How To Send Alert To A Particular Computer From Frontend
Apr 27, 2002
I am using Sql server 7.0.When i insert or update a record in a table,i need to
show a message in the front end ,that one record is added to the table.
I have written the queries for insertion and updation into the table in a storedprocdure.
Is there any way to return something from a storedprodure ,so that i can show a
message in the frontend, that a record is updated by someone..the updation will be
done in one machine(clerk's machine in bank) and the message should be shown in another machine(manger's machine in bank) who has more administrative power on the system.
does 'alert' in sql server help this.
Delphi is my frontend.
I'm a newby and I have a quick question. I have set up this procedureto run as a job. I can create a block and have it populate the table,but I need to be alerted via email when the table is being populated. Ido not know what step/s am I missing. Here is the scripts I ran:CREATE TABLE BlockMonitorInfo(spid smallint,blocked smallint,waittype binary,InfoTime datetime)go/*********creates a control table that lets you turn the backgroundprocess on and off**********/CREATE TABLE BlockMonitorControl(BlockMonitorOn tinyint)go/**********populates the control table and initially turns on thebackground process******/INSERT INTO BlockMonitorControlVALUES (1)go/*StartBlockMonitor accepts one datetime paramter that controls thesampling delay for capturing blocking information*/drop PROC StartBlockMonitorgoCREATE PROC StartBlockMonitor@DelayTime char(9)ASDECLARE @CurrentInfoTime datetime-- Set the control flag in BlockMonitorControl = Onupdate BlockMonitorControl set BlockMonitorOn = 1-- Capture blocking lock info until the control flag is set = false-- We set it off by running StopBlockMonitor which we'll create soon.WHILE (SELECT BlockMonitorOn from BlockMonitorControl) = 1BEGINSELECT @CurrentInfoTime = getdate()INSERT INTO BlockMonitorInfo (spid, blocked, waittype, InfoTime )SELECTspid, blocked, waittype, @CurrentInfoTimeFROMmaster..sysprocesses (nolock)WHEREblocked <> 0WAITFOR delay @DelayTimeENDgo/*StopBlockMonitor turns off the capture of blocking info by setting thecontrol flag in BlockMonitorControl = off*/DROP PROC StopBlockMonitorgoCREATE PROC StopBlockMonitorASUPDATE BlockMonitorControl SET BlockMonitorOn = 0goSELECTBlockMonitorInfo.*FROMBlockMonitorInfo,(SELECT distinct InfoTime FROM BlockMonitorInfo)BlockChainTimeWHEREBlockMonitorInfo.InfoTime =BlockChainTime.InfoTimeand Blocked not in(SELECT spidFROM BlockMonitorInfoWHERE InfoTime =BlockChainTime.InfoTime)This last query is what I have set up in a job, but I need the job toalert us when the table gets new information added.Thank you for the assistance!
When a new record is inserted into the database. I want this to trigger an email that will be sent to all users who requested one when a new record was added. I can't figure the best way to set this up. All help gratefully received. Thanks JB
i have developed a pakage which populates a two different tables with reference to the xml files added to a folder which is watched by a security WMI is governed by a sequence container which contains three for each loop container for working on the different files.i have different event handlers set up inside for each loop container tasks which contains , data flow task, execute sql task, and moving the processed file to the desired destination.i want to set up a send mail task on the package level using event handler on error, where i have set up a task for looging the error to the error table , i have tried to collect all the error messages in a array list variable . and trying to use that variable a s a message source. i could not under stand if i set the propogation variable in the sequence container as false than will the onpost execute event will fire the onpostexecute event handler in the package level.if show how can i send only one email for all the errors of package with error looging.
hi alli have a web application on a web server.and another windows application on another computer.there are databases on each of can i send and receive data between these two applications?please reply me as soon as possibleregards
I am trying to complete the BOL sample "Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile". Using SQL 2k5 and VS Team Suite. I have the emulator about to get on to the internet and can even get to the url but when runing the code I get the error 28037 "A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT.". Any help would be greatly appreciated. No software firewalls are running. I have a dns entry that points to my laptop for testing. The sync function code is below.
I have an online SQL Server database, and my web site registered clients can change the records of this database. My need: if a record of this database is changed, whole the changed record send to me and to the person who changed it immediately. I thought it could be possible through Transact-SQL,
We have developed a Winmobile 5.0 application using VS2005 and Sql 2005 CE. We have successfuly installed the Server Agent on the web server and using the url 'http://websitename/rdatest/sqlcesa30.dll' have received an acknowledgement from the server agent. When we set up the Web Syncronization Wizard we kept things simple and opted for anonymous access. However, our Sql 2005 is based on a separate dedicated server which can be accessed by the web server. Our website, also written in VS2005, uses the following connection string to access the Sql 2005 database for our website.
When using the following code in our PDA application we have tried the above string as well as another interpretation with the same resulting error 'A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed, for more information please see HResult'. The code we are using is..
Using rda As New SqlCeRemoteDataAccess() Dim sCon As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=; Initial Catalog=Audit ; UserID=steve; Password=letmein" Dim sCon As String = "server=; database=Audit; uid=steve; pwd=letmein" rda.InternetUrl = "http://websitename/rdatest/sqlcesa30.dll" rda.LocalConnectionString = "Data Source=Program FilesTestSysTestdata.sdf"
Try rda.Pull("Detail", "SELECT Details, Actions FROM Detail", sCon, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOff, "DtlErrors") Catch sqlCeEx As SqlCeException RecError( sqlCeEx.ToString) End Try End Using
Having tried both connection strings we feel the error is caused by something else possibly on our dedicated Sql server. Would really appreciate any help.
I Have an application for Pocket PC 2003 developed in Visual Studio 2003(VB.Net , Smart Device App). I Use Sql Server CE as the database which Synchronizes with Sql Server 2000, SP4. The IIS and the Sql Server 2000 are in different Machines. I Have Installed the proper Sqlserver Ce in the IIS machine and created virtual directory with Basic authentication.I connect my device through Active Sync 3.7. I could browse the sscesa20.dll from Pocket IE and get the ' SQL Server CE Server Agent ' message. The PC to which my pocket PC is connected is under a Proxy.
When I tried the RDA.Pull() , the function fails and returns the error " Error Code: 80072EE7 A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information see HRESULT. [,,,,,] Minor Error : 28037 Source: Sql Server 2000 Windows CE Edition. "
The same application works in other network which is not under a proxy.
My application is working under InternetUrl "http://servername/test/sqlcesa30.dll", but I am getting following error for "https://servername/test/sqlcesa30.dll"
"A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT."
We have proxy server top of the web server and certificate is installed on proxy server. There is no ceritificate installed on web server which is behind the firewall. Proxy server divert the request on different protocol based on "http" and "https" request and send to web server which is behind the firewall. I am not getting any error when i use RDA using http for above environment, but when i use RDA using https I am getting an above error for the same environment.
I have smilar kind of an issue with replication. I had sucessfully done replication with Sqlce2.0 on sql server 2000. In development machine I had VS 2003, sqlce development tools.
Now I use the same code done in VS 2003 into VS2005, it sucessfully converted the code.
In server machine (win 2003) I installed sql server 2000, sql server 2000 service pack 4, SP4 merge replication components, sql server 2005 mobile server tools and .Net framework 2.0. Created pubication sucessfuly. In this machine I configured IIS as per the web synchronization wizard. Gave anyonymous permissions. Virual direcory is created sucessfully. I tested the server agent in IE http://myservername/aliasname/sqlcesa30.dll.
SQL Server Mobile Server Agent 3.0 is shown
My application opened successfuly in windows mobile 5.0 Pocket PC emulator. When try to sync its dislays error "A request to send data to the computer running IIS is failed, see Hrresult"
No firewall in both development and server machines.
The same code works if its sqlce20 perfectly with vs2003 code. Not in this
Can you use the below query to get CPU high utilisation alert purposes for both named and default instance? or, do I need to make any changes here (@wmi_namespace=N'.ROOTCIMV2' ) ?
USE [msdb] GO EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert @name=N'CPU_WM_Utilization_Check', @message_id=0, @severity=0,
The database adminsitrator decided that we use access as frontend for the SQL server which is very annoying because I have a hard time figuring out how to perform certain actions such as drop table queries and so. I have written my own little frontend in coldfusion but I rather work with access for security reasons.
My question:
does anyone have experience with using access as frontend and knows how to use it effectively, or knows where to get a manual? (or even better, a better frontend)
we are having performance problems with a pure MS Access database across a WAN. As a test we want to setup a MSSQL server , move the data to the server and run the MS Access clients through a ODBC interface. The application uses much SQL methods to get the data ( docmd.runsql commands ). Only a few native queries are used.
Will this help the performance ? If not , what do i need to do to get a better performance ? It is a lot of work to build a new application so if it is possible whith the existing code it would be very nice .
Hello all!!!For a year and a half now, we have been developing different Access2000 applications. Most of them are access frontend and accessbackends. Some of them have SQL server 2000 as a backend. There is oneapplication, which consists of a frontend and 3 backend mdb's.Different companies (80) are using the application:1. Companies with just one pc and one user.2. Companies with a Cytrix environment.3. Companies with Normal network (pc's with WIN 2000, XP, 98, etc).Recently another company wanted to use the application and thiscompany has over 50 users and multiple locations. The first thing thatcame into my mind was: "let's make another version of the applicationwith SQL server 2000 as backend", BUT the thing is, we actually justwant one frontend which can communicate with (with normal performanceofcourse) both the access backend and the sql server backend. Thisway, we don't have to solve problems in 2 frontends, but just in one.My question is, is there anybody who has tried making an accessfrontend being able to talk to different kind of backends?Any help would be appreciated.Wilco
I have a database with a sql backend and an access frontend. I put it in a folder on the network for users to access. First, they were getting errors like not being able to access the database if someone else had it open and not being able to perform certain functionality. It was suggested that i put a mde on each of the users pc. i gave them all access to their own front ends on the folder because they use different pcs. this solved the problem. however, i need a way to perform updates without manually creating mdes for every user. i used to work for a co that there was one mde was put into a folder on the network with a config file. The users access the database through CITRIX. Whenever they accessed the shortcut on the server, it created the users their own front end. Whenever we need to provide updates, we simply made a new mde from the mdb and whenever the user accessed the database again, they would have the latest mde and it would created an update frontend for the user. Does anyone know of such an utility or know what I am referring too? I encounted several suggestions like a batch file; but they refer to putting the file and the mde on each users pc. This is not how i'm set up. Thanks
Hello. I have an Access 97 frontend and a SQL 7 backend. When I try to open up the linked SQL tables in the frontend I recieve the error " This recordset is not updatable" from Access. I have the permissions in SQL set at this point to public having all permissions but it still does not change my problem. Does anyone know the answer?
Hi All, I have recently migrated from Access to SQL Server. I have come across a strange problem. I have got a table in my database whihc is not linked to any other table, but does include data and is used from time to time for reports. It is more used as a sort of lookup table. Now I had the frontend in Access and I have retained it. So I connect all the SQL Server tables via ODBC to Access. The problem with this table is for some reason it wont allow to add new records on Access side. You can just view the contents, but cannot add anything to it e.g a new record, etc. I tried giving explicit permissions of Select, Insert, update, etc. but still no result. There are other look up tables as well, that have the same problem. Can anybody tell me why this is so and is there any way to fix it?
My company is currently using access to manage equipment in 4-5 different locations. I want to move this to a sql database and have a front-end to do the same thing access is doing now.
Should I use access as a front-end or should I develop a custom front end using vb?
Just a fyi 5-7 tables 7-9 queries 10 or so reports and the front end is currently a switchboard that links to many other forms.
I am creating a Access frontend to some SQL Server Tables. One of these tables has an int type field and several money type fields. I am trying to populate the table based on text boxes on an Access form. Because of other reasons instead of just using the SQL table as the record source of the form I am using "INSERT INTO" statements to update the data.
Here is my problem if I leave the textfields that are supposed to populate the int and money fields blank I get an syntax error message on the INSERT statement. If I populate the textfields with a 0 the INSERT works fine.
The int field and money fields are defined to accept nulls so why is the blank textfield generating an error message instead of inserting a null into the table?
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I have a website which runs off a Access database which I am currentlyconverting to sql server database. I would like to still use my accessfront end for reporting and queries..I created an odbc connection on my computer to the remote sql serverand created a link in access to my sql server tables. All my report andQueries run fine I just have one problem it keeps on prompting me forther password of the remote sqlserver database. I check the odbcconnection and I see the password is not saved in there even though Iput it in. Is there a way I can have the password saved. I do not wantkeep on having to enter the password.
I have a ms acssess db acting as a frontend to a Sql Server 2005 db. I have need to have the db setup as a standalone to distribute with the application for times when the 2005 server is unreachable. I have a created CE db that replicates the 2005 version.
What I want to do now is put the CE db on the desktop with the MS access frontend. Based on a user's preferences the connection would direct to the CE version.
The CE engine is loaded on the desktop, I have modified the ADODb connection string to point to the CE db. When I run it I get an error that says: "The provider can't be found. It may not be properly installed."
Here's the connection string:cnxn: ConnectionString = ";Data Source=spcd.sdf;User ID=;Password=;"
Am I trying to do something that just isn't going to happen?
Ok, little frustrated hence the excessive exclamation points.
I'm designing a database in access to use a sql backend. Table structures are setup and am creating a view to join multiple tables together for data entry purposes. Tables are joined properly but when I add more than one join, ie adding more than two tables, I can't add records!?!
I checked the joins, it's not the table, since if I add one table its ok, remove table, add another table and that works, but when I add both tables together, it prevents me from adding records!
And another thing, when I have just two tables joined together and add a record, it comes up with this save changes, drop changes or cancel thingie!!! WTF!!!?
Is there something simple i'm missing or is it my table structure????
Hi, this is my first post (hopefully of many) on this board. Just wanted to say a quick hello before I dive into my question. :)
As the title suggested, I have to develop a MS Access form app (yes, it has to be Access - I know it sucks) that will post and query data to and from a remote SQL Server db. While I have no problem linking the two through the default ODBC drivers, my question is security. Some (actually most all) of the data being passed back and forth is sensative information, and I would like to know the best way to keep it safe.
If anybody has any suggestions, instructions, or can redirect me to a good FAQ site on the subject, I would be most appreciative. I have already done a search on these forums for an answer, but have sadly come up short.
I have a sql server 2005 db. Is there anyway I can link access to be used as a frontend by my client for viewing the data? is this possible through linked table manager?
Hi! I am evaluating an architecture for one of our project... a SQL database containing the data (backend) and a second database containing the development code (frontend) linked to the backend with synonyms.
It enables to upgrade the code without touching the data. Or to change the backend / use a different set of data at will.
Everything was going fine, the behavior was expected to be EXACTLY the same with synonyms as with real tables. But I came accross a problem: Let's say we have a synonym (frontend) dbo.TABLE1 that points to a table (backend) with a IDENTITY column.
I have a sp (frontend) with the following code: INSERT INTO dbo.TABLE1... SELECT @SCOPE_IDENTITY = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
Well in that case, @SCOPE_IDENTITY is NULL!
Anyone has ever faced that problem? Should I use another function to return the last ID inserted? Or is it the backend/frontend architecture that is completely flawed? I also heard there's a way, by creating the tables and the code on different filegroups, to restore only the tables or the code...