Join To A List Of Values During Pass-through
Feb 3, 2015
We're using MS Access 2010 as a frontend to an SQL server back-end. From Access, I can run read-only queries and pass-through queries. I'd like to use a local Access table as part of a join to server data. As a non-pass-through query, it's slow; about 5 min to join to 2 other tables.
I could use VBA to turn the local table into part of a pass-through query, with a large in() statement, or several where x='' ors but the local table may have 50000 entries in it. Is there a good or right way to pass this data in the query if I don't have write access to the server?
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Nov 30, 2015
I have created a ssrs report which connects to vertica database through odbc connection. When I try to pass parameter value through parameter (e.g.: column name IN (@parameter) ) then getting error message in query designer prompting "Error in list of values in IN clause. Unable to parse query text. ". Using sql server 2012 , visual studio 2010 version and HP Vertica 7.1 .
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May 7, 2015
How do I pass a single column of values from a successful merge join to an EXECUTE SQL statement so it can be used with an "IN" criteria of the WHERE clause? Here's an example of my update statement with two random key values:
UPDATE dbo.MyTable SET MyStatus = 1 WHERE MyPK IN ("XYZ123", "DEF890")
Is this even possible in SSIS, or am I better off using a loop and running the update EXECUTE SQL Statement for each individual key value, as in the following example?
UPDATE dbo.MyTable SET MyStatus = 1 WHERE MyPK = "XYZ123"
UPDATE dbo.MyTable SET MyStatus = 1 WHERE MyPK = "DEF890"
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Apr 9, 2008
I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.
However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).
For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).
Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac
How can I accomplish this?
I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.
Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?
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Jun 15, 2015
So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function
So the output would look like :
dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0
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Feb 12, 2014
I have a SQL query like this:
Select * from myTable where myTable_ID in (2,6,7,9)
I want to build the list of values that are in parenthesis, in my VB code and pass it in through a parameter, so it's like this:
Select * from myTable where myTable_ID in (@myValues)
Is this possible? I tried it where myValues = '2,6,7,9' but am getting a conversion error. I'm starting to believe it's not possible to do what I'm trying to do. Is there another way?
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Sep 24, 2007
I have a problem in when i pass xml as input to stored procedure. The problem i m facing is that :
Say i have a table which has id as primary key in it.Now in my sp i want to delete some rows from that table and in xml i am passin more than 1 id ( it can be four even).
But before deleteion i want to check that delete the with that ID iff the ID exists else raise error for the id w/c does not exist like 'This Id does not exist.'
what i want is to loop between the id's which are being passed as i/p to sp..
and delete the row if it exists elso diaplsy message this id does not exist..
somewhat like this
If Exists(Select ProfileName From Area52 Where Area52ID in
( Select T.Item.value( '@Area52ID', 'uniqueidentifier')
FROM @XMLString.nodes('Area52') AS T(Item) ))
Select * From Area52Docs
WHERE Area52ID in
( Select T.Item.value( '@Area52ID', 'uniqueidentifier')
FROM @XMLString.nodes('Area52') AS T(Item) )
WHERE Area52ID in
( Select T.Item.value( '@Area52ID', 'uniqueidentifier')
FROM @XMLString.nodes('Area52') AS T(Item) )
FROM @XMLString.nodes('Area52') AS T(Item)
where Area52id=T.Item.value( '@Area52ID', 'uniqueidentifier')
select T.Item.value( '@Area52ID', 'uniqueidentifier') FROM @XMLString.nodes('Area52') AS T(Item)
Select 12
Else RaisError('This Record Does Not Exist',11,1)
the thing i want to do is as above..but its not works only for the first id int he list of id's
plzz do help...
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May 2, 2008
I am trying to pass a comma delimited llist of names to a stored procedure. I am getting a syntax error and I can't seem to figure out why. When i plug the names by hand into my select statement in query analyzer it all works fine.
Just a little background so i don't have to put all the code in... the list of name is built dynamically.
Below are all the code snippets. Thanks for your help in advance.
The is the list of names and the call to the stored procedure:
employeeList = 'name1','name2',name3','name4','name5'
SQL="sp_REVIEW @ACTION='lde', @CURRENT_USER='" & currentUser & "', " &_
"@EMPLOYEE_LIST='" & employeeList & "'"
Here is the stored procedure
SELECT ww.ORACLE_USER_NAME, ww.LAST_NAME + ', ' + ww.FIRST_NAME as employeeName,
ww1.DIVISION + ' - ' + ww1.COST_CENTER + ' - ' + ww1.COST_CENTER_DESC as department
OR ww.DEPARTMENT_ID IN (SELECT ud.department_id
WHERE ud.nt_id = @CURRENT_USER))
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Sep 8, 2015
I have a requirement, we need to pass comma separated list using powershell script.
How can we achieve the above scenario?
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Jul 23, 2005
Group,Passing inline values to a udf is straightforward. However, how or is itpossible to pass a column from the select of one table into a udf thatreturns a table variable in a join to the original table. The goal is toexplode the number of rows in the result set out based on the result of theudf. Although the example I am providing here is simplified, we are tryingto parse out multiple values out of a text column and using a select into sothe result will be one row for each of row in the original table compoundedby the number of occurrences in the text field.(I know bad table design but that's out of my control)Thanks,Raycreate table TableOne(Col1 int,Col2 char(5))goinsert TableOne values (1, 'One')insert TableOne values (2, 'Two')insert TableOne values (3, 'Three')goCreate Function dbo.udfTableTwo(@Id int)RETURNS @tbl TABLE (TID int, TChar char(1))ASBEGINDeclare @test intset @test = @IdWhile @test >= 0BeginINSERT @tbl VALUES (@Id, Char(65+@test))set @test = @test - 1EndRETURNEND--worksselect a.*, b.* from TableOne a join dbo.udfTableTwo(2) bon a.col1=b.TID--Fails with Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'.select a.*, b.* from TableOne a join dbo.udfTableTwo(a.col1) bon a.col1=b.TIDdrop table TableOnegodrop function dbo.udfTableTwogo
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Oct 14, 2015
I am trying to audit data quality based on some defined data quality rules. The rules are stored in tables and processed using stored procedures. I am facing a problem while generating audits. Let's say I am trying to audit data in OrderDetail table. The table design is mentioned below...I inserted some sample data into the table using RedGate data generator.The audit table output I am expecting is as mentioned in the screenshot below
Its the PrimaryKeyAttributeValues column I am facing problems with. I am using STUFF function within a dynamic SQL query to get the primary key's as a list of comma separated values.
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Jun 4, 2007
Hello all,
I am trying to think my way through a solution which I believe others have probably come across... I am trying to implement a matching routine wherein I need to match an address against a high value and a low value (or, for that matter an input date vs. a start and end date) to return the desired row ... i.e. if I were to use a straight vb program I would just use the following lookup:
"SELECT DISTINCT fire_id, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out FROM ipt_tbl " & _
" WHERE zip_code = @zip_code AND addr_prim_lo <= @street_number AND addr_prim_hi >= @street_number " & _
" AND addr_prim_oe = @addr_prim_oe AND street_pre = @street_pre AND street_name = @street_name " & _
" AND street_suff = @street_suff AND street_post = @street_post " & _
" AND (expiry_date = '' OR expiry_date = '00000000' OR expiry_date > @expiry_date)" & _
" GROUP BY fire_ID, police_ID, fire_opt_in_out, police_opt_in_out"
My question, then, is how would you perform this type of query using a lookup / merge join or script? I have not found a way to implement a way to set the input columns? I can set the straight matches without a problem, i.e. lookup zip code = input zip code, but can't think of the correct way to set comparisons, i.e. lookup value 1 <= input value AND lookup value 2 >= input value
Any suggestions?
thanks for your time...
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Jan 23, 2007
hi, i have this sql statement:
@uname varchar(20)
select@sql = 'select user_name, password, role_code, expiry_date,effective_from,active from usermaster where userid='1' and username like'@uname%'
it is not worrking for me.i don't know how to pass values in dynamicsql,can any one answer for me please.
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Aug 10, 2006
I am using the Query analyzer and i have this stored procedure and i need to pass the ProductID and the OrderID and in query analyzer i call the "EXEC CustOrdersDetail 75 10347" but i get a syntax error near my question is how do i pass multiple paramters in the query anlyzer to see what the stored procedure will return....
ALTER PROCEDURE CustOrdersDetail @OrderID int
SELECT ProductName,
UnitPrice=ROUND(Od.UnitPrice, 2),
Discount=CONVERT(int, Discount * 100),
ExtendedPrice=ROUND(CONVERT(money, Quantity * (1 - Discount) * Od.UnitPrice), 2)
FROM Products P, [Order Details] Od
WHERE Od.ProductID = P.ProductID and Od.OrderID = @OrderID
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Feb 11, 2015
I have a multiselect checkbox list in my UI. I pass the list items to my stored proc as comma separated parameter and then I have a function which converts this parameter to a table with separate rows.
E.g. : a,b,c,d
Converted to result table
I want to insert each row of the result table into another table. How to do that.
E.g., the table after the function is :
Subject varchar(100)
insert into #result values ('a')
insert into #result values ('b')
insert into #result values ('c')
insert into #result values ('d')
So the pseudo code is something like
for each row in #result
insert row into another table
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Sep 7, 2015
We have SharePoint list which has, say, two columns. Column A and Column B.
Column A can have three values - red, blue & green.
Column B can have four values - pen, marker, pencil & highlighter.
A typical view of list can be:
Column A - Column B
red - pen
red - pencil
red - highlighter
blue - marker
blue - pencil
green - pen
green - highlighter
red - pen
blue - pencil
blue - highlighter
blue - pencil
We are looking to create a report from SharePoint List using SSRS which has following view:
red blue green
pen 2 0 1
marker 0 1 0
pencil 1 3 0
highlighter 1 1 1
We tried Sum but not able to display in single row.
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Mar 30, 2006
I want to do something like this
SELECT LocationID, Description, ActiveFROM dbo.CapLocationWHERE (Active = 1)
AND (LocationID NOT IN (2)) AND
(LocationID NOT IN (@LocationID) OR @LocationID IS NULL)ORDER BY Description
For the life of my I can not figure out how to pass a group of values like 1,2,3.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
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Jun 12, 2001
Can anybody help me in solving this problem
declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)
(1 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.
I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 13, 2001
What is the way to pass the values throug varibale as shown below?
declare @var1 varchar(10)
set @var1 = '1,4,9,10'
select @var1
select TGNO, TGNAME from carriers where TGNO in (@var1)
(1 row(s) affected)
Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Syntax error converting the varchar value '1,4,9,10' to a column of data type smallint.
I want to pass a list of values to a column of DATA Type smallint.
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Jun 24, 2002
I am trying to pass a value from a VB Custom Task to
a DTS. The DTS doesn't get the value and I do not understand
why. Snipet follows:
oPKG.GlobalVariables.Item("gsAnyTypeData").Value = "Hello World"
oPKG.GlobalVariables.AddGlobalVariable ("gsAnyTypeData"), "Hello World"
oPKG.LoadFromSQLServer ".", , , 256, , , , DTSpackage_to_execute
I've tried declaring the global variable in the called DTS and
I've tried without it. Neither contain the value when the DTS is
Thanks for your time and help,
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Feb 16, 2007
Hi Everybody,
I have to generate a seq num and increment it by 1,i used execute sql task and wrote a proc using a variable(out) now this out variable has that value.Now i need to add a extra column to all the records coming in this current batch with the value in the variable.
I know that i can use derived column transformation ,but its not working,giving the following error.
the errors thrown are:
[OLE DB Destination [16]] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table ".
[OLE DB Destination [16]] Error: The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29)" failed because error code 0xC020907B occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "OLE DB Destination" (16) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.
[OLE DB Source [1]] Error: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "OLE DB Source" (1) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
i have created a variable with scope as package,used that in execute sql task.then using precedence constrains added a data flow task to it.
In the data flow task between the source and destination i placed a derived column transformation.
the execute sql task is running fine,dataflow task is failing.In dataflow task also source and destination is failing but derived column transformation is working.
Am i doing correct.Pls advice.
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Apr 7, 2008
hi friends,i need to select some of the employees from the EmpMaster using in clause. I tried to pass a string with the comma delemeters. it didn't produce all the records except the first in that string.shall i try with string functions in TSQL or any other options? Thanks and Regads,Senthilselvan.D
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Nov 17, 2006
Currently i am working in a project of report generation in MS ACCESS.
The tables are in sql server 2000.
I have to write stored proc in ms access.
I am having a stored proc as follows
name: myproc
Create procedure my_proc
@f1 char(1),
@f2 char(5)
select * from table1 where field1=@f1 and field2=@f2
and calling proc
name: call_myproc
execute my_proc 'A','2004'
If i am getting the vales of field1/@f1 and field2/@f2 from forms in ms access.
I have to get the values from forms in ms access.
I have to write the calling proc as follows
my_proc [forms]![form_a].[Combo4],[forms]![form_a].[text12]
But ms access throws syntax error.
How is it possible to pass values from ms access FORMS to a calling stored procedure.
I have followed the way of creating and executing the stored procedure as given in the article as follows.
As per the given link. They did not give values dynamically.
could you please help me to fix this problem ?
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Sep 20, 2014
The following t-sql 2012 works fine in sql management studio. However when I place it in a .net 2010 web form application, I am told the sql does not work when the parameter values are null. Thus can you tell me what I can change in the sql below that will accept null as 3 possible input values?
SELECT i.[lastName]
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Aug 30, 2007
I need to automate the procedure of selecting column with numeric and passing those column values as string to another stored procedure.
Here is sample code :
CREATE procedure procdeure1 @Utility varchar(50) WITH RECOMPILE
if @Utility='Electricity'
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmers1')
DROP TABLE gmmers1
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmers2')
DROP TABLE gmmers2
create table gmmers1(sitecode varchar(15),
Gen_Electricity_Usage bigint
create table gmmers2 (gmmerssitecode varchar(15),
Gmers_Electricity_Usage bigint
insert into gmmers1
Select site.Sitecode,sum(isnull(AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse,0)*factor) as 'Electricity Usage'
From GEN..AcctRptdata AcctRptdata, site,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings
Where ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and
--((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) < year(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate()))*100+month(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate())) and
((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) <= 200707 and
site.idsite = AcctRptdata.siteid and site.sitecode not like ('C%')
and len(sitecode ) = 8
and AcctRptdata.idsvc in (100) and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor.[Default] = SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdUnitElec and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdCountrySetting = Site.IdCustomerSetting and [user] = 1
and site.Sitecode not like '%B%'
and site.sitecode not like '9999%'
and AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse >0 --Added on 16th Aug
and site.sitecode in (select left (sitecode,8) from where len(sitecode) >8)--= 11)
--and site.sitecode in (select left(sitecode,8) from gmers_prodn..facility_data where len(sitecode) = 11)
Group by site.Sitecode having sum(AcctRptdata.ElectricityUse*factor) > 0 Order by site.Sitecode
insert into gmmers2
select left (sitecode, 8) BU, sum(isnull(KWh_Purchased_Quantity, 0 )) as 'electric use' from gmers_prodn..electricity_data
where sitecode in --(select sitecode from facility_data where left (sitecode ,8) in
(select sitecode from where sitecode not like 'C%' and len(sitecode ) > 8 )
-- and len (sitecode) = 11)
and rpt_dt >= '2005-11-01' and rpt_dt < '2007-08-01'
--and sitecode like 'A0916323%'
and sitecode not like '%B%' and left(sitecode,8) not in ('N0010024','N0010088','N0010101','N0010173',
'N0010373','N0010447') and sitecode not like '9999%'
group by left (sitecode, 8) order by left (sitecode, 8) -- yyyy-mm-dd
select *,(Gen_Electricity_Usage-Gmers_Electricity_Usage)as Diff from gmmers1,gmmers2
where gmmers1.sitecode=gmmers2.gmmerssitecode and (Gen_Electricity_Usage-Gmers_Electricity_Usage) <>0
else if @UTILITY='GAS'
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gengas')
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'gmmersgas')
DROP TABLE gmmersgas
create table gengas(sitecode varchar(15),
Gen_Gas_usage bigint
create table gmmersgas (gmmerssitecode varchar(15),
Gmers_Gas_Usage bigint
insert into gengas
Select site.Sitecode,sum(isnull(AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse,0)*factor) as 'Gas Usage' From GEN..AcctRptdata AcctRptdata, site,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor,SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings
Where ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and
--((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) < year(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate()))*100+month(DATEADD(m,-1, GetDate())) and
((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) >= 200511 and ((AcctRptdata.Year*100)+AcctRptdata.Month) <= 200707 and
site.idsite = AcctRptdata.siteid and site.sitecode not like ('C%')and
len(sitecode ) = 8 and AcctRptdata.idsvc in (200,300) and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.convfactor.[Default] = SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdUnitGas and
SuperAccesslevels.dbo.countrysettings.IdCountrySetting = Site.IdCustomerSetting and [user] = 61
and site.sitecode not like '%B%' and site.sitecode not like '9999%'
and site.sitecode in (select left (sitecode,8) from where len(sitecode) >8)
and AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse >0 ----Added on 16th Aug
--and site.sitecode in (select left(sitecode,8) from gmers_prodn..facility_data where len(sitecode) = 11)
Group by site.Sitecode having sum(AcctRptdata.NaturalGasUse*factor) > 0 Order by site.Sitecode
insert into gmmersgas
select left( sitecode, 8 ) BU , sum(Utility_Natural_Gas_Volume) as 'gas use' from GMERS_PRODN..fuel_data
where sitecode in --(select sitecode from facility_data where left (sitecode,8) in
(select sitecode from where sitecode not like 'C%' and len(sitecode ) > 8 )
-- and len(sitecode )= 11 )
and rpt_dt >= '2005-11-01' and rpt_dt < '2007-08-01'
and sitecode not like '%B%' and sitecode not like '9999%'
group by left( sitecode, 8 ) order by left( sitecode, 8 )
select *,(Gen_Gas_usage-Gmers_Gas_Usage)as Diff from gengas,gmmersgas
where gengas.sitecode=gmmersgas.gmmerssitecode and (Gen_Gas_usage-Gmers_Gas_Usage)<>0
My aim is to pass sitecode having difference <>0 and from date and todate as an parameter to another stored procedure which updates sitewise for the utility so that in case a particular sitecode with same date range is included in one utility it should not be repeated in another utility.
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Oct 9, 2006
I am using RS2005. i have a requirement in which i need to pass more than 1 value to a parameter. this parameter is used in a dataset for filtering.
Eg: if i have a parameter as @years, i want to assign values 2005, 2006 to it and use it in the dataset to filter like select.... where year in (@years).
How can i achieve this?
Vivek S
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Mar 16, 2007
this is the error ...
An error has occured during report processing.
Query execution failed for dataset 'dataset name'
Procedure 'procedure name ' expects parameter '@StartDate', which was not supplied
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Jun 1, 2006
Does anybody know how to pass values from asp dot net to SSIS package variables ?
Currently I have an SSIS package for monitoring windows service... for that...
I have to pass the Server-IP Addrress, UserName, Password, Service Name as Parameter.
I would like to pass these parameters through an Interface from RUN TIME.
Please help this problem
Deepu M.I
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Jun 11, 2004
I created a stored procedure like the following in the hope that I can pass mulitple company_id to the select statement:
CREATE PROC sp_test @in_company_code nvarchar(1024)
select company_code, name, description
from member_company
where company_code in (@in_company_code)
However, I tried the following :
exec sp_test 'abc', 'rrd', 'bbc'
Procedure or function sp_test has too many arguments specified.
and SQLServer doesn't like it.
Did I specify this stored procedure correct?
If so, how can I can pass multiple values to the stored procedure then to the sql statement?
If not, is it possible to specify a stored procedure like this?
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Mar 4, 2014
I am trying to find out a way to pass an array of pbaseid's to a function.I have a function defind something like this
Fport(@portfoliobaseid, @reportingcurr, @rowno,@todate)
returning a table
trying to execute it like this but its giving error related to subquery must return single value
select * from Fport((select pbaseid from dbo.pbaseid),'us',1,'12/31/2013')
I think i need to find a way to pass this pbaseid one by one but i dont know how to do this ...
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Jul 10, 2007
I have a stored procedure "spDetailsByDay" which takes parameters @StartDateTime as datetime, @Day as int, @Hour as int, @Value1 as varchar(20), @value2 as varchar(20)
My report Parameters are StartDateTime as DateTime, Day as integer, Hour as integer, Value1 as string, Value2 as string, ReportType as string
In the dataset, I typed
=IIF(Parameters!ReportType.Value="Day", "EXEC spDetailsByDay " & Parameters!StartDateTime.Value & "," & Parameters!Day.Value & "," & Parameters!Hour.Value & "," & Parameters!Value1.Value & "," & Parameters!Value2.Value", "EXEC spDetailsByMonth")
I am getting syntax errors. Can anyone help me how to pass parameters to stored procedure in dataset.
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Jul 29, 2007
i am using ssrs 2005 and need to pass the multi selected parameter values to another report. how can i achieve this task? I use jump to report option.
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Jun 1, 2015
Below is the query for my procedure
ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest]
@invited_by NVARCHAR (50)
-- SELECT * FROM dbo.Merck_Acronym_Invitations WHERE invited_by=@invited_by
select distinct t1.invited_isid as 'ISID', t1.invited_name as 'NAME',t1.invitation_status as 'STATUS',
[Code] ....
If you look at the where clause i have invited by , i get the desired output if i just provide 1 name in the execution such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj' But my requirement is to make the procedure work with more than one input variable such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj','sujith' now i should get the output for 2 people but if i run this i receive the following error Procedure or function sp_GetInvitationStatusTest has too many arguments specified.
how to make my procedure work with more than 1 input variable?
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