How To Get Multiple Column Value To Variable In PDW

Mar 5, 2014

how to get multiple column value to variable in PDW/DSQL?such as below

declare @a table(col1 int, col2 int)
insert into @a values (1,2)
declare @c int, @d int
select @c = col1, @d = col2
from @a
select @c, @d

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How To Merge Multiple Rows One Column Data Into A Single Row With Multiple Columns

Mar 3, 2008

Please can anyone help me for the following?

I want to merge multiple rows (eg. 3rows) into a single row with multip columns.

for eg:

Date Shift Reading
01-MAR-08 1 879.880
01-MAR-08 2 854.858
01-MAR-08 3 833.836
02-MAR-08 1 809.810
02-MAR-08 2 785.784
02-MAR-08 3 761.760

i want output for the above as:

Date Shift1 Shift2 Shift3
01-MAR-08 879.880 854.858 833.836
02-MAR-08 809.810 785.784 761.760
Please help me.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate Third Column Using Second Column And Variable

Nov 23, 2015

create table #t
id int,
col1 decimal(18,2)

[Code] ...

-- I want to subtract @X and col1. But my variable @X must be reduced for each value in col1 for each next row until it reaches zero.


-- id col1 col2
--@X at starting point is 15000
-- 1 5000.00 0 --@X IS 10000 = 15000 - 5000(col1)
-- 2 1000.00 0 --@X IS 9000 = 10000 - 1000
-- 3 10000.00 1000.00 --@X IS 1000 = 9000 - 10000
-- 4 12000.00 12000.00
-- 5 300.00 300.00
-- 6 35000.00 35000.00

--in col2 i just put zero where col1 is substract from @X and continue for every subsequent order.
-- in 3 row value is 1000 becouse @X is that big (1000 left from col1)

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update Multiple Column With Multiple Condition

Feb 25, 2015

I need to update multiple columns in a table with multiple condition.

For example, this is my Query

update Table1
set weight= d.weight,
(select * from table2)d
where table1.state=d.state and
table1.month=d.month and

If table matches all the three column (State,month,year), it should update only weight column and if it matches(state ,year) it should update only the stateweight column and if it matches(year) it should update only the overallweight column

I can't write an update query for each condition separately because its a huge select

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Multiple Columns With Different Values OR Single Column With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 22, 2007


I have multiple columns in a Single Table and i want to search values in different columns. My table structure is

col1 (identity PK)
col2 (varchar(max))
col3 (varchar(max))

I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3.
suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as








Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.

I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information.
for e.g.;
i was thinking to concatinate both fields like
col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA
and in search i use




Result = 1 row

But it don't work in following scenario
col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA






Result=0 Row
Any idea how i can write second query to get result?

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Transact SQL :: To Show Multiple Column In Multiple Rows

Aug 14, 2015

I have the following  database structure

Stock        Depth41     Depth12    Depth34
AAA            1              2              1
BBB             2            2               4

How can I show  Each Depth column as seperate row

AAA          1
AAA          2
AAA          1  as follows

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Run Multiple Sql Statments With A Variable

Oct 30, 2007

I am not sure how to do this. I need to run 3 sql statements against a table with a variable created in one of them.

Here is the first statement

Select ID from table1 where value = 1

Need to store that value in a variable

Update table1
Set value = 0
Where ID = variable

Update table1
Set value = 1
Where ID = variable + 1

ID is a incremental identity field, so it is numeric. Basically I need to change the value of one record to 0, and make the next records value = one.

Any help is appreciated.

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Using A Variable In Multiple Pakages

Nov 15, 2007

I have developed an application in SSIS which has 4 packages and another "Run All" package to run all these.
I want to declare a variable which I cna call in all the 4 pacages. It has to be initiated in "Run All".
Please help asap

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Counting Multiple Values From The Same Column And Grouping By A Another Column

Sep 16, 2004

This is a report I'm trying to build in SQL Reporting Services. I can do it in a hacky way adding two data sets and showing two tables, but I'm sure there is a better way.

Order# Customer Status

STATUS has valid values of PROCESSED and INPROGRESS

The query I'm trying to build is Count of Processed and INProgress orders for a given Customer.

I can get them one at a time with something like this in two different datasets and showing two tables, but how do I achieve the same in one query?

Select Customer, Count (*) As Status1
FROM TheTable
Where (Status = N'Shipped')
Group By Customer

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Concatenate Column Value From Multiple Rows Into A Single Column

Feb 27, 2008


I need to concatenate a column from multiple rows into a single column in a new table.

How can I do this?


Need to have



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Map One Generic Input Column To Multiple Destination Column

Aug 7, 2007

I have a stored proc I am updating in an OLEDB Command from the results of a Transform Script Component. The Stored Proc has over 65 input parameters, most of them have a NULL passed in. I dont want to create output columns in the Transform Script Component for all of them to map them from the "Available Input Columns" to "Available Destination Columns".

I want to create 3 or 4 generic Output columns for their data type - say IntegerOutput (datatype Int), DateTimeOut (datatype datetime) and so on. The I want to map these generic columns in the OLEDB Command as Available Input Columns" to multiple "Available Destination Columns" - wherever the datatype matches the input column.

But the OLEDB Command Column Mappings let me map One to One only. This will create a huge and unnecessary workload for me to develop and maintain - when I tell you I have 3 such stored procedures, all of whose interfaces are exactly same and for which I can create similar Output columns in the Transform Script Component.

So how do I go about doing this the smart way?

thanks in advance!

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Transact SQL :: Distinct By One Column By Selecting Multiple Column?

Jul 17, 2015

I have a SQL Query issue you can find in SQL Fiddle


My query was like this

For Insert
Insert into Employee values('aa', 'T', 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('aa' , 'F' , 'qqq')
Insert into Employee values('bb', 'F' , 'eee')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'T' , 'rrr')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'pp' , 'aaa')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'Zz' , 'bab')
Insert into Employee values('cc' , 'ZZ' , 'bac')
For select
select col1,MAX(col2) as Col2,Max(Col3) as Col3
from Employee
group by Col1

I supposed to get last row as 

    cc  Zz  bab

Instead I am getting 

  cc  Zz  rrr 

which is wrong

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Aug 5, 2004

I need to create a SQL Server Stored Proc that will handle a variable number of Or conditions. This is currently being done with a MS Access Query as follows

Do Until rst.EOF

myw = myw = "(rst!Field1 <> 0) OR (rst!Field1 <> 1) "


mysql = "UPDATE Table SET Field2 = 1 WHERE " & myw

The above code is very simplified.

I Want to create a stored proc to do this but I cannot send it the SQL to the Stored Proc (or can I) so I need to use parameters instead. I want to do something like

Do until rst.EOF

Set cmd = MakeStoredProc("sp_Table_UpdateField2_ForField1")
Set prmField1 = cmd.CreateParameter("Field1", adInteger, adParamInput, , rst!Field2)
cmd.Parameters.Append Field1



Again the above is very simplified. So how can you get the the SQL for the Stored Proc for something like the following from a loop

WHERE = (Field1 <> 0) OR (Field1 <> 1) OR (Field1 <> 2) ...

Thanks in advance for your help

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Enclosing Multiple Statements In A Variable

Oct 22, 2004

Hi all;

How do I enclose multiple filters in a variable, for instance how would I put the following filter into a variable and also is it actually possible or do I have to do something else before performing this type of operation:

tel1 like '072%' or tel1 like '+27 72%' or tel1 like '072-%'
or tel1 like '+2772%' or tel1 like '72%'
and len(tel1) > 7
or tel2 like '072%' or tel2 like '+27 72%' or tel2 like '072-%'
or tel2 like '+2772%' or tel2 like '72%'
and len(tel2) > 7
or tel3 like '072%' or tel3 like '+27 72%' or tel3 like '072-%'
or tel3 like '+2772%' or tel3 like '72%'
and len(tel3) > 7
or tel4 like '072%' or tel4 like '+27 72%' or tel4 like '072-%'
or tel4 like '+2772%' or tel4 like '72%'
and len(tel4) > 7
or tel5 like '072%' or tel5 like '+27 72%' or tel5 like '072-%'
or tel5 like '+2772%' or tel5 like '72%'
and len(tel5) > 7
or tel_other like '072%' or tel_other like '+27 72%' or tel_other like '072-%'
or tel_other like '+2772%' or tel_other like '72%'
and len(tel_other) > 7

the problem is that it's got a couple of apostrophes which when declaring variables pulls it out of that mode, I have looked on the internet but can't seem to find anything

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SUM Of One Column To Multiple Columns Based On Another Column Value

Oct 14, 2015

LeaveEntitlementID PeriodID LeaveType EmployeeID NumberOfDays

1 1 Annual 1 10
2 1 Annual 1 10
3 1 Sick 2 10
4 2 Sick 2 10
5 2 Sick 2 10

I have the above table (LeaveEntitlement) which has the above columns.

What I want to sum the column NumberOfDays based on EmployeeID, LeaveType and PeriodID columns as of LeaveTypeNumberOfDays.

For example sum(NumberOfDays) where PeriodID=1 and EmployeeID=1 and LeaveType=Annual

The result should be shown in new column name AnnualLeave (20)

sum(NumberOfDays) where PeriodID=1 and EmployeeID=1 and LeaveType=Sick

The result should be shown in new column name SickLeave (10)

Same all leave Types

The table should be shown as the below after executing the query

LeaveEntitlementID PeriodID EmployeeID AnnualLeave SickLeave

1 1 1 20 0
2 1 2 0 10
3 2 2 0 20

is it possible in sql server

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Transact SQL :: Script One Column To Multiple Column?

Sep 29, 2015

I have below dataset and i want to convert as per my requirement.


In the above dataset, if i take 9/5/2015 then i should get like below,

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Select All Or Multiple Rows From Typed XML Variable

Apr 2, 2014

I am using xml schema that is like this:

</DetailRows>If my variable contains following xml document as un-typed xml

[Code] ....

However, if I use a typed xml variable that is based on above schema, I cannot use OPENXML. What is the correct way of achieving same result with a typed xml doc? I am using SS2K5.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Inserting Multiple Records From A Single Variable?

Apr 24, 2014

I have two tables. Table 1 has column "job", table 2 has column "job" and column "item". In table table 2 there are multiple "items" for each "job"

I would like to insert all of the "items" into table 1, based on a join table1.job = table2.job

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Transact SQL :: 2012 - Declare Variable With Multiple Values

Sep 28, 2015

In a t-sql 2012, I want to declare variables with multiple values and I am having problems since sql server thinks I am working with numbers when I am really working with character and bit values. Here is a copy of the sql that I am trying to use:

DECLARE @Account  varchar(100)
DECLARE @Processed bit
set @Account = '58100,98326,09897'
set @Processed ='0,1'

Thus would you show me what I can do so that the sql server knows that I want the values in the set states above to be varchar or character value for @Account and bit value for @Processed?

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How To Use A Variable As A Column Name?

May 25, 2008

 Hi, I want to use a variable and set it to column name but it just doesnt' workwhen I execute it. I got an error message "Invalid column name 'column1'. can you please help. ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[procedure_name]     @var1            INT = NULLAS    BEGIN        IF(@var1 = '-1')            BEGIN                --SET @var1 = column1            END    SELECT *    FROM table1    WHERE column1 = @var1   Thank you

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Column Name As Variable

Feb 25, 2001

Using a stored Procedure, I want to select a record from a Table if a certain string appears in a specified column, so I use

@String varChar(20)
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from Table1
where Charindex(@String1,Column1) > 0

which works fine.
But the following doesn't work:

@String varChar(20)
@ColumnName VarChar(20)
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 from Table1
where Charindex(@String,@ColumnName) > 0

How can I substitute a variable for Column1, so I can pass the name Column1 or Column2, or Column3, as desired?

Thanks in anticipation,

Peter Caspersonn.

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Column As Variable

Jun 2, 2004

I have a problem that I'm sure is very simple to answer for anyone that knows a bit of T-SQL. In a stored procedure, I simply want to concatenate a string variable containing a column name into a Select statement.

For example:
I want to execute the following statement but using a variable for the column name:

Select * from tblmet1araw where JulianDay = 1

JulianDay is an integer
This is how I have my code set up:

declare @xxx as varchar(20)
set @theday = 'JulianDay'

select * from tblmet1araw where @theday = 1

I get the following error:
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value 'JulianDay' to a column of data type int.

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Variable Column Name

Aug 11, 2006


I have this query where I select data from the last 12 months (in 12 different columns).
What I would like to know is if it's possible to change the name of the columns to the month they refer to.

Thank's in advance,

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Set Variable To Value In Column

Jul 26, 2007

Is it possible to set a variable in a stored procedure equal to avalue from a column when that column's respective ID is equal tomax(id)-1ID A B1 24 242 53 293 76 474 32 32What I am trying to do is update A in the last column to be equal to Bfrom the 4th row, plus A from the 3rd row. If I could set a variableequal to A in row 3 (in this case 76) I could easily add the variableto the existing value.I've tried something like this before. I'm sure some of you will sayright away, "of coarse that doesn't work". I'm new to sql.Set A = A + select( B from mytable where ID = (select (max(ID)-1) frommytable))where ID = (select (max(ID)) from mytable)ThanksMatt

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Get First Row First Column Value Into A Variable

Sep 28, 2006

It is my second time on this forum

Nice people managed to help me on my first thread. I am encouraged to proceed with you !

Well   I  have an Excel source that returns One row , two columns: what I want is get the value returned in  the first row - first colum into a variable so I can then execute sql tasks based on this filter parameter !

Can you guide me ? 

Regards Jacques


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Column Name As Variable

Oct 1, 2006


I have a table that contains various columns in it totalling 12,000 rows of data. For example;

site_ref, account_title, gl_code, period1, period2, period3 etc through to period12

I wish to write a query that will allow me to search for specific site_ref, acount_title etc and then only one of the period columns. This period column will be specified by the user at the time of submitting the query through reporting services. How do I assign a column to a variable so that the user can set it in the report parameters and then the code will run against that specific column for the period?

Example would be to see everything for site_ref = 'tb', account_title = 'gross rent' and the financial figures within the column titled 'period10' or the next time they run the report they may wish to run it against the values in period7.

Any pointers would be appreciated


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May 28, 2008

I have a Windows programme using VS STudio 2005 / C# /Windows XP and


I am trying to pass an 'in parameter' to a stored procedure which will be used in the sp as a column name . The column names in the database are numbers (in this case, 0 to 45). I wish to pass the column name from my Windows programme tot he sp a and use it in the sp as the variable @BallColumnValue. Can anyone please advise me of the correct way to do this?

Thanking you in anticipation.


Windows programme along the lines of:

else if (subsetList == false)


db.AddInParameter(dbUpdateBallSuccess, "BallColumnValue", DbType.Int16, i);

db.AddInParameter(dbUpdateBallSuccess, "BallNo", DbType.Int32, 1);



Stored procedure is as follows:

USE [MyDatabaseName]


/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[MyTableNameInsertMainDrawBallRecency;] Script Date: 05/22/2008 22:12:42 ******/





CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[MyTableNameInsertMainDrawBallRecency;]


@BallColumnValue nvarchar(10),

@Recency int,

@date DateTime,

@weeksSinceDrawn int,

@priorWeeksSinceDrawn int




SELECT CAST(@BallColumnValue AS COLUMN) FROM MyTableNameRecencyMainDrawBall

OPEN lastrow_cursor

FETCH LAST FROM lastrow_cursor INTO @weeksSinceDrawn

FETCH PRIOR FROM lastrow_cursor INTO @priorWeeksSinceDrawn

SELECT @priorWeeksSinceDrawn

IF @Recency = 0

BEGIN UPDATE AuMondayLottoRecencyMainDrawBall

SET [@BallColumnValue] = @Recency

WHERE Date = @date



UPDATE MyTableNameRecencyMainDrawBall

SET [@BallColumnValue] = @Recency + @priorWeeksSinceDrawn

WHERE Date = @date

CLOSE lastrow_cursor

DEALLOCATE lastrow_cursor

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How To Store Multiple Result In A Variable On Sql Server Stored Procedure

Feb 29, 2008

 name               age            weightaaa                    23                50bbb                    23                60ccc                     22               70ddd                    24                20  eee                     22               30i need the output that calculate the sum of weight group by name input : age limit ex: 22 - 23 output  : age           total weight  23               11022                100  this output must stored in a sql declared variable for some other further process . 

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Integration Services :: Setting A Variable With Multiple Rows In SSIS

May 11, 2015

I need to do something like this in SSIS:From one SQL table I need to get some id values, I am using a simple sql query:Select ID from Identifier where value is not null.I've got this result:As a final result I need to generate and set a variable in SSIS with the final value:

= '198','120','ACP','120','PQU'

Which I need to use later in a odbc expression.How can I do this in SSIS?

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Multiple Reads Of User Variable (Recordset Object) Failing

Mar 1, 2007

I hope this is a simple question. I have a package-scope user variable which is populated using a Recordset Destination in a Data Flow task. I am attempting to read the variable multiple times from different Script Tasks. The first read works fine, however the second read, in the second Script Task, says that there are no rows.

Has anyone run across this before? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Using A Variable For A Column Name In A Query

Sep 22, 2006

Is it possible to use a column name variable in a Select Statement for a column name?For example I have a dropdown with FName,LName,Phone and a text box. The user can select the field to search and the criteria will go into the text box. The problem is the select doesn't like a variable for the field name. I have tried both a standard variable and a Case statement (see below). This is being used in a Stored Procedure with MSSQL. The actual select is much more complicated than this but it gets the point across. Thanks for your help in advance@Field as varchar( 50),@Value as varchar (50)SELECT *FROM customersWHERE @Field = @ValueORSELECT *FROM customersWHERE      CASE WHEN @Field = 'Fname' THEN Fname = @Value END,     CASE WHEN @Field  = 'Lname' THEN Lname = @Value END,     CASE WHEN @Field  = 'Phone' THEN Phone = @Value END;

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Column Name As Variable In Trigger

Jun 7, 2001

I am writing an audit trail trigger that needs to query columns, but the specific column names are not known until the trigger runs and determines what columns have changed. Once I know the changed column(s) I fetch the column name. No sweat.
The problem is using a variable in place of a column name I can not get the data to return, only the column name.

-- Here is how I get the column name. It works great, @CName
-- reflects the column name as I use it elsewhere fine.
Select @CName = col_name(OBJECT_ID('TABContract'), @CNum)

-- This simple syntax usually works, it does not using a
-- variable as the column name. @Prev is populated with
-- @CName literally. I have tried various and asundry ()'s and []'s
Select @Prev = @CName From Deleted

-- Here I have hard coded the Column name and ran a test modifying that column "Comment" and it works! @Prev is populated with the columns data not the Column name.
Select @Prev = Comment From Deleted

-- Tried these syntaxes, no luck
Select @Prev = (Select @CName From Deleted)
Select @Prev = (Select col_name(OBJECT_ID('TABContract'), @CNum) From Deleted)

Any help appreciated,

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Variable ORDER BY Column

Jan 20, 2000

I need to be able to pass a parameter to a stored procedure indicating which column to sort the outcome by. I cannot simply sort it by the passed variable (or I have the syntax wrong...). The sort can be anyone of eight columns and I need to do this in a fair few places on complex SELECT statements, so I am reluctant to use a case statement, which would make the sp rather large.

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