I Need Desperate Attention........please Guys

Mar 29, 2007

hello ppl.......

've installed sql 2005 xpress with advanced services......also installed the toolkit that came along..

all 'm interested in is to perform certain data mining operations on the adventureworks db..

;ve also installed the advn works db.........

now here is the prob.......

jus like how the sql online book instructed me i first started off with the datamining tutorial..where i was told to first OPEN BIDS select new PROJECT then make sure that the analysis Services template was selected and then go ahead with selection of the particular sln file....

the problem is that I DON'T SEE ANY ANALYSIS SERVICE TEMPLATE....all i c is a REPORT template..

i really need help guys..... 'm new to .net really feeling helpless...

please hurry guys....

thx a ton..


View 5 Replies


Attention : MAK

Nov 2, 2000

I am using NT Administrator login.


What Login did u used to get in to the server?


jessi at 11/2/00 11:39:00 AM

Hi Everyone...

I cannot see the all the objects related in SQL SERVER Performance Monitor on one of our SQL SERVER..

The thing is before couple of days when i checked i was able to see all the object of sqlserver in performance monitor..

But for some reason I cant see it now..I am able to see only related to operation system..

Can anyone help me out.. to get back the sql server object in performance monitor..

Help is greatly appericated..

Thanks indeed

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Jan 2, 2006

*** Spam Removed ***

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Apr 9, 2007

hi all..
hope u guys can help me out here.....
'm new to .net so hope to get all the basic infomr that would b required...

'm on a proj..basically a data mining proj...
'm using sql 2005 enterprise edn's analysis services to perform my data minning tasks...
here is what i'd like to know....
i've been following the sql online tutorial book...
n as per the tutorial on data minning...i have created a data source ... based on the decision tree algorithm i have even obtained some results..
now.....here is the problem..

i'd like to know if i can actually get all these obtained patterns onto a webpage...
i mean can i actually use asp.net n achieve this task of migrating the patterns generated at the bids to a webpage??

please guys if i can do so...then do tell me how to do so...
my proj dline is in 2 weeks....i need desperate help....
'm waitin...
thxxxx... a ton

View 5 Replies View Related


Apr 9, 2007

hi all..
hope u guys can help me out here.....
'm new to .net so hope to get all the basic infomr that would b required...

'm on a proj..basically a data mining proj...
'm using sql 2005 enterprise edn's analysis services to perform my data minning tasks...
here is what i'd like to know....
i've been following the sql online tutorial book...
n as per the tutorial on data minning...i have created a data source ... based on the decision tree algorithm i have even obtained some results..
now.....here is the problem..

i'd like to know if i can actually get all these obtained patterns onto a webpage...
i mean can i actually use asp.net n achieve this task of migrating the patterns generated at the bids to a webpage??

please guys if i can do so...then do tell me how to do so...
my proj dline is in 2 weeks....i need desperate help....
'm waitin...

here is how i vusualize my goal..... web pages that display patterns generated after an analysis has performed......

thxxxx... a ton

View 19 Replies View Related

Attention To Details

Aug 15, 2004

Well I made a bussiness object for registering users as well as logging them in. I dont know if my bussiness obect is screwed up or if its the database, or the SQL syntax or what. Please take a look at this. I am not getting any error messages, but nothing is being added to the server. I am using MSDE for the SQL Server.

Here's my bussiness object:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
imports System.Data.oledb

NameSpace LoveShare

Public Class UserDetails
public UserID AS Integer
public FirstName AS String
public LastName AS String
public UserName AS string
public Password AS String
public Address AS String
public City AS String
public State AS String
public Zip As Integer
public Email AS String
End Class

Public Class User

Private objConn As New oledbConnection("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=GARAGESALELOVESHARE;Initial Catalog=LoveShare1;User Id=sa;Password=notonthispost;")

Public function Login(strUsername AS String, strPassword As String) As Integer
dim intID as integer
dim objparam AS new oledbparameter
dim objcmd AS oledbCommand

objCmd = new oledbCommand("dbo.SPLoginUser", objconn)
objcmd.commandtype = commandtype.Storedprocedure

objparam = New oledbparameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = strUserName

objParam = New oledbParameter("@Password", OleDbType.Char)
objParam.Value = strPassword

intID = CType(objCmd.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e As Exception
Throw e
End Try

If intID.toString = "" Then
return 0
End if
Return intID
end function

Public Sub AddUser(objUser As UserDetails)
Dim intId as integer
Dim objReader As oledbdataReader
Dim objCmdID As New oledbCommand("SELECT MAX(userID) FROM tblUsers", objconn)
Dim objcmd AS New oleDBCommand("spAddUser", objConn)
Dim objparam AS OleDbParameter
objCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@FirstName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.FirstName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@LastName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.LastName

objParam = new oleDbParameter("@UserName", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.Value = objUser.UserName

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Password", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Password

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Email", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Email

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Address", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.Address

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@City", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.City

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@State", oledbtype.Char)
objParam.value = objuser.State

objParam = New oleDbParameter("@Zip", oledbtype.Integer)
objParam.value = objuser.Zip

objUser.UserID = CType(objCmdID.ExecuteScalar, Integer)
Catch e AS Exception
Throw e
End try

If objUser.UserID.ToString = "" then
objuser.UserID = 25
End if
End Sub
End Class
End NameSpace

Here's is my stored procedure for the registration:

@FirstName VarChar(255),
@LastName VarChar(255),
@UserName VarChar(255),
@Password VarChar(255),
@Email VarChar(255),
@Address VarChar(255) ,
@City VarChar(255),
@State VarChar(255) ,
@Zip [INT]

INSERT INTO tblUsers (FirstName, LastName, UserName, Password, Email, Address, City, State, Zip)
VALUES (@FirstName, @LAstName, @UserName, @Password, @Email, @Address, @City, @State, @Zip)

And here is the actual registration page

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Header" src="head.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Menu" src="Men.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Stats" src="Stats.ascx" %>
<%@ Register tagPrefix="LoveShare" TagName="Footer" src="foot.ascx" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="system" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="System.Data" %>
<%@ Import NameSpace="LoveShare" %>

<script runat="server">
Public sub Submit(sender as object, e as eventargs)
If Page.IsValid then

dim objuserdetails as New LoveShare.UserDetails
dim objuser As New LoveShare.User



Session("UserID") = objUserDetails.UserID
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(objUserDetails.UserID, false)
lblMessage.text="Information entered incorrectly"
End If
End Sub


<body BGCOLOR="00ccFF">
<Table Width="800">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<LoveShare:Header runat="server" />

<Table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="15" Width="800">
<form runat="server">
<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" Align="center">
<Font size="6">Sign Up Today!<BR><BR></Font>
<td Align="Center">
<Font color="red">
<asp:label id="lblMessage" runat="server" />

<td Align="right">First Name:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbFirstName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbFirstName" ErrorMessage="First Name Required" Text="Forgot First Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Last Name:</Td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbLastName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbLastName" ErrorMessage="Last Name Required" Text="Forgot Last Name" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Desired UserName:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbUserName" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbUserName" ErrorMessage="UserName required" Text="Forgot UserName" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbPassword" Textmode="Password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbPassword" ErrorMessage="Password Required" Text="Forgot Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Password:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVPassword" Textmode="password" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVPassword" ErrorMessage="Verify Password" Text="Forgot to verify Password" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbEmail" ErrorMessage="Email address required" Text="Forgot Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Verify Email Address:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbVEmail" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbVEmail" ErrorMessage="Must verify Email address" Text="Verify Email address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Street Address</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbAddress" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbAddress" ErrorMessage="Street Address Required" Text="Forgot Address" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">City:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbCity" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbCity" ErrorMessage="City Required" Text="Forgot City" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">State:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbState" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbState" ErrorMessage="State Required" Text="Forgot State" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">Zip:</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:textbox id="tbZip" runat="server" />
<asp:requiredfieldValidator runat="server" Controltovalidate="tbZip" ErrorMessage="Zip Code Required" Text="Forgot Zip" Display="Dynamic"/>
<td Align="right">&nbsp;</td>
<td Align="Left"><asp:button id="btsignup" text="Sign Up" onclink="submit" runat="server" />




<LoveShare:Footer runat="server" />

Please help, I cannot figure out what is wrong

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Jul 9, 2004

Fan of Sub's and I feel more comfortable doing them, I've been told they aren't as efficient as JOIN's by another developer. Is this true?

Also, does one or the other perform better on SQL Server vs. Oracle? I'm more seasoned as an Oracle developer and have learned to avoid JOIN's when ever possible. So I guess my real question is have I been led astray?


Thanks in advance, DBA's Rule!

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Making Backup Pay Attention ?

Aug 5, 2007

Hi, i have a vb.net here i have 2 timers. one look every night at 2 o'clock pm and make a backup of my sql server express database to drive c:

In the Program runs at this moment some other action and another timer that checks different things and write this to the sql database .

are the some things that i have to pay attention when i make the backup ?

Or is it equal when i make a backup and at the same time i write data ?

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Apr 19, 1999

Hi all!

Steve suggested I post my question here because this is where all the "experts" reside who like a little challenge. I'll simplify my problem down to two example tables with two fields each for the purpose of solving this "hard part". My only requirement for the solution is that it has to be a SQL only solution (no stored procs) as my client can only run Access - yuck...

Here's the deal. There are two tables, PEOPLE and JOBS. They look like this:


------ ------
1 Adam
2 Bill
3 Carl
4 Dave

JOBS Table:

----- -----------
Clean 1
Wash 2,3
Dry 2
Polish 1,3,4

I want to report which people are assigned to which jobs as shown. One line per job with the names concatenated with commas in between:

Clean Adam
Wash Bill,Carl
Dry Bill
Polish Adam,Carl,Dave

All four fields are TEXT fields in this design, but they don't have to be. I have full control over the database, fields, types, etc. If there's a better way then just suggest it. As you can see, the "ASSIGNED_TO" field is a concatenation of the IDs. Goal is just to report the DESC and people's NAMEs.

How about it? Any slick way of doing this? Played around with using SubQueries, IIF, LIKE on ID and ASSIGNED_TO, and came close but never got it all.

I appreciate any tips or suggestions. Thanks a bunch!


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Guys Atleast Help Me In This One

May 15, 2008

I have a table with values

id diff
1 5
2 10
5 5
6 15
7 20
8 10
10 5
11 10
12 15

I need a sum of such records whose id are continous.I mean the output should be

id sum
2 15
8 50
12 25

Id 1 & 2 are continous so it is added.But after 2 the next number is not 3 so it wont be in the sum of 1 & 2.From 5 to 8 numbers are continous so those diff are added & so on.

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Jan 10, 2007

My question is can anybody explain Cascade Update and Deletes and plz tell me like i am your student. Thanks in Advance
Danny D

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Help With Query Guys..

Nov 3, 2007

I have these queries

SELECT sum(cantidad) AS suma FROM Movimiento WHERE ID=[puntp] AND id_sorteo=[sorteo] AND tipo="Entrada";
SELECT sum(cantidad) AS resta FROM Movimiento WHERE ID=[puntp] AND id_sorteo=[sorteo] AND tipo="Salida";

I want to join in one simple query and i want to display the result of suma-resta

Thnk you ! i hope u can help me, I'm going to explode my brain hehe

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SQL Server - Desperate!

Jul 19, 2007

Hi all I've written an app using VWDE and SSE 2005 but it wont work on my hosts. I'm sure the connection string is correct and my hosts say it's all setup ok over there.  I get this message: The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified
in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High
trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the
database file. And my hosts says that the db should be fine but some of the VB might not work, this is the line that's causing the issues (red): Line 15: Session("username") = loggedInNameLine 16: Line 17: a = Roles.GetRolesForUser(loggedInName)Line 18: Line 19: For Each j In aThis works fine in SSE 2005, should it work on SQL Server too? Can anyone suggest an alternative? ThanksMark 

View 21 Replies View Related

Please Help Me With This Query?? I&#39;m Desperate.

Aug 26, 2002

Can someone help me. here is a diagram of what I need:


Thanks in advance,

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DESPERATE Help Needed....

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all,I am a total newbie to SQL. I created this sp and then with C++,called it. My return value was 100 (which it was)CREATE PROCEDURE sp_StoreIPs@IPSource varchar(16),@IPTarget varchar(16),@TimeDate varchar(20),@Name varchar(250)asdeclare @iReturn intSet @iReturn = 100return @iReturnGOThen when I added a INSERT statement like ...CREATE PROCEDURE sp_StoreIPs@IPSource varchar(16),@IPTarget varchar(16),@TimeDate varchar(20),@Name varchar(250)asdeclare @iReturn intInsert into LookUP (IPSource, IPTarget,TimeDate, Name) Values(@IPSource,@IPTarget,@TimeDate,@Name)Set @iReturn = 100return @iReturnGOMy return value was 0. I am assuming the the INSERT statement isreturning the 0 but how can I get around this?ThanksRalph Kraussewww.consiliumsoft.comUse the START button? Then you need CSFastRunII...A new kind of application launcher integrated in the taskbar!ScreenShot - http://www.consiliumsoft.com/ScreenShot.jpg

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Desperate On Installing SP 1

Aug 1, 2006

after we download sp1 and hit runj, we got "Unspecific Error Occur" popup window, with message:The following unexpected error occur:" then without any detail. here is the hotfix log:

Please help

08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 ================================================================================
08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 Hotfix package launched
08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 Successfully opened registry key: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 Successfully read registry key: CommonFilesDir, string value = C:Program Files (x86)Common Files
08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 Successfully opened registry key: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
08/01/2006 14:33:51.967 Successfully read registry key: ProgramFilesDir, string value = C:Program Files (x86)
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Successfully opened registry key: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Successfully read registry key: CommonFilesDir, string value = C:Program Files (x86)Common Files
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Successfully opened registry key: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Successfully read registry key: ProgramFilesDir, string value = C:Program Files (x86)
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Local Computer:
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Target Details: ISSQL05
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 commonfilesdir = C:Program Files (x86)Common Files
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 lcidsupportdir = e:1af2e497cde069647713331033
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 programfilesdir = C:Program Files (x86)
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 supportdir = \ISSQL05e$1af2e497cde06964771333
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 supportdirlocal = e:1af2e497cde06964771333
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 windir = C:WINDOWS
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 winsysdir = C:WINDOWSsystem32
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014
08/01/2006 14:33:52.014 Enumerating applicable products for this patch
08/01/2006 14:33:53.530 The patch installation could not proceed due to unexpected errors
08/01/2006 14:33:53.530
08/01/2006 14:33:53.530 Product Status Summary:
08/01/2006 14:33:53.780 Hotfix package closed

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Reeeeeally Easy For You Guys!

Jan 5, 2004

can someone post me an example trigger where.. inserting a new record in one table, creates a new record in another table with a new unique identifier incrementing by 1 from the last record.

so that I can edit it to suit my own work like:

eg. when I insert new person into people table, using a person_no as key.
= creates new pay record in pay table ith a pay_id as key like '0004' 1 more than the last record if it was '0003', and then adds that new person_no to the record for reference.

I know this is a really easy trigger, but it would be my first! Any example to edit would be great! thanks in advance

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Guys Please Please Help! Saving Cyrillic In My SQL DB HOW????????

Oct 25, 2007

Ok i've tried everything setting table collation to cyrillic setting the whole table language settings to Russian nothing works-i can only save ?????? instead of Russian symvols.(yes datatype is ntext not just text) I can directly input Russian letters from EMS SQL manager, and it will be ok, and i can even read it on my pages. But even if i try to execute SQL command through EMS manager (as opposite to just typing in the data) it will give me ????? again. If I save my ASP.net page in unicode it will give me ?? with some weird ` types symbols-but 70% of symbols would still be ????. I have already spend 45 hours googling and browsing forums but i still cannot solve it! I am so frustrated!
MS SQL Server 2005 Framework 2 ASP.net code looks like Win XP sp2

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using System.Data.Odbc;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class registration : System.Web.UI.Page


private const string ConnStr = "server=(local);database=main;Trusted_Connection=yes";

private const string ConnStr = "server=(local);database=main;Trusted_Connection=yes";

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("server=(local);database=main;Trusted_Connection=yes;");

///ыуаыпвараеоеаореавп is russian random letters

SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("UPDATE quest SET Name='ыуаыпвараеоеаореавп' WHERE id=1", myConnection);


SqlDataReader dr = myCommand.ExecuteReader();


if i manually stop the script here and look at my dr variable i will see exactly sql command that i wrote (with no ????) but after execution in my database it is still ??????????????????????????????
Best Regards

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Storing SMS To My SQL Database..help Guys!!!

May 8, 2007

i use a teltonika t-modem gsm modem..

it's quite new actually and it is connected to my PC thru a usb port..

my problem now is that

i can,t seem to get the hang in storing received messages in

my SQL database..

the code goes like this..

a receive button is clicked to generate an instance

where all SMS sent to my sim card would then be accessed by my gsm modem..

private void btnReceive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


ListViewItem Component;

Cursor c = Cursor.Current;

Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;


btnReceive.Enabled = false;

objGsmIn.Device = cmbDevice.SelectedItem.ToString();

objGsmIn.LogFile = txtLogging.Text;

if (cmbDeviceSpeed.SelectedIndex == 0)


objGsmIn.DeviceSpeed = 0;




objGsmIn.DeviceSpeed = System.Int32.Parse(cmbDeviceSpeed.Text);


objGsmIn.Storage = fMsgStore.MsgStorage;

if (fMsgStore.DelMsg == true)

{//deletes your message after receiving

objGsmIn.DeleteAfterReceive = 1;


objGsmIn.Receive(); //this checks your new incoming messages

if (objGsmIn.LastError == 0)



while (objGsmIn.LastError == 0)


//continously receive all messages..

Component = listView1.Items.Add(objGsmIn.MessageSender);




txtResults.Text = "Messages Successfully Received..";




//error in message receiving process..

txtResults.Text = "Error " + objGsmIn.LastError + "(" + objGsmIn.GetErrorDescription(objGsmIn.LastError) + ")";


btnReceive.Enabled = true;

Cursor.Current = c;


now my problem is that i cant figure out where i would place my stored procedure

in storing those messages to my database..

the problem is that..

if i place my stored procedure on the 1st "IF" statement..

it will only save my 1st incoming message..

but another thing is that if i put it under my "WHILE" statement..

dont you think that it will continiously loop?

meaning to say that the next tym i tried to access all my received messages

it would definitely store all the previously read messages again to my database..

which then creates multiple copies of my previously stored messages again and again

well i hope you get the gist of what i mean..

its quite complicated to explain..

but then again thanks a lot for taking notice on my post regarding this..


another thing..i used the active xperts c# application in order to

create this application..

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Attach Db ( Desperate Seeking For Help )

Apr 29, 2002

A database with 1 mdf and 2 ldf has been detached from SQL Server 7.0 . Then removed the log files ( they are gone , unable to recover ) and there's no backup at all . Now I want to attach the database with the same mdf , but got error msg - 'Device activation error'. It seems like it's looking for one of the log files.

Is there any way to recover the db ?

I guess NOT , isn't it ?

I don't understand why it doesn't work with sp_attach_single_file_db and sp_attach_db . I actually tested it with a dummy database with 1 log file , and it worked - a new log file was recreated. Thus I performed in production server. Don't understand why it doesn't work.

thanks in advance.

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Desperate - Cannot Connect To SQL 2K Server

Jul 2, 2003

I have been down for 10 days now and don’t know where else to turn. If you can’t help, pls point me to where I can get help.

Here are the facts I have posted several times to the MS SQL NGs.

(Server: Win2K Adv Server, SQL 2K w/sp3a,
Wkstn: Win2K pro, SQL 2K w/sp3a)

1) SQL server is running and I can access all the dbs when on the server.

2) All the workstations login to the server just fine. Server is configured for Active Directory.

3) SQL server has only the default instance installed and is in mixed authentication mode.

4) I have registered SQL Server in the Active Directory, (right click on the server node in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager and select the Properties item from the popup menu … Active Directory tab etc - as per the article "SQL Server 2000 Active Directory Integration”.

5) When in EM on the workstation, I try to create a sql server registration

a) With Windows authentication - but I get this error:
SQL server registration failed because of the connection failure
displayed below. Do you wish to register anyway?

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL server connection.

b) With user = sa and pwd = sa (both are the correct values and case)
SQL server registration failed because of the connection failure
displayed below. Do you wish to register anyway?

Login failed for user 'sa'

5) I have checked out
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B269587 and done
everything it says.

Help - I haven't been able to connect for several days.

I have tried deleting the registrations several times - same results.
I have tried uninstalling sql 2K and reinstalling 3x and tested before and
after installing sp3a - same results.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Desperate For Even Partial Recovery

Feb 12, 2008

I have been asked to see what I can recover from a development server whose database became suspect during a power failure.

One developer from another group who's time is limited tried to repair the database using checkdb, but it is still suspect.

There are no recent backups of anything whatsoever. Needless to say, we are lacking in DBA skills here. At this point, we don't care whether we get the data back, but we are desperate to recover the table definitions, user-defined functions and stored procedures -- if not all of them than most of them; if not most of them than some.

What are our options here?

Are their any good third-party tools to help us with this problem?

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Sp_msforeachdb I Know Its Undocummented Im Getting Desperate

Oct 1, 2007

sp_msforeachdb @command1= 'USE ? exec sp_Depends "dbo.style"'

So im trying to return everything that uses that dbo.style im getting this error I just want to show where that table is being used and suggestions. I know that feature is undocumented. This also doesnt seem to be searching all the Databases when I search it.

Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'master'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'tempdb'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'msdb'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'GoldMine_Sales_and_Marketing'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'CustomerConcerns'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'Aggregate'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'OLD_BUDGET'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'CreditCardData'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'DELSA'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'COZUM'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'DelSolNet'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'DelSolNet2'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'DYNAMICS'.
Object does not reference any object, and no objects reference it.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'HUNTB'.
In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'MASDEV'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'MASDEVSmall'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'OLDOnlineOrdering'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'OnlineRMA'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'OnlineStore'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'DELSO'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'Reporting'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'SSE'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'STTHO'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'TMPLT'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'WHAVL'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'QSCHQ'.
In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
In the current database, the specified object is referenced by the following:
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'SOLKD_DATA'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'SOLKD_NET'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'ALOHA_DATA'.
Server: Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_depends, Line 28
The object 'dbo.style' does not exist in database 'ALOHA_NET'.

View 6 Replies View Related

How Do I Insert These Data Into Database Guys???

Jan 3, 2008

Hii Folks
This is my Table Order(OrderNo, CartID, TotalAmount, Name, City, Email, Zip, Date), Then I have my code which I need to insert data into database, but OrderNo is automatically inserted
this is my code, but when I run it it shows the error page, if I remove the direction to my error page, it does not show anything and I don't see any error, could any one check for it please
Imports System
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPartial Class Checkout
Inherits System.Web.UI.PageProtected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LoadAmountLabel.Text = Session("OrderTotal").ToString()
SessionLabel.Text = Session.SessionID.ToString()
End SubProtected Sub ContinueButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ContinueButton.Click
Dim shopp As New SqlDataSource()shopp.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SHOESConnectionString").ConnectionString
shopp.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
shopp.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Order(CartID, TotalAmount, Name, City, Email, Zip, Date) VALUES (@CartID, @TotalAmount, @Name, @City, @Email, @Zip, @Date)"shopp.InsertParameters.Add("CartID", SessionLabel.Text)
shopp.InsertParameters.Add("TotalAmount", AmountLabel.Text)shopp.InsertParameters.Add("Name", NameTextBox.Text)
shopp.InsertParameters.Add("City", CityTextBox.Text)shopp.InsertParameters.Add("Email", EmailTextBox.Text)
shopp.InsertParameters.Add("Zip", ZipTextBox.Text)shopp.InsertParameters.Add("Date", DateTime.Now()) Dim rowaffected As Integer = 0
rowaffected = shopp.Insert()Catch ex As Exception Server.Transfer("ErrorPage.aspx")
End Try
shopp = Nothing
If rowaffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("ErrorPage.aspx")
End IfEnd Sub
End Class

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Parent Package Configurations...or Not...What Do You Guys Do?

Jan 7, 2008

Finding myself in a bit of a lull at work, I'm trying to create some template packages / solutions, encapsulating some of the best practices that get discussed on here.

I'm thinking about passing configurations from Parent to Child packages, something we all must do on a regular basis. I've always done this a particular way, without thinking too much about it, but I'm not sure if this way is the best. I'd be interested in your opinions.


Parent.dtsx calls Child1.dtsx, Child2.dtsx etc, using Execute Package Task.
Parent has variable Source, and variable Destination, populated from a configuration (my preference is SQL table, but whatever).
These variables are ultimately used to populate the ConnectionString property of the source and destination Connection Managers of the Child packages.

Here's the question: Is it better for the Child packages to look up to their parent, and inherit the values of these variables through Parent Package Configurations, or to look directly to the configuration, and pick them up from there? Or does it not matter?

I tend to assign lots and lots of variables in Parent.dtsx, and pull them down into Child.dtsx with Parent Package Configs, but I'm thinking "is this good/bad/unimportant?"

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NOLOCK/ROWLOCK (good Or Bad Guys?)

Nov 9, 2007

Reading about avoiding deadlocks in SQL, I have found different opnions about whether using or not NOLOCK/ROWLOCK hints on SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE statements. I have several applications executing transactions on the same databases and tables, including inserts, updates and deletes. I wonder if by using NOLOCK/ROWLOCK I could decrease the chances of having deadlocks. At least using ROWLOCK on my update statements?. I just need some advice here.


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Linked Server On SQL2000 To DB2 - Desperate...

Jul 20, 2005

Hi All,I am close before throwing the machine out of the window.I tried to establish a linked server on our SQL2000 server pointing to a DB.EXEC sp_addlinkedserver@server = 'DB2',@srvproduct = 'IBM OLE DB Provider for DB2 Servers',@provider = 'IBMDADB2',@provstr='DSN=JDE_PROD;UID=XXXX;PWD=XXX;DATABASE=J DE_PROD;'EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'DB2', false, NULL, 'XXX', 'XXXX'If I query the LS using query analyzer or the Enterprise Manager both startto hang, never responding again.To be honest I am quite new to this topic but I read a lot and also tried alot ;)Some articles talk about SNA Servers to be installed first, others aboutsome client tools.I am confused by now...Could anybody please be so kind and tell me how to connect the DB2 as alinked server?Is my statement wrong, and if so how should it look like? Why does theapplication start to hang? Do I really need to install additional softwareto do so?Our DB2 expert also taked about software necessary to access the DB2mainframe. Any ideas?Thanks a lot in advance and belive me, any hints are highly appreciated ;)Seize the DayAndyAndreas BretlJoin Bytes!

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Desperate With SQL2000 Log Shipping , Out Of Sync

May 11, 2007

After try and error for several months, finally my SQL2000 LS works.

i gave my self a little celebration for that.

but after running well for a day, just one day !

this morning it give me Out of Sync.

error messages:

failure /4305

activity : Load

[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)]
Error 4305: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The log in this backup set
begins at LSN 7000000026200001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier
log backup that includes LSN 6000000015100001 can be restored.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.

activity : Copy

failure / 32

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

i just dont understand, how come the load & copy process failed, after it works for a day.

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Service Broker Needs Master Key - DESPERATE

Mar 5, 2007

Hi ,

Technically i am a network administrator, and know very little about SQL 2005, but it has come under my responsibility to manage this box and a lot depends on fixing this problem for me.


Service Broker needs to access the master key in the database 'Prototype'. Error code:25. The master key has to exist and the service master key encryption is required.

Also, i get the following both in windows event viewer and SQL logs;


Source: Logon


Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 5.

Login failed for user 'logadmin'. [CLIENT:] Event ID 18456;

Login failed for user 'admin'. [CLIENT:] Event ID 18456


While users are working and try to run a new query, their credentials are not accepted anymore. The account they are using is has "sysadmin" rights.

Once they restart the machine, they can run multiple queries, and then the same thign over again.

Please help me with this one, for i have pretty much exhausted google etc. I mean there are various blogs with same prblem but not a straighforward fix.

I would appreciate your help very very much.

Best Regards,


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Can Xp_sendmail Be Made Into A Stored Procedure (was Hi Guys)

Jul 21, 2004

I have another question guys I need to send reports to different departments using sql. would this be the xp_sendmail function in sql. Can this be made into a stored procedure? What I'm going to do is make some reports which will constantly be updated with a query. These reports need to be emailed to differnt departments every 2 weeks. Is there a trigger or stored procedure I can setup through sql to do this? Does that make any sense??

View 8 Replies View Related

Desperate! Aspnet.mdf Screwed Up; User Login Impossible...

Aug 31, 2006

I hope anyone can help me with this. I am having problems connecting to the aspnet database. It
all started when I noticed that I could not log in to my webapplication
anymore under debug mode, although I was able to log in when remotely
accessing the website. I got the error message that the machineaspnet
user did not have access to the database:  "Login failed for user
'GM-FEDORSASPNET' "This was highly peculiar and rather annoying so I tried several things to straighten this out, but it only made things worse!I
read that this had to with permissions of the database in question, al
though I could not understand why permissions suddenly had changed. I
tried to change the rights by attaching it to Management Studio Express
and defining an aspnet login, but that failed because a login under
that name was not accepted. I tried to make a copy of aspnet.mdf, delete the original and rename the copy to aspnet.mdf. When that didn't work, I then deleted the aspnet.mdf, counting on it that it would be regenerated automatically, but alas. I located the aspnet_regsql.exe tool to regenerate the database, but got the following error message: System.Web.HttpException:
Unable to connect to SQL Server database. --->
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while
establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server
2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default
settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named
Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)What can I do? 

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Minimum Date In DateStamp Field Is Not 1-Jan-100 (Silly By SQLServer Guys)

Sep 14, 2004

Minimum Date in DateStamp field is not 1-Jan-100. Wouldn't we expect that.

In SQLServer2000 is it "1-Jan-100", if not WHY ??,

In the previous versions it is "01-Jan-1753"


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Sql Server Express - Shared Hosting - Connection String - What Do You Guys Do?

Feb 2, 2007


I have a asp.net 2.0 app that has a sql server express backend. I have been scratching my head for weeks trying to find a good wasy to encrypt my connection string. I store the string in web.config (which in itself is in theory "safe" because it's not servable) and I have scoured the web to try to find a simple way to encrypt the connection string. Even using user store would require running aspreg_iis.exe on the host with a command prompt (which clearly I cannot do). It seems that everyone's solution requires running a command prompt executable on the server.

So I am left to wonder what everyone else does. I am not comfortable using just the web.config because a determined hacker could get to that info. Then again, a determined hacker could get into any system , I guess. There are no credit card #'s stored in this app, but in theory there must be a way. I run all access to the db through stored procedures with permissions, for whatever it's worth.

Thanks in advance!

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