Internalization Of (generic) Application Layer Software To The Database TSQL

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings to all database professionals and laymen,

Let us make a bold assumption that we have developed a software
tool for the SQL Server environment which simply acts as an interface
between an end-user in an organization and the database, through
the exclusive use of stored procedures which are authored by the
organization or by software developers.

All development work at the application software level may thereby
be conducted within SQL, by the development of TSQL stored
procedures and their coordination across an organization.

The question then needs to be asked what are the advantages of this
arrangement and what are the disadvantages. I would appreciate
your comments here, as it is difficult for folk heavily involved (eg: me)
in something to obtain objective opinion otherwise.

Potentially it is possible to construct an entire database application
software package using only TSQL stored procedures and this
tool. When a database backup is conducted not only the data is
backed up but also all the "program development" suite, in the
form of stored procedures (and their scheduling, for example).

One of the advantages from my perspective is that this arrangement
implies the possibility that all software external to the database may
be made redundant (except this tool), and along with it, all the other
redundancies of managing application development (life-cycles) within
the database and then coordinating these changes with software
external the database (particulary loading it to the client environment)

You see, I believe that (for example) any and every application written
in VB, C, etc, etc, etc (external to rdbms) expressly for database software
(ie: rdbms software such as SQL Server) involves a redundancy of data
definitions required ---- once within the VB and once within the db.

I would appreciate any feedback on any of the above issues, and
wish everyone the compliments of the season.

Pete Brown
Falls Creek
BoomerangOutPost: Mountain Man Graphics, Newport Beach, {OZ}
Thematic Threading: Publications of Peace and Of Great Souls
Webulous Coordinates:


"Consciousness is never experienced in the plural, only in
the singular. How does the idea of plurality (emphatically
opposed by the Upanishad writers arise at all? .... the
only possible alternative is simply to keep the immediate
experience that consciousness is a singular of which the
plural is unkown; that there *is* only one thing and that
what seems to be a plurality is merely a series of different
aspects of this one thing produced by deception (the Indian
maya) - in much the same way Gaurisankar and Mt Everest turn
out to be the same peak seen from different valleys."

- E. Schrodinger, "What is Life"

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Randomness Better In SQL Or In Application Layer

Aug 17, 2007

Instead of showing the same content (images) when customers visit our application, we want to show random images to make use of all the images that can be displayed.

My question is, is it better to handle randomness at SQL or in the application layer. In sql, we can achieve this by doing order by newid(). My understanding of this is, SQL will create a guid (which is random) for all the rows in the resultset and will sort by the guid. If this code is encapsulated in a SP and if it may be executed over say 200+ or say 1000+ times a day, isn't it better to handle the randomness in the app layer. Let the app layer use resources and sql just retrieve the data necessary.

Any thoughts?

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Application Layer For SSRS

Feb 19, 2008


I'm searching for good documentation for building Application layer for Report (SSRS) using Visual Studio 2005. Kindly forward useful link if possible or walk me through.


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Should SQL Server Act As A Business Layer In The 3-tier Application Layout.

Mar 7, 2007

Hello Everyone

I'm looking for outside opinion on how to implement the business layer of an application. The straight forward idea I know of would be to develop a component that encapsulates all the business rules under objects. Client applications would access this component, and the business component would talk directly to the database. This was great for me when I used Access databases.

Now I have been introduced to SQL server and the stored procedures. I think stored procedures are one of the best features because these procedures can enforce rules as sort of a "last line of defence". So this is where my question comes in. Where would the best place be to implement the business layer? Through a component, such as XML services that allow other clients to access the business rules OR stored procedures.

I do understand that components/dlls provide MUCH more flexibility then stored procedures.

But, if I do take the component route:

- Other then SQL queries that get called multiple times, is there any use for stored procedures?
- For some case scenarios such as web sites that access a Business Layer, should the business layer use ONE sql server login/role to access the data or create a sql login/role for each major segment/service? E.g. one login for the accounting side, one login for the
web site services, one side for HR and the business layer will have to decide which one to use depending on the service requested.
- Would it be in the best interest of security that I allow the business components to send SQL queuries such as Insert/Delete/Update? I loved the idea of stored procedures because if for some reason, someone steals the business layer userId/password, they are only exposed to the assigned stored procedures and cannot do "Delete From Table". Unfortunately, this practice has led to an abundance of stored procedures (the list is HUGE).

If I do take the Sql stored procedure route:

- If someone steals any user Id/password, they will only be exposed to the assigned stored procedures and THOSE stored procedures contain the business rules. Thus the damage can be minimized.

- If some developer makes a mistake down the road or forgets some sort of business aspect (and is not going through the business layer), again, stored procedures would offer a last "line of defense". Lets face it, there are some applications that do not necessary require a business layer

I'd like to get everyone's opinion on how they partition the business rules with SQL server? Do you use SQL server stored procedures to only enforce formating rules (such as upper case, lower, etc) while the business rules are stored in a component?

Do you use stored procedures to enforce all business rules? None?

Thank you for your time,


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ADO Con String - Getting Application Name In TSQL

May 23, 2000

I'd like to get part of an ADO connection string inside some TSQL.

Is there a SQL @@Variable or a way to get Host/User/Application that is performing a given task in SQL?

I really want to get the application Name .....


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Generic Database Design

Oct 12, 2007

Can someone please guide me to online resources or books on how to design generic database? I mean, I can have a "Record" that can have a set of fixed fields like: ID, Title, CreatedOn, etc ... and I can add as many properties I want to that record in a vertical way.
Then based on the generic tables present, I can fit in the same table, a Record for Customer, a Record for House, a Record for Order. All share the same set of Fields, but each has its own set of proeprties.
This way, I design my database once, and customize it to fit any type of applications I need.
Is there something like that or just dreaming?

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Designing A Generic Database API

Nov 22, 2005


My current project requires me to convert a mysql based software to a more generic one. I started by designing separate db class files and separated the lower level connection queries from the business logic. By doing this, I now have mssql.class, mysql.class, sqllite.class etc..

But am not sure how to handle sql functions in queries. For instance, one of my queries need the use of a date function to add minutes to a db field.

In mysql, I accomplish this using

dbfield+interval '$arg' minute between date1 and date1

But in mssql I cannot use this type of query. It seems I'll have to use date_add() function. How do I handle this situation?

My frontend scripting language is php

Thanks d'advance

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How To Connect Generic Database Field To Report?

Jul 23, 2007


I want to make a report where multiple users can use the same report to connect to their databases and then print out the report with information from those databases. Both databases have the exact same tables and fields but the data that is in them is different. However, I have only been able to figure out how to connect the report to one specific database, and therefore the report always prints out information from that database instead of the user specified one. So let's say I want my report to print out the name that is in the database field Name for any database I connect to, how would I do this?

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Restoring Database In TSQL

Sep 30, 2004

Hi. I want to restore a database named Employee Training but when I restore it, I want to name it Training. I know to to restore it in TSQL I type
"RESTORE DATABASE Employee Training To (name of device). How do I rename it to Training? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.

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TSQL To Update From One SQL Database To Another

Mar 7, 2008

I need to update a column(X) in database A.tableA with a column(Y) from database B.tableB where the value in
another column(Z) in A.tableA = the value in a column(W) in B.tableB

Both databases A & B are on the same SQL server.

Any help with the syntax will be appreciated


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How Do You Reference A Table In Another (SQL) Database In TSQL

Jan 9, 2001

Good afternoon one and all,

I am trying to write a query that will use tables in more than one SQL database (on the same server). How do refer to the table? I have tried dbasename.tablename.fieldname but I don't think that's working.

TIA for any and all help


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Connect To Another Server / Database TSQL

Jan 30, 2001

Is there a way to connect to another server in a TSQL script. I would assume that there would be but, I must be missing it somewhere. I found the ESQL CONNECT TO function but, can't seem to get that working either. Any help (even telling me it's not possible) would be appreciated.

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Script All Object In Database With TSQL

Nov 28, 2007


in management studio (sql 2005) there is a useful task that provide the "script" of all object (triggers, tables, constraints and so on) in database.

I would like to do this with TSQL, is there any command, stored proc or anything else that has the same functionality?


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Tsql Script To Connect To Another Database

Aug 31, 2006


I am in database db1. in the middle of a stored procedure i want to connect to database @db2 (it is a variable) and i want to execute some commands in it.

How is it possible to do that in t-sql?


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How Can I Set The Default Database For A User With TSQL?

Dec 7, 2007


I am u sing a script to create databse logins en users. Every thing works fine, but...
How can I set the default database for a user with TSQL?


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Interface To Connect To Database To Test TSQL

Jan 22, 2008

I am looking for an interface connect to 'SQL Server 2000 enterprise' so that my TSQL can be executed. I am using 2003 Excel but there is a limitation of 65k records only can be loaded. Can I use 'SQL server express' 2000 or 2005, Acess?
If I want to use client of 'SQL server 2000' do I need to buy it? Which interfact has the query analyzer ?
Thanks in advanced

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Abstraction Layer

Nov 8, 2007


Is anyone using an abstraction layer for the middle tier to interface with so the actual table design is hidden for the application? I have read several articles that it can be done using views Design/61335/. However, I don't see myself creating a view ontop of every table and allowing dml modifications to happen through them. I think it would make the query optimizier throw up after a certain level of data and views are encountered. I know snonyms are available in 2005, but I have only seen what can be done not what should be done.

I don't have a fear of allowing my .NET developers (I work with very competent people) to create middle tier objects directly against the db tables for oltp dml operations. I don't want to create stored procedures for these because I think more flexibility exists within the middle tier for business logic. Then all select operations are performed against the db with stored procedures. Does anyone out there think I am crazy? Has anyone successfully created an abstraction layer strategy for their entire db?


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Persistance Layer

Mar 15, 2007

What is Persistance layer?

And is it part of Database layer or other name for database layer?


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How To Use SCOPE_IDENTITY() In 4-layer Architecture

May 23, 2007

I have the following stored procedure:
INSERT INTO MyTable ( Value1, Value 2)
VALUES( @Value1, @Value2)
How do I put this sp in the DAL typed dataset, so I can get the Identity value in the Business Layer?

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Using A Static Class As Sql Layer ?

Jun 12, 2008

Can I use this class in ASP.NET web site with many visitors?SqlLayer.cs: public static class SqlLayer{ public static string ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SomeConnectionString"].ConnectionString; public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string StoredProcedureName, string[] ParamNames, object[] ParamValues) { if (ParamNames.Length != ParamValues.Length) { throw new Exception("ParamNames.Length != ParamValues.Length"); } using (SqlConnection cSqlConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString) { cSqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand cSqlCommand = cSqlConnection.CreateCommand(); cSqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cSqlCommand.CommandText = StoredProcedureName; cSqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ReturnValue", DbType.Int32); cSqlCommand.Parameters["@ReturnValue"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; for (int i = 0; i < ParamValues.Length; i++) { cSqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue(ParamNames[i], ParamValues[i]); } cSqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); return (int) cSqlCommand.Parameters["@ReturnValue"].Value; } } public delegate void ActionForReader(SqlDataReader Reader); public static void ExecuteReader(string StoredProcedureName, string[] ParamNames, object[] ParamValues, ActionForReader cActionForReader) { using (SqlConnection SqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { SqlConnection1.Open(); SqlCommand SqlCommand1 = SqlConnection1.CreateCommand(); SqlCommand1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlCommand1.CommandText = StoredProcedureName; for (int i = 0; i < ParamValues.Length; i++) { SqlCommand1.Parameters.AddWithValue(ParamNames[i], (ParamValues[i] == null ? DBNull.Value : ParamValues[i])); } using (SqlDataReader Reader = SqlCommand1.ExecuteReader()) { if (cActionForReader != null) { //if (Reader.HasRows == false) throw new Exception("Reader has no rows"); //if (Reader.RecordsAffected == 0) throw new Exception("Reader RecordsAffected = 0"); while (Reader.Read()) { if(Reader!=null) cActionForReader(Reader); } } } } }}   Using: SqlLayer.ExecuteNonQuery("SomeStoredProcedure", "ID", ID);---------SqlLayer.ExecuteReader("SomeStoredProcedure", new string[]{"Param1","Param2"}, new object[]{Value1,Value2}, Action);...void ActionForForumCollection(SqlDataReader Reader) {LabelContent.Text += Reader[0].ToString()+" - "+Reader[1].ToString();}  

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Data Access Layer Advice

Jun 19, 2007

I've been following Soctt Mitchell's tutorials on Data Access and in Tutorial 1 (Step 5) he suggests using SQL Subqueries in TableAdapters in order to pick up extra information for display using a datasource.
 I have two tables for a gallery system I'm building. One called Photographs and one called MS_Photographs which has extra information about certain images. When reading the MS_Photograph data I also want to include a couple of fields from the related Photographs table. Rather than creating a table adapter just to pull this data I wanted to use the existing MS_Photographs adapter with a query such as...1 SELECT CAR_MAKE, CAR_MODEL,
13 WHERE (GALLERY_ID = @GalleryID)
This works but I wanted to know if there's a way to get all of the fields using one subquery instead of three? I did try it but it gave me errors for everything I could think of.Is using a subquery like above the best way when you want this many fields from a secondary table or should I be using another approach. I'm using classes for the BLL as well and wondered if there's a way to do it at this stage instead?

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Creating A Data Access Layer

Mar 10, 2008

Hello, everybody.

In my web application, i'm using 2 tabels; Users(Username(PK), Pwd, Name, Deptid(FK)) n Dept(Deptid(PK), Deptname)).
For creating a Data Access Layer 4 my project, I added dataset as new item n followed the wizard 2 create the required functions.
I have a function GetUser(@uname, @pwd), which takes username n password as input. M using this for authentication purpose.
While executing it poping an ConstrainException.
Plz help me out.

I've tried 2 as clear as possible here. OR u may ask me any other questions for clear picture of the scenario.
Thanks and Regards,

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Creating Data Access Layer

Jun 11, 2008

I request you plz tell how to create Data Access Layer. I mean DataAccess.dll. So that I can call stored procedure from dataaccess.dll as below.
DataAccess.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(DataAccess.DSN.Connection("DBConnectionString"), CommandType.StoredProcedure, "SP_GetEmpIds");
I request you how can I add this stored procedures to DataAccess.dll and function. I am not having any idea in this area. I request you plz give me some suggestions to work with task.

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RAM - Generic ? W/ SQL Server

Nov 14, 2000

In general (I know.. lots of factors) but in general will adding more RAM to a SQL box help the performance? I'm working w/ 256MB right now, and deciding whether to add 256MB or 512MB? Any advice

Thanks and sorry so generic but this is a vendored app and they know of design issues but for now that can't be changed.

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Generic Date

May 26, 2006

Hi guys

I have a simple problem:

I want to be able to query with a start date(@start) and then calculate 1 year from there. I figured since the date is of type integer just add 364 and it will give me the day before 1 year.
So if its 1998-05-01, Id get 1999-04-31.



SET @FinStart = '1998-05-01' --is of type int .:. +365 is adding 1 year
SET @FinEnd = @FinStart + 364

SELECT @FinStart

Problem, this doesnt cater for leap years.

Any suggestions?

The help is always appreciated!


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A Generic Trigger

Apr 11, 2008

Here's the scenario:
whenever a change (insert/update/delete) has occured in any of the tables, it needs to be logged by adding the changed table's name, and changed columns' names (if any) into the special ChangeLog table.
So, is it possible for me to write a generic trigger that would get the name of the table it just executed upon and names of every column affected by the UPDATE and then insert those into the Log table?
If this is not possible, how do you suggest it should be done?

I'm familiar with standard SQL but T-SQL is completely new to me, so please bear with me if my question makes no sense...


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Disappear The Generic Bar.

Dec 21, 2006

Hallo all :

How to disappear the generic bar in the report, or to disappear some options (example export). I speak about the bar which in the top of the report or there are the numbers of pages.


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SQL - System Table In Data Access Layer?

Apr 5, 2007

How do I get a System Table like 'Sysobjects' into the Data Access Layer?
My app generates tables on the fly, and has to check in the sysobjects table which tables are present.

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LINQ Layer - How To Invoke A Sort Function

Jun 5, 2007

 Dear all,
I'm trying to create a BLL for an objectdatasource to used for a sorted DataGrid. I am trying to learn about how to use LINQ and I'm sure this is a simple question.
var query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(?????????);
Now I want to invoke the following method  List<MP3Collection> GetAllMP3s(string sortColumns), which can contain a string name for the field in MP3Collection that is to be sorted (and optionally the "desc" tag).
Now I'm resorting tocoding the query on a case by case basis, which is very tiresome (see the partial code below). This works fine, but is very long and tedious coding. I'm not sure how to go about neatening the code, though am sure it involves the ?????? space above.
Any ideas?
 public static List<MP3Collection> GetAllMP3s(string sortColumns)
{System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Pure sort expression: " + sortColumns);
bool descending = false;if (sortColumns.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(" desc"))
sortColumns = sortColumns.Substring(0, sortColumns.Length - 5);descending = true;
}string[] columnNames = sortColumns.Split(',');
 MP3DataClassesDataContext db = new MP3DataClassesDataContext();
List<MP3Collection> query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();foreach (string columnName in columnNames)
{switch (columnName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant())
{case "filename":if (descending)
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filename descending");
{query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filename ascending");
break;case "filepath":if (descending)
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderByDescending(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filepath descending");
{query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Sorting filepath ascending");
query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p => p.filePath).ToList<MP3Collection>();
//throw new ArgumentException("SortColumns contains an invalid column name.");break;
//var query = (from p in db.MP3Collections select p).OrderBy(p=>p.fileName).ToList<MP3Collection>();return query;

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What New Features Of .NET 2.0 Required In A Data Access Layer

Jan 10, 2008

Hi Experts ! I want to use maximum feature of SQL
Server 2005 and ASP.Net 2.0  in making Data Access LayerSuggestions will be welcomed .Thank you

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Making Calculations In A Business Layer Vs Sql Server

Jan 29, 2008

Lead information fields (name, address, etc.)
promo_ID: the id of the web form that site visitors filled out to send us their information
PPC_source: If this lead is a result of a Pay-per-click campaingwe capture the name of the search engine
Status_ID: Shows if the lead has been contacted, quoted, sold, bad lead, etc.
I was asked to come up with a summary report calculating the number of leads under each status ID - for each PPC_source


Total leads   |   

Google   |   


Status = pending




Status = contacted




Status = quoted




Status = Sold



Looping over each record (12,000 and counting) to get the sums of each status for each pay-per-click campaign takes a while (not all campaigns / status are listed above).
The question: Is it better to retrieve all records in a dataset and do the math in the business layer or is there a way to do the math in a SQL Procedure, or function.

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Deleting Using SqlDataAdapter Via A Data Access Layer

Feb 20, 2008

I've a management module (managing Products) currently being displayed on the aspx page using ObjectDataSource and GridView control.The datasource is taken from a class residing in my Data Access layer with custom methods such as getProducts() and deleteProduct(int productID)I'm currently using SqlDataAdapter as well as Datasets to manipulate the data and have no big problems so far.However, my issue is this, each time i delete a product using the deleteProduct method, I would need to refill the dataset to fill the dataset before i can proceed to delete the product. But since I already filled the dataset using the getProducts() method, is it possible to just use that dataset again so that I dont have to make it refill again? I need to know this cos my data might be alot in the future and refilling the dataset might slow down the performance. 1 public int deleteCompany(Object companyId)
2 {
3 SqlCommand deleteCommand = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM pg_Company WHERE CompanyId = @companyId", getSqlConnection());
5 SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter("@companyId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
6 p1.Value = (Guid)companyId;
7 p1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
9 deleteCommand.Parameters.Add(p1);
10 dataAdapter.DeleteCommand = deleteCommand;
12 companyDS = getCompanies(); // <--- I need to refill this before I can delete, I would be iterating an empty ds.
14 try
15 {
16 foreach (DataRow row in companyDS.Tables["pg_Company"].Select(@"companyId = '" + companyId + "'"))
17 {
18 row.Delete();
19 }
20 return dataAdapter.Update(companyDS.Tables["pg_Company"]);
21 }
22 catch
23 {
24 return 0;
25 }
26 finally { }
27 }
I thank you in advance for any help here.

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How To Rollback A Transaction In Data Access Layer

Jul 9, 2007


I am having a application in which from the front end i am saving details of three different things

i.Enquiry Details

ii.Parts Details

iii.Machine details

i am saving the Enquiry detail in a data table,Parts Details in a data table and machine detail in a data table and finally i am adding the three data tables into a single data set and passing the data set to data access layer there i have three insert command one for each data table in my case the enquiry data table will be saved first and then the next two details will be saved and i am saving the details in three different tables in the database, my problem is some times the enquiry details will save to the database and while saving the Parts details there may be some exception and i will throw an exception in that case the enquiry details will be saved and the remaining two details are not saved(Which are also part of the same Transaction).I wanted to know about how to call the transaction function in case of Data Access Layer.

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