My input table consist of TWO columns. And this is my table
Time Action
17:42 SELL
17:43 BUY
17:44 SELL
17:45 SELL
17:46 SELL
17:47 BUY
17:48 BUY
17:49 SELL
17:50 SELL
When ever ACTION columns data are repeating remove that repetitive data rows.
(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)
My input table consist of ONLY TWO columns. And this is my table (INPUT TABLE) Time Action 17:42 SELL 17:43 BUY 17:44 SELL 17:45 SELL 17:46 SELL 17:47 BUY 17:48 BUY 17:49 SELL 17:50 SELL
When ever ACTION columns data is repeating remove that repetitive data rows.
(i mean to say Bold characters rows want to remove)
I have a common requirement in numerous SSIS processes to take my main input data set and to remove all rows from it that match a second input data set on a given key and output this as the main output. I also want to output (as a second output) all the rows from the main input data set that did match on the given key. However, I don't want to merge in data from the second input, nor am I interested in rows from the second input data set that have no match in the main input.
E.g. If I have the following data:
Main input: Key Name --- ---- 1 Steve 2 Jamie 3 Donald
I have a results table that was created from many different sources in SSIS. I have done calculations and created derived columns in it. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to remove duplicate rows from this table without first writing it to a temp sql table and then parsing through it to remove them.
each row has a like key in a column - I would like to remove like rows keeping specific columns in the resulting row based on the data in this key field.
;WITH ctePreAgg AS ( select top 500 act_reference "ActivityRef", row_number() over (partition by act_reference order by act_reference) as rowno, t3.s_initials "Initials" from mytablestuff order by act_reference
But what I would love to do next is take each of the above rows - and return the initials either in one column with all the nulls and duplicate values removed, separated by a comma ..
OR the above but using variable number of columns based on the maximum number of different initials for each row.this is not strictly required, but maybe neater for further work on the view
Hi everyone.How can I get the unique row from a table which contains multiple rowsthat have exactly the same values.example:create table test (c1 as smallint,c2 as smallint,c3 as smallint )insert into test values (1,2,3)insert into test values (1,2,3)i want to remove whichever of the rows but I want to retain a singlerow.TIADiego
I've got the following table data:116525.99116520.14129965.03129960.12129967.00And I need to write a query to return only rows 2 and 4, since theremaining rows have duplicate IDs. I've tried the Group By, but amhaving no luck.Thanks!
Ok, so I've been racking my brains on this one for a while now and figured it was time to ask for some help...
I have a table named tblAppInfo that looks something like this:
Code Block user_name app_name app_ver
User1 MS Word 2000 User2 MS Word 2000 User3 MS Excel 2000 User4 MS Excel 2000 User5 MS Excel 2000 User6 MS Excel 2000 User7 MS Outlook 2000 User8 MS PowerPoint 2000 User9 Adobe Acrobat 5.0 User10 Adobe Acrobat 6.0 User11 Adobe Acrobat 7.0
What I want to do is remove any rows that repeat the app_name and app_ver more than twice. Basically in the example above, it would remove the lines that have MS Excel 2000 (as it's listed 4 times). MS Word 2000 would stay as it's only listed twice. As would Outlook and PowerPoint. All 3 Adobe's would also stay as their versions are different.
I've tried the following but it still repeats applications that occur more than twice:
Code BlockSELECT user_name, app_name, app_ver FROM tblAppInfo GROUP BY app_name, app_ver, user_name having count(distinct app_name + app_ver + tblAppInfo.host_name) < 3 ORDER BY app_name, app_ver
I've also tried using nested select statements and everything else in my arsenal to no avail. I hope someone here will be able to help me out as I'm afraid I'll go bald if I try anymore!
Does anyone have any piece of sql that can help with the following.
1. I have to perform repetitive tasks across about 13 databases on 13 different servers involving a. Alter table drop constraint b. Alter table drop column
Is there anyway i can pass the database connection details into a procedure and run the task from one database and execute these tasks?
This means I do not have to physically log into the different servers and execute these tasks.
I have a table with one column, and i want to remove those records from the table which are duplicate i meant if i have a records rakesh in table two time then one records should be remove... my tables is like that
Hi,I've got a db table containing 5 columns(excluding id) consisting of1.) First Half of a UK postcode2.) Town name to which postcode belongs3.) Latitude of Postcode4.) Longitude of Postcode5.) Second Part of the PostcodeI want to select columns 1,2,3 and 4, but once only. There are oftenseveral entries where 1 and 2 are the same but 3 and 4 are differenti.e.WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.386492-2.596847WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.388203-2.590961WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.388875-2.598504WA1Fairfield and Howley53.388455-2.581701WA1Fairfield and Howley53.396117-2.571789My current query isSELECT DISTINCT Postcode, Town, latitude, longitudeFROM PostcodeWHERE Postcode.Postcode = 'wa1'ORDER BY Postcode, TownHowever as latitude and longitude differ on each line DISTINCT doesnot do what I'm looking for.Can anybody suggest a way changing the query to just give the firstinstance of each Postcode/Town combo?I.E.WA1Bewsey and Whitecross53.386492-2.596847WA1Fairfield and Howley53.388455-2.581701Many thanks!Drew
How to write a sql to combine the 4 tables into one without repetitive records? The 4 tables have exactly the same fields.
The tables do not have primary key. The fields to identiry the rows is name and dob. In the case the name and dob is same for two records, the one with latest date_created is selected.
Is there an easy way to loop through all rows and remove allinternational alphabet characters from a column in a table, for exampleremove German umlauts "ü" and convert them to a simple "u".Thanks,lq
I have 4 tables (SqlServer2000/2005). In the select query, I have FULL JOINED all the four tables A,B,C,D as I want all the data. The result is as sorted by DDATE desc:- AID BID BNAME DDATE DAUTHOR 1 1 abcxyz 2008-01-20 23:42:21.610 1 1 abcxyz 2008-01-20 23:41:52.970 1 2 xyzabc 2008-01-21 00:17:14.360 1 2 xyzabc 2008-01-20 23:43:17.110 1 2 xyzabc 2008-01-20 23:42:43.937 1 2 xyzabc NULL NULL 2 3 pqrlmn NULL NULL 2 4 cdefgh NULL NULL Now, I want unique rows from the above result set like :- AID BID BNAME DDATE DAUTHOR 1 1 abcxyz 2008-01-20 23:42:21.610 1 2 xyzabc 2008-01-21 00:17:14.360 2 3 pqrlmn NULL NULL 2 4 cdefgh NULL NULL I want to remove the duplicate rows and show only the unique rows but contains all the data from the first table A. I have to bind this result set to a nested GridView.
Dear All,I'm attempting to create a query that will transpose repeated fieldsinto a single table structure. Can anyone think of how this can be doneas I'm stumped at the minute? I'd like to do this without having tocreate a cursor due to the overheads and performance issues associatedwith cursors. The table may also include additional fields which I'mnot interested in.Serial Data is like this.............IkeyIval-----------------------------------------------RAF_EMAILJoin Bytes!RAF_FIRSTNAMEtestFirstName1RAF_LASTNAMEtestLastname1RAF_EMAILJoin Bytes!RAF_FIRSTNAMEtestFirstName2RAF_LASTNAMEtestLastname2....Transposed into table like this ..............EmailFirstnameLastname--------------------------------------------------------------------------Join Bytes!testFirstName1testLastname1Join Bytes!testFirstName2testLastname2....Any help, much appreciated ...Kind Regards,Tim-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: these create temporary tables ....DECLARE @XML TABLE(ikey VARCHAR(200),ival VARCHAR(1000))INSERT INTO @XMLSELECT 'RAF_EMAIL', ''UNION ALL SELECT 'RAF_FIRSTNAME', 'testFirstName1'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_LASTNAME', 'testLastname1'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_EMAIL', ''UNION ALL SELECT 'RAF_FIRSTNAME', 'testFirstName2'UNION ALLSELECT 'RAF_LASTNAME', 'testLastname2'UNION ALLSELECT 'FORM_CATEGORY', 'nothing'UNION ALLSELECT 'NO_DOGS', '1'DECLARE @RESULTS(EMAIL,FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME)
I have a dataset in my report that pulls 10 fields. One of the tablixes on report should display only 8 of the 10 fields and this is causing the duplicate records to show up on the tablix.I tried hide duplicates option for the entire details row and have set the scope to "Details". It did not work. I am getting the data from a stored procedure and cannot do much on that.
I need to remove "rows affected" text from results as shown below from posted Sp. I am using set nocount on but its not working as expected.
Create Procedure DailyCheckList As SET NOCOUNT ON Declare @EmailSub varchar(500),@dt varchar(100),@Msg varchar(max),@M varchar(max) set @dt= convert(varchar(20),GETDATE(),107)
Hello, I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row: user1 answer1user1 answer2user1 answer3user2 answer1user2 answer2user2 answer3 For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer): user1 answer1 answer2 answer3user2 answer1 answer2 answer3 How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row Thanx,Danny.
Running this code on my PC via VS 2005 .Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS) Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file. I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not. I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table. I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here:
Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table. I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:
How to perform
1) stripping out all undesired rows 2) importing each column into sql table
I am facing an issue that Data flow task failing after loading 29000 rows out of 2lakhs rows.
I am loading data from .csv file to OLE DB Destination.
This data flow task is placed inside For each loop container.
is this issue because of any performance issue in SSIS packages such as buffer size.
find the error below:
DFT Load Data from FlatFile:Error: The conditional operation failed. DFT Load Data from FlatFile:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.Â
The "DER Add Calc Columns" failed because error code 0xC0049063 occurred, and the error row disposition on "DER Add Calc Columns.Outputs[Derived Column Output].Columns[M_VALUE_NUM]" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
DFT Load Data from FlatFile:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "DER Add Calc Columns" (48) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input "Derived Column Input" (49). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
I tried to remove AdventureWorksDB in the "Add or Remove Programs" of Contol Panel and I got the following errors: (1) AdventureWorksDB Error 1326: Error getting file security: CProgram FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL1MSSQLGetLastError: 5. |OK| and (2) Add or Remove Programs Fatal Error during installation (after I clicked the |OK| button). Please help and tell me how I can solve this problem.
Today I have got one scenario to calculate the (sum of days difference minus(-) the dates if the same date is appearing both in assgn_dtm and complet_dtm)/* Here goes the table schema and sample data */
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[temp_tbl]') AND type in (N'U')) DROP TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temp_tbl]( [tbl_id] [bigint] NULL, [cs_id] [int] NOT NULL, [USERID] [int] NOT NULL,
I have uninstalled the CTP version of the SQL Server express so that I can install the released version but CTP version is still listed in the add/remove program list but without the change/remove button. I have been to different sites to find information on cleaning this up and I have ran all the uninstall tool I can find but the problem still prevails. I cannot install the released version without completely getting rid of the CTP version. Please help anyone.
I have a query that for one reason or another produces duplicate information in the result set. I have tried using DISTINCT and GROUP BY to remove the duplicates but because of the nature of the data I cannot get this to work, here is an example fo the data I am working with
ID Name Add1 Add2 1 Matt 16 Nowhere St Glasgow 1 Matt 16 Nowhere St Glasgow, Scotland 2 Jim 23 Blue St G65 TX 3 Bill 45 Red St 3 Bill 45 red St London
The problem is that a user can have one or more addresses!! I would like to be able to remove the duplicates by keeping the first duplicate ID that appears and getting rid of the second one. Any ideas?
I have a hyperlink datatype column in Access database.I import that column into SQL Table.
Now my column in sql table say 'imp_cl 'have all data from Acces table. But all record are prefix with"#" and at the end of value also have "#". that means it imported in following way
eg. #//Server/image/img1.pdf#
Now I want to remove this # from both side.As we have around 80,000 record of same type,it is very difficult to do it record by record.
I would like to know aay fuction ,method or programme to remove this "#" from all record.