How To Store Images In The Image Field In A Sql Server Database
May 6, 2008
hi can anyone tell how to use the image field and add an image in a database. i'm using visual studio web developer express edition 2008 and i want people who visit my website to be able to see the table and the images associated with some of the rows in the table
hi to all !!!! i want to store the image file from user click in SQL Server , so how can i ?? How can i Store image (.jpg , .gif) in a database . pls send me Code or any thing which helps me ...
does anyone know a way, using native SQL, to store a result of a query in an image field of a certain table.
The case is we have a selfmade replication to communicate with several SQL servers in stores, this replication is over a telephone line. So we collect all the data using SQL statements and store them in a separate table as an image field. This is done know through a Delphi application that streams the resultset to a image field.
I am creating a document management systems using asp. I have beenresearching the different ways of handling the documents such as using thefile system and storing the path in the db, and actually storing thedocument in the db. I like the idea of storing it in the database muchbetter because I can allow users to manage documents themselves (I alreadyhave the code in place to do it if I decide), having a central system withthe ability to add my own document properties by adding fields to the table,security, and backups. I have found that most think it is better to storethe path due to performance issues and the rate the db can grow. I havelooked at our current system in access and we have a total of 4400 documents(of which probably 25% are in the database but don't actually exist anymorein the file system, one hangup about the file system) since 1988. Thiscomes to about 300 documents added each year. The other thing is the issuewith the size of the db. I don't see a whole lot of difference with thisissue because it is going to take up space in your file system too, althoughthe file system may be more efficient at storing them. I would say that 95%of our docs are under 1 mb in size and done in ms word.The last thing is using full-text search capabilities in SQL Server. I needto be able to search the contents of the field.Is there other issues around storing documents in the db to consider besidesthe above?
I have the Image in FTP Server Folder and i need to insert that image into my local database.
How can i do this I tried with the below Query but i shows the errors as below.
--INSERT INTO AcademyStudents (ImageURL) --SELECT BULKCOLUMN FROM OPENROWSET(BULK'',Single_Blob) AS BLOB --Where StudentIdentificationNum = 2 --GO GOt Error ;
Cannot bulk load because the file [URL] could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.).
hi everybody,can anybody help me out by telling me how could I store images in a database, and how to insert new images at run time to a database and thanks
hi, i would like to store images in my database and retirve them aswell. i have looked at examples on the net but i am finding it hard to follow and undertsand them, can anyone please give me adivse on how i can do this. i have alrady created my table in my database which has 4 fields pictureID, pictureContent, pictureType and pictureSize but i dont know where to go on from here. i want to do it in vb aswell. please any help and advise would be much appreciated as i am stuck, thank you
Images, PDFs, word documents, etc..., will it affect the performance of my sql if I stored them in it as blob objects? Or it's better to use the filesystem instead and just store file paths in my sql? thanks in advance
Can you store images in a database or in a table, or do you have to only store the image path/name in the database while the image is in another folder? IF anyone knows, please share with me. Thanks.
I have recently designed and built my first database using SQL server 2005 express. I have included an image (BLOB) column in one of the database tables. This is a bad idea according to some experts, and some say it is OK!
I am currently carrying out a trial with just 3 pictures via Visual Basic 2005 express forms, and there is no problem so far as the images are displayed for each record. But I anticipate between 300 - 1000 images for the table, and this could pose real problems for SQL server 2005 express and Visual Basic 2005 express, I guess.
I have just been reading that the cost of storing large images in the database is too high! I have also read it's better to store images (BLOB) into the file system because it is cheaper to store them no matter how many there are.
But the question is how I can reference an image in this path: C:PictureProductGrocery 0052745.jpg in the database table, so that when I select a record Visual Basic 2005 forms the image is displayed accordingly, similar as when stored directly in the database table? Your help very much appreciated.
I€™ve inherited a project from one of the guys on our team who will be out sick for a while. He developed two for marshaling data between System.Drawing.Image and System.Byte(). He€™s storing the byte array data in a database image field.
I€™ve retrieved the byte array data from his database image fields and have successfully converted them to images using his ConvertByteArrayToImage method below. I have also converted and image to a byte array with his ConvertImageToByteArray method below and succfully stored the data in a database image field. However, when I retrieve the byte array data that I stored in the database the last line in his ConvertByteArrayToImage method throws an exception (Parameter is not valid). I€™ve not been able to find a working copy of his code that€™s storing the byte array data. Does anyone see anything I€™m overlooking?
Imports System.Drawing Imports System.IO
Public Sub InsertImage(ByVal pFilename As String)
Dim lImage As Image Dim lBA() As Byte Dim lSQL As String Dim lQuery As Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery Dim lParameters As New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsParameters
lImage = Image.FromFile(pFilename)
ConvertImageToByteArray(lImage, lBA)
' Initialization lQuery = New Alcon.SQLServer.Database.clsQuery(mConnection)
Hi I have a asp:FileUpload conponent that I am trying to use to retrieve a picture file from the clients pc and store it in a SQL database. The table is called PropertyImage and it contains the following fields: imgID (type = int - autoincrement); imgData (type = Image); imgTitle (type = VarChar); imgType (type = VarChar); imgLength (type = BigInt); I have a button (Button1) which when clicked calls Button1_Click() --------------------------------------------------protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {byte[] fileData = null; Boolean status = false;if (FileUpload1 != null) { // Make sure the file has data.if ((FileUpload1.PostedFile != null) && (FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)) { // Get the filename.string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); try { // Access the file stream and begin the upload. Store the file in a memory byte array.Stream MyStream = FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream; long iLength = MyStream.Length;fileData = new byte[(int)MyStream.Length];MyStream.Read(fileData, 0, (int)MyStream.Length); MyStream.Close(); }catch (Exception ex) { } } }SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\heidihomes.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); try { connection.Open();SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO PropertyImage (imgData, imgaTitle, imgType, imgLength) VALUES(@data,@title,@type,@length)"); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); // String connectionString = new SqlConnection(sqlCmd, connection); param = new SqlParameter("@data", SqlDbType.Image); param.Value = fileData; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(param);param = new SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.VarChar); param.Value = fileData; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(param);param = new SqlParameter("@type", SqlDbType.VarChar); param.Value = fileData; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(param);param = new SqlParameter("@length", SqlDbType.BigInt); param.Value = fileData; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add(param); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close();status = true; }catch (Exception ex){ }if (status) { UploadStatus.Text = "File Uploaded Successfully";Server.Transfer("Admin_PropertyView.aspx"); } else {UploadStatus.Text = "Uploaded Failed"; } } } -------------------------------------------------- But when I click on the button, nothing happens. Please could someone help me out here. I have tried this a few times and still haven't come right. Also, if there is something else wrong with the code, please let me know. Thanking you in advance.
I have a client who wants to be able to upload images to his website for his customers to access. It will probably max out at 100 images a not a huge amount of data. I am using 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. Does anyone have thoughts or opinions on why I should or should not take this approach?
I am using FileUpload method in tools box and i want to store the uploaded image into database. but when debuging it will shows an error like: Operand type clash: sql_variant is incompatible with image this is the code for "upload" button.Protected Sub uploadbtn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uploadbtn.Click If FileUpload1.HasFile Then TryFileUpload1.SaveAs("C: emp" & FileUpload1.FileName) Label1.Text = "File name: " & FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName & "<br>" & "File Size: " & FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength & "kb<br>" & "Content Type: " & FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentTypeCatch ex As Exception Label1.Text = "ERROR: " & ex.Message.ToString End Try Else Label1.Text = "You have not specified a file" End If Try SqlDataSource1.Insert() Label2.Text = "picture is saved"Catch ex As Exception Label2.Text = ex.Message.ToString End Try End Sub
How do I store an image/photo/picture in a database?
I have a database called database1 with a table called table1 like:
Table1: Personid Name1 Name2 Address
and I want to stora a picture of the person in the database (SQL Sever 7) c:picture.jpg. How could I do that? I would like to use a stored procedure to do it. Something with BLOB?bulk insert? how does it work?
I have a web server running fine together with an sql 2005 db. I use asp as my web server programming language and want to be able to display images that are stored in the database.
My question of course is how do I put images, for example an image called "image1.gif" into the database?
After having stored the images in the db, I guess that the are displayed on my web pages the same way as all text information (by writing something like <%=rs("image_column")%> ).... Anyway first I need help with how to store imgs in the database...
Hi, for my photo album database I'm trying to decide whether to store the actual photos as images in the db or whether to leave them in file directories with just the path & filename in the db. As a beginner in this field I don't know how either of these options compare (e.g. in terms of performance, complexity, flexibility and maintainablity) so any advice on the pros and cons of each would be appreciated.
I m student and develop a website. i want to know how images /pics and video and audio files are store in Sql server2005 database. and ya i want to store whole file not just its address.
i using asp page like uploadImage.aspx in that i put UploadFiles control now i m confuesd to storing Images so plese help me and give code or some good easy trick at my level
And once store image or video and audio file in sql database then after how i used in my page. which control i wish to used for this files so plese this also slove it. give also code or any easy trick for fullfil my task..
I just want to store pic.bmp file in server using image datatype but don't getting how to do that .. i want to know about both the actions storing and retrieving from the image data type.. like
create table amit ( im image, );
insert into values ()... select * form Amit will it work...
hi guys, are there any official or some sort of documents to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of storing image in the SQL's Image datatype field or storing the pointer to the image file? i have lots of static images (no more than 1MB each) that requires little updating and i need to retrieve them constantly. i am really struggled here on which method i should store the images: to store the images as Image datatype in SQL or save them as files and store the paths to the files. i would like to know, in my case, would there be any performance and efficient difference on using either method? naturally, i'd think the 1st method seems like a better solution. it's easier to back up and it protects integrity. But at the same time, i am not sure if the constant inserting and retrieving of images will affect the performance? also, i want to share the images and may create a ticker thing (using JavaScript) to display the images on the web page randomly and it seems like the 2nd method is easier to program. if you were me, which method would you use and why? thanks!
Hello,I am trying to update the Image type field named as BlobData in sqlServer 2000. I capture the record in a data set to have the schema and try to update the BlobData field of type Image by assigning it a value of buffer as below. but my assignment seems to be wrong and generates an error saying Object reference not set. Code========================= Dim fileBuffer(contentLength) As Byte
Dim attachmentFile As HttpPostedFile = Me.fileUpload_fu.PostedFile
Catch ex As Exception Me.error_lbl.Text = ex.Message Return False Finally cn.Close() End Try ========================== Can anyone please help this one out. Cheers.Imran.