I Can't Understand How To Perform File Attachment To SQL2000

Aug 3, 2006


i can't understand how to perform file attachment to SQL2000:

    <add name="SimpleListsConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=local;AttachDbFilename=SimpleLists.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

Server return error:

error 602: could not find row in sysindexes for database

run dbcc checktable on sysindexes

Can any body help?

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Dynamic File Name For Attachment

Sep 7, 2007


I am encountering the same problem above and I did exacly as described . But it is not working.

I must send emails every month with dynamically named files as attachments.
The files are named according to the date on which they are generated.
For example on the first of November 2007, the file will be named myfile_1_11_2007.

I have created a variable called DynamicFileName with package scope, data type string and default value: d:\tests\

In "Send Mail Task Editor" Dialog Box, I have specified the following:

smtpConnection: smtptest.server.com
From :nemo@smtptest.server.com
To: nemo@smtptest.server.com
Subject: Dynamic File Email
MessageSourceType: Variable
MessageSource: blank
Priority: blank
Attachments: blank

In Expressions, I have specified:

FileAttachments: @[User:ynamicFileName] + "myfile_" + (DT_STR, 4, 1252) DAY( GETDATE() ) + "_" + (DT_STR, 4, 1252) MONTH( GETDATE() ) + "_" + (DT_STR, 4, 1252) YEAR ( GETDATE() ) + ".csv"

When I execute the package, I get the following errors:
Error at Send Mail Task [Send Mail Task]: Either the file "d:\tests\myfile_1_7_2007.csv" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access the file.

Error at Send Mail Task: There were errors during task validation.

Of course, the file does not exist. It will exist at tun-time. How can I tell the Send Mail Task to use a filename that is dynamic ?

By the way, once I have specified the code for FileAttachments, on trying to edit the Send Mail Task Properties, I can see that the Atachments field has been set to "d: estsmyfile_1_7_2007.csv by itself: I never typed it there !! It seems that the task executes the code even before it is run. If I remove the attachment path manually, on running the dts, I get an error saying that "either the file does not exist or you do not have permission to access the file.

I would be most grateful if anyone could be of help


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File Attachment Size

Dec 11, 2006

I hace an Execute SQL task which calls a sproc which contains the sp_send_mail system sproc to e-mail a set of query results . It is OK as long as the query results are small, but I get this error if they get too big: - File attachment or query results size exceeds allowable value of 1000000 bytes.

any way to change (and where to change) this value.


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File Attachment Stored Procedures - Assistance Please

Sep 6, 2004

The following 2 stored procedures are used to insert and select attachments for a web application I'm creating. The stored porcedures work in the basic sense but when I do the insert only one record is inserted. Also, when I do the select only one record is selected.

I'm wondering if I there is suppose to be some sort of record counting or looping involved to insert and return all records. If there is, I would appreciate any advice and/or examples on the proper way of doing this.

If the code is also needed I'd be glad to post it as well.


@FILENAME varchar(200),
@FILE_PATH varchar(2000),
@T_PK int



CREATE PROCEDURE SelectAttachments
@PK int



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File Attachment InSQL Stored Procedure

Apr 21, 2004

i want to send a file as attachment to a specific mailid.i am using sp_SQLSMTPMail sp.how i wlll do it.when im passing the path of the file name,it is giving error.,but it is working fine with sending mail.
can any body help me
thanx in advance
Code od sp_SQLSMTPMail is attachment.
when im executing like this:
exec sp_SQLSMTPMail 'x.yahoo.com','y.yahoo.com','sub','body','cc','bcc ','c:x.jpg'
error is giving

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Limit On Length Of File Attachment Expression?

Apr 20, 2006

I'm dynamically attaching some files to an email. I'm using an expression to build something similar to this:

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName1] + (DT_STR,30,1252)YEAR( GETDATE()) + (DT_STR,30,1252)MONTH( GETDATE()) + (DT_STR,30,1252)DAY( GETDATE()) + ".csv" + "|" + @[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName2] + (DT_STR,30,1252)YEAR( GETDATE()) + (DT_STR,30,1252)MONTH( GETDATE()) + (DT_STR,30,1252)DAY( GETDATE()) + ".csv"

BOL says to use a pipe delimiter to send multiple attachments. This works if I only have a couple of files. Once I get a few more attachments built in the expression builder I get a truncation error. If I build the whole expression in notepad and past it into the property window it also gets truncated. I see in the MSDN library that some expressions may be limited to 4000 bytes. I'm nowhere near that. Maybe a thousand bytes at most.

Question 1: Does anyone know if certain expressions have smaller byte limits?

Question 2: Is there a smaller byte limit for the file attachment value?

Question 3: Is there way I could build this string outside of the file attachment property and assign it to a variable and then use this variable in the file attachment property?

Thanks in advance for any help!!!


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Export Query Results To Excel File And Add As Attachment In Email

Jan 2, 2014

Is there a way to export query results to an excel fie and add that file as an attachment in the email? All this has to be done using SQL query and it needs to be automated. My coworker tried using Openrowset and BCP, but it is not working.

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Write Logg To A Textfile And Send That File As Attachment - Problem

Jul 5, 2006

I would like to use logging to be able to view information about the package execution afterwards, especially to be able to find out which task that failed and why it failed.

Something similar to this:

The execution of the following DTS Package succeeded:

Package Name: XXX
Package Description: YYY
Package ID: {5ADDA98B-1F27-404B-8EC4-3568FA4523F6}
Package Version: {0DAA5592-D123-4936-94FC-717DDC581866}
Package Execution Lineage: {4D353C5F-444E-4870-8A4F-B35B635F3646}
Executed On: ServerName
Executed By: XXX
Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:14:27
Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:40:17
Total Execution Time: 1550,422 seconds

Package Steps execution information:

Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' succeeded
Step Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:18:30
Step Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:18:31
Total Step Execution Time: 0,031 seconds
Progress count in Step: 37

Step 'DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_2' was not executed

Step 'DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_33' failed

Step Error Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Step Error Description:The statement has been terminated. (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80040e2f): Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID_adress', table 'VPKBA.dbo.aktAdress'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.)
Step Error code: 80040E2F
Step Error Help File:
Step Error Help Context ID:0

Step Execution Started: 2005-06-22 07:40:14
Step Execution Completed: 2005-06-22 07:40:17
Total Step Execution Time: 3,672 seconds
Progress count in Step: 0

I have tried different events to be logged on the Details-tab on Configure SSIS Logs, but I don't get the information that I want.

I also want to send this log-file as an attachment in a couple of Send Mail task in the same package. But then I get this error:

Error at Mail Error [Send Mail Task]: Either the file "filename.txt" does not exist or you do not have permissions to access the file.

The file does exist and there is no permission problem because I don't get this error when I remove logging.

Isn't it possible to do this in SSIS-packages?
It works in DTS-packages.


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SQL 2012 :: Send Binary File Stored In Server As Email Attachment?

Apr 26, 2014

Is there a way to send binary file stored in SQL Server as email attachment without downloading it to the file system?

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Reporting Services :: Data Driven Subscription With Dynamic Email Attachment File Name

Feb 11, 2010

I have report which accepts a card number and fromdate and todate as parameters to the report. This report needs to be sent on a quarterly basis to each of the customer mail id to which their card number is linked. I am getting all this information from a database and sending as an attachment to the customer. Now I would need making these filename's which are attached to be dynamic based on the input parameters.

In datadriven subscriptions, the option of include report has only true or false values and another option was to take from a database. I tried putting the dynamic file name in the database and getting the value from the database but no success, the subscription itself is failing here. I guess I am doing something wrong here by binding the report name from the value which I am getting from DB to the actual report name.

If report name = Mytransactions, and the parameters passed are Card = 123,fromdate = 1/1/2010,todate = 31/3/2010.

Now in the attachment the file name should be something like "Mytransactions_123_January1st2010_March31st2010".
How to make the filename dynamic.

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Transact SQL :: Cannot Perform Shrink File Operation Inside User Transaction

Sep 18, 2015

I am getting an error about "Cannot perform a shrinkfile operation inside a user transaction", but I don't have a shrinkfile command in my procedure.  Does SQL hang on to that command if it was received earlier in a different procedure?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package Cannot Perform Moving File Operation

Oct 25, 2015

I have an SSIS package, that move file from one folder (Download) to another folder (Working), where it will be processed and passed to (Processed) folder. The folder (Working) is created at run time and deleted after finishing process. I ran this package using SQL Server Agent (I created a sql job). My problem is that the package fails to move the file from Download to Working, Although it can move it to other folders (say I skipped Working and move it directly to the already-created folder "Processed").

I traced the problem and found the error "Access is denied", when run the package without Agent (double click). I provided the necessary permissions to all levels of folders to the user XX, which I made it the (SQL Server Agent Service Account) as well as the Job Owner. By this, the package executes successfully (again by double clicking it), but with Agent it FAILS.

Why Agent cannot move the file to the run-time-created folder (Working) ?

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Attempt FASTLOAD If Error Perform Regular Data Flow Transfer And Redirect Errors To Text File

Feb 15, 2008

I'm having problems designing a package to attempt to execute a fast load data transfer but failback to regular speed with error redirection in the event of an error.

The way I designed this was to add one data flow task to my package called "DFT FASTLOAD". The data flow copies a table SRC to another table DEST in the same SQL Server database. In the error handler for the data flow task I copied the original data flow task and changed the name to "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection". In this data flow task I did not use fast load and addtionally redirected errors to a text file.

In the Data Flow Task "DFT FASTLOAD". I am copying from a varchar source field(with non-date strings) to a datetime destination field to force errors. However the Data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" never seems to start transferring data from source to destination. The data Flow Task "DFT REGULARLOAD with Error redirection" turns yellow (after the error occurs in "DFT FASTLOAD"), but no data is being transferred). It seems like it hangs.

Do I need to increase the MaximumError Count or something? The data flow task "DFT FASTLOAD" does not turn red when the error occurs it just remains yellow, so i assume I'm on the right track since it seems the error is caught.

I have added screenshots ... hopefully these screenshots will clarify my problem.



I can provide more details if needed... but really this is just a basic test.
Any assistance would be appreciated!

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SQL2000 Log File Issue

Jan 30, 2006

On one of my servers, the log file mysteriously grew to 38Gb. It completely filled the HDD, so I created another log file, took the database offline, deleted the very large log file, and then renamed the new log file to be the same name as the one I deleted. When I try to bring the database back online, I get a message saying that the log file is not a primary log file, and the database stays offline. What can I do to get this database back online?

View 12 Replies View Related

Mdf File In Sql2000 Is Large

Dec 25, 2006

I have a database which is having a small log file and a huge mdf file which around 3gb, i tried to shrink through the enterprise manager options but no luck. Even through taskpad i find the table sizes are less than 1 gb , kindly help me in solving this problem

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Restoring SQL2000 Bkp File On SQL2005

Oct 23, 2006

Is it possible to restore SQL2000 backup to SQL2005? Or I have to restore the DB to SQL2000 and then upgrade it to SQL2005?

Can someone provide me ways to upgrade SQL2000 DB to SQL2005?



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Is There A TSQL Statement To Delete File Like Xp_delete_file For SQL2000

Jun 29, 2006

I know there is a command xp_delete_file for SQL 2005 but if I want to delete a file from a 2000 database is there a command to do the same.

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What Are The Differences Between CD1 And CD2 Of The SQL Server 2005 Enterprise? And Can I Just Attach The Sql2000 MDF File Into Sql2005?

Feb 4, 2006

I have new bought the SQL server 2005 enterprise, but it have 2 CDs, so what are the differences between CD1 and CD2? and so which one should i install first? or is it necessary to install both two or just need to install one of them?
And about my original sql 2000 database, can i just attach it's MDF file into the sql 2005 engine, or which import wizard can load the sql 2000 MDF into sql 2005? or do i need to keep the sql 2000 engine before do this?

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SQL2000 Job Can Run A .BAT File But Not A .EXE File?

Jul 17, 2001

I have a SQL Server Agent job set up that has 3 steps. The first one, type
CmdExec, runs a .BAT file. (It logs into our mainfram ftp server and downloads the files I need.) This step works fine.
Step 2, also type CmdExec, is supposed to run an .EXE file which further manipulates the FTPed data.
A third step, DTS, proceeds if given the chance...

Unfortunately, Step 2, does not run the EXE file. It sits forever. The EXE file can be run from a cmd window, or in the Windows directory window OK. The BAT files run properly from anywhere, including SQL JOB steps.

So I can`t figure out is what's causing my step 2 (run EXE) to fail.

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Sql2000 && Sql2005, Want Localhost To Use Sql2000

Sep 17, 2006

 i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?

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Hm...can`t Understand, Please Help

Dec 27, 2004

i have this situations:

the aspx file with source code work good.
when i try run project which created from VS i take
"SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
connection strings same:

"Data Source=**.**.**.**,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=slider;User ID=username;Password=password;"

i think may be it`s web.config in project wrong?

Edited by SomeNewKid
Removed username and password from connection string.

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Don't Understand

Aug 27, 2006

I am having a problem reinstall SQL Express 2005.  I had it installed, but then I unistalled it.  I have tried installing it again, but everytime I do it says that the product is already installed.  There is no instance of it in my Add/Remove Programs.  I have read the threads that relate to this topic, but they haven't helped.  I have looked at my logs of the installs, but they don't make sense neither.  I just want the program installed again, or a way to get it so that I can use it. 

When I try to manually uninstall using msiexec.exe /x <processid> I get an error saying that the package could not be opened.  This happens with all the process ids I use that I get from the log files (I have 11 logs).

 am using Visual Basic 2005 and trying to create a database, and it will not let me.  That is how I know that it is not installed, plus I can't find any instance of it one my computer.  Please help.  Thanks.

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I Need To Understand

Nov 19, 2006

How di I understand what SQL Server Integration Services mean? Can some one help me?

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Sql Mail W/attachment

Sep 19, 2001

I'm trying to use the xp_sendmail and include a txt file as an attachment.
I can't get the procedure to work with the attachment.....any help would be greatly appreciated. this is what I have been trying to get to work.....Thanks!! Scott

exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@recipients = 'xyz@email.com',
@query = 'SELECT * FROM ape_pt_temp',
@subject = 'SQL Server Report',
@message = 'file attached',
@attach_results = 'true', @width = 250

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Can&#39;t Send Attachment With CDO

Sep 24, 2001

<FONT face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color=midnightblue size=2>For some reason
this proc doesn't send attachment. Please advise.
<P><PRE id=code><FONT id=code face=courier size=2></pre>
<P></P><P>CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_SendCDONTSMail]<BR>@Help [BIT] = 0,<BR>@From [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@To [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Cc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Bcc [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Subject [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR>@Body [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Filename [VARCHAR](8000) = NULL,<BR> @Importance int = 0,<BR>@MailFormat [BIT] = 0,<BR>@BodyFormat [BIT] = 0<BR>AS<BR>DECLARE<BR>@Error [VARCHAR](150),<BR>@object [INT],<BR>@hr [INT]</P><P>IF @Help = 1<BR>BEGIN<BR>PRINT '<BR>Purpose:<BR>This porcedure will send an email using CDONTS.dll.<BR>Use as a replacement to xp_sendmail. It will allow you<BR>to send HTML emails from SQL<BR>'<BR>RETURN 1<BR>END</P><P>IF ((@From IS NULL OR @From = '') OR (@To IS NULL OR @To = '') OR (@Subject IS NULL OR @Subject = '') OR (@Body IS NULL OR @Body = '')) AND @Help = 0<BR>BEGIN<BR>SET @Error = 'sp_SendCDONTSMail requires parameters @From, @To, @Subject, and @Body.' + CHAR(13) + 'Please execute ''sp_SendCDONTSMail 1'' for syntax assistance.'<BR>RAISERROR(@Error, 16, 1)<BR>RETURN -1<BR>END</P><P>EXEC @hr = sp_OACreate 'CDONTS.NewMail', @object OUT<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'From', @From<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'To', @To<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'CC', @Cc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Bcc', @Bcc<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Subject', @Subject<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Body', @Body<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'MailFormat', @MailFormat<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'BodyFormat', @BodyFormat<BR>exec @hr = sp_OASetProperty @object, 'Importance', @Importance<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'AttachFile', @FileName <BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @object, 'Send'<BR>EXEC @hr = sp_OADestroy @object</P></FONT></FONT>

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E-Mail Attachment

Mar 27, 2007

I wrote a procedure in Sql Server 2000 which sends an E-Mail to any E-Mail account. But I not able to send an attachment with the E-Mail. I dont have the code for attachment in the same procedure, as I searched on Google I not able to find out. Please help me for the same.
Waiting for your reply.

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Emailing An Attachment From DTS

Feb 7, 2006

I have a DTS package that runs 4x a day and generates an excel spreadsheet, renames that spreadsheet with a datetime stamp and then places it into a folder on our network. I have been asked to email that spreadsheet to someone everytime the package runs.

My question is what would be the best way to handle this and how do I ensure that whatever process I define grabs the correct file? The folder that the Excel file is being placed into has multiple files in it. Is there a way to tell SQL Server which file to grab and email?

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


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How To Use T-sql To Email And Attachment

Aug 14, 2006

I am new to sql and want to write a stored procedure to email a database group an attachment of a report that was created. Can someone please point me in the write direction thanks.

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Isn't Working... I Don't Understand?

Feb 23, 2008

I'm trying to put together a very simple page where you can click the up and down button to move the item up or down in the list and save the new list into the database. I've run the stored procedure... and it works so Its not a procedure problem. Here is the list in my databaseOrder_Id        Item         Position1                  Sebring     12                  GrandPrix  23                  Accord      44                  Miati         3 When I go to click the button I get a object reference not set to an instance of an object... This error haunts me many times. Heres the code to my project:BLL  /// <summary>
/// Gets Items from the Item table.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A list of items.</returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public OrderItemDataSet.OrderItemDataTable GetItemDataByPosition()
return OrderItemAdapter.GetItemDataByPosition();

/// <summary>
/// Gets the order id based on the position specified.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The order id.</returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Select, true)]
public int SelectOrderIdByPos(int pos)
return SelectOrderIdByPos(pos);

/// <summary>
/// Update Order list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newPos">Position to change to.</param>
/// <param name="originalPos">Original position.</param>
/// <param name="orderId">Original id.</param>
/// <param name="otherOrderId">Position to change id.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
[System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Update, true)]
public void ReorderItemByIdAndPosition(int newPos, int originalPos, int orderId, int otherOrderId)
OrderItemAdapter.ReorderItemByIdAndPosition(newPos, originalPos, orderId, otherOrderId);
}   Codebehind  1 using ReorderListWebApplication.BLL;
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections;
4 using System.Configuration;
5 using System.Data;
6 using System.Linq;
7 using System.Web;
8 using System.Web.Security;
9 using System.Web.UI;
10 using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
11 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
12 using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
13 using System.Xml.Linq;
15 namespace ReorderListWebApplication
16 {
17 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
18 {
19 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
20 {
22 }
24 protected void UpButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
25 {
26 Label posLabel = (Label)ReorderItemDataList.FindControl("PosLabel");
27 Label idLabel = (Label)ReorderItemDataList.FindControl("IdLabel");
29 using (ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem item = new ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem())
30 {
31 int pos = 0;
33 pos = item.SelectOrderIdByPos(Convert.ToInt32(idLabel.Text) - 1);
35 // Grab other orderId!!
36 item.ReorderItemByIdAndPosition((Convert.ToInt32(posLabel.Text) - 1), Convert.ToInt32(posLabel.Text), 3, pos);
37 }
38 }
40 protected void DownButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
41 {
42 using (ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem item = new ReorderListWebApplication.BLL.OrderItem())
43 {
45 }
46 }
47 }
48 }

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I Don't Understand The Following Error....

May 2, 2008

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: You have specified that your update command compares all values on SqlDataSource 'SqlDataSource5', but the dictionary passed in for oldValues is empty.  Pass in a valid dictionary for update or change your mode to OverwriteChanges.
can somebody tell me what this is?

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Don't Understand This Error

Oct 18, 2005

Hello, I could use some help with this error message:
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
This if statement is the problem
IF (select bill_freq from #header1) = '1'   update #header1 Set     [Monthend] =  aa.pername    from sv00564 zz inner join sv00532 aa on zz.wennsoft_period_id = aa.wennsoft_period_id   Where zz.rmdnumwk like #header1.Invoice_Number

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Don't Understand Error...

May 4, 2006

This is failing:// Trying to update DynamicPageContent.Html where DynamicPageContent.PageID='121'//With// Select Html from DynamicPageHistory where HistoryID='831'//Update DynamicPageContentSET Html=(SELECT Html FROM DynamicPageHistory WHERE HistoryID='831')WHERE PageID='121'With the following error:Server: Msg 279, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The text, ntext, and image data types are invalid in this subquery or aggregate expression.DynamicPageContent.Html is Ntext size 16 and DynamicPageHistory.Html is Ntext size 16. PageID is and int and HistoryID is an int. It fails with single quotes around 831 and 121 and it fails without single quotes. The error message is the same both ways.Ideas?Thanks,Rex

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Starting To Understand

Jun 29, 2004

I feel extremly happy today and let me share with this wonderful forum why.

SQL is awesome and I'm really learning that theres alot of resources out there and coding is not that hard once you understand what your doing. Just took awhile for things to sink in. I still have a long ways to go but I'm really enjoying using sql. I practically live in our SQL Server 2000 at work and I'm learning more and more about it everyday.

Thank YOu so much guys I really appreciate all the help you've given me
Now I'm gonna study for the sql cert


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