Installation Verification Issue

Jun 19, 2007


I Just installed Reporting Services 2005 and I have a problem to make work

After installing it and setting different properties in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, When it comes to verifying the installation, http://localhost/ReportServer or http://localhost/Reports pops up a Login Window, Where I enter Windows Account Username/Password, but this windows pops up again 3 times then I get Error page with the message:
HTTP 401.1 - Unauthorized: Logon Failed
Internet Information Services
SQL Server 2005 with SP2 is installed on WinXP SP2

What could be the reason?

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SQL Server 2005 SP1 Installation Hangs At Authentication Verification

May 9, 2006

After the installer has asked for authentication mode and has started verifying the authentication it simply hangs. I've let it sit there for an hour before taking the installer forcibly down but nothing seems to be happening except for two osql.exe processes showing up in the task manager.

I've tried both windows authentication and SQL server authentication but the outcome is always the same. At the same time I'm, however, able to login to the database engine and all services with management studio using both authentication modes.

The last few lines in HotFix.log are as follows:

05/09/2006 09:49:09.999 Authenticating user using Windows Authentication
05/09/2006 09:49:10.015 SQL Service MSSQLServer was previously running, ready for authentication
05/09/2006 09:49:10.218 SQL Agent Service SQLSERVERAGENT was previously running
05/09/2006 09:49:12.093 User authentication was successful

This would indicate that there's nothing wrong with the authentication but with whatever is supposed to take place after that.

There are quite a few lines in the log similar to the one below:

05/09/2006 09:47:08.438 Failed to read associated hotfix build information for the following file: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBinnSQLServr.exe

Redist9_Hotfix_KB913090.log seems to be the only individual log file that ends with line saying "Hotfix package launched" whereas all other logs have several lines of checks being completed successfully.

Any ideas what might be causing the installer to hang and how to fix it?

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Jun 9, 2008

I have a report with 5 tables. After I've generated the report using sql how do I verify if it is right or not?


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Drive Verification

Jun 19, 2008

How is it possible to use sql to verify F: drive is on disk 0 ?

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Email ID Verification

Jan 25, 2006


I already have some junk data in my tables , need to check if the email id entered makes sense or not

Want to check whther there is only 1 @ character or more...etc


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Verification Origin

Jul 7, 2006

Hello, it wanted to know since I can do so that enla ejecucuion of the package is verified if the archives of origins of excel exist, in the case that do not exist not to execute their flow thanks

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Mirroring Verification

Jan 17, 2007

I connected to the mirror server and the database is in restoring mode, which I believe means I can't query it. I found the Database Mirroring Monitor but it shows the same thing that Management Studio shows, which is Synchronized.

Do I just have to trust that Synchronized means everything is working?

I was hoping there was a way to look at the tables and verify that changes were taking place without performing a manual failover

Thanks in Advance for your help

Casey Smith

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Data Verification Problem

Jan 7, 2008

there is a problem when i insert data into tables in data base from textbox, spaces are added to the string so when i write the same data again in another textbox to retrive the data from the table there is a conflict happened
any one can help me to solve this problem
more explaination:
i use 2 textboxes to register a user as member in web site one is user name and the other is password and save the inserted data in my database
but when i make login in the same registerd username and password a conflict happened because the both user name and password in data base stored with spaces after there's string in database.

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Data Verification Errors

Aug 30, 2002

I get the following error when I run a job created by a maintenance plan that
runs a database backup.

[2] Database OurData: Database Backup...

The backup was not performed since data verification errors were found.

Any input on how to correct this is appreciated.

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Data Verification And Matching

Apr 17, 2008

i have one task in which i have to match some attributes(required for creating a new databse) with the exiting database, are these attributes present in exisisting database, if yes how many , and how many are not,pls do reply

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DBCC CHECKDB And Page Verification

Aug 27, 2015

differences betwee DBCC CHECKDB and page verifacation. The best practices indicate you should run DBCC CHECKDB regularly and set page verifacation to CHECKSUM. Both seem to be linked to identifying database corruption? Are they checking for the same thing? Or are they serving different purposes?

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Data Integrity Verification Once Backups Transferred To Remote Server?

Feb 18, 2015

I am thinking about moving some backups from the local machine to a remote server. Right now, I am using Ola Hallengren script for backups. The script performs checksum on the backup while it's being written on the disk. I am going to move the files using Robocopy utility. How do I check the data integrity once the backups are transferred to the remote server?

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Need Random/unique &&"ID's&&" For Key Verification

Aug 6, 2007

I need to be able to create completely random and unique keys for a key verification system, which would require a user to enter a pre-defined key in order to activate their account, but I need to be able to create those keys on the fly.

This is going to be a key that will be mailed to them on paper, and unfortunately means it needs to be relatively short in order to prevent too much confusion while they are typing it in.

I like the newID() function in SQL, but the ID that it creates is a bit excessive to say the least for someone to have to type when registerring.

I use C#, so I wouldn't have much of a problem creating a small app to create x number of keys, which will sit in the DB until I need them, but I would rather not have to fill the DB with a million or so ID's which might never be used, and don't want to create too little that I have to track when I might need to add more, in case I start to run low on ID's.

Re-using ID's may be an option, but I would prefer to keep them intact for the life of the accounts.

If there is something that I can do to simulate the newID() function, but generate unique/random ID's which look more like this: A97-2C5-77D than this: A972C577-DFB0-064E-1189-0154C99310DAAC12 I would be very grateful to know about it.


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SQL Tools :: SSDT For VS2012 Installation Fails With (Same Architecture Installation) Error

Mar 9, 2013

The 6:th of march Sql server data tools for Visual Studio 2012 was released.


I seem to be unable to install this using the link provided on the blog page. I'm getting a "Same architecture installation" error. Running on the machine is Visual Studio 2012 Premium & Sql Server 2012 (64bit).

why I'm getting this installation error.

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Error Installing SQL Server2000: A Previous Program Installation Created Pending File Operations On The Installation Machine

Oct 2, 2005

I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 on a Win2K OS machine but Iget this error message:"A previous program installation created pending file operations onthe installation machine. You must restart the computer before runningsetup."I see others have had this problem but have fixed it using the solutionin:;en-us;312995I have tried the solution but to no avail. The registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContro lSessionManagerPendingFileRenameOperations keeps reappearing as soon as Iclose RegEdit.Any ideas?Thanks,lq

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MSDE Installation Fails Due To Detection Of Previous Installation

Jul 23, 2005

Please help,I am trying to install MSDE 2000 so that Backup exec will run on thisserver. I have gotten so far as to find an entry in my SQLSTP.TXT filethat says that c:mssql7 was detected so the install fails.Now, to start with there is no directory called C:mssql7 on thisserver. I have gone through all MS articles on manual removal of SQLserver and instances. I have searched the registry for mssql7 andremoved any keys that matched, as per MS article I have searched onSQLBOOT.dll and it is not present anywhere on my system and I still getthe same results.2:07:44 Begin Action: Detection12:07:44 SQL Server version already installed: 7.00.62312:07:44 Previous Install SQL Path: C:MSSQL712:07:44 Previous Install SQL Data Path: C:MSSQL712:07:44 End Action Detection12:07:44 Begin Action: ODBCLocked12:07:44 End Action ODBCLocked12:07:44 GetDefinition returned: 112:07:44 Previous SQL Server ProductType: MSDE [0x4]12:07:44 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a fullproduct install.can anyone think of anything here..what else could be causing the server to think there is a previousversion of SQL 7 on this box!!!?

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Express Installation Fails With Invalid Installation Package

May 3, 2006

I get an error when trying to install the SQL Native Client. It
says it cannot find the installation package and to use a valid copy of
'sqlncli.msi'. I've downloaded the Express setup twice and get
the same error from both of them.

I'm attempting this in a VMWare session setup for Windows 2K, Advanced
Server. I am trying to test my installation and setup
procedures. This is not a production setup, just install testing
and documentation. I have allocated only 272MB to the VMWare
session, which is why the system doesn't meet the recommended settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Below is the Summary.txt output file.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 9.00.2047.00


OS Version : Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

Time : Wed May 03 09:54:23 2006

CPCWIN2KVM1 : The current system does not meet recommended hardware
requirements for this SQL Server release. For detailed hardware
requirements, see the readme file or SQL Server Books Online.

Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support Files (English)

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : SQL Native Client

Error : An
installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client
cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the
installation package 'sqlncli.msi'.


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server Native Client

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Failed

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup

Last Action : InstallFinalize

Error String : An installation package for the
product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the
installation again using a valid copy of the installation package

Error Number : 1706


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer

Product Version : 9.00.2047.00

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


Machine : CPCWIN2KVM1

Product : MSXML 6.0 Parser

Product Version : 6.00.3883.8

Install : Successful

Log File : c:Program
FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup


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SQl Server 2005 Installation Is Depend On Installation Of Visual Studio 2005?

Oct 2, 2006

Hi every one,

I'd like to install SQL SERVER 2005 Express Edition ,I begin to install it from DVD but during the installation it dosn't ask me about any instance and after installation there isn't SQLExpress service and I can't use sql server .(there are not MSSQL and Binn directory in sql server 2005) but when I install visual studio 2005 and after that I install sql server 2005 it ask me for name of instance and with this way every thing is ok and I use sql server completely.

I 'd like to know the complete installation of sql server 2005 is depend on installation of visual studio 2005 befor it ?if not how can I introduce any instance after installation of sel server 2005 .

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Installation Seems To Be OK But ...

Feb 28, 2004

Yesterday, to start SQLServer, I have used the DOS Command
setup SAPWD=xxx from C:sql2ksp3MSDE.
I think tne mix mode of authentification is correct.
But when I want to connect to the database by SQLEntMan, it doesn't work ...
How can I connect to SQLServer ?
Server adress = name of the computer
Username = ?
Password = password of windows ? password of of SAPWD ?
Thank you any help

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Jun 2, 2005

Hi, I ama trying to install SQL Server Express 2005, when the setup.exe does an anlysis of the machine configuration it tellme that out of 10 checks one has failed, and that the machine needs tobe rebooted in order to fulfill a requirment from a previous installation, I did this and went to start the installation process again only ot be told that this check failure still exists, unfortunately I cannot progress, has anybody experienced this, I am using Windows XP Hone, with ASP.NET 2.0 installed and Web Dev Express 2005 Beta 2Looking forward to hearing fom you

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Aug 17, 1998

I am trying the SQL 7 STANDARD installation on WIN`98. However, it creates the directory structure on the hard-disk alonwith files but on connecting to server it comes out with a VC++ assertion failed message.

The TCP/IP sockets are being used and the TCP/IP port (local ping) is working fine. Windows 98 was installed again and there are no prequisites for SQL 7 on 98 but the problem persists !

Anyone who has installed it on WIN`98 ?



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SQL 7.0 Installation W98

Apr 22, 1999

I have problems after installation in W98 of the Desktop.

In Enterprise Manager when I try to connect to the server gives the following error:

Assertion failed!
program c:windowsmmc.exe
file: ../src/sqlsspi.c
line: 119

Expression: Count

after I click on RETRY and gives the error:

a connection could not be establish to TEST05 - [SQL-DMO]code execution exception:

Please verify SQL SERVER is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again.

I check, and in Service Manager is TEST05 - MSSQLServer - running.

Also in Query Analyzer gives an error:

Assertion failed!
program c:mssql7innisqlw.exe
file: ../src/sqlsspi.c
line: 119

Expression: Count

after I click on RETRY and gives the error:

This program (ISQLW) has performed an ilegal operation and will be shutdown

ISQLW caused an exception 03H in module MSVCRT.dll at 0177:7800...

Where is the problem? From wrong installation or W98?

The installation CD was camming in the book :

"Special Edition" - Using SQL SERVER 7.0 from Stephen Wynkoop.

Please reply,


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Installation Of SQL 7.0

Nov 13, 2001


We ran SQL Replication in Production SQL 7.0 with SP1. We encountered some problems. We ran the same tests in QA which used SQL 7.0 with SP1. The problems were gone.

Both Production and QA used SQL 7.0 with SP1 but they came from different resource CDs. Production one was installed from Microsoft Select CD in 1998. I did not recall the CD which was used for QA.

It indicated those two SQL 7.0 functioned differently and Production on had a bug in it. Can somebody to share with me a detecting tool and a criteria to find out where is wrong in the Production SQL 7.0?

Thank you.


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Mar 6, 2001

I am having pentium 3 with windows 98 I had Sql Server 7 installed But due to some problem i uninstalled it.
I am having difficulty in reinstalling the same i uninstalled completely and even removed entries in registry and tried to install But i am getting the same error always.

1)Acmsetup failed
2)setup failed to configure the server Refer to the server error logs and cnfgsvr,out for more information
There is nothing in server error logs

cnfgsvr.out file looks like this
Starting Service ...

An error occurred while attempting to start the service (1460)

SQL Server configuration failed.

What is ACMSETUP what it does how i can prevent its failure is the failure of ACMSETUP a reason for sqlserver set up failure

I appreciate ur replies

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Sql Installation On Xp

Oct 7, 2002

I have installed sqlserver 2000 (desktop edition) on my pc at home. I am running windows xp home edition. what i am finding is i am not able to log in to either Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer. I have tried using different accounts during installation.
The service has started and the server seems to be running, but I cannot make a connection.

any suggestions,



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SQL Installation

Jul 30, 2001

We have installed SQL Server 6.5 in an NT system. We are able to start and stop the server from a client enterprise manager, but unable to connect to the databases there(ie., we are able to right-click on the server and start and stop the server but unable to right-click and connect to the server). Can anyone help us out with this?

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May 28, 2008

Hey guys, I'm new to this and had some general questions. I'm currently running windows xp pro with sql server 2005 tools installed. However I cannot deploy any of the reports due to not having IIS installed. I've now installed IIS however, do I need to completely uninstall SQL Server 2005 tools and is there a particular order to uninstall it in order to get everything to work?

As you can see I'm totally lost/new to this.

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Installation - Pls Help

May 30, 2008

I tried to install sql server 2005 professional Edition in my machine.While doing the step by step installation, it was not showing the " Instance name " and " server accounts" ( i.e whether it is built-in system account or domain user account) slides and so finally i am not able to complete the installation. Kindly help me to rectify this. Thanks in advance.

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SQL Installation

Jun 6, 2008

Hey Guys,Im going to install the SQL Server 2005,can any one tell me what are the things do i need to know before the installation.Its 64 bit and clustered.Active/passive

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Oct 27, 2005

I am new with SQL and have a question regarding SQL Connections. I have 2 Win2003 Servers(tom and Jerry) setup with Microsoft Cluster installed in Active-->Active Mode. Also, on both of these servers, I have SQL 2000 installed in Active-->Active mode as well. So I installed SQL2000 on Tom first and gave the SQL server name of Dog1 which has and IP assigned to it, at the same time I gave an instance name of D1. So now my SQL on Tom server reads Dog1D1. I did another installation on Tom and gave it Dog2D2. Than I went and installed SQL again on Jerry, this time and gave name of CatC3, and CatC4.

Now in my DNS, I have Dog1, Dog2, Cat3, Cat4 defined with an IP I assigned.

Problem I am running into is I cannot connect my application or make and ODBC connection to Dog1D1, Dog2D2, Cat3C3 or Cat4C4. I am getting Server not found message.

Can anyone help me and tell me where I am going wrong, as I need to get this app up ASAP.



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Nov 3, 2005

Hi guys,
i am new to the forum. i got sql server 2000 and i wanted to install it on my home pc. i am able to do that.

But when i create a database out of it and then take it out of the SQl folder and put it in some other folder in my C: drive and then if i try to link it to my program it gives me a error stating that it is not accessible.

MY QUESTION : Am i doing something wrong ?
Do i have to set some properties on the database i
create?if yes how to do it?

Plz reply

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Sep 24, 2007

SQL Server 2005 has been installed on windows server 2003 machine by the support team.
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio9.00.3042.00
Now this machine has been passed on to me to create databases, tables, etc...
On this server, I open the management studio and I get the connect to server windows.
What should the entries in the connect to server window be for me to get to the next stage where I can start building databases.
At present, I tried local or localhost and windows/sql authentication.
Still can not get to the management studio window.
Any thoughts please?

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After Installation

Nov 12, 2007

Hi experts,
I have installed SQL server 2005 Standard edition and SP2 in production box, after completion of installation the perticual production server is not connecting, but every other servers are getting connect through that instance, and one more main issue is i could not able to see this instance in SERVICES.MSC, I was wondered, how come it is not showing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Thanks N Regards,

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