Is There A Unique Row Id Hiding Behind The Scenes?

Oct 11, 2007

I've heard that if one doesnt have a clustered index on his/her table, that clustering occurs on some underlying row id. Is this true? If so, is that id retrievable?

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Behind The Scenes SQL Commands

May 25, 2006

Hello, I am running SQL 2000 SP4 on a Windows 2003 standard edition server.

The SQL database gets changed/updated through a web interface. I was wondering if there was any way for me to see which SQL commands were being run on the database when changed like deleting/inserting users are being applied from the Web frontend?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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Retrieving ID After INSERT Behind The Scenes - Not Using A Grid View

Jun 3, 2006

Hi there. I looked through many other posts describing scope_identity but I am trying to achieve the same thing from the code behind. i.e. I need to some how call a method to execute the insert command and then return the ID so I can update other tables with this value.
I was going down the road of something like:
addnew as sqldatasource = new sqldatasource
addnew.insertcommand = "Insert into....; def @NewID as scope_identity"
The problem is I don't know how to add a output parameter using VB or how to retrieve it.
Any help would be much appreciated, this is doing my head in....

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How Do Flat File Source And OLE DB Destination Work Behind The Scenes?

Nov 12, 2007

Good day everyone,

I have implemented a simple package that has only a Data Flow Task in the Control Flow. The corresponding Data Flow Components are as follows (in the correct order):

1. A Flat File Source adpater which parses a file containing circa 1 million rows.
2. A Script Component that generates IDs for two of my destination tables.
3. A Mulicast Component that distributes all the columns retrieved from the source file as well as the 2 generated keys.
4. Four OLE DB Destination adapters where I insert the data from the different columns together with the generated keys as primary or foreign keys respectively.

My questions are mainly about how the "Flat File Source" and "OLE DB Destination" work behind the scenes.

A. "Flat File Source" adapter:
Does the "Flat File Source" adapter load all the rows from the source file into the memory and then start pushing the rows one by one into the data flow?
My concern is actually about the huge sizes of my import files, which might eat up the memory.
Or does the "Flat File Source" adapter load a certain number of rows, pushes them into the pipeline and then fetches the next batch based on a certain configuration?

B. "OLE DB Destination":
I have set the four OLE DB destinations to "Fast Load" with a commit size of 5,000.
Can I ever run into the problem of having for instance 10,000 records inserted in Table1, but only 5,000 inserted in Table2. The error case I am thinking about is as follows:
After the second commit on Table1, an erroneous record occurs during the insertion in Table2. Thus, the second commit for Table2 gets rolled back and the whole package fails.
In this case, I get an inconsistent state in my database.
In other words, how can I synchronize the commit operation in all my destination tables, s.t. they either all commit the same batch or all do not commit it?

Thank you in advance for your support.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Failing On Update With Unique Index Error (Not Unique)

Jul 5, 2015

This index is not unique


Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'.

The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).
Msg 3621, Level 0, State 0, Procedure DFP_report_load, Line 161

The statement has been terminated.

Exception in Task: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.DFP_Reports_History' with unique index 'ix_report_history_creative_id'. The duplicate key value is (40736326382, 1, 2015-07-03, 67618862, 355324).

The statement has been terminated.

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What Is The Difference Between A UNIQUE INDEX And A UNIQUE CONSTRAINT?

Sep 22, 2004

A UNIQUE INDEX must inherently impose a unique constraint and a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is most likely implemented via a UNIQUE INDEX. So what is the difference? When you create in Enterprise Manager you must select one or the other.

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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index In MS SQL 2000

Jul 20, 2005

HelloWhat should I use for better perfomance sinceunique constraint always use index ?ThanksKamil

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Unique Constraint And Unique Index, What's The Difference?

Jun 24, 2006

What's the difference in the effect of the followings:

I found there're two settings in Indexs/Keys dialog box of the management studio, Is Unique, and Type. The DDL statements above are generated by setting Is Unique to yes plus Type to Index, and just Type to Unique Key, respectively. What's the difference between them?

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Hiding A Zero Value

Jan 11, 2007

How can I hide or suppress the 0-values (zero) in a report?

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraint

Mar 7, 2001

Hi everyone,
I need urgent help to resolve this issue...
As far as the performance goes which one is better..
Unique Index(col1, col2) OR Unique constraint(col1, col2) ?
Unique constraint automatically adds a unique index
and unique index takes care of uniqueness then whats the use of unique constraint ?

Which one do one use ?


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Unique Constraint Vs Unique Index

Jan 20, 2006

BOL says a unique constraint is preferred over a unique index. It also states that a unique constraint creates a unique index. What then is the difference between the two, and why is a constraint preferred over the index?

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Unique Index Vs Unique Constraints

Mar 26, 2008

hi team,
.Can i create umique constraint with out unique index.when i am creating a unique constraint sql creates a unique index (default) can i have only unique constraint ?

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How To Select Unique Row When Entire Row Not Unique?

Mar 12, 2008

I am having a problem trying to figure out the best way to get the results I need. I have a table of part numbers that is joined with a table of notes. The table of notes is specific to the part number and user. A row in the notes table is only created if the user has entered notes on that part number. I need to create a search that grabs all matches on a keyword and returns the records. The problem is that it currently returns a row from the parts table with no notes and a separate row with the notes included if they had created an entry. It seems like this should be easy but it eludes me today.
Here is the code

Code Snippet
create procedure SearchPartKeyword
@Keyword varchar(250) = null,
@Universal_Id varchar(10) = null
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, n.MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly, p.DMM,
p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p inner join notes n on p.PartNumber = n.Identifier
where n.Universal_ID = @Universal_ID and p.Description like @Keyword
select p.PartNumber, p.Description, p.ServiceOrderable, '' as MyNotes, p.LargestAssembly,
p.DMM, p.Legacy, p.Folder, p.Printer
from Parts p
where p.Description like @Keyword

and the results:
PartNo Description SO Notes LA DMM Legacy Folder Printer
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 DGF1 114688 0 0 0
de90008 MAIN BOARD 1 I love this part Really I do DGF1 114688 0 0 0

This could return multiple part numbers and If they have entered notes I want the row with the notes

Thank You
Dominic Mancl

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What 's Difference Between Unique Key And Unique Index

Nov 13, 2007

What 's difference between Unique key and unique index in SQL server 2005?

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Hiding Particular Objects

Aug 1, 2000

Hey guys,
Is there any way to hide a particular object(table,sp,tr etc) from
a particular user?

we are developing softwares for the clients..and Once we install our product we dont want the clients site guys to go and delibrately view the data from sql server but through the front end. Is there anyway that i can do that...?

For Eg..the front end codes are capsulated as DLLs so that no can view the code.. Like that for SQL Server..can we do that kinda stuffs to prevent them?

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MS SQL Hiding Behind Access

Dec 7, 2005

Hi guys

We have a helpdesk application which is based on an MS SQL database, and which runs with a rather large and complicated C# based interface. We don't have the code for this, so we can't customise it. Long story short, what we want is to create an interface in Access (or similar) which accesses the same database as the helpdesk suite, and allows reading AND writing, and some rather complex operations (which SHOULD be fairly simple to do in SQL).

Unfortunately, I have been given this project, and I know about as much about Access and SQL as I do about Ghengis Khan's fashion sense.

I will follow with more information as required, but I'm going to need a lot of help with this one. First things first, is Access the way to do this? Is it going to be easier to create a new Access DB and synchronise it with the SQL, instead of both applications using the same database?

The only way I can get Access to interrogate the SQL database is to create a Data Access Page - is this the correct starting point? The only problem is that this seems to only offer HTML, and is far from being a friendly interface, at least not to me.

I know that I currently have no grounding in physics and I'm trying to build a space station, but any advice that you could give me would be much appreciated.

Thanks guys!

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Hiding The DB Design.

Feb 3, 2004

Hi all,

I am going to install my application at my Client's place.

I do not want them to know about my DB design and also i have a lot of master information that I dont want the Client to view.

The Client insists that he would have the Super Administrator user ids and passwords (ie. "sa" - user).

Is there any way i can encrypt my DB design and the data in the DB.

Or is there any other way of restricting the Client from viewing my DB design and data???



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Hiding NULL

Mar 29, 2006

In SQL 2000 Query Analyzer, you can set up the text output pane toleave null values blank.That could give you this (assuming it's set to comma-delimited) --CREATE TABLE #Test (A int, B int)INSERT #Test SELECT 1,2INSERT #Test SELECT NULL,4INSERT #Test SELECT 5,NULLINSERT #Test SELECT NULL,NULLSELECT * FROM #TestA,B1,2,45,,I can't figure out how to set up 2005 Management Studio the same way.I can only manage to get outputs like this, with "NULL" instead ofempty fields --A,B1,2NULL,45,NULLNULL,NULLHow can I get rid of the NULLs?Thanks,Jim

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Hiding Data

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am intetrested to know if there is a way to hide the information in aspecific column in my table. SQLServer 200. Something like a passwordprotection were you only see *****. I have a DBA but want to hide salaryinformation from him that is stored in the database.Any suggestionsThanksElmo

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Hiding A Table

Feb 28, 2008


I am designing a report with a few tables in it which i selectively want to hide if there is no data to display in them.
The tables hide themselves but leave behind a big void without compressing the fields beneath them.

Is there anyway to make sure that the tables are hidden and it compresses the space which it would have otherwise occupied?

The two methods i have tried are:

1. Put an expression in the visibility property and set it to true if the row count is zero
2. set the expression in the NoRows property to =""

(both without luck)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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Hiding Parameters

Jan 11, 2008

Hi There,

I am fairly new at RS, and have a question about showing/hiding parameters :

What i would like to do is have one report, with the parameters :

Report By : (Date/Week)
Buisiness Stream : (Spares/OEM)
Start Date : (Date)
End Date : (Date)
Start Week : (Start Week Num)

End Week : (End Week Num)

What I would like to do is show the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' when the Report By value = Date


Show the 'Start Week' and 'End Week' parameter when Report By value = Week.

Can someone help me with this?



P.S. If its not possible to hide the fields, could i grey them out??

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Hiding Sub Report

Jan 9, 2008

I have main reports and also sub reports in the same project [folder]. I don't want to show sub reports in the reports drop down list. Can you please let me know how to do it?

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Hiding Reports

Jul 23, 2007

Is there a way to hide reports before publishing and then hiding reports via the Report Manager? We have some subreports that before we publish, we would like to set a flag to hidden so the Report Manager will know after the deploy that this report is to be hidden.

Thanks for the information.

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Hiding A Subreport

Jul 24, 2007

We have a parameter that takes the values of "Yes" or "No" (non-queried). If the user chooses "Yes", we want the subreport to display, but remain hidden on "No".

In the expression for visibility, we have the following:
=IIf(cstr(Parameters!Heading.Value = "Yes"),False,True)

When the report runs we get the following error: "The input string was not in the correct format."

Has anybody seen this before?

Thanks for the information.

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Hiding Groups

May 1, 2008

I know how to hide groups using Expressions that use parameters that can be passed in, but can you hide groups that are inside other groups. Here is my situation. Our company has different organization levels. On reports the users want to select which organization levels they want to see the #s for. So I set up groups for each org level like so....

Org Level 1
Org Level 2
Org Level 3

The data results are like so

Org Level 1 Org Level 2 Org Level 3 Category $ Amount
USA Midwest Kansas 1 500.00
USA Northeast Maine 1 200.00

And I sum the $ Amount Per Category for each Org Level using grouping in the report.

Then based on the selections they make it hides the org levels they don't need to see. The issue is that the report will not show org level 2 or org level 3 if org level 1 is not visible, and org level 3 can't be visible if org level 2 isn't visible, etc.....Anyone know a solution to this situation, I know this has had to have come up.


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Hiding Database Views

Oct 17, 2001

Help Please!
How can I hide databases from users that do not have permission to log onto them in the SQL Enterprise Manager.
Thanks in advance for the help.

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Hiding System Tables

Jan 25, 2000

Is there anyway to hide system tables in a database so that only user tables are viewed?


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Hiding Implementation/Code

Jul 14, 2004

We are planning to sell a software.. and don't want our clients to access the code or database design.

Is there any way to hide the stored proc/trig code and the database table?

Help is highly appreciated.


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Hiding System Tables

Jan 12, 2004


Is there a way to hide the system tables on EM?


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Hiding Parameter Prompts

Jan 24, 2008

Hello everyone,

I have a request to hide certain parameters in a report based on the current user logged into our web based report viewer using the ReportViewer control fo

I am doing the standard stuff required to display the report as shown below.

Code Snippet
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri(""); // new Uri(MINETSecurity.WebSettings.WebServerPath, UriKind.Absolute);
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportPath = ReportName;
rptViewer.ServerReport.DisplayName = "Report1";
rptViewer.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = new CustomReportCredentials("myUsername", "myPassword", "myDomain");

Now that i have loaded the report into the viewer i illiterate through the report parameters looking for the ones which the specified user should not see as show below.

Code Snippet
ReportParameterInfoCollection MyReportParams = rptViewer.ServerReport.GetParameters();
foreach (ReportParameterInfo MyParameter in MyReportParams)
// returns a value from a custom class which is a predefined value for this user based on the current user logged into the website
string Value = CustomParameterValues.ToString(GlobalUserSettings.CurrentUser.CustomValueList);
if(Value != "") MyParameter.PromptUser = false;

Here is where the promblem lies, when i try to set the value of PromptUser i get the following compiler error.

Property or indexer 'Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameterInfo.PromptUser' cannot be assigned to -- its is read only

Is there anything i can do to set certain parameters invisible to the user and set there value myself. I know i could create 2 seperate reports and set the PromptUser value in the designer but i dont really want to be duplicating reports just to hide or show parameters.

I have tried using the SetParameters method of the ReportViewer component to pass the value of the parameters that should be hidden and even set the visible property to false, but it dosn't seem to work.

Any help here would be appreciated.

Scott Blood

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Hiding A Subreport SSRS

Mar 9, 2007


I'm a newbie inSSRS, kindly help!!

i have a subreport  and it needs to be displayed only based on some selection criteria, in all other case it needs to be hidden.i made the visibility to hidden, but when i run the report,it gives me a blank page where it usually gets me the subreport.How can i remove this blank page from getting displayed ?


PS: this is the expression i have added :


Thanks in advance for any help..

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Hiding Tables In A Report

May 6, 2007


Can anyone help me with the expression I need to use in order to hide a table with no rows? I have put my table inside a rectangle with the idea that I would just hide the rectangle if there weren't any rows but I can't find any examples of what expression I can use to specify the no rows condition.



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Hiding Sections Of Text

Feb 15, 2008

I'm new at Reporting Services. I need to know if the Reporting Services will meet my needs.

I need to create a report that looks much like a Word document with large sections of text. Is it possible to hide some sections of text based on boolean fields in a SQL table/query?

Alternatively.. will it handle rich text? I could then select the appropreate section to display by query.

Thanks in advance

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