Initial Visibility Expression Stays In Effect On A Recursive Hierarchy/drilldown App
Dec 10, 2007
does anyone know why my initial visibility expression (=Level()>1) stays in effect after generating my report? The idea was to display only a couple of levels in the hierarchy at first, so that the user could more easily decide what he wants to expand. But expand doesnt do anything after initial rendering.
The only way I could get this kind of report to work (show hierarchy and expand/collapse) was to live with initial visibility = "visible", but unfortunately, that setting shows all levels right away, not a very user friendly thing.
I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Feb 9 2007 22:47:07 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Developer Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)
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May 12, 2008
I have a table with three group headers. I want the header row in the third section to be toggled by a textbox in the second header. This works as expected. However, there are times when there is no data in the third section. When this happens, the third section header row shows even though there is no data. I can also create an expression for the third section header's hidden property that looks for the existence of data, but then the toggle is deactivated. I need some way to say, "here's the toggle item. Show the header if there is data for it."
Any ideas are welcome.
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Apr 30, 2014
If you've ever worked with CI (UPC barcodes), certain commercially distributed products can be "packaged" in certain ways as defined by suppliers. For example, buying a six-pack of Coca-Cola, each one of the cans have a barcode UPC that indicates that the particular can is to only be distributed as part of a "pack" - they can't be distributed or sold individually.
Certain products can be distributed and sold in more than one way. For example, that same six pack can be distributed and sold as a case bundle, or it can be distributed as a single six pack. Each packaging method has a certain can't represent the CI model using anything less than an adjacency matrix.Now, this can be represented in SQL pretty easily - there's tons of examples online that go through the basics of how to do it and how to write the recursive CTE function to represent and return data in this format. My problem is with MDS.
In Master Data Services (MDS) you have several hierarchy types to choose from. The hierarchy type that makes the most sense to me is to use the recursive derived hierarchy. It makes sense because I want to define an entity that contains all the "acceptable" adjacencies for particular items, such that when a user looks at the data in MDS or tries to update its value, it will have certain domain-based enforcement (and thusly lookups).I think that I've crossed a bridge too far with MDS - but, perhaps one of you knows something I don't know. It looks like any hierarchy in MDS is only based in a parent - child relationship, so that's not quite what the doctor ordered here.
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Dec 3, 2007
I noticed that by inserting another group higher than the existing one gave me the effect of a nested what would a recursive hierarchy have done for me that is different? I read the BOL writeup and didnt come away with any sense of what these hierarchies offer, seemingly thru the use of a "parent" entry.
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Feb 1, 2008
I have a recursive hierarchy in SSRS2005 which contains accounts like so:
+ Revenue
+ Expense
which is grouped using details group and can be expanded like:
+ Revenue
- Revenue type
- Revenue type
- etc.
+ Expense
- Expense type
- Expense type
- etc.
It can be drilled down in five levels. This works fine in both SSAS and SSRS, but when I export the report to excel 2003, the hierarchy gets flattened, meaning that every account on the detail level (level 5) is exposed. Not what I had in mind. Rather SSRS should create a hierarchy in excel as well..
Is there a workaround for this?
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Jul 18, 2007
[Microsoft follow-up]
I think I've found a bug.
I have an expression set on the 'Disable' property of a data-flow task. When the expression evaluates to true the data-flow still executes. That seems wrong to me.
I ahve a demo package here:
Please reply letting me know whether this is indeed a bug or not.
I'm on SP1 by the way.
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Nov 8, 2005
I'm trying to show a column only if a certain parameter contains a certain string of characters. So far I've got it working if the parameter is equal to the string of characters by doing
=IIF (Parameters!Param1.Value = "String1", False, True)
but I would like it to work if the Param1.Value contains "String1" ... I tried
=IIF (Parameters!Param1.Value like "%String1%", False, True)
but it doesn't work. Any suggestions?
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Jul 24, 2007
I currently have a text box that say "Company", I have the a visibility expression set on that text box as follows:
=iif(Sum(Fields!ID.Value,"Footnote") <> 0, False, True)
Basically if a number is greater than 0 show it, if not don't
I want to modify it to say always show Company, if its greater than 0 show Company *
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Dec 19, 2006
I have the following Visibility expression set on a SQL 2000 RS report set on the hidden value:
=iif(Parameters!state.Value= "Institutional Agency",true, false)
Problem is that when I choose Insititutional Agency from the drop down list it evaluates the expression and shows the textbox, when another state is choosen it still shows the textbox and I dont want it to? I have ran a test to show the expression (Parameters!state.Value) in a text box, and its showing the right values each time i run the report?
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Oct 18, 2007
I have a report that gets exported to Excel. In the report there is an expression in the visibility field on one of the detail lines to hide it if it meets certain criteria. When run directly and exported to PDF, it displays correctly (hiding the lines as requested). When exporting to Excel, the lines are not hidden.
Can anyone help on this?
Thank you.
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May 21, 2007
Hi team,
I'm working on Reporting service 2005. When I give an expression for visibility of a table in a report based on a parameter, the contents are coming in a single page and it is not based on the interactive size of the report. I want the data to be coming on different pages based on the interactive size of the page. If the visibility is set directly it works. Could you please help me to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance,
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Aug 9, 2006
Hi all,
I have a problem with a report I have created. It has around 52 columns and each column is shown or hidden based on a boolean parameter. Simple huh? I though so.
Each column has an expression similar to =IIF(Parameters!showfirstname.Value,False,True) for the Hidden field. This is not the hidden field for the 'cell' or 'header' but for the entire column.
The problem is, the report is correctly displayed as a pdf, tiff, excel file (possibly others), but all columns with an expression as the hidden value are not displayed in the xml or csv output regardless of the parameter value. This also applies if the expression is =IIF(True,False,True) or =IIF(1=1,False,True).
As soon as I change this field back to a simple 'True' or 'False' it displays correctly. I've tried playing around with setting the output options to values other than the default Auto setting to no avail.
There are numerous comments about this on newsgroups online going back to the first release of reporting services but none of them have solutions.
John Burns
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Jun 25, 2015
I would like to suppress the entire row in tablix if no data despite multiple expresions used in a text box.
If data the it will show per the DB data else it should not show anythig or leave it as blank row
The issue is where I have appended ";" and "'" in the expressions but still comes in the report output because it is appended even if no data.
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Oct 13, 2015
I have a stacked column with 2 series("phones", "no phones") on the categories, What I am trying to do is to show only one of the series in each category,I used the visibility option in the series properties, and chose show or hide based on an expression using the expression below if(Fields!PENETRATIONSERIES. Value="no phone",FALSE,TRUE) i get no graph , But when I switch the true and false value, the graph show with the two series there.
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May 30, 2007
Product version : SQL Reporting Service 2005 with SQL SP2
It's a report with 3 sub-reports in it, i want to display only one of the 3 sub-reports at a time depending on 1 or 2 parameters received by the parent report. These parameters are verified by an expression into the visibility tab of each sub-report. The two parameters are 2 lists with possibles values between 1 and 2 (not query based). I have verified these values and they are correctly received by report depending on the selection of each list.
Ex.: SubReport1.expression = IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 1, True, False)
SubReport2.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 1, True, False)
SubReport3.expression =IIf(Parameters!Regroupement.Value = 2 AND Parameters!SautPage.Value = 2, True, False)
So here are the posibilities :
when Regroupement.Value = 1 --> SubReport1 will be shown
when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 1 --> SubReport2 will be shown
when Regroupement.Value = 2 AND SautPage.Value = 2 --> SubReport3 will be shown
Now why that doesn't work ? I always see the same report and it's not the right one displayed even i change the selection of my 2 lists for the parameters value.
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Mar 21, 2007
Hi all,
I have a report with 3 matrix only one matrix is displayed at a time depending on a parameter value, I use an expression in the visibility Property, since then, when I export to Excel the Toggle buttons have disappeared.
How can I keep the Toggles in the Excel file ?
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Feb 14, 2014
SQL 2012 SSIS package.I have a package connection that has the initialcatalog set in the connection string/properties page. This package connection also has an expression defined to set the initial catalog at runtime according to a passed in parameter. It works fine.
I am trying to create a second package in this same manner, but the connection does not seem to want to keep both the hardcoded initialcatalog and the expression to set it dynamically.
I can hardcode the initcatalog just fine, when when I add the expression to set it dynamically later, it clears out the initialcatalog I added.
What am I missing, why was I able to do this in the other package? I compared as much as I can think of between the two packages, all seems similar.
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Jan 10, 2014
With my new data, need result for below scenario ( use CTE )
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Travel_Master](
[Load_Id] [int] NULL,
[Mode_Id] [nchar](2) NULL,
[Mode_Info] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Code] ....
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'AP' ,'AIR' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'FL' ,'FLIGHT' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'FP' ,'FLIGHT-Pas' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'SE' ,'SEA' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'SP' ,'SHIP' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'RD' ,'ROAD' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'BU' ,'BUS' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'1' ,'AP' ,'-1','4' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'2' ,'FL' ,'1','2' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'3' ,'FP' ,'2','1' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'4' ,'SE' ,'-1','0' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'5' ,'SP' ,'4','1' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'6' ,'RD' ,'-1','6' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'7' ,'BU' ,'6','3' )
1.QA of Parent Row value Greater than 0- Consider Parent and 1st Node.From the available result,
2.HasNodes = Yes, Display Parent and 1st Node
3.HasNodes = No, Display Parent Only.
Expected Result
My Query
learning CTE To apply for HasNodes Rules.
;with MyCTE1 as (
CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX),RTRIM(T2.Mode_Info)) Mode_Info, T1.Mode_Parent_Sno, T1.Mode_Sno, T1.QA ,T2.Has_Nodes
from [Travel_Quantity] T1
left join [Travel_Master] T2 on T1.Mode_Id = T2.Mode_Id
) ,
MyCTE2 as (
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Apr 21, 2015
So if my Parameter value is...
MCCL, MCMA, MCPL, MCPR, MCRE, MCSE, MCSN, MCVA, MCCL, MCEP, MCMA, MCRE out of 43 possible choices,
What is the expression syntax to hide my tablix column based on my parameter value?
Just not sure of the syntax...or do I have to qualify each one???
= IIf(Parameter!PF1.Value = "MCCL" OR Parameter!PF1.Value = "MCMA"..., TRUE, FALSE)
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Feb 13, 2008
I'm using SSRS 2005
I'm trying to write an expression for the "Hidden" property of a column in a table. The column is only populated with data if the group on my table is open. If the group is collapsed, then the column is empty. I'd like to make the column hidden if the group is collapsed. So I'm thinking it would be something like this:
=Iif(Table_1_Group.Hidden = "True", "True", "False")
But I can't find anyone who has written this anywhere.
I'm basically trying to make this report do the same thing a matrix does, but the matrix doesn't let me label the columns. I put textboxes above the matrix in line with the columns, but when I deploy the report to ReportManager, the textboxes get thrown all over the place and don't line up with the columns anymore.
So I guess if you can't answer the first question, an alternate question I have is how are you supposed to label the columns (row groups) in your matrix? They don't have headers, if I try to line textboxes up with them they get all messed up during deployment. They have that textbox up there in the top left corner that runs across the top of all of the row group columns, but if I put labels separated spaces in that textbox, the spaces get removed in rendering so the text is pushed all to the left and doesn't line up anymore.
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm new to this whole SQL Server 2005 thing as well as database design and I've read up on various ways I can integrate business constraints into my database. I'm not sure which way applies to me, but I could use a helping hand in the right direction.
A quick explanation of the various tables I'm dealing with:
WBS - the Work Breakdown Structure, for example: A - Widget 1, AA - Widget 1 Subsystem 1, and etc.
Impacts - the Risk or Opportunity impacts for the weights of a part/assembly. (See Assemblies have Impacts below)
Allocations - the review of the product in question, say Widget 1, in terms of various weight totals, including all parts. Example - September allocation, Initial Demo allocation, etc. Mostly used for weight history and trending
Parts - There are hundreds of Parts which will eventually lead to thousands. Each part has a WBS element. [Seems redundant, but parts are managed in-house, and WBS elements are cross-company and issued by the Government]
Parts have Allocations - For weight history and trending (see Allocations). Example, Nut 17 can have a September 1st allocation, a September 5th allocation, etc.
Assemblies - Parts are assemblies by themselves and can belong to multiple assemblies. Now, there can be multiple parts on a product, say, an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and so those parts can belong to a higher "assembly" [For example, there can be 3 Nut 17's (lower assembly) on Widget 1 Subsystem 2 (higher assembly) and 4 more on Widget 1 Subsystem 5, etc.]. What I'm concerned about is ensuring that the weight roll-ups are accurate for all of the assemblies.
Assemblies have Impacts - There is a risk and opportunity impact setup modeled into this design to allow for a risk or opportunity to be marked on a per-assembly level. That's all this table represents.
A part is allocated a weight and then assigned to an assembly. The Assemblies table holds this hierarchical information - the lower assembly and the higher one, both of which are Parts entries in the [Parts have Allocations] table.
Therefore, to ensure proper weight roll ups in the [Parts have Allocations] table on a per part-basis, I would like to check for any inserts, updates, deletes on both the [Parts have Allocations] table as well as the [Assemblies] table and then re-calculate the weight roll up for every assembly. Now, I'm not sure if this is a huge performance hog, but I do need to keep all the information as up-to-date and as accurate as possible. As such, I'm not sure which method is even correct, although it seems an AFTER DML trigger is in order (from what I've gathered thus far). Keep in mind, this trigger needs to go through and check every WBS or Part and then go through and check all of it's associated assemblies and then ensure the weights are correct by re-summing the weights listed.
If you need the design or create script (table layout), please let me know.
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Aug 25, 2015
Msg 240, Level 16, State 1, Line 14
Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column "ParentId" of recursive query "tmp". Below is query,
DECLARE @TBL TABLE (RowNum INT, DataId int, DataName NVARCHAR(50), RowOrder DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, ParentId INT NULL)
(1, 105508, 'A', 1.00, NULL),
(2, 105717, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(3, 105718, 'A1', NULL, NULL),
(4, 105509, 'B', 2.00, NULL),
(5, 105510, 'C', 3.00, NULL),
(6, 105514, 'C1', NULL, NULL),
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Jul 23, 2005
I am having problem to apply updates into this function below. I triedusing cursor for updates, etc. but no success. Sql server keeps tellingme that I cannot execute insert or update from inside a function and itgives me an option that I could write an extended stored procedure, butI don't have a clue of how to do it. To quickly fix the problem theonly solution left in my case is to convert this recursive functioninto one recursive stored procedure. However, I am facing one problem.How to convert the select command in this piece of code below into an"execute" by passing parameters and calling the sp recursively again.### piece of code ############SELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uid######### my function ###########CREATE FUNCTION Mkt_GetChildren(@uid int, @subtotal decimal ,@DateStart datetime, @DateEnd datetime)RETURNS decimalASBEGINIF EXISTS (SELECTuidFROMcategories WHEREParentID = @uid)BEGINDECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FORSELECT uid, classid5 FROM categories WHERE parentid = @uiddeclare @getclassid5 varchar(50), @getuid bigint, @calculate decimalOPEN my_cursorFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @getuid, @getclassid5select @calculate = dbo.Mkt_CalculateTotal(@getclassid5, @DateStart,@DateEnd)SET @subtotal = CONVERT (decimal (19,4),(@subtotal + @calculate))ENDCLOSE my_cursorDEALLOCATE my_cursorSELECT @subtotal = dbo.Mkt_GetChildren(uid, @subtotal,@DateStart, @DateEnd)FROM categories WHERE ParentID = @uidENDRETURN @subtotalENDGORod
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Jul 27, 2001
In a SQL Server 6.5 database a task appears in the Running Tasks tab as Active. I have tried to Stop it for 2 hours but it will not disappear. When I run dbcc opentran against the database it says there are no Active open transactions. I also can't see anything in Current Acitivity.
The task is a scheduled task that runs daily and it has run OK both before and after this Active task
Does anyone know how I can get rid of it
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Sep 25, 2015
In the t-sql 2012 that is attached message, is a query that always comes up with the same results. It does not make any difference what start and end dates are given to this t-sql. The results are always the same.
SET@StartDate= '2013-07-01'
SET@EndDate= '2015-08-01'
; WITH Com_House_1 AS (
[Code] ....
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Dec 5, 2006
We have a publisher that got red-crossed(Run to problem). I decide to remove and recreate it. However, after remove it, the publisher still stays in Replication Monitor. The remain thing has no distributor and logreader, but only snapshot agent. When to check the property of the agent, we got a error message basically say the job does not exist, which makes sense.
Now, it does not show up in any places, except Replication Monitor. Well, it cannot be removed from Replication Monitor. Can any one tell us how to clear it from Replication Monitor?
Thank you.
More Infor: The replication was set up on 2000.(2000 pub, 2000 dis and 2000 sub) with 2005 Management Studio, and the publication was removed with 2005 Management Studio.
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Mar 18, 2003
Hello everybody..
I have 40 GB database with following
backup plan
1. transaction log backup every 15 min
2. full backup on disk once every day
Full backup started at 2 AM
transaction log started at 2:15 AM
Full backup complited at 4 AM
transaction log backup
complited at 4:03 AM
Here is my questions
Up to what point of time I will have
transaction log ?
When I use sp_who2 I can see that transaction log backup blocked by full backup process
thank you
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Dec 28, 2006
Hello everybody...
I have a very simple SSIS package that loop throught the worksheets of an Excel file and insert the data into a SQL server 2005 table.
The SSIS is very simple and works fine the problem is that after the Package executes if I double click on the Excel file imported I have the message that the file is in use.
I think that the Excel connection manager of the package doesn't release the Excel resourse but this is only a guess..
Do am I right? If yes how can I release the resource?
Thank you very much
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Aug 31, 2006
I've been playing around with SSRS 2005 to see if it might be the solution for some reporting requirements I have been given, but I still haven't found a way to do exactly what I need. Basically I've been asked to provide a report which allows drilling down multiple levels of a client hierarchy to show some sales figures, sounds pretty simple right? The report will look like this (not showing sales figues here just client hierarchy)...
+ Client A
- Client B
- Client C
- Client D
+ Client E
- Client F
- Client G
- Client H
- Client I
- Client J
+ Client K
+ Client L
As you can see they want to be able to expand & collapse rows to drill down through their client hierarchy. The hierarchy will be 3 or 4 levels deep.
I have seen that RS2005 supports a simple way to drill-down via grouping, but I don't want to do it this way because it means that I will have to have a query which retrieves all of the data right away which would take several minutes.
What I'd really like to do is to lazily load the hierarchy so that the data is loaded as the tree is expanded so that it won't take too long to render the report initially. I.e. when they click on "Client B" I'll hot the DB and get the sales figures for all children of Client B, in the case above thats Clients C & D.
Can this be achieved using sub reports or report linking? If anyone knows of some tutorials or examples that might be able to help me with this I would really appreciate it.
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Oct 16, 2007
I am creating report which has group and I want to show the [+] in front of each grouped item and when user click this the group item will get displayed.
Please let me know any solution.
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Mar 5, 2007
the field which has drilldown option is always showed minimum width after delopying to website
I attempted to set all properties of this fields as i can,such as "width","can grow" etc, but all do not work
any idea about this?
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Sep 30, 2006
I'm new to SQL Reporting Service. Now only I've started studying that. My question is,
I wanna list out my product sales for each month for each keywords. For example, I have 4 products, some 15 keywords (its an ecommerce site. Visitor coming from a particluar keyword and buying some products. Wanna list out sales for each keywords and product for Every month. To know the quarter sales wanna see the sales and product name for particular keyword). I'm having reports for each month sales. like,
Product A
Product B
Product C
Product D
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
For quarter sales, I want to see the sales and keywords list for each month and for each products in the same report. I don't want to create one another report for each and every product and month. If I want to see the sales and keywords for a particular product I want a report like,For Product 1
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
and For Month 1
Product A
Product B
Product C
Product D
Keyword 1
Keyword 2
Just by using drilldown I want this report. If any other method is possible, please tell me. It's very urgent. Please Help me. I'm very new to SQL Reporting Service. Started studying before 2 days. Thanks.............
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Apr 8, 2008
When i am designing a report using BIDS how do i control the Drilldown on the Matrix Totals. At present when i created a drill down report it works fine for all non total Values but chooses a random Value when it drills on Totals (Usually the first but not always)
Eg if i have a Matix that looks like this
Name, Value1, Value2, Value3
John, 1,1,1 = 3
Mark 2,2,2 = 6
Fred 3,3,3 = 9
Total 6,6,6
If i want to Drill on either the totals at the bottom or the totals on the Right or the bottom, it will choose a random Value eg if i want ot see the totals for John the Column Parameter that it passes to my drill through report will be that for Value 1 which is incorrect.
Any help greatly appreciated.
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