I need to update the Tn column from the default 9999 for the 3 rows in this table where the dealid is 12345 based on the value in the datex column so the row with the 'highest ie most recent date' gets a 0. I then need to assign the value 1 to the next highest and so on until all rows (in this case 3) get incrementing integer values. It's easy with a cursor but can't get my head round doing it in a set-based way
Any ideas
Please help me to get the required result: For each IDS in table1 - change the ids to numbers (eg. for '1,2,3' get the numbers (IntValue) 1, 2 & 3) - in table2, find the maxVal for each number - disply the table1..ids, number, table2..maxVal & table1..idsDesc, order by table1..ids, table2..maxVal & IntValue
I have 2 tables, over milin records each. The Simplified versions of the tables looks like that:
create table table1 (ids varchar(100), idsDesc varchar(100)) go insert table1 select '1,2,3', 'Description 1' union all select '2,3,4', 'Description 2' union all select '1,7', 'Description 3' union all select '16,3,8', 'Description 4' union all select '2,5,6,1', 'Description 5' go
create table table2 (ids int, maxVal int) go insert table2 select 1, 10 union all select 2, 6 union all select 3, 12 union all select 4, 11 union all select 5, 66 union all select 6, 4 union all select 7, 3 -- union all select 8, 5 -- no value for 8 union all select 9, 6 union all select 16, 12 go
I have also function that returns table variable of numbers delivered from given string: create function dbo.fn_StrToIntValues ( @str varchar(1000) ) returns @numsTbl table (IntValue int not null)
The command select * from dbo.fn_StrToIntValues('1,2,33')
Returns --> intValue 1 2 33
Can I use SQL query and not cursor to get the following result ?
I have a table which table has :Identity Column (Identity), Schema name and Table_Name.
So I would like to write a cursor For each Table Count(*) from Table--@Cnt Int , Schemaname and Tablename need to store another table.
Implement a USP, using a cursor that scan the table, generate select count statement from configuration table and fire the select count statement and record the result of the query in the log table :
how can I write a cursor and Import Those results into to Another table.
col1 col2 col3 col4 36930.60 145 N . 00 17618.43 190 N . 00 6259.20 115 N .00 8175.45 19 N .00 18022.54 212 N .00 111.07 212 B .00 13393.05 67 N .00 In above 4 col if col3 value is B then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col4. if col3 value is N then cursor has to fectch appropriate value from col1. here col2 values are unique.
I have been trying to write a cursor to fetch required data from table but somehow its running forever and inserting duplicate records.
I have a temp table named getInvoice where I have five important columns
1. invoice number 2.group 3.invoice status 4. Invoice Expiration date 5. Creation date time
and some other columns.One invoice number can belong to one or more group and there can be one or more records for a particular invoice number and group.
An example is below :
InvoiceNumber Group InvoiceStatus InvoiceExpirationDate CreationDateTime
My query condition is complex and that is why Im facing problem retrieving the output.I need a cursor for getting distinct invoice number from the table and for each invoice number I need to get the latest record for each invoice number and suffix combination based on creationdateand time column and if that record has invoice status of 2 and also the invoice expiration date can be either null or greater than today's date, then I need to get that record and put it in a temp table.
The query I wrote is below
declare myData cursor for select distinct invoiceNumber from #getInvoice declare @invoiceNumber varchar(30) open myData fetch next from myData into @invoiceNumber while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
Does anyone have any good references they could recommend on Cursorbased SQL writing? I have to create SQL that can loop though recordssimular to VB loops and I have been told that this is the way to go.Any recommendations would be helpful.
I am replacing cursor logic in a SP to a setbased approach to scale better. My setbased approach seems to be better but it runs very fractionaly faster (execution time) than the cursor approach for a single run in test environment. I think resource cost wise, my set based approach should be better. Number of rows iterated thru this cursor is small (0-150). This particular SP is called over 2000 times in production everyday. Is it worth the trouble changing this if we get only marginally benefits, will my set-based approach work better on a server that has lot of activity (lot of connections etc). Our db server runs at about 75-85% cpu usage daily and this particular SP accounts to 13% CPU usage for 2000+ executions.
If the data set involved in cursors is small, is it worth the trouble changing them to set based approaches? Am I doing right to change this SP to setbased approach.
My question is that: Just one month before subscriptionendperiod that is on 11/20/2005(mm/dd/yyyy) an automatic email should go to david@john.com with the message 'Your subscription period ends on 12/20/2005'
How to write trigger for this.
Please Note : No ASP code is invloved in this. Only MSSQL coding to be done.
Hey All, I am trying to convert cursor based stored proc in to set based simple statements stored proc. As this stored proc has created alot of performance issues. I am confuse now as I spent my most of time creating this stored proc. Please advise how can I convert this stored proc into set base simple statment.
Thanks in advance.
ALTER Procedure [SampleStoredProc] @Var1varchar(20), @Var2varchar(3), @Var3 varchar(2) = 'Dummy' As
fetch next from mtcursor into @TableName, @FieldName, @FieldSelect, @FieldTitle, @sequence, @extraCriteria, @title, @ConvertRoutine if @@fetch_status <> 0 set @loopCtrl2 = 1
if (@TableName <> @holdTable) or (@extraCriteria <> @holdCriteria) or (@title <> @holdTitle) or (@loopCtrl2 = 1) begin
set @tableBuild = @tableBuild + ')' set @insertSQL = ' declare mtcursor2 cursor for select FieldName, FieldTitleTxt, ExtraUpdateMatchTxt, PullForUpdateInd, PullForAddInd, PullForDeleteInd, PullForAnyUpdateInd from MyTable1 where TableName = ''' + @holdTable + ''' and ExtraCriteriaTxt = ''' + @holdCriteria + ''' and PageTitleTxt = ''' + @holdTitle + ''' and Column1 = ''' + @Var2 + ''' order by FieldDisplaySequenceNbr
declare @FieldName varchar(50) declare @FieldTitle varchar(50) declare @ExtraUpdateMatch varchar(500) declare @PullUpdate bit declare @PullAdd bit declare @PullDelete bit declare @PullAnyUpdate bit
open mtcursor2 fetch next from mtcursor2 into @FieldName, @FieldTitle, @ExtraUpdateMatch, @PullUpdate, @PullAdd, @PullDelete, @PullAnyUpdate
WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0) begin
if substring(@FieldTitle,1,1) = ''#'' set @FieldTitle = substring(@FieldTitle,2,len(@FieldTitle) - 1) else set @FieldTitle = '''''''' + @FieldTitle + ''''''''
if @PullAnyUpdate = 1 begin exec (''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', A.UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''', '' + @FieldTitle + '', A.'' + @FieldName + '', B.'' + @FieldName + '', ''''U'''' from #tempTable A left join #tempTable B on B.UnitNbr = A.UnitNbr and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' '' + @ExtraUpdateMatch + '' where A.Val1 = ''''O'''' and B.Val1 = ''''U'''''') end else begin if @PullUpdate = 1 exec (''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', A.UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''', '' + @FieldTitle + '', A.'' + @FieldName + '', B.'' + @FieldName + '', ''''U'''' from #tempTable A left join #tempTable B on B.UnitNbr = A.UnitNbr and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' '' + @ExtraUpdateMatch + '' where A.Val1 = ''''O'''' and B.Val1 = ''''U'''' and ((A.'' + @FieldName + '' <> B.'' + @FieldName + '') or (A.'' + @FieldName + '' is null and B.'' + @FieldName + '' is not null) or (A.'' + @FieldName + '' is not null and B.'' + @FieldName + '' is null)) '') end
if @PullAdd = 1 exec(''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''','' + @FieldTitle + '', ''''n/a'''', '' + @FieldName + '', ''''A'''' from #tempTable A where Val1 = ''''A'''''') if @PullDelete = 1 exec(''INSERT MyTable2 SELECT ''''' + @Var1 + ''''', UnitNbr, ''''' + @holdTitle + ''''','' + @FieldTitle + '', '' + @FieldName + '', ''''n/a'''', ''''D'''' from #tempTable A where Val1 = ''''D'''''') fetch next from mtcursor2 into @FieldName, @FieldTitle, @ExtraUpdateMatch, @PullUpdate, @PullAdd, @PullDelete, @PullAnyUpdate end
close mtcursor2 deallocate mtcursor2'
exec (@tableBuild + ' insert into #tempTable select ' + @selectlist + ' from ' + @holdTable + ' where Id = ' + '''' + @Var1 + '''' + @holdCriteria + @insertSQL)
set @selectlist = 'Val1, Val2,' + @sequence + ' as UnitNbr' set @tableBuild = 'Create table #tempTable (Val1 varchar, Val2 int, UnitNbr varchar(20)' end
if @loopCtrl2 = 1 set @loopCtrl1 = 1 end
close mtcursor deallocate mtcursor
Delete from MyTable2 where ltrim(rtrim(PreviousValueTxt)) = ltrim(rtrim(EndorsedValueTxt)) and ActionTxt='U' and ID=@Var1 declare deletecursor cursor for select distinct PageNm from MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and ActionTxt = 'U'
open deletecursor
fetch next from deletecursor into @PageName
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin if (SELECT count(*) from MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = @PageName and ActionTxt = 'U' and PreviousValueTxt <> EndorsedValueTxt ) = 0 DELETE FROM MyTable2 where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = @PageName and ActionTxt = 'U' fetch next from deletecursor into @PageName end
close deletecursor deallocate deletecursor
declare convertcursor cursor for select a.PreviousValueTxt, a.EndorsedValueTxt, A.EntrySequenceNbr, A.ActionTxt, b.ConversionRoutineTxt from MyTable2 a inner join MyTable1 b on a.PageNm = b.PageTitleTxt and a.FieldNm = b.FieldTitleTxt and b.ConversionRoutineTxt <> '' where a.Id = @Var1
open convertcursor
fetch next from convertcursor into @PrevValue, @NewValue, @Sequence, @ActionTxt, @ConvertRoutine
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @ConvertSQL = 'declare @PrevConverted varchar(50) declare @NewConverted varchar(50)' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' declare @ConvertInput varchar(50) '
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' declare @Var3 varchar(2) ' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @Var3 = ''' + @Var3 + ''''
if @ActionTxt = 'A' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @PrevConverted = ''' + @PrevValue + '''' else begin set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @ConvertInput = ''' + @PrevValue + '''' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @PrevConverted = (' + @ConvertRoutine + ')' end if @ActionTxt = 'D' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @NewConverted = ''' + @NewValue + '''' else begin set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @ConvertInput = ''' + @NewValue + '''' set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' set @NewConverted = (' + @ConvertRoutine + ')' end
set @ConvertSQL = @ConvertSQL + ' update MyTable2 set PreviousValueTxt = @PrevConverted, EndorsedValueTxt = @NewConverted where EntrySequenceNbr = ''' + @Sequence + ''''
exec (@ConvertSQL)
fetch next from convertcursor into @PrevValue, @NewValue, @Sequence, @ActionTxt, @ConvertRoutine end
Create table #pageSeqTable (PageTitle varchar(50), PageSeq int) insert into #pageSeqTable select distinct PageTitleTxt, PageDisplaySequenceNbr from MyTable1 where Column1 = @Var2
select PageNm, RowNumber, FieldNm, PreviousValueTxt, EndorsedValueTxt, ActionTxt from MyTable2, #pageSeqTable b where Id = @Var1 and PageNm = b.PageTitle order by b.PageSeq, RowNumber, ActionTxt desc, EntrySequenceNbr
select @effDate = convert(char,EffectiveDate,101), @transEffDate = convert(char,TransactionEffectiveDt,101), @expDate = convert(char,LastTransactionEffectiveDt,101), @policyStatus = PolicyStatusCd, @reasAmendDesc = ReasonAmendedDes, @policyNumber = PolicyNumber, @riskState = StateName, @AmendPrem = convert(money,PremiumAmount) from SHPlaninfo A, SHSeleReasonAmended B, SHSeleStateCode C where Id = @Var1 AND Val2 = (select max(Val2) from SHPlanInfo where Id = @Var1) AND B.ReasonAmendedCd = A.ReasonAmendedCd AND C.StateCode = A.RiskState Select @PriorPrem = convert(money,PremiumAmount) FROM SHPlanInfo WHERE Id = @Var1 and Val2 = '0' Set @PremDiff = @AmendPrem - @PriorPrem
I know this question has been asked. And the usual answer is don't usecursors or any other looping method. Instead, try to find a solutionthat uses set-based queries.But this brings up several questions / senarios:* I created several stored procedures that take parameters and insertsthe data into the appropriate tables. This was done for easy access/usefrom client side apps (i.e. web-based).Proper development tactics says to try and do "code reuse". So, if Ialready have stored procs that do my logic, should I be writing asecond way of handling the data? If I ever need to change the way thedata is handled, I now have to make the same change in two (or more)places.* Different data from the same row needs to be inserted into multipletables. "Common sense" (maybe "gut instinct" is better) says to handleeach row as a "unit". Seems weird to process the entire set for onetable, then to process the entire set AGAIN for another table, and thenYET AGAIN for a third table, and so on.* Exception handling. Set based processing means that if one row failsthe entire set fails. Looping through allows you to fail a row butallow everything else to be processed properly. It also allows you togather statistics. (How many failed, how many worked, how many wereskipped, etc.)?? Good idea ?? The alternative is to create a temporary table (sandboxor workspace type thing), copy the data to there along with "status" or"valdation" columns, run through the set many times over looking forany rows that may fail, marking them as such, and then at the end onlydealing with those rows which "passed" the testing. Of course, in orderfor this to work you must know (and duplicate) all constraints so youknow what to look for in your testing.
I need to sum these amounts running from July to the month prior to whatever the current month is. So if it was August, it would only be
Is there a cleaner (shorter) way to iterate through the twelve months than either writing the query 12 times in an IF statement, or 12 CASE statements? This is only part of a query that joins several tables (not shown).
Any suggestions on the best way to write this would be valued.
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me in this. I am looking to write a stored procedure that will return the heirarchy of an organization. I will display how the heirarchy might look and then list the tables involved.
John Smith
- Jacob Jones - Lisa Thompson - Samuel Barber
- Paul Smith - John Jackson
Ok, so Jacob, Lisa, an Samuel report up to John Smith. Paul and John Jackson report up to Samuel Barber.
Here are the tables:
Users holds the user_id, first_name, last_name, and reports_to_user_id. User_Roles holds the user_id, role_type_id Role_Types holds the role_type_id, and the type (which could be Administrator, Standard, Guest) for example. In addition, Role_Types also has ranking which must be taken into consideration as well. 1 being the top rank and 9 being the lowest.
I have a set of revenue records where there is a UNIT column and a REVCHARGE column. What I need to do is breakout the records into single records where the unit count is > 1 and calc the actual charge:
I have a table when user add new sales or puchase will be added to this table ITEM_TXNS. The above date is part of the table for a ProductID . (The field is removed here) In order to calculate the balance amount using moving average, I must calculated the cost_out_amt first on the fly. When user add new sales I also need to determine the cost/unit for a product id using moving average. The problem is I can not just use sum, because i need to determine cost_out_amt for each sales first which will be calculated on the fly. The reason i dont store the cost_out_amt (instead calculate on the fly) because User could Edit the previous sales/purchase txn or Insert new sales for a previous date. Example THe record with ID 9. By Adding this txn with ID 9, would cause all the cost_out_amt will be incorrect (Using moving Average) if i store the cost_amout_out on entrying txn and need to be recalculated. Instead I just want to calculate on the fly and able to determine the cost avr for a specific point of time. Should I just use Cursor and loop all the record and calculate the cost or maybe I can just use on Select Statement?
I need the start and end time of consecutive records of the same vehicle with 0 speed ordered by date_time. If there is more than one consecutive record with zero speed it needs to be grouped together.
I am begginner at best so I hope someone that is better can help.I have a stored procedure that updates a view that I wrote using 2cursors.(Kind of a Inner Loop) I wrote it this way Because I couldn'tdo it using reqular transact SQL.The problem is that this procedure is taking longer and longer to run.Up to 5 hours now! It is anaylizing about 30,000 records. I thinkpartly because we add new records every month.The procedure works like this.The first Cursor stores a unique account and duedate combination fromthe view.It then finds all the accts in the view that have that account duedatecombo and loads them into Cursor 2 this groups them together for datamanipulation. The accounts have to be grouped this way because aaccount can have different due dates and multiple records within eachaccount due date combo and they need to be looked at this way aslittle singular groups.Here is my procedure I hope someone can shead some light on this. Myboss is giving me heck about it. (I think he thinks Girls cant code!)I got this far I hope someone can help me optimize it further.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_PromiseStatusASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON/* Global variables */DECLARE @tot_pay moneyDECLARE @rec_upd VARCHAR(1)DECLARE @todays_date varchar(12)DECLARE @mActivityDate2_temp datetimeDECLARE @tot_paydate datetime/* variables for cursor ACT_CUR1*/DECLARE @mAcct_Num1 BIGINTDECLARE @mDueDate1 datetime/* variables for ACT_CUR2 */DECLARE @mAcct_Num2 BIGINTDECLARE @mActivity_Date2 datetimeDECLARE @mPromise_Amt_1 moneyDECLARE @mPromise_Status varchar(3)DECLARE @mCurrent_Due_Amt moneyDECLARE @mDPD intDECLARE @mPromise_Date datetimeSELECT @todays_date =''+CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) AS varchar(4))+''DECLARE ACT_CUR1 CURSOR FORSELECT DISTINCTA.ACCT_NUM,A.DUE_DATEFROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS AOPEN ACT_CUR1FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGINSELECT @rec_upd = 'N 'DECLARE ACT_CUR2 CURSOR FORSELECTB.ACCT_NUM,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,B.PROMISE_AMT_1,B.PROMISE_STATUS,B.CURRENT_DUE_AMT,B.DAYS_DELINQUENT_NUM,B.PROMISE_DATE_1FROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS B (UPDLOCK)WHERE B.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num1ANDB.DUE_DATE = @mDueDate1ORDER BY B.ACCT_NUM,B.DUE_DATE,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,CASEB.Time_ObtainedWHEN 0 THEN 0ELSE 1END Desc, B.Time_ObtainedOPEN ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2INTO @mAcct_Num2 ,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGIN----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable2 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable2 = CAST(@MACCT_NUM2 AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@MACTIVITY_DATE2 AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_AMT_1 ASVARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_STATUS AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mCurrent_Due_Amt AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@mDPD AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mPromise_Date AS VARCHAR)--PRINT @PrintVariable2----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------IF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE < @mActivity_Date2 + 15----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable3 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable3 ='Greater=30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable3----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE BETWEEN @mActivity_Date2 AND@mPromise_Date + 5----CHECK----------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable4 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable4 ='Less 30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable4----END CHECK------------------------------------------------------------END----------------------------------------MY REVISEDLOGIC-------------------------------------------------------IF @rec_upd = 'N'BEGINIF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mActivity_Date2 + 15--DECLARE @PrintVariable5 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable5 =' GREATER= 30 USING ACTVITY_DATE+15'--PRINT @PrintVariable5ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mPromise_Date + 5--DECLARE @PrintVariable6 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable6 =' LESS 30 USING PROMISE_DATE+5'--PRINT @PrintVariable6ENDIF @tot_pay >= 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt--used to be promise amtBEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET PROMISE_STATUS = 'PK',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = @tot_payWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PK.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDSELECT @rec_upd = 'Y 'ENDIF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay IS NULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp > @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'OP'WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto OP which is the original Activity Date.--The record will hold this date until it goes into PK,PB,orIP.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @mActivity_Date2WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDELSE IF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay ISNULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp <= @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot 9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'PB',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = case when @tot_pay is nullthen 0 else @tot_pay endWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PB.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDENDELSE IF @rec_upd = 'Y'BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'IP',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = 0WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto IP.IF @mPromise_Status NOT IN ('IP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDFETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2 INTO @mAcct_Num2,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateENDCLOSE ACT_CUR2DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1ENDCLOSE ACT_CUR1DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR1SET NOCOUNT OFFENDGO
STATIC Defines a cursor that makes a temporary copy of the data to be used by the cursor. All requests to the cursor are answered from this temporary table in tempdb; therefore, modifications made to base tables are not reflected in the data returned by fetches made to this cursor, and this cursor does not allow modifications
It say's that modifications is not allowed in the static cursor. I have a questions regarding that
Static Cursor declare ll cursor global static for select name, salary from ag open ll fetch from ll
while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 fetch from ll update ag set salary=200 where 1=1
close ll deallocate ll
In "AG" table, "SALARY" was 100 for all the entries. When I run the Cursor, it showed the salary value as "100" correctly.After the cursor was closed, I run the query select * from AG.But the result had updated to salary 200 as given in the cursor. file says modifications is not allowed in the static cursor.But I am able to update the data using static cursor.
Hello,I have a test database with table A containing 10,000 rows and a tableB containing 100,000 rows. Rows in B are "children" of rows in A -each row in A has 10 related rows in B (ie. B has a foreign key to A).Using ODBC I am executing the following loop 10,000 times, expressedbelow in pseudo-code:"select * from A order by a_pk option (fast 1)""fetch from A result set""select * from B where where fk_to_a = 'xxx' order by b_pk option(fast 1)""fetch from B result set" repeated 10 timesIn the above psueod-code 'xxx' is the primary key of the current Arow. NOTE: it is not a mistake that we are repeatedly doing the Aquery and retrieving only the first row.When the queries use fast-forward-only cursors this takes about 2.5minutes. When the queries use dynamic cursors this takes about 1 hour.Does anyone know why the dynamic cursor is killing performance?Because of the SQL Server ODBC driver it is not possible to havenested/multiple fast-forward-only cursors, hence I need to exploreother alternatives.I can only assume that a different query plan is getting constructedfor the dynamic cursor case versus the fast forward only cursor, but Ihave no way of finding out what that query plan is.All help appreciated.Kevin
I'm trying to implement a sp_MSforeachsp howvever when I call sp_MSforeach_worker I get the following error can you please explain this problem to me so I can over come the issue.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 31
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16958, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 32
Could not complete cursor operation because the set options have changed since the cursor was declared.
Msg 16917, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSforeach_worker, Line 153
Cursor is not open.
here is the stored procedure:
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_MSforeachsp]
@command1 nvarchar(2000)
, @replacechar nchar(1) = N'?'
, @command2 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @command3 nvarchar(2000) = null
, @whereand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @precommand nvarchar(2000) = null
, @postcommand nvarchar(2000) = null
/* This procedure belongs in the "master" database so it is acessible to all databases */
/* This proc returns one or more rows for each stored procedure */
/* @precommand and @postcommand may be used to force a single result set via a temp table. */
declare @retval int
if (@precommand is not null) EXECUTE(@precommand)
/* Create the select */
EXECUTE(N'declare hCForEachTable cursor global for
The scenario is as follows: I have a source with many rows. Each row has a column called max_qty_value. I need to perform a calculation using another column called qty. This calculation is something similar to dividing qty/(ceiling) max_qty_value. Once I have that number I need to write an additional duplicate row for each value from the prior calculation performed. For example, 15/4 = 4. I need to write 4 rows to the same target table as in line information for a purchase order.
The multicast transform appears to only support fixed and/or predetermined outputs. How do I design this logic in SSIS to write out dynamic number of rows to a target table.
Part 2
my question is, how to join the part 1 n part 2? is there posibility?
I'm new to cursors, and I'm not sure what's wrong with this code, it run for ever and when I stop it I get cursor open errors
declare Q cursor for select systudentid from satrans
declare @id int
open Q fetch next from Q into @id while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
declare c cursor for
Select b.ssn, SaTrans.SyStudentID, satrans.date, satrans.type, SaTrans.SyCampusID, Amount = Case SaTrans.Type When 'P' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1 When 'C' Then SaTrans.Amount * -1 Else SaTrans.Amount END
From SaTrans , systudent b where satrans.systudentid = b.systudentid
I would like to transfer selected data from an ODBC-based table to a OLEDB-based table. However, there isn't a data flow source on the Data Flow Design screen to accomodate such an action. Please help!
I having a difficult time here trying to figure out what to do here.I need a way to scroll through a recordset and display the resultswith both forward and backward movement on a web page(PHP usingADO/COM)..I know that if I use a client side cursor all the records get shovedto the client everytime that stored procedure is executed..if thisdatabase grows big wont that be an issue?..I know that I can set up a server side cursor that will only send therecord I need to the front end but..Ive been reading around and a lot of people have been saying never touse a server side cursor because of peformance issues.So i guess im weighing network performance needs with the client sidecursor vs server performance with the server side cursor..I am reallyconfused..which one should I use?-Jim
Hi~, I have 3 questions about memory based bulk copy.
1. What is the limitation count of IRowsetFastLoad::InsertRow() method before IRowsetFastLoad::Commit(true)? For example, how much insert row at below sample?(the max value of nCount) for(i=0 ; i<nCount ; i++) { pIFastLoad->InsertRow(hAccessor, (void*)(&BulkData)); }
2. In above code sample, isn't there method of inserting prepared array at once directly(BulkData array, not for loop)
3. In OLE DB memory based bulk copy, what is the equivalent of below's T-SQL bulk copy option ? BULK INSERT database_name.schema_name.table_name FROM 'data_file' WITH (ROWS_PER_BATCH = rows_per_batch, TABLOCK);
------------------------------------------------------- My solution is like this. Is it correct?
// CoCreateInstance(...); // Data source // Create session
I am designing a dimension table which will include a short name column based on the (full) name column. For example say Product dimension where I will have ProductName and ProductShortName. ProductShortName will be the first 6 characters of ProductName. I could populate ProductShortName using:
Substring in the select when I select from the original system, e.g. SUBSTR(PRODUCT_NAME, 1, 6) AS ProductShortName
Create a derived column in the SSIS flow which does the same thing
Create the ProductShortName column as a computed column which uses substring on ProductName
Create a trigger that populates ProductShortName based on ProductName when a row is inserted or updated
Create a named calculation in the table in the Analysis Services project's data source view
Create a named query in the Analysis Services project's data source view
I usually use 1, and 5 or 6 would only be used if I only will create reports against the cubes. 3 seems easiest to maintain, so I am thinking about using that one, but maybe it is slow for the data flow as I imagine it must be something like using 4, or when is the column "created" at runtime, i.e. when the table is queried? Which approach(es) do or would you use? Pros and cons?