How To See Health Check In Sql Server

Apr 9, 2008


can anybody help me that how can we see sql server Health check with t-sql.Because i am trying to make script for this
Basically i need these info..
1.Current Date
2.Current time
4.Session name
5.all locks
6.cpu utilization much disk space is used inside the database much space is free inside the database
9.Date read
10 Date write can we see process information with t-sql or with stored procedure

and i have solved 6 problems from this list i made queries for this .
will u plz help me

jagpal singh

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Database Server Health Check

May 9, 2007

I want to run Profiler Traces, Perfmon Checks and whatever else to see what hits the server the hardest in order to work out where I can make performance improvements. We don't have any massive problems other than more timeouts than I would expect from web users no-and-then when they do pretty simple free-text searches. I just want to see if I can lighten the load on the server in general.

Where does a DBA get the most ROI? I don't want to drift into the realm of diminishing returns where I am making changes that have no noticeable impact.

What should I start measuring first and how do you measure it? (E.g. if I should monitor disk writes in Profiler, how many writes are too high for a statement? 100? If so, is one 100-write statement per hour OK but one 100-write statement per second is not OK?)

If there is already an article for this, my apologies. I'd be grateful if you can point me to it.
Is a sufficient one-stop-shop for this question? If so, have you found some articles there to be more useful than others?

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Microsoft Cluster Server Health Check.

Jun 29, 2005


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SQL Server 2000: Replication Latency Health Check

May 25, 2004

Hi Everybody,
Can anybody tell me how to get the number of commands delivered per minute in case of Merge Replication with Publisher and subscribers.
This way, we can be sure that even if there is a latency (due to high volume transaction processing), replication is in good shape and things will catch up soon.
Also if there are any other similar measures which can be monitored to make sure that replication is going on fine, it would be great

Please let me know If anyone has got information on same.

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SQL Server Health And History

Oct 5, 2004

Anyone had time to play with this yet? Wanna know if it was worth playing around with.

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Microsoft SQL Server Health And History Tool Version 2

Sep 15, 2004

Recently I've installed Microsoft SQL Server Health and History Tool Version 2

and The SQLH2 Reports are a set of reports that provide different views on the data

that the tool collects. But unfortunately I can be able to see Data on Performone counters

Report. I can not find optional component SQLH2 Performance Collector is a stand-

alone service of Microsoft Windows that collects and stores performance counter data from

selected servers.

The Deployment guide tells :

Performance Collector is optional, and is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center (search for SQL Server with keyword SQLH2):

But it does not give result

Where can I find the missing component ?




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Health Monitoring And IIS

Feb 5, 2007

I have implemented health monitoring for my web-site, using the SQL provider.
Health monitoring works fine when the website is run from VS2005, using the built in web server, all the expected events are inserted into the aspnet database.  However when I deploy the site onto IIS, no events are ever inserted into the database. 
I would appreciate some help figuring out why this is happening!  The code that implements the health monitoring in my web.config file is:1 <healthMonitoring
2 enabled="true"
3 heartbeatInterval="0">
4 <bufferModes>
6 <remove name="Analysis"/>
8 <add name="Analysis"
9 maxBufferSize="10"
10 maxFlushSize="2"
11 urgentFlushThreshold="2"
12 regularFlushInterval="00:00:02"
13 urgentFlushInterval="00:00:01"
14 maxBufferThreads="1"/>
16 </bufferModes>
18 <providers>
20 <remove name ="SqlWebEventProvider"/>
22 <add name="SqlWebEventProvider" type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider,
23 System.Web,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
25 connectionStringName="SQL_ASPNET"
26 maxEventDetailsLength="1073741823"
27 buffer="true"
28 bufferMode="Analysis"
30 />
32 </providers>
34 <eventMappings>
36 <remove name ="All Events"/>
37 <add name="All Events"
38 type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, System.Web,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
40 </eventMappings>
42 <profiles>
44 <remove name="Default"/>
45 <add name="Default"
46 minInstances="1"
47 maxLimit="Infinite"
48 minInterval="00:10:00"
49 />
50 </profiles>
52 <rules>
54 <add name="All Events"
55 eventName="All Events"
56 provider="SqlWebEventProvider"
57 profile="Default"
58 minInterval="00:00:01"
59 minInstances="1" />
61 </rules>
63 </healthMonitoring>

 Thank you in adance!

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Health Checks On SQL

Jul 15, 2004

I'm starting to collect and develop some scripts that will tell me the health and welfare of my MSSQL 2k server. I have a few for blocks, db size, who is on and what they are currently running.

I was wondering if you guys could share some of the scripts you guys use to watch the health of your servers.


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Health Checks

Jul 15, 2004

I'm starting to collect and develop some scripts that will tell me the health and welfare of my MSSQL 2k server. I have a few for blocks, db size, who is on and what they are currently running. I was wondering if you guys could share some of the scripts you guys use to watch the health of your servers.


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Database Health

Feb 28, 2006

What all are the command , or what for should one look out to confirm if nothing is wrong with the DB & its the application that is creating a prob..
I mean command for checking the health of the DB.


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Reporting On Health Of Db??

Jan 17, 2007

Hey all
I am new here and fairly new to SQL server. And yes i have a question, that maybe dumb.
My boss wants me to reporting to him the health of the DB each week. So here are a few questions.
1. What really defines the "health" of a DB? What elements should I be reporting to him?
2. Is there any utilities out there that would be helpful or can SQL provide enough info?
3. I am using 2005 standard, so I have the shipped reports in summary page. But is this enough? and can I customize them?
Sorry I am having a hard time even asking the questions cause I am not really sure what to ask. Any help or pointing down t he correct path
would be greatly appreciated.

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Trusted Connection - Health Monitoring - Please :-)

Apr 10, 2006

Help Please!!! I am killing myself already...... the code is like this;
Read the code, and the error.... this is bull, because every page in the site, including base page, and opther classes in the same assembly as this class use the exact same connection string call and open. And it always works!!!! However, when going thorgyugh health monitoring, i get the error:
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
public class GBMSQLEventProvider : SqlWebEventProvider
private GBMErrorLog elog;
private System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection db = null;

public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
elog = new GBMErrorLog();
elog.Write("GBMSQLEventProvider Process Initialize");
db = (SqlConnection)GBMDB.Open("HealthMonitoring");  <------ THIS LINE CAUSES ERROR
base.Initialize(name, config);
Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.Source Error:

Line 30: elog = new GBMErrorLog();
Line 31: elog.Write("GBMSQLEventProvider Process Initialize");
Line 32: db = (SqlConnection)GBMDB.Open("HealthMonitoring");
Line 33:
Line 34: base.Initialize(name, config);Source File: C:GCMProjectsGBMFrameworkGBM.Web.UIEventsBufferedProvider.cs    Line: 32 Stack Trace:
Regards, and thank you in advance,

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SQL 2012 :: Approximate Hours Per Month To Monitor And Maintain Health Of Databases?

Jul 8, 2014

Based on the description below on average how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the MSSQL Server databases?

Description of IT infrastructure.All Windows Servers and MSSQL Servers are up to date on patches and best practices.

Corporate site with 3 remote sites.

All remote sites have one DC and one MSSQL Server.

The corporate site has one MSSQL Server.

Replication is performed between the remote MSSQL databases and the corporate office MSSQL database.

There is no in-house DBA. All DBA services will have to be outsourced. I am trying to determine what is reasonable in budgeting for time involved for this service.

There is one project written in MS Access using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) with the backend residing on these database.

The question is on average approximately how many hours a month would it take to monitor and maintain the health of the MSSQL Servers database by a MSSQL DBA. The DBA will not have to create any user reporting, queries, etc. Just maintain the existing MSSQL Servers database.

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Data Access :: How To Check All Connection Automatically During Routine Check By Using Batch File

May 20, 2015

I have multiple ODBC connection and how to check all connection automatically during routine check by using batch file.

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Reporting Services :: How To Check Report Server Windows Service Has Send As Permissions On The SMTP Server

Sep 3, 2015

i want to check.. Report Server Windows service has Send As permissions on the SMTP server.

how can i do this..

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How To Check SQL Server State Using 2.0

Apr 29, 2007

I want to build a class in ASP.Net 2.0 which will lookup if SQL server is up & running & whther connection is getting establish to the Database. if it fails it will try 3 time to reconnect. if no sucess then it will shoot a mail to Admin. 
Please help me to achive this.

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Check Image In A SQL Server DB

Sep 4, 2007

I want to read an image from the database. I've this function but she returns me an error that suggest me that the image might be damaged or corrupted.
I would like to know if it's possible and how to check an image in the DB.
Thank you!

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How To Check If A Liked Server Exists

Feb 25, 2004

Hi there,

I am quite new to SQL Server and am having a bit of trouble.

I have created a linked server with the datasource an excel spreadsheet.

I am trying to write a bit of T-SQL that basically checks if the linked server exists. If it does do X, if not do Y.

Can anyone help, its driving me bananas!

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How Do I Check SQL Server's Mode?

Apr 8, 2004

How do I check if SQL Server is set to Mixed mode or not?

Also, what other modes are possible (in addition to Mixed Mode) and how do I check these?

Last: What really do we mean by "Mixed Mode".


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Check BIOS Name - (not @@SERVER)

Aug 8, 2007

I support numerous cluster SQL boxes and as part of my daily DBA Check regime I need to know whether the instances have faulted and switched the to other side of the cluster.

Since not all fault's which are recorded in the event logs result in the instance failing over to the other side of the cluster, and the SQL instance thinks it exists on the virtual name, this can make it difficult to indentify which server SQL resides on using just SSMS.

Does anyone know a T-SQL command to discover the BIOS name -alternatively and recommendations how I check this parameter?

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How SQL Server Do Syntax Check?

Aug 23, 2007

declare @b nvarchar(1)
set @b = '1'

select * into #example from example
select * from #example
drop table #example
select * into #example from example
select * from #example
drop table #example
With syntax check, I always get "'#example already exist'"
But why? Just because of two "select into temp table" operation?
I am confused.
Thank you.

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How To Check If Server Is Up And Running

Aug 29, 2006


I am skilled Oracle DBA and recently started to support MS SQL Server 2000


For all my Oracle DBs I run "Watch Dog" script that test if database ( server for MS SQL Server) is up and running and send me message on pager or by E-mail if it is down.


How to do similar actions for MS SQL SERVER 2000?

Thanks in advance,

Michael Fradkov

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Check Connectivity Sql Server

Jun 6, 2007

Hello all, I am hoping this is the correct place for this. I have an application that depends on an active connection to Sql Server Express 2005. I am looking for a way is any to check for the existance ofthe server I defined and wether it is online or not. I know I can just catch the error on connection but it takes a bit and I have customers trying to cancel it before it's finished because they think it's locked up. I would like a quick way to check without trying to create a connection if it's online, then if it is, proceed, if not, let the customer know. I was hoping for something like a database server ping of sorts.

Thank you,


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Check Sql Server Edition

Sep 20, 2007

is there a way to get the edition(e.g. sqlexpress,enterprise etc...) of an installed sql server instance in your local machine programatically?

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Check Sql Server 2000 Or Sql Server 2005

Oct 12, 2007

I have a web application(ASP.NET 2.0 + C#). I have sql server 2000 as well as sql server 2005.
Several queries in my application work well with the sql server 2005, and the same query fails in the sql server 2000.
How to check if the database is connected to sql server 2000 or sql server 2005 and then call the queries accordingly through the c# code?

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Check Constraint SQL Server 2005

Nov 2, 2006

I want to set up a simple check constraint on a column limiting to values "Yes", "No" and ""I'm trying to use:CONSTRAINT IsAccessToItRestricted_ckcheck (IsAccessToItRestricted in('Yes,'No','');but this is not the right syntax.............. help!

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Check Connection From C# Application To SQL Server.

Jun 28, 2007

Hey anyone,
I got a problem to check a connection whether it is established or not from my C# Application to SQL Server.
I am developing my application which can run in 2 modes:
1. Online: There must be a connection to SQL Server to get new data updates.
2. Offline: I dont need a connection to SQL Server. I set a timer to tick every 5 seconds and it will check the connection with SQL Server and my problem here: (this is my code)1 public static bool checkConnection()
2 {
3 SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("mydatasource");
4 try
5 {
6 conn.Open();
7 return true;
8 }
9 catch (Exception ex) { return false; }
10 }

 Yes, it works but my application seems to wait about >3 seconds to get the return "False"; I tried to add "Connect TimeOut=1" in my Connection String, but the problem is still there.
I dont know whether there is a faster way to check the connection to SQL server which is established or not.
Thank you very much,

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How To Check The Number Of SQL Server Connections

Mar 15, 2006

Hi all,
When I detach a SQL Server database, I see the following information:
Connections using this database: 5
Where are the connections from ? How can I check ?
Please help me !

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Check If Linked Server Is Running

Dec 30, 2002

I have a stored procedure that references another stored procedure on a linked server. I would like to check if the linked server is running prior to accessing the stored procedure. Everything I have tried returns either message 11 or 17 and terminates the stored procedure. I would like to do some cleanup before the termination. Is there any way to check this?


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Check Periodically If SQL Server Is Running

Aug 28, 2006


I have my SQL server installed and running on a windows 2003 server. Sometimes, the server stops unexpectedly. I want to know if there is any mechanism to alert as and when the SQL server or SQL server agent goes down.

I guess everything is a windows service. Can we have a mechanism to test this service from a script and send an alert mail when the server goes down? How can this be done from a script?

Thanks in advance


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SQL Server 2005 How To Check Port

Feb 11, 2008

How does one check which port SQL Server is listening to? How does one know if it is 1433 or 1434?

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Mar 14, 2008

Please advice!

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How To Check Backup Of SQL Server Database

Sep 29, 2005

Hallo,MSDB.dbo.BackupSet logs all backupsis it possible find Status of Backup (Success / Failed)?Table "BackupSet" hasn't any information about it.I need log and notify all backups with status(It must be a windows service (c#)Thanks

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