How To Make Two Separate Query Work Together

Oct 15, 2014

I am currently stuck on how to make this 2 separate query work together, both work as i want them to individually, please note the syntax is according to a application i use that uses mysql to manipulate columns in an imported csv file.

removes last character i.e. /

basically i need these 2 to work together to give me an output like this


from the this. URL...url above minus the "" as i said both work on there own, but not together.

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Can't Seem To Make This Query Work

Jul 24, 2006

I have a query thatI need to make into one query for the sake of an application reading only one cursor.
Here's the syntax:
select (select distinct(x.amount) from escrow k inner join e120 x on k.escrow = x.escrowinner join a10 g on x.escrow = g.escrow  where k.ftype = 'S' group by x.amount, g.officer) As New,a.officer as Officer, count(distinct(j.fstatus))as Escrow_Type, count(distinct(j.amount))as Amount, count(distinct(d.open_date))as [Open], count(distinct(d.close_date)) as Closed, count(distinct(can_date))as Cancelled
from a10 a inner join escrow d on a.escrow = d.escrowinner join e120 j on j.escrow = d.escrow where j.id_scr = 'e21' and j.fstatus = 'PAID' group by a.officer
The error message i'm recieving is the following:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Any ideas? any suggestions would be great.

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How Do I Make It Work?

Jan 30, 2008

I have an OLAP database which is required to update daily. First of all back track a bit about this OLAP database, It is built from an OLAP data source consists of a dozen "Dimension" tables and half a dozen "Fact" tables and they are set up in a normalized relationship. This 20 or so OLAP tables are created from a single "Production" data warehouse de-normalized table. By the way the database engine, SSAS, SSRS and SSIS are installed in one virtual server using Sql 2005 SP2.

Here are the steps I update the OLAP database manually.

At Sql database engine

Drop the existing data warehouse table at the virtual server

Copy the up-todate data warehouse table from a remote server and paste to the database at the virtual server

Drop all the OLAP Fact tables

Drop all the OLAP Dimension tables

Create the Dimension Tables using the Sql script I saved when first created

Create the Fact Tables using the Sql script I saved when first created

Populate the data to the Dimension Tables from the data warehouse table using the Sql script I saved when first created

Populate the data to the Fact tables from the data warehouse table using the Sql script I saved when first created

Assign indexs and constrains to the Dimension Tables

Assign indexs and constrains to the Fact Tables
At Sql Server Analysis Services

Process the 15 Dimensions

Process the 2 OLAP cube
I want to automate the whole process using SSIS. I am new to SSIS and I need some direction on how to make it work?


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SQL Select - How To Make This One Work?

Aug 15, 2006

Select *From HSRSeasonWHERESeasonID='1'HSRID=(Select HSRID FROM HSR WHERE HotelID='1' AND ServiceID='1' AND RoomID='1')

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I Can't Make SqlBulkCopy Work

Feb 7, 2008

I have a scenario whereby I'd like to insert multiple rows into a table on a SQL server database as efficiently and easily as possible.
After some research, it looked like .NET 3.0's SqlBulkCopy class would do what I want. I've tried to set something up, but it's not working. It's not even throwing an error. The code executes but it simply hasn't done the insert by the end of it!
 My table structure is simple. The name of the table is LPSTUnavailableDate. It has just two columns, one of them an auto-populated ID field:


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Can't Make This Update Work - Advice??

Feb 26, 2008

Hi - I'm in a situation with a very large table, and trying to run an update that, any way I've approached it so far, seems to be taking unnacceptably long to run. Table has about 20 million rows, looks something like this:

ID - int, identity
Type - varchar(50)
PurchaseNumber - varchar(50)
SalesAmount - Money

ID Type PurchaseNumber SalesAmount
1 A 3834AA38384 20.32$
2 B 3834AA38384 11837.32$
3 C 3834AA38384 666.32$
4 C 887DF88U01H 23423.32$
5 A 887DF88U01H 12.32$
6 B OI83999FH28 4747.1$
7 D 38438495985 9384.6
8 E 02939DDJJWI 22.22$
9 F 07939SDFDF2 33.33$

The goal of the update is to make the [Type] uniform across [PurchaseNumbers], according to the max sales amount. For each PurchaseNumber a, set the type = the type of the row that has the MAX salesAmount. If there is only one entry for PurchaseNumber, leave the type alone. Expected update after completion would look like this:

ID Type PurchaseNumber SalesAmount
1 B 3834AA38384 20.32$
2 B 3834AA38384 11837.32$
3 B 3834AA38384 666.32$
4 C 887DF88U01H 23423.32$
5 C 887DF88U01H 12.32$
6 B OI83999FH28 4747.1$
7 D 38438495985 9384.6
8 E 02939DDJJWI 22.22$
9 F 07939SDFDF2 33.33$

I got this out of a warehouse, and it definitely isn't normalized well. Was considering breaking down into a better model, but I'm not yet sure if that would make the update easier.

I've been approaching this with sub-queries (finding all the PurchaseNumbers with more then one entry, then the max sales purchase of that purchase Number, then the type of that purchase number and sales amount to update all of that purchase number) but this not only ends up a little messy, but also very slow.

The only other detail that may be important is that out of the 20 million total rows, about 19.5 million purchaseNumbers are unique. So, really, there are only about 500k rows I actually have to update.

I've thought of a few ways to make this work, but none of them seem fast and wanted to see if anyone had a pointer. Thanks!

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SQL Parameter And Wildcards, How To Make It Work?

Oct 22, 2007

Hello, I have what should be a very simple problem, but I cant solve it.
I want to have a stored procedure return a table query (no problems here) but I also need to supply several parameters to the stored procedure (again, no problem!)

Here is the problem, I need to be able to supply a wildcard into the stored procedure as an argument somehow. I can do this already, but the results are incorrect!!! It seems like when local variables are used, the wildcard argument gets ignored. for example, I have included the following example:

DECLARE @Dv_id nchar(15)

SET @Drv_id = '%'

SELECT Diver.*, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Dv_id)) as RowNum FROM Diver WHERE Dv_id LIKE @Dv_id

SELECT Diver.*, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Dv_id)) as RowNum FROM Diver WHERE Dv_id LIKE '%'

OK, this is an example of my problem, the results I get from this are that the fist SELECT return 0 rows.
The second SELECT returns the correct number of rows (everything in the table). Why is there a difference between:
WHERE Drv_id LIKE @Drv_id
WHERE Drv_id LIKE '%'
The wildcard statement '%' is supposed match everything, correct??
It seems like the local variable SET command syntax eats up my value of '%' and turns it into a NULL.

Is there any way around this?

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Error 26 - Followed The Guidelines, Still Unable To Make It Work

Nov 7, 2007

Good Morning, I've been searching through all the tutorials and questions, have tried many things. I am still getting "[SqlException (0x80131904): An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)]"

as an error. This is what I've got:

I€™m using SQL Server Express 2005, installed with the default settings. Had not touched this program for anything until I started to follow directions to fix Error 26. Visual Web Developer Express ASP.NET is what I€™ve used to build the webpage. I was using the ASP.NET web configuration to add users to the database, which is set to use the provider ASPSqlServerProvider.
SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration
Database Engine Remote Connections €“ set to €śLocal and Remote Connections €“ Using TCP/IP Only€?
SQL Server Browser is Enabled and Running
- is set to Active, under Built In Account €“ Network Service
I have created Windows firewall exceptions for:
udp port 1434
SQL Server Configuration Manager
both SQL Server and SQL Server Browser are running.
Under SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration
Shared Memory and TCP/IP are enabled only.

SQL Native Client Configuration
Shared Memory 1
Named Pipes 3
all enabled

I read through the post at but as I'm new to SqlServer I do not know how to check on the first three items.

I'm getting extremely frustrated, and would just like the login portion of this website to start working before my boot ends up through the computer. Please help, lol, thank you.

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Transact SQL :: How To Make Procedure Work For Multiple Values In Parameter

Jun 7, 2015

Below is the stored procedure i have it works fine if i have 1 value passed to @invited_by but i want to modify but i want this code to be working for multiple inputs .Lets say if i do

exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1 . I get the desired output but i want this procedure to work for
exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1,Test2'.
USE [merck_acronyms]


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Can’t Make Vs2008pro, Sql2005dev, Sqlexpress All Work Together Via F5run And Vista Localhost At Same Time??

May 16, 2008

Clean vista install,
Clean full office 2007plus install
Clean visual studio 2008pro install
Many failed sql 2005dev installed, did SKUUPGRADE-1
Now have office2007 Smallbiz, VS2008pro, SqlExpress and sql 2005dev installed.
Note outlook 2007 error on first run after sql2005dev.
Seams to have broken and created a new sql connection, don€™t think its the original.
but that€™s not the current issue !
web admin page error, could not connect to db
I did regsql.exe from the net dir and the web admin work and the db is created for roles and such in vs 2008 via web admin page and mssql.
Managed to create db in apps data folder and modify connection in server explorer.
Added table to aspx page from apps folder and it runs via f5, but errors under localhost.
€śCannot open user default database. Login failed.€?
€śLogin failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'€?
Have seen some reference to iis permissions, but not sure what to change?
Is it a file level permission, a virtual permission
Works in vs2008 using f5 run!
Can work with apps folder db file in vs 2008 server explorer
Had to modify db connection back to sqlexpress in server explorer
Can work with db in sql management studio, have three local instances;
Can display db data in aspx page via f5 , but not localhost unless vs2008 is not running!!!
Have not been able to make vs2008, Sql2005dev, sqlexpress all work together using iis in vista via localhost and vs2008 f5 at same time??
Can€™t do anything with db in solutions explorer, but can work in server explorer if I modify connection back to sqlexpress
Can€™t display data aspx page via localhost
Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Localhost works in iis via virtual directory if I remove db grid in page or vs is not running
Could someone test and tell how to use all of these together?
What is going to happen if I get it to work local and then try to upload to shared host?
<remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Server=wabpc;Database=VS2008test;Integrated Security=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add connectionString="Server=SQLEXPRESS;Database=Database.mdf;Integrated Security=true" name="sqlexpress" />

If I close vs2008 and the management studio, localhost works and displays the db info!!
Open vs2008, modify connection back to sqlexpress and the aspx page breaks via localhost
Close vs2008 and local host works
Open vs2008 and get a error 25 in server explorer connection string invalid, but f5 works after the offline clears.
I change db connection back to sqlexpress to work with db in server explorer!
That breaks localhost, but f5 works

Any ideas?
Need more Tylenol

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Add 2 Separate Columns From Separate Tables Using Trigger

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to add 2 separate columns from separate tables i.e column1 should be added to column 2 when inserted and I want to use a trigger but i don't know the syntax to use...

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Display Output On Separate Separate Line

Feb 10, 2007

How can i format my query so that each piece of data appears on a new separate line? Is there a command for a new line feed? does not work.


For example:

a: data
b: data
c: data

a: data
b: data
c: data

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Ways To Make This Work: Several Selectable Related Record For One Main Record.

Apr 6, 2007

Hey all!

Sorry for the less then descriptive post title but I didn't find a better way to describe it. I'm developing an app in the express editions of VB and SQLserver. The application is a task/resource scheduler. The main form will have a datepicker or weekly overview and show all tasks scheduled per day. The problem is, I've got one or more people assigned to tasks and I wonder what's the best way to design this. Personally, I'd go for one Task table, a People table and a table that provides a link between them (several record per task, one for each person assigned linking TaskID and PplID). However, I don't see a nice way of showing this data to the end user, allowing him to edit/add etc on ONE screen.

To fix that the only way I see is just add columns to the Task table for every person with select boxes. This way everything can be done on one simple screen. This obviously does present some future issues.

On top of this, which people are available on a day varies and there should be an option to allow a user to set who is available on a specific day. Which would lead me to my first idea and add another table that would provide this. but then I'm having design issues again for the form.

I'm kinda stuck atm, can anyone shed some light on this. I'm sure there is an elegant way of doing this but I'm failing at finding it.

Thanks in advance,


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How To Access 2 Databases On Separate Servers From Within The Same Query

Apr 10, 2008


Im trying to access data from a database on another server in a SQL 2005 query.

use Bury2k29.ServiceDeskForms
select .......

but I get the message

could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Burky2k29'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

Bury2k29 is the name of the server, and ServiceDeskForms is the database I want to access.

When I open a blank query and enter only the code to access that database it runs fine.

Any ideas?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: OR Query - Search For Items And Separate Each Word

Oct 17, 2014

I have this query currently:

select updatedb.callref, updatedb.updatetxt, updatedb.udsource, opencall.suppgroup
from updatedb
left join opencall
on updatedb.callref=opencall.callref

where udindex = '0'
and suppgroup = 'SUPPORT'
and (updatetxt like '%' + @Word + '%')

And opencall.status <> '17'This means that when they search for items and they separate each word it is "and" between each one.

They would like it to be more fuzzy with "and" and "or". How can I adapt this?

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Update Query Joining Tables From Separate Databases

Apr 17, 2008

In database DB1, I have table DB1.dbo.Suppliers1. This table has an ID column of type INT named SUPPL1_ID

In database DB2, I have table DB2.dbo.Suppliers2. This table has an ID column of type INT named SUPPL2_ID
I would like to update DB2.dbo.Suppliers2 based on values from DB1.dbo.Suppliers1 joining on SUPPL1_ID = SUPPL2_ID.

How can I do this in SSIS?


linked servers are not an option, as I want the SSIS package to be portable and not dependent on server environments.

-El Salsero

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Transact SQL :: Returning Different Data When Part Of Query Is Separate?

Aug 3, 2015

I am writing a stored procedure to prepare some reports.

The issue is that I am summing up the combined bid, 'QuoteTotal' + Sum(InvoiceItemAmount) (eg, quote add ons).

When part of the larger query it returns a different, and incorrect amount. The query listed after the main query is just that line and it's appropriate parts and it returns the correct amount. What can I do to correct this and where lies the problem so I can learn from this situation?

alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Select_Quote_Info_By_Salesmen_By_Status]
@Salesmen nvarchar(50),
@QuoteStatus nvarchar(50)


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How To Create A Make-Table Query With A Union Query

Oct 30, 2006

I have successfully execute a union query. How can i create a make-table query to accomodate the resultset of the union query?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Query To XLS Output - Export Data In Columns To Separate Tabs In Excel

Apr 21, 2015

Using below script to export the select statement result to .xls

declare @sql varchar(8000)
select @sql = 'bcp "select * from Databases..Table" queryout c:bcpTom.xls -c -t, -T -S' + @@servername
exec master..xp_cmdshell @sql

But result is not exporting in seperate tabs, all 4 column details are exporting in single cell.

how to export the data in columns to separate tabs in excel.

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Why The Query Works In Query Analyser And Doesn't Work In Reporting Service ?

Apr 30, 2007

Hello everybody,

I'm developing a report using the following structure :

declare @sql as nvarchar(4000)

declare @where as nvarchar(2000)

set @sql = 'select ....'

If <conditional1>


set @where = 'some where'


If <conditional2>


set @where = 'some where'


set @sql = @sql + @where


I run it in query analyser and works fine, but when I try to run in Reporting Services, Visual studio stops responding and the cpu reaches 100 %.

I realize that when I cut off the if clauses, then it works at Reporting services.

Does anybody know what is happening?

Why the query works in query analyser and doesn't work in Reporting Service ?



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Need To Make This Query

Jun 28, 2004

Hi guys, I have a car_race table which has these fields

car_id int
race_id int
b_car_won varchar // can have 'y' or 'n'

I need to know if the car lost the 1st race but won the next race

And example of that table for car_id 1:

car_id 1
race_id 1
b_car_won 'NO'

car_id 1
race_id 2
b_car_won 'YES'

Now this is the tricky part, the database has some data integrity issues, so this can occur:

car_id 1
race_id 1
b_car_won 'NO'

car_id 1
race_id 3
b_car_won 'YES'

So I cant used a fixed race_id value, need to use the race_id > 1 to know whats the next race. But this raises another issue if I have this in the database:

car_id 1
race_id 1
b_car_won 'NO'

car_id 1
race_id 3
b_car_won 'YES'

car_id 1
race_id 4
b_car_won 'YES'

If I query I'd get 2 rows where race_id > 1. And I only need the first one, because 3 is the next race.

I need to fetch in a single row if possible, the result of the 1st race and the 2nd race. How can I do this?

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How To Make Query Look Better

Aug 28, 2007

select contractnbr,affcontractnbr,tdd,affrtramount,affturn,
from #targetfinishedaff

datediff(d,afffirstfundingdate,affRTRBalanceZeroDate) appears two times in this code, Is there a way to make it appear only once?

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How To Make This Query?

Feb 14, 2008

I want to make query for average sales price, the records are like this

item, Sales_qty, UnitPrice
A, 10, 1000
A, 20, 1100
A, 5, 1500
B, 1, 1000
B, 2, 1200

and display like this
A, 35, 1128 (35 FROM total qty, 1128 from average sales price)
B, 3, 1133

Thanks in advance

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Make Two Query In Too One

Jul 20, 2005

I have two SQL query that I would like to make in to one, if possibleHere is the first one: (Query4)SELECT rooms.DESCRIPTIO, rooms.ID, bookings1.DATEFROM bookings1 INNER JOIN rooms ON bookings1.ROOMID = rooms.IDWHERE (((bookings1.DATE) Between #4/3/2004# And #4/9/2004#));And the second one:SELECT rooms.ID, rooms.DESCRIPTIO, Query4.ROOMIDFROM rooms LEFT JOIN Query4 ON rooms.ID = Query4.ROOMIDWHERE (((Query4.ROOMID) Is Null));Is it possible to make one query of this two?With the same result.

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How Can I Make Such Query?

Jan 9, 2008

I havea textbox for searching by patient name but now and though I am searching with LIKE% i can only search for exact string, for example if user typed JASSIM it will search for field full_name LIKE '%JASSIM%" ad if user typed JASSIM RAHMA it will search for full_name LIKE '%JASSIM RAHMA%' but i want to search if the field CONTAINS '%JASSIM% AND %RAHMA% when the user types JASSIM RAHAM in the textbox

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How To Make This Query...

Sep 16, 2007

Hi all. I have tried making this query for a while and i didn't manage to.
I know it is something related to JOIN, but i didn't manage to make it work :
I have two tables.
Table1- db_stockprices
Table2- db_stockSymbols

db_stockprices is getting updated every day with stock daily prices.
db_stockprices looks like:
ID, SymbolID, Price,Date
1 1 33.21 1/1/2007
2 1 33.14 1/2/2007
3 1 34.21 1/3/2007
4 2 11.42 1/1/2007
5 2 11.73 1/2/2007
6 3 18.32 1/1/2007
7 3 19.11 1/2/2007
8 3 18.41 1/3/2007
9 4 52.44 1/1/2007

and so on for all the stocks.
ID is Primary Key
SymbolID is related to SymbolID in db_stockSymbols which contains all the stock information.

What i am trying to do is an SQL QUERY that will delete all same SymbolID Rows if a specific INPUT date do not exist within that SymbolID.

If the INPUT date for the query is 1/3/2007 all rows with SymbolID "2" abd "4" will be deleted since 1/3/2007 does not exist in SymbolID "2" and "4". Moreover, the row in db_stockSymbols with SymbolID "2" and "4" will also be deleted.

Is this possible within 1 SQL Query?
I would really appreciate a good query example for this example..

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Need Help To Make Query

May 11, 2006

Dear member


I have a problem,

I have a table for my company name and another for cities.

I have a table Company_City to indicate that each company has office in each city

For example

company X in city A company Y in city B

company X in city B company Y in city H

company X in city C

I want make a query to retrieve companies that have office in city A and B. so company Y that has office in B only should not retrieved in my query.

If i use "IN" operator(by subquery from city table) in my WHERE Clouse the result will be A,B.

Can you help me?

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How To Make The SSMSE To Return Whole Records Without Any Close Query Form And Re-create Query Form Operation?

Dec 25, 2007

I got a problem.
I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version.
And I created a Compact database.
I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form.
then, i run the following sql:

Select * from Table1

It returned 3 records to me.
After that, I used program to insert record into this table.
Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records.
I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.

Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right?
Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?

Thanks a lot!

And Merry X'max!!!

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Need To Make Complex Query

May 3, 2005

I have table 'OrderTab' in Sql Server database which have Company Number,ContactId,Quantity fields and data in tables are in following format.
Company ContactId QuantityNumber100001    101           1100001    102           2100001    103           9100001    104           8100001    105           4100001    106           3100001    107           2100001    108           1100001    109           3
I need to create the query and want the result in following format.
CompanyNumber |MaxQuantityContactId |MaxQuantity| MinQuantityContactId |MinQuantity100001                       103                        9                    101                        1
Where MaxQuatityContactId  = ContactId which has order max quantityMaxQuantity = max quantity  order by single company(100001)
MinQuatityContactId  = ContactId which has order min quantityMinQuantity = min quantity order by single company (100001)
Any idea how to do that.
Thanks in AdvanceArvind

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Can't Make New Record (query)

Dec 14, 2007


I'm a bit new to MS-SQL so i thought maybe you could help me.

This is my prob. I have an Access application that i have upsized to a MS-SQL server. I have a query based on 3 tables: Customers, Companys and Payreminders. When i run this query, i can't add new records or make any changes.
If i only run the query with the tables: companys and payreminders i can add new records and edit them. If i run a query that's based on companys and customers, i can edit and add new records, but when i run the query based on companys and customers i can't add or edit records.

companys, payreminders: Editable
payreminders, companys: Editable
Companys, customers: Non editable
Companys, payreminders, customers: Non editable

Something must go wrong when i use the companys and customers table. Can anybody help or give a suggestion what to do.


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Help Make Query Run Better (faster)

Mar 20, 2007

I need help makeing the following query run more efficently.


SELECT t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip
FROM Landlord_tbl t1
left outer join Mail_tbl t2
ON t2.potentialSitesID = t1.potentialSitesID
WHERE t2.mailed_out_date is null and NOT(t1.firstName+t1.lastName) is Null
GROUP BY t1.ID,t1.firstName,t1.lastName,t1.address,,t1.state,,t1.locationAddress,t1.locationCity,t1.locationState,t1.locationZip
ORDER BY t1.firstName, t1.lastName,, t1.state

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Please Help Make Pivot Query

Sep 26, 2007

I have tbWarehouseStock, contain
WHCode Item Stock
------ ------ -----
WH001 Pencil 10
WH001 Pen 10
WH002 Pencil 5
WH003 ruler 100

How to make pivot query like this, I am thinking of dynamic SQL but dont know how to do this

Item WH001 WH002 WH003 WH004 WH005 ....
------ ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Pencil 10 5 0
Pen 10 0 0
Ruler 0 0 100


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How To Make Row Calculated Query.

Apr 1, 2008

Please help me to get the result I want.

I have this table.
Date Value
=== ====
1-Jan 100
1-Jan 80
1-Jan 20
2-Jan 50
2-Jan 30
2-Jan 5
2-Jan 15
3-Jan 120
3-Jan 80
4-Jan 45
4-Jan 55
5-Jan 120

How do I write the query to get the following result from above table.

Date Opening Value Closing
1-Jan 0 200 200
2-Jan 200 100 300
3-Jan 300 200 500
4-Jan 500 100 600
5-Jan 600 120 720

Where, Opening column is 0 when there is no previous closing and Value column would be the daily total. The closing would be the Opening value + Daily Total and this value would Opening value for next line. Please help me how to write the SQL statement to get this result from above table.

Thanks in Advanced,

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