
Jun 25, 2004

Hello there,

Is there any way to set a default lock time out for the server with out using the sentence SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 20 ???

Could you explain me step by step ?

Thanks !

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Mar 18, 2005


I recently try to use the SET LOCK_TIMEOUT (SET LOCK_TIMEOUT = 9000) method to minimize SQL Server blocking during heavy trafic.

I have to put it in every Stored Proc because there is no way to tell SQL Server to handle a constant variable for this, default is -1 -> no timeout ! (wich may cause blocking)

Ok that may work but i got a strange issue with this rocking tip... sometimes it doesn't retrieve the RecordCount for my recordset... !!!

I'm using ASP and SQL server, i open an ado connection then if i call a stored proc wich and use SET LOCK_TIMEOUT sometimes it will return that :

oRS.RecordCount return -1... glups !

Any help concerning this issue appreciated...

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Apr 30, 2008


I need to perform insert operation where a large number of records are to be inserted in a table. I do not want the users to wait for a long time while another user is performing the insertion operation. As i searched here n there, i found that lock_timeout helps me to perform the job. But the query works fine at times and at times it doesnot. I have also tried using nowait but the result is the same. Sometimes it wait for the lock to be removed, then after the previous user is done it performs the insertion operation and sometimes it gives the error message: "Msg 1222, Level 16, State 56, Line 1 Lock request time out period exceeded."

Is there any other way out??

Thank you in advance.

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