How To Put A New SQL 2005 Enterprise License On A Trial Version
Mar 26, 2008
Hello All,
i have sungard campus management system runing on MS SQL Server 2005 trial version, i have bought a new license for MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise. can any body help me how to put the new license please.
Simple question. I have a client that needs SQL 2005 Standard installed NOW, and cannot wait for media to arrive. I know I can download the 180 trial of SQL 2005 Enterprise, but can it be licensed as Standard when we purchase?
I'm trying toinstall sql server 2005 trial version on my vista operating system. which extraction excutablile I should select from the following x85 excutable, x64excutable?
When I ran @@version I get this: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00 (Intel X86) Apr 14 2006 01:12:25 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
I assume this is a licensed version because the std edition does not have a trial license? Can someone confirm this?
If this were a trial version, what could I expect to see?
Info:the machine's OS is XP Professional with SP2sql server 2000 developer's edition installed and runninga bit of 'history'last night I first tried to install sql server 2005 express but theinstruction text to the effect of "not entire Analysis service will beavailable and the like" made me abort installation mid-way.which may have MISTAKENLY registered this machine as having a copy ofsql server 2005 express installed already by the installation utilityprogram.Problem:Attempt to install the core engine of "SQL Server Database Services"failed, "SQL native client" installation also failed. Can't quicklytell which log file is about the core engine installation failure fromthe installation log files.What's my "optimal" course of action?Thanks.P.S. to Erland, sorry for not having responded to your previous help/answer
I tried to install SQL SERVER 2005 through SQLEVAL64 (IA64) on Window vista 2007, Intel core 2 duo processor. Like many other software (including my lexmark printer driver), SQL SERVER 2005 does not seem to be working. Anyone has any work around solution or had similar experience ?
Hi, I want to install SQL server 2005 trial version from Microsoft, How do I know which excecutable to tale from these below? Self-extracting executables:
X86 Executable X64 Executable IA64 Executable Thanks
Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.
So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.
Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?
Once complete, "select SERVERPROPERTY('LicenseType')" returns DISABLED, but I expected that it would return PER_SEAT.
Thankfully, after the upgrade it does show EDITION=Standard Edition.
1. How do I verify the license installed is the Client Access License of 5?
-- SQL Server 2005 does not seem to have the same SQL Licence control panel as did SQL 2000. It is not listed under Control Panel -> Licensing (only thing listed is 'Windows Server') nor under Administrator Tools -> Licensing.
2. How do you add CALs or change license type in SQL 2005?
-- I was also puzzled that I was not asked during setup of the license mode and/or number of licenses ( I did not get this on a fresh install of SQL 2005 SE either ).
If CPU is Quad core it €˜s count to 4 or 1 license cpu. Could you please advice appropriate license for SQL Enterprise edition 2005 like server detail below. Actually i don't want to buy license per cpu. How many Cal for SQL enterprise 2005 license that bundle within first order SQL Svr Enterprise Edtn 2005 English .
Processor : QUAD Core 3.0GHZ X 2 Number of user : 4
I have the trial version of SQL Server 2005 installed and have setup a couple of databases. This trial version will expire in another few weeks. I recently purchased a copy of the software and want to install it. Will I lose my databases, user info, etc? How do I go about installing without losing anything?
I received an error when I tried to install SQL server 2005 enterprise edition trial software with office 2007. My operating system is Windows XP pro SP2. It could not locate an office file and recommended downloading office 2003 sp2. Will this fix the problem?
Hi -I have istalled sql server 2005 standard edition , I want to install sql server 2005 enterprise edition on the same machine. Is it possible? I have Microsoft windows server 2003 SP2 and 1GB RAM. I want to use partition function with the enterprise edition, will the trial version of sql server work for me? -If I have already created a database and tables using the standard edition, will I be able to access and use the database using the installed trial version or will I have to start a fresh creating a new database? - Is it possible to access the same database with any of the installed versions?
BTW, I am prety new to sql server and databases , I am trying to learn by myself
Hi all--I'm researching the cleanest downgrade path from a trial edition of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise to a licensed Standard Edition copy. It looks like downgrading will entail uninstalling the old version and installing the new version, but I'd like to save the original setup as much as possible. Detaching the old databases will preserve the non-system databases; what method would work best for restoring the system databases?
I have SQL Server 2005 enterprise version, which I managed to install on my desktop which has xp home version operating system.
Now when I installed SQL Server 2005 enterprise on either my two laptops one has a XP-Pro and the other windows server 2003 operating systems.
The problem is that when I tried logging on sql server 2005 on either laptops, it prompts me to enter a server name and when I type in the name I believe is the server name it rejects it
During installation on the two laptops I remember seeing a warning on 1 out of 24 components/setups that sql server2005 installs. The warning was something to do with Server client. This warning never came up when I installed the same version on my desktop. Please help €“ I am tearing head over this as I have spent the last two nights trying to get it to work on both laptops.
Any assistance regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
We are currently in the process of setting up replication, and I need to do some testing prior to putting this into production.
I would like to test the replication using SQL Server 2005 Standard edition as this is the version we will be implementing on our servers. My question is this - is there a trial version of the Standard Edition as my understanding is that the trial version that can be downloaded from Microsoft's website is the Enterprise Edition. If it is the enterprise edition, I am concerned that my tests will not be a true reflection of our proposed systems.
Does anyone know where I can obtain the Standard Edition trial version?
The company finally bought a legitimate copy of SQL Server 7. There was nothing special on my trial version, so I chose the uninstall option from the start menu (it was on my Win95 PC). It removed the files, but didn't uninstall the registry bits though! When trying to install the proper version of SQL 7 it has detected the other version, but no files & won't let me install the legitimate version. Can anyone tell me how to get around this to install the new version?
We started out with the trial version of sql2005 and we later purchased the full standard version I belive, I just realized our trial is going to expire which we have data we are using on it. Is it possible to enter our liscense number in the trial to continue using or do I have to detach all of the databases and install the new sql version and then reattach all of the databases and setup any maintence plans again.
We have been using the 180 day evaluation version and I have my license key now for the purchased version. I read on the Microsoft site I am able to upgrade to the non-trial version without uninstalling the eval version. But it doesn't tell me HOW to do it. I was expecting a menu option, maybe on the About Screen of Management Studio to enter it. (How naive is that?) Is there a simple way to tell the Eval version I am now licensed?
I'm getting a "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached. "
Error which means, to me (because I close all connections in a finally block) that the db is still in trial mode.
So.... do I create another db, do I make another registration, hmmm
I see that UPGRADE may only have a value of 'SQL_Engine', so I'm assuming everything relies on the version of the engine. I also see that every cluster install requires certain options that are not specified in my command - which is why I'm a little confused - you can see that info a little below this link - "Parameters Required for Cluster Installations". But I'm thinking this isn't a install, but an upgrade.
I have a VERY Legitmate use to install sql 4 workgroups on a pc without licensing it. I am making a disk image for MANY pcs to be imaged and load licensing after the imaging is completed.
I have been able to do this with Windows XP Professional, MS Office 2003 and a couple non-Ms programs. The information for MS software even came from their KB, so I know what I am doing is legit. I just can't find any information on doing this for my sql app.
I am wondering if it is possible to change from SQL Server Enterprise Evaluation Version to Developer Version. The reason is because the Enterprise Evaluation version expires after 180 days. So if I create reports and cubes in Enterprise Evaluation I can import them into Developer Edition right? Should I remove the Enterprise Evaluation version after 180 days or leave it then install Developer Edition?
I have downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Evaluation Edition ISO from the following site and burned it onto a DVD.
Prior to this I have installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edtion. During setup I have selected all the native client components i.e. Management Studio, Business Intelligense Studio. But after the install I am not able to see them under All Programs-> Microsoft SQL Server 2005. On further searching I have come across this link
First of all, there is no sqlrun_tools.msi under setup folder of the dvd. And also when I tried to change component from Add/Remove programs and following the instructions as specified on clicking Change Installed components all that I see are: Connectivity Components and Software Development kit.
Could someone tell me how can I install Management Studio/ Business Intelligence Studio seperately? I don't want to go through the process of re-installation.
Can some one here give me more insight about how to upgrade a SQL Server 2005 Standard Version (32 bits) to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Version (32 bits) as default instance on a Windows 2003 enterprise OS (32 bits). I want to know what is the easist way and what is the safest way. May I preserve some settings I have for the STD version, or I have to start from strach again to configure the server? Is there any catches, anything I should have attention to (We are using heavily about CLR and fulltext indexing)?