I have this statement, sometimes the Dominator can be zero so i tried this if statement but the error i'm getting is:
An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause or a select list, and the column being aggregated is an outer reference.(42000,147)
This is the query i'm using:
Group by dbo.thit_ratio_detl.F_DIVISION_NO
Not sure if in SQL server i can correct the problem like that, any help is greatly appriciated...
Hi, I'm new to SQL and was wondering if there was an easier way to filter data.
I have two tables -
The first table called Names of Companies has a column named: NAMES
NAMES XYZ Company ABC Limited Liability Company ZZZ Corporation KKK Inc. ABC Inc.
The second table called Keywords has a column named: WORDS
WORDS Company Limited
I want to search for all NAMES that contain the WORDS in some form
The results should be:
NAMES XYZ Company ABC Limited Liability Company
Technically, I can get the results I want by manually typing into the SQL statement all the words that appear in the WORDS column.
SELECT * FROM [Names of Companies] WHERE [Names of Companies].Names Like "*Company*" Or ([Names of Companies].Names) Like "*limited*"));
But is there a way that I reference the table Keyword instead of typing into the query statement all the words that appear in the column WORD? I have a lot of words to search for.
I have a page that is displaying different movie covers. They each have their respective genres stored in several keys (genre0, genre1, genre2). Now I can search within the movies by changing the url variable movies.aspx?genre=action but if I simply go to movies.aspx, I'm wanting all genres to appear. But for me, the page is blank if I don't specify the genre. So I've had to start filling in the genre All for all movies so I can go to movies.aspx?genre=all but I know this can't be necessary. Is it my SQL statement for the datasource causing the problem? Code is in VB. <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Movies] WHERE [genre0] = @strGenre OR [genre1] = @strGenre OR [genre2] = @strGenre"> <SelectParameters> <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="strGenre" QueryStringField="genre" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
SQL Ver: 2008 (not r2) Problem: The following code returns correct results when moving variable declarations and update statement outside a stored procedure, but fails to return a value other than zero for the "COMPANY TOTAL" records. The "DEPT TOTAL" result works fine both in and outside the sp.This may have to do with handling NULL values since I was getting warning message earlier involving a value being eliminated by an aggregate function involving a NULL. I only got this message when running inside the sp, not when running standalone. I wrapped the values inside the SUM functions with an ISNULL, and now return a zero rather than NULL for the "COMPANY TOTAL" records when running inside SP.All variable values are correct when running.
SQL CODE: DECLARE     @WIPMonthCurrent date = (SELECT TOP 1 WIPMonth FROM budxcWIPMonths WHERE ActiveWIPPeriod = 'Y')   select @WIPMonthCurrent as WIPMonthCurrent   [code]....
1 SELECT distinct A.EAIndex, 2 A.ChainCode AS ChainCode, 3 A.JobDate, 4 C.BillerName, 5 B.BusinessCode, 6 D.ChainName, 7 A.BillBegDate, 8 A.BillEndDate, 9 A.PostDate, 10 A.BillCount, 11 A.ChAmount, 12 A.PostAmount, 13 A.ProChargeFee, 14 A.BalanceStatus AS BalanceStatus, 15 B.BillerInfoCode AS BillerInfoCode , 16 CONVERT(varchar(10), A.BalanceDate, 112)BalanceDate, 17 A.AdjustDate, 18 C.BillerCode , 19 (a.ChAmount- a.ProChargeFee) AS Fee, 20 E.EABillerCode, E.RelAdjustDate 21 FROM ZT_EAccount A 22 Inner Join ZT_BillerInfo B On Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(A.BillerCode)),5) = Right('00000'+Rtrim(Ltrim(B.BillerInfoCode)),5) 23 Inner Join ZT_Biller C ON B.ParentCode = C.BillerCode 24 Inner Join ZT_Chain D On A.ChainCode = D.ChainCode 25 Inner Join ZT_EAccountAdjust E ON a.EAIndex=E.EAIndex and a.BillerCode=E.BusCode 26 Where A.JobDate BETWEEN '20071001' AND '20071005' AND C.CompanyCode='533' In line 13 I want to add a Query to make sure if ZT_BillerInfo.Rmflag = 1, if it's =1 then ProChargeFee =0if ZT_BillerInfo.RmFlag =0 , then ProChargeFee = a.ProChargeFee.I add this line �Case B.RmFlag = '1' then 0 else A.ProChargeFee 】instead of Line 13 (A.ProChargeFee)but I execute Sql I got error message on the line I have jsut modified..can you please help me to know why and how to correct it? thank you very much
I have a field that divides one field by the sum of two others. However, when both of the two latter fields are 0's, I get a divide by zero error and the output halts. How do I get this so that for these records I put a NULL or UNDEFINED or something in there at least so I can see the rest of the output. Thanks.
I have this sql posted below which sometimes gets a divide by zero error. How can you get around this error please
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT dbo.safety_obs_data.form_id) AS TotalObs, SUM(dbo.safety_obs_data.safe) AS TotalSafe, SUM(dbo.safety_obs_data.unsafe) AS TotalUnsafe, CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), (SUM(CASE WHEN (safe) * 100.0) / (SUM(safe) + SUM(unsafe)))AS [% Safe], SUM(CASE WHEN unobserved = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS NotSeen, SUM(CASE WHEN made_safe = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalMadeSafe, SUM(CASE WHEN sap_note = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalSAPNote, SUM(CASE WHEN honk = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS TotalHonks, dbo.Employee.emp_user_id FROM dbo.safety_obs_data INNER JOIN dbo.Employee ON dbo.safety_obs_data.create_by_emp_no = dbo.Employee.emp_no WHERE (dbo.safety_obs_data.create_dte BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, @start, 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, @end, 102)) GROUP BY dbo.Employee.emp_user_id
SELECT CASE WHEN (SUM(CASE WHEN Rspec_Vulgar = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN Rspec_Vulgar = 'N' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) = 0 THEN '0' ELSE (SUM(CASE WHEN Rspec_Vulgar = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 1.0) / (SUM(CASE WHEN Rspec_Vulgar = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) + SUM(CASE WHEN Rspec_Rude = 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) END AS Rspec_Vulgar FROM dbo.TekliveQuery
--- Note: How can I avoid the the error message if the dividend and the divisor are both 0?
When I specify a formula between Computed Column Specification, I have twozero values, getting Divide by Zero error, any idea how can I avoid this? Istill want SQL Server to display Zero if it is 0/0, is this possible in SQLServer database?ThanksJ.
In the BI developement, in a matrix i'm trying to avoid division by zero, but even if i test the field before the division, i've got the error everytime.
I put the folowing test condition in the field, but i've got an error.
Ex : iif(Turnover <> 0, Cost/Turnover,0)
But i've got error message when the turnover is 0.
1 ALTER PROCEDURE links_GetAllLinks 2 @startRowIndex INT, 3 @maximumRows INT, 4 @sortExpression nvarchar(50) 5 AS 6 7 8 9 10 11 SET @startRowIndex = @startRowIndex + 1 12 --SELECT @TopicsFrom = CASE @TopicsDays WHEN '1' THEN DATEADD(day,-1,getdate()) WHEN '2' THEN DATEADD(day,-7,getdate()) WHEN '3' THEN DATEADD(day,-14,getdate()) WHEN '4' THEN DATEADD(month,-1,getdate()) WHEN '5' THEN DATEADD(month,-3,getdate()) WHEN '6' THEN DATEADD(month,-6,getdate()) WHEN '7' THEN DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()) ELSE DATEADD(year,-1,getdate()) END 13 -- populate the table CAST(getdate() as int) 14 15 16 IF @sortExpression LIKE '' 17 BEGIN 18 SET @sortExpression = 'links_Links.link_date' 19 END 20 DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000) 21 SET @sql = 'Declare @Links TABLE 22 (RowNumber INT, 23 link_id INT, 24 cat_id INT, 25 cat_title VARCHAR(100), 26 sub_id INT, 27 sub_name VARCHAR(100), 28 link_aproved BIT, 29 link_name VARCHAR(100), 30 link_url varchar(100), 31 link_desc varchar(500), 32 link_date datetime, 33 link_rating INT, 34 link_ratingscount INT, 35 link_ratingvalue INT, 36 link_poster uniqueidentifier, 37 link_comments INT, 38 hit_date datetime);INSERT INTO @Links 39 SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @sortExpression + '), links_Links.link_id, links_Links.cat_id, links_Categories.cat_title, links_Links.sub_id, links_SubCategories.sub_name, links_Links.link_aproved, links_Links.link_name, links_Links.link_url, links_Links.link_desc, links_Links.link_date, links_Links.link_rating, links_Links.link_ratingscount, (links_Links.link_rating/links_Links.link_ratingscount) as link_ratingvalue, links_Links.link_poster, links_Links.link_comments, links_Links.hit_date 40 FROM links_Links INNER JOIN 41 links_Categories ON links_Categories.cat_id = links_Links.cat_id INNER JOIN 42 links_SubCategories ON links_SubCategories.sub_id = links_Links.sub_id 43 WHERE links_Links.link_aproved = 1;SELECT * from @Links 44 WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @startRowIndex) + ' AND (' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @startRowIndex) + ' + ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(10), @maximumRows) + ') - 1' 45 46 47 48 EXEC sp_executesql @sql 49 50 51 RETURN at row 39, i define a field by dividing to values. I use these for ratings (finding the mean). The problem is, when a new link is submited, it has no ratings, so it performs a divide by zero. how do I check if the column "link_ratingscount" is zero? if it is, then return a zero, and if it is not zero, then do the divide?
I am having a terrible time with a stored procedure. I think it has something to do with a divide by zero issue. Here is my sproc:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetPlayers] @TeamID int AS SELECT PlayerID, TeamID, FirstName, LastName, FirstName + ' ' + LastName As Name, "SPct" = CASE (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE AtBatID IN(1, 2, 3, 4) AND GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID) WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE Cast ( Cast ( ( (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID AND AtBatID = '1') + (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID AND AtBatID = '2') + (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID AND AtBatID = '3') + (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID AND AtBatID = '4') / (SELECT Count(PlayerID) FROM GameDetail WHERE AtBatID IN(1, 2, 3, 4) AND GameDetail.PlayerID = Player.PlayerID ) * 1.0 ) As int ) As Decimal(4,3)) End FROM Player WHERE TeamID = @TeamID ORDER BY FirstName, LastName
Here is the error I get when I run this: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 8, Procedure GetPlayers, Line 9 Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric. So the results should look like: .333 or .500 or .000
It's driving me crazy. I have tried everything but cannot get the desired results. I'm hoping someone can help me.
I know you can resolve "divide by zero" messages with a CASE statement.
However, the T-SQL docs suggest that I should be able to simply turn off both the error message and the effect of the error with SET ARITHIGNORE ON and SET ARITHABORT OFF
I am trying to execute these two statements within a stored proc but I need their effect to reach to a select statment that is a sql string (as in 'EXECUTE (@SQLSTRING)' within the same stored proc.
Am I wrong to expect these statements to be able to deal with "divide by zeroes"?
I haven't been able to make it work so I would appreciate any pointers that someone might have.
this is from a SQL playbook i don't understand the logic of DIVIDE when you use more than one NOT EXISTS
such as this query
select distinct itemname from qdel del where not exists (select * from qspl where not exists (select * from qitem where itemtype='n' and not exists (select * from qdel where qdel.itemname=qitem.itemname and qdel.splno=qspl.splno)) and not exists (select * from qdel where qdel.itemname = del.itemname and qdel.splno=qspl.splno))
i don't understand how can NOT EXISTS code brings out the results of the existing rows in those not exists lines like it says NOT EXISTS itemtype 'n' etc. but that is the results!
When I execute the following query, I get a Divide by zero error. I believe the Divide By zero error is occuring in the following statement. How do I avoid the error?
I am writing a report that deals with time in seconds. I am trying to figure out the average handle time for each call. To Get this number i use 5 fields. the formula is
Which translates to ((Incoming Handle Time) + (Work))/(Number of Incoming Calls)
When it does the calculations some times the cs_acd_trk_c + cs_acd_ext_c (number of incoming calls) is zero.
I dont know how to get around this ... i tried to set that value to <>0 in my query but it threw my other numbers off for number of calls which is a different value on the report. Any Help on this would be super appreciated. Thanks, Mitch
I have a query that goes against an Oracle 9i database. I have run it in RS and in native oracle environment and get the same query results. I have guaranteed there are no NULL values.
If I structure the expression (as a 0 value test) it works fine. It puts 0/1 for in the result field correctly.
=iif(Fields!LDLM.Value = 0, 0.0, 1.0)
If when I put in the actual divide statement I get a zero divide error.
help... I have a field called PercentVar_P4 which really is budget - actuals... I need to create an expression that will that the
PercentVar_P4/budget.. when I do I get Infinity and nan... I want to see the negative number.. I have read through all the blogs and nothing seems to fit..
I'm new at SSRS and writing functions. I don't have something right here, but can't see what it is. My function is:
Public Function TestDivide(Numerator as double, Divisor as double) dim retVal if Numerator <= 0 then retVal = 0 end if if Divisor= 0 then retVal =0 else retval = Numerator/Divisor end if return retVal End Function
I have to test both the numerator and divisor because either or both may be 0.
In the cell I call it with this formula, thinking that the black part is the first argument and the red part is the second. But SSRS tells me "Argument not specified for parameter "Divisor".
I am getting an error in a calculated field that could potentially divide by zero, even though I'm using an IIF. The column displays in the report as "#Error". My expression looks like this:
I have successfully used this approach with INT fields, but this time the Hours field is a NUMERIC(9,2). My workaround is to do this:
IIF(Fields!Qty.Value = 0, "None", IIF(Fields!Qty.Value = 0, 42, Fields!Hours.Value) / Fields!Qty.Value) I guess the 42 is cast to an INT inside the second IIF and the calculation works. What's strange is that the division would even be carried out in the event of Qty = 0 from the first IIF, because the expression should just evaluate to "None" and that would be that. Has anybody run into this problem? Is my workaround the recommended approach? -Larry
Hi Is there a way to prevent this error? I'm getting it from query line: 10000 * (SELECT count(filial_cotacao) from negocios_cotacoes where filial_cotacao = cod_filial)) / (22 * 6 * (SELECT count(filial_cotacao) from negocios_cotacoes where filial_cotacao = cod_filial)),1) 'Atingimento Semestre' Thanks a lot
Some of my calculated members look like "######" in Excel and I believe it is because of divide by zero errors. I have tried right clicking on the table, selecting "Table Options" and "For error, values, show:" I have enter 0. This is not working. Does anybody know how to get rid of this.
I have one table with columns patientName , Nurse,ArrivalDate, DepartDate . It has all the patiet information for all the Nurses.
I am calculating Average Number of patients per day per nurse by using below query
SELECT Nurse, COUNT(DISTINCT patientName) AS NoOfPatients, COUNT(DISTINCT patientName) * 1.0/COUNT(DISTINCT ArrivalDate) AS [AvgNo.ofpatientsPerDay] FROM Table t GROUP BY NURSE
but if ArrivalDate is Null I am getting below error saying that Divide by zero error encountered.