Installing Sql2005 On Windows Vista

Apr 30, 2008


Unfortunately I'm still running windows 2000 as my development box here, since I'm unable to install so many things now, I am forced to upgrade.

I'm wondering if I can run sql2005 on my new windows vista box if I get it ? I won't go ahead if I can't so its a pretty big deal :)

I'm reading mixed answers so far from googling. Thought it would be best to ask here!

thanks very much!

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Problem Installing Either Sql2000 Or Sql2005 On Vista

Jun 12, 2007

i have a vista basic running on my lappy,i have beeen trying to install either sql2000 or sql2005 on it for the past one month i keep getting funny errors like installshield engine has stopped working.WHile on the sql2005 the installation will exclude the database mangament studio ,etc..I had disabled the norton antivirus running to no effect.

I really need help here!

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SQL2005 Developer Install On Windows Vista Home Premium

Feb 19, 2008

Hi, I'm having a problem installing SQL2005 Developer on Windows Vista.

At the System Configuration check page, I'm getting the IIS Feature Requirement item telling me IIS is not installed or disabled. This is not the case.

I have read article and switched on the IIS components as specified.

I've tried installing with Firewall, virus checker etc switched off. Every time I get the same problem. This is an issue, as I specifically need Reporting Services installed.

Has anyone managed to solve this problem ?

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Installing And Running SQL Server 2000 On Windows Vista

Jan 17, 2008


Ive read on some pages that it is in fact possible to install and run SQL Server 2000 on Vista. In my university, SQL Server 2000 is still used to teach us about databases and how to administrate them. The computers run Windows 2000 Professional. I need to be able to use 2000 so I can not only have compatibility but also know the steps and all possible conditions and solutions to problems.
Would installing and running SQL Server 2000 on Vista be possible or am I better off using 2005? Is there much difference between these 2 versions?

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Getting Exception While Installing SQL Express 2005 In Windows Vista OS

May 21, 2007

Hi All,

I have developed an windows application using C#. I am using SQL Express as back-end.

I have created an installer class which first installs .NET Framework2.0, SQL Express2005 and then the

application. It is woking fine with WindowsNT and XP oprating systems.

If i try to install this on Windows Vista OS, I am getting expection while installing SQL Express(Creating SQL


Can anybody help me in this scenario.


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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Windows VISTA ULTIMATE

Dec 9, 2006

Hi, Trying to install SQL Server 2005 on Windows VISTA Ultimate, received following error:

- SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility (Warning)


SQL Server Edition Operating System Compatibility

Some components of this edition of SQL Server are not supported on this operating system. For details, see 'Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005' in Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

Please help.

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Error Installing SQL Server 2005 Editions On Windows VISTA

Jan 8, 2007

There are numerous posts regarding this error when installing SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista RTM thus I am starting a new thread in order to get resolution one way or another:SQL Server Setup failed to execute a command for server configuration. The error was [SQL Native Client]Windows user or group "USERNAMESQLServer2005MSFTEUser$USERNAME$MSSQLSERVER" not found. Check the name again...
The error occurs when installing SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition, SQL Server Express SP1, SQL Server Express SP2 CTR (with or without the SP2 Toolkit package installed beforehand). The error occurs with or without UAC.

The installation then fails. Please advise if you have any insights. SQL Server Express SP2 CTR was announced as a workable version for Vista... note that this is not the case.

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Installing SQL Serer 2005 Developer Edition On Windows Vista

Oct 27, 2007

Dear friends...

I am having this problem since I installed the new windows Vista.

I am trying to install the SQL Server 2005 developer edition on Windows Vista, but After installation finish successfuly I open the start menu to surprise that I could not find the Shortcuts to open the SQL Server and create new database and tables etc... I opened the full path of the exe files "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinnVSShellCommon7IDE" but there are not any file there, even that I searched for the exe files names but they are not existed. It looks that after instalation complete that the SQL Server is not installed on Windows Vista.

So, my question is: After installing the SQL Server 2005 SP2 for windows Vista, will the problem be solved? Or there is something else to do ON WINDOWS VISTA.

Please, I need the answer for this problem, because I need to work on SQL Server 2005 very hard.

Thanks in advance for your help...

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Installing SQL Server 2005 Express On Windows Vista Business

Sep 12, 2007


Firstly, can someone confirm that this can be done. Because I am starting to wonder.

I have downloaded the SQL Server 2005 Express install, and attempted to install. Everything goes well. Computer scan indicates that everything is in place, but then when it goes to install the components it states that the following components failed:

- SQL Native Client
- SQL Server Database Services
- Reporting Services
- Workstation Components, Books Online

(Successful items were SQL Setup Support Files, SQL VSS Writer, OWC11, SQL Server Backward-Compatibility Files, SQL Server Management Studio Express).

For those Items that failed, I just get a message stating "Setup failed. Refer to Setup Log'. The setup log tells me little to nothing about why these components failed.

I am also getting the following message part way through install "An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Server Native Client cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation package 'sqlncli.mis'". Does anyone know what this means? I downloaded the install from just a few days ago, so if this isn't "valid", then where do I get a valid one.

I'm totally stuck. Have spent almost a day trawling documentation etc. to find why these have not installed, but cannot find any indication of why they wont install.. everything that needs to be in place is. Hoping someone has had similar issues and can help.

Many Thanks in Advance.

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Question On Installing The SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition On The Windows Vista

Jul 24, 2007

I cannot find any specific info on the support of SQL server 2005 developer edition on different Windows Vista. Does anyone have any experience? TIA

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Error Installing SQL 2005 Client Tools On Windows Vista Ultimate

Feb 29, 2008


I am getting the following error:

0:Watson 1:1304 2treamSupportFiles 3treamBinaryToDisk
4:5 5:tyukonsqlsetupdarwinsqlcastubstreamca.cpp 6:238
7qlcastub.dll 8qlrun.msi

While installing "SqlRunTools.msi" on a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition Disc 2 on Windows Vista Ultimate.

I am trying to install the Sql Server 2005 Client Tools, Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer, on Windows Vista Ultimate.

Any ideas as to what is causing this error and how to fix it?



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Error Installing SQL Server Management Studio Express On Windows Vista RC1

Nov 18, 2006

Hello NG,

After installing SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on Windows Vista RC1, I wanted to install also the Managent Studio but I always receive the following error message:

"Bei der Installation dieses Pakets ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. Es liegt eventuell ein das Paket betreffendes Problem vor. Der Fehlercode ist 29506."

Where can I find more infos about this error-code?

Anybody knows this problem?

Thank in advance for every help.

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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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SQL2005 Between Vista & XP

Aug 4, 2007

I have 2 computers
DESKTOP : runs WinXP and SQL Server 2005
NOTEBOOK : runs Windows Vista and SQL Server 2005

when i try to connect to DESKTOP from NOTEBOOK i get this error

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to DESKTOP.


A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 233)

For help, click:



can anyone help me to fix it?!

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Can't Install SQL2005 Express In Vista

May 17, 2008


I'm trying to install sql express sp2 2005 in my laptop but i can't, give me this error

Machine : W7J
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition
Product Version : 9.2.3042.00
Install : Failed
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0015_W7J_SQL.log
Last Action : InstallFinalize
Error String : SQL Server Setup could not connect to the database service for server configuration. The error was: {Microsoft}{SQL Native Client}{SQL Server}Login failed for user 'sa'. Refer to server error logs and setup logs for more information. For details on how to view setup logs, see "How to View Setup Log Files" in SQL Server Books Online.
Error Number : 29515

I'm choosing Windows autentication mode, so i don't know it says "sa" user.

can you help me?


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Errors Creating A SQL2005 Express SP2 Database Under Vista

Nov 7, 2007


I'm trying to migrate a MSDE based application into a SQL2005 Express SP2 DB Engine on Windows Vista Business but I'm facing several errors that are blocking me.
Since the installation of SQL2005 Expr. must be done in a silent mode (the end user shouldn't set anything), I'm installing it using this syntax:


The installation proceeds without problems but when my program tries to create the database, a message error appears:

CREATE DATABASE denied on database 'master' (I translated directly from italian).
What I would like is to install SQL 2005 with "Windows Authentication" access instead of "SQL Authentication".

If I install SQL2005 manually by setting a named instance (CSERV), Windows Authentication mode, activating the option "set the local account as SQL administrative account" (translated from italian and suggested with Vista) I get the following error (read from the LOG):

CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5 (access denied) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerCSERVDataCGIDBDat.mdf'

CSERVData is the folder that the application creates and where the "mdf" and "ldf" files are stored.

So in the first case it seems that SQL2005 don't recognize the local account as administrator even if the user has administrative privileges (at least for Vista), in the second case is Vista that is blocking the action.

What is the solution??

Thank you and regards.

Roberto G.

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Installing WDK On Vista.

Aug 25, 2006

MSDE bundled up in WDK is not supported on Vista and SQL Server 2005 is not supported by WDK. What is the solution?

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Slow ADO Connection Speed Vista Vs XP To SQL2005 / Server 2003

Jan 31, 2008

I have an application written in VB6 that creates a ADO connection using the (native SQL2005 clien)t from the client to SQLServer 2005 on Server 2003 configured as a stand alone server. The application works great on XP and has for a number of years.

Now I am attempting to deploy in Vista and using the same code the connection speed CRAWLS. it's in the magnitude of atleast 10 times slower. It eventualy works but the selects and doing a readnext against the resulting record set is at a snails pace.

What am I missing. It's has to be some sort of configuration problem somewhere.

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Error Installing SQL2005 SP2

May 23, 2007

I'm trying to install SP2 for SQL 2005 on Win 2003 sp1. Right now 2005 is installed as a named instance with a 2000 instance running on the same box.

I get this in the log files:

<Func Name='LaunchFunction'>
<Func Name='GetCAContext'>
<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='0'>
Doing Action: Do_sqlPerfmon2
PerfTime Start: Do_sqlPerfmon2 : Wed May 23 10:09:03 2007
<Func Name='Do_sqlPerfmon2'>
Error copying file(C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTSSVCPERF.INI) to file(C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnperf-DTSSVCPERF.INI). Error code 2
MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:671]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:688]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:688]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
Error Code: 1603
MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:723]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:740]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:740]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038
MSI (s) (5C!64) [10:09:03:740]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services -- Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The system cannot find the file specified.

Error 29528. The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Installing performance counters. The error is: The system cannot find the file specified.

<EndFunc Name='LaunchFunction' Return='1603' GetLastError='0'>
MSI (s) (5C:38) [10:09:03:757]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
MSI (s) (5C:38) [10:09:03:757]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
Action ended 10:09:03: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.

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Installing Sql Server On Vista

Sep 7, 2007

Hi Guys,

I m a beginner to sql server 2000 or 2005 .i want to install sql server on my PC (windows vista).can you please tell me how to download and install the sql server.i want to practise some procedures and sql statements.can you please guide me what should i download (server and client).

Thanks in advance

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Installing MSDE On VISTA

Dec 12, 2007

I am in the process of preforming backwards compatibility testing inside our software with our sql statements. In the past we have run into problems where we write our SQL code in 2005 and SQL 2k cannot handle that code. (ie: nested sub selects within the select statement) I want to maximize effiency and install MSDE 2k on my Vista test machine but i have heard rumors that this could be potentially bad. Also if anyone has done this can you explain how to set the instance name if you already have sql 2005 installed? I would assume this would be done in the setup.ini in the MSDE folder before launch. If this cannot be done i can certainly put a XP test machine online for me to dial into and install MSDE 2k as well but it would have an existing 2005 session on it and i would need to find out how to name the instance before msde installed.

Thanks in advance


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Installing Anther Sql2005 Instance

Oct 6, 2007


I have installed sql2005 default instance, and I need to install anther named instance. but when I tried to install the s/w it does not give option for new instance instead, it shows only uninstall option.

How can I install anther nameds instance;

thanks in advance.

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Vista

Mar 6, 2008


I'm about to purchase a new development laptop and want to ensure I won't have any issues installing SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista.

I can see from that it is possible but states that SQL Server 2005 SP2 must be installed.

My install CD is for SQL Server Developer Edition without SP1 or SP2. Will I be able to install off this and then install SP2 afterwards or will I encounter problems because I need SP2 present on the install media?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Installing SQL Server 2005 - Vista Help..

Feb 20, 2007

Ok ive tried looking everywhere for a solution but i just cant find one... please help me

I need to install SQL Server 2005 (for reporting services mainly) on Vista, but i have issues.

I have installed IIS and its checked in the pre-installation checklist, and the only thing with an exclamation point is the OS which is to be expected.

The issue im having is that when i get to the screen to select the features/components i want to install, they are all disabled apart from "Workstation components, Books online etc..."

Where am i going wrong with this.. I know i need the services pack to install reporting services, but i cant install anything at this point.

A walkthrough or something would really help...


Robert Macnair

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Installing Reporting Services On Vista X64 (with IIS 7.0)

Jan 21, 2007

After wrestling my fair share on the Reporting services installation on Vista x64 with IIS 7.0 I figured to write out the details where the bells and whistles are found.

1. First Sergio Tarillo has written good guide for IIS 7.0 configuration so that Reporting Services accepts it. The guide is non-english, but the screenshots are self-explanatory:

2. After that the resulting error is complainment about ASP.NET being 32-bit and not 64-bit registered. This actually means, that the application pool is opted to run 32-bit code. The real toggle is located under IIS management Application Pools ==> Set Application Pool Defaults... (top-right on the screen).

Under there set Enable 32-bit Applications to False.

3. You will need to install SQL Server 2005 SP2 CTP.

Note: The files seem to be named according to the KB article; however the filename does not show how old/new edition the SP2 CTP actually is (or at least I happened to have some from end of the November, when the current one as of now is December CTP - with different file size).

You can catch the December CTP here:

Or choose the "safer" route and use the "Where to find the latest SPs page":

After the SP installation I got the Reporting Server Configuration Manager to work without errors. However I ran out of time to work around the other errors configuration permission issues still.

I'll post follow ups as the thing progresses.


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Installing SQL 2005 On Vista Business

Dec 27, 2007

Dear All,

I am trying to install SQL 2005 Developer edition on my machine - Vista Business edition.

My machine has 2 GB RAM with 160 HDD. IIS is on. Still I am getting the following warring messages.
- Minimum Hardware Requirement
- IIS Feature Requirement

I am not able to proceed with the installation due to this.

Please help.

Biju Varughese

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Unable To Connect After Installing Vista SP1

Feb 25, 2008


I am using Sql server 2005 on our local network. I have an vpn open to an other network.
Before installing Vista SP1, I could simple connect to the db (sql server management studio, windows authentication).

After installing Vista SP1, I can connect to sql server when the vpn is closed. But when the vpn is open, I get the following message:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Does anyone have a clue?


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Installing SQL 2005 Express On VISTA

Oct 26, 2007


I'm preparing to install VS2005 along with SQL Server 2005 express on VISTA. Honestly, I just hope nothing will get screwed up...

- After installing VS2005, I will first install SQL Server 2005 express from my VS2005 DVD
- I will then install SQL Server 2005 express with Advanced services SP2 as well
as SQL Server 2005 express toolkit SP2 upgrades.

A few technical questions:

1. Considering the fact that I have Office2007 as well as Outlook 2007 installed on my VISTA machine, is there any install issues regarding SQL Server 2005 and Office2007? I remember having read posts reporting install problems... Any feedback would be appreciated.

2. After I install SQL Server 2005 Express from VS2005 DVD, do I need to install SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 before installing SP2?

Thanks all for your help,


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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Vista

Mar 6, 2008


I'm about to purchase a new development laptop and want to ensure I won't have any issues installing SQL Server 2005 on Windows Vista.

I can see from that it is possible but states that SQL Server 2005 SP2 must be installed.

My install CD is for SQL Server Developer Edition without SP1 or SP2. Will I be able to install off this and then install SP2 afterwards or will I encounter problems because I need SP2 present on the install media?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Installing SQL Server 2005 On Vista...

Mar 19, 2007

I am having the absolute worst luck installing SQL 2005 developers edition on my windows vista laptop. In class we have been using SQL 2000, but I bought a new laptop that has vista home premium preloaded so I need to use 2005 (says the solution analyzer). I have loaded all the IIS services and tried to install the first CD (it never asks for the 2nd one. During the system configuration check i get an "edition change check" waring and a "IIS feature requirement" warning. Once the install completes I cant find the query analyzer or any other SQL applications, just the configuration tools folder. I have tried running the latest service pack with no luck. I have visual studio loaded 2005 loaded as well and didnt have any issues with that, could anyone help me out?

Thanks in advance!

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SQL2005 Installation Errr After Installing VS2008

Mar 12, 2008


I Had VS20005 and SQL 2005 Working perfectly. For some errors, I did formatted my PC and installed VS2008. After doing that, I am trying to install MSSQL2005, when installation be in "Integration development environment with 2005" Phase, An error appears, and the installation stopped. What I have to Do to solve this?
Note: I ahve XPSP2 32 bit installed.

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Installing Sql Server 2005 On Vista - Can't Find

Mar 25, 2008

I tried to install SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition on my laptop with Vista Business but I have gone through installation process a couple times and I can't seem to find SQL Management Studio.  The install setup.exe files even tell me that there is nothing left to install when I run them.  I have done all SP updates with installation and VS2005 is also already installed.  But when I search the "all programs" directory I only have the below options under SQL Server 2005/Configuration Tools:
- Notification Services- SQL Server Configuration Manager- SQL Server Error & Usage Reporting- SQL Surface Area Configuration
Is the Management Studio somewhere in the above options or do I need to uninstall and re-install (hopefully not).

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Installing SQL Server 2005 On VISTA Business

Feb 24, 2008

I'm installing SQL Server 2005 on VISTA business.
While Configuring SQL server database services, following error appears:

Description of error is attached herewith.
Please help..
Thanks in advance

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