I am trying to migrate database from old structure to new structure usign SSIS.
The table in new db have extra field that i need to assign it using variable. this is because i have few customer that having different variable value. (meaning for 1 customer, the variable will be fix for all the tables in the database)
my question, without using the Execute Sql Task, can i assign the variable into the the old db destination?
eg my data flow Task is : OLE Db Source - Derived Column - OLE DB Destination.
Example data
Old structure (key = txnID)
Bank (chq Bank - Bank in Bank)
I am having a little problem with a simple package and I do not know if this is a known issue or that I am missing something.
I have a data flow task, a simple one, with an oledb source pulling data, using a select statement, from a sql server 2005 instance, and an ole db destination pointing to a table in a sql server 2000 instance. Both intances are standard edition. The table in the destination has a column which allow null values and has also a default constraint (getdate()), and this column is not present in the source. When I map the columns in the destination, I leave this column as "ignore", not being mapped to any column from the source. The problem is that when I execute the task, SSIS is trying to insert NULL value into this column, so the package fail with the error "can not insert NULL value into column myColumn". I wonder why is it trying to insert NULL value if the column is not mapped to any column from the source.
Is this a known issue or I am nissing something in the settings?
If the destination table has rowversion or identity columns, there is no problem ar all. I ignore those columns in the mapping and SQL Server feeds them as expected.
After: If (Row.RegenerateXML_IsNull()) Then Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegenerateXML",System.DBNull.Value) Else Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RegenerateXML", Row.RegenerateXML) End If
Which is great but it does turn 1 line into 5 lines. I have 20 parameters which takes up 20 lines of code which will now be 20 x 5 = 100 lines of code.
My question is :
Is there a better way to write this code without having to take up so many lines?
i was used the Follwing DataFlow for my Package.using Oracle 8i
FalteFile Source -------------> Data Conversion --------------->OLEDB Destination (Oracle Data table)
using above control flow to map the Source file to Destination . When i run the SSIS Package teh Folwing Error i got
"Truncation Occur maydue to inserting data from data flow column "columnName " with a length of 50 "
regarding this Error i i understood its for happening Data Length . so that i was changed the Source Column Length Exactly Match with the The Destination table.
still i am getting this Error. pls any one give me a solution . SHould i Change the DataType also?
I am using SSIS integration between two database. Both databases are sql server 2008. Â using many integration but getting problem in two only only two integration giving problem, both are executing perfectly and out put also not showing any error.
but destination table not inserted/updated anything.
first issue integration is using data flow task with oledb source and destination. second one is using execute task with for-eachloop container.
I am trying to insert in table using execute sql task.
I want to pass value of Load_Frequency through parameter
But I am getting below error
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] ( [Load_Fr..." failed with the following error: "The statement has been terminated.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] ( [Load_Frequency]Â ,[Load_Start_DateTime] ,[Load_Overall_Status]Â ) Values (?,getdate(),'In Progress')
ok, I am on Day 2 of being brain dead.I have a database with a table with 2 varchar(25) columns I have a btton click event that gets the value of the userName, and a text box.I NEED to insert a new row in a sql database, with the 2 variables.Ive used a sqldatasource object, and tried to midify the insert parameters, tried to set it at the button click event, and NOTHING is working. Anyone have a good source for sql 101/ASP.Net/Braindead where I can find this out, or better yet, give me an example. this is what I got <%@ Page Language="C#" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><script runat="server"> protected void runit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //SqlDataSource ID = "InsertExtraInfo".Insert(); //SqlDataSource1.Insert(); } protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlDataSource newsql; newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@name", "Dan"); newsql.InsertParameters.Add("@color", "rose"); String t_c = "purple"; string tempname = Page.User.Identity.Name; Label1.Text = tempname; Label2.Text = t_c; newsql.Insert(); }</script><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ><head runat="server"> <title>mini update</title></head><body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> name<asp:TextBox ID="name" runat="server" OnTextChanged="TextBox2_TextChanged"></asp:TextBox><br /> color <asp:TextBox ID="color" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><br /> <br /> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="Button1_Click1" Text="Button" /> <br /> set lable =><asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label" Width="135px" Visible="False"></asp:Label><br /> Lable 2 => <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label><br /> Usernmae=><asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" runat="server" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:newstring %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [favcolor] WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, @color)" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT [name], [color] FROM [favcolor]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [favcolor] SET [color] = @color WHERE [name] = @original_name AND [color] = @original_color"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" /> </DeleteParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="color" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="original_name" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="original_color" Type="String" /> </UpdateParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:InsertParameter("@name", "Dan", Type="String" /> <asp:InsertParameter("@color", "rose") Type="String"/> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="name" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"> <Columns> <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" ShowSelectButton="True" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="color" HeaderText="color" SortExpression="color" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="name" HeaderText="name" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="name" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> </form></body></html>
Hi all, I have created a global variable and it will read the user input from a web application. How can i pass this variable into OLE DB destination SQL command so that i can retrieve the user specified table? Or is there a better way to do this?
Hello, In my Data Flow I have a OLE DB Destination that needs to get the table name to write the data to dynamicaly from a variable I created. So I select "table name or view name variable" from the Data access mode and select my variable below. So far so good, but when I click "ok" I get the following error message :
Why does the raw file have an option for a variable path and the flat file destination does not? Not having this feature makes it impossible to work with variable environments. Please add this option to the Flatfile Destination.
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (005) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (090) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (115) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (210) insert into #t(branchnumber) values (216)
I have a parameter which should take multiple values into it and pass that to the code that i use. For, this i created a parameter and temporarily for testing i am passing some values into it.Using a dynamic SQL i am converting multiple values into multiple records as rows into another variable (called @QUERY). My question is, how to insert the values from variable into a table (table variable or temp table or CTE).OR Is there any way to parse the multiple values into a table. like if we pass multiple values into a parameter. those should go into a table as rows.
I have a raw file destination and am using a variable to store the filename. In an earlier task, I create the value in the variable. User:Filename ... set to C:Test.txt.
When I run the package, I get the "Error: 0xC0202070 at DFT Tekelec Call Events, RFD Tekelec [1365]: The file name property is not valid. The file name is a device or contains invalid characters". error. I then set a breakpoint to examine my variables on the DataFlow pre-execute event and found my variable showing the value "C:\Text.txt" ... so apparently XMLA is adding the escape character when it stores the value in the variable but not retracting it when it uses the value as the filename.
What am I missing? Can I not use pathing in the variable? And if that's the case, how do I specify a path. Went back through my Rational Guide to Scripting SSIS but did not find this addressed specifically ... my second option being build the fiilename by script and set the raw file destination property directly via script.
I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a vb.net script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.
I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?
I have a SQL Task that updates running totals on a record inserted using a Data Flow Task. The package runs without error, but the actual row does not calculate the running totals. I suspect that the inserted record is not committed until the package completes and the SQL Task is seeing the previous record as the current. Here is the code in the SQL Task:
I've not been successful in passing a SSIS global variable to a declared parameter, but is it possible to do this:
I have almost 50 references to these parameters in the query so a substitution would be helpful.
I'm new to SSIS, but have been programming in SQL and ASP.Net for several years. In Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition I've created an SSIS that imports data from a flat file into the database. The original process worked, but did not check the creation date of the import file. I've been asked to add logic that will check that date and verify that it's more recent than a value stored in the database before the import process executes.
Here are the task steps.
[Execute SQL Task] - Run a stored procedure that checks to see if the import is running. If so, stop execution. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
[Execute SQL Task] - Log an entry to a table indicating that the import has started.
[Script Task] - Get the create date for the current flat file via the reference provided in the file connection manager. Assign that date to a global value (FileCreateDate) and pass it to the next step. This works.
[Execute SQL Task] - Compare this file date with the last file create date in the database. This is where the process breaks. This step depends on 2 variables defined at a global level. The first is FileCreateDate, which gets set in step 3. The second is a global variable named IsNewFile. That variable needs to be set in this step based on what the stored procedure this step calls finds out on the database. Precedence constraints direct behavior to the next proper node according to the TRUE/FALSE setting of IsNewFile.
If IsNewFile is FALSE, direct the process to a step that enters a log entry to a table and conclude execution of the SSIS.
If IsNewFile is TRUE, proceed with the import. There are 5 other subsequent steps that follow this decision, but since those work they are not relevant to this post. Here is the stored procedure that Step 4 is calling. You can see that I experimented with using and not using the OUTPUT option. I really don't care if it returns the value as an OUTPUT or as a field in a recordset. All I care about is getting that value back from the stored procedure so this node in the decision tree can point the flow in the correct direction.
The SSIS package passes the FileCreateDate parameter to this procedure, which then compares that parameter with the date saved in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate.
If the date is newer (or if there is no date), it updates the field in that table and returns a TRUE IsNewFile bit value in a recordset.
Otherwise it returns a FALSE value in the IsNewFile column.
SELECT @CreateDateInTable = FileCreateDate FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
IF EXISTS (SELECT ProcessName FROM tbl_ImportFileCreateDate WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName)
-- The process exists in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Compare the create dates.
IF (@FileCreateDate > @CreateDateInTable)
-- This is a newer file date. Update the table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
UPDATE tbl_ImportFileCreateDate
SET FileCreateDate = @FileCreateDate
WHERE ProcessName = @ProcessName
SET @IsNewFile = 1
-- The file date is the same or older.
SET @IsNewFile = 0
-- This is a new process for tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. Add a record to that table and set @IsNewFile to TRUE.
INSERT INTO tbl_ImportFileCreateDate (ProcessName, FileCreateDate)
VALUES (@ProcessName, @FileCreateDate)
SET @IsNewFile = 1
The relevant Global Variables in the package are defined as follows: Name : Scope : Date Type : Value FileCreateDate : (Package Name) : DateType : 1/1/2000 IsNewFile : (Package Name) : Boolean : False
Setting the properties in the "Execute SQL Task Editor" has been the difficult part of this. Here are the settings.
General Name = Compare Last File Create Date Description = Compares the create date of the current file with a value in tbl_ImportFileCreateDate. TimeOut = 0 CodePage = 1252 ResultSet = None ConnectionType = OLE DB Connection = MyServerDataBase SQLSourceType = Direct input IsQueryStoredProcedure = False BypassPrepare = True
I tried several SQL statements, suspecting it's a syntax issue. All of these failed, but with different error messages. These are the 2 most recent attempts based on posts I was able to locate. SQLStatement = exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output SQLStatement = exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output
Parameter Mapping Variable Name = User::FileCreateDate, Direction = Input, DataType = DATE, Parameter Name = 0, Parameter Size = -1 Variable Name = User::IsNewFile, Direction = Output, DataType = BYTE, Parameter Name = 1, Parameter Size = -1
Result Set is empty. Expressions is empty.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ... exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output ... the following error message appears.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec ? = dbo.p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "No value given for one or more required parameters.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
When the above is run tbl_ImportFileCreateDate does not get updated, so it's failing at some point when calling the procedure.
When I run this in debug mode with this SQL statement ... exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output ... the tbl_ImportFileCreateDate table gets updated. So I know that data piece is working, but then it fails with the following message.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" starting. Information: 0x4004300A at Import data from flat file to tbl_GLImport, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC001F009 at GLImport: The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Compare Last File Create Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "exec p_CheckImportFileCreateDate 'GL Account Import', ?, ? output" failed with the following error: "The type of the value being assigned to variable "User::IsNewFile" differs from the current variable type. Variables may not change type during execution. Variable types are strict, except for variables of type Object. ". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly. Task failed: Compare Last File Create Date
Warning: 0x80019002 at GLImport: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "MyPackage.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The IsNewFile global variable is scoped at the package level and has a Boolean data type, and the Output parameter in the stored procedure is defined as a Bit. So what gives?
The "Possible Failure Reasons" message is so generic that it's been useless to me. And I've been unable to find any examples online that explain how to do what I'm attempting. This would seem to be a very common task. My suspicion is that one or more of the settings in that Execute SQL Task node is bad. Or that there is some cryptic, undocumented reason that this is failing.
Greetings from a SSIS newbie still on the learning curve...
I have a SQL query OLE DB Source that yields a result set that I'd like to put into a SQL Server Destination, but only those records that don't already exist in the destination.
Is there a recommended (read: easy) way to accomplish this? Perhaps a handy transformation?
I have tried to incorporate a subquery in my source query along the lines of:
SELECT fields FROM table1 WHERE keyfield NOT IN (SELECT keyfield from table2)
which works in design time but fails at the server with a cryptic:
"Error: Unable to prepare the SSIS bulk insert for data insertion."
"Error: component "<component>" (16) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202071."
Don't mean for that to cloud the issue, though. I would appreciate any help given.
I am new to integration services. I am trying to a build a data warehouse and need to be able to insert new data as well as update data that has changed. I am getting the data in a flat file and need to import it into SQL 2005. I saw some post on www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 but I did the example is for OLE DB component. I am not sure how to achieve this using a text file as source. Any help would be greatly appreicated.
I used bulk insert to insert a txt file into a table. It works fine. (see code below) Now, one txt file with column's name at first row and has about 200 columns. There is no table created before. How to code to create a destination table based on first row of the txt file so that bulk insert will work for that txt file?
I will be using execute SQL task to fetch the records from source,after this wanna use For each loop to access each record one at a time,perform some trnsformations and insert that record into destination.
Help me in accessing the data stored in the Variable(SQL task) in Dataflow task of foreach loop.
I've searched around and can't find any references to the problem I'm having. I'd appreciate any ideas or input.
I'm trying to use the OLEDB Destination for an insert at the end of a long data flow. I need to parameterize the input, and for some of the columns I need to use literal values instead of parameters. It seems like this should be the most common thing in the world, but I'm at a loss to get it to work.
I type in the SQL statement just like I would with an OLEDB Command transformation, with the ? character for the appropriate columns in the VALUES clause. However, when I try to use Parse Query I get this error:
"Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statements. Set parameter information before preparing command."
OK, so I start searching around for ways to set the parameter information. Nada. On the Mappings tab the parameter list is empty. I check MSDN and it says this:
"If you have entered a parameterized query by using ? as a parameter placeholder in the query text, use the Set Query Parameters dialog box to map query input parameters to package variables."
Set Query Parameters dialog box? I don't see this anywhere. What am I missing?
The options with the SQL Server Destination seem even more limited, as I don't see any way to use a SQL statement or stored procedure.
For the moment I'm going to stub this off with an OLEDB Command transformation with a downstream Trash desintation, but hopefully that's only going to be temporary.
Dear all - iam facing a problem to insert data to paradox table by using OLE DB Destination ,
Briefly i built a simple data flow the has OLE DB Source from paradox Table1 and it linked to OLE DB Destination for another Paradox Table2 (i use query to get the table2 data in OLE DB Destination because it refuse to get data Directly) .
The problem that when i start debugging an error raise as the following:
Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task 1, OLE DB Destination [554]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E09.
Error: 0xC0047022 at Data Flow Task 1, DTS.Pipeline: The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (554) failed with error code 0xC0202009. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
Error: 0xC0047021 at Data Flow Task 1, DTS.Pipeline: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0202009.
i hope someone help soon because i need to handle this problem as soon as possible thanks , Maylo
Greetings. I have been trying to develop an SSIS package that updates external data (Visual FoxPro tables) from SQL Server 2005. I have tried this various ways: using various Data Flow task components that flow to an OLEB Destination; using an Execute T-SQL Task; and even trying Management Studio interactively with the OpenDataSource('vfpoledb', etc.) statement. For each of these techniques, I have no problem performing a SELECT from the VFP data. Also, I have no problems performing an INSERT of new records using any of these techniques. However, both UPDATE and DELETE of existing records fail.
Is it possible the the OLE DB driver doesn't support UPDATE and DELETE operations? It appears that I'm not allowed to change or delete existing records, only add new ones. Or, are there other techniques I can be trying?
I am aware that updating FoxPro data can be performed by pulling the data from SQL Server into FoxPro. For our purposes, it would be more convenient if the processes could be initiated and managed from the SQL Server side of things instead.
I have a problem that stops me from using Integration Services as THE ETL tool.
My goal is to load a data warehouse type of a database. The database is MaxDB (former SAP DB), but this is not the point. Let's take ANY ODBC compliant DB and assume all I have is ODBC driver - no OLE DB driver.
I figured out how to read from ODBC source (using Data Reader and ADO.NET provider for ODBC).
Now my question is how do I output/write my data into ODBC source? When I try to use OLE DB Destination it does not give me an option to use .Net Provide for ODBC. I tried other "destinations" with no luck.
I use this version of SQL Server 2005: (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1187.07 (Intel X86) May 24 2005 18:22:46 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
I am dealing with SSIS in VS 2005... Trying to convert all my DTS packages... So, basically all my packages will extract some information from a database and load the results into a spreadsheet.
To start I am trying to do a TOP 1 returning a string from the db... The first row has column names but mysteriously the package will start to write the expected results in the third row instead of the second one. The second row will remain blank and if I do a preview against the destination spreadsheet within the pkg I will see a NULL value in the second row and then in the third row I will see the string I was expecting.
Tried the following with no success:
Regedit.exe, in Hkey_Local_Machine/Software/Microsoft/Jet/4.0/Engines/Excel/ do TypeGuessRows=8, ImportMixedTypes=Text, AppendBlankRows=0, FirstRowHasNames=Yes
I'm seeing some strange behavior from the OLE DB Destination when using the "fast load" access mode and setting the "Maximum insert commit size".
When I do not set the "Rows per batch" or the "Maximum insert commit size", the package I'm working with inserts 123,070 rows using a single "insert bulk" statement. The data seems to flow through the pipeline until it gets to the OLE DB Destination and then I see a short pause. I'm assuming the pause is from the "insert bulk" statement handling all of the rows at once.
When I set the "Rows per batch" option but leave the "Maximum insert commit size" alone, I generally see the same behavior -- a single "insert bulk" statement that handles all 123,070. In this case, however, the "insert bulk" statement has a "ROWS_PER_BATCH" option appended to the statement that matches the "Rows per batch" setting. This makes sense. I'm assuming the "insert bulk" then "batches" the rows into multiple insert statements (although I'm unsure of how to confirm this). This version of the "insert bulk" statement appears to run in about the same time as the case above.
When I set the "Maximum insert commit size" option and leave the "Rows per batch" statement alone, I see multiple "insert bulk" statements being executed, each handling the lower of either the value I specify for the "Maximum insert commit size" or the number of rows in a single buffer flowing through the pipeline. In my testing, the number of rows in a buffer was 9,681. So, if I set the "Maximum insert commit size" to 5,000, I see two "insert bulk" statements for each buffer that flows into the OLE DB Destination (one handling 5,000 rows and one handling 4,681 rows). If I set the "Maximum insert commit size" to 10,000, I see a single "insert bulk" statement for each buffer that flows into the OLE DB Destination (handling 9,681 rows).
Now the problem. When I set the "Maximum insert commit size" as described in the last case above, I see LONG pauses between buffers being handled by the OLE DB Destination. For example, I might see one buffer of data flow through (and be handled by one or more "insert bulk" statements based on the "Maximum insert commit size" setting), then see a 2-3 minute pause before the next buffer of data is handled (with its one or more "insert bulk" statements being executed). Then I might see a 4-5 minute pause before the next buffer of data is handled. The pause between the buffers being passed through the OLE DB Destination (and handled via the "insert bulk" statements) is sometimes shorter, sometimes longer.
Using Profiler, I don't see any other activity going on within the database or within SQL Server itself that would explain the pauses between the buffers being handled by the OLE DB Destination and the resulting "insert bulk" statements...
Can anyone explain what is going on here? Is setting the "Maximum insert commit size" a bad idea? What are the differences between it and the "Rows per batch" setting and what are the recommended uses of these two options to try to improve the performance of the insert (particularly when handling millions of rows)?
i am transfering the table from one database to csv file format..i did it.. again i want to shift that csv files to another databse as tables. how to do this task.. pls help me.. its very urgent..out TL had given me the dead line.. send reply soon....
Am new to SSIS and developing a component which pulls data from a staging table and drops them into another table in the same database.
Am using a 1) OLE DB Source to get the data from the staging table. 2) OLE DB Destination to insert or push the data into another table of the same database. 3) Script component to get the error rows and to update the staging table column with a flg value.
The rows that throw an error like primary key violation, or any other error should be redirected to the script component and the process should get completed.
The Error Output of the OLE DB Destination doesnt show any columns to be selected for Redirect Row option
The script executes without any error and the records are shown in error path but the records are not updated in the DB.
This is what i have in the script
Public Class ScriptMain
Inherits UserComponent
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection
Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand
Dim connMgr As IDTSConnectionManager90 Dim txnIdParam As SqlParameter
Dim errorDescParam As SqlParameter
Public Overrides Sub AcquireConnections(ByVal Transaction As Object)
Hi All, In Migrating from DTS to SSIS we have scenario where data from OLE DB (SQL Server) is inserted into ODBC source (transoft driver). In case of DTS, ODBC component was provided. For SSIS we used the Destination Script Component and programmatically used the ODBC related calls to design similar functionality. However we are getting the following error €“ Error[42000][Transoft] [TSODBC][usqld] Name expected@
However the same program pointing to Microsoft Access ODBC driver works fine.
Any help in this direction will be greatly helpful. Thanks, S Suresh
ts my first time trying to set up a SSIS job using the import/export wizard to export the results of a query into an excel file.
i am using sql server 2005, windows XP SP2.
In the last step in the excel destination editor, in the connection manager when i am trying to select the excel file to write into i am getting this error.
'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 ' provider is not registered on the local machine.
I have set up the excel connection manager. i have changed the properties of the project to set
the Run64BitRuntime to false.
i am running the latest version of MDAC 2.8 on the machine too
please let me know if there is anything else i need to do to fix this.