How To Quickly Learn The Syntax Of SQL?

Jun 15, 2007

Hi, All:

I know oracle SQL, now I need to do a lot of SQL query on Microsoft SQLSERVER, can any one point out any place that I can find out the syntax of SQLserver SQL statement? Since this is just a short term assignment, so I don't want to buy a book, just hoping I can learn something quickly from online. I don't need learn anything deep, just need to know some simple syntax so I can do join, count, concatenate, min(), max(), sum () etc.

thanks in advance.

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How To Quickly Fill A Database

Apr 23, 2008

I have a database with a couple of tables i need to expand to 4 gigabytes in order to run some tests. (currently 300 megs)
Does anyone have a script or some method that would quickly populate my tables with random data so that i can grow my database to the desired size for testing.


I have SQL server 2005 express. I have the management studio installed too.

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How Quickly Does RAID10 Format?

Mar 20, 2007

We have a server with some pesky RAID5 - which has on 3 separate occasions corrupted the Databases when a drive failed. So we had a maintenance window and decided to change it to RAID10.

We started the configuration at 13:00 today, its now 18:00 and it has done 25% ... is that normal?

Its 8 disks (so 4 mirror-pairs), it will have around 300GB of usable space when its done.

What would happen if we needed to do this in a time critical window? (for this debacle we have moved the database onto the Web Server, so we can survive for a few more hours ...)


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Problem With Date Search Plz Help Me Quickly

Oct 22, 2007

I am trying to search for stored files "for example from date: 15/12/2003 to: 24/6/2006" and when i press search no results appeare the following is the database code:
1    public DataTable searchData(string fileNo, string Title, string dFrom, string dTo, string brief)2        {3            string str = "";4    5            str = "select * from Tb_File where Active = 1 ";6    7            if (fileNo != "")8                str += " and FileNo='" + fileNo + "'";9            if (Title != "")10               str += " and Title like '%" + Title + "%' ";11           if (brief != "")12               str += " and Brief like '%" + brief + "%' ";13           if (dFrom != "")14               str += " and DFrom >= convert(datetime,'" + Convert.ToDateTime(dFrom).ToShortDateString() + "',103) ";15           if (dTo != "")16               str += " and DTo < convert(datetime,'" + Convert.ToDateTime(dTo).ToShortDateString() + "',103) ";17   18           ole.Open();19           SqlDataAdapter DA = new SqlDataAdapter(str, ole);20           DataTable DT = new DataTable();21           DA.Fill(DT);22           ole.Close();23           return DT;24   25       }
 i am using sql 2000, with Visual Studio 2005.

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Selecting Distinct Records Quickly

Mar 26, 2007

Good day,

I have a table of approximately 10 million rows. The table has 3 field making up the key, namely:
ID, Date, Program

I need to extract all the distinct Program's from the table.
I have don so with:
Select distinct Program from table
This unfortunately takes roughly 2 minutes which is far to long. Is there something I can do to help speed this process up?

Thanks in advance.

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Change Database Collation - Quickly

May 19, 2004

There have been several threads about changing a database's collation but none have come up with an easy answer before.
The suggestion before was to create an empty database with the correct collation and then copy the data across.
However this is hard work as you have to populate tables in a specific order in order not to violate foreign keys etc. You can't just dts the whole data.

There follows scripts we have written to do the job. If people use them, please could you add to this thread whether they worked successfully or not.

Firstly we change the default collation, then change all the types in the database to match the new collation.

--script to change database collation - James Agnini
--Replace <DATABASE> with the database name
--Replace <COLLATION> with the collation, eg SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
--After running this script, run the script to rebuild all indexes


exec sp_configure 'allow updates',1
reconfigure with override
update syscolumns
set collationid = (select top 1 collationid from systypes where systypes.xtype=syscolumns.xtype)
where collationid <> (select top 1 collationid from systypes where systypes.xtype=syscolumns.xtype)
exec sp_configure 'allow updates',0
reconfigure with override

As we have directly edited system tables, we need to run a script to rebuild all the indexes. Otherwise you will get strange results like comparing strings in different table not working.
The indexes have to actually be dropped and recreated in separate statements.
You can't use DBCC DBREINDEX or create index with the DROP_EXISTING option as they won't do anything(thanks to SQL Server "optimization").
This script loops through the tables and then loops through the indexes and unique constraints in separate sections. It gets the index information and drops and re-creates it.
(The script could probably be tidied up with the duplicate code put into a stored procedure).

--Script to rebuild all table indexes, Version 0.1, May 2004 - James Agnini
--Database backups should be made before running any set of scripts that update databases.
--All users should be out of the database before running this script

print 'Rebuilding indexes for all tables:'

DECLARE @Table_Name varchar(128)
declare @Index_Name varchar(128)
declare @IndexId int
declare @IndexKey int

select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.tables where table_type != 'VIEW'

OPEN Table_Cursor
INTO @Table_Name

--loop through tables

print ''
print @Table_Name

select indid, name from sysindexes
where id = OBJECT_ID(@Table_Name) and indid > 0 and indid < 255 and (status & 64)=0 and
order by indid

OPEN Index_Cursor
INTO @IndexId, @Index_Name

--loop through indexes

declare @SQL_String varchar(256)
set @SQL_String = 'drop index '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Table_Name + '.' + @Index_Name

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ';create '

if( (select INDEXPROPERTY ( OBJECT_ID(@Table_Name) , @Index_Name , 'IsUnique')) =1)
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + 'unique '

if( (select INDEXPROPERTY ( OBJECT_ID(@Table_Name) , @Index_Name , 'IsClustered')) =1)
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + 'clustered '

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + 'index '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Index_Name
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ' on '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Table_Name

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + '('

--form column list
SET @IndexKey = 1

-- Loop through index columns, INDEX_COL can be from 1 to 16.
WHILE @IndexKey <= 16 and INDEX_COL(@Table_Name, @IndexId, @IndexKey)

IF @IndexKey != 1
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ','

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + index_col(@Table_Name, @IndexId, @IndexKey)

SET @IndexKey = @IndexKey + 1

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ')'

print @SQL_String
EXEC (@SQL_String)

INTO @IndexId, @Index_Name

CLOSE Index_Cursor

--loop through unique constraints
select indid, name from sysindexes
where id = OBJECT_ID(@Table_Name) and indid > 0 and indid < 255 and (status & 64)=0 and
order by indid

OPEN Contraint_Cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM Contraint_Cursor
INTO @IndexId, @Index_Name

--loop through indexes

set @SQL_String = 'alter table '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Table_Name
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ' drop constraint '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Index_Name

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + '; alter table '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Table_Name
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ' WITH NOCHECK add constraint '
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + @Index_Name
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ' unique '

if( (select INDEXPROPERTY ( OBJECT_ID(@Table_Name) , @Index_Name , 'IsClustered')) =1)
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + 'clustered '

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + '('

--form column list
SET @IndexKey = 1

-- Loop through index columns, INDEX_COL can be from 1 to 16.
WHILE @IndexKey <= 16 and INDEX_COL(@Table_Name, @IndexId, @IndexKey)

IF @IndexKey != 1
set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ','

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + index_col(@Table_Name, @IndexId, @IndexKey)

SET @IndexKey = @IndexKey + 1

set @SQL_String = @SQL_String + ')'

print @SQL_String
EXEC (@SQL_String)

FETCH NEXT FROM Contraint_Cursor
INTO @IndexId, @Index_Name

CLOSE Contraint_Cursor
DEALLOCATE Contraint_Cursor

INTO @Table_Name

CLOSE Table_Cursor

print ''
print 'Finished, Please check output for errors.'

Any comments are very welcome.

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New To SSIS Need Help In Solving This Problem Quickly

Mar 6, 2008

I am very new to SSIS. Can someone give me a basic out line to this problem. I kind of understand control tasks, data flow, etc... but not in details(watched couple of webcasts). I need to see something like below in action to understand this better.

Basically, I need to process a flat csv file on daily basis and load it into a table. As I am loading the records, I will need to verify(on a key column) to see if record exists in table already. If so then just update the record otherwise insert a new record. When I find a record, I need to possibly do a checksum on a set of columns before I do update. So, only update if these set of columns are different from file vs. table. I also need to keep performance in mind as I am processing this record one at a time looking up this record. I am thinking this should be fairly easy but I am getting little lost in control tasks and dataflow as to what goes on what. By the way I am using visual studio 2005 and sqlserver 2005.

I would appreciate your help. thanks again. I dont mind an example solution file.

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Load A Dataset To SQL Mobile (Quickly)

Jul 10, 2007

I have five small tables that I need to insert to a SQL CE database.

I am using the 2.0 Compact Framework with the 2.0 System.Data.SqlServerCe.

My table definition is dynamic so I never know it's design.

1- If I go Row by Row using an this.ExecuteNonQuery(_global, par); it takes about 26 seconds to insert 5 tables of 330 rows.

2- If a use

StringBuilder sbColumns = new StringBuilder();

foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns)


if (sbColumns.ToString() != "")




SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT " + sbColumns.ToString() + " FROM " + _tablename, m_con);

SqlCeCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCeCommandBuilder(da);

da.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Passthrough;

da.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand();



it takes about 46 seconds.

How Can write it faster or is this fastest it can go?


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Transferring A LARGE Database To A New Server - QUICKLY!!!!

Nov 13, 2000

Good morning one and all,

I need to transfer a database (contining one table) containing over 35 million records from one server to another. I have two options at present :
(a) Use DTS to do the transfer
(b) Copy the mdf file across and sp_attach_db it

Does any1 have a better idea, or does any1 know which of the two methods will be the quickest?



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SQL Server 2008 :: Index Fragmented Quickly

Apr 8, 2015

I just did index defragmentation for some databases include MSDB . I notice there are 3 indexes from MSDB database that fragmented quickly ( I did rebuild last nite at 10 PM - > fragmentation level becomes zero but today at 9 am it become 80 % ).The indexes are backupsetuuid, backup media family uuid, backupmediasetuuid. I am thinking to set the fill factor for those indexes = 80 respectively.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Indexes Fragment Really Quickly

May 1, 2015

This application runs on a SQL Server 2008 R2 database.This application receives messages from an integration module. It has a core table: Table-A. Each message is inserted as 1 row into Table-A. Then when it is processed, that row in Table-A is updated.

There are two environments which are both connected to the same integration. So in both environments, Table-A has exactly the same amount of records inserted and updated. In both environments Table-A has around 80 million rows, with an extra 150,000 rows being inserted and then updated every day.Table-A has 8 indexes. For some reason unknown to me, the 8 indexes fragment really quickly in one environment but not in the other.

e.g. In Environment-1 the index fragmentation ranges from 0 - 19% and this environment has not been re-indexed for over 2 months.BUT a reindex was performed in Environment-2 and only 2 days later the index fragmentation ranges from 72 - 99.93%!

Our DBA has confirmed the re-index in Environment-2 completed successfully and has shown stats before and after the reindex to show that the 8 indexes for Table-A in Environment-2 went down to 0% fragmentation.

My question is, how can the indexes in Environment-2 fragment so much more quickly than the indexes in Environment-1? Both environments are on exactly the same hardware and have exactly the same inbound messages. The database on Environment-1 is actually a clone from Environment-2. The only known differences between the 2 databases is Environment-1 is STANDARD edition - SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) whereas Environment-2 is ENTERPRISE edition - SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1). Could this difference be due to the Service Pack levels or even because one is STANDARD and the other ENTERPRISE?

This is what I have checked so far:

1) In both Environments all 8 indexes have "Set Fill Factor" unchecked and "Automatically recompute statistics", "Use row locks...", "Use page locks..." checked.
2) The "Index Usage Statistics" report in both Environments shows a similar amount of #UserUpdates and #UserScans

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End 35 Million Conversations Quickly - Production Issue!

Dec 15, 2006

We have a system that has 35 million conversations piled up. We didn't know to explicitly end the conversation once the processing has completed. Oops. Now, our production box has 35 mm sitting in the table, and we have run into the problem where the amount in sys.conversation_endpoints has exceeded memory and they are being dumped into tempdb, which is killing our disk space, thus bringing the box down. We have fixed the code to end the conversations, but we now have to end the conversations in a hurry. If we select one by one out of the table and end the conversation via END CONVERSATION, it is slow. Very slow. It will finish in a few months. :(

Does anyone know how to get rid of these conversations in a hurry? All of the messages have been applied to our system, so killing the conversations will (should) have no affect on the processed data. Something like a TRUNCATE statement?

Thank you so much in advance,

John Hennesey

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How Do I Quickly Populate A New Database With Place-holder Content?

Apr 28, 2008

I am using SQL server to create a rather complicated client database for a nonprofit organization. I have access to an ancient version of the database in Access format, but would rather create a new database from scratch instead of "up-sizing" the old database. Although the old database is mostly useless, it contains a goldmine of names and addresses that I could use to populate the new database that I'm creating. My question is this: Is there any relatively easy way to cut and paste from external data sources into a new SQL database? For example, I would love to just select twenty rows of "first names" from the old database and then paste that into my new table. Can anyone suggest any quick and easy tricks for populating a new database with place-holder content? Thanks! 

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: How To Quickly Update XML Column In A Table To NULL

Mar 9, 2015

I have a table with hundreds of millions of records and need to update an xml column to null. I do something like this:

UPDATE [Mydb].[MySchema].[MyTable]
SET [XMLColumn] = null

Currently it is taking around 6 hours.

Is there a quicker way to do this?

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Old Asp Pro Trying To Learn Having Some Problems, Help!

Jan 31, 2005

Hello everyone! Many thanks in advance for taking the time to help me out. I’ll also apologize upfront for the longwinded email, but I seem to be really stuck in a rut. I've been writing web apps for 3+ years in ASP and am finally taking the leap into (a bit behind the curve, i know). I have a few books and have gone over the tutorials on this site. I am realizing that the syntax (if using VB) is much the same, but also realize how much richer is in comparison to traditional ASP.

I'm having some major issues in my learning process that stem from using the tutorials and attempting to be efficient with VS2003. I feel as though I’m missing something fundamental that could be causing my problems. My area of focus right now is data access, using connections, adapters and datasets.

The tutorials on this site show all of the examples by hardcoding the data access into the ASPX page. The tutorials have me importing the proper namespaces for data and sqldata access at the top of the page. This seems to work fine and dandy if I were to be coding my pages from a standard text editor, but I would like to use the richness of the VB.NET studio gui to expedite my work.

My first problem lies if I try to manually code the data access in the private class defined for the page in the codebehind section. Because it will not allow me to import multiple namespaces, the only way I get it to work would be to include the complete namespace for the object I’m trying to use (ie: On top of this, the datasets I define aren’t available as options when I try to bind them to objects in the GUI.

On the flip side, I tried to use the SQLconnection, Dataadapter, etc objects in the gui, but I can’t seem to find where the code is dynamically written for these, nor how I can, for example make this sort of connection use an application-variable level connection string. The only way I can see to make this would be to define the connection for each web form, which seems silly when I’m trying to deploy each solution multiple times with different databases.

I apologize for my ignorance, as this is probably fairly simple to overcome. If someone could point out what I’m doing wrong, or point me in the right direction, I’d be very appreciative. I am sick of spinning my wheels with this, and keep getting tempted to go back to using traditional ASP, just so I can get my job done.

Thanks again,


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How To Learn Forumlas

Nov 23, 2005

does anyone know where I can learn how to make forumlas to use in my table fields?

I have two mauals on SQL Server and niether of them cover formulas.


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Learn Joins

May 15, 2006

anyone know any site that can provide "EASY" to understand examples about joins?

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Where To Learn Basic SQL

Jun 12, 2007

I was just looking for opinions on the best place to pick up SQL skills. Community college course? Online courses? Grad school? I've finished undergrad, if that helps anyone have an idea of my current situation.

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Would Like To Learn Sql Server

Dec 13, 2007


I am new to sql server. I would like to learn sql server. I have knowledge of databases. Can anyone guide me on this?

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How To Learn Sql From Beginning?

Jul 23, 2005

How to learn sql from beginning?I would like to learn sql but don't have a clue.can you help me?where would I start?

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Just Starting To Learn It . . .

Aug 22, 2005

I can't get a script to run that's supposed to generate a QueryParameters dialogue to take inputs and then run the query - forexample, the following.. . .and fl.flow_name = [[TRUE][FLOW NAME][@?]].. . .generates SQL Query Analyzer exceptions about "Incorrect syntax near'FLOW NAME'.Suggestions?

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Learn SSIS

Aug 2, 2007

I have several DTS packages I need to move to SSIS. I am having trouble understanding the new tools available and how I translate my lookup and ActiveX scripts into the new format. I feel like I just need a jump start to get me on the right road. Does anyone have any good suggested links to get me started with the new technology and get my head unstuck from the old DTS?


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Trying To Learn SQL.. Some Questions..

Oct 25, 2007

Hi all.. I install SQL Express install.. I am looking for a job, and I see companies posting want ad's for SQL server admins.

My one question... what is the difference of SQL Server vs OpenSQL ?

Happy Tom

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Best Way To Learn SQL Mobile?

Aug 1, 2006

I am an experienced web developer using PHP and MySql have experience with VB.

What is the best way for me to learn programming pocket pc's? Is using sql server mobile the best offline database to use as I will be using MySql Compact framework to connect direcly to our Linux server.

Any help is much appreciated as I can't seem to find any useful tutorials on quering an sql databse to update, insert, read or delete. I have created a datebase however, I just don't know how to use it.

Thanks in advance.


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Quickly Update / Insert 3M Records In Large Table

Mar 28, 2015

Our system runs a SQL Server 2012 DB, it has a table (table_a) which has over 10M records. Our system have to receive data file from previous system daily which contains approximate 3M updated or new records for table_a. My job is to update table_a with the new data.

The initial solution is:

1 Create a table (table_b) which structur is as the same as table_a

2 Use BCP to import updated records into table_b

3 Remove outdated data in table_a:
delete from table_a inner join table_b on table_a.key_fileds = table_b.key_fields

4 Append updated or new data into table_a:
insert into table_a select * from table_b

As the test result, this solution is very inefficient. Step 3 costs several hours, e.g. How can I improve it?

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What Is Suitable To Learn DBA Or Oracle ?

Jul 16, 2003

AS a newly Master degree graduate student in IT field. My M.S. degree training has been emphasized in database developer, Web developer, Web/database developer, network, and network and computer security.
My personal interesting are database and web. have experienceon java servlet and database(create a web site), try ASP and dataabase now, but I don't have any work experience(come from other country and change major)

hope can get advice from kindness prople what is suitable to learn DBA or oracle ? conside about difficult level, cost, and suite for future job market

Thank you

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Want To Learn How To Write Scripts

Sep 19, 2001


I would like to learn to write SQL scripts to use with SQL 2000 and would like a good reference. I read the book "SQL Queries for mere mortals" and that was a start, but really didn't provide me enough depth to write the complex scripts that I need. Idealy something that goes into the programming logic like PL/SQL in Oracle did. Basiclly, if I had something that would allow me to interperet some of the scripts I see on Swynk so I can modify them to meet my needs, I think that would be a great place to start.

Any recomendations?


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Newbie Wanting To Learn

Sep 11, 2004

Hi All,
I am totally new to databases. I am starting from the absolute beginning. I want to learn MS-SQL and was wondering how/where to start. I need info on everything from installation and set-up on an Windows XP PC to programming in SQL. Is there a book or website that can guide me. I am fairly decent at programming and am able understand technical books. Installation and set up are my main concerns right now, since I believe that once I have a stable system to learn on, SQL should be easy.

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Need To Learn SQL Server, Feeling Overwhelmed

Feb 6, 2006


My department is switching from a TM1 database to an SQL Server database. With TM1, only a few people had the software necessary to run queries installed on their PCs. Whenever I needed data, one of these people would run the query for me and then I would perform whatever analysis is required. Now however, we all have MS SQL Server (Query Analyzer, Profiler, Enterprise Manager, etc.) installed on our machines and will be able to run our own queries.

I have no prior experience with SQL (my only programming knowledge is with Excel VBA) so I bought the "Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes" book and worked through most of it. I practiced writing queries in MS Access, and feel somewhat comfortable with the language. However, when I try to do anything with SQL Server, I feel kind of overwhelmed with all of the options. I assume that I should be writing and executing my queries from Query Analyzer, but I find the object browser and everything confusing. Also, I'm not sure if I'm even able to create my own database to practice with. It seems like I can only connect to my department's server. Is there any way to work "offline" with a database on my own hard drive?

All of the SQL Server books that I've found seem to be either for DBAs or developers. Anything geared more toward beginners isn't SQL Server specific. Can anyone recommend an appropriate book for me?



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Rants. Difficulty To Learn ETL Tools?

Apr 16, 2007

Dear Experts,I've worked with Oracle since 1995. I have gonevery deep into many of the Oracle features, includingsqlloader, and export/import. And I've done datamodelling even longer.At the same time, I have done ETL since 1995.Although, at the Proc, and PLSQL, sqlloader, level.Map the data. Take data from the source, do anymodifications/transformations that are required,and insert or update. Easy. The hard part isdetermining the mappings.But I have not been given the opportunity towork much with ETL tools such as:Informatica, DataStage, Ascential, Ab InitioThe little bit of experience that I do have,showed that Informatica was -incredibly- easy to use.It's a GUI. It's SUPPOSED to be simple!!!I have missed out on a number of opportunitiesbecause I didn't have a few YEARS of experiencewith ETL tools. Which seems odd, because thetool looks like it requires a max of a week to learn!Just how difficult are these ETL tools to learn?Especially if you have already been working withOracle, and doing data mappings and loads since 1995?I'm thinking that it can't be difficult at all.When you search for newsgroups, there are no newsgroupsfor these tools. Although the companies who makethem, might have their own newsgroup.There are also not many books on these tools.If you search for books on Oracle, or SQL Server,you will find a lot of very big, and detailedbooks. But there is next to nothing specificallyon the various ETL tools.Any certifications for any of these tools lookto be much simpler than Oracle's.To me, the real issue is the mappings. If youcome into a new environment, the data mappingsare completely esoteric to those systems.No amount of experience with an ETL tool, or anytool, is going to tell you what the mappings should be.Questions:- Just how difficult are these ETL tools to learnfor an experience Oracle pro like myself?- Other than a GUI, making everything simple to use,just what are the advantages of using ETL tools?- what built in functionality do ETL toolshave, that can't be done in PLSQL?Thanks a lot!

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Want To Learn SQL In California....any School, Literaturerecommendations?

Feb 20, 2008

Hi there,I have learned to create very, very basic queries at work, but I wouldlike to expand my knowledge. I live in Northern California, doesanyone know of any good schools and/or literature that could help mein this quest?Thanks a bunch,Juana

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How To Learn SSIS Related To SSAS

Dec 31, 2007

I'd like to learn SSIS working with SSAS, how to transformation data for Dimension or fact tables? What are different between normal ETL tasks and ETL for Dimension / fact tables ? How to learn? Do I need to learn SSAS first? Please give tips for that. Many thanks.

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I Wasnt To Learn All The Possible Ways Of Accessing Data In ASP .net 2.0

Oct 5, 2007

Hello.I would like to learn all the possible ways that we can access and modify data in ASP .net 2.0 programmatically.for example one way would be like this: StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();sql.Append(" SELECT *");        //count the total number of recordssql.Append(" FROM dbo.tblJobTitle ");  //get the connection string from web servicesstring strConnection = new sqlconnection.SQLConnection().GetSQLConnectString(sqlconnection.SQLDSN.SCIC);//Use the Microsoft.practices SqlDatabase object to execute our sql.SqlDatabase SqlHelper = new SqlDatabase(strConnection);SqlDataReader reader = (SqlDataReader)SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sql.ToString());the i can loop through reader and get the data OR I can create a DataSet like this: SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(strConnection);
DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql.ToString());
DataSet dst = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand);I want to know if there is a comprehensive book explainaning all these possible ways to access and modify data using C#  under ASP .net 2.0I really really apreciate this.Thank you very much.   

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