How To Develop Sproc With A Sql Tool

Mar 12, 2008


I heard from someone that sql procedure can be created by some sql server tool. So if i am using a sql 2005 or 2000 , how i can create a custom stored procedure. ?


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Why Not Using The Same Develop Model As Normal .NET Develop?

Aug 27, 2007

Now, the developement in SqlServer Clr is obviously different from the develop in normal programs. there are many limitation in Clr develop, and it take many work to use dll alread exsits in Clr develop.

I do know that some limitation is reasonable, BUT much more limitation should be removed.

For example, now in order to use enum that exists in old dll in sqlServer, we have to create a new project and write many similar class to wrap the old enums, it's very troublesomely and slow!

so pls make the develop model consistent as possible.

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SQLDataSource Cntrl - FormView Cntrl - UPD Sproc And Sproc Debugger. I Dare Anyone To Figure This One Out.

Feb 13, 2007

I have attached the results of checking an Update sproc in the Sql database, within VSS, for a misbehaving SqlDataSource control in an web application, that keeps telling me that I have too many aurguments in my sproc compared to what's defined for parameters in my SQLdatasource control.....
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata]
( @ME_Rev_Nbr = 570858
, @A1 = No
, @A2 = No
, @A5 = NA
, @A6 = NA
, @A7 = NA
, @SectionA_Comments = none
, @B1 = No
, @B2 = Yes
, @B3 = NA
, @B4 = NA
, @B5 = Yes
, @B6 = No
, @B7 = Yes
, @SectionB_Comments = none
, @EI_1 = N/A
, @EI_2 = N/A
, @UI_1 = N/A
, @UI_2 = N/A
, @HH_1 = N/A
, @HH_2 = N/A
, @SHEL_1 = 363-030
, @SHEL_2 = N/A
, @SUA_1 = N/A, @SUA_2 = N/A
, @Cert_Period = 10/1/06 - 12/31/06
, @CR_Rev_Completed = Y ).
No rows affected.
(0 row(s) returned)
Finished running [dbo].[sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata].
The program 'SQL Debugger: T-SQL' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
And yet every time I try to update the record in the formview online... I get
Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function sp_UPD_MESample_ACT_Formdata has too many arguments specified.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
I have gone through the page code with a fine tooth comb as well as the sproc itself. I have tried everything I can think of, including creating a new page and resetting the fields, in case something got broken that I can't see.
Does anyone have any tips or tricks or info that might help me?

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What Do I Need To Develop SQL 7.0 Offline?

Feb 16, 2001

I have to design, load and write scripts for a remotely hosted SQL 7.0 Server.
My desktop computers are both Windows 98. What do I need to develop and publish databases from my desktop to the remote host? I have always had the luxury of having direct access to the SQL Server and cannot find any conclusive guidance at Microsoft's site.
Thanks so much for your help.

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SQL CE Develop/Deploy

Jul 26, 2007

Hello all,
I've looked through this forum and haven't found an answer to my question, but I'll make this short and sweet, as I know your time is valuable.
I've taken a MS Access database and turned it into an SQL database for our server, it works. However, I want to make an identical database (to distribute to 30-40 employees) in SQL CE, so that employees can work on their laptops offline and sync their data to the main database when they return to the office. Am I going in the right direction, or is there a better way to do this?
I won't bother you for a step-by-step, but any and all info/guidance you could provide would be of great use to me.
Thanks for your time!!!


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How To Develop Cross-Tab Like Query

Sep 7, 1999

I have a table which stores the following data:

Col1 Col2
A Apple
A Orange
B Pear
C Banana
C Tomato
C Apple
C Pear

I want to display it in the following manner using a SELECT statement.
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
A Apple Orange
B Pear
C Banana Tomato Apple Pear

Can anyone help me figure out this SQL Statement.


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Develop Authorization Matrix

Sep 16, 2015

I am trying to develope a authorization matrix for cpmpany of 75 employees, with different roles and permissions for roles to some applications like CRM , diiffrent folders,databases etc. I tried to find some informaton about this auhtorizaion matrix.

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How Do I Develop Project Like SQL Compare 6?

Nov 1, 2007

This is my first message in this forum. I am a University Student. I have to develop project that compares two databases objects then finds differences between two databases. Then project must synchronizes two databases. This project is similar with Red Gates's SQL Compare 6. I couldn't find any idea to start developing this projet. Is there anybody that has any idea?

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On A Lighter Note - What Equipment Do You Use To Develop?

Mar 27, 2007

This isn't a performance type of question, or whose CPU is bigger, but I'm more interested in knowing what people use out there as far as monitor setups go.

The root of the question stems from working in large package where there are many components laid out on the work flow. What do you use to work with large layouts? I constantly find it troubling to view enough of my package and am always zooming out to see more of the package. However, when doing that, the text becomes unreadable, of course.

I currently use a dual-monitor setup using my laptop and a LCD flat screen.

Resolutions on the laptop is 1920 x 1200 and the LCD monitor is 1280 x 1024. This helps to keep windows and output screens on one monitor while keeping the work flow on the other. Even still, I wish I had more screen real estate.

So, what say you?

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Managing Live And Develop Database

Dec 7, 2006


I haven written a Windows program in Visual Studio 2005. This program stores data in and retrieves data from a SQL Express database. The customer is starting to use the program and filling the database with data. However the program is still under construction (new functionality will be added) and so is the database (new tables, views etc. will be added). 

Of course I could send the customer the new database, but than all data already entered will be lost.....

I'm thinking about using the SQL Management Studio Express and VS2005 to connect remotely to the database (a VPN connection is availabe) but worry about performance issues.... Or should I use some kind of replication / synchronization and how, because this is new to me. 

What is the best way to solve this 'problem' ?












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EXEC Of A Sproc Within Another Sproc

Apr 23, 2004

I'm sorta new with using stored procedures and I'm at a loss of how to achieve my desired result.

What I am trying to do is retrieve a value from a table before it is updated and then use this original value to update another table. If I execute the first called sproc in query analyzer it does return the value I'm looking for, but I'm not really sure how to capture the returned value. Also, is there a more direct way to do this?


Sproc that is called from ASP.NET:

@EntryLogID int,
@ProjectID int,
@NewCategoryID int,
@Expended decimal(10,2)
DECLARE@OldCategoryID int

EXEC @OldCategoryID = BP_GetLedgerCategory @EntryLogID

ProjectID = @ProjectID,
CategoryID = @NewCategoryID,
Expended = @Expended

EntryLogID = @EntryLogID

EXEC BP_UpdateCategories @ProjectID, @NewCategoryID, @Expended, @OldCategoryID

Called Sprocs:

@EntryLogID int

FROM BP_EntryLog
WHERE EntryLogID = @EntryLogID


@ProjectID int,
@NewCategoryID int,
@Expended decimal(10,2),
@OldCategoryID int

SET CatExpended = CatExpended + @Expended
ProjectID = @ProjectID
CategoryID = @NewCategoryID

SET CatExpended = CatExpended - @Expended
ProjectID = @ProjectID
CategoryID = @OldCategoryID

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Exec Sproc In Sproc

Jan 20, 2004

create procedure dbo.GetZipID( @City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6))
DECLARE @CityID integer
declare @StateID integer
declare @ZipID integer
set @ZipID=2
set @Zip5=lTrim(@Zip5)
if @Zip5<>''
SET @ZIPID = (select Min(lngZipCodeID) AS ZipID from ZipCodes where strZipCode=@Zip5)
if @ZipID is null
set @CityID= EXEC GetCityID(@City);
set @StateID= EXEC GetStateID(@State);
insert into ZipCodes(strZipCode,lngStateID,lngCityID) values(@Zip5,@StateID,@CityID)
if @@ERROR = 0
SET @ZIPID = @@Identity
select @ZIPID

GetCityID and GetStateID are two stored procs, how do I execute those two stored procs
in the above stored proc? I mean what is the syntax??


View 2 Replies View Related Confgiguration Tool. Tool Keeps Timing Out

Mar 2, 2006

is it possible to change the settings on this tool. i want to have it so that it does not time out at all? or is that possible??

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How Hard It Is To Develop On Express And Deploy On 2000?

Jun 2, 2006

Hey everyone,First off, sorry if this has been asked and answered before--I've tried searching the forums but may have just not used the right criteria.  Anyways, I'm new to .net and all that stuff, and I was wondering if there were any differences (code-wise) between developing on 2005 Express and running on SQL 2000.  I know there would be variations in the connection string, but I wasn't sure about anything else--specifically if they both use the sql provider thingy (I forget the name of it, since I don't have my book in front of me).  I don't expect there to be many differences, but I wanted to check before I got too deep into coding.Thanks in advance.

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First Time Installation Of SQL Server 2005 Develop

Oct 13, 2007

Just placed the SQL Server 2005 - Developer Edition into my Drive...

I get prompted with the following options..
This DVD contains 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit versions of this edition of SQL Server 2005. Click the link that matches your environment to begin
x86-based operating systems
x64-based operating systems
Itanuim-based operating systems
I'm new to SQL Server... I just need to start learning how to use it... because it is being used at work... Don't need the all the features installed, just the normal table and query for the moment...
I will be installing it on my PC... i
Microsoft Windows XP - Home Edition - Version 2 - Service Pack 2
My local Hard Drive remaining capacity is 12.6GB
External Hard Drive remaining capacity is 11.0GB
Tried looking everywhere for the answer... lol (even looked at YouTube for a simple installation video....
Thanks for your help

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How To Develop Today Screen Plug In For WM5 Pocket PC

Apr 17, 2007

Hi, anybody help me how to develop Today Screen plug in for WM5 pocket pc.

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Develop Multiusers Applications With SQL Server Express

Feb 3, 2006

Can I develop applications with SQL Server Express that I have more than one user in several computers working with the same database on a server, or I can only develop applications with only one user with a local database with SQL Server Express?

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How To Start Develop Database Applicaton On Pocket Pc ?

Jul 27, 2006

i have install vs2005 and wm5 sdk on my pc. i want to develop database application on my pocket pc (database = sqlserver 2005 express)

- i need to install another software on my pc or pocket pc ?
- how to start develop database application on my pocket pc?

thank you

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Is Anyone Using C# And The SSIS Objects To Develop/Modify Packages?

Mar 26, 2006

Anyone out there developing or modifying packages w/ C# and the SSIS objects that I can compare notes with?


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Develop Report Using 2008 And Deploy On 2005..........?

Jan 10, 2008


just wanted to know,
Is it possible to deploy a report develped by 2008 on to ssrs 2005 server, if so does it work fine.....?

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Is It Possible To Develop A Custom Report Item Other Than Image Type

Sep 10, 2007

I have developed a renderer that renders the xml to paint a rectangle with textboxes in all the right places based on the data retrieved off the database. When i render the a complete report to the reportviewer i have no problem.

I need however to render the rectangle into a custom report item for reusability and different scenarios. This just seem to be impossible since it seems like I cant use anything other than an imagemap to render custom report items. Is this true?

To make sure you other words....

Is there a way to develop a Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.IRenderingExtension that renders the required xml like rectangles/textboxes etc. and then migrate this to a custom toolbox item. It just seems like this should be a very easy thing to do and something regularly needed. For example when you want to use textboxes in certain positions within a rectangle to draw a organisational chart.

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What SQL Server Version Should I Use To Develop On And Install On A Client Pc For A Winforms App?

Nov 30, 2006

Hi all,

I've finally received my first official assignment using and SQL Server.

I have been developing / learning with both on the express editions.

I've also just run into some issues trying to access a SQL Server 2005 Express .mdf thru
SQL Server 2005 Pro.

We just couldn't get it to open. Connecting or Attaching etc...

We had to install SQL Server Express on the other PC to get it to open the SQL Server 2005 Express .mdf.


Now that I am ready to develop in ernest, I would like to setup my own controlled development environment.

Our target is a winforms application with a SQL Server 2005 Database for WinXP or Vista.

I'm ready to purchase Visual Studio 2005 Pro once I figure out the best development environment and SQL Server Version.

Specifically, once I've developed my winforms app, what issues do I need to consider to install a SQL Server 2005 database server / engine on a client / users machine?

Can I use the SQL Server 2005 Express?
Or perhaps there is an MSDE equivilant for 2005?

I can't seem to find any info regarding installation procedures for SQL Server in this regard.
(Perhaps its because I'm using the express editions?)

Any positive contructive help would be greatly appreciated.


Barry G. Sumpter

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Does 64-bit Version Of SQLServer Compact In Microsoft's Develop Schedule?

Nov 11, 2007

I am looking forward to a native 64-bit file-based database solution on Microsoft Windows platform. And I don't know why Microsoft didn't release the native 64-bit solution for JET engine (MDB file).

So, before I using this light-weight and file-based version of SQL Server, I will like to ask the question that the 64-bit version has been put into develop schedule?


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Reporting Services :: Develop SSRS Report Based On Grouping Of Certain Columns

Sep 1, 2015

I want to develop a ssrs report which is grouped by month?

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Data Warehousing :: How To Decide Whether It Is Required To Develop Operational And Analytical Reports

Jul 15, 2015

I have received some reports and I have been asked to decide whether these reports can be developed as an operational report or Analytical Reports.

Basically I wanted to understand what points needs to be considered while deciding whether I should go for Analytical reporting (Cubes) or Operation Reporting.

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What Version Of SQL Server To Choose In Order To Develop SSAS, SSIS And SSRS 2005 Projects On Xpsp2?

Oct 27, 2007

Good day community. I have a question about SQL Server 2005 Anywhere edition which i currently installed on my desktop. Does it fit my needs which stated on the subject? If no, what should i select for my projects?

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Looking For A Tool/ Middleware Tool Which...

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all.I'm looking for a tool which should act like some kind of middleware/logical layer bewtween the SQL server and the webbased user interface.- It should be possible to easily create simple web forms (only datainput and output) without programming effort by "clicking" the fieldsand their order on the web mask within an admnistrative interface.- It should also be bossible to add "new fields" to the database,including field type, permissions, value lists etc. (excluding anybusiness logic) without programming effort by administration.I know, that most workflow tools or "Trouble Ticket Tools", based ondatabases have this feature to easily configure new masks and add newfields to the database, but i need it as an tool-unspecific layer forthe MS SQL Server.Thank you very much for your feedback, any ideas are welcome!Best regards, Heiko.

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Need Help With An Sproc

Jan 25, 2008

This sproc seems to be way over my head. First off, let's start with the scenario. I have two tables. tblInventory and tblTempCart. Each contain an ItemID and Quantity. I need an sproc that will loop through the rows in tblTempCart and sum the quantity of each ItemID. Then, it needs to update the quantity in tblInventory based on what has been ordered for that ItemID.
What I have tried thus far:
UPDATE      dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreInventory]SET               Quantity = Quantity -                            (SELECT      SUM(dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart].Quantity) AS Quantity                              FROM           dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart]                              WHERE       dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreTempCart].ItemID = dbo.[4HCamp_tblStoreInventory].ItemID)
This works other than if the ItemID doesn't exist in tblTempCart, then it updates the quantity in tblInventory to NULL instead of retaining it's current value. I have no experience with looping in sql so any help will be greatly appreciated.

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SQL Sproc Help

May 2, 2008

I am trying to design a stored procedure to list out all of the unique software items that have been approved. There are multiple tables involved: CISSoftware, Software, Manufacturers, SoftwareTypes. Despite putting DISTINCT, I am still receiving rows of records where the software title (the title field) is a duplicate. Why is this query not working? Am I overlooking something?
  SELECT DISTINCT CISSoftware.SoftwareID, Software.Title, Manufacturers.ManufacturerID, Manufacturers.ManufacturerName, SoftwareTypes.SoftwareTypeID, SoftwareTypes.Type

FROM CISSoftware, Software, Manufacturers, SoftwareTypes

WHERE CISSoftware.SoftwareID = Software.SoftwareID

AND Software.ManufacturerID = Manufacturers.ManufacturerID

AND Software.SoftwareTypeID = SoftwareTypes.SoftwareTypeID

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Help On Using LIKE In Sproc

Apr 10, 2004

hi all,

I'm trying to learn using sproc in ASP.NET, but ran into problems I couldn't solve. Here're the details

My Table (JournalArticle)
ArticleID - int (PK)
ArticleTitle - varchar
ArticleContent - text

I could run a normal sql string against the table itself in ASP.NET and got the results I expect.
but when using a sproc, i couldn't get anything
The sproc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_ArticleSearch(@srch text)
AS SELECT ArticleID, ArticleTitle, ArticleContent
FROM dbo.JournalArticle
WHERE (ArticleAbstract LIKE @srch)

After reading some of the threads here, I experimented by changing ArticleContent and @srch to type varchar, still no luck, it's not returning anything.
I think the problem is when i set the value of @srch (being new at this, I could be seriously wrong though), like this:

prmSearch.ParameterName = "@srch"
prmSearch.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Text
prmSearch.Value = Request.Form("txtSearch")

My original string looks like this

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM JournalArticle WHERE (ArticleContent LIKE '%" & Request.Form("txtSearch") & "%')"

What am I doing wrong?? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Sproc Seems To Run Twice Instead Of Once...

Dec 2, 2004

I have tried to mix this around every way I can think of but the procedure inserts two rows instead of one. You will notice that I specify two commands/sprocs. I did that as part of my trying everything. when it was one command/sproc it did the same thing... What am I doing wrong? Please Help! :)


CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_addMembershipRole
declare @literal NVarChar (10)
SET @literal = 'RTRListing'

INSERT INTO dbo.RTR_memberPermissions ([memberID], [Role])
VALUES (@INCID, @literal)

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Web.Security;

namespace admin
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for createMembership.
/// </summary>
public class createMembership : System.Web.UI.Page
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vusername;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vpassword;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator Vretype;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox username;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox password;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox retype;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lblError;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label lblDate;
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnAdd;

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if(! Page.IsPostBack)
string StrContactID = Request.QueryString["CID"].ToString();
Session["CID"]= StrContactID;

#region Web Form Designer generated code
override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
// CODEGEN: This call is required by the ASP.NET Web Form Designer.

/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
this.btnAdd.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnAdd_Click);
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);


public void btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
int intContactID;
string StrCID = Session["CID"].ToString();
intContactID= Int32.Parse(StrCID);

if(password.Text != retype.Text)
lblError.Text = "Retyping of your desired password did not match. Please try again.";

string pwdSalt = CreateSalt(5);
string pwd = password.Text;
string pwdHash = CreatePasswordHash(pwd, pwdSalt);
string connStr= "server=****; uid=****; pwd=****; database=****";
string cmdStr= "sp_addMembershipUandP";
string cmd2Str= "sp_addMembershipRole";

SqlConnection CONN = new SqlConnection(connStr);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdStr, CONN);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlCommand cmd2= new SqlCommand(cmd2Str, CONN);
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter param;
param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = username.Text;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = pwdHash;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@salt", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
param.Value = pwdSalt;

param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@CID", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
param.Value = intContactID;

SqlParameter param2;
param2 = cmd2.Parameters.Add("@INCID", SqlDbType.Int, 4);
param2.Value = intContactID;



private static string CreateSalt(int size)
RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buff = new byte[size];
return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);
private static string CreatePasswordHash(string pwd, string salt)
string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt);
string hashedPwd = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(saltAndPwd, "SHA1");
return hashedPwd;

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Sproc In A Sproc

Jan 22, 2004

create procedure
GetAddress(@Addr1 varchar(40), @Addr2 varchar(40), @City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6), @Zip4 smallint)
declare @ZipID integer
declare @AddrID integer
set @AddrID=1
if lTrim(@Addr1)<>''

EXEC @ZipID= dbo.GetZipID(@City,@State,@Zip5)

set @AddrID = (select Min(lngAddrID) from dbo.Addrs where lngZipCodeID=@ZipID and Address1=@Addr1 and Address2=@Addr2)

In the above sproc I m trying to call another sproc GetZipID . Its giving me an error stating that

"Incorrect syntax near @City. "

Can you help me out? The same syntax works for passing one variable but not for three.

FYI this is the other sproc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetZipID(@City varchar(30), @State char(2), @Zip5 char(6))
DECLARE @CityID integer
DECLARE @StateID integer
DECLARE @ZipID integer

SET @ZipID=2
set @Zip5=lTrim(@Zip5)
if @Zip5<>''
SET @ZIPID = (select Min(lngZipCodeID) AS ZipID from ZipCodes where strZipCode=@Zip5)
if @ZipID is null

EXEC @CityID = dbo.GetCityID @City
EXEC @StateID = dbo.GetStateID @State

insert into ZipCodes(strZipCode,lngStateID,lngCityID) values(@Zip5,@StateID,@CityID)
if @@ERROR = 0
SET @ZIPID = @@Identity
Return @ZipID
print @ZIPID


Thx in advance

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Sproc This!

May 17, 2004

ha ha ,

havent used sql serv in years, and having trouble wit me sprocet! What devilish deed did i do?

Use Contacts

@entreddatetime= GETDATE(),


INSERT INTO [Contacts].[dbo].[Master](
[entered], [initials], [Vendor],
[CkNo], [expType], [ckDate], [ckAmt])


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