How To Move Info From 2 Tables To 1

Apr 7, 2008

Hello all,

Ive been tasked with writing a SQL query to move information from 2 tables(old1 and old2) into 1(new). table new already has all the information from old1, but also has some additional columns that are encompassed from old2. Also some of the columns in table new need to be assigned a 1 or a 0 if the information is present in old2. Here is what I came up with:


SET new.IsRentalLocation = 1
new.IsMainCampus = 1
new.IsLearningCenter = 1
new.IsStudentResource = 1
new.AlternateStateDisp = 0
new.Directions = tbl_old2.Directions
new.Catering = tbl_old2.Catering
new.Lab = tbl_old2.Lab

FROM new, old1, old2

WHERE new.CampusID = old1.CampusID
AND old1.LearningCenterID = old2.LearningCenterID

Does this look right? or should I be using an insert command?

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Move Info From A Table In One Db To Another

Mar 25, 2008

Hello All.

I just made some huge changes to a database on the development computer. However, I want to transfer all of the information from the Employees table in the old DB to the new DB (no changes made on that table).

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Delete/Move Certain Info From Column - Leave The Rest?

Nov 10, 2005

I have a column that contains extra info that needs to be moved to another column or deleted alltogether. is there a way to select these items and move them to another column, leaving the rest of the data in the original column?


May have Data Like: ABCDE123 SER1 or XYZ12DEFSer1:1

Move anything after the SER1 to a new column and retain the rest of the data in the original column. making it look something like this:

XYZ12DEF Ser1:1

Another question is if there is a way to delete extra spaces? Like make all data that has two or more extra spaces, just single spaces and any additional spacing after a row of data, delete all additional spaces after the last letter/character/number.

One more question - What would be a great resource to learn MS SQL in more depth?

I am trying to learn ASP/VBScript/JavaScript/ and now MS SQL all at once b/c this is what my business depends on. Trying to be 5,000 hats at once can get confusing and overwhelming, so I am looking for any "Crash course" I can to learn as much, as fast as possible. Any direction or ideas?

Thank you.

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Need Info From 2 Tables

Sep 18, 2007

Here's my string.  I know it's way wrong right now  SELECT binbox_receipt.partner_code    ,binbox_receipt.link_id ,binbox_receipt_archive.partner_code,binbox_receipt_archive.link_id     FROM binbox_receipt, binbox_receipt_archivewhere binbox_receipt_archive.link_id = binbox_receipt.link_idand binbox_receipt.partner_code = '1154' and binbox_receipt.link_id = '2684'and (binbox_receipt_archive.partner_code  = '1154' and binbox_receipt_archive.link_id  = '2684')I need to check 2 tables if in the first table the link_id and partner_code exist or the second table link_id and partner_code existany help would be greatly appreciated I'm a little new at this but having fun trying 

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Combining Info From Two Tables?

Oct 18, 2004

Hello, I'm having some problems trying to access two tables in a SQL database at the same time and making some results out of them. Let me explain further: the first table has some information in that I'm going to be doing a select query on and reading out, but one of the columns in this table is a set of codes, the second table contains the codes in one column and their meanings in the other.

So I want to bring back the information from the first table and then select the information for the codes shown from the second table and print their meanings alongside the information from the first table. Could anyone help me out in figuring out how my SQL in the ASP page for this would be written? Sorry if this is a little confusing but im having a hard time visualising how to do this.

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Retrieve Info From Two Tables

Aug 8, 2005


I have two tables

Table 1 Rx
RxNumber, RxId(no duplicates), RxDate, Name, Notes, Type, DOB

Table 2 Email
EmailId, RxId(duplicates ok), Subject, Message, To, From, Type

I would like the result to be

Result Table
Rx Id, RxDate, Name, Notes(or Subject), Type

Table 1 can be searched by date, or Name or DOB I want the result of this search to go through table 2 and return to me all emails that match thre previous results RxIds

For example Table 1
RxNumber, RxId, RxDate, Name, Notes, Type, DOB
1 99 1/1/2005 Person1 Note1 1 1/1/95
2 98 3/1/2005 Person2 Note2 1 1/1/96
3 97 5/1/2004 Person3 Note3 1 1/1/97
4 96 1/1/2004 Person4 Note4 1 1/1/98
5 95 6/1/2005 Person5 Note5 1 1/1/99

For Example Table 2
EmailId, RxId(dupl ok), Subject, Message, To, From, Type
1 100 S1 M1 T1 F1 2
2 98 S2 M2 T2 F2 2
3 101 S3 M3 T3 F3 2
4 95 S4 M4 T4 F4 2
5 98 S5 M5 T5 F5 2
6 95 S6 M6 T6 F6 2
7 96 S7 M7 T7 F7 2
8 98 S8 M8 T8 F8 2
9 100 S9 M9 T9 F9 2
10 100 S10 M10 T10 F10 2

If I do a search for Rxs that were prescribed from 1/1/2005 to 7/1/2005
I would like the resulting table to be
RxId RxDate Name Note/Subject Type
99 1/1/2005 Person1 Note1 1
98 3/1/2005 Person1 Note2 1
98 3/1/2005 Person2 S2 2
98 3/1/2005 Person2 S5 2
98 3/1/2005 Person2 S8 2
95 6/1/2005 Person5 Note5 1
95 6/1/2005 Person2 S4 2
95 6/1/2005 Person2 S6 2

I have tried a combination of inner joins and Union with no luck any suggestions



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How To Show All Tables Info In Task Pad?

Jun 17, 2004

In the table view in the Task Pad view, it lists the number of rows and size of each table, which is great, however it only lists the first 25 tables or so and there is no scroll function.

1. Does anyone know how I can see this info in Task Pad for all tables, without having to use the search function and look up 200+ tables one-by-one?

2. Does anyone know of another utility or statement to run against the DB which will return this info all at once for all the tables?


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Where To Find Info On The Concept Of SQL Tables

Feb 7, 2006

i would like to know where can i find information on the concept of SQL like Base Table , View Table and Search Table as now i am using VS.Net 2005 and SQL Server 2005 to write a addressbook program and i am just a newbie to Sql and c#... i wish to write my sql commands in c# side before passing it into sql and may i know how to do it?

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Merge Tables And Collect Origin Info

Apr 29, 2015

If you have 2 tables with the same columns and you would like to see all distinct records in a result of a select and also the information in the records which table the record comes from (for instance: from table A or from table B or bot tables contain it) what should you do?

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Database Size Info Without Cursors Or Temp Tables

Jan 22, 2004

I have seen a bunch of ways to get the size of all the tables within a database posted on this board. I decided to modify an older one I found here ( I set it up so there is no cursors or temp tables. Pretty much just one select statement to return all the info you would need. It seems to be faster than anything I have seen so far. Take it for whats its worth. Thanks to the original creator.

Original by: Bill Graziano (
Modified by: Eric Stephani (

declare @low int

select @low = low from
where number = 1 and type = 'E'

select,, ro.rowcnt, (r.reserved * @low)/1024 as reserved,
( * @low)/1024 as data, (( * @low)/1024 as indexp,
(( * @low)/1024 as unused
sysobjects o

inner join
(select distinct id, rowcnt
from sysindexes
where keys is not null and first != 0) ro on =

inner join
(select id, sum(reserved) reserved
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
group by id) r on =

inner join
(select, dpages+isnull(used, 0) data from
(select id, sum(dpages) dpages
from sysindexes
where indid < 2
group by id) c full outer join
(select id, isnull(sum(used), 0) used
from sysindexes
where indid = 255
group by id) t on = d on =

inner join
(select id, sum(used) used
from sysindexes
where indid in (0, 1, 255)
group by id) i on =

where o.xtype = 'U'

order by reserved desc

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How To Make A Temp Table Using Info Fromtwo Tables

Mar 8, 2008

I have one database named StudInfo. It has two tables named StudentInfo, and GradeInfo.
StudentInfo conntains 4 columns. The 1st one is StudentID (PK) int, LastName varchar(10), FirstName varchar(10), and PhoneNumber int.

GradeInfo contains 4 columns also StudentID (FK) int, GradeID varchar(10), Grade int, Date Datetime.

What I would like to know is how using a T-sql query I could make a temp table with studentID, LastName, FirstName, and then the average of all the different types under GradeID. As of right now I have been limiting the names that are put into GradeID to Homework, Daily, Test, Quiz, and Bonus. When I say average I mean the average of all Homeworks under one studentID, and all Daily under one studentID... etc. I would like the info returned for each student in studentID. Allow Nulls has been turned off.

Never assume someone knows what you are talking about.

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How To Construct The Url Via Database Tables Info To Generate Report

Aug 17, 2007

Please help, i am really really struggling for a logic to handle 100's of reports we have via button click from webform.
in the button click i am constructing the url :

I have a table would like to maintain the parameters required for the chosen report:
when the user chooses from list box on the webform for StatusReport, immedeately it fetches the parameters related to Statusreport and gets everything which is stored with a space in between for each parameter, for this report i have 3 parameters:
UserID ContractID subcode

now how can i construct the string based on the above parameters , i am using as code behind for my webform(

please any ideas will help me achieve the logic. please help thank you all very much.

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Move Database (tables And Sp&#39;s) From One SQL 7 Box To Another

Sep 24, 1999

I have an existing SQL 7 database with data and stored procedures. I would like to move it to another NT box that is more powerful...

What's the best method of migrating all the data and sp's from my existing server to a new one?

I'm looking forward to learning about SQL 7.

Thanks a lot!


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How To Move Tables From Database To Another

Jun 24, 2004

hi all.....
iam trying to move or export database tables between two sql server 2000 databases..but i always lose the relations between the moved(exported) tables...
please tell me how to export or import tables between two sql 2000 server databases without losing relations...thx for ur time... :)
plz replay me quick guys...... :(

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DB Engine :: Move Tables From One DB To Another

Jul 6, 2015

I installed SQL server 2012 on a server and it has 6 databases.

Now i need to move a 12 GB sized table from DB1 to DB2 on sql server.

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Move Tables To New File Group

Nov 22, 1999

Just ran the 6.5 to 7.0 upgrade. It put all tables into a 1 large file. Is there a way to move a single table out of the file and into a second filegroup?

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Remote Server. How To Move Tables W/o DTS

May 22, 2008


I have a web hosting account with Network Solutions. I also have my databases hosted on their sql server 2005. (along with a few thousand other database which don't belong to me) . Network Solutions does not allow me to speak to their Technical Support. I must submit a request and they email me their response. Bottom line they are not going to help me with my problem.

I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express to connect remotely to the server.

I have 2 databases. Currently all data is stored in database1

I need to move the tables with the data for my website forum from database1to database2 on the same SQL Server

I have already generated a script which creates the schema for the tables on
database2. The problem is moving the data. The web Host does not allow DTS

Here are the things they won't allow:

You can use all features of SQL 2000 (it is 2005) except for the following:

- DTS Packages
- Database Replication
- Mail Services
- XML Support
- Distributed Transactions
- Database Maintenance Plans
- Web Assistant
- Multiple Instances

I can't for the life of me figure out how to transfer the data.
I have tried copying and pasting the data and run into problems with Identity keys and constraints.
I tried a sql generator script to create insert scripts for each line of each table but it won't work. I'm not sure why.

Bottom-line I can't import and export directly. And I desperately need to.

Thanks in advance!

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How To Move Internal Tables To Another Filegroup

May 25, 2007

I mange several large databases with multiple files and filegroups. During some maintenance I was trying to remove a filegroup and its files and noticed that I was unable to. It appears that some service broker objects were created on my user defined filegroup.

Looking at the system tables I see several system tables on my user defined filegroup

SELECT +'.' FROM sysobjects o inner join sysindexes i on = where groupid = 2


my normal tricks do not work as I am unable to even select from these tables.

How to I move them or get rid of them. I am not even sure what is created them as we are not using service broker in our application.

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How To Move Tables To A Different Database On The Same Server

Jul 14, 2007

I am running SQL Server 2000.

I have about 300 tables scattered across 3 databases that I am trying to consolidate into a single database. There are other tables within these 3 databases that I don't wish to consolidate (so I don't want to copy the full database).

What are my options to move these tables to the consolidated database?

Are there options beyond, the pain and extensive run-time of copying from the DTS wizard into the new database (plus the indices won't copy will they?) or writing code that creates tables in the new database, populates them with data from the old tables and then deletes the old tables?

My understanding is sp_rename won't work with two separate databases --i.e., your destination db must be the same as the db of the object you are renaming. (if my understanding is wrong, that would seem to be the easiest way to accomplish this)


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How Do I Move My Tables From Sqlserver Express To Sqlserver2000?

Nov 3, 2006

is there a way i can auto generate create table scripts or import the table structures into sql server 2000?

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How To Move Data From One Table To Multiple Tables

Mar 18, 2008

Hello All,

I do have one large table, say "emp" having 80 columns. now as the requirement changes, i have to partition the "emp" table to 8 tables.

I want all of my existing data ["emp" table data] to be there in my new tables . i don't want to delete the existing data from "emp" table.

Cal any one please help me out to resolve this issue.

Prashant Hirani

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SQL Server 2008 :: Move Tables And SP From Master To User DB

Apr 28, 2015

I just notice that my MASTER database has some user tables and user SP ..and I am thinking to move them to 1 new user database but I am worried it will break something ..

What should I do ?

Moreover I wonder why Transaction log of MASTER can be full ( The recovery model is simple ) It should be fine , isn’t it?

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Move VistaDB Tables/data To SQL Server 2005

Feb 16, 2007

Is there any way to import a VistaDB database into SQL Server? From what I can tell, there is not...

Please advise.



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Transact SQL :: Move All Tables In Database From One To Another File  group

Oct 15, 2015

I have to move  all the tables in a database from one file group to another file  group.All my tables have millions of records and the indexes are in correct file group but not the tables. How much time will it take to complete the whole process ?

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Move Data From Tables On Linked Server To Normal Database?

Nov 10, 2014

I'm trying to find a way to insert data from a TableA on ServerA into TableB on ServerB using SSIS in Visual Studio.

The specification I was given is basically

Insert INTO TableB AS (Select * from TableA WHERE NOT EXISTS on TableB).

I can't use a linked server unfortunately.

I wonder if it possible to move data from tables on a linked server to a "normal database"? What am I doing wrong?

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Integration Services :: Package To Move Data From 8 Different Tables Dependent On Each Other

Oct 12, 2015

I am trying to move data from 8 different tables that are dependent on each other through foreign key relationship.

Basically they have millions of rows in each table and they have data for the past 5 years. I want to move data for the past 120 days and move it to 8 new tables in the same database. So I created the new tables along with their relationships. Now I need to move in the order (parent table first).

The child table has 50million rows data to move
The intermediate tables have 10 mil 10mil 10mil and 40 mil 50mil and 20 mil rows to move
The parent table has 10 mil rows to move

if I choose to move this data through an SSIS package what is the best way? Or is there a better way to move this data faster?

I will be doing this move only once. After that I have maintenance purge jobs that will cleanup data on a daily basis.

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Is There A System Table With Timestamp Info Or DTS Job Info?

May 7, 2007

I want to be able to see when records have been added to a table. The issue is we have a DTS job scheduled to run every night. The developer who wrote it password protected it and doesn't work here anymore. I want to add a step to this series of DTS jobs and want to run it just prior to his job. Is there a way to see when the records are being added or when this job is being run? Thanks again, you guys are the best.


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Urgent:: Move Tables From One Database To Another Database??

Aug 27, 2007

I have a access database. In this database there are 10 tables and this tables are related to each other.
I want to move these tables to another database according to a field in XYZ table (vertical fragmentation).

for example there is name coloumn in the XYZ table and I want to take only joe lines and other tables related to that from database A and move it to database B

how can I do this?

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Last Used DB Info

Apr 4, 2006

Hi all,

I've inherited the administration of two SQL Servers one 7.0 and the other 2000. We are looking into upgrading to 2005 so I'm gathering all the info I can on the DBs and applications using them.

Now, how can I check if a DB is currently in use? Is there a way to find out when a DB was last accessed?

By the way, I've never done DB administration so you can figure out how desperate I'm getting.

Thanks all for your help,


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Jan 18, 2007

pratap writes " Dear respected sir,

i need small information regarding how the picture image data can be stored in the database and how it can be made possible. is there for the need for any conversion.

thank you

awaiting for your reply"

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Between And More Info

Dec 18, 2007

Hi, I hope someone can help me with this.

I want to get a query from a database

from between '3' AND '5' (NO PROBLEM)

but I want to add that I want info from 7 and up

how would I write that ? (if I do it in seperate lines the query returns nothing) which is not true.

Thank you.

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Help With Db Info.

Oct 1, 2007

Well i need to document what tables i have in my stored procedures. Im really new to sql as well. And the problem is if i try code i have or sp_depends for instance it will only tell me the tables that are in that DB so if I have multiple tables from different DB's they are left out. I was told that sp_MSForEachDb for go through each DB and I could try it that way. Any help or example code dumbed down for me would be awesome. This was posted in a previous thread but i though this would be a better explanation

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Info Regarding MSDE

Nov 14, 2003


Iam not sure if the Question is approriate for this forum but here goes....

I have just started playing around with ASP .NET and since i do not have a lot of money i downloaded and installed MSDE as my database. So far i havent been able to find any free tools to access MSDE. Iam looking for GUI tools from where i can create Databases , tables etc... I have experience with MySQL database and am looking for something like MySQLAdmin for MSDE..

any help in this regard is appreciated


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