I am getting an error message when verifying the environment for the install (of CRM 3.0) that the instance name must be the same name as the computer name. Perhaps someone could explain how to accomplish this seeming easy task.
Is it possible to install and configure the MSDTC resource in a SQL Server 2000 cluster after SQL is installed and running?
When I recently went through a rebuild of my cluster, I forgot to install the resource before installing SQL Server. Now, if I install and bring online the MSDTC resource the SQL disk groups will not fail over correctly. The SQL Server resource will not come online.
Thanks in advance for any help. I would really like to avoid rebuilding again.
I new to SQL Database, I have small server running SQL 2000, my company bought new server netfinity with very powerful processor, the new server have two disk mirror use for the operating system, and have RAID 5 array I will install SQL 2000 in. My question is should I install the SQL in one big volume or should I break the RAID to small Volume and install SQL across the Volumes. I also want to run SMS 2.0 in the same server, is that ok?
Hi.. ASP I want to install SQL SERVER 2000 on XP..But is it only support for client version.Is there any Service Pack for XP about SQL SERVER 2000 for server version. I have already install XpServicePack2 but problem is still remain. Thanks & RegardsRavinder Sharma
hi, I have tried to install sql server 2000 in win 98. I was not able to do so. I used to install sql server 7.0 in win 98. The Question, is is the new version (2000) does not allow to install in win 98.
I've MS SQL Server 6.5 installed in my Windows 2000 machine. Is it possible to install MS SQL Server 2000 personal or standard edition in the same machine without upgrading or removing the old SQL Server 6,5 ?
I'm updating my local database installation using my netowrk login asthe id under which SQLServer is being update (Administrator on theoperating system and SA role on the database server itself).Has anyone encountered any problems and what is the work-around?
HiI am trying to find out best practices for SQL Server 2000 installsfor corporate servers. We currently have someone doing it 'in theirspare time!' (I kid you not). When installing SQL server 2000 out ofthe box on a freshly formatted machine, I would like to get somefeedback on the following:1) I believe the 'sa' account should be removed at earliestopportunity, after install.2) Should there be any processes running under the 'sa' account is themachine was correctly configured to use a domain account principle? Iwas under the impression that this was not the case?Any links to information on best practices would be appreciated.Regards,Mitch
I installed VS 2005 which automatically installed SQL 2005. I wanted to also install SQL 2000. I tried to install SQL 2000 (Client tools) after 2005 was installed and there were errors. I then uninstalled SQL 2005 and tried to install SQL 2000 (client tools). This is on my local machine not a server.
I am getting the following error:
"A connection could not be established to XXXXSQLEXPRESS. Reason: SQL Server does not exist or access denied."
i am trying to install SQL 6.5 client on 2000 box. but the installation wants to install an SQL 6.5 SERVER on it. Is there something im forgetting? is there a way and if so how? if not, is there a workaround with out upgrading the sql 6.5 server.
Hi. I am taking a certification class for which I recieved MSDE 2000 SQL server to use. I had a version that came with my textbook installed, and uninstalled it to use this one. Now I can no longer install either version, when I try it gives me a "instance name specified is not valid" error message when I start the installation, then kills it. Anyone have any ideas?
i have recently formated my laptop, and ever since i can't get SQL Server 2000 running correcly
The install seems to go ok, but when i open Enterprise Manager, and select databases, theres nothing there and i get an error saying the connection has stopped
When i try to install Service Pack 3 i get the following error:
Error running script: sp3_serv_uni.sql(1)
does any 1 know what this means
i've uninstalled many times but i still get the same errors
Is it possible to install sql server enterprise edition on an xp machine (home or professional)? I tried both (w/sp2) and it said it can only be run as a client.
I have a test box (Server 2000) with a Default SQL Server Enterprise Instance (Enterprise Edition). Yesterday I installed a new Named Instance and rebooted. I then began applying SP4. It ran through part of the install and it hung on "Setup is preparing to copy Files" and there it sat all night. It is still hung here. Both Instances seem to be performing normally.
Any suggestions on what I should do??? Can I or should I cancel the sp4 install?
I have a problem installing SQL Server 2000 standard edition in a Windows 2003 Server , when I try to setup there is a message saying : " You cannot install SQL server 2000 sp 2 and below in this operating system " and the installation stops .
I have tried to run sp3 before the installation but obviously It doesn´t work . I think the solution is something like updating the setup program to make it work in Windows 2003 Server , when I see the system requirements on the box it says that I can install SQL server 2000 in w2003 .
I am trying to install MS SQL Server 2000 on my PC which is running WinXP SP2. At the ending of the setup I get an error stating that 'Could not start server. Refer to sqlsetup.log for more details'
Here is an excerpt from the log where the error occurs:
Well I have completely reformatted my computer and reinstalled windows XP professional with all the updates, xp service pack 2 and .net framework 1.1. Now when I try to install sql server 2000 developer, I get the following message where it asks Local Account or Domain account (I choose Domain):
The logon account cannot be validated for the SQL server service. Verify that the user name and password entered are correct. The logon attempt failed
I am using the administrators account, I didn't have a password on it so I created one but this makes no difference. I also tried creating a new user account with admin rights but this also fails to solve the problem.
I am making web application using Asp.net C#(Visual Studio2005). And Sql server 2000 as a back End upgraded with service pack 3 and analysis service.
Now I am trying to install sql server 2000 report services. But I run SQL2KRSSP1-ENG.EXE setup
Then following error occurs
The upgrade patch can not be installed by window installer because the program to be upgraded may be missing , or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
I redownload the same exe to other location. And again run but getting same error
Please Guide me or atleast give some help full link.
When trying to install SP4, I do not receive any notification of the install i.e. click on setup and then nothing. Checked *.out log and receive the following:
2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [100] Microsoft SQLServerAgent version 8.00.194 (x86 unicode retail build) : Process ID 3616 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [101] SQL Server 1LTZ0Q version 8.00.194 (0 connection limit) 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [102] SQL Server ODBC driver version 3.81.9031 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [103] NetLib being used by driver is DBMSSHRN.DLL; Local host server is (local) 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [310] 2 processor(s) and 1016 MB RAM detected 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [339] Local computer is 1LTZ0Q running Windows NT 5.0 (2195) Service Pack 4 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - ? [129] SQLSERVERAGENT starting under Windows NT service control 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - + [260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined) 2006-08-08 10:40:57 - + [396] An idle CPU condition has not been defined - OnIdle job schedules will have no effect
Novice - Where to set up the mail profile and CPU idle condition?
I am installing SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 and It ends up with the error showing : "Setup failed to Configure Server. Please refer to C:WinntSqlstp.log for detail" I checked sqlstp.log and found that
driver={sql server};server=MyServer;UID=sa;PWD=;database=...., [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Connection broken
I got this message from Backup Exec for Windows Servers Environment Check 1.0 for SBS1 QUOTE
An instance of Microsoft SQL 2000 was found that is not updated to Service Pack 3a.
An instance of Microsoft SQL Server was found that is not updated to the correct service pack. Using this SQL Server instance with Backup Exec may cause errors. To install Backup Exec successfully, upgrade this SQL Server to Service Pack 3a, or select another instance.
I have installed SSIS on server running SQL 2000 but I don't see the Business Intelligence or SSIS. I could see the SSIS service is running but do not see VS or BI version of VS.
Hello, I have the JDE One World application installed on my computer which is XP PRO SP2. When I open Enterprise Manager, I can go to my local machine as a server, expand it, and see all the JDE databases. I can create a new database and connect to it. However, I cannot install SQL Server 2000 on other XP Pro machines. How can I do this? This is SQL Server 2000 STANDARD. Thank you.
I downloaded the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) Release A (which have 42.9 mb ) from Microsoft site ( http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=413744D1-A0BC-479F-BAFA-E4B278EB9147&displaylang=en )... i run the kit exe , i set the sa password and a name for instance, and begin the installation. after it finished, nothing isn't happend. I restart my pc, and the sql agent is offline, same the services and the instance. What is the problem?
Other problem : i have the kit for MS SQL Server 2000 Enterprise. I run the setup, i choose the "Install database driver" option and i receive a prompt message which tell me that the Sql Server 2000 Enterprise edition server component is not supported on my operating system, and that only the client components will be availabe if i will continue with the installation. My OS is Windows XP Professional SP 2, and i read that the sql server 2000 is supported by Xp Prof, so what is the problem? Why i can't install the sql server 2000 on my system. I tried on Xp Prof, without SP 2, and i had the same problem.
I have some trouble installing SP4 onto an existing MSDE 2000 (with SP3). I run setup like described in the readme: "setup /upgradesp sqlrun" => Setup starts and I get: "Product already installed ... " Im using the MSDE version of the SP4 setup, the MSSQL version Im running is 8.00.760 Ive also tried to use the UPGRADEUSER and UPGRADEPWD arguments, but with the same results.
I am using Windows XP PRO and trying to Install SQL SERVER 2000 Reporting Services.
I have already installed SQL SERVER 2000 developer Edition, sql server service pack 3, VS.NET 2003 and .NET frame work 1.1.
I downloaded the SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Evaluation Edition. I expected that there are both Server Component and Client Components which are available to install because evaluation edition support all features of Enterprise Edition. However I only saw the Client Components available during setup. Where can I find the Server Components to install? I appreciate very much if I can get advice from any of you.
This is the first time using this forum, I hope I can get some help.
I have started studying SLQ Server 2000 at home as I have a Video Tutorial but I thought I need to install SLQ Server 2000 to follow the training. I have been trying to instal SLQ Server 2000 Enterprise Edition on both Windows XP Pro Pack2 and Windows 2000 but I get this message saying "Microsoft SQL server 2000 enterprise edition server component is not supported on this operating system only client component will be available for installation "
I do not know anything about SQL and I thought I must have been doing something wrong otherwise it would not give me the same warning on both operating systems.
I do not know what is it I do wrong and I would appreciate your help and assistance.
You may have a requirement that you cannot change where you have oldapps, such as Delphi 3 apps (in my case), that must hobble along untilthe BIG migration money comes into migrate to something better. Andthose old apps may require that you keep SQL 6.5 on the backend. In mycase, that's the case, unfortunately. And Microsoft has completelydried up support for it.You may find that you can't install SQL 6.5 Enterprise Edition onWindows 2000 Server -- it may say that it needs to be NT 4 EnterpriseEdition. I did some testing and have come up with the hook around thisproblem:1. Copy the contents of the SQL 6.5 Ent Edition CD to your hard drive.You're going to need a lot of space.2. Edit the i386setup.inf file (once you have made it not read-only)and find the lines that refer to an if/then statement about "EntOnly"(note no space before Only). When you find this if/then statement,comment that block (about 5 lines, if not mistaken) out by puttingsemicolons as the first character on each line.3. Now run the install by doing something like E:i386msetup.exe, ifE: is your hard drive where you have installed the files copied fromCD. It will run without complaining about the NT 4.
To Whom It May Concern:There is a piece of software that was needed to be installed to authorreports in Reporting Services for SQL 2000. That piece of software isVisual Studio .NET 2003. I do not have that piece but I am able toget the beta version of Visual Studio .NET 2005 from Microsoft. Willthat work for the installation and consequently the authoring part ofReporting Services? If not, could someone help me?Thank you in advance!Josh