Hw To Update A Column Value When It Already Have A Value?
Mar 18, 2004
i need to update the value in the column by adding to the value already in that column.
For eg, the value is in the column is already 5, i need to update it with addition of 8. i.e 5+8 = 13. The final value should be 13 in the column after that.
How do I go about doing it?
UPDATE Table 1 SET ColumnName +=8 ?
Thanks in advance. really at a loss and very urgent.
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Sep 9, 2015
I have a student table like this studentid, schoolID, previousschoolid, gradelevel.
I would like to load this table every day from student system.
During the year, the student could change schoolid, whenever there is a change, I would put current records schoolid to the previous schoolid column, and set the schoolid as the newschoolid from student system.
My question in my merge statement something like below
Merge into student st
using (select * from InputStudent ins)
on st.id=ins.studentid
When matched then update
set st.schoolid=ins.schoolid
, st.previouschoolid= case when (st.schoolid<>ins.schoolid) then st.schoolid
else st.previouschoolid
, st.grade_level=ins.grade_level
My question is since schoolid is et at the first line of set statement, will the second line still catch what is the previous schoolid?
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Aug 27, 2015
How to Update Column Value in the whole data base (based on Column Value)?
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Jun 20, 2000
I'm using SQL Server 7. I have an invoice table. The invoice table has a datetime column called InvoiceDate. The InvoiceDate column contains the following date format:
I would like to use the InvoiceDate column to update the char (6) column called zInvoiceDate as a formatted date field like yymmdd.
The following syntax did not work:
SET zInvoiceDate = Convert([ARInvoiceID],GetDate()12)
Any suggestions please :)
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Jan 29, 2008
I'm writing a web application with VS2005 andSQL Server 2005 express edition.
I have an SQL table:
Table name:
When a user clicks a button, an sql query is fired which increments the view_count value by one and calculates a new percentage value from this. The query to update the percentage value doesn't work, here's the query:
UPDATE [statistics]
SET percentage = follow_count / view_count * 100
WHERE (stat_id = 15)
This code worked fine with MySQL, but since migrating to MSSql it doesn't seem to work. The data type of the percentage column is: decimal(5, 2)
Any help would be appreciated.
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Mar 12, 2007
I have a problem i'v been searching all day but i can't find an answer anywhere maybe someone here can help.
What I want to do is give a column in a table the same value as another column from the same table. For example:
A request has a relatedrequestId wich links another request to it. Now I want the date from the linked request in the date from the master request. Because all the master requests date's are empty and i want them to have the date from the linked request.
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Jun 14, 2007
Hi,I have table with three columns as belowtable name:expNo(int) name(char) refno(int)I have data as belowNo name refno1 a2 b3 cI need to update the refno with no values I write a query as belowupdate exp set refno=(select no from exp)when i run the query i got error asSubquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when thesubquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used asan expression.I need to update one colum with other column value.What is the correct query for this ?Thanks,Mani
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Jun 15, 2008
I'm quite new to SQL and wondered if someone could help. I'm pretty good at writing reports but I now need to do an update.
Basically i need to update a column in table1 where coulmn 1 in table4 = Y, however to get to table4 I think I need to link to all 4 tables, table4 is the last table. The tables link based on ID's
Tried a few things such as
UPDATE table1
SET column1 = ''
WHERE column1 IN ( SELECT column1
FROM table4
WHERE column1 = Y)
Now I need to get to table 4 I need some other wHERE clauses to link them together, just like I would if I were writing a SELECT statement.
Any ideas?
Many thanks
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Jan 23, 2007
I have a table with a column called data. In that column is a value like:
All I'd like to do, is update all the myVarOne values. So the new value for data would be:
This will likely be SQL2000 not SQL2005 but it would be useful to know for both.
I've looked at OPENXML but all the examples seem keen on using sp_xml_preparedocument and then OPENXML needs the @idoc so I'm thinking there is something else.
If someone can point me in the right direction that would be extremely helpful as I haven't found anything that makes sense to me. UpdateGrams seems very overblown for manipulation like this when OPENXML is sooo very close to being correct.
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Apr 16, 2007
i have a column which has values like,
i want to update those column like,
how can i do it?
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Sep 25, 2007
Is it possible to update from one table to another?Pls examine my code here:
UPDATE tStaffDir SET tStaffDir.ft_prevemp = ISNULL(tStaffDir_PrevEmp.PrevEmp01, ' ') + ' ' + ISNULL(tStaffDir_PrevEmp.PrevEmp02, ' ') + ' ' + ISNULL(tStaffDir_PrevEmp.PrevEmp03, ' ') + ' ' + ISNULL(tStaffDir_PrevEmp.PrevEmp04, ' ') + ' ' + ISNULL(tStaffDir_PrevEmp.PrevEmp05, ' ') Where tStaffDir_PrevEmp.ID=tStaffDir.ID
I am trying to concatenate the columns from tStaffDir_PrevEmp to tStaffDir but I have this error where tStaffDir_PrevEmp is recognised as a column and not a table.
Pls advise how this can be done. Many Thanks.
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Jan 12, 2006
The problem is with @NUMERY parameterin code behind i setDim dr As GridViewRowDim numery As Stringnumery = ""
For Each dr In GridView1.RowsDim numeros As Label = dr.Cells(0).Controls(1)numery += numeros.Text & ", "Next
numery = numery.TrimEnd(", ")
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("NUMERY").DefaultValue = numery'so numery will look like this 123, 65465, 54616, 56465Update command looks like this :UpdateCommand="UPDATE slon SET mrowka = @MROWKA WHERE (NUMER IN (@NUMERY))"
<UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="MROWKA" /><asp:Parameter Name="NUMERY" /></UpdateParameters>
And because of @numery i have err: Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric. how should i post "123, 65465, 54616, 56465" as parameter for this query ?
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Apr 6, 2001
I have large table rrsn_security_t - more than half a million rows. I do a complete update on all the rows of the table using the following query.
UPDATE rrsn_security_t
cusip = b.fmr_cusip,
master_issuer_num = b.mstr_isr_cusip,
ticker = b.fmr_symb,
description = b.fmr_name,
prim_exchange_code = c.exchange_key,
shares_otstndng = d.amount,
iv_type = b.iv_typ,
active = case when b.deact_date is null then 'Y' else 'N' end
FROM rrsn_security_t a INNER JOIN
ref_security_t b ON
a.security_id = b.fmr_cusip LEFT OUTER JOIN
shares_outstanding_feed_t d ON
b.fmr_cusip = substring(d.fmr_cusip,1,9) AND
d.fmr_type = 'OUTS' LEFT OUTER JOIN
rrs_exchange_t c ON
b.dft_exch_cd = c.exchange_id
where b.fmr_cusip not in (select security_id from rrsn_scrty_ovrrd_in_effect_t)
This is a part of a daily batch load and a DTS package. The table has one clustered index and three non clustered indexes. Two of them are covering indexes. The update is on all the columns that have the non clustered indexes.
The problem is that when I run the update the transaction log runs to more than a GB of memory and alomost takes an hour to do so. Without the index it takes around 300 MB and 7 mins.
I am not confortable with the idea of dropping and recreating the index since it is not necessary in SQL Server 7.0, though it was the case in the previous versions of SQL Server.
Also the query plan with the indexes on shows that Table spool/Eager spool to optimize rewinds takes 50% of the query cost.
Could any one help me with how I should deal with this situation.
Thanks in advance
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Apr 20, 2005
I'm trying to update a datetime column from another datetime column. However, I just want the date transferred to the new column without the time. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
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Jan 30, 2007
I have a table wherein I have to update a particular column (receipt code) based on another column of the same table (receipt number). i have to do calculations in order to generate the correct receipt code, and i have to do this on every row of the table. how can i do this? will this update be in a loop or something?
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Sep 18, 2004
Newbie here.
How would I do the following update?
I have over 100,000 rows and want to knock the first two characters off one of the columns in each row.
i.e. currently have
and want this to read
I just need to remove the first two characters "pc".
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Oct 22, 2007
I have a table called Projects, within that table is a field called UserId
I want to log everytime that UserID field in changed in a log called ProjectAllocationLog
so far i have written
ON Projects
FOR Insert, Update
if Update(UserId)
INSERT INTO "ProjectAllocationLog" ("projectid", "UserID", "createdate")
VALUES ("123", "123", Now())
What I am stuck with is how do I pass the values of the field into the Values
ie where I have put "123", I actually want to pass the value of ProjectID, and UserID from the projects row that is changing
can anyone help me please
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Oct 25, 2007
hi guys i have a problem;;;
i have to update table'''
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Apr 2, 2008
I have a temp tbl and in col1 row1 i would like to have 1, col1 row2 value 2, col1 row3 value 3 and so on. how can i do this?
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May 13, 2014
I need to write a update statement which will update the same table with value from the same column but the values will be changing.
For an example.
The source table is as below.
1 AAA H1
2 isa1
3 isb2
4 AAA3b3 H2
5 same
Now the records with rowid 2 and 3 should be updated with H1 as Header which is present in the Rowid 1.
Similarly the record rowid 5 should be updated with H2 as header from rowid 4.
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Oct 24, 2014
With cte_table (columna)
As (select a from cust)
Update columna
Set a = 'hello'
Question: would a in cust be updated even though the update is to the CTE column named columna? Or would there be an error where the column name must match?
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Apr 24, 2008
Hi I have added a new column to my table, i need to run a query and update this colmn with a count, so like
i = 1
update table
set column = i
where column = 113
just not sure what the sql syntax is?
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Sep 9, 2013
I have table
id, series, seriesnr
and data
how to update table so seriesnr would be incremental , like
if i use
update x set seriesnr=select max(seriesnr) from x
then i got same seriesnr for all rows like max was calculated only one time on the begining not on each row update(why is that itseem so illogical)
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Jan 2, 2014
I am trying to remove a user from Reporting Services via code. I have found that the way to do this is to remove their details from an XML field in the table SecData
The name of the column is xml_description
An example value of the column is below:
<Name>Content Manager</Name>
I would like to remove the bolded part in the column when I put in the user's name.
So the code would start with:
Declare @username varchar (20)
Set @ username = 'EMEAMJohnson'
Followed by the logic to remove the bolded part of the column.
The column is called xml_description and the name of the table is SecData.
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Oct 21, 2005
I'm running into problems with ambiguous column names. TransID also exists in tblWork. I tried adding SHPD + WORK, but it won't accept the SHPD on the UPDATE line. How do I code around this error? Thanks.
UPDATE tblShipmentDet SHPD
SHPD.Quantity = WORK.Quantity
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May 21, 2006
Hello all,
I'd like to create a view which shows all specific column values
(null values for example)
as calculated values from another column,
if for example i have the table:
| col1 | col2 |
| 123 | null |
| 126 | 9 |
i would like the view to be:
| col1 | col2 |
| 123 | 6 | ----> 6, since it's the sum of col1 digits 1+2+3
| 126 | 9 |
I don't really know how to do that, although i'm quite sure it's possible, any help will be appreciated,
Best Regards,
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Apr 26, 2007
Hello all, was wondering if you could point me in the right direction for this.
I have a db with a column classifications, and in that column are 'Accountants - (1234)' 'Book-keepers - (18) etc etc. Now what I want to do is remove the - (xxxx) section and obviously the white space, so I am just left with 'Accountants' 'Book-keepers' etc.
1. Is there an easy way to do this?
Ok so my thoughts were create a another table and put the ammended classifications in that to update the first table. Your probably asking why not just do it on the first table...Answer. There are over 150,000 records to change.
So I now have my first table with column classification and my second table with the correct classification ammendments.
I can sit down and manually type
UPDATE table1
SET classifications = 'Accountants'
Where classifications = 'Accounts - (xxxx)'
until i have completed the entire list in table 2 but I was hoping you good people would know a way to work through the list so it would automatically update each classification correctly.
The problem I have here is I dont know how to work through table 2 and match it to something in table 1 and update it.
Any help is greatfully appreciated
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Jan 13, 2008
I have a table (table1) which I need to update with values based on another table (table2).
table2 looks like this:
id, columnName, value_true, value_false.
value_true and value_false can contain values like NULL, and strings.
I need to write a dynamic store procedure that updates all columns in table1 that exists in table2 with the values in table2.value_true or table2.value_false if the column in table1 is either true or false.
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Mar 21, 2008
hi, i have column salary in my table emp.
my column values are as follows:
so i need to update this column values in a single update statement.
so my values as follows:
so please give me example query to update this please
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Jan 30, 2006
If we have a column with a default value set, say GETDATE( ), how can weassure that value is reset on an UPDATE (not an INSERT) without changingthe client code that does the updating?I'd rather stay away from triggers, etc if possible.Thanks,Mike Husler
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Apr 11, 2008
I am quite new in SSIS and I have a question. I don't know what is the best way to get it work...
So simply I have in my SQL Server database 2 tables :
First table "SER" fields
where I have only the field SER_ID filled like
1234 NULL
1235 NULL
1236 NULL
Second table "SRE" fields
and the content would be for example
1 1234 2345
2 1234 2346
3 1236 2347
The 2 tables are related by the fields : SER_ID = SRE_SER_ID
So I would like to have the following result in my table "SER":
1234 True
1235 NULL
1236 True
"True" because one or more entry is present in table "SRE" for each SER_ID (= SRE_SER_ID)
Hope my example is clear....
Thanks for your help
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May 19, 2015
I have a table that has two columns. One column has ID from 1 to 1800. The other column is null. I want to update the second column with values from 29 to 43. So for ID 1, value will be 29, ID value will 30 and it goes to 43. Then after it will start from 29 again and goes to 43. It goes all the way to the highest ID, i.e. 1800.I have added a script for better clarity
declare @t table (stuID int, valueID int)
insert into @t (stuID, valueID)
values (1,null), (2,null), (3,null), (4,null)
the null part is what I want to have from 29 to 43 .... all the way untill the ID reachs to 1800
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Sep 27, 2006
Hi all,
I have a problem here where I am trying to use SQL Parameters to update a column in the database, but the problem is that I need to concatenate the same column to the SQL parameter. The code I have is below, but it throws a Format Exception...
UPDATE tbl_NSP_Inspection SET Description = Description + @InspectionDescription
...It is because I am trying to Append teh data in the description column to the SQL Parameter (
@InspectionDescription). How do I actually do this using SQL Parameters?
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