I have to create a table with a clustered PK on col1, col2, col3 and insert 5.6 million rows. There are only 2 other columns in the table. Does it matter if I create table, insert, create PK or create table with PK then insert?
Clearly, a non clustered index can improve the performance of a SELECT statement. Is the same true with an INSERT statement? My contention is that the use of a non clustered index will hurt the performace of an insert statement.
the following will work if I want to have UNIQUE Users.Name >> INSERT INTO [Users] (Name) SELECT Names FROM OtherUsers where OtherUsers.Names not in (select Name from Users)
but if I have an UNIQUE INDEX on Users CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_Users] ON [Users] ([Name],[Category]) ON [PRIMARY] how can I do it ?
INSERT INTO [Users] (Name, Category) SELECT Names,Categories FROM OtherUsers where OtherUsers.Names + OtherUsers.Categories not in (select Name, Category from Users) ?
how can I insert it wih an index on 2 or 3 columns ?
I am using SQL Server2012. Is it possible to insert a new_column to table at 10th of it's column_index ? Ofcourse I can select, but I wish to insert at particular index...Is it possible? Alter table Table1 add New_Column varchar(20) at 10 ??????
Hi, I am working on performance issues. We have a database defined as the following. And I would like to know why I am getting the clustered index insert in showplan in profiler for a query?
I have a table with field a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,,etc. The primary key consists of a combination of field a and field b, which is a clustered index and unique.
There is a computed column that is defined as field k001 that consists of field a and field b combined. This computed column is not persisted. It is not defined as unique even though it is unique.
There is another computed column that is defined as field k005 it consists of field d,e,a,b combined in that order. It is not persisted. It is also not defined as unique, even though it is unique.
There is a non-clustered index on field k001 called k001_c. There is a non-clustered index on field k005 called k005_C.
The following cursor is declared. EXEC SQL DECLARE C_RANGE CURSOR FOR SELECT "A" ,"B" ,"C" ,"D" ,"E" ,"F" ,"G" ,"H" ,"I" ,"J" FROM "TABLE_TEST" WITH (INDEX(K005_C)) WHERE "K005" >= :K1--AREA AND "K005" <= :K2--AREA ORDER BY "K005" ASC END-EXEC
My question is this. This statement when looked at in profiler does a clustered index insert when each row is fetched. It shows in the showplan.xml that this has 60% of the cost involved.
I thought maybe this was because the columns were not persisted. So I persisted these two columns, (by the way just for other information there are other computed columns in this table that are not persisted, and use some of the same original fields). I then defined a temp table using the same table defination for the original table. I persisted the two columns, then did a select into the temp table( with identity insert off). I then deleted the original table, and renamed the temp table to the original table.
I seemed to still get the clustered index insert. I do not remember if the cost showed up the same. My question is this. Why am I getting the clustered index insert on a query?
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 1 Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.ElementLocalCharacterised' with unique index 'ElementLocalCharacterised_uq'. The statement has been terminated.
Now my question is : does this error mean that all inserts are done, despite those where the unique key produced a conflict? Or does it mean that none of the inserts are done (all are rejected because at least one gave a conflict) ?
If the second is the case I would like to know if it is possible to execute the insert into in a way that all inserts are done despite those that raise a conflict?
I have a page that has a drop down control that is used to control the items in a FormView. The drop down is bound to one SQLDatasource while the FormView is bound to another SQLDataSource. I've got everything working great. Selecting an item in the drop down reveals the details in the form view. the Form can be opened for editing and deleting. I even have the Insert working. But there lies my problem. Once the Insert is executed I'd like to take the Index value of the recently submitted item and set it to the SelectedIndex of my dropdown. Here is the code for each of the SQL events Sub FormViewUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewUpdatedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemUpdated confirmation.Visible = True confirmation.Text = "<img src=""../img/smiley36.gif""> Your record has been updated."
Dim index As Integer = Me.DropDownList1.SelectedIndex DropDownList1.DataBind() Me.DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = index End Sub
Sub FormViewDeleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewDeletedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemDeleted confirmation.Visible = True confirmation.Text = "<img src=""../img/smiley36.gif""> Your record has been deleted."
DropDownList1.DataBind() FormView1.ChangeMode(FormViewMode.ReadOnly) End Sub
Sub FormViewInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted confirmation.Visible = True confirmation.Text = "<img src=""../img/smiley36.gif""> Your record has been inserted." DropDownList1.DataBind() End Sub I would like to do something similar to the Updated event in the Inserted sub. Notice I have a Me.DropDownList.SelectedIndex bit...I'd like to be able to set a variable to the new ID and then set the Me.DropDownList.SelectedIndex to that variable. My stored proc for the Insert reads like ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_INSERTHelp_Faq ( @FAQQuestion varchar(500), @FAQText ntext, @FAQIndex varchar(500), @ModifiedBy int, @Help_FAQID int OUTPUT ) AS INSERT INTO Help_FAQ (FAQQuestion, FAQText, FAQIndex,ModifiedBy, Views) VALUES (@FAQQuestion,@FAQText,@FAQIndex,@ModifiedBy,0)
SELECT @Help_FaqID = @@Identity RETURN So, the Stored Proc is set up to return the latest ID. Also, my SQLDataSource for the FormView has an InsertParameter: <asp:Parameter Direction="Output" Name="Help_FAQID" Type="Int32" />
Any thoughts on how to close the loop here? How do I get my hands on the new Help_FAQID?
I am making a program in Visual Basic .NET with SQL Server 2000.
I have a table "MyTable" with a primary key named "Id". The primary key is 'Create Unique' checked and 'Index' selected. When I insert all the fields required, except "Id" of course, I need the new record's "Id" in my VisualBasic program, but I don't know how...
I must do one of them, but don't know how either of them:
-Create a trigger on insertion that will send to the user that sended the insert command the "Id" of the record just created.
-get the command in Visual Basic that will send the Insert command with a return field ("Id")
I have a query which is primarily a victim of blocking and a blocker itself for other queries. I studied the plan for this and it shows a 42% cost on CI insert operation. The insert is happening on a table (Table A) that has a PK. This PK is not a running number. It is also a business key (primary key) in another master table (Table B).
My understanding is that the cost is heavy because -
1, this PK is not an incremental number. It could be any number not in a sequence. 2. while inserting into CI, there must be a scan happening to find out the location where the index will be inserted.
How can I reduce the cost?
1. Should I go for partitioning of this table Table A? I am trying to do this but I am not able to find any suitable partition key looking at the JOINS and filter clauses where this table is being used in the applicaiton. 2. Should I introduce a surrogate key (running number) as a primary key so that CI is faster ?
All,Just want to make sure that I understand what's going on here.I have a table with IGNORE_DUP_KEY set on a unique, multi-columnindex.What I'm seeing is this:1) When performing a BULK INSERT, the UNIQUE index is not beingrespected and rows which violate the unique index are inserted.2) When performing a regular INSERT, the UNIQUE index is beingrespected and rows which violate the unique index ARE NOT inserted.Is this expected behavior.Also, I have some questions, given the index described.Q1) Will a regular INSERT that attempts to insert duplicate data getan error back or just a warning?Q2) How can I set things up so that a BULK INSERT would NOT allowduplicates to be entered into the table?Thanks,Wes Gamble
please explain the differences btween this logical & phisicall operations that we can see therir graphical icons in execution plan tab in Management Studio
I have 1 client who keeps running into the following error on the subscriber and merge agents >
€œCannot insert duplicate key row in object 'MSmerge_genhistory' with unique index 'unc1MSmerge_genhistory'.€?
Last time we got this error I ran a reindex on table MSmerge_genhistory on the publisher database, I then successfully generated a new snapshot and the subscribers started to synchronize again. This time around I keep getting the error even after I follow these steps (I also ran all the jobs to clean up replication). The last time I ran into this error I created a job to reindex msmerge_genhistory on a nightly bases in an effort to avoid this problem. Can somebody please provide me with a workaround and also the reason why this error occurs in the first place.
I have been recently redesigning my tables - creating FK relationships from child tables to the PK userid in the Users table. The specifics of what I did and why can be seen here:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.lastlogin' with unique index 'IX_lastlogin'. The statement has been terminated.
Or, for that matter, SavedSearches or any other table where I need to insert the same userid twice. I can see why I would want to avoid duplicates in the Users table. But, for lastlogin, savedsearches, and a few of my other tables, the same user may account for multiple rows.
Any suggestions as to where I messed up and how to deal with this?
Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users]( [userid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [lastname] [varchar](50) NULL, [firstname] [varchar](50) NULL, [email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [alternateemail] [varchar](50) NULL, [password] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [role] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [securityquestion] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [securityanswer] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [zipcode] [int] NOT NULL, [birthmonth] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [birthday] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [birthyear] [int] NOT NULL, [gender] [varchar](10) NULL, [city] [varchar](50) NULL, [state] [varchar](50) NULL, [country] [varchar](50) NULL, [registerdate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [editdate] [datetime] NULL, [confirmed] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__Users__confirmed__4CC05EF3] DEFAULT ((0)), CONSTRAINT [PK_users] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [userid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY], CONSTRAINT [IX_email] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ( [email] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[lastlogin] Script Date: 08/22/2007 14:16:16 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON
GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[savedsearches] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_savedsearches_users] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[savedsearches] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_savedsearches_users] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
The following insert statement returned the error in the subject because userid = 32 already exists in the Users table.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin]( [lastloginid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [userid] [int] NOT NULL, [date] [datetime] NOT NULL, [status] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_lastlogin_status] DEFAULT ((0)), [activity] [datetime] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_lastlogin_activity] DEFAULT (getutcdate()), [online] AS (case when [status]=(1) AND datediff(minute,[activity],getutcdate())<(30) then (1) else (0) end), CONSTRAINT [PK_lastlogin] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [date] ASC, [userid] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_lastlogin_users] FOREIGN KEY([userid]) REFERENCES [dbo].[users] ([userid]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[lastlogin] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_lastlogin_users]
I understand that minimal logging can occur on a non clustered indexed heap as long as [URL] ...
*not replicated
*tablock is used
*table is empty
The following test seems to contradict this
In the test I create a non indexed heap, insert some record and check the log, then repeat the test on an indexed heap.
The results suggest that even though the conditions for minimal logging into a indexed heap are met, minimal logging is not happening although it does happen on an non indexed heap. What am I doing wrong?
CREATE DATABASE logtest GO USE logtest GO CREATE TABLE test (field varchar(100)) GO CHECKPOINT
I have an issue where I am getting an error on an unique index.
I know why I am getting the error but not sure how to get around it.
The query does a check on whether a unique value exists in the Insert/Select. If I run it one record at a time (SELECT TOP 1...) it works fine and just won't update it if the record exists.
But if I do it in a batch, I get the error. I assume this is because it does the checking on the file before records are written out and then writes out the records one at a time from a temporary table.
It thinks all the records are unique because it compares the records one at a time to the original table (where there would be no duplicates). But it doesn't check the records against each other. Then when it actually writes out the record, the duplicate is there.
How do I do a batch where the Insert/Select would write out the records without the duplicates as it does when I do it one record at a time.
We are developing a project that is expected to hold TB of data and the back end used is SQL Server 2005.
I have the following problem
I have applied Nonclustered index over a column on a table.
Designed a SP for insertion which caters for updation incase the criteria based on the input is met.
The logic goes like this
Incase there exists a row containing the value of the column that is indexed for uniqueness, there should be updation. If not there should be a new row created.
However often there is an error message that is placed above. This happens only on some of the SPs and only on rare occasions.
Can any body tell me if there is any problem with the SQL Server 2005
I am using Full Text Index to index emails stored in BLOB column in a table. Index process parses stored emails, and, if there is one or more files attached to the email these documents get indexed too. In result when I'm querying the full text index for a word or phrase I am getting reference to the email containing the word of phrase if interest if the word was used in the email body OR if it was used in any document attached to the email.
How to distinguish in a Full Text query that the result came from an embedded document rather than from "main" document? Or if that's not possible how to disable indexing of embedded documents?
My goal is either to give a user an option if he or she wants to search emails (email bodies only) OR emails AND documents attached to them, or at least clearly indicate in the returned result the real source where the word or phrase has been found.
Web Base application or PDA devices use to initiate the order from all over the country. The issue is this table is not Partioned but good HP with 30 GB RAM is installed. this is main table that receive 18,0000 hits or more. All brokers and users are using this table to see the status of their order.
The always search by OrderID, or ClientID or order_SubNo, or enter any two like (Client_ID+Order_Sub_ID) or any combination.
Query takes to much time when ever server receive more querys. some orther indexes are also created on the same table like (OrderDate, OrdCreate Date and Status)
My Question are:-
Q1. IF Person "A" query to DB on Client_ID, then what Index will use ? (If any one do Query on any two combination like Client_ID+Order_ID, So what index will be uesd.? How does MS-SQL SERVER deal with these kind of issues.?
Q2. If i create 3 more indexes on ClientID, ORderID and OrdersubID. will this improve the performance of query.if person "A" search record on orderNo so what index will be used. (Mind it their would be 3 seprate indexes for Each PK columns) and composite-Clustered index is also available.?
Q3. I want to check what indexes has been used? on what search?
Q4. How can i check what table was populated when, or last date of update (DML)?
My Limitation is i Dont Create a Partioned table. I dont have permission to do it.
In Teradata we had more than 4 tb record of CRM data with no issue. i am not new baby in db line but not expert in sql server 2003.
My SSIS package is running very slow taking so much time to execute, One task is taking 2hr for inserting 100k records, i have disabled unused index still it is taking time.I am rebuilding/Refreshing indexes and stats once in month if i try to execute on daily basis will it improve my SSIS Package performance?Â
hello friends i have table1 and 200 coulumn of table1 :) i have 647.600 records. i entered my records to table1 with for step to code lines in one day :) i select category1 category2 and category3 with select code but i have just one index.. it is productnumber and it is primarykey..So my select code lines is so slow.. it is 7-9 second.. how can i select in 0.1 second ? Should i create index for category1 and category2 and category3 ? But i dont know create index.. My select code lines is below.. Could you learn me and show me index for it ?? or Could you learn me and show me fast Select code lines and index or etc ??? Also my search code line have a dangerous releated to attaching table1 with hackers :) cheersi send 3 value of treview1 node and childnode and child.childnode to below page.aspx :) Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not Me.IsPostBack Then If Request("TextBox1") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox1.Text = Request("TextBox1") End If If Request("TextBox2") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox2.Text = Request("TextBox2") End If If Request("TextBox3") IsNot Nothing ThenTextBox3.Text = Request("TextBox3") End If End If Dim searchword As String If Request("TextBox3") = "" And Request("TextBox2") = "" Then searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "'" End If If Request("TextBox3") = "" Then searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "' and kategori1= '" & Request("TextBox2") & "'" End If If Request("TextBox3") <> "" And Request("TextBox2") <> "" And Request("TextBox1") <> "" Then searchword = "Select * from urunlistesi where kategori= '" & Request("TextBox1") & "' and kategori1= '" & Request("TextBox2") & "' and kategori2= '" & Request("TextBox3") & "'" End If SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = searchword End Sub
I'm running a merge replication on a sql2k machine to 6 sql2k subscribers. Since a few day's only one of the merge agents fail's with the following error:
The merge process could not retrieve generation information at the 'Subscriber'. The index entry for row ID was not found in index ID 3, of table 357576312, in database 'PBB006'.
All DBCC CHECKDB command's return 0 errors :confused: I'm not sure if the table that's referred to in the message is on the distribution side or the subscribers side? A select * from sysobjects where id=357576312 gives different results on both sides . .
Hi everyone, When we create a clustered index firstly, and then is it advantageous to create another index which is nonclustered ?? In my opinion, yes it is. Because, since we use clustered index first, our rows are sorted and so while using nonclustered index on this data file, finding adress of the record on this sorted data is really easier than finding adress of the record on unsorted data, is not it ??
I have a clustered index that consists of 3 int columns in this order: DateKey, LocationKey, ItemKey (there are many other columns in this data warehouse table such as quantities, prices, etc.).
Now I want to add a non-clustered index on just one of the other columns, say LocationKey, like this: CREATE INDEX IX_test on TableName (LocationKey)
I understand that the clustered index keys will also be added as key columns to any NC indexes. So, in this case the NC index will also get the other two columns from the clustered index added as key columns. But, in what order will they be added?
Will the resulting index keys on this new NC index effectively be:
LocationKey, DateKey, ItemKey OR LocationKey, ItemKey, DateKey
Do the clustering keys get added to a NC index in the same order as they are defined in the clustered index?
Quick question about the primary purpose of Full Text Index vs. Clustered Index.
The Full Text Index has the purpose of being accessible outside of the database so users can query the tables and columns it needs while being linked to other databases and tables within the SQL Server instance. Is the Full Text Index similar to the global variable in programming where the scope lies outside of the tables and database itself?
I understand the clustered index is created for each table and most likely accessed within the user schema who have access to the database.
Is this correct?
I am kind of confused on why you would use full text index as opposed to clustered index.
One of the major syntax inside the SELECT statment is ..
(It's to compare the field content with some user input parameter inside a parameter table... )
I think properly is that the SELECT ... IN is causing much slowness in the sql statement. I have indexed FIELDA , FIELDB, FILEDC etc and those PARAVALUE and PARATYPE in the PARATABLE table. But perfromance is still slow and execution takes >20 seconds for 200000 rows of records.
Do any one know if still any chance to improvide the performance like this?
I'm trying to find whether there is a dmv or system view that can help me see the last time an index was rebuilt or created. Assuming I rebuilt an index using tsql commands (not a job with a history), is there a way to find out the last time that index was rebuilt?
SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN ( SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')
takes 30-60 seconds to run on my machine, due to a clustered index scan on our an index on asset [about half a million rows]. For this particular association less than 50 rows are returned.
expanding the inner select into a list of guids the query runs instantly:
SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid FROM Asset a WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN ( '0F9C1654-9FAC-45FC-9997-5EBDAD21A4B4', '52C616C0-C4C5-45F4-B691-7FA83462CA34', 'C95A6669-D6D1-460A-BC2F-C0F6756A234D')
It runs instantly because of doing a clustered index seek [on the same index as the previous query] instead of a scan. The index in question IX_Asset_AssociationGuid is a nonclustered index on Asset.AssociationGuid.
The tables involved:
Asset, represents an asset. Primary key is AssetGuid, there is an index/FK on Asset.AssociationGuid. The asset table has 28 columns or so... Association, kind of like a place, associations exist in a tree where one association can contain any number of child associations. Each association has a ParentAssociationGuid pointing to its parent. Only leaf associations contain assets. AssociationDataAssociation, a table consisting of two columns, AssociationGuid, DataAssociationGuid. This is a table used to quickly find leaf associations [DataAssociationGuid] beneath a particular association [AssociationGuid]. In the above case the inner select () returns 3 rows.
I'd include .sqlplan files or screenshots, but I don't see a way to attach them.
I understand I can specify to use the index manually [and this also runs instantly], but for such a simple query it is peculiar it is necesscary. This is the query with the index specified manually:
SELECT a.AssetGuid, a.Name, a.LocationGuid FROM Asset a WITH (INDEX (IX_Asset_AssociationGuid)) WHERE a.AssociationGuid IN ( SELECT ada.DataAssociationGuid FROM AssociationDataAssociation ada WHERE ada.AssociationGuid = '568B40AD-5133-4237-9F3C-F8EA9D472662')
To repeat/clarify my question, why might this not be doing a clustered index seek with the first query?