Is Clustering Ever A Better Choice Than Mirroring?
Nov 8, 2007
clustering sounds expensive and arcane. Is it ever a better choice than mirroring for high availability? Perhaps when the size of the db copy is too prohibitive under the mirroring option?
Guys, I really need a help . I have one database (1TB) on two servers in different location( About 1200 miles distance). SO which options will be good: Clustering or Database Mirroring
I am totally confused . As i read from SQl-server- performance , Clustering doesn't protect data. It is server level.
I know there was a previous thread on setting up DB Mirroring and Clustering where DB Mirroring would failover first because its faster than clustering. But is there a way to set up servers to allow clustering to failover first and then use DB Mirroring failover if the cluster node fails.
I am developing an enterprise class solution using SQL Server 2005 and MS .NET v2 and am tying determine if SQL Server 2005 (which edition and if so how) would be adequate for my proposed solution. Any feedback, tips, comments would be greatly appreciated.
As a background the solution I am developing will be web services based and used by multiple offices around the globe by over 500 users. I have already developed a prototype using a single SQL Server 2005 instance but as this solution is going to be used by offices around the world I want to have an IIS Server and SQL Server 2005 server instance in each office with "links" back to the primary SQL Server 2005 cluster in Australia.
One of my thoughts was to set up replication between the offices that would happen at midnight remote office local time and then set up triggers to update the primary cluster when assoociated data was changed on the remote sites or on the primary cluster. Does anyone know or can anyone suggest alternatives to this strategy?
I effectively need some sort of inter site caching functionality with store and foreward capabilities ...
Up to now we have gotten by without having any local DR copies of servers (if a sql server goes down we are usually able to get it back in less than 3 hours). But I want more now. I want to trim the "down" window to no more than 5 or 10 minutes. (Immedate failover would be nice but is not an essential requirement. The essential requirement is to loose no data!)
I have a spec of knowledge in these areas:
SQL 2005 Clustering (requires approved hardware, quorum disk, etc. involved)
SQL 2005 Replicaiton
SQL 2005 Log Shipping.
SQL 2005 Database mirroring. ( needs three servers)
Which approach do you think is the most straightforward, sparing of hardware, yet reliable way to get us back up and running after a sql server failure.
I am confuse and cant decide on how to setup high availability on our SQL 2005. Here's what on my mind and on resources list:
I plan to have mirroring on my SQL1 to SQL2 with the help of SQL3 as witness. So this would be automatic failover. My idea on mirroring is when SQL1 goes down, SQL3 would tell SQL2 to run and be the primary. It will automatically failover to SQL2. Right? My questions are:
1) How can I revert back to SQL1 once it is ready?
2) I read in one of the post that it is impossible to write in a mirrored DB, is this true? I mean, what's the use of failing over to the next node when it's not possible to write and update data/records?
3) If number 2 is false (i hope so), how would the data be synchronize from SQL2 back to SQL1. Those transaction that were made while SQL1 is down.
4) How about the connection string from the web applications? Would it be automatically point to SQL2? We have load balancing setup in place, would this help web application connection to automatically point to SQL2?
Another setup:
We have SAN in place (not yet used, but is planning to use for this SQL thing), EMC to be specific. My question would be:
1) For SAN setup, the data storage would be centralize. So would that mean that SQL1 and SQL2 services will use the same data and log file from the SAN storage?
2) How would you call this setup then? Can this be clustering type of high availability? Will clustering work under load balancing setup? I believe mirroring is not possible here? Right?
3) How can I setup my 3 SQL servers with the same theory in mind: when SQL1 goes down, SQL2 will take over. Data will be synchronize when SQL1 is up and running again. With automatic failover and reverting back to primary.
I read so much topics about this, but the more I research, the more I get confuse.
Any suggestions, comments, advice is greatly appreciated!
We have 2 env. : Testing and Production, both are running Windows 2003 Enterprise Server with SQL Server 2005. The difference is Testing is NOT running Windows cluster but Production do so, what is the best way to transfer a database from testing to production?
We have another systems that both testing and production are running on NON-cluster and we use backup/restore to transfer the database, can it apply in this case.
And I found that there are a tools called DTC, which can transfer all DB objects from one DB to another, is it a best way to transfer between non-cluster and cluster env.?
In Sql6.5 we use binary sort order for a best performance (I think). I hear that it should be highlighted that the case for binary sort order being the fastest method of sorting and searching a database no longer applies at SQL 7.0 Is it right and why ????
I'm very puzzled by the choice of NC index being made by the optimizerin this example. I don't actually think it should use an NC index atall.I have:Table: CustomerStatus_TSingle data page19 recordsClustered Index on CustomerStatusID:CREATE TABLE [CustomerStatus_T] ([CustomerStatusID] [int] NOT NULL ,[Name] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[Description] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[Code] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[CodeAlt] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[Ordinal] [int] NULL ,[Default] [int] NULL ,[Display] [bit] NOT NULL ,[StatusType] [varchar] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[DateCreated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[DateUpdated] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[DateArchived] [smalldatetime] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_ROMS_CustomerStatus] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([CustomerStatusID]) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]If I run the following query, it does exactly what I expect and scansthe clustered index:SELECT customerStatusID, [Name] FROM CustomerStatus_TWHERE dateArchived IS NULLAND Display = 1AND StatusType = 'Q‘and gives the following QEP and IO statistics:|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([Reach_Roms].[dbo].[CustomerStatus_T].[PK_ROMS_CustomerStatus]),WHERE:(([CustomerStatus_T].[DateArchived]=NULL AND[CustomerStatus_T].[StatusType]='Q') ANDConvert([CustomerStatus_T].[Display])=1))Table 'CustomerStatus_T'. Scan count 1, logical reads 2, physicalreads 0,read-ahead reads 0.If I now put a NC index on the statustype column:create index ix_nci_statustype on customerstatus_t(statustype)the query plan changes to:SELECT customerStatusID, [Name] FROM CustomerStatus_TWHERE dateArchived IS NULLAND Display = 1AND StatusType = 'Q‘|--Filter(WHERE:([CustomerStatus_T].[DateArchived]=NULL ANDConvert([CustomerStatus_T].[Display])=1))|--Bookmark Lookup(BOOKMARK:([Bmk1000]),OBJECT:([Reach_Roms].[dbo].[CustomerStatus_T]))|--IndexSeek(OBJECT:([Reach_Roms].[dbo].[CustomerStatus_T].[ix_nci_statustype]),S EEK:([CustomerStatus_T].[StatusType]='Q') ORDEREDFORWARD)Table 'CustomerStatus_T'. Scan count 1, logical reads 7,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.For some bizarre reason, the optimizer thinks that a NC index lookupon a single-page table, which ultimately costs 7 IOs, is cheaper thana table (or Clustered Index) scan of a single page. Why? Theshowplan cost also shows that it expects the NC index to be cheaper(which is presumably why it goes and uses it), but even after runningUPDATE STATISTICS on the table it still chooses the same idiotic queryplan.Any thoughts, or has anyone seen similar behaviour before, and cananyone please explain it to me?p.s. I don't actually WANT to put a NC index on this table, but Inoticed the behaviour by accident which is why I'm asking the question:-)
If There are very lots of data to retrieve to show in any inquiry forms.each inquiry forms need to use a lot of table. There are two methods I thought First, Prepare data to Temp table when arise any transaction and Program then retrieves data from temp table. Second, Create view for retrieving data Which method is the better choice ? How ? (More fast, More performance or More flexible ? ) Please advise me....
Is the most logical choice of a RAD tool to use with MS SQL Server? Is strictly for web apps or can you use it to create projects that run as executables off the server?
the result is ok but the problem its taking infinte time if i add more tables to the outer join, i have more tables and each with huge number of records
any better way to do this ?? its true performance is a big deaaaal
Hi - I have a rather unreliable host just now - but they offer .net, sqlserver and SSL for a reasonable price.Problem is, the domain is hosted on a shared server - and it keeps goingdown apparantly because of code which is less than clean, on somepeoples sites. (ie. not closing connections etc).I am considering moving to a decicated server - but at this point intime, cannot afford a full SQL Server licence for it - however, thededicated server does offer MSDE. Is it acceptable to go back to usingthis from SQL Server - for a currently low hit site - ie. around 500hits per day.Does MSDE offer stored procedures (I don't use views or triggers)? CanI just take a DTC backup/export of my current SQL Server database, andrestore it to the MSDE one?What would be the cut-off point for using MSDE?Thanks for any info - also, if anyone knows why UK companies charge somuch more dor dedicated servers, than US companies - I'd be interested.Thanks, Mark*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
I created a application in VB and backend database for this is SQL Server 2005. So far I was working on "SQL Express", as a testing one. I have almost 20 Tables and also lot of stored procedure. From the programming point of view, the database is not that much of large. The size grows only when the pictures are added to the database. Its not a client/server application(only desktop application).
If i install Enterprise Edition, will it Consumes large space and memory into the client machine. What about performance issue.
Right now i have two editions SQL Express and SQL Enterprise Edition.
Which edition you would like to suggest on the basis of information provided as above.
I am using a stored procedure to take backup of my database from the Visual Basic Programming.
Before i posted one of my thread with the same thing, so i was recommended to go through with DMOSQL do deal with SQL server with Visual Basic Programming. For me, this takes some time to understand the complete concept.
Because of urgent i am using stored procedure to take backup with the following:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.BackUPBLMSDB
( @RP nvarchar(200) )
declare @backupfilename nvarchar(200) set @backupfilename=@RP BACKUP DATABASE [BLMSDB] TO DISK = @backupfilename WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'BLMSDB-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example @RP="D:ackupBackup-1 09-02-2008 11-24"
Every time i am passing a parameter with somename and dateandtime(System). Example
I would like to clear my doubt, is it a good practice to take backup with different names. The above one i store four backups . If the system crashes and i created the new database with the same schema without any data present in the tables, can i restore previous backup database to the newly created database.
Moreover, The first two backups contains "2900KB", the third one is "5400KB" after the data is being modified. Look at the fourth one it is "2900KB". Why the size is being reduced to "2900KB" after taking backup eventhough i didn't delete or added data into the database.
How do I get a particular user to be a choice under the db_owner role for a particular database? The user is listed under logins and even shows to be the db_owner for the database under the database access tab of the login properties. This is SQL 2000. Thanks, David P.
We have a small accounting application which is currently based using DBASE database. We need to change the DB and considering SQL Express. However, is some one can clarify following, it would be very helpful:
1) Application is used mostly by standalone non-technical users. There are cases where more than one user will need to connect to DB.
2) We need to ensure that user can not modify database outside of our application. This is needed to ensure database does not get currpted or passwords lost and then no one can open the database.
3) Installation needs to be simple without providing any options to users except where to install database or point to already installed DB in case its a network environment where 2-3 users can be working on the same database.
4) Application is usually installed on normal desktop machines. So, DB should not load the PC heavily.
Please advice if SQL Express is the right direction even with these constraints? What are the other alternatives? We are open to have a small consulting project as well with someone who can guide us through these issues. Email to contact is
We have several applications that work with product catalog data. Data is entered and maintained, searched, and reported on. We're using CSLA business objects to create our Biz Objects and our front end apps are ASP.NET pages and web services. SQL 2k5 is our database. Currently all data is done in Factory methods in our business objects using SQL Stored Procedures and UDF's.
We want to start storing auditing and statistics data on our product searches. In SQL 2k we were using SQL Profiler to capture data and storing the information in tables, but it really wasn't very flexible and was difficult to maintain. What we want to do is every time someone submits a search we store the critiera and the results. Every time someone edits a product we want to save the old record. This will allow us to provide historical reporting and statistical reporting to our users.
In our old system the search results table was at about 3 million records. And since we've moved to a web based application we're hoping to save this information asynchronously so our search results or postbacks are not held up by saving this audit data. We were talking about writing logic into our biz objects code but it all seemed a bit slow and difficult to do asynchronously. Then I read a couple posts suggesting Service Broker.
Now we're considering either writing triggers on our tables or adding code to our factory stored procedures to send messages to Service Broker that would save the data into our audit tables but not hold up our business processes. We would be saving to the same database on the same server, but different tables.
Does Service Broker seem like it could be the right tool for this job? There looks like a bit of a learning curve and before I jump in i'm looking for some advice or direction.
I'm a beginner to Report Services, and have tons of questions.
Here's the first one:
if the reports are created based on the condition that the user selects, how can I create the reports with Report Services?
For example,
the user can select the fields that will be shown on the reports, as well as the group fields, the sort fields and restrict fields. So I would not be able to pre-create all possible reports and deploy them to the report server, and I think I should create the reports dynamicly based on what the user select.
Could someone tell me how to do it (create and deploy the reports)?
I would like to write my table to a delimited file but I seem to have no choice but to use comma as the delimiter. Is there any way I can choose the delimiter ?
I have a report that includes two multi-valued parameters. In the Default Values section, I choose 'from query' and select dataset and value field. In the Available Values section, I choose 'from query' select the same dataset and value field, and in the label field I select the relevant label field. When I run the report my multi-valued parameters look like I selected the option 'select all' (all options are selected). How can I keep the multi-valued parameters cleared from selections until the user select his choice? Thanks in advance.
In one of my datasets, my field "Team" is a SharePoint choice column that is a checkbox, so multiple entries are in it. In my Parameter, I have it as a multiple-value, and I'm specifying the values directly in both available and default.For my filter, I have [Team] IN [@Team], which is where the problem comes in. It will only filter the results of entries that only have ONE listed in Team.Â
For example:Â One entry has "Building" in Team column which SSRS is displaying. But it will NOT display entries where "Building" and "Clerks" are displayed. I believe this is because SSRS sees this as 1 line of text, so it does not just see"Building" but "Building" and "Clerks" so it will omit it.I've tried to have my parameter set to "Get values from a query" but the problem there is the drop-down is too confusing since it interprets it as "Building" and then "Building, Clerks", and then "Building, Clerks, Economic Development' as another drop down, which defeats the purpose of the filter.
how I can get SSRS to show ALL entries that contain "Building" when I choose "Building" as a drop-down choice in my parameter? Instead of only showing ones that is Building only and dismissing other teams?
Using SQL Server 2008, we would like propose mirroring between two servers of a critical database. Since we initiate, may require to clarify on its purpose and also required changes from application end.Any changes required from OS Level? (I believe both servers IP or Host name should be added in host entries. Mirroring ports should be allowed/open including Principal and mirror server IP Addresses): Windows Team.Any changes required from Application? (Instance name, authentication: user name and its password should be added in web config files): Application Team.Any changes required from Network Team?Also for mirroring both the principal and mirror servers should be with same version, does it only mean SQL Server 2008 versions are enough or does it also mean to say build numbers 10.00.4000 should also be same.URL....
I need to set up asyncronous data replication across two clustered instances of SQL 2012 across 2 Datacenters. Both the datacenters have a common domain however the vlans are different. There are only 3 small databases on the primary instance.
any issue in setting up mirroring in this case as vlans are different.
I folks.I Have installed sql server 2005 express and choosed windowsauthentication on instalation, but i make a mistake and now i needmixed authentication, how can i modify this whithout uninstall andinstall again the application?thanks for the help.
I need to cluster two NT Enterrpise Servers with SQL 7 running on them. I have been looking all over the Net for info but not much luck. I need to have some specifics. Can you help me with some good sites or books or both? I have tried Microsoft and they had some info but not much.
We are in the process of consolidating all our SQL6.5 and SQL7 databases to a single SQL 7 server - once completed we want to setup a 2 node SQL7/2000 cluster on either NT4 Enterprise or W2k Advanced Server. I would therefore appreciate any advice in choosing between the two platforms based on cost, ease of setup & configuration and ongoing reliabilty & uptime etc - we currently have no NT4 Enterprise Servers so would have to purchase these licenses anyway. Correct me if I am wrong but I also understand that setting up a cluster on NT4 Enterprise is considerabely more complicated and time consuming than on W2K Advanced Server? Any advice would be greatly appreciated..
I have a job interview and I need to know what type of questions can be asked about working in a cluster environment, I don't have much experience in clustering, can someone please give me an idea?
I have a question relating more to documentation and support. I'm trying to find documentation on clustering.
I remember quite some time ago I found a white paper that literally walked you through every step involved in setting up a SQL Server failover cluster. I had also found a white paper that walked you through setting up an Active/Active cluster.
I've been going through Microsoft's site, but all I've found are little bits and pieces.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, or even provide a link, etc. as to where to find some good solid documentation, that would be awesome.
If i have an activepassive cluster for SQL Server, under what circumstances would it prompt to automatic changeover to the passive cluster ? Failure of the SQL Server, or let's say 1 user database out of 25 becomes suspect?