Join Table From Different Databases?

Apr 16, 2008

I would like to join table in different databases with a primary key and query it. How to do ?

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DB Design :: Join Two Table From Two Different Databases But Same Server

Nov 9, 2015

I am trying to join two table from two different databases.

Database 1 = Agent and Table = Stats 
Database 2 = Amount and Table = Sales 

The common field is Expr1 (table1) and Initials (table2)

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Join 2 Tables From 2 Different Databases

Feb 6, 2007

Hi All,
 Is it possible to join 2 tables from 2 different databases in Stored Procedure.
Thanks in advance.

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How Can I Join Two Tables From Two Different Databases?

Aug 3, 2007

i have one database ASPNETDB.MDF created by default when adding a user to my site, and MyData.mds - my database...i want to join the aspnet_Users table with another table created by me (in myData.mds), how can i do that? is hard if i should re-write all the data from myData into the ASPNETDB,i even writed both connectionStrings in the web.config but still with no succes...
is there any trick in the SQL statment? please help me
thank you

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Inner Join On Two Separate Databases

May 30, 2008

I need to do a inner join on tables from two separate databases.  I understand that you can do this by using this type of syntax:
select a.col1, b.col2from db1.dbo.tab1 a, db2.dbo.tab2 bwhere a.col1 = b.col2however, how do I reference the two databases in the following code?
Function GetConnectionString() As StringDim ConnectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MainWeb").ConnectionString
Return ConnectionString
End Function
 Using conn As New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT CaskInfo.CaskID, CoCInfo.CoCName, AmendmentInfo.AmendmentName FROM CaskInfo INNER JOIN CoCInfo ON CoCInfo.CoCID = CaskInfo.CoC INNER JOIN AmendmentInfo ON AmendmentInfo.AmendmentID = CaskInfo.Amendment WHERE "For i = 0 To UBound(words)
If i > 0 Then sql = sql + " OR "
sql = sql + "(CoCInfo.CoCName + ' ' + AmendmentInfo.AmendmentName) LIKE '%" + words(i) + "%'"
' lblResults.text = sql' Exit Sub
Dim com As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim result As SqlDataReader = com.ExecuteReader()
Dim SearchResults As StringWhile result.Read()
SearchResults = SearchResults + result.GetInt32(0).ToString + " " + result.GetString(1) + " " + result.GetString(2) + "<br>"
End While
lblResults.text = SearchResults
End Using

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SELECT ... JOIN On Two Databases In VWD (?)

May 26, 2006

My environment:XP Home, VWD, SQLEXPRESS.A purely local setting, no network, no remote servers.
I try to do a JOIN query between tables in the membership ASPNETDB.mdf and one table in a self created 3L_Daten.mdf.
After dragging the tables into the Query Design window and connecting them VWD creates this query (here I added the control declaration):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringAspNetDB %>"            SelectCommand="SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName,                                 aspnet_Membership.Password,                                 aspnet_Membership.Email,                                 aspnet_Membership.PasswordQuestion,                                  aspnet_Membership.PasswordAnswer,                                 aspnet_Membership.CreateDate,                                 aspnet_Membership.LastLoginDate,                                 aspnet_Roles.RoleName,                                 [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Age,                                [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Sex,                                [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Area                            FROM [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten                            INNER JOIN                                aspnet_Users                            ON                                 [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.User_ID = aspnet_Users.UserId                            LEFT OUTER JOIN                                aspnet_Roles                            INNER JOIN                                aspnet_UsersInRoles ON aspnet_Roles.RoleId = aspnet_UsersInRoles.RoleId                            ON                                 aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_UsersInRoles.UserId                            LEFT OUTER JOIN                                aspnet_Membership                            ON aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId"></asp:SqlDataSource>
As you can see the database 3L_Daten.mdf is inserted with its full path, which is not feasible for deployment reasons.
My question: How can I address both databases purely by their database names ? Both have been created within VWD and lie under App_Data.
(I tried almost everything, I practiced with the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express Edition, I tried linked servers, all without success).
Thank you for your consideration.

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Join Between Tables On Different Databases

Jan 22, 2004

Is it possible to make a join between two tables from different databases on same server? if yes, how can we do that?

And also if I want to make a join between tables on different databases on different server?how to do this. Please advise.

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How To Run A JOIN Between Databases On Two SQL Servers

Feb 23, 2008

Code Snippet
SELECT ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode, ReciptItems.acc_DetailCode, ReciptItems.acc_CTopicCode,
SUM(ReciptItems.TotalInputPrice + ReciptItems.TotalOutputPrice), a.MoeenName_L1
Acc_mydbname.dbo.Categories AS a ON ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode = a.TopicCode
GROUP BY ReciptItems.acc_TopicCode, ReciptItems.acc_DetailCode, ReciptItems.acc_CTopicCode, a.MoeenName_L1

How Replace Acc_mydbname with (SELECT AccountDBName FROM Config)

(SELECT AccountDBName FROM Config) ='Acc_mydbname_2008.dbo.'

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Join Tables From Two Databases

Mar 1, 2007

Say I have two database files, database1.sdf and database2.sdf, how can I make a select that joins tables from both?

I'm using C#.


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How Do I Join Tables From Different Databases (under Same Server Though)

May 12, 2006

Hey, I have two databases (db1 and db2) under the same server. How do I combine tables from both of them?I searched the forum and triedSELECT

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Join 2 Tables Exist In Two Databases

Nov 23, 2005

I want to get the results of a query between 2 tables that exist in the same server but in 2 different databases. I want this query to be executed in a stored procedure (use the reults in a cursor), or if it's possible to be used in an ado dataset or a simple dataset in Delphi. Can this be done also if the two datases (MSSQL) exist in different servers??
Can anyone show an example of how to accomplish these tasks??

Best Regards,
Manolis Perrakis

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Query And Join Between 2 Databases On Same Server?

Nov 9, 2011

I am trying to query 2 SQL databases on the same server and inner joining together.

Databases: Goldmine_MIOA

From the "Goldmine_MIOA" database I need to query contact1.* and from the "Goldmine_GMBase" database i need to query cal.

I would then like to inner join both these together.

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Join Tables In Same Instance Different Databases

Sep 28, 2015

I have a problem in that a database I have created required splitting into three databases. The records were similar but reporting and maintenance differed enough that splitting the data seemed the best option. So now I have three databases that are needing to be updated from one file and I am not sure how to do that. See the illustration below. The Machine table is a one to many to the Job table, the Job table is a one to one with the Run Data.

The first idea was to query the first database if the record was not found go to the next. If no match was found in any table drop it in a reject bucket. Then what about perhaps a lookup table with starting and ending Job ranges. I would query it to find the correct database then do another query to update the record. But then I could have some type of joining table. Not sure how that would look across databases.

The tables I am updating or adding new records to has the same fields, unique key across all the databases. I could make one big table which gets rid of the query to find the correct database to update but I still would have to connect this back to the Job table which brings me back to a join table or index table.

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SQL 2012 :: Compare And Join Databases

Feb 7, 2014

A customer has messed up while moving their databases. After working for a week they found that data is missing in the database.I have two backups, one from the old server and one from the new server today, they have been working in the new one for a week.

I need to compare these two databases and then update the new database with all data that is in the old one but not in the new database. Join the data in the two databases so to say. Both databases are from the same application so they use the same users, schema and so on.

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SSIS - How To Run A JOIN Between Databases On Two SQL Servers?

Jan 17, 2006

Hi All,

I need to run an Insert query which pulls data from a table located on server A database AA Table AAA conditional on (or JOINED with) Table BBB in database BB sever B. In SQL 2000 I would simply do the following:

From Server A:

sp_addlinkedserver B

INSERT dbo.ResultsTable

SELECT SourceTable.* FROM B.BB.dbo.BBB SourceTable

INNER JOIN A.AA.dbo.AAA ConditionTable ON SourceTable.RecID = ConditionTable.RecID

sp_dropserver B

What do I need to do to perform the same operation in SSIS world?

Thank you !

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How To Join Tables From Different Databases In SQL Select Statement?

Apr 30, 2008

I have a basic sql statement, where I have a usersID, and I want to joing that usersID to another table in another database to get the users first and last names.  How do I join across databases... each with a different connection string? 
 Here's what I want..
Select usersID from tableA in databaseA, and usersFirstName, usersLastName from table B in database B where the usersID from tableA = the usersID in tableb. 

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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Inner Join And Left Outer Join In Multi-table Joins?

Oct 8, 2015

I was writing a query using both left outer join and inner join.  And the query was ....

        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
        (Production.Products AS P
         INNER JOIN Production.Categories AS C


However ,the result that i got was correct.But when i did  the same query using the left outer join in both the cases


        S.companyname AS supplier,,P.productid, P.productname, P.unitprice,C.categoryname
        Production.Suppliers AS S LEFT OUTER JOIN
(Production.Products AS P
LEFT OUTER JOIN Production.Categories AS C
ON C.categoryid = P.categoryid)
S.supplierid = P.supplierid
WHERE = N'Japan';

The result i got was same,i.e

supplier     country    productid    productname     unitprice    categorynameSupplier QOVFD     Japan     9     Product AOZBW    97.00     Meat/PoultrySupplier QOVFD    Japan   10     Product YHXGE     31.00     SeafoodSupplier QOVFD     Japan   74     Product BKAZJ    10.00     ProduceSupplier QWUSF     Japan    13     Product POXFU     6.00     SeafoodSupplier QWUSF     Japan     14     Product PWCJB     23.25     ProduceSupplier QWUSF    Japan     15    Product KSZOI     15.50    CondimentsSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULLSupplier XYZ     Japan     NULL     NULL     NULL     NULL

and this time also i got the same result.My question is that is there any specific reason to use inner join when join the third table and not the left outer join.

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Multi-table JOIN Query With More Than One JOIN Statement

Apr 14, 2015

I'm having trouble with a multi-table JOIN statement with more than one JOIN statement.

For each order, I need to return the following: CarsID, CarModelName, MakeID, OrderDate, ProductName, Total ordered the Car Category.

The carid (primary key) and carmodelname belong to the Cars table.
The makeid and orderdate belong to the OrderDetails table.
The productname and carcategory belong to the Product table.

The number of rows returned should be the same as the number of rows in OrderDetails.

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How To Search Multiple Table Which Table Name Is Store In Another Table And Join The Result Together?

Dec 1, 2006

I have one control table to store all related table name
 Table ID                   TableName
     1                           TableA
     2                           TableB
In Table A:
RecordID                Value
     1                         1
     2                         2
     3                         3
In Table B:
RecordID             Value
    1                         1
    2                         2
    3                         3
 How can I get the result by select the Table list first and then combine the data in table A and table B?
Thank you!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join To Find All Records From One Table That Do Not Exist In Other Table

Apr 29, 2014

I have table 'stores' that has 3 columns (storeid, article, doc), I have a second table 'allstores' that has 3 columns(storeid(always 'ALL'), article, doc). The stores table's storeid column will have a stores id, then will have multiple articles, and docs. The 'allstores' table will have 'all' in the store for every article and doc combination. This table is like the master lookup table for all possible article and doc combinations. The 'stores' table will have the actual article and doc per storeid.

What I am wanting to pull is all article, doc combinations that exist in the 'allstores' table, but do not exist in the 'stores' table, per storeid. So if the article/doc combination exists in the 'allstores' table and in the 'stores' table for storeid of 50 does not use that combination, but store 51 does, I want the output of storeid 50, and what combination does not exist for that storeid. I will try this example:

'allstores' 'Stores'
storeid doc article storeid doc article
ALL 0010 001 101 0010 001
ALL 0010 002 101 0010 002
ALL 0011 001 102 0011 002
ALL 0011 002

So I want the query to pull the one from 'allstores' that does not exist in 'stores' which in this case would the 3rd record "ALL 0011 001".

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Transact SQL :: How To Get First Table All Rows In Left Join If Condition Is Applied On Second Table

Aug 15, 2015

I am using stored procedure to load gridview but problem is that i am not getting all rows from first table[ Subject] on applying conditions on second table[ Faculty_Subject table] ,as you can see below if i apply condition :-


Then i don't get all subjects from subject table, how this can be achieved.

Sql Code:-
ALTER Proc [dbo].[SP_Get_Subjects_Faculty_Details]
@Class_Id int

[code] ....

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Join Small Table To Big Table Or Vice Versa, Does It Matter?

Jul 23, 2005

If I join Table1 to Table2 with a WHERE condition, isit the same if I would join Table2 to Table1 consideringthat the size of the tables are different.Let's assume Table2 is much bigger than Table1.I've never used MERGE, HASH JOINs etc, do any ofthese help in this scenario?Thank you

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I Want To Join One Table From The Source To The Other Table In The Target Diff Database

May 1, 2008

Hello I have a Source database and a Target database.

I want to join one table from the source to the other table in the target.

Please can some one write a sql query for this.

i gues its something like

select tablesource.col,tabledest.col
from database..tablesource,database..tabledestination

Ok One more question is where do I execute this Query in which database.. IF at all its possible to this.

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JOIN Multiple Tables From Multiple Databases

May 23, 2008

I am in the progress of designing a new section of my database and was thinking of creating a hole new database instead of just creating tables inside the database.  My question is can you JOIN multiple tables in an SQL Statement from multiple databases.  Ie, In the Management program I have a database called 'Convention' and another one called 'Services', inside the two databases there are many tables.  Can I link say tblRegister from Convention to tblUser in Services?

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Is It Possible To Insert Data Into A Table From A Temporary Table That Is Inner Join?

Mar 10, 2008

Is it possible to insert data into a table from a temporary table that is inner join?
Can anyone share an example of a stored procedure that can do this?

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Can Any One Tell Me The Difference Between Cross Join, Inner Join And Outer Join In Laymans Language

Apr 30, 2008


Can any one tell me the difference between Cross Join, inner join and outer join in laymans language

by just taking examples of two tables such as Customers and Customer Addresses

Thank You

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Join Table Key To Multiple Table Names

Nov 5, 2004

Hi there. I haven't been able to figure out how to join a table on column on multiple table names. Here's the situation:

I have a table "tblJob" with a key of jobID. Now for every jobID, the program creates a new table that keeps track of the stock before the jobId was processed and after it was processed to give accurate stock levels and show the difference in stock levels. So, a jobID of 355 would be related to the table: "tblPreStock_335" and "tblPostStock_335". These 2 tables have all the materials in stock and the quantity. Therefore they show how much material was used. I need to figure out the difference in the material in the stock before and after the processing.

That means that I have to get a stockID, get the associated pre and post tables, and then display the difference of ALL the materials in the pre and post tables.

Could someone help me get started on the right path? Even a link to similiar problem that I haven't found would be nice.


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How To Join A Decendent Table On Parent Table Row?

Feb 24, 2006

I have one main Table "MainTable" which I want to relate with "subTable1, subTable2, ..." in such a way that:

"ith subTable" have to be related/joind on "ith row" of the "MainTable", "jth subTable" have to be related/joined on "jth row" of the "MainTable" and so on...

What I want Actually?

I want that when ever I delete a Record in the "MainTable", The corresponding "subTable" have to be deleted Itself.

I thought a solution that, I can cerate a Trigger on Delete of the "MainTable" and it would delete the corresponding "subTable". But I dont know how to ceate that.

Secound solution what I thought is, that may be there is some majic power in the Table Joinings. That I might join "MainTable" row with "subTable" ( ofcourse that I dont know either :))

So my question is, that what is the actual solution for my problem?

What ever solution is please give me a sample also with that. Like in a Trigger how can I write some Expression which can delete the "subTable" for the Currunt delete Row.


Omer Kamal

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Same Table Structure On Different Databases

Apr 16, 2008

I'm a programmer working in an environment that doesn't have a true sql db administrator.  We have a situation where we're thinking about adding a new database (db2) with the same Tables used in an existing database (db1).  We were hoping to avoid this, but circumstances are forcing us to think about it.  Are there any sql tools out there to maintain a dual-db like this?    What are the main disadvantages to this?

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Select Table From All Databases

Jan 23, 2004

i need to create a rowset containing database names where a particualr table name exists.
ie. in Oracle i would select owner from sys.all_tables where table_name='MYTABLE'

I know master.dbo.sysdatabases contains my owners, and in each database sysobjects would identify MYTABLE ..
sp_tables only lists those in the current database, but i want to list all databases that contain MYTABLE

a single select statement would be nice.

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Sys.databases Table Updation Possible????

May 1, 2007

Dear Folks,
Is it possible to update sys.databases table?

i need to update one column in this table.........

but it is showing some error

Msg 259, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Ad hoc updates to system catalogs are not allowed.

how can i update this table?


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Select Databases Not Already In A Table

Jun 4, 2007


I'm quite new to MS SQL and am having a few problems I hope someone here can help me with.

I've created a small web application that enables users to backup and restore databases easily.

There is one table that holds information about the backups that have been taken and one table that holds details about each database (name, location etc)

What I want to do is have a web interface that allows a user to link a new database (one that is already attached to SQL but) to the system by inputting it into the database details table.

Ideally this will be a drop down menu that shows the databases attached to the server that arnt:
1. Already in the backup system table
2. Not the system databases.

This will allow the user to easily select the database and give it a title (usually different from the local name of the database) for identification.

The database local name, and title would then be input into the database details table.

I'm thinking that I need to use a SELECT statement, but I'm not quite sure how I can restrict the results to databases that arnt already attached or already in the system.

I hope that wasn't too muddled an explanation!



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Two Queries From Two Different Databases = ONE Display/Table

May 4, 2007

What is the best approach to handle this situation?  I have three different databases, which has it's own stored procedure.  I need to call them all at page load and piece together the data.  The common demoninator is the date. 


row 1

row 2


row 1

Row 1 and Row 2 come from two different databases and stored procedures. 
How can I query the data and present it as it's shown above?
Thank you!

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