i have been attending interviews and jotting down a couple of questions that were asked to me. could someone please answer to these..it would be of gr8 help..
Q 1> give example of situation when & why u would use clustered and unclustered index. not the definition a practical example.
Q 2> a website has a lot of users using it and the pages are loading very slowly what would you check..
i said would look for deadlock , the next question how would you look for dead lock?
i answered would check on the stored procedure on that page, question what if there are multiple stored procs then what would you do?
Q 3> what if u have a dts package and execute SQL task and there is a stored proc that is doing inserts on a table and that table has triggers on
it for insert, delete etc.so would the triggers also be executed with the dts package run?
I was wondering if some one would be able to help me?
I'm interviewing a SQL Admin soon and I'd like to ask him some SQL 7 questions to test his knowledge. He has less than a year of experience. Does anyone know any good questions I could ask him? Please e-mail them if possible. I appreciate any help that could be provided.
Hi to all. Recently i attended an interview .I have so many doubts ,could any one tell me about these questions.
1.) How to identify a query which is used by end user with out profiler. (the exact query) 2.) my tempdb is full what to do. Then i said i will restart the server then he asked My company is not allowing to restart the server.then what we can do? 3.) Transaction log is full what to do ? 4..How can we improve the performance of database. 5..how to rebuild the master database if it is corrupted. 6.. what new features are introduced in log shipping in 2005. 7..how can we give a permission to a userto use only profiler. he is not allowed to do any operations 8..after finding long running queries the next stop what we can do? 9..what i can do if my secondary database is no in sync with primary database in log shipping.?. 10..if the quereader agent fails will the transactional replication completely fails or partially fails. 11..how to replicate identity column in merge replication?
Any suggestions for some really juicy questions to ask contractors in an interview scenario?? What are your best questions any further ideas would be nice to hear. Cheers.
Hi,Is there any website which lists the various SQL Server relatedquestions which might be helpfull for interviews. I am looking forone that contains complex Queries that includes all kinds of operatorslike GROUP BY, HAVING etc...Regards,Kamlesh
Good fortune came my way this morning I was invited to an interview for a Database Administrator/IT Support position with a local charity.Although my 2 years experience with IT has been mainly supporting desktops Win 98,2K ,XP in a workgroup together with training users on MS Office Professional I decided to go for the database admin/IT support because I want to broaden my experience with IT applications. The objective being to become more marketable to employers.While I definately meet most of the IT support/training requirements for the post a few requirements are making me nervous because I have no experience in them since I believe I may need programming and or other skills which I don't have. The accountabilities that make me nervous are the following :
1. Devise and implement solutions to corrupted data and software inconsistencies or failures of the housing database.
2. Devise and implement solutiions to corrupted data and software inconsistences or failures of the management information system.
3. Devise and deliver reports from the housing database or MIS in order to satisfy the requirements of managers and external regulatory bodies.
4. Test and validate new versions of software.
Do I need database programming skills for these requirement?If not what skiils do I need and what would be the best way of answering quetions about these requiremnts during interview since I have no database admin experience ?
Hello everybody, I'm new to SQL Server,I have a interview tomor,could anybody give me a website from where i can get questions on SSRS. Thanks in advance
Help please? Does anyone have any suggestions for me in regards to my first interview for a SQL DBA position. I will be meeting with the technical team including developers and IT professionals as well as the hiring manager. I want to make sure I as the right questions and have the correct answers. This is my first interview for this type of position. What are good questions? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
here is a question asked in a interview: u created the sales database with the initial size of hte transaction log of 50 mb with autogrow, but no autoshrink u do not make any backup and donot set the truncate log on check point option to on. what will be the transaction log size after the next check point has passed?
I know sql and Dataware housing.I got a job offering for sybase sql but I don't anything about sybase.Will it be in programming in Actually what we will do in sybase? What will be the nature of work? and I just want to know what type of question will be asked ? Please do reply.
Could anyone guide me to prepare for the Interview in SQL SERVER 2005.
I have studied the relevant things from background knowledge from the SQL Server books. But is there any specific areas in which I have to concentrate for the sake of Interview?
My boss asked me to interview 2 people on Monday for a programmer/developer position. They say they are gurus, but my boss wants me to find out for sure. I thought a question about bitwise operations would be good, maybe one about semi-joins. Are there any questions you can think of that will spot the phony pretty quick?
I have been asked by a person who is going to interview me to supply this informationl;
'Come prepared to be able to talk me through how to set up an SQL driven .NET website on a server.
You are given a webroot folder containing root files such as the web.config and all the files for a .NET website and a data folder which contains an .mdf and .ldf files.
Talk me through what each of these folders contain and what you would do with them in order to set up the website on a server such that you would be able to open a browser type the URL you have configured and visit that website.'
I come from a Cisco background and no nothing about what she is asking. Is it unreasonable of me to expect to be able to gain this information in 2 days? Can you tell me the best place to look for this knowledge?
Hi, I will be going for an interview and I heard that the interviewer usually ask one question which is "if a table contains only one field in which normal form it lies.". What I wanted to know is if it is normalized or not if normalized then in which normalized form it will lie and if not lie in any normal form then why? I would also appriciate if someone can give me some good source for that as well. Please treat it as urgent as my interview will be day after tomorrow. Thanks and best regards,
Anyone know the answer to this? Looks an awfull lot like a trick question. How long will it take to create a non-clustered index comprised of 5 columns with each column being 50 bytes wide? The table has 6 million rows and an average row size of 2000 bytes. The hard drive system is comprised of 5 disks, which spin at 15,000RPMs and are setup in a RAID 5 configuration
i need some help. im going back for second interview for dba job and l am been told that there's going to be a test. Not writing but just task to perform. what should i expect? i want to be ready? thanks for hint
I was on an interview and one developer asked me: Suppose three transactions have three different isolation levels, one of them has isolation level serializable, and all of then hit one table. How will SQLServer handle this?
He said that SQLServer automatically set isolation level for all transactions to serializable.
In my experience of going through plenty of interviews, I have came across a question that I am reminded of by someone's signature.
The common question in this instance is: What is the advantage of a cursor over a stored procedure? Vice Versa?
I could only, in my so few experiences, have answered that stored procedure consumes less system resources than a cursor. The advantage a cursor has is record by record examination and looping capabilities.
Needless to say that whenever asked those questions, I haven't landed the position. So I'm wondering, what is the more appropriate answer?
Can anyone answer ths question please. If your page is running slow what sould u check specifically with the store procedure. What is it tht you might think is giving a problem. or how would u go about see what making your stored procdure run slow.??
I have met the interview question, I provide answer like the following from my experience. I don't know it is correct or need to supplement. Thank you for help.
Question: How to identity existing data for updating in SSIS?
Answer: If you have the same key columns such as primary key or business key, you just use them to identify existing records from data source to destination.
If you use different key columns between data source and destination, you can create permanent link table which will store business key for data source and destination, and you can compare records from linking table when you update data.
1. Is it legal and OK to use a MSDN SQL copy on a production environment or is it strickly for test environments ??
2. If I own a legal copy of SQL 7 with 5 cals, can I legally use SQL MSDE and have more than 5 people access my SQL server or am I also limited to 5 users as my original ??
I have some tasks that I need to accomplish within T-SQL but cannot find a means to accomplish them.
They are..
1. Check for the existance of an external text file.
2. Count the number of rows in an external text file.
3. Be able to run the BCP command from within T-SQL. I am currently using the BULK INSERT command which works fine but it does not allow the following..