Import All Tables From Sqlserver To Informix
May 19, 2008hi
guys i need to import all tables from sqlserver to informix ...............
any idea really appreciated
guys i need to import all tables from sqlserver to informix ...............
any idea really appreciated
hi all ,
i need to import some tables from Infomix database to the sql server 2000.
what is the easiest way to do it as im quite new at this area.
I'm trying to import data from an Informix Database to my SQL Server 2005 database with the import/export wizard.
I have an ODBC-connection that works, Access fetches data with no errors. From the wizard I can only choose to use the IBM Informix OLE DB Provider as datasource. As fare as I know the OLE DB Provider is using settings from the ODBC-driver?
In SQL Server 2000 there is a posibillity to choose Other(ODBC provider) as datasource which works against this database. Any ideas how i can use an ODBC-datasource?
If I try to use the IBM Informix OLE DB Provider I get an error message after the first step of the wizard:
Cannot get the supported data types from the database connection "Provider=Ifxoledbc;Password=;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=uid;Data Source=db@server".
IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_NOINTERFACE(0x80004002).
IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_NOINTERFACE(0x80004002). (System.Data)
Anyone have any experience with this problem? I can't find any information that will solve this, but I have seen several questions about this.
I would be very grateful for some help!
Best Regards
Hello Expert!
I have 2 Database €“ Access & SQLServer(ver 7)
I need to Import Data TblShift from Access to SQLServer €“ using DTS I€™ve done this successfully!
Now I want to use parameter so I only importing record within range (e.g. ShiftDate BETWEEN 05-24-2006 AND 06-23-2006)
In SQLServer, I have created table to store the date range as following:
DateFrom: 04/24/2006
DateTo: 05/23/2006
How do I use the date range from TblParameter(SQLServer) to import record from TblShift(Access) using DTS?
Is this possible or any better solution for this?
Do you know how I could import a .dts file to SqlServer 7.0
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.
Hello all,
I wanted to export data from sqlserver and import into excel. My issue here is, when i import into excel, i wanted to update the records in excel if the same record exists in excel. Any one can help me on this...
How to expor data from Filemaker to Sqlserver? From the Filemaker, I am exporting data into Tab File(values are separated by tab). How to put data from that file into Sqlserver tables?
Hi all!
I need to import data from excel file to SQLserver. What is the best way to do this?
Please give as much explanations as possible (code example would be very-very helpful).
Any ideas are wellcome.
I want to import data from an excel sheet to SqlServer....
I use a linked server...
I execute the following code:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ExcelSource',
'Jet 4.0',
'Excel 5.0'
sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'ExcelSource', false, sa, N'ADMIN', NULL
SELECT * FROM ExcelSource...Sheet1$
and I get the error:
Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
OLE DB provider 'ExcelSource' does not contain table 'Sheet1$'. The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName='ExcelSource', TableName='Sheet1$'].
When I execute the command:
select * from OpenRowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=c:ook1.xls',Sheet1$)
I get the same error...
Can anyone help me?
I need to export tables/views/stored procs and user functions from one DB to another on a regular schedule. It would be good if I can make a deployable application so that it can be scheduled with sql agent.
I tried to use DTSWizard with Management studio but it does not seem to export stored procedures. Can someone walk me though this ?
dear all,
I have a text file that contains data that i need to insert into sql server... the file size is about 800 MB .. and contains about 17,000,000 lines ..
some one told me that there is a way in sql server to import this data automatically by writting some scripts ...
the file looks like this
yyyy .. yyyyy "I Need only These fields (the Ys).. I don't care about the rest of the file"
yyyy .. yyyyy
any help is really appriciated
I am using DTS to import data from text file to database tables in SQL server2005.
there is one big column thay I dont know what data type I should use to import it, I tried both nvarchar(MAX) and varchar(MAX).
but I am getting the following error:
for nvarchar(MAX) , getting the below error:
Error 0xc02020ed: Data Flow Task: Columns "Column 2" and "VendorDesc" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data types.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
for varchar(MAX) , getting the below error:
Error 0xc02020a1: Data Flow Task: Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "Column 2" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Could you please let me know what data type I can use to handle this column?
Hi all,
this is thiru from India, hope i shall get answers here for my questions.
1. I need to import an Excel spread sheet to a remote sql server database through ASP.Net web application. I brief the process im following now please go through it.
Import Process:
a. select a fiile(.xls) and upload it to server.
b. using M/S Odbc Excel driver, and the uploaded excel file as datasource,
c. query the excel sheet to populate a dataset.
d. iterate through the rows of the dataset(I could not bulk copy the excel data, because
have to check the database, if record exists then update, else insert) to import to the
SQL Database
Performance issues:
1. I have to import spreadsheets having upto 60,000 records or even more at a time.
2. Is this a good option to use a webapplication for this task (I use this approach because
my boss wants to do so).
3. some times the excel file size grows up to 7 mb(Though i shall adjust config settings,
uploading and then querying a 7 mb file shall be an ovverhead i think.)
4. is there any possibility to get the datasource with out uploading the file to the server (Like
modifying the connection string as "datasource=HtmlFileControl.PostedFile" instead,)(I
tried this but it gives me "unspecified error").
please analyse my problem and suggest me a possible solution.
I thank all, for your efforts, of any kind.
have a nice time,
I m working with tabbed text file, i manually import it to databases and so on.. i want to make a function which automatically call that text file and convert it to sql server database.. anybody knows how to achieve this..thx
View 1 Replies View RelatedDear All,
I am importing all the files from a particular folder to a table on my database KB. It is working perfectly if i use it on the same system where the DB exists and not working from the network.
--Table Creation Starts here
Create table Account([ID] int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, Name Varchar(100),
AccountNo varchar(100), Balance money)
Create table logtable (id int identity(1,1),
Query varchar(1000),
Importeddate datetime default getdate())
--Table Creation ends here
---Stored Procedure Starts here
Create procedure usp_ImportMultipleFiles @filepath varchar(500),
@pattern varchar(100), @TableName varchar(128)
set quoted_identifier off
declare @query varchar(1000)
declare @max1 int
declare @count1 int
Declare @filename varchar(100)
set @count1 =0
create table #x (name varchar(200))
set @query ='master.dbo.xp_cmdshell "dir '+@filepath+@pattern +' /b"'
insert #x exec (@query)
delete from #x where name is NULL
select identity(int,1,1) as ID, name into #y from #x
drop table #x
set @max1 = (select max(ID) from #y)
--print @max1
--print @count1
While @count1 <= @max1
set @count1=@count1+1
set @filename = (select name from #y where [id] = @count1)
set @query ='BULK INSERT '+ @Tablename + ' FROM "'+ @Filepath+@Filename+'"
--print @query
exec (@query)
insert into logtable (query) select @query
drop table #y
--sp ends here
Exec usp_ImportMultipleFiles 'c:myimport', '*.csv', 'Account'
If i use the above Exec like
Exec usp_ImportMultipleFiles '\kb-02C$MyImport', '*.csv', 'Account'
I am getting the following error:
Could not bulk insert because file '\kb-02C$MyImportAccess is denied.' could not be opened.
Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
C Drive and MyImport folder is shared on system kb-02
Would appreciate your valuable HELP.
thanking your valuable help in advance.
Hi everybody,
Is there a way to export and import a database modeling (diagram) from a database to another?
and how could I script my relationship between tables ?
Hi All,
can some body help me out ?????
Requirement: i want to export a complete database into an excel file... i can do this from wizard available in sql server 2000/2005 (DTS Export/Import wizard).
but i need to do it through an application (windows or web)....
and i also want to import the same excel file on single button click...
can some body help me out
with regards,
Bhanukiran M R
Does anyone know who can we do partition od table in sqlserve 7?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi, I've just got my brand new shiny SQLServer and would like to set some new tables set up etc. But I'm really lazy and I was wondering if there is any way of importing table layouts, coulmns, whole structure type thing into SQLServer from Microsoft Access using DTS? I know it's a bit optimistic, but just wondered....
Any help gratefully accepted.
I have some tables in the employee database, this database created from sql sever 2000. I build a employee management application by C# and sqlserver 2000.
My goal is after design complete the empployee database by sqlserver 2000, any users can not modify my tables and unkonw table's structure.
help me please
thanks and reagards
is there a way i can auto generate create table scripts or import the table structures into sql server 2000?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have to copy a large (3000) amount of different tables from a Oracle machine into an
SQLServer machine.
I am able to do this using a (VB) script.
I use now several methods:
1) INSERT INTO TABLE1 SELECT * FROM SID1..DB.TABLE1 (SID1 is a linked server)
3) Also used OPENROWSET method (similar to 2)
For small tables this is fine, however for BIG tables (15M Rows/150Cols) the methods above are too slow.
If I compare the same copy action with a simple DTS, the DTS is 3 times faster.
Also, the DTS seems to bulk copy the data directly into the desired database while the
mentioned methods first fill the tempdb, then the transaction log of the desired database and
then finally the desired table (need very much extra space on your filesystem).
The total size of data is about 300GB.
Can anyone supply me with a simple example how to copy data from an Oracle table into a
SQLServer table in script (or SQL) that is as fast as the DTS and not filling my logfiles??
I read the bcp (which I use for import/export files) and bulk insert commands, but
I do not understand how to use them in this question.
i have such a error in my sql server db
i examined arabic_ci_as and SQL_Latin1_General_CP1256_CI_AS
but in my web pages that uses utf-8 codepage that retrieves data using ado and asp scripting the ouput or inserted that dispalyed in both of query analyzer and Enterprise manager replaces or display '?????' for characters .
i am using nchar and nvarchar and ntext
I'm new to ms-sqlserver ( 2000 ) and need to get an OUTER JOIN workingon a three table query.Assumptions:-- I have events in the Event table.-- Each event CAN have one Transaction, but it's not guaranteed-- Each transaction, ir present, will have one or more Amount recordsThis would be the pseudo-query without any special joins:-----------------------------------------SELECTa.Name,SUM( c.amount ) as TotalFROMEvent a,Transaction b,Amounts cWHEREa.EventID = b.EventIDANDb.TransID = c.TransID-----------------------------------------This is fine if there is a Transaction for the Event. But, if there'sno transaction for an event, no record is pulled of course.What I need is for a record to come back for each event regardless ofthe presence of a Transaction. If there's no transaction, then the"Total" column should be 0.How would I get an OUTER JOIN to work on this so that each Event gets arecord?TIA-BEP
View 4 Replies View Related
I am new to SQL Server 2005 SSIS Packages. I want to transfer data from multiple tables from sql server to oracle database. I cannot use export wizard as it creates new tables in the destination (oracle) DB. I already have tables created in the destination DB. When I created an SSIS package, it allowed me create package to tranfer data for only for one table from source to destination. I have created DTS packages in 2000, where you have source db and destination db and just add links for multiple tables. Is there a way I can do it in SSIS. Please let me know.
i have done a project in ,now i want to create setup for sql server database so that we can run easily on client machine,plzzzzzzzzz give me answer for deploying
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Can I give a sequence to each table that I will try to import from one database to another by using import /export wizard
Hi there,
I am having difficulties in importing table from one sql server database file to another sql server database file.
A few months ago, I converted access file to ms sql express file. I had made many changes on the ms sql express file, however, the data in this file isn't the latest as the old system is still being used. Now, I want to deploy my new system, I need to import in necessary tables from the old system database, as well as, I want to retain the tables and data I created on the ms sql express file that I have been using so far for development and testing.
May I know how to import tables from other database? Just as in ms access where we can import tables from other access file. I'm using sql express 2005 and sql server management tool. Any advice/help is very much appreciated.
Still really new at all this, but learning lots thanks to this forum.
I was wondering - is there a way to import Access tables into my SQL Server 2005 ?
(The Data and the Table Design?)
I would like to know:
How can I import tables from the Enterprise Manager to Excel (copy and paste)?
Is it possible?
I am really new to SQL Server so be patient i guess. I have installed sql server 2005 on my home computer but at first i wasnt able to connect to the server at school where i had started creating tables already. Instead of going up to the school i opted to do it from home and start over. Well I am wondering if there is a way to copy all the tables that i have created on my home computer and just import them into the database on the server at school. Hope this isnt confusing. Anyways, this forum always has helped me in the past, so i am confident someone will be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am using sql server express edition.
i need to import (or make copies) on a weekly/daily basis, of several oracle tables into a new adp database.
what is the fastest option? some of these tables hold over 1m records.
so ideally i would like to schedule a refresh or update job outside busy hours.
I have heard of "linked servers" and "dts", but would like some experts advice before starting looking into this.
many thanks
I have some Access tables that I want to import into SQL. I can do this using the AllTasks/ImportData. However if my Access table has a zero length string in a field this is imported into the SQL table as <NULL>. How can I make it import it as a zero length string ?
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