Impossible To Make A Select

Aug 24, 2005

I've created a database :  hotelselect * from hotel                             worksselect * from hotel where dpt='5'       doesn't work : generate a errorAnyone has a explanation ?create table hotel ([hoteID] int IDENTITY (5000,1) NOT NULL,[dpt] ntext NOT NULL) ON [primary]

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SQL Select - How To Make This One Work?

Aug 15, 2006

Select *From HSRSeasonWHERESeasonID='1'HSRID=(Select HSRID FROM HSR WHERE HotelID='1' AND ServiceID='1' AND RoomID='1')

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How To Make A Correct Select

May 24, 2006

Could anyone help med with a select statement with a join between totables. It is to be used in a OLAP cube.I Havde table LedgerBudget and Table Admin. In table admin I can setupa from and to date and also a budgetmodel.The admin have ONE record per OLAP cube.The statement below works fine if I have stated a budgetmodel in tableAdmin.But if no budetmodel stated in table Admin, I want the statement toselect every ledgerbudget with active = 1 and allocatemethod = 0Could anyone help me with this.SELECT LTRIM(dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.ACCOUNTNUM) AS ACCOUNT_ID,dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.STARTDATE AS TRANSDATE, - dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.AMOUNT ASBUDGETFROM dbo.LEDGERBUDGET INNER JOINdbo.ADMIN ON dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.STARTDATE >=dbo.ADMIN.FROMDATE ANDdbo.LEDGERBUDGET.STARTDATE <= dbo.ADMIN.TODATEANDdbo.LEDGERBUDGET.MODELNUM =dbo.ADMIN.BUDGETMODELIDWHERE (dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.ACTIVE = 1) AND(dbo.LEDGERBUDGET.ALLOCATEMETHOD = 0)BR/Thanks

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Want To Make A Select With Special Chars?

Jan 4, 2006

I have a problem....
In a table i have some descriptions and i notice that at least one is as follow:

"some product 'delay' to every"

now if i try to make a insert in another table with that description i get an error...
because of the char '

is there any way to make this insert?

the database is MSSQL 2000

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Take Id-s From Returned Rows, And Make A New SELECT

Jun 14, 2006

Hello, I have a question on sql stored procedures.
I have such a procedure, which returnes me rows with ID-s.
Then in my page I make from that Id-s a string like

SELECT * FROM [eai.Documents] WHERE CategoryId=11 OR CategoryId=16 OR CategoryId=18.

My question is: Can I do the same in my stored procedure? (without sending it to page)
Here is it:


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[eai.GetSubCategoriesById]
@Id int
declare @path varchar(100);
SELECT @path=Path FROM [eai.FileCategories] WHERE Id = @Id;
SELECT Id, ParentCategoryId, Name, NumActiveAds FROM [eai.FileCategories]
WHERE Path LIKE @Path + '%'

fileCategories table: (for information)Here is the screenshot of the table (10 kb )

Thank you

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How To Make Query Select Option Results

Jul 12, 2014

I have a Managers table in my SQL DB and it has a ManagerID, MgrName and MgrPhoto field base...

I can code a form with a select button that displays a drop down with the managers in it as choices, but am a little confused as to how I would make the PHOTO (MgrPhoto) change to the corresponding ManagerID that is selected from that option drop down since the SELECT CODE in the form only queries the ManagerID / MgrName combo for the choice.. The photo is below that drop down box and how to make it change to whatever photo is assigned to the selected ManagerID / MgrName ?

Here is the form code with query :

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="updatemanagerphoto.php" method="POST">
<select name="ManagerID" id="manager" style="width:400px" class="form_textbox">
$db_connect= mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password);
mysql_select_db($db_name, $db_connect) || die(mysql_error());
$sql_query= "SELECT * FROM Managers ORDER BY MgrName ASC";


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Can I Make A Temp Table With A Union All Select?

Mar 26, 2008

I'm having trouble creating a temp table out of a select statement that uses multipe union alls.

Here's what I have, I'm trying to get the results of this query into a temp table...

(select cst_id from co_customer (nolock) where cst_key = Parent) as cst_id,
(select cst_name_cp from co_customer (nolock) where cst_key = Parent) as cst_name_cp,
(select org_total_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = parent) as Parent_Total_assets,
sum(own_assets) as Total_child_own_assets

Select parent,
(select org_own_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = child) as Own_assets

(Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,1) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,1) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,2) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,2) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,3) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,3) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,4) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,4) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,5) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,5) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,6) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,6) is not null
union all
Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,7) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,7) is not null )as c
) as d

group by parent

having sum(own_assets) <> (select org_total_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = parent)

View 8 Replies View Related

How To Make Select Query To Access View In Other Server

Mar 7, 2007

Dear All,
i am making small web application using, C# ,sql2000.
i want a about regarding how to access view or table from other server to local server. i have base database where there is a view which need to access in my database of local server.that is how to make select query to access view in other server Please help

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SQL 2012 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

My script is here, and the sample result is attached. How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,
FROM dw_mart.dbo.DimCustomer a


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How Do I Make 30 Sec Running Query (select C1 Sum(x) From T1 Where C1 &&> 1000 Group By C1) Run Faster?

Aug 10, 2007

It seems when I run the query with the set staticts IO on then statistic reports back with the 'work table', and the query takes 30+ sec. if the worktable is ommited(whatever the reason?) the query take less 1 sec.

Here is my take, I believe work table is created in tempdb...and if not then whole query is using the cached page, am I right?

if I am right then the theory is, if I increase the (via sp_configure) server min memory setting and min query memory, the query ought use the cached page and return in less 1 sec. (specially there is absolutely no one but me on the server), so far I can't make it go faster...what setting am I missing to make it run faster?

Another question is if the query can not avoid but use the tempdb, is it going to always be 30 sec+ time? why is tempdb involvement make it go so much slower?

Thanks in for you help in advance

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SQL Server 2008 :: Select Multiple Values From Same Column And Make Them To Show In A Row

Jun 10, 2015

I created a query that got the following result. But I expect to get the structure like, care_nbr, cust_nbr,legal_name, address_type=physical address, addr_line_1, addr_line_2, address_type-primary address, ddr_line_1, addr_line_2. That means I only need primary and physical address, and expect them to show in a row to each care_nbr. How to perform that?

CARE_Nbr||Cust_Nbr||Legal_Name||||||| Address_Tpye |||Addr_Line_1 ||||||||||||||||Addr_Line_2
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Billing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Mailing Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Primary Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Ste. 1||NULL
99000001||004554||Mac Marketing, LLC||Physical Address||210 Parktowne Blvd Suite 1||NULL

How should I modify this query to get my expected result?

select a.CARE_Number,


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Impossible SQL, Or Am I Being Stupid?

May 7, 2001

I have a table that has three fields:


Some categories have sub-categories. Therefore, some entries will have null
for parentID while others will point to another category.

I need to select all of the categories, but have them returned in the
correct parent/child order (parents BEFORE children). I can't seem to get this to work correctly. Is this not possible or am I just being stupid?? :)

Thanks for any assistance.

Mike V.

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Impossible Function

Jan 12, 2005

Hi! all

I need to store the output of two select statement in a Temporal Table inside a storeProcedure. and used them later in a Select statement in the same Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE [update_Alarm_1]

declare @datetime1 ?????

declare @datetime2 ?????

[SELECT Coming
FROM Student_Log
where datepart(hour, AL_Coming) = 9
AL_State = 0 ] = @datetime1

[SELECT Coming
FROM Student_Log
where datepart(hour, AL_Coming) = 9
AL_State = 1 ] = @datetime2

[SELECT date_part( 'minute', datetime1 - datetime2 )] = @result

AS UPDATE [Time_Result]

SET [Comment] = @Comment_2

( [result] = @result)

Thanks in Advance

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Impossible Function

Jan 12, 2005

Hi! all

I need to store the output of two select statement in a Temporal Table inside a storeProcedure. and used them later in a Select statement in the same Procedure

CREATE PROCEDURE [update_Alarm_1]

declare @datetime1 ?????

declare @datetime2 ?????

[SELECT Coming
FROM Student_Log
where datepart(hour, AL_Coming) = 9
AL_State = 0 ] = @datetime1

[SELECT Coming
FROM Student_Log
where datepart(hour, AL_Coming) = 9
AL_State = 1 ] = @datetime2

[SELECT date_part( 'minute', datetime1 - datetime2 )] = @result

AS UPDATE [Time_Result]

SET [Comment] = @Comment_2

( [result] = @result)

Thanks in Advance

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Impossible Query?

Mar 12, 2008

First of all, here's a description of the three tables involved in the query:







As you can imagine, I have a list of clients and each client can have several services assigned to him.
So, I have trying to come up with a query that would allow me to do display the following information inside a DataGridView without the use of any additional code:

I would like to be able to display all the services included in the services table and then, depending on the client that is currently selected, to have each of the services display a checkbox in the DataGridView showing the services currently assigned to that particular client. Something like this:

The services table has the following entries: Research, Consulting, Development, Data Protection and Design
The selected client id is "2"
That client has the following services assigned to him: Development and Design
The DataGridView should then display:

[ ] Research
[ ] Consulting


[ ] Data Protection


Is this possible without writing any code?

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Replication - Sp_MSget_subscription_guid Impossible

Sep 1, 2004

We currently have a pull transactional subscription running from a remote 'PublicationServer' in another country to our local server.

After restarting our fire wall we get the following error message:
"The process could not execute '{call sp_MSget_subscription_guid(16)}' on 'PublicationServer'."

This message is followed by another error message: "Another distribution agent for the subscription(s) is running.", although nothing was changed to the configuration and no SQL processes were started or restarted.

When we restart the distribution job manually it runs as if nothing happened.

Does anyone know what exactly caused the failure, and how to prevent it ?


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Impossible To Megere 2 Sources:

Aug 21, 2007

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to create a merge between 2 tables, the first coming from Oracle and the second resident on SQL 2005. The result I'd like to retrieve would be a table composed from the original data contained in the SQL table, update with new or changed rows coming from Oracle (the 2 tables are identical, I'm building an update job..). The final table will be the same table used for data source.

I setup connections and everything seems to works, but when I link the Merge block with the 2 sources blocks, double clickin on the Merge Block, I notice that every SQL table's column is set to "ignore".
When I try to change it, SSiS says:

Failed to set property "OutputColumnLineageID" on input column ...

What's wrong? I've set IsSorted property to True and each column with the righ position...

I've also another question: actually my tables hasn't a "last update" column, so I think the merge "block" can't just update the SQL existing rows but it will add only newest rows. Is that right? How can I easily implement an "update check" in your opinion?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english

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A Simple Group By Query Seems Impossible

Jul 20, 2006

I've been fighting with this all day there has to be an easy way to do this in a single query:

FOR EACH fac_id, get the INSPECTION_ID of the earliest start_date:



Am i missing something...
any help would be greatly appreciated...

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A Simple Group By Query Seems Impossible

Jul 20, 2006

I've been fighting with this all day there has to be an easy way to do this in a single query:

FOR EACH fac_id, get the INSPECTION_ID of the earliest start_date:



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Impossible To Use A Scalar UDF To Pass A Parameter To Another UDF?

Jul 23, 2005

Hello there!I am working with MS SQL Server 2000.I have a table function that takes an integer parameter and returns atable, and I can successfully use it like this (passing a literalas a parameter):SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(1)or like this (passing a variable as a parameter):DECLARE @i AS intSELECT @i = 10...SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(@i)Now, if I have another function -- a scalar function that returns aninteger, I cannot find a way to use it to specify the parameter valuefor the first function. For example, when I writeSELECT * FROM MyTableFunction( dbo.MyScalarFunction() )SQL Server issues the following complaint:Incorrect syntax near '.'.I am really perplexed: what I am doing wrong?Interestingly, if I re-write the second snippet asDECLARE @i AS intSELECT @i = dbo.MyScalarFunction()...SELECT * FROM MyTableFunction(@i)everything works just fine; however, this trick cannot be used as aworkaround because I need to pass result of one function as a parameterto another inside a view's code -- I cannot declare variables and writeany procedural code...Any ideas, especially workarounds, would be greatly appreciated.Thank you,Yarik.

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Creating XML Output...unusual/impossible Format?

Sep 23, 2005

Hi all,

I'm Trying to replicate the creation of an "xml" file that is currently created using a C++ application. I want to take that application out of the picture, but need to create the same format XML file because a step later in the production process uses this file, and I cannot change it.

The output format I am looking for is:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
</FUNDS>The problem I am having is that I cannot seem to get the level/node of the fund symbol (AMRGX, AHERX, and AMRVX in the example above) as it needs to be. I think this must be some non-standard use of XML, since the tag is really the data itself (?)

The closest I have been able to get so far is:
.As you can see (hopefully) I am able to get the data I need but cannot get:
(1) the FUNDS tag(s) to be the very highest level/root.
nor (2) the SYMBOL part (tag label?) to be the actual variable stock fund.

Am I 'splaining this well enough? I don't necessarily need all the code, since I know I haven't given enough info to help with that, but my basic question is - - Is it possible to get a variable TAG based on the table DATA?

I want my SYMBOL tag to be the actual SYMBOL for the stock fund.

Confused? Not as much as I am *LOL* I am new to the use of all but XML EXPLICIT use, so any help would be appreciated - at least regarding my two formatting questions.

Yes, I have (and am still) searching around BOL for my answers, but so I have found nothing that helps me out. Meanwhile, suggestions are welcome!


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Point In Time Backup (impossible For Some Points?)

Sep 21, 2006

Hello,I am using SQL Server 2000 with SP4. I have a database with two fullbackups at 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM and a transactional log backup at 5:30PM. Is there a possible way to do a point in time restore to 4:30 PM,that is between two full backups?When I try to use the transactional log backup that is taken at 5:30, Ican never specify a time before 5:00 PM. Is the transaction logtruncated at each full backup? If so, even if you take transactionallog backup every ten minutes, and full backups every once in a while,there will be some point in time which cannot be recovered to, namelythe time between a transactional log backup and a full backup. Take alog backup at 4:50, and full backup at 5:00 and you can never recoverto 4:55, can you?Any insight on the topic will be appreciated,Regards,M. Baris Caglar

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Desperate! Aspnet.mdf Screwed Up; User Login Impossible...

Aug 31, 2006

I hope anyone can help me with this. I am having problems connecting to the aspnet database. It
all started when I noticed that I could not log in to my webapplication
anymore under debug mode, although I was able to log in when remotely
accessing the website. I got the error message that the machineaspnet
user did not have access to the database:  "Login failed for user
'GM-FEDORSASPNET' "This was highly peculiar and rather annoying so I tried several things to straighten this out, but it only made things worse!I
read that this had to with permissions of the database in question, al
though I could not understand why permissions suddenly had changed. I
tried to change the rights by attaching it to Management Studio Express
and defining an aspnet login, but that failed because a login under
that name was not accepted. I tried to make a copy of aspnet.mdf, delete the original and rename the copy to aspnet.mdf. When that didn't work, I then deleted the aspnet.mdf, counting on it that it would be regenerated automatically, but alas. I located the aspnet_regsql.exe tool to regenerate the database, but got the following error message: System.Web.HttpException:
Unable to connect to SQL Server database. --->
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while
establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server
2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default
settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named
Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)What can I do? 

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Impossible? Sort On Dynamic Field (in Combination With Row_number)

Aug 17, 2007

I have images on which users may comment. Now I want to sort those images on the amount of comments each image has.I use custom paging in combination with ROW_NUMBERSo I want to sort items in one table based on the number of occurences of that item in another table...I have the following query (which doesnt work):SELECT *FROM(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY mediaComments DESC) as RowNum,m.title,m.usercode,m.mediaid,mediaComments=(select count(*) from tblMediaComments where mediaid=m.mediaid)FROM tblAlbums a inner join tblMedia m on am.mediaid=m.mediaidleft join tblMediaComments mc on mc.mediaid=m.mediaidWHERE a.showTo=1group by  m.title,m.usercode,m.mediaid) as InfoWHERE RowNum between @startRowIndex AND (@startRowIndex + @maximumRows-1) 

View 9 Replies View Related


May 13, 2008

Hi There,
I have a database which I attached to Sql Server 2005 Express (With advanced features) and enabled full text search.  I created a FT catalog and FT index on a column and can successfully run the following query:SELECT expertise
FROM faculty_user
WHERE FREETEXT (expertise, 'Berry' )My issue is that full text search requires user instances to be turned off. Simply setting "User Instance=False" over in my web.config's connection string (in VWD) does not solve the problem.I still get the following error and I think it may be caused by my ASPNETDB. I can't find my connection string to ASPNETDB to turn off user instances and I can't diagnose my other connection strings because of it.Generating user instances in SQL Server is disabled

Here is a sample of my other connection strings:
<add name="myConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|myDatabase.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=False" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
From what I understand, I should also not be attaching the database from my connection string like this because it relys on User Instances? I am officially confused! Thanks for reading, -Derek

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Xp_cmdshell Problem SQL Server 2005; Or Perhaps I Am Attempting The Impossible...

Mar 7, 2008

I am using the xp_cmdshell to run a batch file that is trying to open the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

When I run the batch file in the command prompt, it opens perfectly.

When I run it in SQL with xp_cmdshell, it returns the contents fine, and I notice it tries to open Acrobat, but it is under the username "system". And I cannot get it to load in a visible area, and for some reason it doesnt seem to load properly under system.

Any ideas? Any Suggestions?

Please advise.


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FTP Task. / Validation Makes Mainframe Downloads Impossible.

Jul 24, 2007

When attempting to use the FTP task to download a file from a Mainframe system the task fails stating the filename as invalid because it doesn't begin with a "/".

Adding the slash to the front of the file name causes the mainframe to be unable to locate the file.

Commandline version of FTP.exe mimicks this behavior by working perfectly when the filename has no slash, and being unable to find the file when the slash is present.

Why does microsoft force a filename to start with a "/" and is there a way to make SSIS skip the validation phase for the FTP task?

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Absolutely Page-bottom Alignment On Report Footer: Impossible?

Mar 21, 2007

Relative newb to SSRS here, but the answer to this question evades me; answers and insight are appreciated.

Report in question is an invoice form. It requires an absolutely bottom-of-page aligned footer that has databound elements.

This is so that whatever page that footer finally appears on will print in such a way that the address will align in a windowed envelope.

Ironically, Books Online gives this exact scenario in explaining headers and footers in SSRS, but they cleverly don't explain how an absolutely bottom-of-page-aligned and data-bound footer can be made to happen. Headers at absolute page top is obviously no problem. Footers at page bottom, not so much.

So, this is not a "page footer"--page footers are employed in the body. Also this footer is databound, so a page footer as it's known in SSRS is out the window anyway.

Most of the time this will print on a single page, but if it breaks to multiple pages, that footer needs to go all the way to the absolute bottom.

I grasp that the "report footer" for SSRS is just what appears at the end of any repeating controls that you've implemented in your body. Because SSRS uses this kind of repeating-control based idiom rather than a section-based idiom as Crystal does, this kind of (what I would consider very basic) positioning control is looking fairly impossible right now.

Among what I've tried:

--Page footer (can't; databound)

--Specifying a page break after the pre-footer controls, and/or a page break before the controls that make up the footer in their properties. This leads to unpredictable results with blank printed pages (as many as 8 for what previews as a 2-page report, how silly is that?).

--Putting in a page-height rectangle as part of the footer (with and without the page breaks mentioned above), with the idea of forcing a basically blank page at the end of the report so that the footer will go to the bottom. SSRS will go ahead and break the page anyway on long elements like that, which again leads to the "footer" being printed in the middle or top of the final page, or whereever it happens to fall.

I may be having to explain to my client that you can't get there from here, and they may have to redesign their report. Does anyone have any insight?

Thank you for your time in reading this.

View 14 Replies View Related

[Reporting Services 2005] Access Impossible Of The Report Server

Mar 4, 2008


SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS) is installed on Vista Ultimate.
I cannot access to the http://localhost/ReportServer page. IE posts an internal error HTTP 500.0 (after IE required a Windows account).
All the configurations of Reporting Services are OK. In the Log file, there is nothing: the Web Services does not seem to be launched.

By continuing the investigations in IIS 7 (activation of the €śRules of follow-up of the requests having failed€?, I found the error following:

IIS Trace Detail Highlights
No. EventName Details Time
ModuleName="IsapiModule", Notification="EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="0", ErrorCode="Syntaxe du nom de fichier, de répertoire ou de volume incorrecte. (0x8007007b)", ConfigExceptionInfo="" 09:02:33.716

Translation of the french sentence: ErrorCode="Incorrect syntax of the file name, the directory or the volume."

I made a full research on Internet and in the documentation at my disposal and I did not find anything which can advance me towards a beginning of solution€¦

Thank you with all for the assistance which you will be able to bring to me.

View 4 Replies View Related

Impossible To Check Reporting Services Box On Install [Windows Server 2008]

Jan 29, 2008

Hye all, running WHS 2008, I try to install SQL Server 2005 with reporting services, but on install, in "components to install" wizard, the reporting services box is hided. I can't check this box :/ Do you know whats wrong ? if anyone knows the problem, thanks in advance.

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How To Make Select Statement With &"case Sensitive&"

Apr 30, 2008


I am using SQL Server 2005 now.

I have to queries.that are

select 8 from testdb where name = 'TONY'

select 8 from testdb where name = 'tony'

the two queies get same results now. but 'TONY' and 'tony' are different if we need 'case sensitive'.

how to make the above queries get different result

My test data like following (testdb table)

name phone
TONY 12345
tony 67890



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Make C#

Jun 30, 2006

Can somebody help me convert this SQL2000 Function TO C# Function pleaseCREATE Function dbo.CalculateNextRentDate ( @Rent_Payment_Date datetime, @Frequency varchar(50) , @Number int)RETURNS DATETIMEASbeginDECLARE @NextPaymentDate DatetimeSET @Number = @Number - 1.IF @Frequency = 'month'    IF  @rent_payment_date = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0+@Number, @rent_payment_date) + 1, -1)            BEGIN                   SET  @NextPaymentDate = dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, @rent_payment_date) + 2, -1)           END    ELSE           BEGIN                     SET  @NextPaymentDate =  dateadd(month, 1+@Number, @rent_payment_date)           END    return @NextPaymentDateend

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Make 2 Or 1

Aug 16, 2007

Our company has its Departments And Services.
Now We are making it online.
Both have separate email list, phone numbers, and more.
Will I make one table and adds the field Type (Values: D or S).
Or make them separate.
Remember one thing If we merge them then Email And PhoneNumber Table will also me merge
other wise they will also separate.
What is better.

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