Is There A Way To Display This Query In 1 Result Set?
Feb 15, 2006
I am trying to count the number of Part that is repaired and those that is not repaired, is there a way to combine the following into one result set instead of returning 2? The bold line is the only condition that's different between this 2 query.
I want to display these fields: date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model, repaired, not_repaired
/* parts being repaired */
select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model,
count(DISTINCT part_id) as repaired
from tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partid
where (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')
and part_replaced = 0
and (part_flag_nff = 0 and part_flag_ntf = 0 and part_flag_beyondrepair = 0)
group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid,part_model
order by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)
/* parts completed but not being repaired */
select DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0) as date_complete, part_categoryid, part_model,
count(DISTINCT part_id) as not_repaired
from tblPtSingapore INNER JOIN tblAuditPartStatus ON tblPtSingapore.part_Id = tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_partid
where (tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_status = N'COMPLETE')
and part_replaced = 0
and (part_flag_nff = 1 or part_flag_ntf = 1 or part_flag_beyondrepair = 1)
group by DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0), part_categoryid, part_model
order by part_model, DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,1,tblAuditPartStatus.auditpartstatus_datecreated),0)
I have a query to run, but the data in the tables are stored horizontally. I want the query to output the result vertically.
e.g. if row 1 contains the following data: custA,3-april2008,mango's,123,456,78,10
Then i want it to output as follows: custA,3-april2008,mango's,123 custA,3-april2008,mango's,456 custA,3-april2008,mango's,78 custA,3-april2008,mango's,10
hope I'm clear, and would appreciate if someone could help me.
I hope I am not asking about something that has been done before, but Ihave searched and cannot find an answer. What I am trying to do is torun a query, and then perform some logic on the rowcount and thenpossibly display the result of the query. I know it can be done withADO, but I need to do it in Query Analyzer. The query looks like this:select Varfrom DBwhere SomeCriteriaif @@Rowcount = 0select 'n/a'else if @@Rowcount = 1select -- this is the part where I need to redisplay the resultfrom the above queryelse if @@Rowcount > 1-- do something elseThe reason that I want to do it without re-running the query is that Iwant to minimize impact on the DB, and the reason that I can't useanother program is that I do not have a develpment environment where Ineed to run the queries. I would select the data into a temp table, butagain, I am concerned about impacting the DB. Any suggestions would begreatly appreciated. I am really hoping there is something as simple as@@resultset, or something to that effect.
Now I need to display the second field which is a #-separated field as individual fields alongwith tghe other fields that are shown on execution of the query. Can this be done? Please guide me on this...
Question: I have searched here and on Microsofts site already but it seems that all solutions require already either some ASP2 knowledge or MSSQL knowledge .. I am quite new in both but need to realise this for a project.
I have installed a MSSQL 2005 server running MSSQL2005 Standard in mixed authentication mode. Services running using a domain account created for this purpose. I have then created a simple database called test with a table called testtable
All I need to achieve now is a simple ASP2 page, which is located on the DC IIS, which connects to the SQL server (in same domain but different server) using WINDOWS authentication and returns the result of
I try now for a couple of days so I hope someone could help me with this .. I really need a step by step guide what I need to do on the SQL server side (so a specific user can connect to this particular database) and on the IIS side ..
I know it is always painful to help someone with little knowledge but I am getting desperate.
Here the SELECT query is fetching the records corresponding to ITEM_DESCRIPTION in 5 separate transactions. How to change the cursor to display the 5 records in at a time in single transactions.
CREATE TABLE #ITEMS (ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL, ITEM_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO #ITEMSVALUES(NEWID(), 'This is a wonderful car'),(NEWID(), 'This is a fast bike'),(NEWID(), 'This is a expensive aeroplane'),(NEWID(), 'This is a cheap bicycle'),(NEWID(), 'This is a dream holiday') --- DECLARE @ITEM_ID uniqueidentifier DECLARE ITEM_CURSOR CURSOR
I am trying to display component usage in January for the past year, if I want to display the year in different column, what should I do? eg. component_id component_description qty_used_on_2005_Jan qty_used_on_2006_Jan C58B0BDD tape drive 2 3 Currently I am using this sql: select cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan' as Year, component_id, component_description,sum(component_qty) as total_qty_used from view_jobComponent where month(date_complete) = 1group by component_id, component_description, cast(year(date_complete) as varchar(10)) + ' Jan'order by component_id, component_description which I will get something like this: Year component_id component_description total_qty_used 2005 Jan C58B0BDD tape drive 22006 Jan C58B0BDD tape drive 3
I have an issue while display the result in the required order. How to get the required output.
Code :
USE tempdb GO
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#VersionFormat_tbl') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl CREATE TABLE #VersionFormat_tbl ( [FormatID] [smallint] NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Code] ....
Present output : fileExtension FormatID Description fileExtension versionFormatTypeId txt 1 Text txt 1 html 2 HTML html 1 xml 3 XML xml 1 pdf 4 PDF pdf 1 xls 5 Excel xls 1 doc 6 Word doc 1
Hi guys n gals ! I am having a few problems manipulating the results of my data reader,To gather the data I need my code is: // database connection SqlConnection dbcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbcon"]); // sql statement to select latest news item and get the posters name SqlCommand rs = new SqlCommand("select * from tblnews as news left join tblmembers as members ON news.news_posted_by = members.member_idno order by news.news_idno desc", dbcon); // open connection dbcon.Open(); // execute SqlDataReader dr = rs.ExecuteReader(); // send the data to the repeater repeater_LatestNews.DataSource = dr; repeater_LatestNews.DataBind(); Then I am using: <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "news_comments")%> in my repeater.What I need to do is pass the "news_comments" item to a function I created which will then write the result. The code for my function is: // prevent html public string StripHtml(string data) { // grab the data string theData = data; // replace < with &alt; theData = Regex.Replace(theData, "<", "<"); // return result return theData; } But I am having problms in doing this,Can anyone point me in the right direction on what I should be doing ???
I am interested in changing the way that data is displayed in my result set.Essentially I want to display a selection of rows (1 to n) as columns, the following diagram explains my intentions.Perhaps one of the greatest challenges here is the fact that I do not have a concrete number of rows (or BIN numbers). Each stock item could be stored in one or more BINS, which I will not know until running my query.
I have a report that retrieves its data from Analysis Services. The data includes a count and dollar value of projects against their current status: It looks something similar to
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
In the report I hide the detail rows. I have a fixed/known number of statuses (in this case 4) and need to show all 4 in the report. eg
(group1) status1 10 $200,000
(detail) p1 1 $5,000
p2 1 $10,000
p10 1 $20,000
(group1)status2 0 $0
(group1) status3 5 $90,000
(detail) .
(group1) status4 15 $150,000
(detail) .
ie in this case I need to show status 2 (that doesn't exist in the data set) with zero totals.
Does anyone know if this is possible to get SSRS to display each of the status groups (in a known fixed list) and then match them to the records in the dataset.
As an alternative, if I were using SQL Server I could add rows to the dataset using a union statement. Is there similar functionality using mdx? My mdx skills are very basic.
HI, I ran a select * from customers where state ='va', this is the result...
(29 row(s) affected) The following file has been saved successfully: C:outputcustomers.rpt 10826 bytes
I choose Query select to a file then when I tried to open the customer.rpt from the c drive I got this error message. I am not sure why this happend invalid TLV record
As the topic suggests I need the end results to show a list of shows and their dates ordered by date DESC. Tables I have are structured as follows:
SHOWS showID showTitle
VIDEOS videoDate showID
SQL is as follows:
SELECT shows.showID AS showID, shows.showTitle AS showTitle, (SELECT MAX(videos.videoFilmDate) AS vidDate FROM videos WHERE videos.showID = shows.showID) FROM shows, showAccess WHERE shows.showID = showAccess.showID AND showAccess.remoteID=21 ORDER BY vidDate DESC;
I had it ordering by showTitle and it worked fine, but I need it to order by vidDate. Can anyone shed some light on where I am going wrong?
I have the following problem. My SQL Query that i wrote works but the result that is displayed in Query analyzer cuts most of my long text that I want in my result. The long text string is approx about 400 characters and the type is varchar of the field. Any ideas??
SELECT '510', PRODCLASSID , '1', COMPONENTID,'ENG'+SPACE(2),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPAC E(254),'#'+SPACE(254),'#'+SPACE(99),externalid, 'Desc1' = CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MF' THEN 'Full machine warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'MP' THEN 'Full machine warranty, parts only : parts covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PF' THEN 'Power line warranty : parts, labour, mileage and others covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,1,2) = 'PP' THEN 'Power line warranty, parts only : parts are covered at warranty rates applicable at the time of repair. ' END + CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)- 3,4) = '2018' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 18 month or 2000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '3024' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 24 month or 3000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '4030' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 30 month or 4000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '5036' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 36 month or 5000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '6042' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 42 month or 6000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '8054' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 54 month or 8000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' WHEN SUBSTRING(externalid,LEN(externalid)-3,4) = '1074' THEN 'Flexible warranty starts after the standard warranty period has expired and is covered up to 74 month or 10000 HRS, whichever comes first. ' END + 'Flexible warranty is handled according to the procedures described in ESPPM 3-10.' + CASE
WHEN prodclassid IN ('P1','P11','P8','P9') THEN ' (mileage limited to 300 km)' WHEN prodclassid IN ('P7') THEN ' (mileage limited to 200 km)' ELSE NULL END + SPACE(5000 - LEN('Desc1')) .......
Hi all, I am using ASP.NET 2003 with SQL Server as database. I have a database of a book store with BookPicture, Author, Title, and Description of the Book. Now when the user searchers for a book with a keyword, how can I display the results which should show: 1. The picture of the book, 2. The at it right, Title of Book, 3. The author,4. The descritionThen the image of "Add to cart" Each search result must be separated by a box like the cell of a table. Is it possible to be done? Thanking you in advance Tomy
Partial Public Class StoredProcedures <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _ Public Shared Sub StoredProcedureTest(ByVal strAS400ServerName As String, _ ByVal strCompany As String, _ ByVal decSerial As Decimal, _ ByVal strSerialCode As String, _ ByVal strSerialScan As String, _ ByVal decMasterSerialNumber As Decimal, _ ByVal strCustomerPart As String, _ ByVal strTakataPart As String, _ ByVal strCustomerRanNo As String, _ ByVal strCustomerAbv As String, _ ByVal strDestinationAbv As String, _ ByVal decQty As Decimal, _ ByVal strCreatDate As String, _ ByVal decVoidSerialNo As Decimal, _ ByVal strProductionLineNo As String, _ ByVal strProcType As String)
Dim sp As SqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe Dim strResult As Integer = 0 Dim strErrorText As String = String.Empty Dim dsData As New DataSet Dim parameter(15) As OleDbParameter If Not strAS400ServerName Is Nothing And strAS400ServerName <> String.Empty Then ' Populate parameter collection
If dsData.Tables.Count > 0 Then dsData.Tables(0).TableName = "Supreeth" Dim bitresult As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0).ToString() Dim errorstring As String = dsData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(1).ToString()
' I am not sure here SqlContext.Pipe.Send(bitresult) SqlContext.Pipe.Send("No errors")
End If
Else Throw New ArgumentException("AS400Db.GetAS400TraceabilityResult: AS400 server name is empty or invalid") End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub RunDB2Sp(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByRef parms As OleDbParameter(), ByRef dsData As DataSet) '********************************************* ' Declare Variables '********************************************* Dim daAdaptor As OleDbDataAdapter Dim cmdAS400 As OleDbCommand 'Dim dstestMe As New DataSet Try cmdAS400 = CreateCommand(strProcedure, parms) daAdaptor = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdAS400)
' Fill the Data Set daAdaptor.Fill(dsData) Catch expError As OleDbException daAdaptor = Nothing Finally daAdaptor = Nothing cmdAS400.Dispose() 'Me.Close()
End Try
End Sub Public Shared Function CreateParameter(ByVal name As String, _ ByVal type As OleDbType, _ ByVal size As Integer, _ ByVal direction As ParameterDirection, _ ByVal paramValue As Object) As OleDbParameter Dim param As OleDbParameter = New OleDbParameter param.ParameterName = name param.OleDbType = type param.Size = size param.Direction = direction param.Value = paramValue Return param End Function
Private Shared Function CreateCommand(ByVal strProcedure As String, ByVal prams As OleDbParameter()) As OleDbCommand Dim CmdSAS400 As OleDbCommand Dim parameter As OleDbParameter Dim connAS400 As OleDbConnection connAS400 = New OleDbConnection("Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=AHISERIESDEV1;User Id=****;Password=****;") connAS400.Open()
CmdSAS400 = connAS400.CreateCommand() CmdSAS400.CommandText = strProcedure CmdSAS400.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure CmdSAS400.Parameters.Clear() 'CmdAS400.CommandTimeout = intTimeOut If (prams Is Nothing) Then Else For Each parameter In prams CmdSAS400.Parameters.Add(parameter) Next
End If
Return CmdSAS400
End Function
I have a UI which supplies 16 parameters to my stored procedure , which in turn call another sored procedure on as400 which returns result set. So far i am able to send 16 parms and get the values in dataset. My question here how would i send the result set to UI for display, please feel free to comment on any changes need to be made on code . I badly need to find a solution for this and i appreciate any feed backs
This is related to: How can I make some graphics drawings stick while others disappear?
Except that now I am trying to connect and update to an Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient) via VB 2008 Express; specifically a table called €œHexMap€? that contains some columns that I am ready to insert some row data into. Here is what my program should do:
As I hover over a hexagon map of the US a red flickering hexagon follows the location of my mouse cursor. If I click on a given hexagon, the program draws a permanent blue hexagon, and sends a new set of row data into my database. Such information as the name of the state, row, column, center x, and center y, etc. Here is a quick snapshot of this program in action: -sorry, I didn't capture the mouse cursor inside the red hexagon
I think I am missing something since I appear to be able to connect successfully to the database table. Unfortunately, I never see the changes in the database, when I try to Show Table Data (via Database Explorer). I am hoping someone will review my code snippet (below) and tell me what I am missing. What happens when I run this code is that it acts like it works just fine, except that I have no indication that any changes were actually affected.
Code Snippet '====================================================================================== Dim CN As New SqlClient.SqlConnection() Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
'Use the following code to verify that a connection to the database has achieved If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
MsgBox("Workstation " & CN.WorkstationId & "connected to database " & CN.Database & "on the " & CN.DataSource & " server") End If
'use the Connection object to execute statements 'against the database and then close the connection da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter("select * from HexMap order by Territory", CN)
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close() '==========================================================================
Dim rows As Integer
rows = 0
Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("INSERT HexMap (Hexagon, HexRow, HexCol, HexX, HexY, Territory) VALUES(HexCounter, CaptureRow,CaptureCol,Hx,Hy,Territory_ComboBox1.Text)", CN)
rows = CMD.ExecuteNonQuery
If rows = 1 Then MsgBox("Table HexMap updated successfully") Else MsgBox("Failed to update the HexMap table") End If
If CN.State = ConnectionState.Open Then CN.Close() '==========================================================================
I got one table with 3 columns = Column1, Column2, Column3
Sample Table
Column1 | Column2 | Column3 ------------------------------------ A | 12 | 0 A | 13 | 2 B | 12 | 5 C | 5 | 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New1 Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 = 0
Select Column1, Column2, Column3 as New2 Where Column1 = A AND Column2 = 12 AND Column3 >0
The only difference is one condition Column3 = 0 and another one Column3 > 0. This two condition is not an "AND" condition... but just two separate information need to be display in one table. So how do i display the result in one table where the new Output will be in this manner
When I run the following query from Query Analyzer in SQL Serer 2005, I get a message back that says. Command(s) completed successfully. What I really need it to do is to display the results of the query. Does anyone know how to do this? declare @SniierId as uniqueidentifierset @SniierId = '85555560-AD5D-430C-9B97-FB0AC3C7DA1F'declare @SniierAlias as nvarchar(50)declare @AlwaysShowEditButton as bitdeclare @SniierName as nvarchar (128)/* Check access for Sniier */SELECT TOP 1 @SniierName = Sniiers.SniierName, @SniierAlias = Sniiers.SniierAlias, @AlwaysShowEditButton = Sniiers.AlwaysShowEditButtonFROM SniiersWHERE Sniiers.SniierId=@SniierId
I have two tables .. in one (containing user data, lets call it u).The important fields are:u.userName, u.userID (uniqueidentifier) and u.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier)The second table (w) has fieldsw.delegateID (uniqueidentifier), w.workgroupID (uniqueidentifier) The SP takes the delegateID and I want to gather all the people from table u where any of the workgroupID's for that delegate match in w. one delegateID may be tied to multiple workgroupID's. I know I can create a temporary table (@wgs) and do a: INSERT INTO @wgs SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateIDthat creates a result set with all the workgroupID's .. this may be one, none or multipleI then want to get all u.userName, u.userID FROM u WHERE u.workgroupIDThis query works on an individual workgroupID (using another temp table, @users to aggregate the results was my thought, so that's included) INSERT INTO @users SELECT u.userName,u.userID FROM tableU u LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID WHERE u.workgroupID = @workGroupIDI'm trying to avoid looping or using a CURSOR for the performance hit (had to kick the development server after one of the cursor attempts yesterday)Essentially what I'm after is: SELECT u.userName,u.userID FROM tableU u LEFT JOIN tableW w ON w.workgroupID = u.workgroupID WHERE u.workgroupID = (SELECT workgroupID from w WHERE delegateID = @delegateID) ... but that syntax does not work and I haven't found another work around yet.TIA!
When I run query in excel it gives result with different column sequence. The same query gives result with different column sequence when used in query analyzer or VBA Macro. E.g., Select * from ABC.
I have a column colC in a table myTable that has a value (e.g. '0X'). The position of a non-zero character in column colC refers to the ordinal position of another column in the table myTable (in the aforementioned example, colB).
To get a column name (i.e., colA or colB) from table myTable, I can join ("ON cte.pos = cn.ORDINAL_POSITION") to INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS for that table catalog, schema and name. But I want to show the value of what is in that column (e.g., 'ABC'), not just the name. Hoping for:
COLUMN_NAME Value ----------- ----- colB Â Â Â Â 123 colA Â Â Â Â XYZ
I've tried dynamic SQL to no success, probably not executing the concept correctly...
I'm having a bit of a trouble explaining what I'm trying to do here.
I have 3 "source" tables and a "connecting" table that I'm going to use
tblContacts - with contactID, ContactName etc tblGroups - with GroupID, GroupName tblSubGroups - with SubGroupID, GroupID and SubGroupName (groupID is the ID for the parent Group from tblGroups)
They are related in a table called tblContactsGroupConnection - with ContactID, GroupID and SubGroupID
One contact can be related to many subgroups. What I want is a list of all contacts, with their IDs, names and what groups they are related to:
We can save query output save as CSV file directly from the Query Analyzer window. I have done it at last few year before. Now I need it.Can anyone please give the one example for the same.
I have query that return statuses and their totals, the data looks like: StatusCode Total---------- ---------A 100PS 50SI1 9SI2 8etc... The query returns over 30 totals, but I only want the top 9 totals plus others (the rest of the totals combined) . How do I go about this query? StatusCode Total---------- ---------A 100PS 50SI1 19SI2 18SI3 9SI4 8PS1 6PS2 6PS3 6Others 99 Also, have it work for queries that have 9 or less totals?
Hi, I have this query: Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT Ticketreply.Status, TicketReply.ReplyID, TicketReply.AssignedTo, TicketReply.ReplyName, TicketReply.Reply, TicketReply.Attachment, TicketReply.LastUpdated, TicketReply.Priority FROM TicketReply INNER JOIN TicketThread ON TicketThread.TicketID = @TicketID WHERE (TicketReply.TicketID = @TicketID) ORDER BY TicketReply.LastUpdated" How in the gridview do I display all the results bar the first record? It does this at the moment: First Second Third I want it to display like this: Second Third So it misses the first row. Hopefully easy for you Pro's! Any help appreciated. Cheers, Ricky
I have I rather complex query and need to display a Sum in different ways. Now I'm wondering if the performance improves if you nest the queries in the described way. To me it looks, as if the sum just has to be calculated once?
select SUM(tiempo) as time_minutes, CONVERT(varchar(5), dateadd (minute,sum(tiempo),'1900-1-1 0:00'), 114) as time_hours, SUM(time)* 0.95 as time_discount from table
Select tiempo as time_minutes, CONVERT(varchar(5), dateadd (minute,tiempo,'1900-1-1 0:00'), 114) as time_hours, tiempo * 0.95 as time_discount From ( Select Sum(tiempo) as tiempo from table)a
Date                             ID            Message 2015-05-29 7:00:00     AOOze           abc 2015-05-29 7:05:00     AOOze           start 2015-05-29 7:10:00     AOOze           pqy 2015-05-29 7:15:00     AOOze           stop 2015-05-29 7:20:00     AOOze           lmn    Â
and so on following the series for every set of different ID with 5 entries.I need to Find Maximum interval time for each ID and for condition in given message (between Start and Stop)For example, in above table
-For ID AOOze, in message "start" is logged at 7:05 and stop and 7:15, so interval is 10 mins -For ID LaOze, in message "start" is logged at 7:30 and stop and 7:45, so interval is 15 mins
I am looking for a sql query that will return in below format
Hi, Please help me with an SQL Query that fetches all the records from the three tables but a unique record for each forum and topicid with the maximum lastpostdate. I have to bind the result to a GridView.Please provide separate solutions for SqlServer2000/2005. I have three tables namely – Forums,Topics and Threads in SQL Server2000 (scripts for table creation and insertion of test data given at the end). Now, I have formulated a query as below :- SELECT ALL f.forumid,t.topicid,,,th.lastpostdate,(select count(threadid) from threads where topicid=t.topicid) as NoOfThreads FROM Forums f FULL JOIN Topics t ON f.forumid=t.forumid FULL JOIN Threads th ON t.topicid=th.topicid GROUP BY t.topicid,f.forumid,,,th.lastpostdate ORDER BY t.topicid ASC,th.lastpostdate DESC Whose result set is as below:-
forumid topicid name author lastpostdate NoOfThreads
5 17 General NULL NULL 0 On modifying the query to:- SELECT ALL f.forumid,t.topicid,,,th.lastpostdate,(select count(threadid) from threads where topicid=t.topicid) as NoOfThreads FROM Forums f FULL JOIN Topics t ON f.forumid=t.forumid FULL JOIN Threads th ON t.topicid=th.topicid GROUP BY t.topicid,f.forumid,,,th.lastpostdate HAVING th.lastpostdate=(select max(lastpostdate)from threads where topicid=t.topicid) ORDER BY t.topicid ASC,th.lastpostdate DESC I get the result set as below:-
forumid topicid name author lastpostdate NoOfThreads
5 17 General NULL NULL 0 I want all the rows from the Forums,Topics and Threads table and the row with the maximum date (the last post date of the thread) as shown above. The scripts for creating the tables and inserting test data is as follows in an already created database:- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK__Topics__forumid__79A81403]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Topics] DROP CONSTRAINT FK__Topics__forumid__79A81403 GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[FK__Threads__topicid__7C8480AE]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsForeignKey') = 1) ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Threads] DROP CONSTRAINT FK__Threads__topicid__7C8480AE GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Forums]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Forums] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Threads]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Threads] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Topics]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[Topics] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Forums] ( [forumid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [name] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [description] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Threads] ( [threadid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [topicid] [int] NOT NULL , [subject] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [replies] [int] NOT NULL , [author] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [lastpostdate] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Topics] ( [topicid] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [forumid] [int] NULL , [name] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL , [description] [varchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Forums] ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [forumid] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Threads] ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [threadid] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Topics] ADD PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [topicid] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Threads] ADD FOREIGN KEY ( [topicid] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[Topics] ( [topicid] ) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Topics] ADD FOREIGN KEY ( [forumid] ) REFERENCES [dbo].[Forums] ( [forumid] ) GO ------------------------------------------------------ insert into forums(name,description) values('Developers','Developers Forum'); insert into forums(name,description) values('Database','Database Forum'); insert into forums(name,description) values('Desginers','Designers Forum'); insert into forums(name,description) values('Architects','Architects Forum'); insert into forums(name,description) values('General','General Forum'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'Java Overall','Topic Java Overall'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'JSP','Topic JSP'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'EJB','Topic Enterprise Java Beans'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'Swings','Topic Swings'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'AWT','Topic AWT'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'Web Services','Topic Web Services'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'JMS','Topic JMS'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'XML,HTML','XML/HTML'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(1,'Javascript','Javascript'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(2,'Oracle','Topic Oracle'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(2,'Sql Server','Sql Server'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(2,'MySQL','Topic MySQL'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(3,'CSS','Topic CSS'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(3,'FLASH/DHTLML','Topic FLASH/DHTLML'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(4,'Best Practices','Best Practices'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(4,'Longue','Longue'); insert into topics(forumid,name,description) values(5,'General','General Discussion'); insert into threads(topicid,subject,replies,author,lastpostdate) values (1,'About Java Tutorial',2,'','1/27/2008 02:44:29 PM'); insert into threads(topicid,subject,replies,author,lastpostdate) values (1,'Java Basics',0,'','1/27/2008 02:48:53 PM'); insert into threads(topicid,subject,replies,author,lastpostdate) values (4,'Swings',0,'','1/27/2008 03:12:51 PM');
Hi to all,I just need to get two fields from a table and manipulate the resultsin next query of a procedure.I planned to code like what you seebelow,create procedure marks1as@ sql1 as varchar(50)@ sql1=select registerno ,subjectcode from mark;beginselect * from marksetting where registerno='@sql1.registerno' andsubjectcode='@sql1.subjectcode';endcan it be possible to get the results as shown in the code? elsepropose an alternative for this scenario.Thanks in Advance.