Hi, I would preciated if some could help me with this problem. My have used Mysql database and now i have to change my database to sql server. I have made a dump file from mysql db and i would like to insert that dumb file to sql server. Have any idea how it is possible?
I got SQL server 2000 running on Server 2003 Enterprise edition. And a dump file, which I have no idea how it has been created. All I know is that the data is some relational database.
I need to import this dump file into the SQL server database.
Hi all,I have a file with an extension of .sdf. I "believe" it is a text fileof some sort but I am uncertain. The source agency hasn't returned anyof my calls so I'm wondering if anyone is familiar with this extension?I'd like to import the file into my database - when I use DTS and chosea text format, regardless of what delimiter I choose, the format isstill really ugly. when I pull it up in a huge text editor, it is hardfor me to tell what it is there.I saw in one of my searches that it could be a comma delimited (it'snot) .. could be a unisys file? I know it's not much information to goon - but where should I start in trying to get this into my databasewithout knowing the format? Any suggestions would be greatlyappreciated.Thanks!Bethany*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I am trying to import an Excel file - when I pick the file I get the message "Could not open file for reading. Close any other application that may be locking the file." I have verified that the file is not open - I have even rebooted the machine - still the same message - what am I doing different? Please advise. Thanks
Hi All, I am trying to import data via DTS from a CSV file. I have the "empty" tables already created with proper column names. Now, I have a subset data of each of these tables, which I am trying to import. I am facing problem in that, there is a datatype conflict between the source (CSV file) and destination (table already in the DB). All the data in the CSV file appears to be of DBTYPE_WSTR, where as in the table it is different (some are DBTYPE_WSTR, some are DBTYPE_DATE, and so on). Is there a way that I can import data successfully? This has become a work stoppage issue now. I had to actually go for this approach of creating the empty tables first and then importing data because, the backup file was very very large and could not be copied to our domain. Please help me out in this.
I've just started getting this EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) on machines using Windows 2000 sp4 connecting to SQLServer. This is crashing JVMs (multiple Sun versions and BEA also) in the Java VM frame (outside our code). This has just started recently - perhaps with the last set of patches? Has anyone else seen this or know what I could do to get more information? Could this be related to updates to named pipes?
Hello,I am receiving a text file that is produced from a mainframe that isout of my control. I am attempting to find a (hopefully clean) way toimport it into a SQL Server database in an automated fashion. I amnot really concerned about how many tables it requires or what theschema looks like as long as the data remains related and ends up inits respective fields (I will probably use scratch tables for this).The data is given to me in a format that is meant to be printed outand read by human eyes (in a text file). The format looks somethinglike this:Begin File:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1234 1234 1234 1234 XYZ Company 01/01/2003.......More stuff related to XYZ company for a couple of lines ..............(this stuff can easily be parsed by position).......MCARD VISA AMEX DISC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 11111.11 4444.44 5555.55 30.01TRANS FEE .20 .20 .15 .15TRANS AMOUNT 2222.22 888.89 833.33 4.50DISC .0165 .0165 .0365 .0355-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANOTHER HEADER............More stuff related to XYZ Company................End File:Well, this isn't the exact format, but just an example. The point isthat all of the data in each column is related and should end up inthe same record which is related to the parent record of XYZ Company(or all in a single record in a single table if that is the closest Ican get).Also, the rows are not always present. For example, if TRANS FEEdoesn't apply to anything in the row, then the entire row willcollapse and TRANS AMOUNT would be the next line after TOTAL.I was looking at the bcp utility and dts, but dts doesn't seem to havethe performance capabilities (or reliability for that matter) I amlooking for. Bcp seems like it might work if there is some advancedformatting commands that I can't find in the documentation - Anyone?The best I can come up with is to use a high level language such as C#or VB.NET to parse the text file into another text file that is commadelimited, and then use the bcp utility (or bulk insert) to import itinto SQL Server where I can then use TSQL to manipulate it how I want.I am trying to eliminate the high level language parse and just gostraight from file to database. Does anybody know an easier route?TIA
I must import some exemplary file to database (MS Srrver 2000) ofcourseusing procedure Transact SQL.This file must:1.Read the xml file2. Create table3. Import this date from xml file to my databasePs. I create procedure who File xml imports to base, but unfortunately sheonly schedule when earlier create a table or table is created.So I need (Ithink) create such mini parser in language transact SQL.Does someone have some ideas?For every help Thanks==== example file xml ===========================================<root><Cust><IDosoby>1</IDosoby><Imie>Lukasz</Imie><Nazwisko>Przypadek</Nazwisko></Cust><Cust><IDosoby>2</IDosoby><Imie>Dariusz </Imie><Nazwisko>Mroz</Nazwisko></Cust><Cust><IDosoby>3</IDosoby><Imie>Tomasz</Imie><Nazwisko>Kolo</Nazwisko></Cust></root>================================================== =========--Luk
I am trying to import a database from a dump file. The dump file is from a sql server db.
I have created the db on another server and want to import the data from the dump file.
I use the bcp like this :
bcp nnfdb.sa.users in x -Usa -P
nnfdb is the name of the database users is the name of a table x is the name of the dump file.
But I get this error : SQLState = S0002, NativeError = 208 Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'nnfdb.sa.users'.
also I am sure if I have to run the bcp for each table or if I can import all tables in one bcp run.
I am trying to take a table from Oracle and put it in a file and then BCP this file to SQL. No problem until I get to the text column coming from the Oracle table. I am using the vertical bar (pipe delimited) row and column delimeter options. But when I get to the Notes field I only get one character per field???? I don't know what else to try.
Any thoughts?
I am transferring from Oracle 8.0 to my pc using SQL 2000. However the server has SQL 7.0 where the actually DTS package will run.
My company designs our own banking software written in Progress. Currently twice a year (during our releases) we require our bank customers to run a program on their system that pulls certain data and dumps it to a .dat file. This .dat file was then imported (using another progress program) into a Progress database that our development team created (called stats.db) so we could have access to certain information regarding the customer's software/hardware set-up and utilization of programs,etc. This stats.db is now going away as we have a centralized SQL database for all customer information. The new process will be for our customers to send in their .dat files, they would be forwarded onto me, then I will need to import them into our SQL database. I am struggling in finding a way to do this. Our .dat files contain one field that holds the information, therefore the data is not delimited in such a way that I can just pull it into Excel, Access, CSV, etc. How can I go about pulling data out of these .dat files into a view/table in SQL for importing?
I am at a total loss and have spent hours researching this issue. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
I am attempting to import data from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 2000 using the DTS Import/Export Wizard. I have a few errors.
Error at Destination for Row number 1. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. Insert error column 152 ('ViewMentalTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 150 ('VRptTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 147 ('ViewAppTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 144 ('VPreTime', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Insert error column 15 ('Time', DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP), status 6: Data overflow. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification. Invalid character value for cast specification.
Could you please look into this and guide me Thanks in advance venkatesh imtesh@gmail.com
Does anyone know how to import data from an Oracle view (on Unix machine) to the tables in NT/SQL server 7.0? At least point me to the right docoment resource, if available. Thanks a lot.
I am getting this error when connecting to Oracle db. I tried using Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle it give me error and tells me the error could not be retrieved from Oracle. When I try the Native OLDDB provider for Oracle I get
Warning at {0F67F2FA-E3F8-4F44-93EC-47D513A34FD4} [Orcale Database WPHP2 [1]]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.
Error at Copy DSS_SJV_Volume_History [DTS.Pipeline]: The "output column "COMP_UNIQUE_ID" (2007)" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38.
Im getting the following error when I try to export from Oracle 9i and import into SQL Server 2005 using Oracle and SQL OLE DB Provider's respectively.
Cannot retrieve the column code page infor from the OLE DB Provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property value will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.
I know there is a way to change the property settings for the OLE DB Provider in the Data flow section of the development studio BUT ...
1) Is there a way to change this outside of the development studio?
2) I can't create the package to setup in the studio because even when I uncheck execute immediately and check save package, it still fails and never creates anything.
I want to compare the schemas of 2 different databases, I heard that there was a way to dump the contents of a database (tables, stored procedures, objects, etc) to a text file in SQL to use for an easy compare. Anyone know the process in which to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I used DTS Export Wizard to copy tables from SQL server 2000 to Oracle 8.1.7. After transfering completed successfully, I loged into oracle and tried to select data from the tables. I got 'table does not exist' error. But when I select table_name from oracle data dictionary, I saw tables exist in oracle. Then I opened SQL Query Analyzer, I can select data from the tables just transfered through linked oracle server.
Does anyone have same experience? Could someone please give me suggestion?
Hi guys, I was given a task to get an Oracle .dmp file into SQL Server. Is it even possible to do? Or do I have to script the Oracle DB and import the DB that way? But then how would I get the data?
I need to get the Oracle structure and the Data over to SQL Server.
Hi, I just started using SQL Server 2005 and I'm trying to find out how to do a sql dump on a table, but this is proving more challenging then it should be.
I usually use mysql with a program called navicat, and all you do is right click on the table and select dump... Inserting the data back in is just as simple. I have also used sql server 2000 awhile back and I know there was a dumping utility for it.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to dump data to a .sql file and reinsert that data? Thanks!
I need to dump a table with more than 200 columns to a flat file. I tired in SSIS with the flat file destination, but it only allows 84 columns. What should I do if I want to dump all the columns to a text or cvs file. Thanks in advance
I have several SSIS packages which are run in sequence. But some strange reason sometimes a SQL Dump is created. If I restore database and restart the same ETL is works, or it creates another SQL Dump in a different place. Any idea on how to debug this problem?
SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition SP1 ( should I upgrade to SP2? ) Windows 2003/r2 64b ( latest patches )
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP.050727-7600) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727
Installed Edition: IDE Standard Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Premier Partner Edition - ENU Service Pack 1 (KB926601) This service pack is for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Premier Partner Edition - ENU. If you later install a more recent service pack, this service pack will be uninstalled automatically. For more information, visit http://support.microsoft.com/kb/926601
SQL Server Analysis Services Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer Version 9.00.2047.00 SQL Server Integration Services Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer Version 9.00.2047.00 SQL Server Reporting Services Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers Version 9.00.2047.00
I have become frustrated and I am not finding the answers I expect.
Here's the gist, we support both Oracle and SQL for our product and we would like to migrate our Clients who are willing/requesting to go from Oracle to SQL. Seems easy enough.
So, I create a Database in SQL 2005, right click and select "Import Data", Source is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and I setup my connection. so far so good.
I create my Destination for SQL Native Client to the Database that I plan on importing into. Still good
Next, I select "Copy data from one or more tables or views". I move on to the next screen and select all of the Objects from a Schema. These are Tables that only relate to our application or in other words, nothing Oracle System wise.
When I get to the end it progresses to about 20% and then throws this error about 300 or so times:
Could not connect source component. Warning 0x80202066: Source - AM_ALERTS [1]: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.
So, I'm thinking "Alright, we can search on this error and I'm sure there's an easy fix." I do some checking and indeed find out that there is a property setting called "AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage" in the OLEDB Data Source Properties. Great! I go back and look at the connection in the Import and .... there's nothing with that property!
Back to the drawing board. I Create a new SSIS package and figure out quickly that the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage is in there. I can transfter information from the Oracle Source Table to the SQL Server 2005 Destination Table, but it appears to be a one to one thing. Programming this, if I get it to work at all, will take me about 150 hours or so.
This make perfect sense if all you are doing is copying a few columns or maybe one or two objects, but I am talking about 600 + objects with upwards of 2 million rows of data in each!!
This generates 2 questions: 1. If the Import Data Wizard cannot handle this operation on the fly, then why can't the AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage property be shown as part of the connection 2. How do I create and SSIS Package that will copy all of the data from Oracle to SQL Server? The source tables have been created and have the same Schema and Object Names as the Source. I don't want to create a Data Flow Task 600 times.
I'm using sqlserver 2000 enterprise edition. I am an oracle dba and we have some tables in sqlserver 2000 that we need to write out to the flat file. I have a procedure in oracle to do this for oracle tables. But, how would I do this in sqlserver 2000. I have 10 columns on this table and I only want 3 columns data to be dumped on the flat file. We are on NT sever 4.0.