If (context.sometable.Any(p =&> P.somefield == Somevalue)) Fails When Building For Release

Mar 12, 2008

it works perfectly fine with debug builds however as soon as I change to release build.. it miserably fails.
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
  Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
This is weird :-/

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SA Login Fails Under Domain User Context

Nov 2, 2015

I have setup a SQL 2014 server with mixed authentication. Below is sequence.

1. Created a server. Added server to a domain & logged out.

2. RDP to the server using a local account. Installed SQL 2014. Kept the services to run using default NT Authority accounts during initial setup. SQL was installed in mixed mode (SQL & windows authentication). a specific 'sa' pwd was set.

3. After initial setup, I changed all SQL services Logon account to be respective domain accounts. Made sure all services restarted, up & running.

Now, for the same 'sa' SQL login account -

--> if I RDP to the server using local system admin & connect to SQL studio with 'sa' (SQL authentication) - it works.
but --> if I RDP to the server using my domain account (which is already an admin on SQL & windows), but connect SQL studio with the Same 'sa' (SQL authentication) - it fails & gives - unable to login 'sa'... ; standard error code : 18456.

Question : How can be the same 'sa' login, is acting different based on with what user context I RDP to the server ?

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Next Release?

Jun 20, 2007


I've tried searching for details on the next release date of SSRS, but can't find any. Has anyone heard anything regarding the next release? There are at least a dozen features that I really would like to have, and when searching for each, the MSFT developer typically responds with "that feature is targeted for a future release". So I'd like to know if anyone has any idea, even heard a rumor, regarding the next release timeline. Or, is there a better place to search for this information?



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Beta 3 Release?

Jun 26, 1998

anyone have any ideas on when beta 3 will be available?

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NEW SQL Server Release`

Jul 8, 2004

Check this out
this is the replacement for MSDE 2000

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/express/sql/default.aspx)

Top 10 cool things about SQL Server Express Edition (http://lab.msdn.microsoft.com/express/sql/top10/default.aspx)

SQL Server Express Books Online (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=2ADBC1A8-AE5C-497D-B584-EAB6719300CD&displaylang=en)

by the way if you follow the first link, you will find a pretty accurate photo of rdjabarov...

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SP2 CTP And Then Installing SP2 Release Possible?

Nov 10, 2006

If we upgrade an instance to SP2 (CTP), can we simply apply SP2 (Release) on top of the SP2 (CTP)? Or will we need to uninstall the whole instance, re-install SQL 2005 and only then apply SP2 (Release)?

I notice in section "1.1 Overview of SQL Server 2005 SP2 Installation" of the documentation the statement:

"During installation, SQL Server 2005 SP2 Setup will list all installed components of SQL Server 2005 and allow you to select the components to upgrade, including components that have already been upgraded to SP2. For more information, see the SP2 Setup documentation."

I'm hoping that this means you can apply the release SP2 on top of a ctp SP2 with the result being full release SP2 versions. I've read the "SP2 Setup documentaiton" and it did not clarify for me.


Bob Hodgman

P.S. - sorry for the duplicate posting... I think posting this as a reply to the announcement (as I originally did) didn't get it much attention.

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Release Of 1.0 Product

Oct 27, 2006

I can't find any timeframe for the 1.0 release of SQL Server Everywhere. Is this information available?

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Memory Release

Mar 24, 2008

Dear all,

We are working on C++ in eVC++ 3.0 environment (CE 3.0) with SQL CE 2.0.

While executing the SQL CE commands like GetData(),GetNextRows() and Seek(), 8 KB keeps increasing each time in the memory. We are releasing the accessors,columnsinfo,rowsetchange,rowset handles properly.But still the memory increases without being released.

Have we missed out anything?
Kindly help us in this regard.


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Memory Release

Sep 7, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2000 SE. When I used my application, the SQL server memory go on increasing & it will never come down. Application runs very slowly. Can anybody suggest how to release memory from sql server.

Thanks in advance.

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When Will SQL 2008 Release?

Jan 28, 2008

as title

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SP2 Release Date

Jan 11, 2007

I see that a CTP for SP2 came out in December. When will the service pack itsself be released?

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Re-do Replication For New Release

Sep 8, 2005

We alter the database schema that our production application uses with almost every release.  Is there a way to basically remove the replication and re-do it for all tables / views at one time?  Then we could just "rebuild" the replication with every release.  We have about 200 tables and 200 views that have many dependencies.  I'm sure it could be done with scripting and the stored procedures, but I'm new at this and not sure where to start.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

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Delay On Release Date?

Sep 9, 1998

I`ve been following the newsgroups, and the consensus had seemed to be
that 7.0 would be released around November. However, I spoke to a Microsoft
partner last week who told me that the release date would be sometime in
the second quarter of 1999. Does anyone know whether if this is true/untrue?

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SQL7 SP3 Release Date

Nov 26, 2001


I am trying to remember the release date for SQL7 SP3 to resolve a problem. Please could somebody let me know?

Thanks in advance,

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Need To Release The TRAN Lock??

Dec 19, 2007

The former programmer wrote this stored procedure. It haven't been run for a while, so I was given the assignment to get it working. When I ran the stored procedure, it took almost 9 hours. Then I found that I can't access a few tables, so my guess it there is some issues with table locking. The stored procedure use this...



--blah blah




Obviously there seem to be a logic error in the middle of the script while running the stored procedure. So, how do I cancel the transaction and unlock the table? I'm unable to access the few tables.

Also, does rebooting the computer helped to release the transaction or table locking?


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HELP: SQL Server Won't Release Memory

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am having an issue with SQL server that slows everything to a crawl,and makes almost any query impossible to complete.Here are the symptoms:I stop SQL, I start SQL. The task manager shows SQL starting up andquickly allocates 50 MB of memory. I then open SQL Manager and I canopen up the instance of SQL Server and I expand to see all of thedatabases, memory rises to about 70MB allocated. I then expand adatabase and view a list of tables. The memory allocation quicklyrockets to 860+ MB and any attempt to query they database results inhuge hang times.I have MacAfee anti-virus in place and it is constantly scanning forviruses, so I don't think it is a virus. The log files do not appearto be large. I have done everything I know to do to resolve this. Anyhelp would be much appreciated.Does anyone have any ideas?Thank you for taking the time to read this.Tod

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Production Release Methodology

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Our DBA group is debating production release methodology. We alwaysperfect our deployment package (typically a script) against thedatabase in a Staging environment, before executing the packageagainst Production. One side argues that the safest approach is tocreate a script containing all schema changes, data changes, storedprocs, functions, etc. Run that script against Staging until it iserror-free. Then, when you run it against Production on Release Nightyou know it will also be error-free, since Staging is a copy ofProduction. However, any changes to the deployment, such as updatesto procs (and there are always a bunch in the pre-deployment period)must be manually implemented on the script.The other side wants to take advantage of the .NET environment. Wekeep all procs, views, and functions in a Release folder on VSS,execute a Get Latest Version (Recursive) from VisualStudio, and runagainst Staging/Production. Any changes to the procs areautomatically propagated from VSS to VS, and there is no manualediting of the script. You still need a script for table and datachanges. The "script everything" side of the debate feels this methodis not as reliable, especially since when views are nested, you willget compile errors and must execute the run-on several times until allthe views compile. The "script" side feels that any errors areunacceptable in a Production environment.What is the opinion out there?Thanks!

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What Is The Scheduled Release Date For SP2?

Dec 11, 2006

We have a product that uses SQL Express that is ready and waiting to go to market. It absolutely requires Vista compatibility on day one. When will SP2 be released? The UAC problem has been known for months.

We cannot distribute the November CTP, of course. Manually correcting SQL Express installs on Vista using the recommended workaround is impractical to say the least.

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SQL 2005 Release Type

Apr 24, 2007

Is there a way to tell what release of SQL Server 2005 is installed without the management studio? I was working on a server with SQL 2005 installed, but I wasn't sure if it was full or express. The person who installed SQL didn't include the management studio. Thanks in advance.

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Can I Migrate From Sql 2008 Nov CTP To Release?

Dec 10, 2007


I downloaded Sql server 2008 Nov CTP and am gonna use that.
Just wanna make sure if I can migrate from this version to the release version?
Coz the release won't come till the end of next year (?!) so...


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SQL 2005 SP3 Release Date?

Mar 3, 2008

Does anyone know if/when SQL 2005 SP3 will be released? Thanks.

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Trying To Setup MSDE 2000 Release A

Dec 12, 2004


I have extracted the files from the Microsoft download and am all ready to run SETUP for the MSDE 2000 release A for Visual Studio .NET 2003 Pro.

Is there anything I need to know about or run or configure for it all to work?? I am a newbee and I am the only user on my XP Pro machine under Administrator.

Thank you in advance for any pointers.

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How To Release Space Back To System?

Jun 20, 2002

Hi all,
I'm running SQL 7.0. Due to large tables, the space on the SQL server was getting filled up. So i truncated some tables. Now even though the SQL dbase shows 3Gb free, the HDD shows only 150 MB free. How do i get SQL 7.0 to release the sapce back to HDD?


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Upgrade From Beta-3 To The Release Version

Feb 16, 1999

Hi All,

I am doing an upgrade of SQL Server from Beta 3 release to the release version. I will appreciate if I get some information , some tips that I should follow which will make my task simpler. The database is very critical and big. It has huge amounts of stored procedures.
If you can tell me any site which gives information regarding this that will be also helpful..


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SQL Server 2005 SP3 Release Date?

Sep 26, 2007

Hi all,

does anybody know when SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 will be released?

We are currently encountering a lot of problems with replication. We have seen that the different SP2 Cumulative Updates are fixing a lot of replication troubles... but as they are not fully tested, we do not want to install them on our production servers.

Thanks in advance!

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MSDE 2000 Release A Won't Talk

Jul 20, 2005

MSDE 2000 Release A installed under windows 2000 pro will notcommunicate with SQL Server Manager nor MS Access on peer computer.Can someone help?Have set DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0 at install time.Install log shows installation successful..Control Panel> Admin Tools> Services section shows SQL server instancerunning.Disabling firewall has no effect.SQL Server Manager (icon at bottom right in task tray - thisstarts/stops Server instances), on same computer as SQL Serverinstance, shows only instance "H" which is the same as the computername. (This instance was uninstalled before new instance wasinstalled.) Typing new instance name ("HABC" and variations) intotop combo box produces error messages such as "wrong format for name","Network path not found" "RPC service not running". What is thecorrect computer/name format?? Key problem is clearly that ServiceManager can't communicate with this local MSDE instance.All Windows 2000 updates from MS web site have been installed.Objective is to operate MS Access on computer X (also running Win 2000Pro) with computer H as a peer that hosts MSDE.Has anyone else run MSDE 2000 Release A on a Windows 2000 Pro system??---Mark Ferguson

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SQL Server 2005 SP3 Release Date?

Sep 25, 2007

Hi all,

does anybody know when SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3 will be released?

We are currently encountering a lot of problems with replication. We have seen that the different SP2 Cumulative Updates are fixing a lot of replication troubles... but as they are not fully tested, we do not want to install them on our production servers.

Thanks in advance!

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The Sqlservr.exe Service Could Not Release From Memory

Oct 3, 2007

Dear Friends,

I have developed my web application using ASP.Net with MS SQL SERVER Express Edition SP2 .
I have hosting it at some where which i can remote and see the service of sqlservr.exe .
The first start of this service take the memory space just only 25 MB but after this service run upto one week it increased up to 200MB .This service won't realease from the memory untill unless i restart the server or restart its service.

1.Could any one tell me why this service continue increasingly ?.
2.What can i configure in MS SQL SERVER 2005 EXPRESS Edition to let this release from the memory without restart the server or its service ?.

Best Regards,

Channarith Hun.

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SQL Server Compact 3.5 Release Date

Sep 28, 2007

When will SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 be released? Can the beta be deployed in applications?

I noticed a new feature listed was support for nested query in SELECT FROM clause -- does it also support that on the JOIN clause?

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Upgrade SQL Server Beta 2 To Release

Nov 9, 2005


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Varbinary (max) Release Space Used After Delete?

Nov 8, 2007


When -all- records from a table with a varbinary(max) column are deleted (not via truncate), the table properties
still show a dataspace size from before the delete operation.
Inserting new blob records only leads in the growth of the allocated space withouth reusing the empty
already allocated space.

Runnning commands like dbcc updatusage/checkdb/cleantable/reindex or sp_spaceused @updateusage = N'TRUE'
seem to have no effect.

Does anyone know when space allocated by a varbinary col. is released?


running SQL 2005 STD ed SP2. DB is in simple recovery mode.

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SQL Server 2008 Release Date?

Mar 24, 2008

Has SQL Server 2008 been released already?

Someone told me it was released in February, but others have said it won't be released until Q3 2008. Which is correct?

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Tempdb - Unable To Release Space

Jun 26, 2007


I am using SQL2005 SP1 and I have a 4Gb Tempdb (datafile) with virtually nothing in it.

I am unable to release the free space to the operating system. I have used dbcc shrinkfile...truncateonly but this has had no effect.

There is no error message and there are no open transactions, I have attempted to drop the data file by transferring to a new file but I can't because it the primary file...

Any idea would be very helpful!!


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