How can I do this with Parameters? I can get a single parameter to filter for a single date (or even a combo list of the dates in DB). But I want my parameters to interact so that they specify a range. Is this possible?
I have a method like follows: string EmpCount = null; DateTime _dtstart = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStart.Text.Trim()); DateTime _dtend = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEnd.Text.Trim());SQLProvider sqlp = new SQLProvider(System.Configuration.ConnectionStrings["ConString"].ConnectionString);string SqlText = @" select count(*) from employee where activeemp=1 and startdate BETWEEN @dtstart and @dtend; using (sqlp.Connection) { sqlpm [] param = { new sqlpm("dtStart", _dtstart), new SqlP("dtEnd", _dtend) }; }EmpCount = sqlp.ExecuteScalar(SqlText, param).ToString(); return Convert.ToInt32(mbrCount);
Then the method I am calling is:public Object ExecuteScalar(String sqlText, Sqlp[] param) {try { //Some Code here } } So in the calling method (ExecuteScalar), the second parameter is defined as an array, is it ok to have an array in the called method too?
i need to filter an article based on a user-supplied datetime filter (the datetime parameter is specified by the subscriber just before replication). at the same time i need to filter again by user (different subscribers get different rows).
i already did the user-based filter using HOST_NAME( ). but the difficulty here (al least i think so) lies in passing 2 parameters to the filter. i cannot rely on using SUSER_SNAME to pass the user filter, because no one will want to create 500 user accounts. so i guess the only solution here is to pass both parameters using only HOST_NAME( ) and then write 2 splitting functions which uses HOST_NAME( ) as its parameter. am i right ?
publisher/distributor is sql server 2005, all subscribers use sql mobile.
I have parameters in my report. The user can choose the year, month and date (3 parameters). Now I want to set default vaules for the parameters , so that the user sees the report for example for the current day without selecting the parameters. I tried to set the type of the parameters to DateTime and the default value for example for the year to "=Today().Year" . But when I execute the report an error occures . Something like : no validValue for this parameter.
My Attributes for the year month and date are from an Analyis Services Cube from a Server Time dimension . Does somebody know how to make it possible to set default values for this parameters?
Other question :
Does somebody know how I can reduce the values for a parameter. For Example I have a parameter "year" from a server time dimension from a cube. The values which are available are "Year 2004", "Year 2005", "Year 2006", "Year 2007". But I want that the user only can choose "Year 2006" or "Year 2007" ant not every Year or "All". Or Other Example: The User should only choose a Date that is int the past or Today but not a Date in the future.
The census is from an outside group and what I do is massage it for our internal databases and reports to our care managers.
The report starts out by returning only those entries that were received in the last report from the outside vendor and I filter each of the parameters by using a WITH statement and an INNER JOIN, as follows;
WITH Date_of_Most_Recent_Census AS ( SELECT MAX(Load_Date) AS [CurDate] FROM Census_Rpt_Final )
[Code] ...
The default is for all parameters to start out with all possible values for the current load date. But, I need to be able to filter the available - and default - values for each parameter based upon the selection of the other parameters.
So, the Load Date is built in by use of the CTE that is a part of all the parameters. But, I need the report to allow the end user to select from each of the others, but limiting what is avaliable for selection based upon the settings of the other parameters.
For example, the second parameter is the Report Type. It can be either "Hospital," or "SNF." But, not all Clinics, Care Managers or PCPs may have an entry in both types. So, if the user selects, say, "Hospital," all the parameters would alter their available and default values such that they only include options where the census shows they are a "Hospital" entry.But, not all Clinics in the most recent census may have both report types. So, if the end user selects a particular clinic, it would also recalculate the available and default values for Report Type, as well as those beneath it on the list. And, likewise for the remainder of the parameters.
My initial thought was to add WHERE statements to the datasets controlling each parameter, but SSRS keeps asking me to define the parameters when I click out of the dataset's properties. Now, I know that SSRS is a single pass process - and, I'll cross the bridge on adjusting parameters defined earlier in the list when I come to it - but I thought that parameters lower in the list would update, since they'd have their values defined.For instance, the Clinic parameter is after Report Type, so the code I used to set up Clinic was;
WITH Date_of_Most_Recent_Census AS ( SELECT MAX(Load_Date) AS [CurDate] FROM Census_Rpt_Final ) SELECT DISTINCT
But, this asks me to define @ReportType, even though it precedes Clinic on the parameter list.
I've been studying this tutorial over here at: but I can't seem to get my gridview working. I want to be able to edit the fields and also delete an entire row from the table if needed. I hard coded in the update and delete commands into my objectdatasource but I still get the error message. Also, I can't even refresh the aspx page: <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/templates/admin.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="article_comments.aspx.vb" Inherits="admin_Default2" title="Untitled Page" %><asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageHeading" Runat="Server"> </asp:Content> <asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="PageContents" Runat="Server"> `<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" Width="536px" DataKeyNames="ratingID"> <Columns> <asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" ShowEditButton="True" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ratingID" HeaderText="ratingID" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="ratingID" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="rating" HeaderText="rating" SortExpression="rating" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="ip" HeaderText="ip" SortExpression="ip" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="itemID" HeaderText="itemID" SortExpression="itemID" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="comment" HeaderText="comment" SortExpression="comment" /> <asp:CheckBoxField DataField="active" HeaderText="active" SortExpression="active" /> </Columns> </asp:GridView> <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetRatings" TypeName="articlesTableAdapters.tblArticleRatingTableAdapter" DataObjectTypeName="articles+tblArticleRatingDataTable" DeleteMethod="DELETE FROM [tblArticleRating] WHERE [ratingID] = @ratingID" UpdateMethod="UPDATE [tblArticleRating] SET [ratingID] = @ratingID, [rating] = @rating, [ip] = @ip, [itemID] = @itemID, [comment] = @comment WHERE [ratingID] = @ratingID"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="dataTable" Type="Object" /> <asp:Parameter Name="itemID" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters></asp:ObjectDataSource> </asp:Content> >
For example, I have a Date dimension with attributes like Current Day and Current Month. If I run the following, I get exactly what I expect: a list of the days in the current month.
select NULL on 0, [Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Year - Quarter - Month].[Date] on 1 from [Customer Support] where [Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Current Month].&[True]
When I run the following, I'm getting a list of the days in the current month *plus the first couple days of the next month*. with
set [Days of Interest] as filter([Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Year - Quarter - Month].[Date], [Case - Date - PSPT Entry].[Current Month].&[True]) select NULL on 0, [Days of Interest] on 1 from [Customer Support]
Can anybody please let me know if cascading parameter feature of Report Designer can be implemented in Report Builder in any possible way (using filter or report parameters).
We have a scenario where the end user wants to create an adhoc report with two input parameters (or filters). Both the parameters will be selected from a list of available values at run time. The problem is that the second parameter's list of values should be populated based on what is selected in the first parameter.
I have to filter my report with the date parameter. Custom Dates are comming from the database.
I have to filter with the date just previous Date which user selected as a parameter.
As an example if parameter contains 2/04/2008 , 10/04/2008, 14/04/2008, 16/04/2008 and user is selecting 14/04/2008 then I want to filter the data from just previous parameter i.e. 10/04/2008
I am using stored procedure dataset. i tried filtering the dataset values with the parameter of type datetime.I am able to view and select multiple datetime value from the list. but its not filtering the values.
i changed the parameter datatype to string but it works only for the first value
(parameter. <pname>.value(0)). if i filter with the array value (parameter. <pname>.value) am getting error (Failed to evaluate Filter expression).
I guess the problem with datatype. Pls help me if anyone have idea about this.
I'm using an objectDataSource connected to a strongly typed dataset to populate a GridView. I want to be able to show all the records, or let the user to select only those records that expire in a certain month. The expire field is of type date I'm used to all records being returned when a parameter is missing. If I have Select * from table where last=@last, only the records where the last name is 'Smith' will be returned if @last = 'Smith', but all records are returned is @last = "". But that's not how it's working with the date. I'm passing an integer from 1 to 12 in a querystring. I have the equivalent of select * from table where (MONTH([AD ENDS]) = @month)MONTH(datefield) always returns an integer from 1 to 12. If @month is empty, I want all the records to be displayed, but nothing is. If @month is an int form 1 to 12, it works fine. How can I get all the records if no month is selected? Can I have two objectdatasources and programmatically select which one populates the gridview depending on if I want to filter the data or not? Diane
Is it possible to have different chart (having their dataset from same shared datasets) like six on one report, then secondly can they all respond to same parameter filter.
I am creating a SSRS report using a SSAS cube as it data source. The user would like to select multiple values from a reporting parameter that is then used as a filter on the MDX statement. I am bale to have the report work successfully when only one value is selected but not when multiple values are selected; the report uses only the first value from the reporting parameter when it contains multiple values. How do I filter an MDX query using a SSRS report parameter with multiple values?
I am working on a report where some customization is need to be delivered.. situation is , i have some parameter in report @USER_ID , @Report_Type where i am proving selection to user to select Report Type (Pending Or Completed) and passing USER_ID auto matically from URL string of user login(C# code).
I have another parameter @USER_IDS which is multiple selection for user and it will be filled with the users which lie under passed @USER_ID means i just need to add dataset with the query to select users from mapper table where reporting_head =@USER_ID, simple, but i have requirement to populate the underlined users with the selection of @USER_ID and @Report_Type and it need some TSQL code to populate so i am using Another store procedure and using same parameter as my main store procedure has .
Now i am using dataset with this store procedure  to fill my @USER_IDS  parameterÂ
Both parameters value will be passed from main report parameters now , when i am previewing a report i am getting error
and i also tried to write exec statement in dataset query with the main repport paramters but exec is not supported ..
Hi,I am trying to write a method which needs to call a stored procedure and then needs to get the response of the stored procedure back to the variable i declared in the method. private string GetFromCode(string strWebVersionFromCode, string strWebVersionString) { //call stored procedure } strWebVersionFromCode = GetFromCode(strFromCode, "web_version"); // is the var which will store the should I do this?Please assist.
I´ve build a report with Report Design. On this report I want to show the items customers bought. In this report I added a Report Parameter so the user can select a specific customer. I made an extra dataset and use the filter =@customer and this parameter works fine. Then I want to ad a second Report Parameter: the salesperson. When I leave one of the parameters blank, I get an error "Please select a value for the parameter....". Even if I choose the options allow blank or null values, I get this error. What I want is de possibility to get all the records, to filter records from one specific customer or to filter records from a specific salesperson.
Though I am a novice to MS SQL server (2000 I believe), I can do almost!everything I need. Maybe not efficiently, but usefully. However, I havea problem -- a complex query problem...I can create a parameter query in a stored procedure, but how do I usethe result set of a parameter query in a select query (in the same oranother sp)? In short, if a select query contains a result table that isgenerated as a parameter query, how do I pass the parameter through theselect query to the nested parameter query?For example, if I have a sp parameter query called [e_typerows], I couldwrite the following select query which uses the (single) result set from[e_typerows] plus other tables or views:SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT bi_occ_01_e.row, bi_occ_01_e.pos,bi_dictionary_e.typestring, bi_occ_01_e.shadowFROM bi_dictionary_e INNER JOIN(bi_occ_01_e INNER JOIN[e_typerows] ON bi_occ_01_e.row = [e_typerows].row) ONbi_dictionary_e.typeid = bi_occ_01_e.typeidORDER BY bi_occ_01_e.row, bi_occ_01_e.posEven though [e_typerows] is a (storted procedure) parameter query thiswill work IF my parameter in [e_typerows] has a default, say "yyyy". Inthe default case no parameter needs passing. But what if it doesn't havea default value or if I need to pass a parameter to it?Is there any way to replace[e_typerows]in the above query with somethinglike [e_typerows @myparameter='xxxx']? (Maybe I should try that! I'veseen nothing about it though.)My parameter query, [e_typerows], looks like this in fact:@typestringparameter varchar(100) = "yyyy"SELECT dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring, dbo.bi_occ_01_e.rowFROM dbo.bi_occ_01_e INNER JOINdbo.bi_dictionary_e ONdbo.bi_occ_01_e.typeid = dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typeidGROUP BY dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring,dbo.bi_occ_01_e.rowHAVING (dbo.bi_dictionary_e.typestring = @typestringparameter)Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! (For the moment, I firstgenerate the parameter query result set, then I loop through each row ofthat result set and do a select query with that row as a parameter --very complicated!, though it does work.)
I need to be able to set the date parameters of a report dynamically when it is run based on system time. The problem I am having is being able to compare the dates (StartDate & EndDate) against [Service Date 1]. Essentially this report will only pull the current month's data.
The date fields being created with the GETDATE, DATEADD & DATEDIFF functions are working correctly. Do I need to create a separate dataset to be able to run the parameters automatically in the actual report?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
SELECT TodaysDate =GetDate()-2,dbo.[Billing Detail].[Service Date 1], DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, DATEADD(yy, 0, GETDATE())), 0) AS StartDate, DATEADD(dd, - 1, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, -1, GETDATE()), 0)) AS EndDate, dbo.[Billing Detail].Billing, dbo.[Billing Detail].Chart, dbo.[Billing Detail].Item, dbo.[Billing Detail].[Sub Item], dbo.Patient.[Patient Code], dbo.Patient.[Patient Type], dbo.[Billing Header].Charges, dbo.Practice.Name FROM dbo.[Billing Detail] INNER JOIN dbo.Patient ON dbo.[Billing Detail].Chart = dbo.Patient.[Chart Number] INNER JOIN dbo.[Billing Header] ON dbo.[Billing Detail].Billing = dbo.[Billing Header].Billing CROSS JOIN dbo.Practice WHERE (dbo.[Billing Detail].Item = 0) AND (dbo.[Billing Detail].[Sub Item] = 0) AND (dbo.[Billing Detail].[Service Date 1] Between StartDate AND EndDate
Im trying to create a drop down parameter whereby if i select a certain field, a different dropdown will be filtered off only the relevant selections, is this possible.
Hi, I just have a Dataset with my tables and thats it I have a grid view with several datas on it no problem to get the data or insert but as soon as I try to delete or update some records the local machine through the same error Unable to find nongeneric method... I've try to create an Update query into my table adapters but still not working with this one Also, try to remove the original_{0} and got the same error... Please help if anyone has a solution
My basic goal is to try to simplify inputs for the user. I have 3 parameters: Begin Date, End DAte and Duration. Duration will contain 3 choices: All, 2 Years and Range and is meant to give them a shortcut to dates as described below:
All - Would automatically populate the start date to 10/01/2005 and an end date to current date
2 Years - Would automatically populate the start date to current date minus 2 years, and the end date to current date.
Range - Would allow the user to select any dates as desired.
I'm able to get the dates to populate based on the duration field using non-queried values based on the Duration value, but the problem is that if I want to allow them to select Range the calendar control is not available and a text box is displayed.
I've tried to create some code in the properties that would populate, but I keep getting that this item is Read Only. The code I've created is as follows:
public function populateDates(Duration) as String
Select Case Duration Case = "Range" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = Report.Parameters!pBeginDate Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Report.Parameters!pEndDAte Case = "All" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = #10/01/2005# Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today case = "Two" Report.Parameters!pBeginDate = DateAdd("yyyy", -2, Now().Today) Report.Parameters!pEndDAte = Now().Today end select end sub
My only goal is to give the User the 3 choices, but still keep the calendar control available, and I can't seem to do this?
I use SQL Server 2005. I have approx. 50 tables in my database and 30 of them have a filed named "CompanyID". Example: create table A (ID int identity, NAME varchar(100), COMPANYID int)create table A (ID int identity, REF_ID int, FIELD1 varchar(100), FIELD2 varchar(100), COMPANYID int)
Also there are nearly 200 stored procedures that read data from these tables. Example: create procedure ABCasbegin /* some checks and expressions here ... */ select ... from A inner join B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID) where ... /* ... */end;
All my queries in the Stored procedure does not filter the tables by CompanyID, so they process the entire data.
However, now we have a requirement to separate the data for each company. That means that we have to put a filter by CompanyID to each of those 20 tables in each query where the tables appear.
Firstly, I put the CompanyID in the context so now its value is accessible through the context_info() function. Thus I do not need now to pass it as a parameter to the stored procedures.
However, I don't know what is the easiest and fastest way to filter the tables. Example:
I modified the above mentioned procedure in the following way: create procedure ABCasbegin /* some checks and expressions here ... */ -- gets the CompanyID from the context: DECLARE @CompanyID int; SELECT @CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info())) select ... from A inner join B on (A.ID = B.REF_ID) where ... and A.COMPANYID = @CompanyID and B.COMPANYID = @CompanyID /* ... */end;
Now I have the desired filter by CompanyID. However, modifying over 200 stored procedures is rather tedious work and I don't think that this is the best approach. Is there any functionality in SQL Server that can provide the possibility to put an automatic filter to the tables. For example: when I wrote "SELECT * FROM A", the actual statements to be executed would be "SELECT * FROM A WHERE CompanyID = CONVERT(float, CONVERT(varchar(128), context_info()))".
I was looking for something like "INSTEAD OF SELECT" triggers but I didn't manage to find any answer.
I would very grateful is someone suggests a solution for something like "global table filter" (that will help me make an easy refactoring)?
I have requirement where first I need to show only one report parameter. Based on user selection I need to prompt or show the user another report parameter.
Say suppose I have 3 parameters. User selects first value in first parameter I should not show the other 2 parameters. If user selects second value in first parameter I should show second parameter and hide third parameter. There is no relationship between these 2 parameters except user selection. Similarly if user third value in first parameter then I should show third parameter and hide second parameter.
Is this possible? I can not see any Visible property for report parameters.
I have a table that has a group. In this group, I want to filter by 2 different expressions, concatenated with an OR. BUT I can't change the "And/Or" column value for the first entry because it is grayed out. The column will automatically change to an OR value if both my expression column fields are the same (which I don€™t want) but if I put any other value in to the expression field of the second row, the "And/Or" field of the first row automatically changes to an AND.
PLEASE! How do I get the And/Or field "ungrayed" so I can change it to what I want?
The 2 filters I and using check the UserID = to the user, and the other is checking a count to get the Top N 1. (So just showing the current user and the top producer)