How To Replace Only 1 Space
Oct 17, 2013
I have data with double space.
John Johnson
Marry Kitty
Loppes Ginna
How can I replace only 1 space?I tried as below:
select case when Name like '% %' then replace(name,'','') end?
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Nov 14, 2007
I am trying to do this:
UPDATE Users SET uniqueurl = replaceAllEmptySpacesInUniqueURL('uniqueurl')
What would be the syntax.
Any help appreciated.
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Sep 21, 2006
lname fname mname suffix
update names
set nm_mid = replace(nm_mid, nm_mid, '')
where nm_first = substring(nm_mid, 1, charindex(' ', nm_mid))
i want to replace james with '' on the mname when fname and when the first word on mname are the same. But seems like my code is not working.
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Feb 15, 2007
I need to map several columns of data from one database to anotherwhere the data contains multiple spaces (once occurance of a variablenumber or spaces) that I need to replace with a single space. Whatwould be the most efficient way to do this? I am using SQL2K. I wasthinking a function since I know of no single Transact-SQL commandthat can accomplish this task.
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Sep 10, 2015
I have several fields that have multiple spaces between the City State and Zip Code. I want to be able to make only one space between each. A combination of Substring and Replace is what i have been trying but not able to make it work. a do while might be what i need but not sure how to do it.
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Feb 7, 2014
i need to find and all special characters and replace with space.
Following query works well for me to finding all rows having special char.
WHERE DESC LIKE '%[^A-Z0-9 ]%'
replacing special char with space . i need to remove special chars only.
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Sep 18, 2015
I want to replace special characters and space except '-' Tried with Pathindex and function but not getting expected results.
Ex: Input kjkdjfdf-234#kei$ ewiw
output:Â kjkdjfdf-234keiewiw
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Feb 23, 2007
I am generating a Report from Sql Data Source in Sql Server 2005 and viewing the Report in Report viewer control of Visual Studio 2005.
The data in the Data Source contains string with multiple spaces (for example €œ Test String €œ) but when they get rendered in Report viewer control, multiple spaces gets converted to single space €? Test String €œ.
I tried following solutions
1) Replacing spaces with €œ €?
2) Inserting <pre> tag before the string and </pre> tag after the string (Also tried <Pre> instead of <pre>)
But in all the cases result is same. The Report Viewer control is showing €œ €? instead of space and €œ<Pre>€? tag instead of preserving spaces.
Please provide me a solution so that spaces can be preserved in Report Viewer.
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Nov 26, 2015
I am using the below script to get space alerts  and now i am interested in sending alerts  if for any drive space available is Less than 10% or 15%.. how to convert beelow code to find in %Â
Declare @Drives Varchar(20)
DECLARE @Spaces Varchar(50)
DECLARE @availableSpace FLOAT
DECLARE @alertMessage Varchar(4000)
DECLARE @RecipientsList  VARCHAR(4000);
CREATE TABLE #tbldiskSpace
[Code] ....
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Mar 2, 2005
Hi.. I was doing a good maintenance on my DB and my trans log LDF keep growing until 30GB but my DB data file MDF is only 2GB. I found the two following method to reduce my log size.
Method 1: I used veritas to backup log file with truncate
Method 2: I used the shrink database option in Enterprises manager to shrink it (file chosen=log , use default option)
After doing that, I found my LDF log file is still about the same size=27GB but when I see clearly, from the shrink database windows, the log spaced used reduced to only 100MB, the allocation log space is still 27GB. Why? How to make the LDF smaller to be the around the same size as the space used 100MB?
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Jul 20, 2005
This is driving me bananas. Can't find any info on this anywhere....SQL 2000 seems to replace double space with a single space when I seta varchar field to " " (2spaces), it only stores " " (1space). Whyon earth would microsoft do this? If I save 2 spaces - I WANT TO SEE2 SPACES!!!!Can anyone help? Is this a database setting? Is this due to usingvarchar?Any help appreciated.Colin Hale
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Dec 5, 2001
Somebody know how to reduce the space allocated for the transaction log space for my SQL_DB ?
3700 MB allocated but only 100 MB used and 3600 MB are free !
Transaction log properties :
Automatically grow file are filled
file growth by percent = 5%
maximum file size - restrict filegrowth = 3700 MB (we can't reduce it !)
Thank you for your precious help !
Khaix from Brussel.
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Nov 14, 2006
How do we suppress multiple spaces to a single space in T-SQL
Field: FullName
The o/p wanted is
Thank you.
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Nov 24, 2000
I made some copy of table and I have this error but on my hard disk i have 4 gig of empty space.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Could not allocate space for object 'Backup_Date_11_24_00_Time_9_08_34_AM' in database 'LogActiviteIntramedia' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full.
/Intranet_API/Forms/videTableLog.asp, line 16
My question is how can I increase the space of primary filegroup?
Thanks and have a good friday
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Oct 16, 2007
Hi all i have a question regarding sql, i want to replace some characters...
any knows simply how to do this?
I want to replace "999-25000-69" by "9992500069"
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Nov 28, 2006
i got a 100k rows column contain first name + last name. but half of them are got comma between first and last name. how can i update and remove all the comma. can anyone provide a statment please thanks so much
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Aug 15, 2006
can I use a replace on text type field?
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Apr 11, 2006
when i execute ...
select * from Members where address = '6257 Rockwell's'
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 's'.
Server: Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string '
Kindly help me how to solve '
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Nov 15, 2006
i just wanna replace the last word 'roa' to 'road'
what is wrong with my code. I dont relaly see any problem. But it's replaceing all the 'roa' to 'road'.
declare @table table(ad_str1 varchar(20))
insert @table
select 'street road roa' union all
select 'street street'
select ltrim(right(ad_str1, charindex(' ', reverse(ad_str1)))) from @table
update @table
set ad_str1 = replace(ad_str1, ltrim(right(ad_str1, charindex(' ', reverse(ad_str1)))), 'road')
where ltrim(right(ad_str1, charindex(' ', reverse(ad_str1)))) = 'roa'
select * from @table
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Nov 29, 2007
I have a colunm in a table that has a list of email address.
I want to remove a certain email address from that colunm, but it is in 54 different rows. What is the best way to do this ?
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Dec 12, 2007
Dear all,
here is one query,
i'm trying to tuning myprocedures. i think having is not good enough to use.
how can we replace having in this case.....
thank you very much
Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
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May 28, 2008
Hi everyone,
I have wriiten a query that works great in sql server but MS Access does not support EXCEPT. I have to rewrite this query using 'IN' or 'NOT IN' but can not figure it out because it must be compared on all fields. I'm sure this will require multiple subqueries because 'IN' must return only one field but I can not rap my brain around it. Could someone please help with this? Here is the 'EXCEPT' query I know works.
Code Snippet
SELECT DISTINCT sh.Member_Nbr, sh.Account_Nbr, st.Share_Desc,
sh.Balance, sh.Available_Bal FROM
(((SHARE sh INNER JOIN AccountIndividual ac ON ac.Member_Nbr =
sh.Member_Nbr AND ac.Account_Nbr = sh.Account_Nbr)
INNER JOIN SHARETYPE st ON sh.Share_Type = st.Share_Type_ID) INNER JOIN
Participation_Type ON ac.Participation_Id = Participation_Type.ID)
SELECT DISTINCT sh.Member_Nbr, sh.Account_Nbr, st.Share_Desc,
sh.Balance, sh.Available_Bal FROM
(((SHARE sh INNER JOIN AccountIndividual ac ON ac.Member_Nbr =
sh.Member_Nbr AND ac.Account_Nbr = sh.Account_Nbr)
INNER JOIN SHARETYPE st ON sh.Share_Type = st.Share_Type_ID) INNER JOIN
Participation_Type ON ac.Participation_Id = Participation_Type.ID)
WHERE ((ac.participation_id <> 101) AND (sh.share_type > 49 )) AND (ac.Individual_Id = 5249); This code gets me close using 'IN'.
Code Snippet
SELECT DISTINCT sh.Member_Nbr, sh.Account_Nbr, st.Share_Desc,
sh.Balance, sh.Available_Bal FROM
(((SHARE sh INNER JOIN AccountIndividual ac ON ac.Member_Nbr =
sh.Member_Nbr AND ac.Account_Nbr = sh.Account_Nbr)
INNER JOIN SHARETYPE st ON sh.Share_Type = st.Share_Type_ID) INNER JOIN
Participation_Type ON ac.Participation_Id = Participation_Type.ID)
WHERE (ac.INDIVIDUAL_ID = 5249) AND sh.member_nbr not in
(SELECT sh.member_nbr from Share sh inner join accountindividual ac on sh.member_nbr = ac.member_nbr AND sh.account_nbr = ac.account_nbr
WHERE ac.participation_id <> 101 AND sh.share_type > 49) AND sh.account_nbr not in
(SELECT sh.account_nbr from share sh inner join accountindividual ac on sh.member_nbr = ac.member_nbr AND sh.account_nbr = ac.account_nbr
WHERE ac.participation_id <> 101 AND sh.share_type > 49)
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Sep 13, 2006
To ensure I don't leave orphans floating around in tables when records get deleted (values from one record might link to values in another) how do I find and possibly replace values in tables?For example, if I have a unit of measure table and want to delete the value "inches", how do I look in other tables to find this value and give the user the option to cancel or clear it out. If I don't it will cause controls bound to that value like the dropdownlist to throw an error.
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Feb 18, 2007
Hi all,
I made a migration operation and when I am looking inside database I can see the <BR> tags.
The question is how to write a query that replace all of this occurances of <BR> inside the colum table, with CLRF which is a new line code.
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 22, 2007
I have the following:----------------- WHILE PATINDEX('%,%',@Columns)<> 0 BEGINSELECT @Separator_position = PATINDEX('%,%',@Columns)SELECT @array_Value = LEFT(@Columns, @separator_position - 1)SET @FieldTypeID = (SELECT FieldTypeID FROM [Form].[Fields] WHERE FieldID = (CAST(@array_Value AS INT)))SET @FieldName = (SELECT [Name] FROM [Form].[Fields] WHERE FieldID = @array_Value)print 'arry value' + CONVERT(VarChar(500), @array_value)print 'FieldTypeID: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(500), @FieldTypeID)PRINT 'FieldName: ' + @FieldNameBEGINIF @FieldTypeID = 1 OR @FieldTypeID = 2 OR @FieldTypeID = 3 OR @FieldTypeID = 9 OR @FieldTypeID = 10 OR @FieldTypeID = 7BEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),[Value]),'''') FROM [Item].[ItemDetailFieldRecords] IDFR WHERE IDFR.ItemDetailID = ID.ItemDetailID AND IDFR.FieldID = ' + @array_Value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT ISNULL(CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),[Value]),'''') FROM [Item].[TaskFieldRecords] TFR WHERE TFR.TaskID = T.TaskID AND TFR.FieldID = ' + @array_Value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDELSE IF @FieldTypeID = 4 OR @FieldTypeID = 8 --DropDownList/RadioButtonlistBEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT [Value] FROM [Form].[FieldListValues] FFLV INNER JOIN [Item].[ItemDetailFieldListRecords] IDFLR ON FFLV.FieldListValueID = IDFLR.FieldListValueID WHERE IDFLR.ItemDetailID = ID.ItemDetailID AND FFLV.FIeldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT [Value] FROM [Form].[FieldListValues] FFLV INNER JOIN [Item].[TaskFieldListRecords] TFLR ON FFLV.FieldListValueID = TFLR.FieldListValueID WHERE TFLR.TaskID = T.TaskID AND FFLV.FIeldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDELSE IF @FieldTypeiD = 5 --CascadingBEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT [FCV].[Value] FROM [Form].[FieldCascadingValues] FCV INNER JOIN [Form].[FieldCascadingLookUpTables] LT ON FCV.FIeldCascadingLookupTableID = LT.FieldCascadingLookupTableID INNER JOIN [Item].[ItemDetailFieldCascadingRecords] IDFCR ON IDFCR.FieldCascadingValueID = FCV.FieldCascadingValueID WHERE IDFCR.ItemDetailID = ID.ItemDetailID AND LT.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT [FCV].[Value] FROM [Form].[FieldCascadingValues] FCV INNER JOIN [Form].[FieldCascadingLookUpTables] LT ON FCV.FIeldCascadingLookupTableID = LT.FieldCascadingLookupTableID INNER JOIN [Item].[TaskFieldCascadingRecords] TFCR ON TFCR.FieldCascadingValueID = FCV.FieldCascadingValueID WHERE TFCR.TaskID = T.TaskID AND LT.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDELSE IF @FieldTypeiD = 6 --ListBoxBEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT i.[CSV] FROM @ItemDetailLV i WHERE i.ID = ID.ItemDetailID AND i.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT it.[CSV] FROM @TaskLV it WHERE it.ID = T.TaskID AND it.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDELSE IF @FieldTypeID = 11 --UsersBEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT SU.[UserID] FROM [Security].[Users] SU INNER JOIN [Item].[ItemDetailUserRecords] IDUR ON SU.UserID = IDUR.UserID WHERE IDUR.ItemDetailID = ID.ItemDetailID AND IDUR.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT SU.[UserID] FROM [Security].[Users] SU INNER JOIN [Item].[TaskUserRecords] TUR ON SU.UserID = TUR.UserID WHERE TUR.TaskID = T.TaskID AND TUR.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDELSE IF @FIelDTypeID = 12 --GroupBEGINSET @InnerItemSelect = ' (SELECT SG.[GroupID] FROM [Security].[Groups] SG INNER JOIN [Item].[ItemDetailGroupRecords] IDGR ON SG.GroupID = IDGR.GroupID WHERE IDGR.ItemDetailID = ID.ItemDetailID AND IDGR.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'SET @InnerTaskSelect = ' (SELECT SG.[GroupID] FROM [Security].[Groups] SG INNER JOIN [Item].[TaskGroupRecords] TGR ON SG.GroupID = TGR.GroupID WHERE TGR.TaskID = T.TaskID AND TGR.FieldID = ' + @array_value + ') AS ''' + @FieldName + ''' 'ENDENDPRINT 'Inner Item Select:' + @InnerItemSelectPRINT 'Inner Task Select:' + @InnerTaskSelectSET @IDSelect = @IDSelect + @InnerItemSelect + ', 'SET @TSelect = @TSelect + @InnerTaskSelect + ', 'SELECT @Columns = STUFF(@Columns, 1, @separator_position, '')END --------------- That is only part of a large query that writs a SQL Query to a column in a Database. That Query (in the column) is just ran normally so I don't need to compile it each time I want to run it.THe problem I have is @FieldName might be: ryan's field. That apostrophe is killing me because the SQL keeps it as ryan's field, not ryan''s field(note the 2 apostrophes). I cannot do: REPLACE(@FieldName, ''', '''') because it's not closing the apostrophes. Is there an escape character that I can use to say only one: ' ?Would the only solution be to put: ryan''s field into the Database, and just format it properly on the output? Thanks.
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Sep 23, 2007
I am having a situation where I need to update a column in my SQL table that contains a link to an image file. Basically ...
I have this stored in a column IMAGESRC
Project/aa11be5d-dd9e-48c8-9d8c-6a972e996b28/ProjectImages/702d_2.jpg I need to change it to this
How can I accomplish this in SQL???
thanks in Advance
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Oct 30, 2003
I have a table with a field called productname, and it has about 5000 rows, and within that about 1000 have a productname that has 'NIB' in the name, ie "My Product NIB DVD" and I have been asked to replace 'NIB' with 'New' ie "My Product New DVD" Can I do this in SQL using an Update statement? Or do I have build something in maybe to use a replace function to change the name.
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Feb 21, 2004
I'm not sure how to use REPLACE here. The Query following REPLACE returns a string whose format is A B C D and I'm trying to convert it to 'A','B','C','D' I'm doing something wrong because query analyzer doesn't like something about the way I've written this.
WHERE (a_Name_Symbol.Symbol IN REPLACE(SELECT Portfolio_Symbols FROM a_Users_Portfolios WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (Portfolio_Name = @Portfolio_Name),'''','''''')
Entire SPROC
CREATE PROCEDURE _premium_BSH (@Portfolio_Name NVarChar (50), @UserID int, @Symbol VarChar (1500)) AS
SELECT a_Name_Symbol.Name, a_Name_Symbol.Symbol, a_Industry.Industry, a_Sector.Sector, a_Quarter_Index.Period, a_Technical_Signals.Signal,
a_Technical_Signals.[Date], a_Financials.Revenue, a_Financials.Income, a_Financials.EPS, a_Financials.Margin_Net AS [Net Margin],
a_Financials.PE, a_Hyperlinks.Yahoo_Main AS Yahoo, a_Hyperlinks.MSN_10Qs AS Financials, a_Hyperlinks.MSN_events AS Events,
a_Hyperlinks.StockCharts AS Technicals
FROM a_Financials INNER JOIN
a_Hyperlinks ON a_Financials.Yahoo_Main = a_Hyperlinks.Yahoo_Main INNER JOIN
a_Industry ON a_Financials.Industry = a_Industry.Industry INNER JOIN
a_Sector ON a_Financials.Sector = a_Sector.Sector INNER JOIN
a_Name_Symbol ON a_Financials.Symbol = a_Name_Symbol.Symbol INNER JOIN
a_Technical_Signals ON a_Name_Symbol.Symbol = a_Technical_Signals.Symbol INNER JOIN
a_Quarter_Index ON a_Financials.Period = a_Quarter_Index.Period
WHERE (a_Name_Symbol.Symbol IN REPLACE(SELECT Portfolio_Symbols FROM a_Users_Portfolios WHERE (UserID = @UserID) AND (Portfolio_Name = @Portfolio_Name),'''','''''') AND (NOT (a_Technical_Signals.Signal IS NULL)) AND (a_Quarter_Index.Period = '2003 Q3')
ORDER BY a_Name_Symbol.Name, a_Technical_Signals.Signal
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Apr 30, 2004
Does anybody know how to search through all stored procedures (in SQL Server 2000) and find and replace text without having to open each one individually in Query Analyzer and doing so one at a time?
That would be so time consuming. I want to be able to change my table names, but I have so many stored procedures allready using the old names. To go and find each name and replacing them is a task I don't want to even try and do.
Thank you to whomever can help.
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Aug 10, 2004
I am using MSDE. In this I have a field that contains a desciption. Prior to saving to the db, I replace all vbcrlf's to <br />'s. That works fine when displaying in HTML, but when I display it in a datagrid, I want to replace the <br />'s with vbcrlf's.
I thought I might be able to do it with a replace function in my SQL query, something like "Select ID, replace(Description, '<br />', vbcrlf) as Description". This produces an error that vbcrlf is not a fieldname. So I tried "select replace(Description, '<br />', 'xxx') as Description", and while this did not create an error, neither was the text replaced.
Am I not using the replace function correctly? Is there another way in which I might accomplish the task?
Dim ConnectionString As String = "server='(local)'; trusted_connection=true; database=dbname"
Dim CommandText As String
'Command text is greatly abreviated for this discussion.
CommandText = "Select ID, replace(Description, '<br />', vbcrlf) as Description"
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim myCommand As New SqlDataAdapter(CommandText, myConnection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim dv as new dataview()
DataGrid1.DataSource = ds
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Jul 26, 2002
I need to write a single replace sql as folows:
I have a string consisting of numbers seperated by a space. Some of the numbers are suffixed with a star like this: '1 12* 5 7*'
I need to remove those numbers that are suffixed with a star. In other words, I need an output as follows: '1 5'
any help would be appreciated
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Apr 18, 2000
Can anyone tell me how to replace a single apostrophe in a record with a double apostrophe (in Query Analyzer, SQL7)? I've tried "select replace("d'","d'","d''")FROM RESORT" but it doesn't UPDATE the table.
Suggestions gratefully received!
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Jul 26, 2002
I need to write a single replace sql as folows:
I have a string consisting of numbers seperated by a space. Some of the numbers are suffixed with a star like this: '1 12* 5 7*'
I need to remove those numbers that are suffixed with a star. In other words, I need an output as follows: '1 5'
any help would be appreciated
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