Isql Field Output Length Greater Than 255
Jun 15, 2004
I am running a stored procedure thru' isql.
This returns only one field.
The sp is executed fine but if the data has length greater than 255 the data is truncated.
How do u capture the full output ?
Thanks In Advance
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Sep 23, 2005
Hi,I'm using isql to query data and output the same to a flat file.The isql has the following command options ' -h-1 -w500 -n -b -s"" '.In the SQL_CODE, the first two lines before the select statement areuse dbnameset nocount ongoWhen I run this, an additional blank line is put into the output file.Actually, there are two lines after the last result set in the outputfile. This file is being fed into another system and the blank line iscausing validation issues.How can I supress this blank line?This script is run from windows and the isql is called from a batscript.Batch script ...================================================== ========.....isql -Uuserid -Ppassword -Sserver -i"%SQL_CODE%" -h-1 -w500 -n -b -s""[color=blue][color=green]>>"%OUT_FILE%"[/color][/color]IF ERRORLEVEL 0 SET RC=0IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit 4================================================== ========SQL code ...================================================== ========use punclaimset NOCOUNT ONGOselect * from XYZ;GO================================================== ========Your help is greatly appreciated.Yash
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Jul 25, 2007
To simulate problem do follows:
1. Add Script source component.
2. Add 2 string output collumns: F1 length 50, F2 length 110
3. Add Union All component connected to Script source component
4. Add Script transformation component connected to Union All component
5. Mark F1 and F2 as input collumns
6. In the Input and Output section of the script transformation component check that length of the fields is 50 and 110 correspondingly
7. Edit Union All component: change Union All Input 1 to <ignore> for Output collumns F1, and F2; change Union All Input 1 to F2 for F1 and F1 for F2; change back <ignore> for F1, <ignore> for F2; set back F1 for F1, F2 for F2; Click OK to save
8. In the Input and Output section of the script transformation component check that length of the both fields is 110 now.
So, be careful to select output columns values in Union All component. If you choose wrong field by accident, and replaced it with correct one straight away, the length of output column could be stored not as you expect an need.
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Jun 7, 2006
I have a created a table and entered data into the table as follows:
CREATE TABLE t ( id INT , txtcol varchar(1000) )
Now if i select data using the query below the txtcol field displays only 255 characters :
Y is this happening?
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Jul 25, 2002
SQL 6.5
I am doing a ISQL join on 4 tables that creates a few million record output. This causes some memory grief on my laptop. How do I have my query output to my c: drive??
Thnaks in advance.
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Sep 15, 1998
I have a query I`d like to run using the isql command utility. The query works correctly and the output can be sent to a local file with no problem. When I try to designate a network location as an output file (e.g. abcdefgfile.txt), though, I get an error message "No such file or directory."
Is it possible to send SQL output to a remote location?
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May 20, 2007
hi all, I'm after a way to produce a single-lined output of a char/varchar string replicated over 8000 times.
basically I've been given a task to create a stored procedure which can accept any integer to replicate a string X times.
From what I've read the replicate() fn will covert to varchar of max 8000 bytes.
I've thought about creating a UDF to accept the varchar and int and run a loop to keep outputting but 'print' will pass an endline to the buffer which is no good for my loop.
Any help would be great on this. Thanks.
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Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to use a command line program to run a stored procedurethat generates output in a comma-delimitted format. Somehow, ISQL orOSQL always wrap the lines at 256 characters. I believe this hassomething to do with the column width switch (-w). But enlarging thecolumn width to 800 characters max still doesn't help. The followingis a stored procedure that is essentially doing what my storedprocedure is doing:create procedure MyTest asset ansi_padding onset nocount ondeclare @sTest varchar(300)-- Output three lines. Each line has 259 @sTest = "1234 6789 ... 1234 6789"print @sTestselect @sTest = "1 3 5 7 9 ... 1 3 5 7 9"print @sTestselect @sTest = "1 3 5 7 9 ... 1 3 5 7 9"print @sTestset nocount offreturn( 0 )I invoke this stored procedure using this command:isql -SMyDbSrv -E -dMyDb -w800 -x800 -h-1 -n -Q"exec MyTest"-oMyTest.txt-- or --osql -SMyDbSrv -E -dMyDb -w800 -h-1 -n -Q"exec MyTest" -oMyTest.txtBut they have the same problem. The output lines all wrap around at256 characters.Strangely, if I store the result in a temporary table, and then useSELECT to output the result from the temporary table, I will not havethat problem. Seem like the "-w" switch only works for output fromtables, but not for output coming from PRINT. Unfortunately, usingthis approach has another set of problems (one blank space in front ofeach line, "number-of-rows affected" shows up at the bottom).Therefore, I would like to stick with using PRINT statements to outputthe result.Please suggest a way to fix this line-wrapping-around problem.Thanks.Jay Chan
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Aug 28, 2015
I have a very strange situation. I've increased the size of an NVARCHAR field from 8 to 9 in a database table. The format of the data that I enter will either be an 8 character field (123456-8) or a 9 character field (1234567-9). The '-' is critical.
It used to only accept the 8 character version, but after increasing the field size, if I try to insert the 9 character field version, it gets truncated after the '-', as though it's still only allowing 8 characters. But that only occurs when I include the '-' or other such characters like '#'. If I try to insert 1234567a9, it works. The following explains the outcomes:
Inserted Value -> Result in table
123456-8 -> 123456-8 *Correct
1234567-9 -> 1234567- *Wrong
123456789 -> 123456789 *Correct
1234567#9 -> 1234567# *Wrong
1234567a9 -> 1234567a9 *Correct
Why is it that characters such as '-' and '#' are truncating the value, but only if the string is 9 chars long?
I'm currently using a direct t-sql insert statement in SQLExpress. The field is a simple NVARCHAR(9) field.
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Dec 17, 2001
is there any way i can make a field in a table accomodate more than 1023 charcters? i used the 'varchar' datatype and used a length of 2500, but still, I can't fill up a field with more than 1023 characters. Is there any way to change it?
Also, is there any way to used a symbol or special character in a field? Can SQL server identify such a character? like the alpha or beta symbol...
Thank you...
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Aug 28, 2001
I am sending the output of a query to a file and unfortunately every row is containing only a certain number of characters. My query has rows having length of 1500 characters for each row. When I get the query and send it to a file I am seeing only the first 250 characters for each row instead of 1500 characters.
I will be grateful if anyone can help me suggesting a solution for this problem.
I appreciate your help in advance.
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Mar 18, 2005
On my busy sql server my network output queue length is a very large number 4343559902. My research shows it should be a < 2, but have also seen some bugs related to this perfmon counter. Anyone dealt with this issue before?
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Feb 5, 2008
I need to write data into a fixed column length file and was wondering the best (most efficient) way to tackle this. For example, the first few pieces of the report I'm working on now would be:
PacketID - Starting position 1, Field length 9
TransactionID - Starting position 10, Field length 9
Group number - Starting position 19, field length 10
PID/SSN - Starting position 29, field length 10
For the PID/SSN, if I have a PID it'll be 10 digits and fill the field length, if I don't I use SSN which is only 9 digits and enter a space as the 10th digit. Obviously if I don't have certain pieces of information I'll just need spaces of the specified length to satisfy the file format. I'm using SQL 2005. Thanks in advance for any help provided.
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Jan 19, 2007
I have an ODBC connection manager to a Progress database. In that database there is a column declared as a string of 10 characters long.
However, some data in this column is actually up to 15 characters long.
This makes my DataReader Source fail everytime I try to run my package because it sets the output column like this :
Datatype : Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
Length : 10
Is there any way to solve this without changing the datatype in the Progress database (that is beyond my control) ?
tanks in advance ...
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Mar 7, 2007
My script component defines a (DT_WSTR, 450) output column named keyword. How can I access its length within the script, instead of hard-coding 450 as a constant?
My feeble attempts to tease this out through Visual Studio got me this far:
but now I'm stuck. Also, if it matters, this is an asynchronous transformation component.
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Sep 14, 2007
how do I make the output columns padded with extra space ? I intentionally set my output width larger than the input width, but the generated file is still jamming all the columns next to each other
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Aug 29, 2007
is there a property in the sql server where i can track the length of the value in a field.
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Nov 21, 2000
What is the max field length in SQL Server 7.0 that a varchar field can be?
I think 8000. Please advise
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Sep 28, 2001
Hi, can anyone tell me the best/easiest way to increase a field length in a table. We are using SQL 6.5
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Oct 10, 2005
Hey all.
I'm looking around for a solution on how to pull records back based on legnth.
So, if field A is more then 2 characters, return that row.
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Dec 1, 2004
I have a text field and want to know if any of the text exceeds 10,000 characters
I can do a select max(len(rtrim(convert(varchar(8000)))) on the field but I'm not able to do for more than 8000 and you can't manipulate TEXT datay type.
Any ideas?
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Dec 31, 2012
I have a database on sql2000. I want to change the length of a field in Table A, but it is related to another field in Table B. When I tried to change the length of the field in Table A via
ALTER TABLE table ALTER COLUMN field varchar(5).The query analyzer generates the following error.
Server: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 8, Line 1
The object 'UQ__table__77BFCB91' is dependent on column 'field'.
Server: Msg 4922, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN field failed because one or more objects access this column.While when I tried the same query on the field in TABLE B, the query completed without any errors.
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Sep 21, 2007
I'm sure it is possible to select all records where the length of a given field equals a certain value, but I don't know how to do it?
Can somebody tell me how?
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Sep 29, 2006
There are two fieldsA1 nvarchar(30)A2 nvarchar(800)I know nvarchar field is alterable length, if I store a string mystring='abc' to A1 field or to A2 field, I think they use the same disk space, so I think it's always a good way to define a big length nvarchar field such as A3 nvarchar(4000) for any length string, becuase they always use the same disk space, is it right?
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May 26, 2000
hai guys,
i want to find out the length of the varbinary field ex: 0x000003752B226B3D0579
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Sep 25, 2000
I need to expand the size of one column which has been defined as varchar(32) to varchar(50).Is this possible?Already there are many old records in the table,in what way it will effect the old records?Any help is appreciated.
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Feb 2, 2005
Hi, all
I am seting up a table with email message, I am wondering what is the max length for varchar field. I am so reluctant to use text field, since when
I run query for the descriptiona in sql analyzer, text field cannot be fully display in column. Any tricks to share?
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Dec 7, 1998
If I want to make a field of characters to be unlimited length(or maybe 2k for example), what datatype should I use?
Char, varchar and text have a max. limit of 255...
Will appreciate any suggestions.
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Jun 15, 2001
I have to modify field length in the table, which is part of publication. I tried to use an Enterprise Mgr and received an error message because that table is scheduled for replication.
Is any way around this beside temporary stopping and restarting replication? And actually how to do this to be sure that after restart the data will be again in sync.
We have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
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Dec 4, 2007
How do I create a text file with fixed length fields from a SQL table using a stored procedure.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi everyoneI had an access database running as the source for a website but ithas become too large to run correctly so it has been ported to MS-SQLthe problem is that 4 of the fields were Memo fields in access and assuch are 5000+ characters long each this overflows the allowed size onthe SQL server (8192)Is there a way round without splitting those 4 fields into seperatetales?? as this would cause a truly major re-write of the websiteThanks for any helpFurther details available if required
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Sep 20, 2006
How to get the max length of numeric field in a DataSet?
I have a DataSet bound to an Access database. Is it possible to get the maximum length of numeric field of a table in the DataSet? Many fields in the database tables have maximum length values set in ...
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Jul 25, 2006
I have a few columns in table with default value defined as zero length string (''). I want to insert record from DetailsView which uses SqlDataSource as DataSource. In the ItemInserting event, if the data is not valid, I want to use zero length string for the column. But I always get Null instead of zero length string. The code in ItemInserting event looks like this:
If objddl.SelectedIndex > 0 Then e.Values("myFld") = objddl.SelectedItem.ValueElse e.Values("myFld") = ""End If
The line: e.Values("myFld") = "" put Null in the column.
How can I set a column as zero length string using the SqlDataSource?
Any help is appreciated.
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