Join Two Table From Two Different Databases But Same Server

Nov 9, 2015

I am trying to join two table from two different databases.

Database 1 = Agent and Table = Stats 
Database 2 = Amount and Table = Sales 

The common field is Expr1 (table1) and Initials (table2)

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DB Design :: Auto-growth Script For All Databases?

Oct 5, 2015

I am trying to create sql script which will check all databases file size and then depend on the size set up auto growth different sizes with MB.

for example, sql server has 50 databases with different sizes, i would like to change auto growth all databases with different autogrowth size MB.

  File size       Data Autogrowth   Log Autogrowth 
  0MB - 250MB           25MB             25MB
250MB -   1GB          250MB            250MB

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DB Design :: Resizing LDF And MDF Files Of Server Databases

Jul 9, 2015

I want to control the size of ldf files and mdf files of several databases on SQL Server 2008 in my organization (manual increase), but i have a question:

What would be the best practices (best methods) for provisioning a ldf file and mdf file?  Exists any generic formula?

With this i want to avoid the shrink operation and the autogrow of sql server databases...

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DB Design :: Moving All SC Databases From Their Respective Application Servers To A Central One?

May 18, 2015

We are planning to move all of our System Center Databases that reside on front end servers to each system center application to a centrally located SQL 2012 server. We'd like to centralize everything and have our DBA care for the server. here is our setup:

SCOM has 1 monitoring and 1 Data warehouse server. SCCM has 1 server with all roles on it. DPM database is on the same server as Application. Same with SCVMM. I have 2 questions regarding this move:

1. Can I have all these databases running on 1 SQL instance?

2. Is there a best practice document that highlights steps and "gotchyas"

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DB Design :: DataType Change In Databases To Support Multi-language

Sep 13, 2015

i need to change the production database structures with multi language Support , datatype from VARCHAR to NVARCHAR in all SQL Objects SQL Objects: Tables, Functions, Stored Procedures...Some of production Tables with 15 Croces records with 10 to change the entire databases through SQL scripting

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DB Design :: Database Design For Matrix Representation

May 13, 2015

I have a scenario like below

Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5
Product1 1
1 0 0
Product2 1
1 0 0
Product3 0
0 1 1
Product4 0
0 1 1
Product5 1
1 0 0

How to design tables in SQL Server for the above.

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Database Design/query Design

Feb 13, 2002

Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:




It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.

Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played

Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic

TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.

TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.

Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!

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DB Design :: Table Design For Packages

Aug 18, 2015

I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show.  How to design the table.. 

Product name   :  
Nestle milk |
Rainbow milk
packages  :

50,20,5 |

(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos  
| CTN=8 Nos

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Linking Tables From Different Databases Or Querying From Multiple Databases

Dec 10, 2007

Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query. 

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Service Broker Not Working For Restored Databases (SQL 2000 Databases Restored On 2005)

Jan 24, 2006

I just restored my SQL server 2000 database on the SQL server 2005. after this i ran the Service broker sample ("Hello World") on this database by changing the AdventureWorks name to the new database name. The "setup.sql" runs fine. When i run the "SendMessage.sql" i was not getting any rows in the output (The message was not getting inserted into the queue). I checked the Service broker is enabled on this databased using the query "select is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name = 'newdbname' " It was 1. I even tried the ALTER DATABASE SET ENABLE_BROKER. but it didnt work.

When i tried the sample on a newly created database it worked fine.

Is there any solution to make the restored database to work for service broker.



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Copying Databases Between Databases

Feb 8, 2000

hi from France !!!

i would like how to duplicate a database to another server with all datas, constraints, keys, indexes...
should i use sp_attach_db, dts, backup/restore, sql scripts... ???

thanks to all, nico

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How To Put Table Name At Dynamically ???

Oct 14, 2006

Hi,I have 30 Table with same structure but it will accept different value at RunTime according to AirCraftType. I wand to create a stored prosedure that will accept TableName, FlightDate, FlightNo. whenever i wnat to execute this code in the database I received error :Must declare the variable '@TableName'create proc InsertDataForAirBus330 @FlightNo varchar(5),@TableName varchr(5),@FlightDate datetime
insert into @TableName values(@JourneyDate,@FlightNo,18,42,280,3,7,35)plz suggest me how to solve this pboblem...Jasim...

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How To Get A Database Name Dynamically ?

Aug 13, 2007

How to create a sql statement that dynamically matches a database name in a stored proc. Somthing like this:
Select Table_name
From Information_schema.Tables
Where Table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and Objectproperty (Object_id(Table_name), 'IsMsShipped') = 0
and table_name like 'Item%Master'
and (DATABASENAME=????????????????)

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SQL Query ... Dynamically

Jun 7, 2008

 Hi....I am fresh to .... i want to get the Request.QueryString Value Dynamically in SQL Query ... I have attached the coding of two files please gothrough and give the solution..First File : -actyearwise.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="actyearwise.aspx.cs" Inherits="acts_actyearwise"    MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">    <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" AllowPaging="false" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1"        Width="80%" align="center" runat="server">        <ItemTemplate>            <tr style="font-family: Arial; font-size: small;">                <td align="left" width="7%">                    <a id="href1" href="actcheck.aspx?2007" target="_self">2007</a>                </td>                <td align="left" width="7%">                    <a id="A1" href="actcheck.aspx?2006" target="_self">2006 </a>                </td>                <td align="left" width="7%">                    <a id="A2" href="actcheck.aspx?2005" target="_self">2005 </a>                </td>                <td align="left" width="7%">                    <a id="A3" href="actcheck.aspx?2004" target="_self">2004 </a>                </td>                           </tr>        </ItemTemplate>    </asp:FormView>    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" OnSelecting="AccessDataSource1_Selecting"        ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:InetpubwwwrooteLawApp_DatasampleDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"        ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM actindex "></asp:SqlDataSource></asp:Content><asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="FooterPlaceHolder1" ID="Content2" runat="server"></asp:Content> actyearwise.aspx.csusing System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;public partial class acts_actyearwise : System.Web.UI.Page{    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {            }    protected void AccessDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)    {    }}// This page works Properly...   In the actyearwise.aspx ..just some years with link... i have entered ...the href page is actcheck.aspx(below).. In this page i want the years dynamically.. please go throughSecond file : -actcheck. aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="actcheck.aspx.cs" Inherits="acts_actfiles_actcheck"    MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">    <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="3"        DataKeyNames="actno" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource1" Width="100%" AllowSorting="true">        <Columns>            <asp:BoundField HeaderText="actno" Visible="False"/>            <asp:TemplateField SortExpression="actno">                <ItemTemplate>                    <table width="80%" align="center">                        <tr>                            <td align="left" width="3%" colspan="3">                                <%# Eval("actno") %>                            </td>                            <td align="left" width="75%">                                <a id="href1" href="actshorttitle.aspx?<%# Eval("actid") %>" target="_self">                                    <%# Eval("actname") %>                                </a>                            </td>                        </tr>                    </table>                </ItemTemplate>            </asp:TemplateField>        </Columns>    </asp:GridView>    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" OnSelecting="AccessDataSource1_Selecting"        ConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:InetpubwwwrooteLawApp_DatasampleDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"        ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM actindex where actyear = 'check' ">    </asp:SqlDataSource></asp:Content><asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="FooterPlaceHolder1" ID="Content2" runat="server"></asp:Content> actcheck. aspx.csusing System;using System.Data;using System.Configuration;using System.Collections;using System.Web;using System.Web.Security;using System.Web.UI;using System.Web.UI.WebControls;using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;public partial class acts_actfiles_actcheck : System.Web.UI.Page{    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String check = Request.QueryString.ToString();    }    protected void AccessDataSource1_Selecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)    {    }}  The text i had bold and italics in the actcheck.aspx... is the problem..... From the actyearwise.aspx .. i was passing the actyear value ..... In actcheck,aspx .. i want to get it dynamically in SQL Query...... Please give the solution .. I am using the SQL  database.Table name actindexfields nameactnoactnameactidactyear In the actyear field i have different years .... Thanks in advance      

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Dynamically Specifying TOP In Query

Apr 23, 2002

I'm trying to dynamically set the TOP value in a query, but it doesn't work. Any other way it can be done?

Doesn't work:
declare @sometopvalue int
set @sometopvalue = 100
select top @sometopvalue
from table1 ORDER BY BRDCST_DT_TM field1 desc

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How To Pass Top A Value Dynamically

May 19, 2004

Hi Guys: I am trying to get a top parameter dynamically but it does not seem to work

FROM Sales)
FROM Sales

but when I hard code the value it works

FROM Sales

any ideas...Thanks

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Loop Through Each Value Dynamically

May 2, 2014

I have a query that pulls many values and I want to loop through each value dynamically using a query.



I want those results to loop and run this:


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Create SP Dynamically

Sep 2, 2005


I am trying to create a sp dynamically. However each time, I run my sp, which creates the dynamic SQL for the sp, then it automatically changes:



Alter PROCEDURE ....

Then I am obvoiusly getting the error msg:

Invalid object name.

How can I get rid of that?

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How To Set Column Name Dynamically?

Oct 18, 2006

HI chaps

my scenario is that, i have a table in which i have column such as col01,col02,col03....col31

i want to retrieve the records related to that column by specifying the name dynamically (by using loop) as fist three character are same ('col??') and i have to do integer increment in last two character (???01...???31). Is it possible that I can use variable for column name?, if yes how? or is there any other way to achieve this task ?

waiting for your reply


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Get Filename Dynamically

Jul 26, 2007

Using a ssis package I have several tasks.
A variable is also created called FileName.
There is a flat file connection called InputFileName.
initially when I designed the package, I hardcoded the pass of one of the .csv files into the path of the flatfile connection.

There is a dataflow which has flatfile source and oledb destination. These two basically pickup the file and import into the database using mapping.

So therefore the package works and data gets imported into the database.

Then I used the variable to make the filename dynamic. So I removed the hardcoded connectionstring in the InputFileName.

Is this the right thing to do to make the package dynamic? I would like to pass in any .csv filename and so the package runs.
My question is now that the connectionstring is deleted but instead placed an expression for the filename, then how does the system know which file to use?


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Import *.dbf Dynamically

Mar 5, 2007

Hi, there;

I am doing a SSIS project, my target is:

I have a source folder which have some *.dbf files (the number of
files will change as time goes on) exported from another application. I want my SSIS package to load data from these dbf
files in the source folder to my SQL2005 database no mather how many
dbf files will be.If the destination table already exists in the database,
the logic logic will do update (delete and import again), if not, create a new table on th fly and then
pump the data.

What I did here is that I have a foreach loop container which contains Script
task, Execute SQL task and a data flow. The Foreach container now can
connect to the *.dbf files successfully, the Script task can read
schema information from each dbf file and create script "Create table ...."
successfully and Execute SQL task can create table in my new empty
database successfully! But I have problem in the data flow task: my OLEDB Source points to the dbf file folder and set Data Access mode to "Table name or view name variable",but when I set Variable Name to a package level variable ("tableName"), I get error: Error at Data Flow Task_Pumping data from Admar [OLE DB Source [2737]]: A destination table name has not been provided.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202042 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

Does anybody know what to do to create table and pumping data on the fly? (Using variable as table name)

Big Thanks here.

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How To Get The Database Name Dynamically?

Aug 13, 2007

I need an sql statement that dynamically matches a database name in a stored proc. Here is my attempt

Select Table_name

From Information_schema.Tables

Where Table_type = 'BASE TABLE' and Objectproperty (Object_id(Table_name), 'IsMsShipped') = 0

and table_name like 'Item%'

and (DATABASENAME=????????????????)

Can someone help me out?


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How To Dynamically Set The ServerPassword

Aug 18, 2006

I have an FTP Task where I have to set the server password at run-time. I have the ftp connection manager set up. What I normally do is configure the ftp server connection manager using a dtsConfig file but I can't do that in this case. I won't know the serverpassword until I get a parameter from the user.

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File Name Dynamically

Apr 11, 2008

I have CSV file as source for SSIS package every time the filename will be changing like trd_1990M1_1990M12.csv

trd_1991M1_1991M12.csv , trd_1992M1_1992M12.csv so it will vary as per user selection . i need to run the same SSIS package to execute the package whichever the file name.

Please let me know the solution for that how to pass the file name dynamically to SSIS package.

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Dynamically Name Folders

Feb 12, 2007

Apologies in advance for the newbie question. I'm new to Integration Services and am trying to build my first project.

I want to dynamically create folders based on the results of a stored procedure. The resultset is limited to one column but can contain multiple rows. (It returns a list of 8-character strings representing dates.) This returned value needs to be combined with the path where the new folders should be created.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I've run the stored procedure and put the resultset into a RecordSet Destination that uses a variable of type Object. (At least, I think I've done it correctly.) But I have not been able to figure out how to access this data to actually create the folders.

Thanks for the help,


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Passing Value To SqlDataSource Dynamically

Jul 10, 2006

Following is my code which is not working.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID=events runat=serverSelectCommand="SELECT * FROM TBL_EVENT WHERE SECTION_ID=<%= Session("ID")%>"ConnectionString = "<%$ appSettings:SQLConnectionString %>"</asp:SqlDataSource>
I want to pass the value of Session("ID") into that query. How can I do that?

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Dynamically Choosing Connection --please Help

Jul 26, 2007

 i have to store some data on a remote sever(MS SQL SERVER2000). The scenario is like 1. The web application runs on a local machine. User (who inputs) uses through LAN.2. The Input should  be stored in the remote server. if the remote connection is ok. otherwise it should be saved in local server's database(MS SQL 2000).3.  In the application's web.config  there is a connection string pointing to the remote server and another one (alternating one) points the local server's database. in scenario like this i first  to tested the remote connection. if it is not ok  then i initialize the local server's connection like thisprivate MyConnection()    {                        try            {                connectionSql = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnForRemote"].ToString());                connectionSql.Open();            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                connectionSql = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnForLocal"].ToString());            }            finally            {                connectionSql.Close();            }        connectionSql2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Temp"].ToString());                   }My problem is when the remote connection is lost it takes almost 1 minute to store in local database. how can i make it more time efficient. Thanks....

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Dynamically Generate SqlDataSource

Jul 31, 2007

Hi, how I do create SqlDataSource in the code-behind,setting Select SQL along with its parameters and, finally automically generating Del, Update, Insert SQL.
Is there a way to achieve this goal as it would in VS designer?

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Create Tables Dynamically

Sep 12, 2007

Hi! I am using VS 2003 (v 1.1)
I need to generate tables with the values from the Backend (SQLServer 2000) database in C#.Net.
How can i create the tables, tablerows, cells, etc. from the codebehind page of C#. I am having a very little knowledge about dynamic generation.
Give me the complete code with can example (if possible)
Thanks & Regrads
Jai Shankar

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