Import OpenSSL Certificate With Private Key Into Sql Server 2005 Express Edtion

Jul 7, 2006


i have a problem, to import a self signed openssl certificate into the sql server 2005.

my final idea is to get encrypted columns from the database over an jdbc connection in a java client.

when i use a certificate generated by the sql server 2005, i can encryt columns of a table. then i catch the

the result in my java client. but in java, i need a keystore with the private key of the certificate.

ok. i have export the the certificate and the private key of the sql server 2005.

problem: in a keystore i can only import the certificate (signed public key) but not the private key.

my new idea is to import an openssl certificate or an certificate generated by the keytool (java) into the

sql server 2005 and encypt the data with the imported certificate. Problem: The SQL Server give me an

Exception: (Sorry i drag & drop the exception, is written in german)

Msg 15208, Level 16, State 1, Line 2

Die Datei für das Zertifikat, den asymmetrischen Schlüssel oder den privaten Schlüssel ist nicht vorhanden oder weist ein ungültiges Format auf.

My Import Statement is:



FILE = 'E:masterkeysinsuranceservice_tomcat_apr_x509_certificate_with_cygwin_openssl_20060630insuranceservice_tomcat_x509_certificate_with_openssl.crt'


FILE = 'E:masterkeysinsuranceservice_tomcat_apr_x509_certificate_with_cygwin_openssl_20060630insuranceservice_tomcat_x509_certificate_with_openssl_private.key',




I use password encryption, and not the internal master key (or service master key)

Hope for help :)


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Cannot Import Certificate Into Sql Server Express

Mar 12, 2008

Hi There

Are there limitations to express and certificates, i can create certificates in express. But when i try to import a certificate from another server (developer edition) into my express edition i get his error:

The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format

When i use the same certificate backup on non express editions it works 100% , is it not possible or must it be done differently ?


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Certificate Private Key Cannot Be Found

Apr 15, 2014

I set up Service broker (2008R2 -> 2012) across different servers and domains using certificates.I set up 2 queues (one for sending, one for receiving).I set up 6 services (3 for send, 3 for receive), all 3 sharing the same queue type. (srv_send_1, srv_send_2, srv_send_3), (srv_receive_1, srv_receive_2, srv_receive_3).I set up a route for each receiving service on the source, and for each sending service on the target.I set up a SB binding to the remote for each sender service type.I granted send rights to the sending services on the source server.

I then tested my first service, and it worked perfectly (still works).My second service however is failing with the error "The certificate's private key cannot be found".I am stumped, as all the setup code was a lot of copy/paste which I have checked, rechecked and even re-coded.Basically, here is what Im doing:

begin dialog @ConversationHandle
FROM Service srv_send_1
TO Service 'srv_receive_1'
ON CONTRACT myContract
SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
MESSAGE TYPE [my_msgtype] (@xml);

The above code works 100% with service1, but not with service2.Note that on profiler, the target server doesnt receive any communication. The error shows on the sender profiler.Also, The conversation shows up as CONVERSING in sys.conversation_endpoints and the entry exists in sys.transmission_queue.

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Certificate Private Key Recovery

Feb 5, 2008

We are looking to put column level encryption on a table. Great! Wonderful! Look in books online and see that you must give "control" perm to the Certificate for any user that needs to use the symmetric key.

Now my question. I have backed up the Certificate to file. What I have found playing around with the commands is it is possible to run the following command:

Alter Certificate MyCert
Remove private key

BOL says their is no "Restore Certificate" command and to just use "Create Certificate". I have tried this and I keep getting an error saying the certificate already exist in the database.

What have I missed? How can I restore this certificate without restoring the ENTIRE database? Is there a permission set that can be applied to the Certificate to stop thsi kind of command from being run while still having the symmetric key usable? Any help would be of great use!


*note* this is using the MasterKey->Cert->SymmetricKey

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Certificate Loading Issue - When Creating Certificate From SQL Server To SQL Server Express On The Same Machine

Jun 29, 2007

Hi, We are trying to implement Service Broker between SQL Server Express and SQL Server on the Same machine and we are having problems with certificates. We are creating a certificate on SQL Server, backing up the certificate on a file system and then loading certificate on the SQL Server Express from the file and we are keep getting the following error: Msg 15208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file does not exist or has invalid format.

Following script runs fine on SQL Server.

Code Snippet

use master

Create Master Key Encryption BY Password = '45Gme*3^&fwu';

BACKUP MASTER KEY TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk'


Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC

WITH Subject = 'C.Server.Local',

START_DATE = '06/01/2006',

EXPIRY_DATE = '01/01/2008'



TO FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'

Following script runs on SQL Server Express:

Code Snippet

Create Certificate EndPointCertificateC

From FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerEndPointCertificateC.cer'


FILE = 'C:ServiceBrokerPrivateKeyMasterB.pvk',



If we run the script other way around, it works fine. If we use the SQL Server on some other machine, the script works fine. But only on the same machine, it throws this error. We made sure the permissions and everything. Let us know if there is any work around or what are we doing wrong.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you,

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The Certificate, Asymmetric Key, Or Private Key File Does Not Exist Or Has Invalid Format.

Sep 20, 2006

I am sure I'm being dumb here but I am trying to deploy an assembly with external_access.

I have signed the assembly using the <new> option in the project properties.

When I then try and create the Key I get the above error using the code below.


FROM EXECUTABLE FILE = 'C:Documents and SettingsSimon SabinMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2005ProjectsSQLBitsCoreSQLExtensionsSQLExtensions.UDTinDebugSQLExtensions.UDT.dll'

What could be the problem?

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Install SQL Server 2005 Express - The Certificate Chain Was Issued By An Authority That Is Not Trusted

Sep 6, 2006

I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express on my machine, which has Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1. I could not able to install properly and i am getting error always.
Here is the Error I am getting always "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" . I am trying for past few days i could not able to resolve.

Please help
Here is the Error message from Summary.txt

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.1399.06
OS Version : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)
Time : Tue Sep 05 12:31:18 2006

Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Product Version : 9.00.1399.06
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Archivos de programaMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0008_SERVIDORCC_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.
Error Number : 29515

SQL Server Setup failed. For more information, review the Setup log file in %ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt.
Time : Tue Sep 05 17:12:41 2006

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Can't Connect Remotely To SQL Express On Virtual Private Server

Mar 18, 2007

I've just bought a Virtual Private Server Account because I want to host a number of different ASP.NET sites, each backed by their own SQL database. I've downloaded SQLEXPRE.EXE and SQLServer2005_SSMEE-x64.msi to the server and installed the database engine and Management Studio Express on the VPS.
 My problem is that I cannot access the SQLEXPRESS on my server from my local machine.  The Management Studio Express cannot get logged in.  I've used "Surface Area Configuration Manager" to allow "Local and remote connections" using TCP/IP only. I've used SQL Server Configuration Manager" to enable the TCP/IP protocol.  After making these changes I've stopped and started the SQL server - and even rebooted the machine. I've created a login "Remote User" for this access. I've added sqlservr.exe as an exception to the firewall.
What else do I need to do? Is there a simpleton's guide to completing this task?

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Import/Export In SQL Server 2005 Express

Nov 29, 2005

Where is that neat little "Import/Export" DTS Wizard like I had in SQL Server 200 Developer?Or am I going to have to mess with the script generation features?

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SQL Server 2005 Express Import Of Access

Jan 15, 2006


  I have installed SQL Server 2005 Express on a laptop for development purposes and would like to import some Access databases that I was using coupled to programs written in VB 6.

 If using SQL Server 2000 I could use the management studio to automate the import but I can not find any way to do this in Management Studio Express. Would have thought that this would be the typical migration route - Access to Server Express

   Is there some way to automate this procedure?




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Private SQL Server Express Vs. Shared SQL Server

Aug 7, 2006

Hello,I have a doubt. I've just bought a private server and now I can decide between having my applications under a private SQL Server Express database or under a Shared SQL Server database.The application is not professional, it's just a hobby, but it could have more than 100.000 entries and be used by 200 users at the same time.I know the limitations of SQL Server Express, but I want to know the opinion of someone who have experienced about this.Thanks!

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How Can I Import Data From Excel To SQL Server 2005 Express

Nov 29, 2007

I would like to import an Excel file into my SQL Server 2005 Express db. I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express to manage my db.
I appreciate your suggestions,

View 3 Replies View Related

How To Import MS Excel Data Into SQL Server 2005 Express Ed.

Mar 22, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for testing and developping my website. How can i import MS Excel Data into a SQL Server table?

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Import Flat File Into SQL Server 2005 Express

Jan 6, 2007

I am new to SQL Server, and migrating part of an Access application toSSE. I am trying to insert a comma delimited file into SSE 2005. I amable to run a BULK INSERT statement on a simple file, specifying thefield (,) and row () terminators. I can also do the same with aformat file.Here is the problem. My csv file has 185 columns, with a mixture ofdatatypes. Sometimes, a text field will contain the field delimiter aspart of the string. In this case (and only in this case) there will bedouble quotes around the string to indicate that the comma is part ofthe field, and not a delimiter.Is there any way to indicate that there is a text delimiter that isonly present some of the time?If not, any suggestions on getting the data into SSE?Many thanks for your input.Cheryl

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SQL Server Express Certificate Chain Problem

May 28, 2007

Hi All,

I was trying to install Sql Server Express 2005 using the setup made using Visual Studio 2005 Publisher Wizard, as a pre-requisite. During this i'm getting the following error...

"SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]SSL Provider: The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted."

What does this mean? Anyone is familiar with this, then pray please post a reply. I'm in the middle of nowhere now....

Thanks in Advance....


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Sql Server 2005 Express: Export/Import Content Of A Table

Apr 3, 2008

 I want to export data in a table from one database to another database. And I would like it bo be clone of the source table, if it's possible. Is there any tools out there that can help me with this or do I have to write my own code?Is it possible to query the database to get all columns and datatypes for å requested table? If possible, can you give me an example?If I have to write a tool myself I guess I would do something like this: Export - Query the database for columns and datatype for the requested table. Dynamically generate a query to retrieve all rows from the table and save it to an xml file. Import - Turn off the Identity Increment, loop through the xml file and generate insert queries to insert a clone of each row, turn off the Identity Increment. Viola! If programming only could be that simple :-) Regards, Sigurd 

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How Do I Import Data In SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005

Mar 8, 2008

I am still a bit of a noob with SQL, but, when I use Enterprise Manager with my SQL 2000 server at the office, it is pretty simple to import data from pretty much any data source. I have not been able to locate the Transform facility in the 2005 express software that I downloaded onto my home pc (to help me learn SQL). Did I not install something that I need? or am I just missing what I am looking for? The net question is, how do I import data?



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SQL Server Managment Studio Express 2005 Import/Export Wizard

Nov 29, 2006

I've created a new database and restored the database from a backup. I'm wanting to import raw data from an excel spreadsheet into the tables of the new database.

When I right click on the database, and hover over tasks the import/ export data menu options are not in the menu.The menu items ends at 'Generate Scripts'.

I'm connected on a local instance to a registered server.

Can anyone advise?

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Is There A Way To Import Tables From Microsoft Access 2003 With SQL Server 2005 Express?

Apr 21, 2006


I've just installed SQL Server 2005 Express Advanced and I haven't found a way to import Microsoft Access 2003 files. Is there a way to do it?

Thanks in advance,

Sergio Oliveira

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Remote Connect To SQL Server 2005 At Home From Private/office Network

Dec 18, 2007

I'm green on this networking stuff so any help is greatly appreciated.

I have setup my home computer as a server and assigned a static IP to it. I installed SQL Server 2005 Developer and allowed remote connections to it through the Surface Area Config tool, added port 1433 TCP and 1434 UDP to firewall's exception list, and started the SQL Server Browser service.

Now I can't seem to remote connect to this SQL Server from my office network. Is there something I'm doing wrong here?


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How To Export Sql Server 2005 Express For Import On Web Sql Server

Feb 25, 2008

 I'm new to SQL Server 2005 Express and SQL.  I've been using Access for year and have not moved on to for my website.  I understand from that I will need to imort a backup of my SQL Server 2005 Express file to my on site database. I don't find any way to do that.  Please advise as to how I get the express version to work on my site.

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SQL Server Express 2005 / ESRI ArcSDE Personal- How Do I Import/Export Data?

Nov 21, 2007


Our company is planning to upgrade to ESRI's brand new ArcSDE Personal edition and SQL Server Express 2005 platform to do GIS work for our clients. We are not in a position at this time to migrate to the full ArcGIS Server and SQL Server 2005 platform. We currently use a Microsoft Access 2003 relational database, and have no intention to move to Access 2007.

ArcSDE Personal cannot connect to SQL Server 2005, but it is able to connect and work with SQL Server Express 2005.

In SQL Management Studio Express, we were unable to find any feature that would allow us to import and export data to/from SQL Server Express. This is rather unusual, as we need to test how SQL Server Express will handle import and export data. In Microsoft Access we simply right click and choose import or export in the database window. Easy as pie. We ran the upsize wizard in Microsoft Access to migrate our data. But after that, our GIS team was pretty much stuck.

My question is, how does one import/export data to/from SQL Server Express? Do we need to install a missing component? Is scripting required? Or should we wait until we are able to acquire the SQL Server 2005?

D. Schmid, M.Sc.
North/South Consultants Inc.
Winnipeg, Canada

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Import And Export Data Wizard Missing In SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Feb 9, 2007

After some weeks evaluating tools and platforms for developing an application, I decided to move to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Everything was fine till last night, when after creating my tables, I needed to populate them. I tried to find the Import and Export Data Wizard that SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 used to have, but great was my surprise when I found -  in this forum - a post that said that it's not available in the Express Edition.

I'll have to move back in time (what I hate) to remember the way BCP worked. Can somebody post some examples to not start from zero ?  Does anybody know a third party visual tool that can import/export data from text files to a SQL Server DB via ODBC ?

What's the reason it was not included in the EE ?

THanks !

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Certificate Limitations In SQL Server 2005

Dec 7, 2005

I have a Web site that has a database backend, which stores user information.  I would like to encrypt the user information in a granular way.

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Cannot Install Sql Server 2005 As SSL-certificate Is Missing

Mar 30, 2007

Hi there U all,

for the third time I am installing SQL-Server 2005 express and i have an error.

Cannot install sql because .NET 2.0 framework is missing allthough I have the .NET 2.0 framework allready installed and even re-installed it too. When trying again I get the message that there isn't an SSL-certificate present.

My question is, would this probably cause the error when installing?


Grtz and thx,


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Jun 13, 2007

Hi ,

How do we install a certificate for enabling security on MS -SQL Server 2005?
I tried to install through MMC but it says no " certificate authority found " . Any
help will be highly appreciated , Thanks to you all in advance :-)

Best Regards,

Sudhansu Tiwari

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Using Aspnetdb Express Database For Private Website Tables

Mar 23, 2007

Hi, I am using express database and tools. I have an aspnetdb express database because I am using the login controls, personalisation...Can I use this database for my private tables also? Or do I need a separate express database for my private tables? Will using aspnetdb database, which contains special tables, for my private website tables create any kinds of problems in using my website? I want to use a single express database for my website, not two different express databases.
Regards, Sandy

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SQL Express SSL Certificate

Sep 30, 2006


I am trying to get SQL Express to use a certificate for SSL encryption between the server and client. Our company has a certificate server and I already did generate a server certificate from it. I installed the certificate in the "local machine" store and I also have the CA certificate in the trusted root on the server machine. (XP PRO)

When I use the configuration tool, I get to the "protocols for SQLEXPRESS" area, I click properties, I select the certificate tab, but there are no certificates available from which to choose.

Can someone shed some light on where I might go from here?


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Import Existing Database Into SQL SERVER EXPRESS Management Studio Express

Feb 18, 2008


I am a newbie so i apologies beforehand for any mistakes i make on this forum.
Anyway, i created an website using the MS Visual Web developer tool. This has a couple of SQL SERVER databases within it.
I then latervinstalled the SQL SERVER management studio express in order to manage the SQL SERVER DBs that i had as part of my website but they do not appear within the management studio db list.
As this is the express version, is there anyway of importing the existing SQL SERVER dbs that i have to the management studio so i can manage them from there?



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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:

Thank you,


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How To Import A Text File In Sql Express 2005

Jun 18, 2007

I didn't find any option of IMPORT to import a TEXT FILE in sql express 2005.

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Can We Upgrade From Any Edtion To Any Edition

Jun 9, 2008

Dear Experts, we are planned to upgrade from sql server 2000 ent to sql server 2005 stand edition. will it accept or problem? can someone provide a brief information please.....

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Want To Import Sql 2005 Express Data From Database1 To Database2

Nov 21, 2007

This is my scenario. I have a live database and a development database. I want to import data from a few tables(not from all tables) in the live database into certain specific tables in the development database. The live database has the same name as the development database.After a few searches on google, it looked like the solution was going to be SSIS but it wasn't because i'm using SQL Server 2005 Express (with advanced services) which does not support SSIS.If any one knows how to import data across SQL Express databases please help. A link to a complete tutorial about the same would be nice as well.Thanks   

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