Joining Sysprocesses With Fn_get_sql

May 16, 2006

ok, I have a requirement where I need to get a list of sql commands currently being blocked.
This is very easy to do via stored procedure, and I have it working well using a console app to fire it off.

Trouble is, I need to ship it to different offices on an ad hoc basis. I don't want to install a stored procedure on each site because it'll be a one off job and there is not likely to be anyone available who would know how to even install a new sp. So, I thought I'd try and pull back the sql commands via a select statement, joining together sysprocesses and the fn_get_sql udf. This returns a table, so I presumed I could join the two together using a subquery via the sql_handle with something like this :

SELECT sql_handle,
SELECT top 1 [text] FROM ::fn_get_sql(sysprocesses.sql_handle)
) as sqlcommand

FROM master..sysprocesses

The error back is incorrect syntax near 'sysprocesses'. I can't see if I'm doing anything obvious wrong.

Anyone any ideas? I'm using SQL Server 2000 sp3.

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Fn_get_sql , No Full SQL Data

Jan 16, 2006

I'm struggling to get anything out of this fn_get_sql() thing as included below.
First, running this in Q.A. still doesn't return the full SQL string, just the first x characters. Second, for most processes the sql_handle in Sysprocesses is just zeroes. Does this info get lost after a while? All the processes where I need to know what happened are old ones, that's waiting for NETWORKIO.

drop proc dbo.getsql
create proc dbo.getsql as

declare @sql_handle binary(8000)
select @sql_handle = sql_handle from sysprocesses where spid = 112
-- select spid,sql_handle from sysprocesses where spid = 79
SELECT * from ::fn_get_sql(@sql_handle)


exec dbo.getsql

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Permission To Execute Fn_get_sql

Apr 18, 2007

Dear All,

I want to assign privelege to execute the following in SQL Server 2000 SP4 + 2187

select * from ::fn_get_sql(0x01000700AC38820138A1786C0400000000000000)

I have tried the following:-

use master


grant select on fn_get_sql to <user>

I am getting error:

Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 11, Line 1
Invalid object name 'fn_get_sql'.

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Jul 20, 2005

Hi everyone,I'm a bit new til ms sql server and hope that anyone here can answer aquestion I have. I'm running a ms sql server 7.0. The server isaccessed by a application written in Access (help..) and sometimes Iexperience that the server performance is slowing down. When I do asp_who I find alot of the processes (or sids) with the statussleeping? Can anyone please tell med what this means, and is it ok forme to kill these processes? Since this is happening quite often Iwould like to make a script that automatically kills all sleepingprocesses, is this ok?Looking forward to hearing from anyone!B'regSql server newbee

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May 24, 2004


The column waittype of master..sysprocesses table contains binary numbers.
I am looking for their codes. I know that Microsoft has published these codes for SQL Server 7 (here:;EN-US;244455 ), but I need the codes of SQL Server 2000.

And yes, I've checked spt_values - they are not there.

Any help will be appreciated,

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How To See All Sysprocesses In SQL 2005?

Sep 11, 2007

My application was written in SQL 2000 where a non-dbo account could see all logged in users. Is there some way I can do this in SQL 2005?
Here is the query I run in SQL 2000:
FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses, master.dbo.syslogins
WHERE master.dbo.sysprocesses.sid = master.dbo.syslogins.sid
AND master.dbo.sysprocesses.dbid = db_id()
AND LOWER( IN ('grnl_security','log_security')

Right now, my application (where many users log in with gnrl_security) can only see thier own SPID; but I need to see all logged on SPIDS.

I have tried adding a SELECT permission to the new sysprocesses view for user grnl_security.

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Incorrect Hostname In Sysprocesses

Jun 27, 2000

On SQL Server 6.5, we tried to track down the owner of a process,which was hogging the CPU. Using Currently Activity Detail, we went to the hostname that seemed to be the culprit, but the users had not accessed SQL Server in a few days. Where is SQL Server get the hostname from? We are on an NT4.0 network, using DHCP.

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Sysprocesses Says: Wait Forever

Sep 30, 2004

I'm doing an update on a table with about 113m rows, the update-statement is fairly simple: update tab set col = null where col is not null.
The col column is mostly null.

Sysprocesses shows three rows for this statement: 1 CXPACKET (its a dual processor, 2000 box with sp3 installed), 2 PAGEIOLATCH_SH (waitresource is filled). My guess would be that the where-clause is executed in a seperate process blocking the update.

I changed the statement into update [...] set col = null; sysprocesses shows one row with PAGEIOLATCH_SH. Executing forever.

I checked other processes including those outside sqlserver but none are using the db, let alone accessing the table involved. Even restarted sqlserver to be sure there's no dead process blocking the update. Didn't help.

So I added a search condition to the where-clause, involving a clustered index in order to reduce the rowcount. The execution plan shows a 97% hit on the clustered index, but sysprocesses shows the three rows again...

So far the profiler didn't help me out either: there's a SP: CacheInsert on the update-statement... then nothing.

What should I do?

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SysProcesses Login Time

Apr 1, 2008


We have written various applications that have a connection table for managing users logins, we have a connect stored proc that inserts the SIPD and the login time from sysprocesses.

From time to time we clean up our connections table by queryng against the SPID and login_time in sysprocesses and clear it if these don't match. This has been fine for a few years, howver we have found recently with a client that with some SPID's in sysprocesses that SQL server is changing the login time, this is unexpected behaviour.

The client is using SQL server 2005 and this has caused us problems, we have worked around it for now but wondered if anyone new why on this particular setup why the login time would change even though they have not disconnected.

We have other clients using SQL 2005 but have never seen this issue before, I wondered if there was a setting we have not seen that can cause this.


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Sysprocesses Memusage Sleeping

Nov 3, 2005

I was trying to find the bottle neck on our server while we wererunning a couple very large updates.I ran the following query and noticed there were a couple sleepingspid's that were really eating up the memory. One had a value of16000.I guess my question is was this query still holding on to that memoryeven though the query had finished? Why didn't SQL Server clean it up?select spid,substring(Loginame,1,10) Login,memusage,substring(hostname,1,15) Host,program_name,cmd,statusfrom master..sysprocessesorder by memusage desc

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What Happened To Sql_handle In Sysprocesses?

Sep 13, 2007

In SQL Server 2000 you can monitor active processes by looking at the sql_handle column in sysprocesses. In SQL Server 2005 BOL says sql_handle ...

Represents the currently executing batch or object.

In SQL 2000 a non-zero value in sql_handle indicated an active process. You could not simply rely on the status column to check for an actively running process. This is not the case in 2005. I ran a profiler trace to confirm that just because sql_handle reports a non-zero value does not mean the corresponding process is active. Does anyone know why this has changed and how we are now to interpret sql_handle in 2005? Why are non-zero entries reported for processes that are not currently running?

Thanks, Dave

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Mar 8, 2004

Hello friends,

Despiste what it is mentioned in B.O.L., in the Table SYSPROCESSES, the column KPID has almost always the value 0 !!!

If anyone knows how I can find the right link between a SPID and the corresponding KPID, I shoud be very happy to know to.

It concerns SQL SERVER 2000 under WINDOWS 2000 SP3.

Thanks in advance for any help about that ...

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Finding Active Users From Sysprocesses

Jul 20, 2005

I am trying to find a select on sysprocesses that would list all the activelogins. An active login is a login that has a TSQL statment being executedon the server,This didnt work to well! Any ideas. Thanks in sp.loginame,-- more columnsfrom master..sysprocesses spwhere sp.status not in ('sleeping','background' )order by 1

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NET_ADDRESS In The Master.dbo.sysprocesses Table

Oct 24, 2006

Does anyone knows how the field NET_ADDRESS in the master.dbo.sysprocesses table is encoded ?
May I extract the IP address or MAC address from that field ?

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Linking Sysprocesses To Results Of DBCC Inputbuffer

May 23, 2008

I need to send a group of people a list of specific processes running on the server, one of the requirements is to send them what's actually being ran on the machine. I have the information I was on the sysprocess tabke and the results of the DBCC Inputbuffer. Is there a way to link both result sets?

This is the criteria of the processes that neeed to be sent out to my users:

FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses p
WHERE last_batch < DATEADD(mi, -5, GETDATE())
AND dbo.fncGetNumLocks(p.spid, DB_ID('EngDataMart')) > 1
GROUP BY p.spid, p.loginame, p.hostname, dbo.fncGetNumLocks(p.spid, db_id('DBName'))
ORDER BY p.spid


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SQL 2005 Does Not Work With ADO Query On SYS.sysprocesses After Update Installed From Microsoft

Jul 11, 2007

str = "select nt_username, hostname, nt_domain, loginame, login_time, program_name " &
"from master.sys.sysprocesses where spid=@@SPID"

-This is the Query to display the username in the application.

-The client is MS-Access 2003, MDAC 2.8

-It was and is Ok both on SQL 2005 and SQL 2000. The qury runs under Query Analyzer 2000 or Management Studio 2005 without problem

-After Downloading the updates from Microsot Website. The embedded code returns no result set:

Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status

If anybody has any idea, I will be thankful.

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Help In Joining

Jan 3, 2008

I want to make some joining in my table but I dont know what kind of joining is appropriate. Here is my tables sample:table1 -> tableid, useridtable2 -> userid, firstname, lastnametable3 -> userid, firstname, lastname Now, I want to to get data from table1 with the data from table2 and table3 where userid of table1 = table2, table3. 

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Joining From Two Different DB

Apr 17, 2006

May I know how to issue JOIN statement to join two ID from different DB ?
dbA - tableA - a.ID
dbB- tableB - b.ID

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Joining 2 Tables...

Apr 29, 2007

Hi. I'm new to SQL, and need to join 2 tables... any hints???
 table1:id (int)title(varchar(50))body(text)
 table2:id (int)title(varchar(50))body(text)
somehow need to get the id, which table the record is from, and the title and body... so if the tables had the information:
table1:id          title                       body1           "first title"              "first body"2           "second title"         "second body"3           "third title"             "third body"
table2:id          title                       body1           "first title"              "first body"2           "second title"         "second body"3           "third title"             "third body"
 I would like to get...
id    table         title                     body3      1         "third title"             "third body"3      2         "third title"             "third body"2      1         "second title"         "second body"2      2         "second title"         "second body"1      1         "first title"              "first body"1      2         "first title"              "first body"
 Does anyone know how to get this? I am fairly flexible if i need to change things...
 cheers, eh!

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Inner Joining Two Tables

Aug 30, 2007

Hello everyone,I'm starting a new project right now and am trying to cut down on the number of stored procedures and tables I'm gonna have to use and I have run into a dead end.Up till now I have been doing the following: Say I had a PRODUCTS table with a DesignId column and ColorId column. I would then create a DESIGN table (Name, Id) and a COLOR table (Name, Id) to INNER JOIN with the two columns in my PRODUCTS table. And the same goes for all my other tables: ORDERS, CUSTOMERS, LINKS etc...... And in the end I would have a lot of tables and stored procedures for these category columns. So I thought, it would be nice to just have a Categories and Subcategories table for all my category columns for the whole website. That way every time I need to define a category column for any table I can simply just add the values to my Categories and Subcategories table instead of having to create a new table for every category column. Everything is fine and dandy except for trying to INNER JOIN these two tables with more than one column. To get values for one column is no problem:<code> SELECT     *,    _SubCategories.SubCategoryNameFROM     _ProductsINNER JOIN     _SubCategoriesON    _Products.DesignId = _SubCategories.SubCategoryIdWHERE    DesignId = COALESCE (@DesignId, DesignId)</code> But how do you INNER JOIN the ColorId column as well. Both DesignId and ColorId values are in my _SubCategories table. In a stored procedure: Is there any way to create a table and columns. Run a loop statement, with one INNER JOIN . Rerun another loop statement with a new INNER JOIN statement? Would that work or does any one else have an idea what would?Thank you guys for the help. It is much appreciated. Alec 

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Joining Two Tables In .NET??

Jan 14, 2008

Hello all,
I have two datatables "customersReached " and "customersGuessed " and I want to combine them into one table only, the problem is that one table exeeded to the other by two fields, so what can I do???????

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Joining Two Queries

Jun 2, 2008

 Hello I have two queries that I would like help joining: Query #1SELECT     UserName, (SELECT  COUNT(*) AS Expr1  FROM Jokester WHERE (InvitedBy = aspnet_Users.UserName)) AS invsFROM         aspnet_Users Query #2 SELECT     UserName, SUM(Hits) AS HitsFROM         (SELECT     UserName,                                                  (SELECT     COUNT(*) AS Cnt1                                                    FROM          (SELECT     COUNT(*) AS Cnt2                                                                            FROM          Hits                                                                            WHERE      (JokeId = j.JokeId)                                                                            GROUP BY UserId) AS T1) AS Hits,                                                  (SELECT     AVG(CAST(Rating AS numeric(12, 2))) AS Rating1                                                    FROM          Ratings                                                    WHERE      (JokeId = j.JokeId)) AS Rtng                       FROM          Jokes AS j) AS t2WHERE     (Hits >= 1) AND (Rtng >= 3)GROUP BY UserName They both return correct values, I just want to join them on UserName Thank you, Louis  

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Joining Two Tables

Apr 14, 2004

I've been trying to think about how I can do this. I have forums that I have written built around SQL Server. Basicly you have:

-A users Table
-A Posts Table
-A Replies Table.

Posts and replies have very similar structures. I'd like to be able to merge them and pick out the earliest post for said forum.

1 - is there a way to merge them so that the post date for both the replies and posts tables is contained in 1 column. If not is there a better alternative.

I'd also like to add indexing to the posts so I can do paging. Is there a way for me to add an index number to them while I can sort them anyway i want.

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? Joining Two Queries

Feb 27, 2005

Right now I have two Queries that I've created:
What I'm wanting to do is graft everything from Query1 onto Query2 but only where Query1.UserID = Query2.UserID . Any suggestions on how I would go about doing this?

--Query 1
Projex2_0_0_Cores PC1
PC1.ModuleID = 369

--Query 2
MAX(PC2.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate
Projex2_0_0_Cores PC2
PC2.ModuleID = 369

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Joining 2 Tables Using BETWEEN

Apr 18, 2006

I am using MS SQL Server 2005 on Windows XP with SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP. I am having issues with my query on joining 2 tables I created using BETWEEN to restrict the Salary. Table 1 is called Employee and Table 2 is called Job_title. The column Job_title_code is the only column that is in both tables which is how I am joining both tables. Here is my SQL query:


SELECT Employee.*, Job_title.*

From Employee

INNER JOIN Job_title

ON Employee.Job_title_code=Job_title.Job_title_code

WHERE Salary

BETWEEN 50000 AND 500000;

The results I am getting back are:

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 7
Invalid column name 'Job_title_code'.

I can't figure out how to fix this error. I feel like I have tried everything, so any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.

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Joining Tables

Jun 22, 2004

I have a table with fields as partnerid, contractno.
The partnerid field has the Id number which can be a supplier or a customer.
I need to get the partner id(supplier) and the partner id (customers) of that particular supplier only. I tried with self join but the data is data is replicating.

Data in table
PId ContractNo
20045 1567
435 1567
123 1567
345 1678
1004 1678

I need to display the data in the following format.

PId(Supplier) PId(Customer)
20045 1567
20045 435
20045 123
345 1678
345 1004

But I'm getting the data replicated with all records joined every record.
Give the suggestion.

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Joining Three Tables

Oct 10, 2004

I have got following 4 tables

Table 1
name age city

jack 20 Melbourne
Nick 30 Bendigo
Russ 28 Sydney

Table 2
name age city Company

jack 20 Melbourne AAA
Nick 30 Bendigo BBB
Russ 28 Sydney AAA
Marty 31 Perth AAA

Table 3

name age city Position

jack 20 Melbourne Manager
Nick 30 Bendigo Manager
Russ 28 Sydney Clerk
Marty 31 Perth Manager

Table 4

name age city datejoined

jack 20 Melbourne 09-09-2001
Nick 30 Bendigo 08-05-2001
Russ 28 Sydney 10-12-2000
Marty 31 Perth 11-11-1999

I want a query which extract the name, age and city from Table 2 (where name,age and city equals table1 values) and position from table3 where position is 'manager' else return null and date joined from table 4 only for the managers else return null.

so the result should be

name age city position datejoined

jack 20 Melbourne Manager 09-09-2001
Nick 30 Bendigo Manager 08-05-2001
Russ 28 Sydney null null

my query

SELECT b. name, b.age,,,c.position,d.datejoined
FROM Table1 a, Table2 b, Table3 c, Table4 d
and b.age*=c.age
and b.position='Manager'
and b.age*=d.age


jack 20 Melbourne Manager 09-09-2001
Nick 30 Bendigo Manager 08-05-2001
Russ 28 Sydney null 10-12-2000

When I try to join table4 with table i am getting a exception

Ps: as the original code was in SQL SERVER 6.5 I have to use *= for joins not keywords LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN

hope yo guys can help me


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Joining A Table Twice

Jan 26, 2015

I have tables Companies, CompaniesDetails (the company branches), Addresses and Companies_Addresses.

The addresses table contain street and city while the Companies_Addresses has the keys for both companies and branches ,i.e., they are linked to Companies and CompaniesDetails via CompanyID and CompanyDetailID and to Addresses via addressID.

id (PK)
companyID (FK)
companyDetailID (FK)
addressID (FK)

I am able to get the branch address at the moment with this code but I would like to get the company address as well using a single select statement.

SELECT as branchCity, Addresses.street as branchStreet
LEFT JOINCompaniesDetails AS cd ON companies.companyID = cd.companyID

LEFT JOINCompanies_Addresses AS c ON c.companyDetailID = cd.companyDetailID
LEFT JOINAddresses ON c.addressID = Addresses.addressID

ANDCompanies.status_indicator like 'Current'

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Need A Little Help On Joining Two Tables

Feb 12, 2004

I have a bit of an issue that I can not seem to figure out and was hoping to get some feedback/advice from you all.

First a little background. I have two databases and I am adding a new table too one of them. However I need to join the two databases but by columns and the columns I want to use to join them will use different data types and values.

Example database 1 column 1 will be and database 2 column 1 will be However in database 2 (users) the group_id will contain different data.

Database 1 will contain a single integer and database 2 I want to have it contain multiple integers seperated by a comma.

Example code:
from groups, users
where groups.disabled='1'
and users.user_id = $user_id
and ?

The "?" is where I am having trouble. Does anyone know of a way to join two databases by columns using different data types?

Thanks in advance for any input.

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Joining 4 Tables

Apr 18, 2008

i have some sql experience and can link tables but the link i am trying to get is not displaying how i need it to

here is the code i am using, which display logical results, but not the ones i need :P

qry = "SELECT * FROM wce_contact INNER JOIN wce_mailer_link ON wce_contact.UNIQUEID = wce_mailer_link.Contactid LEFT JOIN wce_mailer ON wce_mailer.uniqueid = wce_mailer_link.mailerid RIGHT JOIN wce_mailer_attachments ON wce_mailer_attachments.uniqueid = wce_mailer.fileid WHERE wce_contact.uniqueid = '"& Request.QueryString("id") &"'"

Ok i have these tables

This has the contacts name and address

This holds the details of the mailer and a link to the wce_mailer_attachments, there would be multiple rows in wce_mailer_attachments table which link to 1 row in wce_mailer.

This holds the wce_contact uniqueid, and the wce_mailer uniqueid. there will be many contacts to many mailers

This holds an individual row for one attachment, but the uniqueid would be the same for multiple rows, Dependant on how many attachments the users adds. i.e. one mailer could have several attachments, they would all have the same uniqueid.

Basically the results i am getting using the join i built are displaying each attachment as a separate row when i display the mailers assigned to a contacts record. i need them to display in one single row where the uniqueids are the same in the wce_mailer_attachments and they match the only fileid in wce_mailer.

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for any help

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Joining Two Queries

Apr 29, 2008

Hi Can anyone help me join these two quries together?
SELECT SUM(SchemeAccount.TotalVar) AS TotalVar, Scheme.Code
Scheme ON SchemeAccount.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID
GROUP BY Scheme.Code


SELECT SUM(Variation.VarAmount) AS VarAmount, Scheme.Code
Scheme ON Variation.SchemeID = Scheme.SchemeID
GROUP BY Variation.SchemeID, Scheme.Code

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Joining Tables

May 18, 2008

Hi guys can you help me joining three tables?

I used to join all those three but there's a redundant on it's value..


Table 2
ID Name

Table 3

with the following result:(what query should I use?)

IDNameAcctName AccountID2Name2ID3Name3
1AABC 456 2B3C

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Joining Date

Jun 11, 2008

I need to select date for my project.
I used the following

select datepart(yy,getdate())
select datepart(mm,getdate())
select datepart(dd,getdate()) -7

and i get


How do I get the following result?
without any "." or "-"?

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