Importing Txt File To Multiple Table In Sql 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi There,

I am looking for information on how to import the txt or csv file to
the multiple table in sql 2000. If you have any kind of inf. please
let me know wheather we can do this and how.

below is the detail information.

I received txt file every day which contain the information from 3
different related table in my sql 2000 database. Right now we are
keyin the information from the web site (which is link to the txt
file) to our database, but i am wondering if we can import those
record in the tables.

the header of the file goes to table1 and when we insert the record in
table1, it should generate the autoidentityrecord (PK), and that PK is
link to other table2 and table3 where rest of the information from txt
file goes. For table2 and table3 there are multiple record per txt

in our txt file each row is separated with row header, like HTC100
WITH ROW NO. 1,2,3.., which indecate this information goes to table
and 1,2....are the different row number.

Please let me know whether we can achive this task or not.

Thanks for all you help in advance.


I have pasted my txt file below:

Well 1098831406 Tour 2004/10/29 Trailblazer 10 148",1,"EDR_3-0-10_HF2
ETS 2.2"
"HWI010","0312857","COMPTON BRANT 15-7-18-24","COMPTON PETROLEUM
PARANYCH","CURTIS FIESEL",20041029,,,"10",20041027,0600,,,"148","DD04485","VERT.","NO",,
"HCO030",1,"Daily Walk Around Inspection","HP","CF"
"HCO030",2,"Detailed Inspection - Weekly (using checklist)","HP","CF"
"HCO030",3,"H2S Signs Posted (if required)",,
"HCO030",4,"Well License & Stick Diagram Posted","HP","CF"
"HCO030",5,"Flare Lines Staked","HP","CF"
"HCO030",6,"BOP Drills Performed","HP","CF"
"HCO030",7,"Visually Inspect BOP's - Flarelines and Degasser
"HDC040",1,"Rig Site Health and Safety Meeting (one/crew/month)","CF"
"HDC040",2,"C.A.O.D.C. Rig Safety Inspection Checklist
"HDC040",3,"Mast Inspection Before Raising or Lowering","CF"
"HDC040",4,"Crown Saver Checked","CF"
"HDC040",5,"Motor Kills Checked","CF"
"HWE060",-5,"Deg C","COOL","WEST","SLIPPERY",,
"HDP080",1,127,79.4,"kg/m","E",57,127,"mm","3 1/2 IF",10,"DC",
"HDP080",2,89,19.7,"kg/m","E",68,120,"mm","3 1/2 IF",15,"DP",
"HTC100",1,"Rig up and tear down"
"HTC100",2,"Drill Actual"
"HTC100",5,"Condition Mud & Circulate"
"HTC100",7,"Rig Service"
"HTC100",8,"Repair Rig"
"HTC100",9,"Cut off drilling line"
"HTC100",10,"Deviation Survey"
"HTC100",11,"Wire Line Logs"
"HTC100",12,"Run Case & Cement"
"HTC100",13,"Wait on Cement"
"HTC100",14,"Nipple up B.O.P."
"HTC100",15,"Test B.O.P."
"HTC100",16,"Drill Stem Test"
"HTC100",17,"Plug Back"
"HTC100",18,"Squeeze Cement"
"HTC100",20,"Directional Work"
"HTC100",21,"Safety Meeting"
"HPA130","COMPTON BRANT 15-7-18-24",20041029,"COMPTON PETROLEUM
"TTL160",1,1,0.00,0.25,0.25,21,"SAFETY MEETING WITH TONG HAND"
"TTL160",1,2,0.25,1.75,1.50,12,"RIG TO AND RUN CASING"
"TTL160",1,3,1.75,2.00,0.25,7,"RIG SERVICE"
"TTL160",1,4,2.00,2.50,0.50,5,"CONDITION MUD & CIRC."
"TTL160",1,5,2.50,2.75,0.25,21,"SAFETY MEETING WITH CEMENTERS"
"TTL160",1,6,2.75,3.50,0.75,12,"RIG TO AND CEMENT CASING"
"TTL160",1,7,3.50,6.00,2.50,1,"SET SLIPS, TEAR OUT RIG, CLEAN TANKS"
"TTL160",1,8,6.00,8.00,2.00,24,"WAIT ON DAYLIGHT/TRUCKS"
"TTL160",1,9,,,,,"CEMENT WITH BJ USING 13 TONNES OF BVF-1500 NP + .7%
FL-5,GIVING 15.5 m3 OF GOOD"
"TTL160",1,10,,,,,"SLURRY @ 1718 kg/m3,PLUG BUMPED & HELD @ 03:30 HRS
OCT 29/04."
"TTL160",1,11,,,,,"RIG RELEASED @ 08:00 HRS OCT 29/04"
"TTL160",1,12,,,,,"MOVE TO 12-3-18-25W4"
"TDI170",1,"JEFF CASE",8,10,475,"Deg C",,,"RUNNING CASING",,,,,
"TPA180",1,1,"DRILLER",647172865,"JEFF CASE",8,,,"JC"
"TPA180",1,2,"DERRICK HAND",648519056,"BRYAN VANHAM",8,,,"BV"
"TPA180",1,3,"MOTOR HAND",651056533,"NEIL WILLIAMS",8,,,"NW"
"TPA180",1,4,"FLOOR HAND",640352662,"TARAS WOITAS",8,,,"TW"

View 4 Replies


Importing Data Into MS SQL 2000 From XML File

Jun 9, 2006

Hi Everone,I'm writing a script to import data from an XML file, and this tutorial isreally an awesome guide : ... problemthough is here's a snippet of my XML file:<planets><sun rise="6:23" set="20:33"/><moon rise="18:54" set="4:26"/><mercury rise="7:50" set="22:11"/><venus rise="4:24" set="17:38"/><mars rise="9:45" set="23:40"/><jupiter rise="17:23" set="4:20"/><saturn rise="10:09" set="23:53"/><uranus rise="1:38" set="13:10"/><neptune rise="0:23" set="11:13"/><pluto rise="20:38" set="7:25"/></planets><moon><phase date="7/6/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">9</phase><phase date="7/7/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">10</phase><phase date="7/8/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">11</phase><phase date="7/9/2006" text="Waxing Gibbous">12</phase><phase date="7/10/2006" text="Waning Gibbous">14</phase></moon>The tutorial seems to work well with entries in XML that look like this:<nighttime><txtshort>A moonlit sky</txtshort><txtlong>A moonlit sky</txtlong><weathericon>33</weathericon><hightemperature>100</hightemperature><lowtemperature>74</lowtemperature><realfeelhigh>108</realfeelhigh><realfeellow>74</realfeellow></nighttime>But when the XML file has more info (not sure technically what it's called)like the date and text options above in the phase tag, I'm not sure how toimport these into MS SQL. In MS Access I did do an import from this XMLfile, but alas it didn't see these entries in the phase tags either.Suggestions? I'm trying to use the XML Bulk Load component, but I'm sureI'm missing something. Thanks for any suggestions ...Sam---Sam Alexander - sam.alexander(at)sidebandbbs(dot)com or telnet://"Data is not information, Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is notunderstanding, Understanding is not wisdom." -- Cliff Stoll--- Synchronet 3.13b-Linux NewsLink 1.84--[SideBand BBS - telnet://]--

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DTS Error: Importing From Excel File To SQL Server 2000

Nov 30, 2007

 Data for Source Column 15 'Notes' is too large for the specified buffer size. How do I get around this, I can see some of the notes entries are beyond 255 chars so I changed the destination datatype to textI have never seen this error when importing before. What do I do? 

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Error While Importing Text File Into Sql Server 2000

Mar 29, 2007

hi all,

While importing into sql server 2000 from a text file i am getting an error message like not enough disk space available to perform this operation but there is enough space (around 18gb). Please advice why this is happenning as my work is stuck

thanks and regards


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Importing Multiple Excel Sheets Into One Table In Sql 2005

Apr 29, 2008

Hi guys,

I wanted to know if there was a way to import multiple sheets from one excel file into one sql table in one go.

I have an excel file which has 15 sheets and want to import them into one table in one process rather than having to create 15 table and then joining into one table.

I am using Sql Server 2005(enterprise edition) v9 SP2.



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Help For Importing CSV Data File To Table

May 30, 2007

Hi all-

I am in need of some help importing a .CSV file into a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.
The problem is I already implemented Bulk Insert task in SSIS but it is not importing any data. My detailed layout is as follows :
In SSIS package1 -
In Control Flow Bulk Insert Task has been inserted
Properties of Bulk Insert Task:
Connection adtc009d.ganny
Destination Table ganny.dbo.t4
Format Specify
Row Delimiter {CR}
Column Delimiter Comma{,}
Source Connection
File r.csv
Options Check Constraints
Maxerrors 20

This bulk insert task is connected to Data flow task, if we click edit to data flow task, data flow section will come, here Flat file source & OLE DB Destination is there. Flat file source is connected to OLE DB Destination.

Properties of Flat File
Connection Manager
Flat file connection Manager
here by clicking new link flat file properties to this.
by clicking preview all data are visible
Properties of OLE DB Destination editor
Oledb connection manager adtc009d.ganny
Data access mode: Table or View - fast load
Name of Table or view dbo.t4

After designing all this then if I start debugging I could able to get records are imported to a table.
Please suggest me where I am going wrong.

Thanks in advance

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Importing CSV File In To Database Table

Aug 12, 2007

Hi to all

I am working on import module.
is there any direct query to import a text(CSV) file in to a database table?

any one can help me in this matter?

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Importing Excel File Into A MS-SQL 2005 Table

Jun 14, 2006

I hope this is the right forum for my question.
I'm developing a website for a Prepaid Calling Cards distributor. Each of the cards they sale have a list of the countries the card is good for. I need to import this data into my countries_rates table. The file they are giving me is an excel file that contain 3 colums (fields)
1- Country-Name
2- Rate
3- Card_$_Price
these files contain aproximaly 400 rows so it will be a hasle to have to insert it manually every week.
In my web application I need to create a form where the user will select the card from a dropdownlist and then find the excel file to be imported for that card.
I would like to know how do I do that with Visual Studio 2005, SLQ 2005 and C#
please direct me to some links where I can learn how to do this or please send me some code snips I can see how is done.

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Importing Text File To SQL SERVER TABLE

Dec 15, 2000


I am writing program in VC++ through SQl-DMO calls.My problem is when i when i tranfer(import) a text file(comma seperated) into SQl server through a SQl-DMO method called ImportData which is a method of Bulk copy object.Its is not able to convert the data field in the text file to corresponding value datetime in SQl server whereas other data types are working perfectly.

This is the record i need to convert:

90,MichaelB,Wintriss,Inspection,Paper,11,Job101,1, {ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'},D:public233 and 247233.mcs,

and this is the date field
{ts '2000-12-10 15:54:56.000'}

Whereas if i export a table in SQl server in Binary mode and then import the file back it works but when do it as text it gives the above error

Pls help me in this i would be very thankful to you.

Note: I am using SQL Server 7.0 version

Jitender Singh

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Creating A New SQL Table By Importing In A Delimited File

Feb 17, 2008

How do I do this?

I cannot find any facility like there is a Access for getting external data.

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Issues Importing A Text File (tab Delimited) To A SQL Table

Dec 7, 2005

I have a text file I am trying to import to a table. This text file is in a tab delimited format. I am using DTS to import the data to a new table I made. The fields are varchar and are set to allow nulls & allow 8,000 characters per field.

The error I am getting is that the data exceeds the allowed amount (or something like that) in col4.

Now I have checked everything in column 4 and nothing exceeds 5,000 spaces/characters combined. I have checked the entire sheet (in excel) for that fact, and there is not one single column/row/cell that exceeds 5,000 spaces/characters combined.

What the heck could be causing SQL to tell me I am trying to import too much data in one column when there is nothing that even comes close to 8,000 characters & spaces combined?

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Integration Services :: Importing Excel File Into Table

Sep 24, 2015

'm getting the following error when trying to import an Excel file into SQL..I'm using SQL Server 2014 Express

- Validating (Error)
Error 0xc00470b6: Data Flow Task 1: The LocaleID 0 is not installed on this system. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task 1: "Source - Sheet1$" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task 1: One or more component failed validation. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task 1: There were errors during task validation. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard).

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SQL Server 2012 :: SELECT INTO - Importing A Text File Into A New Table?

Jun 6, 2015

how to import a text file with a list of NI numbers into a new table with a column to list all the NI numbers? I think I use the Select INTO clause, but not sure how to do this?

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Problem Importing Csv Delimited Text File Into A Sql Server 2005 Table

Apr 25, 2006

I am using the Bulk Insert command and trying to import a CSV delimited text file into a table and I am having problems with the quote field delimiters ", " The command below works but it takes in all the "" quotes as well and the field delimiter comma , works only if the commas are the separators only. If I have a comma within a address field for example then the data gets imported into the wrong fields. What can I use to identify that the text qualifier is ". I don't see where I can use the bulk insert command to determine this. Is there another command that I can use or am I using this command incorrectly. I thank you in advance for any response or suggestion you may have.

BULK INSERT AdventureWorks.dbo.MbAddress

FROM 'a:mbAddress.txt'





CODEPAGE = '1252',




Here is a sample ascii file I am importing as well you can see that 6330 has a extra comma in the address line.

6317,26517,1,0,"1403 W. Kline Ave","","","MILWAUKEE","WI","53221","","",0.00,"MILWAUKEE",79,"",1/25/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6318,26225,1,0,"501 Dunford Dr","","","BURLINGTON","WI","53105","","",0.00,"RACINE",101,"",1/25/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6319,20101,1,0,"2115 Cappaert Rd #35","","","MANITOWOC","WI","54220","","",0.00,"MANITOWOC",71,"",1/25/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6320,23597,1,0,"728 Woodland Park Dr","","","DELAFIELD","WI","53018","","",0.00,"WAUKESHA",133,"",1/25/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6321,23392,1,0,"7700 S. 51st St","","","FRANKLIN","WI","53132","","",0.00,"MILWAUKEE",79,"",1/25/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6322,26537,1,0,"W188 S6473 GOLD DRIVE","","","MUSKEGO","WI","53150","","",0.00,"WAUKESHA",133,"",1/26/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6323,25953,1,0,"3509 N. Downer Ave","","","MILWAUKEE","WI","53211","","",0.00,"MILWAUKEE",79,"",1/26/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6324,19866,1,0,"10080 E. Mountain View Lake Rd. #145","","","SCOTTSDALE","AZ","85258","","",0.00,"MARICOPA",13,"",1/27/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6325,25893,1,0,"W129 N6889 Northfield Dr. Apt 114","","","MENOMONEE FALLS","WI","53051-0517","","",0.00,"WAUKESHA",133,"",1/27/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6326,26569,1,0,"8402 64th Street","","","KENOSHA","WI","53142-7577","","",0.00,"KENOSHA",59,"",1/27/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6327,24446,4,0,"83 Sweetbriar Br","","","LONGWOOD","FL","32750","","",0.00,"SEMINOLE",117,"",1/30/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6328,19547,1,0,"4359 MERCHANT AVENUE","","","SPRING HILL","FL","34608","","",0.00,"HERNANDO",53,"",2/8/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6329,26524,1,0,"264 Lakeridge Drive","","","OCONOMOWOC","WI","53066","","",0.00,"WAUKESHA",133,"",2/10/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6330,23967,1,0,"3423 HICKORY ST","100 Tangerine Blvd., Brownsville, TX 78521-4368","Texas Phone Number: 956-546-4279","SHEBOYGAN","WI","53081","","",0.00,"SHEBOYGAN",117,"",2/15/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6331,25318,1,0,"3960 S. Prairie Hill Lane Unit 107","","","Greenfield","WI","53228","","",0.00,"MILWAUKEE",79,"",2/20/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6332,24446,1,0,"83 Sweetbriar BR","","","LONGWOOD","FL","32750","","",0.00,"SEMINOLE",117,"",2/21/2006 0:00:00,"admin"
6333,26135,1,0,"P.O. Box 8 127 Main Street","","","CASCO","WI","54205","","",0.00,"KEWAUNEE",61,"",2/21/2006 0:00:00,"admin"

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Integration Services :: Importing Text File Into Table - Random Data Order

Aug 3, 2015

I'm importing comma-delimited text files into a SQL table. The data imports in a seemingly random order. One time I import and the lines appear one way and the next time I import they import another way.

Is there a way to force the text files to import in the same order the data is found in the file?

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Importing Multiple Flat Files To Multiple Tables In SSIS

Jun 27, 2006

I have a couple of hundred flat files to import into database tables using SSIS.

The files can be divided into groups by the format they use. I understand that I could import each group of files that have a common format at the same time using a Foreach Loop Container.

However, the example for the Foreach Loop Container has multiple files all being imported into the same database table. In my case, each file needs to be imported into a different database table.

Is it possible to import each set of files with the same format into different tables in a simple loop? I can't see a way to make a Data Flow Destination item accept its table name dynamically, which seems to prevent me doing this.

I suppose I could make a different Data Flow Destination item for each file, in the Data Flow. Would that be a reasonable solution, or is there a simpler solution, or should I just resign myself to making a separate Data Flow for every single file?

View 9 Replies View Related

How To Insert Multiple Records Into Sql 2000 Table At Once ?

Nov 25, 2004

I am new to Slq 2000 Database,Now I create an application with sql 2000,
in my database I have two 2 table lets' say "OrderHead" and "OrderDetail",they look like this:
OrderHead orderdetail
---order no ----orderno
---issuedate ----itemname
---supplier ----desccription
---amount -----price
Now I created a user-defined Collection class to storage order detail data in memory
and bind to a datagrid control.
I can transfer Collection data to xml file ,my problem as below :
There have multiple records data in my xml file,and I want to send the xml file as argument to a store procedure in sql 2000

anyone can give me some advise or some sample code ?

thanks in advanced!

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SQL 2000: Inserting Multiple Rows Into A Single Table

Jul 20, 2005

To anyone that is able to help....What I am trying to do is this. I have two tables (Orders, andOrderDetails), and my question is on the order details. I would liketo set up a stored procedure that essentially inserts in the orderstable the mail order, and then insert multiple orderdetails within thesame transaction. I also need to do this via SQL 2000. Right now ihave "x" amount of variables for all columns in my orders tables, andall Columns in my Order Details table. I.e. @OColumn1, @OColumn2,@OColumn3, @ODColumn1, @ODColumn2, etc... I would like to create astored procedure to insert into Orders, and have that call anotherstored procedure to insert all the Order details associated with thatorder. The only way I can think of doing it is for the program to passme a string of data per column for order details, and parse the stringvia T-SQL. I would like to get away from the String format, and gowith something else. If possible I would like the application tosubmit a single value per variable multiple times. If I do it this waythough it will be running the entire SP again, and again. Anysuggestions on the best way to solve this would be greatlyappreciated. If anyone can come up with a better way feel free. Myonly requirement is that it be done in SQL.Thank you

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SQL 2000 How To Insert Multiple Rows Ina Single Table

Oct 25, 2007

I am using SQL 2000
I am getting a syntax error when I parse this sql script:

insert into Elec_Sub_Test1
values ('10-20-2007',35),

What is the correct syntax to insert mutlipe rows in a single table.

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Problem Importing From Access 2000 To SqlServer 2000

Dec 18, 2001

When I try to make a connection to an Access .mdb I get the following error:
"Unable to open application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user"

Yet, I am able to open the file through Access and have necessary permissions and I know no one else has it opened. The mdb is password protected and I have provided the correct login information in the DTS connection.

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Specifying Table To File In SQL 2000

Jun 13, 2006

Following on from it has been asked for the ability to specify certain tables to be in certain database files, but I'm unaware this can be done. They want the archive tables to be on a seperate volume (on a cheaper set of disks/lower performing RAID set, for example) to the live data.

Can this be done with SQL 2000 Enterprise server?


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Importing Data To An Existing Database Column From An .xsl File Or .cvs File

May 15, 2006

good morning,

 I want to load data that i receive everydays from my customers in .xls file format (excel) or cvs file format,  to the database that i have created on this purpose. but  when trying to do that whith SSIS; i got an error message .... that i can't import redudant data in my database column.


Best regards.

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Create Package For Multiple Table Insert From Flat File Source

Feb 23, 2008

Hello Guys,

I am working in one company and currently I am assigned to new project for Data Migration from company X to our company Y using SSIS. I am totally new and i just completed 5 tutorial which was gien on MSDN website.

Basically client is going to send us first flat file with 1 million records with Header, Detail and Trailer records.
I want to create a Package in such a way that it dumps all this first load into 7 to 8 different tables at a time.
we also have to include functionlity for validation and error check.
On successfull load error file should only return Header and Trailer but no detail records.
If there are any errors then error file should contain Header, Detail records which were unable to load plus trailer which we have to sent back to client.

When 2nd file comes that time we have to check whether this is new records or change (update) one depending on Flag which tells it.

This is basically high level idea of my Package what i need to create. If u guys have any question then let me know.

I know you guys are very experienced one. Anyone of you please give me some detail idea on it I would really appricate it.
I have very limited time line for it.



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Importing Multiple Files To SQL

Aug 5, 2005

I have over three hundred text files that I need to import to SQLServer.Each is in the exact same format.I want to import tham as seperate tables.Is there any way to do it in one process?Regards,Ciar�n

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Help,a Regular Text File How To Sql 2000 Table Code ?

Apr 5, 2008

help,a regular text file how to sql 2000 table code ?i have a text file as follow, line with ��|��and {LF},8|-000000186075919.|+000000000387820.|2008-03-31|20010423|9|-000000000003919.|-000000000123620.|2008-03-31|20010123|8|-000000018623419.|+000000000381230.|2008-05-30|20010423|i want to sign char(1)��year decimal(18,3) , month decimal(18,3), trandatesmalldatetime��update smalldatetime��after to sql table is as follow,sign year month trandate update8 -186075919.000 387820.000 3/31/2008 4/23/20019 -3919.000 -123620.000 3/31/2008 1/1/20018 -18623419.000 387820.000 5/30/2008 4/23/2001could you help me how write the sql code ?

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Importing Multiple CSV Files Periodically

Jun 2, 2008

I have a folder on an SFTP server in our internal network which gets flat files periodically (almost every minute) from another server. The file structure is like this:
Flat File Format•Line 1—List of field names comma separated •Line 2—List of field type comma separated •Line 3—Data comma separated •Line 4—Data comma separated and so on...
All the files will be like this without the .csv extention. There are a lot of fields and creating a column for each field manually will be a pain. Heres what I am trying to do:
1. Create a process that runs periodically on the server and imports data from files into the SQL server table.
2. Use the information in line 1 and 2 to create the schema of the table and then ignore those lines in every import (the data should be appended to the existing data).
What are my options?
Thank you all,Bullpit 

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Importing Multiple Excel Files

Oct 27, 2006

I have a client who is sending me 800+ excel files each month with sales data. Each of the files is identical in structure, but has sales data for different stores. I receive all these files at the same time.

Is there a method with Data Transformation Services where I can have it work off of all the files in a given directory. I can set up DTS to work off of specific Excel files with no problem, but what I would like to do is set up a DTS so it could pull from each of the 800+ files.

Is this possible, or do I need to look at a solution outside of SQL to consolidate the Excel files first?

The Excel file would have columns similar to the following: store_id, zip_code, sales, transactions.

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Importing Multiple Excel Files

Feb 14, 2008

HiI have multiple excel files of the same format in a directory.They are called book1.xls, book2.xls, book3.xls and so on.What is the easiest way to import the tab named sheet1 from each ofthe excel files to a databse using SQL server 2000 enterprise edition?Regards,Ciar�n

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Importing Multiple Csv Files To Excel Sheets

Dec 31, 2007


I am trying to import multiple .csv files to excel sheets using Script task in SSIS.
I have trouble importing the reference that allows us to read and write to excel sheets. Can anyone help me create a script task that will import multiple .csv files to excel sheets.

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Looping Through Importing Identical Tables From Multiple Databases

Jan 30, 2008

I'm trying import 7 tables from each of 30 SQL2005 databases into a SQL2005 Consolidation database. I can simply create data flow tasks for each one but instead I would like loop through a list instead.

I've created a table to house the names of the databases from which I want to import the data.
I've created SQL task to return the database names from the table as a "Full Result Set".
I've assigned the result set to a user variable (type = Object) an named the result name 0

What I'd like to do is create a data flow task which connects to each of the databases and imports 7 specified tables from each database appending the table name with my database name in the result set.

I'm stuck on how I'd set the connection strings in my OLE DB Source in my Data Flow task. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Bill Webster

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Importing To SQL Server 2000

May 16, 2002

I am trying to import records form ACT! to an SQL Server Database. I can import all the records except for the linked tables (notes/ history, etc.) any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!

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Importing From Access 2000

Sep 20, 2001

Dear All,
I need to import data from Access 2000 into SQL 2000.
The collection of Access 2000 databases I have are build identically, with differing data. I need to get that data into some tables I have built in SQL 2000 .
I understand there are 3 main methods, DTS, BCP, Bulk Insert.
I would prefer not to use BCP since I want to write a Stored Proceedure to call the data in. Any thoughts ?

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Importing Excel Xp To Sql 2000

Feb 3, 2004

i have a spreadsheet with 4 workfiles and i want to import into sql. i want to make one workfile into one table in sql
how do i go by doing this? and spreadsheet has a lot of macro too

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