Jan 31, 2007
I'm running isql from a dos batch file and the isql command is below:
%SQLPath%isql -U%DBUser% -P%DBPswd% -S%SQLServer% -d%Gatewaydb% -iBatchScriptsSQL_Get_Create_Batch.sql -oZ:mbox
ecsincreate_1.bat -w100 -s; -h
I want the rows from the SELECT statement in my ".sql" file to appear in the output file but what ends up being written to the file is this:
1> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> 7> 8> 9> 10> 11> 12> 13> 14> 15> 16> 17> 18> 19> 20> 21> (14 rows affected)
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
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Sep 23, 2005
Hi,I'm using isql to query data and output the same to a flat file.The isql has the following command options ' -h-1 -w500 -n -b -s"" '.In the SQL_CODE, the first two lines before the select statement areuse dbnameset nocount ongoWhen I run this, an additional blank line is put into the output file.Actually, there are two lines after the last result set in the outputfile. This file is being fed into another system and the blank line iscausing validation issues.How can I supress this blank line?This script is run from windows and the isql is called from a batscript.Batch script ...================================================== ========.....isql -Uuserid -Ppassword -Sserver -i"%SQL_CODE%" -h-1 -w500 -n -b -s""[color=blue][color=green]>>"%OUT_FILE%"[/color][/color]IF ERRORLEVEL 0 SET RC=0IF ERRORLEVEL 1 exit 4================================================== ========SQL code ...================================================== ========use punclaimset NOCOUNT ONGOselect * from XYZ;GO================================================== ========Your help is greatly appreciated.Yash
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Oct 27, 2000
how can i do to launch a .bat file that execute my procedures in whitch i populate a table that after must be send whith bcp command to a file??
Can you give me an example for that?What about ISQL??
Massimo Nardi
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Jan 3, 2000
Does anyone use ISQL to run maintenance? I am trying to write a batch file that will log on to my server and dump a specifice tran log when triggered by a perfmon warning.
I can successfully log on to the server however the dump command does not seem to run? IS it possible to run a predefined task??
ANy assistance would be greatly appreciated,
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Dec 16, 2002
When I am running an SQL query on a SQL server DB from ISQL the results are returning a space in front of every row, plus it is returning the number of rows effected at the bottom. When I run the query without ISQL the results come back without the space in front of every row, but it does come back with the number of rows effected. I need the spaces reomed and the number of rows removed. Here is an example of the ISQL.
ISQL.EXE /U????? /P?????? /n /d????? /h-1 /w 218 /S????? /i????? /o?????
Are ther any arguments to help remove the preceding space and the trailing footer?
Here is a copy of the SQL
select CONVERT(char(49),i.item_number),CONVERT(char(17),s um(s.actual_qty)),CONVERT(char(19),"WMS"),
CONVERT(char(2),DATEPART(month,GETDATE())) + '/' + CONVERT(char(2),DATEPART(day,GETDATE())) + '/' + CONVERT(char(4),DATEPART(year,GETDATE())) + CONVERT(char(109),''),
CONVERT(char(8),"01:00:00") from t_stored_item s, t_item_master i, t_location l
where i.c5 = 'FVM' and
i.item_number = s.item_number and
l.location_id = s.location_id and
l.location_id like 'V-%'
group by i.item_number
order by i.item_number
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May 4, 2004
Hello all, I'm new to the board...
I'm trying to run a script in isql with a file that contains create database statements and I'm completely lost. If someone could help me and point me in the right direction, please!
Thank you
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Aug 9, 2000
When I execute a script by using isql, it displays the number of statement executed. can anybody tell me how to turn this off (no display)?
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Oct 3, 2000
I am running the Stored procedure from using ISQL like this and the stored procedure name is in the input file (c:empinp.txt)
c:>ISQL /S DB1 /U sa /P pass /d test_db /i c:empinp.txt
I want to write a Comment(say 'DONE' OR 'COMPLETED') into a OUTPUT FILE? after executing the stored procedure.
Is there a way to do it?
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Aug 24, 2000
J'execute un script en sql 7 qui lance isql qui crée un fichier texte en sortie. j'ai un souci, ce fichier de resultat a remplacer les lettres accentuées é è ...
par des virgules ,
Quelle est la solution ? Merci d'avance ...
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Sep 2, 2000
I am looking for a shareware product I can use in place of ISQL. I am working with databases on a web site, and I want to be able to give different clients access to their data, without forcing them to go out and buy SQL Server.
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Aug 6, 2001
All the wanted to know whether the ISQL utility is optional during the sqlserver setup??? Is it possible to install sql server without installing ISQL utility??
Thanks in advance,
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Jan 17, 2008
Is osql/isql supported in SQL 2005? How about in 2008? Thanks
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Jan 24, 2002
I'm running sql 6.5. trying to load lots of data. Rec msg that memory was low so I increased memory obvisouly too high. Now sql will not start. found all the documentation to start sql in single user mode however when trying to start isql to change to memory setting, isql would not start. The server is using named pipes. Message I receive is sql server is unavailable or does not exist.
You help would be greatly appreciated as this is a production environment and we are down.
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Aug 30, 2001
I would like to pass parameters from isql command line to an input query file. I am working on SQL Server 7.0. How can I accomplish this?
My eg. is like this:
> isql.exe (all the server options etc.,) /iInputfile /oOutput file
I need the output depend on the query given in the input file with the query depending on the parameter I supply on the command line.Thanks for your help in advance.
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Dec 27, 1999
I have an input file which contains a simple select query. I want to output the results of the query to an output file. I use the following query:
DECLARE @sTemp1 Varchar(100)
SELECT @sTemp1 = "isql -d TestDB /U sa /P SAPassword -n /i C:QRYIn.txt > C:QRYOut.txt"
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @sTemp1
The problem is that this query looks for the C: drive on the SERVER not on my local machine. C:QRYIn.txt exists on my machine so this does not work. However if I create a C:QRY folder on the SERVER the whole thing works.
Basically I want this query to go to execute the In.txt query from my local machine as opposed to the SERVER.
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Sep 21, 2000
For some reason the INPUT REDIRECTION of FTP commands from a file does not work when executed from a ISQL session.
"ftp -i -n host_name <serverstare_dirFTP-commands.dat >serverstare_dirFTP-errors.dat " would not work. It gives me an error message - "The handle could not be opened during redirection of handle 0 "
How ever it works from COMMAND prompt and BAT files.
I changed it use "-s:" option instead of INPUT REDIRECTION and it works just fine every where... The command I used is
"ftp -i -n -s:serverstare_dirFTP-commands.dat host_name >serverstare_dirFTP-errors.dat "
I still could not figure out why INPUT REDIRECTION would not work from ISQL only.
any ideas !!!!!!!!
- HemantH
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Sep 26, 1999
I am writing a trigger that I want to call a BAT file when there is an insert or update to a paricular table, but don't know the code to that will execute my BAT file.
To reitrate, when a row is inserted, I want to automatically start a particular EXE that our developers created to process rows written into this table.
My BAT that currently runs OK from the Command line is : CBBOP.BAT
"d:program filescabs2000CBBOP.exe" /cabsit /password 2,2,time
But what I need to know is the SQL that will run my CBBOP.BAT, and I will code it into my trigger.
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Jul 25, 2002
SQL 6.5
I am doing a ISQL join on 4 tables that creates a few million record output. This causes some memory grief on my laptop. How do I have my query output to my c: drive??
Thnaks in advance.
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Dec 30, 2002
I have copied a script from the web that allows me to run scripts from a file over multiple databases(have attached file). Now everything works fine on my local SQL server but when I try to run it on my web server I get this msg
''isql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.'
I have tried to use the full path to the isql.exe file but still get the msg
Thats about as much info I can provide, my understanding of this is very slight
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Mar 8, 1999
ISQL.EXE hangs during installation. In task manager, when I end task on ISQL.EXE the installation continues, but msdb comes up suspect. Can someone please help me.
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Aug 13, 2004
Hi all,
Can anyone help me?? I'm just a newb :D
Please consider the following:
I need to be able to query a db on server A, in a batch file, return the result (DateTime value) into a variable, and then use that date as a parameter in a query that I will query on server b.
I have the following code:
isql -E -d firstDB -S ServerA -Q "select max(load_date) from mydates"
How would I pipe the results of the above query into a variable???
I cannot create a linked server between the two servers. (Permissions)
Thanks in advance!
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I have created a database as and wrote a command utility toquery a table.isql -S server -E -d -i qry.sql -b -ncontents of qry.sqlselect * from usersgowhen i run this command, error messageMsg 911, Level 16, State 1, Server XXXXXXX, Line 1Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'pubs'. No entryfound with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.However, I am able to use this database in Query Analyzer and executethe query.I am just wondering if the database name with '.' is the problem...Any pointers to proceed further.Thanks in advance-Anu
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Aug 13, 2005
Hello everyone!I have the following problem. I`ve opened a Query Analyser and write thestatement:-isql -S 'PL6XXXX' -i 'd:SQL_Server_2000Raport_WWW.sql'I got the following erorr message:Incorrect syntax near -SHow to call the statement which is placed inside the 'Raport_WWW.sql'file, which is located on folder D:SQL_Server_2000??? Do I have to doit in the cmd panel???Thank you in advance for your helpMarcin from Poland*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Jun 26, 2000
Does any know of a technique to filter out headers dashes and row count in an output file of an isql result? These switches seem to be available when running as isql/w, but not the command line. The -h-1 argument for no headers had no effect. Thanks in advance. Ron Hurley
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Jul 28, 2004
I need to have an Application owner backup a SQL Server dbase after his updates.
Im not that familiar with ISQL. He does not have EM installed on his machine. What minimum installments do I have to do on his machine for him to log into SQL Server, after I create a login for him ?
Once in the command window I would give him the script of isql -Usa -Ppassword -SSqlServerA -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [test] TO DISK = N'E:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBackupdbase1' WITH NOINIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'test backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT"
Is this the correct way to go ?
Thank you
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Jul 26, 1999
Hello all.
I have a stored proc which creates a couple of temp tables, then bounces them against a production table an updates a column in the production table.
This stored proc takes about 10 minutes to run and update about 20,000 rows. If I execute each statement seperately in an ISQL window, it all runs in under 2 minutes.
Any ideas on why this is happening are GREATLY appreciated.
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May 26, 1999
Hi there:
Using Oracle SQL*Plus, I can have a script to execute other scripts written before such as this:
Using ISQL or ISQL/w, how can I do this?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 26, 2006
I am having a problem running a stored procedure using isql to launch the procedure.
My stored procedure contains a statement like:
select @myvar = count(*) from mytable where mycolumn is null
when I run the procedure from query analyser a value is set in @myvar showing the correct number of null values from mytable which is output to another table where I can see it.
Without making any changes, when I run the identical procedure using isql to execute the procedure @myvar gets set to zero. The procedure cannot find the null values in mytable
I have tried setting ANSI_NULLS on and off inside the procedure but still get the same result.
Can someone please tell me what is going on, and how I might get isql to show me how many null values exist in the table?
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Jun 26, 2006
A while ago we changed from Sybase to MS Sql Server 2000. Thereby we also introduced Windows Authentication instead of SQL Logins. When end-users wanted to read directly (tools like Enterprise Manager/Query Analyzer/ isql and Office products (like Access and Excel via MS Query)) from the Sybase database we managed that with a SQL login with read-only rights. With Windows Authentication in MS Sql Server 2000 the end-user can enter the database with update rights. Is there a way to manage tools like EM/QA/isql/Office products etcetera so that the end-user can approach the database only with a SQL Login instead of Windows authentication ? Although we are building tooling to kill every user who approaches the database with the tooling mentioned, we think this is not a proper way to manage database access.
We hope someone has encountered the same problem and knows how to handle this and can help us.
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Mar 9, 2007
i have to print Go statement in new line through isql command
my isql command is
isql /Q -SServername -dDatabasename -Usa -PPassword -h-1 -n -q "set nocount on Select ' grant execute on ' + name + ' to user go ' from sysobjects where type = 'U' and name not like 'dt%'" -o SFGRants.sql >> Deploy.log
and out is like
select grant execute tablename to user go
but i want in different format like
select grant execute tablename to user
like that
thanking in anticipation
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to run and 'Alter Database' statement from within a batch file.The batch file is to be run from an external automation program,(don't ask why)..I know the syntax for the alter db statement but not sure how to do itin a batch file and also If I have 2 instances how do I run it againsteach instance.All being done on Windows 2000 with Sql 2000.Any ideas will be a help.
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Oct 27, 2000
The simple 'select' from ISQL/W is taking more than 2 mins. for getting 20000 records. Is it normal?
The time that is shown at bottom of window is the correct measure of response time or is there any other way?
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Sep 15, 1998
I have a query I`d like to run using the isql command utility. The query works correctly and the output can be sent to a local file with no problem. When I try to designate a network location as an output file (e.g. abcdefgfile.txt), though, I get an error message "No such file or directory."
Is it possible to send SQL output to a remote location?
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